final process paper

Post on 16-Nov-2015






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Process PaperMy partner and I wanted to choose a topic that was important to us, so we began by looking for information on Hispanic issues since the majority of our town is Hispanic. With help from our history teacher, we learned that two of the largest Hispanic civils rights organizations in the United States started in Corpus Christi, Texas. That really helped us focus on a topic close to our home. We wanted to find an individual leader who had an impact on our community. With just a small amount of research, Dr. Hector P. Garcia immediately became our first choice.We started our research by finding several websites and two movies to get basic information on Dr. Garcia before we tried to find primary sources. We decided to divide the work and compare information from our notes. Then we scheduled a field trip to Texas A&M University to work with archivists in the Hector P. Garcia archives. We identified the areas we wanted to cover and sent an email to the archives so they could pull the files we needed. As we found information, they scanned the documents and photos so we could print them once we got back to the school. We also looked for possible interviews so we could learn more about the people who worked with Dr. Garcia in the G. I. Forum. Once we finished our research, we decided that the best was to present the information was by creating a documentary or a website. Since we do not have a program to make a documentary, we chose the website category. First, we wrote out our story that we wanted to present so we could make sure to cover all of the important details about the history and the theme. That helped us create an outline and draw a story board of the website pages. Then we looked at the photos, documents, interviews, and videos we had to determine which ones worked best with our information and decided what to put on our tabs and subheadings on the site. The hardest part for us was learning to use the design tools we needed to create the pages on our site and choosing which colors and fonts to use. Shauns aunt taught us how to copy the documentaries onto a jump-drive so that we could pull what we needed from them. She also helped us learn how to transfer the clips and edit the audio. Our topic fits the theme of leadership and legacy in every way. Dr. Hector P. Garcia became a leader when Hispanics faced all types of discrimination and segregation and had no one to defend their rights. Dr. Garcia created the American G. I. Forum to helped Hispanic veterans after World War II, but then went on to help desegregate schools, repeal the poll tax, and protect the rights of workers. His legacy is that today we have all of the rights he was once denied.

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