finding dc operating points of nonlinear circuits using

Post on 25-Dec-2021






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Finding DC Operating Points of Nonlinear Circuits Using Carleman Linearization

Harry WeberTheoretische ElektrotechnikLeibniz Universität Hannover

Ljiljana TrajkovićSchool of Engineering Science

Simon Fraser University

Wolfgang MathisDidaktik der Elektrotechnik und Informatik

Leibniz Universität Hannover

MWSCAS 202111.08.2021


• Motivation• Analysis of DC operating points

• Carleman linearization• Nonlinear algebraic equations and infinite dimensional linear systems

• Self-consistent technique• Approximation over a predefined interval

• Examples:• Tunnel diode circuit• CMOS multivibrator

• Summary and extensions

2H. Weber, Lj. Trajković, and W. Mathis: MWSCAS 202111.08.2021

Motivation: DC Operating Points


DC operating points? Nonlinear algebraic equation

• Multiple DC operating points (OPs) possible• DC OPs depend on circuit parameters• Finding DC OPs using numerical methods such

as Newton-Raphson method are difficult due to different attraction domains

• Starting point problem

H. Weber, Lj. Trajković, and W. Mathis: MWSCAS 202111.08.2021

Motivation: DC Operating Points

4H. Weber, Lj. Trajković, and W. Mathis: MWSCAS 202111.08.2021

DC operating points? Nonlinear algebraic equation

• Multiple DC operating points (OPs) possible• DC OPs depend on circuit parameters• Finding DC OPs using numerical methods such

as Newton-Raphson method are difficult due to different attraction domains

• Starting point problem



• For a parameter variation additional DC OPs may appear or disappear• System knowledge for devising a successful embedding• Improved global analysis for polynomial models Carleman linearization


Two DC OPsappear

Homotopy Methods

H. Weber, Lj. Trajković, and W. Mathis: MWSCAS 202111.08.2021

Carleman Linearization: Simple Example


• Two DC OPs at and : numerically calculated by Newton-Raphson method• Proposed: Analysis using Carleman linearization

H. Weber, Lj. Trajković, and W. Mathis: MWSCAS 202111.08.2021

• Linear difference equations:

• Desired solution corresponds to:

Carleman Linearization: Procedure


Transform to equivalent difference equations:multiply with and useRestricted to polynomial case

H. Weber, Lj. Trajković, and W. Mathis: MWSCAS 202111.08.2021

Carleman Linearization: Procedure


Difference equations correspond to an infinite dimensional linear system:

Infinite dimensional linear system

Restricted to polynomial case

H. Weber, Lj. Trajković, and W. Mathis: MWSCAS 202111.08.2021

Transform to equivalent difference equations:multiply with and use

• Linear difference equations:

• Desired solution corresponds to:

Carleman Linearization: Approximation


Approximation by truncation

*H. Weber and W. Mathis, “Analysis and design of nonlinear circuits with a self-consistent Carleman linearization,” IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers, vol. 65, no. 12, pp. 4272–4284, Dec. 2018.

• Valid only in the vicinity of the origin (local approximation)

H. Weber, Lj. Trajković, and W. Mathis: MWSCAS 202111.08.2021

Infinite dimensional linear system: no close form solution

Carleman Linearization: Approximation


Approximation by truncation Self-consistent technique* with maximal dimension

• Adaption of coefficients over a predefined interval (global approximation)

• Calculation of coefficientsby a least square fit

*H. Weber and W. Mathis, “Analysis and design of nonlinear circuits with a self-consistent Carleman linearization,” IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers, vol. 65, no. 12, pp. 4272–4284, Dec. 2018.

H. Weber, Lj. Trajković, and W. Mathis: MWSCAS 202111.08.2021

Infinite dimensional linear system: no close form solution

• Valid only in the vicinity of the origin (local approximation)

Self-Consistent Technique

11H. Weber, Lj. Trajković, and W. Mathis: MWSCAS 202111.08.2021

Self-Consistent Technique


Replace and approximate over

H. Weber, Lj. Trajković, and W. Mathis: MWSCAS 202111.08.2021

Predefined interval

Self-Consistent Technique


Self-consistent technique

H. Weber, Lj. Trajković, and W. Mathis: MWSCAS 202111.08.2021

Predefined interval

Replace and approximate over

Solutions of the Linear Equation





Self-consistent technique over the interval .



• Calculate a DC OP in a predefined interval• Obtain a starting point for the Newton method• Case: Multiple or no DC OPs located in the

given interval

DC OPs :

• Truncated method provides only an approximation in the vicinity of the origin

H. Weber, Lj. Trajković, and W. Mathis: MWSCAS 202111.08.2021

Example: Tunnel Diode Circuit



*H.-C. Wu, “Analysis of nonlinear resistive networks having multiple solutions with spline function techniques”, Ph.D. dissertation, Iowa State University, 1977.**A. N. Willson Jr., “The no-gain property for networks containing three-terminal elements,” IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems, vol. 22, no. 8, pp 678–687, Aug. 1975.

Self-consistent Carleman linearization over

• Initial interval is given by the sum of all supply voltages if the no-gain property holds**

Small extension in order to include the case

H. Weber, Lj. Trajković, and W. Mathis: MWSCAS 202111.08.2021

Example: Tunnel Diode Circuit


Initial interval is defined by the supply voltage

Self-consistent Carleman linearization with maximal dimension

H. Weber, Lj. Trajković, and W. Mathis: MWSCAS 202111.08.2021

Example: Tunnel Diode Circuit


Solutions obtained by the self-consistent Carleman linearization

• Solutions do not “converge” with the increasing dimension of the system

• Divide into half

H. Weber, Lj. Trajković, and W. Mathis: MWSCAS 202111.08.2021

Self-consistent Carleman linearization with maximal dimension

Example: Tunnel Diode Circuit


Solutions obtained by the self-consistent Carleman linearization

• Solutions in “converge”• Solutions in do not “converge”• Divide further

H. Weber, Lj. Trajković, and W. Mathis: MWSCAS 202111.08.2021

Self-consistent Carleman linearization with maximal dimension

Example: Tunnel Diode Circuit


Solutions obtained by the self-consistent Carleman linearization

• Solutions in “converge” outside of the sub-interval

• Solutions in do not “converge”• Divide

H. Weber, Lj. Trajković, and W. Mathis: MWSCAS 202111.08.2021

Self-consistent Carleman linearization with maximal dimension

Example: Tunnel Diode Circuit


Solutions obtained by the self-consistent Carleman linearization

• Solutions “converge” within sub-intervals

• Is a DC OP in ?• Expand the sub-interval so that

already identified DC OP is included

H. Weber, Lj. Trajković, and W. Mathis: MWSCAS 202111.08.2021

Self-consistent Carleman linearization with maximal dimension

Example: Tunnel Diode Circuit


Solutions obtained by the self-consistent Carleman linearization

• Expanded• Solutions “converge” to the

already found DC OP• All DC OPs in the initial interval

are identified

H. Weber, Lj. Trajković, and W. Mathis: MWSCAS 202111.08.2021

Self-consistent Carleman linearization with maximal dimension

General Procedure


Proposed procedure for detecting all DC OPs:1. Initial interval is defined by the supply voltage (the no-gain property)

Initial interval defined by the supply voltage

H. Weber, Lj. Trajković, and W. Mathis: MWSCAS 202111.08.2021

General Procedure


Proposed procedure for detecting all DC OPs:1. Initial interval is defined by the supply voltage (the no-gain property)2. Check if the procedure “converges” within the given interval as the dimension of

the system increases

Solutions do not “converge”within the interval

H. Weber, Lj. Trajković, and W. Mathis: MWSCAS 202111.08.2021

General Procedure


Proposed procedure for detecting all DC OPs:1. Initial interval is defined by the supply voltage (the no-gain property)2. Check if the procedure “converges” within the given interval as the dimension of

the system increases3. Divide interval if criteria is not satisfied4. Repeat procedure for a given number of steps

H. Weber, Lj. Trajković, and W. Mathis: MWSCAS 202111.08.2021

General Procedure


Proposed procedure for detecting all DC OPs:1. Initial interval is defined by the supply voltage (the no-gain property)2. Check if the procedure “converges” within the given interval as the dimension of

the system increases3. Divide interval if criteria is not satisfied4. Repeat procedure for a given number of steps5. If no DC OP is identified in a sub-interval, expand the interval so that an already

identified DC OP is included and recheck criteria6. If criteria is fulfilled, all DC OPs are found within the initial interval

H. Weber, Lj. Trajković, and W. Mathis: MWSCAS 202111.08.2021

Example: CMOS Multivibrator


*A. Buonomo, “A new CMOS astable multivibrator and its nonlinear analysis,” International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications, vol. 39, no. 2, pp. 91–102, Feb. 2011.

• Initial interval given by supply voltage

• One trivial DC OP at the origin

Polynomial model*:DC operating points:

Decomposition into two sub-networks

H. Weber, Lj. Trajković, and W. Mathis: MWSCAS 202111.08.2021

Example: CMOS Multivibrator


• Solutions “converge” within given intervals

• All possible DC OPs in the initial interval are identified

H. Weber, Lj. Trajković, and W. Mathis: MWSCAS 202111.08.2021

Self-consistent Carleman linearization with maximal dimension

Summary and Extensions

• Considered DC operating points (OPs) of nonlinear circuits described by polynomial models

• Calculated DC OPs over a given interval based on the self-consistent Carleman linearization

• The initial interval was defined by the supply voltage if the no-gain property holds• Successive partition of the initial interval was used to identify all DC OPs• The procedure was illustrated for two nonlinear circuits: tunnel diode and CMOS

multivibrator• The approach is applicable to nonlinear circuits decomposable into sub-networks• Extensions of the procedure for:

• higher dimensional algebraic equations• nonlinear equations with transcendental functions

28H. Weber, Lj. Trajković, and W. Mathis: MWSCAS 202111.08.2021

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