four reasons to incorporate custom folders into your work day

Post on 07-Aug-2015






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Four Reasons to Incorporate Custom Folders into Your Work Day

For those of us with less experience in brand development, marketing, or recruiting, it may not seem

as immediately logical investment in custom folders, especially given the looming deadlines from

various parts of the business. But each meeting is a new opportunity to reinforce, weaken, or

strengthen your existing relationships, even with acquaintances and long-time customers.

Below are four reasons to incorporate these tools into your work day.

1. Help set expectations and tone.

Imagine ordering three of the same items from three different companies. Now imagine that company

1 wrapped your purchase in elegant, high-quality wrapping paper. Suppose company 2 delivered it in a

regular store shopping bag. And number 3's package arrived only after being accidentally dropped into

the gutter.

Of course, you may choose not to hold the condition of the item against the s tore, especially if you

already have a long history of good service from them. However, you might find yourself at least

subconscious ly starting to prefer one store over another. Similarly, delivering financials, a sales

package or any other materials in a professional quality folder that brilliantly shows off your brand and

is sturdy for everyday use will set or somewhat re-set the recipients' expectations of you and your


2. Help give a personal touch.

Customizing the message and materials you present

will make a big difference in creating the personal

touch that makes your audience feel special. Doing

the same with the folder that packages the handouts

will go even further.

This advantage, however, will have to be balanced

with the cost. No matter how fantastic your

relationship or contracted prices with your printer are, creating a new design for every single occasion

will likely be hard to afford. For the most important occasions, when you stand to gain or lose the

most, pulling out all the bells and whistles includes creating custom folders.

3. Help the audience remember your brand/message.

When you use custom folders, you can help the audience remember your brand. Create one which

supports and builds on the image you want people to remember. Plain 2-pocket versions will not only

fail to do so, they will also quickly be misplaced and blend in with the filings already in someone's

office, making it easier to forget you.

4. Create a feeling of comfort and trust.

Familiarity--seeing the same messages and repeated branding in conversations, on custom folders and

in your interactions--helps put your audience at ease. By conditioning others to expect the same

quality and experience in every interaction, you increase the amount of comfort and trust the y have

around you.

Although there are more advantages to using custom folders, these are a few that might help motivate

you to push on if you find yourself stuck on design. Don't throw in the towel just yet. Remember these

advantages and ask yourself if you can afford not to push through.

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