global warmings

Post on 15-Apr-2017






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Man-made CausesMan-made causes probably do the most damage. There are many man-made causes. Pollution is one of the biggest man-made problems. Pollution comes in many shapes and sizes. Burning fossil fuels is one thing that causes pollution. Fossil fuels are fuels made of organic matter such as coal, or oil. When fossil fuels are burned they give off a green house gas called CO2. Also mining coal and oil allows methane to escape. How does it escape? Methane is naturally in the ground. When coal or oil is mined you have to dig up the earth a little. When you dig up the fossil fuels you dig up the methane as well.

Another major man-made cause of Global Warming is population. More people means more food, and more methods of transportation, right? That means more methane because there will be more burning of fossil fuels, and more agriculture. Now your probably thinking, "Wait a minute, you said agriculture is going to be damaged by Global Warming, but now you're saying agriculture is going to help cause Global Warming?" Well, have you ever been in a barn filled with animals and you smell something terrible? You're smelling methane. Another source of methane is manure. Because more food is needed we have to raise food. Animals like cows are a source of food which means more manure and methane. Another problem with the increasing population is transportation. More people means more cars, and more cars means more pollution. Also, many people have more than one car.





HEALTSkin Cancer, Malaria, and the Hanta Virus are serious health risks of global warming

MalariaMalaria is a disease that will increase during global warming. It is one of the earliest recorded human diseases, and is spread by the bite of a female mosquito. Mosquitoes breed in warm, wet places. With the increase of rain and warmth during global warming, the population of mosquitoes will increase, making the risk of getting this disease also increase. Malaria means "bad air" in Italian referring to the time when people thought that it was caused by gases around areas where mosquitoes thrive.

When you are bitten by a infected mosquito, it sends parasites into your bloodstream. These parasites keep reproducing, making the disease more devastating. Symptoms are fever and chills that come and go, headache, weakness, and an enlarged spleen. An enlarged spleen could rupture, or require surgery to remove. People can live without a spleen, but not having one increases the risk of infections or other problems.

Hanta VirusThe Hanta Virus is a deadly respiratory disease carried by wild rodents. With Global Warming, the population of rodents will soar because there will be long periods of drought followed by warm, early spring, and rodents thrive in these climate conditions. If you come in contact with a rodent or if you breathe air that contains their waste you could get the virus. Dogs and cats are not known to carry the Hanta Virus. People most likely to get it are people who work in fields, or install and fix things in basements or attics where rodents can nest.Some symptoms may be flu-like symptoms with fever and chills, you may have a dry cough, nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea. You could experience fatigue and have a hard time breathing because your lungs could fill with fluid. If you have these symptoms please see a doctor right away.Although there is some cure in Asia for their type of virus, in the United States ours is more devastating and we have treatments that enable survival; but only if you seek treatment immediately.For more information go to these resources: Montana State University, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.





As Global Warming hits, we may not be able to do some of the activities we used to. Of the big outdoor activities, swimming

and fishing, they will be limited with water. If you have a favorite water-hole to fish and swim in, it could dry up. Some other problems are safety and health. We will have to wear sunscreen more often than we used to. Also, we will need to

drink more water when we do physical activities outside. From gardening, to bike-riding or jogging, you should take a

water bottle with you. If you are unprepared to go outside, you could get a sunburn

or become dehydrated. Some people will probably stay indoors more often and some may love the extra heat and the sun shining more often. They may go outside more. If you are outside a lot you could risk getting skin cancer. This risk will

most likely increase with the warming.




One of the major causes of global warming is an increase in CO2. Some scientists think this will help plants. One of the things that will help plants is the weather will be warmer, making a longer growing season. If the plants have a longer growing season they will produce more fruit. Another thing is that more precipitation is anticipated. The United States Environmental Protection Agency ( U.S.E.P.A ) predicts a 7% increase in precipitation by the year 2060 and a 5 degree increase in the temperature. If there is an increase in precipitation, the plants will have plenty of water. Plus, plants breathe CO2 like we breathe oxygen. If there is warmer weather, an increase in precipitation, and lots of CO2, the plants will grow better instead of dying during global warming, right?

Some scientists don't think it will help plants. If the temperature increases, and the precipitation increases then the rain will evaporate faster because of the heat. We would need an increase of more than 7% just to have the same amount of water available for use as we do today. There will also be a dramatic change in weather compared to the weather of today. There will be periods of drought followed by periods of dramatic storms. A drought might occur when the plants have just sprouted up from the ground. They won't be able to survive the drought. The same thing will happen with storms. What if some wheat just got some nice full heads and a storm occurs? The storm will break the heads off and ruin the wheat. Another problem with drought and storms is that right after a drought the plants would be very weak. So when the storms come they will wash the plants away. Along with the storms there will be floods. The floods will wash the topsoil off of the fields into nearby creeks and rivers. The farmers won't have any topsoil to grow their plants on and the state will have to spend a lot of money to dredge the topsoil from the creeks and rivers.

In the desert there are places called fringe lands. Fringe lands are strips of land that are like a desert when it is very hot, but can grow things when there is enough rain. When global warming occurs there

will be no fringe lands, therefore making the deserts larger.Another problem with an increase in CO2 is that certain plants need

certain temperatures in order to grow. For example: Florida produces a large number of oranges, when global warming occurs, what will orange farmers do? Florida is near the equator, and is already very

hot, so when global warming occurs it will be even hotter. The oranges won't be able to grow very well. The only way for the

farmers to grow oranges is to move them further and further north. How will they do that? They can't sell all their land, equipment, and homes, then buy land north of Georgia, can they? No, because then

those other states would become overpopulated. There would be too many cars, people, and CO2.

So, what is your opinion of global warming's effect on agriculture? Do you think it will help or hurt? Destroy or create? Again, some

scientists think it will help, others think it will hurt. Overall, global warming will effect agriculture very much.



PlainsThe plains will have a lot

more fires than expected because of

global warming. Global Warming will add extra

heat to that region, in addition to the heat

they already have there.

Coastal:- The coastal regions will flood because of all the extra rain. This will cause many inhabitants to leave their homes and flee.

MountainsThe snow covered mountain peaks will probably melt causingfloods and very dangerous mudslides.

Deserts Most deserts will become much hotter than they usually are making it much harder to cross than it is today.

Fringe:-A fringe land, which is the fertile area in between a desert, such as an oasis, will probably dry up and become part of the desert and no longer be fertile


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