friday 10th nov 2017 happy 70th birthday, mrs baker!happy 70th birthday, mrs baker! today we...

Post on 27-Jul-2020






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Current School Attendance: 97.2% Target Attendance: 96.4% Friday 10th Nov 2017




Today we celebrate the 70th birthday of our much loved and very much appreciated caretaker

Mrs Lesley Baker. Mrs Baker is a fantastic role model to us all – she is hardworking, loyal,

committed and always gives her all to ensure that Courthouse Green is kept beautifully clean.

We all wish her a very happy 70th birthday and thank her for her unstinting efforts at

Courthouse Green.

Headteachers Message

Dear Parents and Carers

This term is a long, and very busy term so please make sure that you keep up to date with all of the exciting events that are happening for our children by checking our blogs, reading our newsletter and by using our school app – we do keep them all up to date for you and would hate for you to miss any event in your child’s like.

Staff News

I am delighted to tell you of the safe arrival of Miss Whittington’s baby boy Archie.

Mrs Malam


“Doing our best, to be our best” @CourthouseGrn

This week, the children had an assembly on the

importance of caring for one of our own in school,

and were asked to bring in a silver penny for Cancer

Research UK, in light of the news that one of our

students has been diagnosed with this horrible

disease. We have raised £303.55 for CRUK, so thank

you for your support.

Standards of Excellence

This term we have been talking to staff and children about our ‘Standards of Excellence’.

We all want the very best for our children and are together working on:

No Excuses - We want all children and staff to aim high.

Every Second Counts – time is precious in school and we want to ensure that the children make the most of their learning time.

Everyone Is Accountable - for ensuring that our children all reach their full potential.

Everyone Must Excel – We must have a high expectation of our self so that we are all aiming high.

Checking Book Bags

Please can we remind parents

and carers to check their

children’s book bags on a

regular basis, as we often send

home important information and forms which are

being missed.

Data Sheets

We have started sending Data Sheets home to

ensure that we hold the correct information for your

child in school. Please check that all details are

correct and make any necessary amendments.

Please ensure you sign and return this form (even if

no amendments are needed) to the school office by

Friday 17th November.


“Doing our best, to be our best”

Key Dates for Autumn Term

13th - 17th November - Anti-Bullying Week

17th November - Children In Need

Next Class Assemblies

Friday 17th November - 2 Hazel

Thursday 23rd November - 4 Sycamore

Friday 1st December - 5 Cedar @CourthouseGrn

Skern Lodge 2018

Next payment due 30th November

Bedtime Stories

This week we welcomed back into school our children from early years to enjoy a bedtime story – many thanks to all parents and staff who supported this event, I know how much the children loved it.

Reading is the most important skill that we teach our children – please ensure that you read with your child at least 3 times a week.

Parking in Heddle Grove

It was reported to us this week by a concerned

parent, that her child was almost run over by a

driver reversing carelessly in Heddle Grove. Can

I please remind you to drive with care and

consideration around the school entrances, and

be mindful of our neighbours too.

Own Books Project

Here at Courthouse Green we have been very fortunate to be part of the ‘Own Books’ Project founded by Julie de Bastion.

The Project allows children to take a book home free of charge with the choice to swap or change their book should they wish.

It has been a roaring success even after 10 months since we started the scheme, we would like to say a massive thank you to Julie for giving us this fantastic opportunity, the children are full of enthusiasm and excitement to be able to choose from such a variety of books.

If you have any unloved children’s books at home, please feel free to drop them into Mrs Boyce, this would help greatly to contribute to the ‘Own Books’ Project. Thank you.

Remembrance Sunday

This year there is a Remembrance Day Service and Parade on Sunday, 12th November 2017 at 10.50 a.m. in the War Memorial Park, if you would like to attend.

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