group dynamics

Post on 18-Nov-2015






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Firo B and Transactional analysis in Group Organization and dynamics


Group Organization and DynamicsIndividual Feedback


Method of StudyThe feedback process included analyzing characteristics from the frameworks studied during the class and by discussing results among the group members. Analyzing results of several frameworks also ensured that some personal traits featured more than once in several frameworks and helped in laying down a structured development plan. Identification of Strengths and WeaknessesStrengths: Areas of Improvement:1. Confidant1. Impatient1. Handle Stress2. Not an initiator1. Motivator1. Team Player1. Responsible

Firo-B model The FIRO-B can help to determine how good one fits in various situations and work environments and with various people. As per the activity in class, my expressed needs for inclusion and control and affection were as shown in the table. I mapped those against what I felt were my wanted needs for inclusion, control and affection to come to this table.


Expressed NeedsMediumMediumLow

Wanted NeedsLowHighMedium

I personally feel inclusion expressed and wanted has been mapped correctly. But for control, I feel want is not high always. In some situations it is definitely high but not always. But I understand since the scores are not very far apart and the difference of being high or medium may come with a small variation in answering the questionnaire. Affection too has been mapped correctly. It is true that my expressed need for affection is less than my want for it.

Belbin Team Role TestThe result of the test taken was as followsS NoRoleScoreAnalysis

1Plants6Low score

2Resource Investigators5Low score

3Monitor Evaluators7Low score

4Coordinators14High score

5Implementers9Low score

6Completers Finishers15High score

7Team workers17High score

8Shapers6Low score

9Specialists0Very Low Score

I have scored high in being a team worker, a finisher and a coordinator. This has helped me analyze my strengths and use them to my advantage to help any team of which I am a part of. Low scores in some roles have also helped me analyze some areas where I can improve and grow as an individual. Johari WindowI took feedback from some of my friends and formed the below johari window

I knowI dont know

Others know Friendly, Confident, Humorous, ImpatientImmature at times ( Child Ego State)

Others dont knowGet emotionally attached __

This process allowed me to analyze myself and differentiate the traits I publicly acknowledge and that I keep to myself .The feedback process has also revealed areas which were unknown to me. I can work upon these areas and grow as an individual. It has helped me understand that since we are undergoing a professional course there has to be a correct balance between the times you act mature and immature.

Transaction Analysis In accordance with the test, I mainly operate from a child ego state. Specifically, from natural child and adaptive child ego states. I might get into trouble when I do not think enough about the consequences of my actions.

Development Plan 1. One of the areas for development is my drive to take initiatives while working in a group. Working in the present group I had been given a feedback that I do not take initiatives although I am good at giving valuable suggestions and driving a process forward. Keeping this in mind we have decided to allocate POCs for each project in the next trimester who would be responsible for their initiating and completing their respective projects. 1. I am impatient at times. I am always dedicated to complete my work before or on time and when due to some circumstances I am not able to do so I get impatient. Although, my dedication mostly helps to channelize my impatience towards completing the work, I do get frustrated at times. To improve upon this weakness, I have decided to make a working plan for every task I do with good amount of buffer time so as to avoid situations leading to impatience.

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