franciscan friars 207 west 96th street new york, … · franciscan friars 207 west 96th street new...

Post on 25-Sep-2018






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Franciscan Friars

207 West 96th Street

New York, NY 10025


Franciscan Friars 207 West 96th Street

New York, NY 10025

Telephone: 212-749-0276

Fax: 212-749-2045


Parish Website:


Monday - Friday 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM 1:00 PM - 7:00 PM


10:00 AM - 2:00 PM

Parish Office is closed on Saturdays and Federal Holidays



Saturday : 9:00 AM 5:30 PM Vigil Sunday: 9:00 AM, 10:30 AM (Spanish), 12:00 PM, 1:30 PM (French), 5:30 PM WEEKDAY MASSES

Monday-Friday: 7:00 AM, 12:00 Noon Monday, Wednesday, Friday: 9:00 AM (Spanish) Friday: 6:30 PM (French)


Tuesday & Thursday 11:30AM-12:00 Noon Saturday 4:00 PM-5:00 PM (English / Spanish)



On behalf of my Franciscan brothers, our pastoral staff and our entire community, it’s my pleasure to welcome you to Holy Name-St. Gregory Parish. We are delighted that you have chosen our faith community as your place of worship and of belong-ing. Our parish family dates back to 1865 when the first Mass was celebrated for some five hundred folks who gathered in a cramped, wooden structure on 96th Street. Now our "Cathedral of the Upper West Side” is home to a richly diverse group of peo-ple, representing over fifty nations, who gather each weekend united in the story of Jesus, to pray the Lord’s Prayer, to turn and embrace one another, and to share in the nourishment of the Eucharist. If you wish to become a member of our community, please fill out the Welcome form on page 7.


Baptism: Arrangements for Baptism should be made one month in advance. To sched-ule, please visit the Parish Office or call 212-749-0276, ext. 110 for more information. Baptisms are celebrated in French on the first Sunday of the month, English on the

second and Spanish on the third. Parents and Godparents are asked to participate in a Baptism Preparation Program prior to their child’s Baptism. The next English Baptism will be on Sunday, August 13, 2017.

Newly Baptized: Our congratulations to the families of Eric Jacob Espinal, Jameson Eli Gomez and Hailey Vasquez who were baptized on Easter Sunday. May the Lord bless and di-rect them throughout their lives as members of this church

Marriage: To schedule your wedding and/or register for our Marriage Preparation Program, please call the Parish Office at least six months prior to your anticipated date.

Reconciliation: Tuesday and Thursday 11:30 AM–12:00 PM, Saturday 4:00 PM–5:00 PM in English and Spanish or any-time by appointment through the Parish Office.

Sacrament of the Sick: If you or a loved one is ill or hospital-ized, please contact the Parish Office to arrange for home, convalescent or hospital visitation and celebration of the Sac-rament of the Sick.

Eucharistic Adoration: NO EXPOSITION IN THE SUM-

MER MONTHS. Adoration �������������� ���� �������



This committee provides educational programs and service opportunities for the members of the parish. The committee works closely with our neighboring churches and the Francis-can Province of the Holy Name in exploring the wide range of issues of peace, social justice and the environment.


Each of our Masses has a team that is responsible for minister-ing at the liturgy. Included on the team are Lectors, Ministers of Hospitality, Eucharistic Ministers, Ushers, Altar Servers. These ministries are open to all and provide an opportunity of sharing some of your time and talent with the community. Training is provided. If you would like more information, please contact the Parish Office.


This ministry reaches out to parishioners who are home-bound, hospitalized or in health care facilities. The comfort of receiving the Eucharist is offered weekly and the Sacrament of the Sick is provided when necessary. If you or a loved one are homebound, in a hospital or another health care facility and would like to be visited by a member of our pastoral staff, please call the Parish Office at 212-749-0276.

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"Whoever loses his life for my sake will find it." When Jesus says paradoxical things like this, we can still trust him. Even when he makes claims that, at first glance, seem impossible, we know that he's not talking gibberish. Why? Because Jesus lived the ultimate paradox: he brought life out of death. His resurrection proves for us that things are not always as they appear. The Cruci-fixion, which looked like the end of Jesus' influence, was actually a tremendous new beginning.

So when Jesus promises that we will find life through a kind of death, we shouldn't question his claim. Of course in today's Gospel, Jesus isn't necessarily talking about physical death, although the "red" martyrs who suffer for him do in fact find their reward in eternal life. "White" martyr-dom, on the other hand, is a kind of death to self that doesn't involve bloodshed. It means putting love and generous service ahead of our own self-gratification. It means doing these things for the sake of Christ. When he tells us to love our neighbors as ourselves, this is what he's talking about.

So, how can we be white martyrs today? How can we sacrifice our desire for perfect comfort, or entertainment on demand, or status or pleasure or sleep or whatever else for the sake of serving

another person? In our families, in our schools and workplaces, in our parishes, in our neighborhoods and our communities, there are myriad opportunities to "lose our lives" for the sake of Christ. But don't forget, in dying to ourselves, we will find our lives in a new way! The fulfillment Christ offers us in return, both now and in eternity, will be far better than anything we try to cling to on our own.

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On Monday, July 3rd, the Parish office will be closing at 12noon. Tuesday, July 4th is a Federal Holiday of Independence Day. There will be only a 9:00am Mass (English). The Church will close immediately after the Mass. Please note that the Parish Office and Francis-can Community Center will also be closed on this day.

PARISHPAY AT HOLY NAME Join our Parish in using ParishPay, an easy eGiving method to automatically make your weekly, monthly or Stewardship contributions. Simply sign up using one of the following meth-ods: By calling toll free 866-727-4741; by enrolling at; or by filling out an enrollment card which is available on the welcome table in the vestibule of the Church.

An easy automatic way of keeping your contributions

while away for the Summer.

50/50 RAFFLE Holy Name introduced the 50/50 Raffle to give parishioners a chance to have some fun while at the same time financially supporting the Parish. Special 50/50 envelopes are included in registered parishioners’ bi-monthly envelope mailing. The 50/50 envelopes are also available for sale on the last Sunday of each month after each Mass. The envelopes cost $10 each and on the Tuesday following the last Sunday, a lucky winner splits the money raised from envelope sales 50/50 with the Parish. The Parish share is used to support operating ex-penses.

Religious Education Registration for 2017-2018

Registration forms are available in the Parish Office or

you may call the Coordinator of Faith Formation, Veron-

ica Soto, at 212-749-0276, x116 and leave your name

and address if you wish an application to be sent to you.

The Religious Education Program is open to children

from kindergarten through eighth grade who are in pub-

lic, private or independent schools. NOTE: Please have

child’s Birth Cert., Baptismal Cert., and First Commun-

ion Cert. All are welcome!

St. Francis Thrift Store…..

Open Seven Days a Week!

11:00am to 6:00pm

Operating the Thrift Store serves two invaluable purposes: supplementing our grants and individual donations in order to continue to provide Franciscan Community Center diverse programs and services; and offering inexpensive clothing, fur-niture, household goods and other merchandise to our neighboring community. The St. Francis Thrift Store offers a pick-up service of select items on an appointment basis. CONTACT: Call: (212) 932-8040 Ext. 30 or Email: Thrift Store does not accept: Strollers, car seats, play pens, high chairs, mattresses, medical equipment and medical de-vices. Damaged or antiquated electronics should be brought to

One Stop Senior Services counselors are onsite at FCC Tuesday &

Thursdays, 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. and provide counseling, edu-

cation, guidance, and access to social services and entitlements to

older adults. For more information, please call 212-932-8040 ext. 10

Food Pantry

Our Food Pantry provides nutritious shelf stable and fresh groceries to those in need each Monday from 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. We serve an average of 100 households per week! The Pantry is located on West 96th Street in the lower level of Holy Name of Jesus Church. Please bring your photo ID and proof of address with you each time you visit! Volun-teers are an important part of our pantry! We are always look-ing for individuals to staff the pantry when open, stocking shelves and cleaning & removing trash. If you are interested in volunteering at the Food Pantry please contact us at 212-932-8040 or email

Social Services Referrals are offered Tuesday & Thursday 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. year-round, for those seeking infor-mation about Child Care, Cash Assistance, SNAP (Food Stamps), Medicaid, Social Security Benefits and other avail-able benefits. For more information or to make an appoint-ment, please call at 212-932-8040 ext. 10 HEALTH INSURANCE ENROLLMENT: An Insurance Navigator from the HISPANIC FEDERATION will be available every Thursday at the Franciscan Community Cen-ter from 9:30 AM to 12 PM to provide assistance for MEDI-CAID, CHILD HEALTH PLUS, ESSENTIAL HEALTH PLAN, and NY State of Health Qualified Plans. Walk in basis. No appointment necessary. Call 212-932-8040, ext. 20 for more information.



JULY 1, 2017

The Christian Meditation Group from St. Gregory will

continue to meet at St. Martin’s Tower community

room. If you wish to continue or join please call Evelyn

Bhatnagar at 212-724-6637

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What a better way to honor your deceased loved one.

5” Devotional Candle

5 Day Burn Time

Plastic Shell

$3.00 each effective August 1

Available in the Parish Office

WEEKLY COLLECTION: $12,360.00. The second collection for next weekend, July 9 will be for the Maintenance and re-pair of our Church facility. Thank you for your continued support.

13er Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario

2 de julio

Bautismos: Si desean programar un bautismo, por favor vis-iten la oficina parroquial o llamen al 212-749-0276. Todos los meses hay bautismos, en francés el primer domingo, en inglés el segundo domingo y en español el tercer domingo. No

Habra bautismos en el mes de Julio.

Recien bautizados: Felicidades a las familias de Eric Jacob

Espinal, Jameson Eli Gomez y Hailey Vasquez que fueron bautizado la semana pasada. Que Dios lo bendiga y guie siempre su vida como miembro de la Iglesia.

Los Grupos del Círculo de Oración se reúnen en adoración, cantos y alabanzas de 7:00 hasta las 9:00 PM en Holy Name of Jesús los miércoles. Miércoles Eucarístico: la cuarta sema-na de cada mes con el Padre Lorenzo en Holy Name.

El Centro de inmigración de la Iglesia de San Francisco ofrece ayuda e información en cuestiones de inmigraci6n. Para mas detalles favor de llamar al Padre Julian Jagudilla, OFM, al #212-736-8500, ext.377.

ParishPay” en Holy Name:. Queremos dar las gracias a to-dos aquellos que participan de este programa y a animar a aquellos que aun no hacen uso de esta forma de ayuda a la parroquia para que se inscriban lo antes posible. Si desean mas información, encontrarán unos folletos en la mesa de entrada de la iglesia o website, o tele-phone, 1-866-Parish-1

Colecta Semanal: $12,360.00. La segunda colecta para el próximo domingo sera para el mantenimiento y las reparacio-nes de la iglesia. Gracias por su anticipada generosidad.

El 19 de junio de 2016, antes del rezo del Ángelus el Papa Francisco invitó a sus oyentes a reflexionar en la siguiente pregunta, "¿Quién es Jesús para cada uno de nosotros?" Re-firiéndose a la oportunidad de reflexionar en el cómo carga-mos la cruz de cada día en nuestra vida dijo: "'Si alguno quiere venir en pos de mí, que niéguese a sí mismo, tome su cruz cada día y sígame'. No se trata de una cruz ornamental, o de una cruz ideológica, sino que es la cruz del propio deber, la cruz del sacrificarse por los demás con amor -por los pa-dres, los hijos, la familia, los amigos, también por los enemi-gos-, la cruz de la disponibilidad para ser solidarios con los pobres, para comprometerse por la justicia y la paz".

Además, agregó el papa, "Asumiendo esta actitud, estas cru-ces, siempre se pierde algo. No debemos olvidar jamás que 'quien perderá la propia vida [por Cristo], la salvará'. Es un perder para ganar. Y recordamos a todos nuestros hermanos que aún hoy ponen en práctica estas palabras de Jesús, ofreci-endo su tiempo, su trabajo, su propia fatiga y hasta su vida para no renegar de su fe en Cristo". La reflexión del Papa Francisco está basada en el Evangelio de este domingo (Mt 10, 37-42). ¿Qué pensamos sobre estas palabras del papa? ¿Cómo las podemos aplicar a nuestra vida? ¿Cuáles son las cruces de este 2017? San Pablo también lo explica así: "Si he-mos muerto con Cristo, estamos seguros de que también viviremos con él" (Rom 6, 8). Mensaje: ¡La cruz es vida! ¿

Inscripciones para Educación Religiosa 2017-2018: Para mas información, favor llame a Verónica Soto, Co-ordinadora de Formación de Fe, (212-749- 0276, x116) y deje su nombre y dirección si desea que una aplicación le sea enviada. Los formularios de inscripción están tam-bién disponibles en la oficina de la parroquia. El Progra-ma de Educación Religiosa está abierto a niños de jardín y hasta octavo grado que están en escuelas públicas, pri-vadas o independientes. ¡Todos son bienvenidos

El grupo Circulo de Oración se reúnen todos los miércoles en la iglesia de 7PM hasta 9PM con Adoracion, cantos y alaban-zas! Miercoles Eucaristico: La cuarta semana de cada mes con el Padre Lorenzo.

El lunes 3 de julio , la oficina parroquial se cerrara a las 12 del medio dia. El Martes, 4 de julio es un día de fiesta federal del Día de la Independencia. Habra solamente una

misa a las 9 de la mañana (ingles). La iglesia se cerrara despues de la misa. Igualmente estaran cerrados la oficina par-roquial y el Centro Franciscano.

GRACIAS A TODOS: La Sociedad del Sagrado Cora-zon de Jesus agradece de todo Corazon a el Padre Dan Kearney de la Ascension y el Padre Larry y a todos aquellos que asistieron a la celebración en honor al Sagrado Corazon y compartieron la ale-gría y devoción. Gracias!

Alba Nidia Holguin Addie Angelo Fatino Mercado Alex Torres Alminda Abreu

Alvaro Lopez Angelo Ortiz Bill Gordon Billy Tracey Bruce Newman

Carlos A. Velez Kathryn Bennett Carmen Rivera Carmen Solis Cheryl Kock

Concepcion Pavon Connie Lomangino Consuelo Restrepo Consuelo Tobon Diego Suarez

Edmund Isler Elva Guzman Estela Arroyabe Eva Romano Francisco Gonzalez

Francisco Marquez Iris Real Gerry Newman Geraldo Sanchez Gina Medina

Gladys Arroyabe Gloria Gonzalez Guillermo Henao C Ileonardo Garcia Kyle Williams

James H. Christopher Jr. James Wiggins John Gerosimo James Hambelton Jazmin Allen

Jose Bernardo Garcia Josefina Suarez Joseph Hornyak Joseph Schwartz Juan Guillermo Velez

Julian Cano Julie Turner Guillermo Lopez Lillian Jimenez Lourdes Santiago

Lucy Velez Margarita Rocha Margaret Mosunic Maria de Guzman Maria Gonzalez

Marilyn Brenes Maribel Gonzalez Mary McLaughlin Maureen Wolfe Sr. Emmanual Shen

Michael Bigler Michelle Martell Moises Santana Nadine Ramos Nancy Yepes

Mebel Diaz Rafael Rodriguez Patricia Mah Paulo Pajares Raquel Ramirez

Rosa Hernandez Rosaura Jara Rosemary Fuentes Sabina Fonseca Rosario Ortiz

Sean Anderson Sean Cowan Sonia Santiago Sr. Margaret Carney Anthony J. Tejada, Jr.

Victoria Angelo Arthur Gonzlaez Yolanda Zarate Horace Beasley Georgetta Richards

Juan Jose Muñoz Edith Diaz Gavin Kilcullen Carmenlita Gamalinda Peline Alexandre

Joanne Naccarato Fr. Ben Taylor Mercedes Dickson Regina Curley Harriet E. Brown

Orlando Carreras Felix Figueroa Maria Whitt Mercia Hope Edwards Thomas Chestaro

Pedro Rodriguez Sr. Maria Teresa, FMM Itshia Williams Sharon Pridgen Margaret Roche

Jordy Scerbo Elaine Taylor Sharon Mack

Walda Ahambo Elainne Almonte Margie Betancourt Dennis Berrios Joe Bliss Mayra Candelis Flor Capellan Ernest Carrera Aida Castillo Marie Chery Emmanuel Constant Leonie Constant Ivette Valentin-Diaz Louisa DiNardi Patricia Estrada Patricia Flannery Porcia Fontilus Ricardo Giscombe Gabby Goldberg Mercedes Gonzalez Victor Gonzalez Maureen Gordon Jacqueline Graham Ed Grimm Paul M. Goodwin Bernardo P. Gutierrez Marie May Henrys Leiry Hernandez Marie Hilaire Edward Holohan, Jr. Sara Jenoure Lucjan Jkaczuk Josephine Johnson

Sunita Kapur Ila Martínez Nathan McClain Dominic Merola Lucy O’Neall Tula Ortiz Nicholas Pender Alfio Perugi Maria Magdalena Piñedo Blanca Quintanilla Nuris C. Richardson Aide Robles Evelyn Rodriguez Maria Rodriguez Pedro Rodriguez Léon Sánchez Plácido Sánchez Marie Sindor Marie Streitburger Nicholas J. Sivulich Santa Nazario Sotomayor Ana Torres Pura Torres Skyler Tucci Jenine Volney Leticia Williams


JUNE 25, 2017

† Pray for the Deceased members of Holy Name †

Our deepest sympathy is extended to the families of those who died this past week, especially David Rivera. Please join us in praying that his soul and the souls of all the faithful de-parted, through the mercy of God, may rest in peace now and forever.

Nuestro Mas sentido pésame a la familia de David Rivera que fallecio esta semana pasada, Oremos por su eterno des-canso y por todos los difuntos.


AMIS de David RIVERA décédé cette semaine. Unissons-nous en prières pour que son âme et celle des fidèles disparus par la miséricorde de Dieu reposent en paix maintenant et pour toujours.

Please note: If you wish to have the mass inten-

tions printed in the bulletin every week, please be

sure that names are reserved by Sunday or Mon-

day of every week. The bulletin is submitted

every Tuesday morning. Thank You.

Samedi 1er et dimanche 2 juillet 2017

13e dimanche du temps ordinaire

MARIAGE : Les intéressés doivent contacter le Bureau Pa-roissial six mois avant la date prévue, pour s’inscrire à la pré-

paration au Sacrement du mariage.

CONFESSION : Mardi et jeudi de 11h30 à Midi et samedi de 4h à 5h, samedi de 4h à 5h, en Anglais ou Espagnol ou n’importe quel jour en prenant rendez-vous au Bureau Pa-roissial.

SACREMENT POUR LES MALADES : Contactez le Bu-reau Paroissial pour vous ou des amis, nous faisons des visi-tes et portons le sacrement à domicile.­­­­­


Ce rituel reprendra le 6 octobre.

BAPTEMES : Les préparations doivent commencer un mois à l’avance. Venez au bureau paroissial ou téléphonez au 212-749-0276. Baptêmes en Français 1er dimanche du mois, en Anglais 2ème dimanche, et en Espagnol 3ème dimanche. Auparavant, pa-rents, parrains et marraines doivent participer à une préparation au sacrement du Baptême. BAPTEME: FELICITATIONS AUX PARENTS de Eric Jacob ESPINAL, Jameson Eli GOMEZ et Hailey VASQUEZ bapti-sés la semaine dernière. Que le Seigneur les bénisse et les guide toute leur vie maintenant qu’ils sont membres de l’Eglise.

INSCRIPTIONS AU CATECHISME Année 2017 – 2018 Les personnes intéressées doivent téléphoner à Veronica Soto, coordonnatrice du Programme Formation de la Foi au 212-749-0276 Ext.116. Laissez votre nom et téléphone si vous désirez recevoir un formulaire d’inscription par la poste. Ces formulaires sont aussi à votre disposition au Bureau Paroissial. Programme pour enfants de Kindergarten au 8ème Grade inscrits dans les éco-les publiques, indépendantes, ou privées. Documents à présenter: Bulletin de naissance, Certificat de Baptême, et de Première Communion de l’enfant.

Readings for the Week of July 2, 2017

Sunday: 2 Kgs 4:8-11, 14-16a/Ps 89:2-3, 16-19/Rom 6:3-4, 8-11/Mt 10:37-42

Monday: Eph 2:19-22/Ps 117:1bc-2/Jn 20:24-29

Tuesday: Gn 19:15-29/Ps 26:2-3, 9-12/Mt 8:23-27

Wednesday: Gn 21:5, 8-20a/Ps 34:7-8, 10-13/Mt 8:28-34

Thursday: Gn 22:1b-19/Ps 115:1-6, 8-9/Mt 9:1-8

Friday: Gn 23:1-4, 19; 24:1-8, 62-67/Ps 106:1b-5/Mt 9:9-13

Saturday: Gn 27:1-5, 15-29/Ps 135:1b-6/Mt 9:14-17

Las lecturas de la semana del 2 de julio de 2017

Domingo: 2 Re 4, 8-11. 14-16/Sal 89, 2-3. 16-19/Rom 6, 3-4. 8-11/Mt 10, 37-42

Lunes: Ef 2, 19-22/Sal 117, 1-2/Jn 20, 24-29

Martes: Gn 19, 15-29/Sal 26, 2-3. 9-12/Mt 8, 23-27

Miércoles: Gn 21, 5. 8-20/Sal 34, 7-8. 10-13/Mt 8, 28-34

Jueves: Gn 22, 1-19/Sal 115, 1-6. 8-9/Mt 9, 1-8

Viernes: Gn 23, 1-4. 19; 24, 1-8. 62-67/Sal 106, 1-5/Mt 9, 9-13

Sábado: Gn 27, 1-5. 15-29/Sal 135, 1-6/Mt 9, 14-17

LECTURES : SEMAINE DU 2 JUILLET 2017 Dim : Rois/(4,8-11.14-16a)/Ps 88(89)/Rom(6,3-4.8-11)/ Mat(10,37-42) Lun : Eph (2,19-22)/Ps 116(117)/Jean (20,24-29) Mar : Gen(19,15-29)/Ps 25(26­­­­­­)/Mat (8,23-27) Mer: Gen(21,5.8-20)/Ps 33(34)/Mat (8,28-34) Jeu : Gen(22,1-19)/Ps 114(116A)/Mat (9,1-8) Ven: Gen (23,1-4.19;24,1-8.62-67)/Ps 105(106)

Mat (9,9-13)

Sam: Gen (27,1-5.15-29)/Ps 134(135)/Mat (9,14-17)

QUETES DE LA SEMAINE : $12,360.00. Deuxième quê-te : dimanche 9 juillet pour les frais d’entretien et de répara-tions de nos bâtiments. Merci d’avance pour votre fidèle géné-rosité



Lundi 4 juillet Fête Nationale INDEPENDENCE DAY.

Il y aura une seule messe à 9h

(en Anglais). L’Eglise sera fermée immédiatement après la Messe. Veuillez noter que lundi 3 juillet le Bureau Paroissial sera ouvert jusqu’à Midi. Le FCC et le Bureau Paroissial seront fermés le mardi 4 juillet.

Veuilez noter que les Services Sociaux du ONE STOP

SENIOR SERVICES sont disponibles au FCC les mardis et jeudis de 10h à 3h pour vous conseiller, vous éduquer, vous guider, et vous donner accès aux servi-ces et avantages dus aux Seniors. Pour en savoir plus téléphonez au 212-932-8040 ext.10.

Holy Name of Jesus-St. Gregory the Great Parish

207 West 96th Street

New York, New York 10025 212—749— 0276

Welcome Bienvenido Bienvenue

We are pleased that you have chosen to become a part of our faith community. Please provide the following

information that we might better serve your needs. Once completed you may place this form in the collection bas-

ket, mail it to us or drop it off at the Parish Office.

Date: ____________________

First Name/ Nombre/ Prenom: __________________________________ Birthday: ____________________

Spouse’s Name/ Esposo-a: ___________________________________ Birthday: ____________________

Last Name / Apellido / Nom: ___________________________________ Wedding Anniversary: ___________

Children’s Names/ Hijos-as/ Enfant(s): _____________________ Age / Edad: ______ Birthday: __________

_____________________ Age / Edad: ______ Birthday: __________

_____________________ Age / Edad: ______ Birthday: __________

Street Address / Dirección/ Adresse: ______________________________________________ Apt # ________

City/ Cuidad / Ville: ____________ State / Estado/ Etat __________ Zip Code / Codico: ________

Telephone / Teléfono: __________________________ Cell: _____________________________

Email / Correo Electronico: ____________________________________________________________

Occupation / Ocupación: ____________________________________________________________

Employer / Empleado / Employeur: ____________________________________________________________

Previous Parish / Parroquia Anterior: ____________________________________________________________

Previous Parish Involvements: ____________________________________________________________

Participación Anterior en Parroquia: ____________________________________________________________

Engagements Paroissiaux Anterieurs: ____________________________________________________________


How did you find out about Holy Name? Website Recommendation of Friend In Neighborhood Other ____________

Am interested in knowing more about: Children’s Religious Education ~ Adult Religious Education ~ Young Adult Activities ~

Financial Support of Parish ~ Opportunities for Involvement

Other ______________________________________________________



I prefer to stay in touch with Holy Name by: Telephone Cell Phone Email / Text Regular Mail Church Bulletin Website


Please indicate if you wish to receive contribution envelopes . Yes:____

Please know that we are always here to serve you and assist you in becoming involved at Holy Name-St. Gregory. We look forward to living, worshipping, and serving along with you in this very special community. Peace and everything good!

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