five reasons you need a mobile website

Post on 20-Aug-2015






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Five Reasons You Need A Mobile Website

The top five:

#1 Smartphone users are now the majority

#2 Mobile site search engine indexing

#3 Faster load time

#4 Ease of use

#5 Searches are local

#1: More than 1 in 2 Australians now own a smartphone

People buy smartphones so that they can use apps and browse the internet – and once you have a smartphone, you spend a lot of time doing both.

If your company doesn’t have an app or a mobile site, you’re

missing out on a huge audience.

#2: Mobile search is not PC/Laptop search

Mobile sites do not get indexed by search engines in the same way as

standard websites.

Sites that have been optimised for mobile phones rank higher than standard sites for searches performed on mobile devices.

So if you want to get found by mobile searchers, get a mobile site.

If your site isn’t optimised for mobiles, chances are that it will load slower on mobile devices.

People are more impatient than ever when it comes to

websites, so if your site takes too long to load, people will

just look elsewhere.

#4:I see you…

Mobile screen sizes make it:

a) Harder to read standard website text

b) Harder to click on links (a mouse is more precise than your finger)

If your main website is hard to use on a mobile phone, viewers are less likely to be engaged and more likely to

leave your


#5: Mobile searches…

…are local searches

According to Google, more than 50 per cent of mobile searches have local intent.

Search engines use the searcher’s location to provide relevant content.

A mobile site can help drive users to your business who have an immediate intent of purchasing from you.

For more information on mobile marketing, visit the

mobile marketing section

of the Exa Web Solutions blog.

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