getting students to behave

Post on 25-May-2015






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a presentation i gave at least six years ago during a staff development session


Getting the Students to BehaveUnarmed Combat for the Classroom

Andrew Smith



Getting the Students to BehaveUnarmed Combat for the Classroom

Andrew Smith


By the end of this session you will …

•Know where to seek the best medical help

•Be able to handle a weapon

•Know at least three pressure points and how to use them

•Keep within your alcohol limit on a daily basis

•Realise you are not the only one

Getting the Students to BehaveUnarmed Combat for the Classroom

Andrew Smith


Setting the ground rules

•Remember they are still children, keep it simple

•State your expectations

•Declare what you will do (and remind them)

•Ensure they are aware of your track record

•Be aware of your ..

•vocal tone,

•use of language

•Posture …. will enforce your position

Getting the Students to BehaveUnarmed Combat for the Classroom

Andrew Smith


Keeping the standard

•When you say it do it

•If there has to be an exception declare it

•Same rewards fit all, regardless of age, gender and ability

•Maintain a presence (even when not in the class)

•Do not negotiate

•Do not defer

•Remind them, some groups need regular reprogramming

Getting the Students to BehaveUnarmed Combat for the Classroom

Andrew Smith


What to watch for

•Testing statements and actions



•Attention (loss of)



•Posture and ‘body language’

•Exit visas

Getting the Students to BehaveUnarmed Combat for the Classroom

Andrew Smith


Ways to win (1)

•Show little emotion

•Keep your wits, do not react

•Show poor behaviour the contempt it deserves

•Be prepared to push and be unrelenting

•You are in control of the classroom, abuse this right

•Your NO is final

•Your YES is the Law

•Select your language carefully, this has a powerful affect

Getting the Students to BehaveUnarmed Combat for the Classroom

Andrew Smith


Ways to win (2)•Tell the students what to do, when and how•Set clear objectives for the next 10/20 minutes•Patrol the class•Use classroom support as your eyes, ears and heart•Take time in one lesson to get to know them•Mix your teaching styles•Use ‘please’ and ‘thank you’ when you issue an instruction•Make them responsible for the environment•They leave when you decide

Getting the Students to BehaveUnarmed Combat for the Classroom

Andrew Smith


Reward behaviour (Good and Bad)

•Create a punishment, which is your hallmark

•Throwing a student out, in their world means they have won

•Do not punish trivial offences

•Do not back down

•Often a well chosen phrase will establish who is in control

•Congratulate the class, but not too often

•Reward the class, but make them earn it

Getting the Students to BehaveUnarmed Combat for the Classroom

Andrew Smith


It’s a question of balance

•Speak to the culprit (s)

•Demonstrate compassion and care, these are not signs of weakness


•Get them to reflect, most of them admit they are in the wrong

•Speak to their tutor or their CTL

•For some issues, you must involve another colleague

•You may be the one, who has taken the first interest in them

•You may be the one, who changes their lives, for good

Getting the Students to BehaveUnarmed Combat for the Classroom

Andrew Smith


Solo is no good

•There are others who can help (we know this is not always easy)

•The CTL is best as the Bad Cop

•The tutor is best as a Good Cop

•Confuse them and swap roles

•Sometimes the parent is a deterrent, consider this a last resort

•Share your good and bad experiences, we need a good laugh

•Someone will have the answer

Getting the Students to BehaveUnarmed Combat for the Classroom

Andrew Smith


Appreciate, there are no perfect answers, no perfect group and no perfect solutions. Most successful educators ‘wing it’ and have simply become experienced readers of body language and attitude.

Even when you have done this job for some time, the students manage to teach you new tricks.

Most students do not do anything new, they are simply immature adults in training.

Getting the Students to BehaveUnarmed Combat for the Classroom

Andrew Smith


To summarise …•Know where to seek the best medical help•Be able to handle a weapon•Know at least three pressure points and how to use them•Keep within your alcohol limit on a daily basis

Realise you are not the only one

Getting the Students to BehaveUnarmed Combat for the Classroom

Andrew Smith



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