for yealt 1781

Post on 24-Jan-2022






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[ 43} J.

I N n · E ·x T 0 THE

GOSPEL MAGAZINE for the YEAlt 1781 :

. A.

ADMONITIONS, encou­raging ones to doubting

.. chrill:ians, 3 3 1: _ Ad<Vice to y,oungchrill:ians,26o . .Ajjlilted chrifiians, en~ouraging

confiderations for them, 367. Almo/} chrifl:ian ,, 403 , Amu.fements, worldly, irk(ome

tO converted perfons, 2 53. Anecdote of political prieftcraft, . 383.

Anecdotes on ·popery, 25 . 104. 237· 272· ;

Angel of God' s prefence, who, Zl3·

Anjwer to qurery, Whether. it · be po.ffible to make Goq a11,

'idol, &c,' 63. ----- to the Letter from the

young man in India, 325. - to a qurery concerning

church-fello,wfhip, 38S. Affirance of faith, hints on that

fubjeet, 235 •. 26o.


.Btrea<Viltg providences, t'heir falutary tenden~y, 36'1. ·

V<! t• VIII.

Bi6le, the' chrill:ian's treafury: · and delight, 179, Jloromteus, archbp. ditraa from

his charge relat~ng to world­ly pleafures, . 270.

·c. Cbarallerijiics -of the go(pel,

ljnd the profefiors of it,Zfl· Cbriji, his finlefs nature· prov-

ed, 58. . - the . true and only head

ofthechurch, 141• - why a il:u,m bling-block

to the Jews, ,3.5 1.

-- the only 'foundation of .his church, 3 71. ,

Chrifiian caution and forefight; etfay on that fubjeet, 108.

·- - - fellowfuip, · 243·' Chrijlian,· blelfednels of a true:

one, '308. ' Chrifiian.r; their fafety amidll:

nat ional calamities , 305 . Church catechifm explained,

Article XIV. 22. Art. XV. 58. Art. XVI. 98. 13 z. 107.' Art. XIX .• 197• 229.

3 I CoJJiitJg


of.34 I N D ,,

Coming of Chrift to judgme~t, different effetls the idea of it ptoduces on dift'eten:t cha-

•. raClers, 4 4. . Communio1z of faints, how dif-

E x: •.

ENtra!i from the jefu:it's letter on Arminianifm, 276•

F. Foverable, qo. · _ . _

Conder,-Rev. Dr. refletlions on Faith, which influences the life his <l~~th, 223. and converfation, the only

Congregational mufic, thoughts t~ue and faving one, 3 5 s'· ·on the nature of it, 32• It Family religion recommended, fhould be folemn and chear- zs8. ful, 3 3. . ' . ___.__.. worlh!p, the import•

~--church 'in Scot- ance of it enforced, 207. land, its origin, 222~ Fear 'of man, dreadful effetls

9onvn:Jio"' -iueiharka,ble ()rle, ' fr-om the P.revalenc(;[ , of it,-370. . lJ4• <" I .

. Covenant and fpiritualmercies, --of the Lord, b1effednefs · their inefiirnable value, 1 8g. . refulting from it, 115. '

_.;..-..;... of grace, _ its comfoita-. :Feelings, not to be refted on, abk effects, 38 I. , I _ 296. , .


Dealings in trade, cautions a­·gainfi unjuil: ones by pro-feifors, 55. ,

__..:...:.._, cf God towards his · peop~e, are all in love, rz6.

Direllio11s . for unexperienced ,' -bj:)ievers~ 298. Di'lline breathing, 308.


Forgi'!Jtnefi of fins tp be, expe,­rienced ·by afl true ,ch.riiH·· ans, 1 I, ·· • · .

1 Four perilous tirnes, 164.


Coo's free aild 4id:i~gu.1ih- · ing love in the falvation_ of

. finners, and full dlfplay of it, 35 S· .

Gojpe! minifier; excelle.nt cha­. raeter of ony, 3 17 • - ·- . church, na.ture and defign

of i~, 391. . - · , ..Eartbq9ake,folemn thoughts on . . Graces of a chriftian, mixed

. · one, 6). , . . · . with their oppofites, 264. Eccltjiajlical Hillery, 26. 50. Greai and Good Shepherd, an · .. 88. uS. 159· 191. 398. effay on his 'hara..:ltrs, &,. Edill of Nantz, granted to the 2 90• · ' - ·

proteftan~s in France, 57. Eterttal generation of the Son

of God, reply to G. B. on thatfubjea, 27. ·

E:xi.ftence, original, prefen t,and future ftate of Satan, 193· 287. 323.·

H. Happinefi,miliaken conCC£tions

· of it, the principal 1ource ;md caufe of the mi{ery -of maiJ,kind, 307. ,

· ' . lfappiftefi,

I N D E · :X. -4-H Happinefi, true, .an- effay <>n

the fubjeCl:, 364. Hijlory_ of the Inquifition, n1. lialy Ghoft , bleffed effects of

his quickening power, 293· ,

J. I.

]ifus and Mary, an etray, 7· Ignorance the parent of popery,

2 73· . . lmmutahility of the covenant of

·- grace, u, & {eq. ln~uijition, popilh, hiftory of

it, . 72. Cruelties exercifed in that o.f Portugal, ihid.


Knowledrre of God's love to us Cbriit productive of genu­ine' love to God, 1 1.

Kn.ox, John, the Scots reform­er, eHablilhes the Genevan

. worlhip and d~fciplii1e in ~J;o.tland, z 2 ;z.

L. " Lfl/1 day, 73· . ', ·

League, popilh, againfi the pro. tP.ftants, its inilitution, 5 I. _,

L etter from the Rev. Mr. :{:'al-mer, of Hac!mey, 76. ·

- to a lady, on Chrift's union with his c.hurch, ~c. 13 8. 1

-to R~chard Taylor, a m;t~ lefaCior in the gaol at North­am pton , 1 42 .

- on the work of the mi-niilry, 198. .

- from a young lady to her friend, 2oz.

-from the- Rev; Mr. Erf­. k ine to Mrs. Filher, Z95• .

L etter fro~ a · young man in India, to ' his uncle, 299•

-- to profeffors in _ general, 320.

___ - from a genileman,.. ,to his friend in the CO,UOtry; -3 27,

- 'to a friend, OJl the death of his father, 360.

- to the Rev. Mr. D-o W-, 419.

M .

llfan's fall and recovery, ac­. count of it,' 3 8o.

Majfac're -of the proteftan ts in Paris, 116. ,

· Majfacrus, ,popilh, in France __ ;md Ireland, 23 7, 238. Meditation on the N ew Year.

16. ' ' ---- ~n Chrill's fecond

appearing, 44· - -- on death, 68. ----in the fi elds, 332. ,Memoirs of the life' of Mr. G •

Hughes, 84-. '· M ercii s of God, a curfoty re­

trofpeCl: of them, 187. ,. • Mexted, Eliz. her death-'bed '

·experience, -12 s. ·15 s. Milway, Mr. his. fermon and ·

preface confldered, 38 5•


Narrative of a very remarka­ble converfion of. a young woman, 123.


Obedience of Chrit1:, the · fole procuring- caufe of pardon and accept;_ance, 363 .

Obji:r'Vatiolls oti reading tLe fcriptures, 70, ·

3 I ~ Orighzal



,H6 :'>

i ,N D. Origi,zalletter to S. Barring­

toh, bifhop of Llandaff, 93· ~-- fromthelateRev.

' Mr. Herv~y to Mr. Wh.ite-field, gz. . · _'

Orwen, · Rev. Dr. John, his life, :·,p z.


P qffages of fcriptu~e explained and recommended , 101.1 zq.

Pajlors, neglige.nt, their worul , fiate , · 170. CharaCteriHics

of faithful ones. 171. Pfrfonal and family reforina­

tiori recommended, I 34· 161.

205· 25). 301. Perfonality of the Trinity af­

ferted and maintained, 29. · Pe~er's fall, probable caufe of

Jt, z6.z. , Piedmonte.fe and Parifians, ba~­

bardus perfecution of them, 358·

P}rzys, &.c. unlawful to chrifth ans, 340.

P.leafurtJ of religion; 2 51· Poem on the New Year, 6. PPEIR¥. On Pf. lxvii. 16.

.. p .- 37· . Wifh, ibid. A fab• :·b.ath eveili1;g's th ought, ib. qn hea:ring the Rev. Mr. G.....::n, at H-d, Bucks, on Col. ii. 19. p. 38. Halle­lujah, - ibid. · Wr~tten after :)learipg the Rev. Mr. Rip­pon tfom jo{h. ii. laft claufe of ver. 1i. ibsd. Comriete redemption, :9· On Matt. xiv. 12. ilid. The caufe and cure of finful fears, ibid. pn judgment, ibjd. c;:;pm­pofed after hearing the Rev. Mr. De Courcy on Cant. v. · ~-6. p. 77· Lines occafion" ~d by the death of Mrs. H. pf,l-ii9hgate1 78r 0~ 1


E :x. 'fhefi'. v. 17. i!Jid. The ftorm, ibid. An . Evening walk among the tombs, ,79· Faith in a dying hour, So. An hymn to God the crea­tor, 117. An hymn to God the redeemer, ibid. On Job xl. 4· p. 118. Defiringthe divine prefence, ibid. Qn Ifa. liii. 8. ibid. The brea­things of a real faint, I 1 9· On John i .. 29. ibid. . On

! Rom xiii. u. p. 1 20. Occa­fioned by hearing a fermon preached by 'the Rev~ Mr.­G. Burder, '49· On Pfalm xxx. v. ibid. On the birth ofadaughter, 150. Chrift a lhel~er in every ftorm, i/;. Thoughts on the blelfed in­fluence of grace, . ibid. On thunder, 15 1. On Col. iii. 3· p. 181. The 4th chap­ter of Job paraphrafed, z!Jid. A morning's med-itation,

, 1 8z. On Matt. xxv •. 10.

p. 183. On I John iv. •?• ibid • . The judgment-day, ibid. The difciple, 213. The chriftian's conflic1;zi4· In Memory of Dr. Conder, ibiri. On Luke xi. 21, :zz. p:245. John vi. z8,z9. para­phrafed, ibid; Light fhin­ing out of darknefs, 246, A morning hymn, ibid: " But ye are j uftified," ibid. Love triumph<\nt,Z47· Chrift worthy of all praife, ibid, On z Sa!Il. Xi{tii. 5· p. 277, On a fcandalous··report on a minifter_, &c. i!Jid. l{appi­nefs, 778. On z Cor. v. 1,

& feq. i!Jid. Writ-ten after a fit .of a~liction, 279• "He fpake as never man fpake," ibid. The profpea. ibid. 'I he chriftian degree of CO!p-

. , patifoq,




-, ! · ;..~ _,_.,

I N D E , X. 437

parifon, z8o •. ThOught~ on Popijh_ delufion expofed, •46• the death of the Rev. Dr:. -- mdulgences, 14~· Conder, 309. On Cant. iii.' -cruelty in the ifia!lcl of 1. p. 3,1 o. Sotiloq uies, ib. · Guernfey, fhockingil}fl:ance On Pf. lxxxi)l'. 11. p. 311. of it, 357· · · The profpecr (part. II.) ibid. -fraud deteaed, 383. , On Luke xiii. 3· 34-1. On --unity, effay on that fub:- · John xv. S· ih. Elegy to the jetl:, 4z4. . memory of lc\ mb . Iil:ed. efq; PraBical inference from Gen. 34z. A proCpeR of popery, -xiv. 14, 15. p. z6.f.. 343· On Rev. vii. I o. P• Preface to vol. viii. P· iii • .344· A prayer on fetting Proteflants, cruel pe.rfecution out ihlife, 373· The fuel- of them in the reigns ,of tered pilgrim, 374· O n Pf. Cha;les V. andPhilipii. of Ixxiii. :14. 'p. 37 5. On Z·~c. Spain, 399: · · ix: 9• 1 o. ibid. A 1Hymn Punflilios in religion to be a:-fung after he~ring fou r fer- avoided, as not effential 'to mons upon the book Of Ruth, falvation, '397 .r 376~ On Ifa. iv. 6. ibid. Purgatory proved to be a ridi-On John xvii. z4. p. 405. ·· cu,lous and abfurd tenet, The pilgrim'~ farewell, ih. 178. On humility, ibid. The preciou(ne(s ofChrifi: to the renewed and believing foul, 4-06, On Pf. cxlii. 7· ibid. A prayer, 407. .V erfes by Mifs Woodward, on Mils E. Mac-Gowan, ibi'd. On Chrifi:mas Morn, 429. On· Jefus? the once fuffcring, but now exalted Saviour, ibid.

· On Luke xiv. 16. ibid. In Jll·emory of ah,event obferv'd annually ·in a private fami­mily, 430. Lines occali.oned by the death of the late Rev. Dr. Gill, i/;. On John vi. 68. p. 43 1. On I fa, x;xvii. I 3· ih.

.Po;ery, dreadful effects that would attend its re-introduc·­tion into England, 321.

-:--- c.enfured, 339· - danger of tolerating it, . 357· . ' ~ inimical to the Britifh

confi:itution, 3 59· Popijh cruelties in the Portu­

guefe inquifition, 111. See !n?,itf/ition, '

Q:, .,

Qya>riupropofed, 35• 75• 147• 183. 244. J40• '

- anfwered, z66-z6g. !f!...u.ery concerning a call to .the

minifiry, 35• , ' , --on Job xix. 26. p'. 35: -- on Matt. xiii. 32, &c. P•

6 I

-3-.on Philip. ii. 12, 1 3~ p •.

36. --on Rev. xxi. 8. p. 36. -- .on Mark iv. 12. p. 76. - .on the prediClions o~ the

prophets, p. 76 • -- of Timid us, on Revel.

xxi. 8. anfwered, 112. ·

-on p'art of Dan. iii. zs. anfwered, zrz.

· --. on the prophetic predic­tions, anfwered, r 45 •

R. '

.Rejleaiom on the county of Sulf~x, &c, r (>8.


-~ 'I




418 r ,,N ..

Rdtefliom on feein"g the male­;' factors pafs rn.~ . execu~ion, . ao6 .• .. ·. ' . ~ dn Pf. :lll:llxvi:i. 25. ·P·334·

·~ on<R.J:ln.' v. rS. p; 379· · • 4· 1J)r.·' · . . · ·' ReJofmati~n in England and ··. ' 'Sco~l i!'na, account ' of it, .88.

12 H .• 192 . . .

Reformed, perfecurion of them in Sc0tland, 192. .

J?.ege~erqte .Per ions, of their fa!­'· ling and riling again, I 33• Religion not a s:omfo:rtlefs, but

a · ftate . of pure, unceafing joy, , 366.

Relig;io?! lette~.s, 92 . I38 . Iq8. 240. 295· 325 - 360. 385.

· fl9.· See Letters . . '!?~marks on Dan." iii. 2 5. p.

• 2 3'3· . Retrojpefl of the mercies of

God, 187. _ REVIEW [of A Companion to

the chriftian .in his fiejd and · ;ga'rden, 40 . An Effay on

,the charaeter, &c. of Me­. -thod'ifm, So. Polygamy un ··

fCr1ptura:I, 'ibid. f>atham's edition of Dr. Watto's plalms and ·h.ymns, I zo. The Poor ma,n's fpiritual inftruCl:or,

~ 15 2. The chrill ian1s coat of arms, i6/d· Scripture meditations, 184, Cardi­phonia, z16. Songs ·in the

· night, ibid. The llleffi.ngs · of polygamy, 248 . 'Every

Man's monitc:r, ibid. Lvric ·poems, 28 0 . Obfervadon s Qn the nature, caufes , and c:ure of melauchol·y, pa'rti­cularly that call ed religious melancholy, 3 r.z. .1. Fel­lows's .hym ns in' a great va­riety of metres, 344· Life v f Chriif; 408 ·A ihort Plea in favour of infan~bap-

D E x. tifm, . and of adminiftering it by fprinkling, fO!I, .

Righteous under the New Tef­t amen t, deicription of them, 337·

Rooker, Rev. Mr. his charac-ter d~ared, 275•


Sabbath of reft .; 3 27. Sal·vation by Chrift alone, evi­

dentiy proved from fcrip­turt; , 167.•

Satan's fi nal fiate and punifh­ment, 323.

Scriptures aritiently confifted of three di vilions, 1.1 0.

Seide fentences .of eminent di­vines, &c. 24• 1\l• .

Se!f-examfttation, confideratipns thereupon, before rece.iving the facrament, 18. Heads of [elf-examination, 2 0 . The true nature of it, ibid. When

· to be more particularly. at­tended, to, 4.7· Awful cou­fequences refl1lting from .fhe negleCl: of this duty, 48.

----- .- and penitential . ·confeffions,neceiUty of them,

135' I

Serious conlider<ttion ~ 3 53· Shaw, Rev. Mr. Sam'uel, his

life, +83. . . Spadcman, Rev; 1\llr. John, his

life , 2 19 • .

Supererogation, works of, un­' fcriptur<~l and abrurd, ~2. Detc,ription of that errone­

. ous doctrine, 2 3.


Talking at church, hint on that pratlice, :z 7 4.

'Tallents, Rev. l\1r. Francis; his life, 3 r 5• ·




- ·:'"f' ''''- ~...-- - ;; · , _, ,. '1~·::- \[;·,,--,. __ . -~· ~,-,_iT'\ • I' ~;· •;·•" 'P.:·'.<!,r;:-; -

I N D E ,X. 439

4feaching, heavenly,its method, nature, neceility, a~d the fubjects of it. 6 ~.

q'he(yphthora, a faife alfertion therei~ detected, . 173• ·

'Thoughts on Matt. xxviii. 9· 2Q8. .

Cfoplady, Iate' •Rev. Mr. his tef!:imony refpecting eternal generation, gr.

q'ranfobjiantiation, abp. Tillot· fan's opinion of the abfur­

. dity of it, ,zs.

Wife, character of an excellent on~. zn . . -~·- .. , ... ~ --

Williams, Rev. :Oamel,l5. D. his life, 347· ~

Willing•ufi an!l abilitry of Chrill; to fave :finners, · difplliy.ed, ·3z8. . . ...•. ·'"' ,c •;/ :.

Wifdoiit of God in a niy'ilery,, an eJiay ·3P· · '·i ... !.1

· ff/ord of God~ 'exceil:e'nc'e and divine origin of it, 103.

• ..

' Word to profeJiors, . 3 96. ' Work of grace-on the foul, its

· genuine !:ffeas, · 1 z6.

V . . U. ·. Y.

Yijibk ,and invi[Lple' church'' of' .Young believers, ufefl:tl ilitdc;o.~ .. Chr!f!:, 197 • . · :. . ! tions for them, 20 3 ~ ..;. , Yijits on the fapbath7day, bad

effects refulting from them, . 163. . .

Jri'Vian~s diJiertation on the !at-, . ter part of Rev •. x,iii. · 368.

Unchangeable goodnefs of God . to his people, 336. Unity among profeJiors, a fe­r rious call to it, 6o.-

w. ·~Watch and pray," 338.

' z . Zechariah the penman of a re• ..

markable ' paJiage concern":.. ing Chrill:, fuppofed · to be. foun.d in . Jeremiah, accord-, ing to the reference, in St •. Matthew's gofpel , 209; ·

Zojhar, one of Job's . friends, his :wife and good advice_, exhortation, :and motives •to" perfonal ref6~mation, confi- · dered, 136.

E N D 0 F vo L; VU~I.


D 1 R E c T 1 oN s to the Bookbin-der.

Place the HEADs oppofite the Lives of the Perfons whom they reprefent. The HYMNS, we apprehend, fhould be placed all togecher at the End of the Volume. ' · .

Preferve the Cuts and Sheets ~f th~ HoL'Y ,w A~. which . (with the LIFE of Bunyan) are inten9ed to be kept, and, w~th

the fub!equcnt part ot that Work, when finilhed, bound up feparately.




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