filter analysis3

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  • 8/12/2019 Filter Analysis3



    The Laplace Transform

    M. J. Roberts - All Rights Reserved.

    Edited by Dr. Robert Akl


    Generalizing the Fourier Transform

    The CTFT expresses a time-domain signal as a linear

    combination of complex sinusoidsof the form ej!t

    . In thegeneralization of the CTFT to the Laplace transform, the

    complex sinusoids become complex exponentialsof the

    form est

    where scan have any complex value. Replacing

    the complex sinusoids with complex exponentials leads to

    this definition of the Laplace transform.

    L x t( )( ) = X s( ) = x t( )e" stdt"#



    x t( ) L% &' X s( )

    M. J. Roberts - All Rights Reserved. Edited by Dr. Robert Akl 2

    Generalizing the Fourier Transform

    The variable sis viewed as a generalization of the variable !of

    the form s = "+ j!. Then, when ",the real part of s, is zero, the

    Laplace transform reduces to the CTFT. Using s = "+ j!the

    Laplace transform is

    X s( ) = x t( )e# " +j!( )t dt#$



    = F x t( )e#"t&' ()which is the Fourier

    transform of x t( )e#"t

    M. J. Roberts - All Rights Reserved. Edited by Dr. Robert Akl 3

    Generalizing the Fourier TransformThe extra factor e!

    "t is sometimes called a convergence factor

    because, when chosen properly, it makes the integral converge

    for some signals for which it would not otherwise converge.

    For example, strictly speaking, the signal A u t( ) does not have

    a CTFT because the integral does not converge. But if it is

    multiplied by the convergence factor, and the real part of s

    is chosen appropriately, the CTFT integral will converge.

    A u t( )e!j#t dt!$


    % = A e!j#t dt



    % &Does not converge

    Ae!"t u t( )e!j#t dt



    % =A e! " +j#( )t



    % &Converges (if "> 0)

    M. J. Roberts - All Rights Reserved. Edited by Dr. Robert Akl 4

    Complex Exponential Excitation

    M. J. Roberts - All Rights Reserved. Edited by Dr. Robert Akl 5

    Complex Exponential Excitation

    M. J. Roberts - All Rights Reserved. Edited by Dr. Robert Akl 6

  • 8/12/2019 Filter Analysis3



    Pierre-Simon Laplace

    3/23/1749 - 3/2/1827M. J. Roberts - All Rights Reserved. Edited by Dr. Robert Akl 7

    The Transfer Function

    Let x t( ) be the excitation and let y t( ) be the response of a

    system with impulse response h t( ). The Laplace transform ofy t( ) is

    Y s( ) = y t( )e!stdt!"


    # = h t( )$x t( )%& '(e!stdt!"



    Y s( ) = h )( )x t!)( )d)!"










    Y s( ) = h )( )d)!"


    # x t!)( )e!stdt!"



    M. J. Roberts - All Rights Reserved. Edited by Dr. Robert Akl 8

    The Transfer Function

    Let x t( ) = u t( ) and let h t( ) =e!4tu t( ). Find yt( ).

    yt( ) = x t( )"h t( ) = x #( )h t! #( )d#!$


    % = u #( )e!4t!#( )

    u t! #( )d#!$



    yt( ) =e!4t!#( )




    % =e!4t





    % =e!4te




    4 , t> 0

    0 , t< 0




    yt( ) = 1/ 4( ) 1!e!4t( )u t( )

    X s( ) = 1/ s, H s( ) =1

    s+ 4*Y s( ) =




    s+ 4=

    1/ 4


    1/ 4

    s + 4

    x t( ) = 1/ 4( ) 1!e!4t( )u t( )

    M. J. Roberts - All Rights Reserved. Edited by Dr. Robert Akl 9

    Cascade-Connected Systems

    If two systems are cascade connected the transfer function of

    the overall system is the product of the transfer functions of the

    two individual systems.

    M. J. Roberts - All Rights Reserved. Edited by Dr. Robert Akl 10

    Direct Form II Realization

    M. J. Roberts - All Rights Reserved. Edited by Dr. Robert Akl 11

    Direct Form II Realization

    M. J. Roberts - All Rights Reserved. Edited by Dr. Robert Akl 12

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    Direct Form II Realization

    M. J. Roberts - All Rights Reserved. Edited by Dr. Robert Akl 13

    Direct Form II Realization

    M. J. Roberts - All Rights Reserved. Edited by Dr. Robert Akl 14

    Direct Form II Realization

    M. J. Roberts - All Rights Reserved. Edited by Dr. Robert Akl 15

    Direct Form II Realization

    A system is defined by !!y t( )+ 3 !y t( )+ 7y t( ) = !x t( )" 5 x t( ).

    H s( ) =s " 5

    s2+ 3s + 7

    M. J. Roberts - All Rights Reserved. Edited by Dr. Robert Akl 16

    Inverse Laplace Transform

    There is an inversion integral

    y t( ) =1

    j2!Y s( )estds



    % , s = "+ j&

    for finding y t( ) from Y s( ), but it is rarely used in practice.Usually inverse Laplace transforms are found by using tables

    of standard functions and the properties of the Laplace transform.

    M. J. Roberts - All Rights Reserved. Edited by Dr. Robert Akl 17

    Existence of the Laplace

    TransformTime Limited Signals

    If x t( ) = 0 for t< t0 and t> t1it is a time limitedsignal. If

    x t( ) is also bounded for all t, the Laplace transform integralconverges and the Laplace transform exists for alls.

    M. J. Roberts - All Rights Reserved. Edited by Dr. Robert Akl 18

  • 8/12/2019 Filter Analysis3



    Existence of the Laplace


    Let x t( ) = rect t( ) = u t+ 1/ 2( )! u t!1/ 2( ).

    X s( ) = rect t( )e!stdt!"


    # = e!st




    # =e!s/2 ! es/2


    es/2 ! e!s/2

    s, Alls

    M. J. Roberts - All Rights Reserved. Edited by Dr. Robert Akl 19

    Existence of the Laplace

    TransformRight- and Left-Sided Signals

    Right-Sided Left-Sided

    M. J. Roberts - All Rights Reserved. Edited by Dr. Robert Akl 20

    Existence of the Laplace

    TransformRight- and Left-Sided Exponentials

    Right-Sided Left-Sidedx t( ) = e!t u t" t0( ) , !#! x t( ) = e!t u t0 " t( ) , !#!

    M. J. Roberts - All Rights Reserved. Edited by Dr. Robert Akl 21

    Existence of the Laplace


    Right-Sided Exponentialx t( ) =e!t u t" t0( ) , !#!

    X s( ) = e!te" stdtt0


    % = e! "&( )t

    e" j'tdtt0



    If Re s( ) = & >!the asymptotic

    behavior of e! "&( )t

    e" j't

    as t($

    is to approach zero and the Laplace

    transform integral converges.

    M. J. Roberts - All Rights Reserved. Edited by Dr. Robert Akl 22

    Existence of the Laplace


    Left-Sided Exponentialx t( ) =e!t u t0 " t( ) , !#!

    X s( ) = e!te"stdt"$


    % = e!"&( )t

    e" j't




    If &< !the asymptotic behavior of

    e!"&( )t

    e" j't as t("$is to approach

    zero and the Laplace transform

    integral converges.

    M. J. Roberts - All Rights Reserved. Edited by Dr. Robert Akl 23

    Existence of the Laplace

    TransformThe two conditions !> "and !< #define the region of

    convergence(ROC) for the Laplace transform of right- and

    left-sided signals.

    M. J. Roberts - All Rights Reserved. Edited by Dr. Robert Akl 24

  • 8/12/2019 Filter Analysis3



    Existence of the Laplace


    Any right-sided signal that grows no faster than an exponentialin positive time and any left-sided signal that grows no faster

    than an exponential in negative time has a Laplace transform.

    If x t( ) = xr t( ) + x

    l t( ) where x

    r t( ) is the right-sided part and

    xl t( ) is the left-sided part and if x

    r t( ) < K

    re!t and x

    l t( ) < K


    and !and "are as small as possible, then the Laplace-transform

    integral converges and the Laplace transform exists for !< # &' & e

    &'tsin (0t( )u &t( ) L" #$


    s+'( )2


    2, %< &'

    e&'tcos (

    0t( )u t( ) L" #$


    s+'( )2



    , %> &' & e&'tcos (

    0t( )u &t( ) L" #$


    s+'( )2



    , %< &'

    Some of the most common Laplace transform pairs(There is more extensive table in the book.)

    M. J. Roberts - All Rights Reserved. Edited by Dr. Robert Akl 28

    Laplace Transform Example

    Find the Laplace transform of

    x t( ) = e!t u t( )+ e2t u !t( )

    e!t u t( ) L" #$ 1

    s +1, %> !1

    e2t u !t( ) L" #$ !


    s ! 2 , %< 2

    e!t u t( )+ e2t u !t( ) L" #$


    s +1!


    s ! 2 , ! 1

  • 8/12/2019 Filter Analysis3



    Laplace Transform Example

    Find the inverse Laplace transform of

    X s( ) =4

    s + 3!


    s ! 6, " > 6

    The ROC tells us that both terms must inverse transform into a

    right-sided signal.

    x t( ) = 4e!3t u t( )!10e6t u t( )

    M. J. Roberts - All Rights Reserved. Edited by Dr. Robert Akl 31

    Laplace Transform Example

    Find the inverse Laplace transform of

    X s( ) =4

    s + 3!


    s ! 6, "

  • 8/12/2019 Filter Analysis3



    Partial-Fraction Expansion

    M. J. Roberts - All Rights Reserved. Edited by Dr. Robert Akl 37

    Partial-Fraction ExpansionH s( ) =


    s + 4( ) s + 9( )=


    s + 4+


    s + 9 , ! >"4

    K1= s + 4( )


    s + 4( ) s + 9( )






    s + 9






    K2= s + 9( )


    s + 4( ) s + 9( )






    s + 4






    H s( ) ="8

    s + 4+


    s + 9=

    "8s" 72+18s + 72

    s + 4( ) s + 9( ) =


    s + 4( ) s + 9( ) . Check.

    ) ) ) ) )

    h t( ) = "8e"4 t +18e"9t( )u t( )

    M. J. Roberts - All Rights Reserved. Edited by Dr. Robert Akl 38

    Partial-Fraction Expansion

    M. J. Roberts - All Rights Reserved. Edited by Dr. Robert Akl 39

    Partial-Fraction Expansion

    M. J. Roberts - All Rights Reserved. Edited by Dr. Robert Akl 40

    Partial-Fraction Expansion

    H s( ) =10s

    s + 4( )2s + 9( )


    s + 4( )2 +


    s + 4+


    s + 9 , ! > 4


    Repeated Pole

    K12 = s + 4( )2 10s

    s +4( )

    2s +

    9( )











    m )k( )!d



    s ) pq( )m

    H s( )#$


    , k= 1,2,!,m

    K11 =1

    2 )1( )!


    ds2)1 s + 4( )

    2H s( )#$





    s + 9




    M. J. Roberts - All Rights Reserved. Edited by Dr. Robert Akl 41

    Partial-Fraction Expansion

    M. J. Roberts - All Rights Reserved. Edited by Dr. Robert Akl 42

  • 8/12/2019 Filter Analysis3



    Partial-Fraction Expansion

    H s( ) =10s


    s + 4( ) s + 9( ) , !> "4# Improper in s

    H s( ) =10s


    s2+13s + 36

    , ! >"4

    Synthetic Division$ s 2 +13s + 36 10s2

    10s2+130s + 360

    "130s" 360


    H s( ) =10 "130s + 360

    s + 4( ) s + 9( )= 10 "


    s + 4+


    s + 9



    )* , !> "4

    h t( ) = 10+ t( )" 162e"9t " 32e"4 t%& ()u t( )

    M. J. Roberts - All Rights Reserved. Edited by Dr. Robert Akl 43

    Method 1

    G s( ) =s

    s! 3( ) s2 ! 4s + 5( ) , " < 2

    G s( ) =s

    s! 3( ) s!2 + j( ) s!2 ! j( ) , "< 2

    G s( ) =3 / 2

    s! 3!

    3+ j( ) / 4

    s!2 + j!

    3! j( ) / 4s!2 ! j

    , " < 2

    g t( ) = !3



    3+ j


    2!j( )t+

    3! j4

    e2+j( )t#

    $% &

    '(u !t( )

    Inverse Laplace Transform Example

    M. J. Roberts - All Rights Reserved. Edited by Dr. Robert Akl 44

    g t( ) = !3



    3+ j


    2!j( )t+

    3! j4

    e2+j( )t"

    #$ %

    &'u ! t( )

    This looks like a function of time that is complex-valued. But,

    with the use of some trigonometric identities it can be put into

    the form

    g t( ) = 3 / 2( ) e2t cos t( )+ 1 / 3( )sin t( )() *+!e3t{ }u ! t( )

    which has only real values.

    Inverse Laplace Transform Example

    M. J. Roberts - All Rights Reserved. Edited by Dr. Robert Akl 45

    Method 2

    G s( ) =s

    s ! 3( ) s2 ! 4s + 5( ) , " < 2

    G s( ) =s

    s ! 3( ) s ! 2 + j( ) s ! 2 ! j( ) , " < 2

    G s( ) =3 / 2

    s ! 3!

    3+ j( ) / 4

    s ! 2 + j!

    3! j( ) / 4

    s ! 2 ! j , " < 2

    Getting a common denominator and simplifying

    G s( ) =3 / 2

    s ! 3!



    6s !10

    s2! 4s + 5

    =3 / 2

    s ! 3!



    s ! 5 / 3

    s ! 2( )2+1

    , " < 2

    Inverse Laplace Transform Example

    M. J. Roberts - All Rights Reserved. Edited by Dr. Robert Akl 46

    Method 2

    G s( ) =3 / 2

    s! 3!



    s! 5 / 3

    s! 2( )2+1

    , "< 2

    The denominator of the second term has the form of the Laplace

    transform of a damped cosine or damped sine but the numerator

    is not yet in the correct form. But by adding and subtracting thecorrect expression from that term and factoring we can put it into

    the form

    G s( ) =3 / 2

    s! 3!



    s! 2

    s! 2( )2+1

    +1 / 3

    s! 2( )2+1




    '( , " < 2

    Inverse Laplace Transform Example

    M. J. Roberts - All Rights Reserved. Edited by Dr. Robert Akl 47

    Method 2

    G s( ) =3 / 2

    s! 3!



    s! 2

    s! 2( )2+1

    +1 / 3

    s! 2( )2+1




    &' , (< 2

    This can now be directly inverse Laplace transformed into

    g t( ) = 3 / 2( ) e2t cos t( )+ 1 / 3( )sin t( )"# %&!e3t{ }u !t( )

    which is the same as the previous result.

    Inverse Laplace Transform Example

    M. J. Roberts - All Rights Reserved. Edited by Dr. Robert Akl 48

  • 8/12/2019 Filter Analysis3



    Method 3

    When we have a pair of poles p2 and p3 that are complex conjugates

    we can convert the form G s( ) =A

    s ! 3+


    s ! p2+


    s ! p3into the

    form G s( ) =A

    s ! 3+

    s K2 +

    K3( )! K3p2 ! K2p3

    s2! p1 + p2( ) s + p1p2


    s ! 3+

    Bs + C

    s2! p1 + p2( )s +p1p2

    In this example we can find the constants A, Band Cby realizing that

    G s( ) =s

    s ! 3( ) s2 ! 4s + 5( )"


    s ! 3+

    Bs + C

    s2! 4s + 5

    , #< 2

    is not just an equation, it is an identity. That means it must be an

    equality for any value of s.

    Inverse Laplace Transform Example

    M. J. Roberts - All Rights Reserved. Edited by Dr. Robert Akl 49

    Inverse Laplace Transform Example Method 3

    Acan be found as before to be 3/ 2. Letting s = 0, the

    identity becomes 0 ! "3 / 2


    5and C= 5 / 2. Then, letting

    s = 1, and solving we get B = " 3/ 2. Now

    G s( ) =3 / 2

    s " 3+

    "3 / 2( )s + 5 / 2s

    2" 4s + 5

    , #< 2


    G s( ) =3 / 2

    s " 3"



    s " 5 / 3


    " 4s + 5 , #< 2

    This is the same as a result in Method 2 and the rest of the solution

    is also the same. The advantage of this method is that all the

    numbers are real.

    M. J. Roberts - All Rights Reserved. Edited by Dr. Robert Akl 50

    Use of MATLAB in Partial Fraction


    MATLAB has a function residuethat can be very helpful in

    partial fraction expansion. Its syntax is[r,p,k] = residue(b,a)

    where bis a vector of coefficients of descending powers of s

    in the numerator of the expression and ais a vector of coefficients

    of descending powers of sin the denominator of the expression,

    ris a vector of residues, pis a vector of finite pole locations and

    kis a vector of so-called direct terms which result when the

    degree of the numerator is equal to or greater than the degree

    of the denominator. For our purposes, residues are simply the

    numerators in the partial-fraction expansion.

    M. J. Roberts - All Rights Reserved. Edited by Dr. Robert Akl 51

    Laplace Transform Properties

    Let g t( ) and h t( ) form the transform pairs, g t( ) L! "# G s( )

    and h t( ) L! "# H s( ) with ROC's, ROCG and ROCH respectively.

    Linearity $g t( )+ %h t( ) L! "# $G s( )+ %H s( )


    Time Shifting g t ( t0( )L

    ! "# G s( )e(st0

    ROC = ROCG

    s-Domain Shift es0t g t( ) L! "# G s ( s0( )

    ROC = ROCG shifted by s0,

    (sis in ROC if s ( s0 is in ROCG )

    M. J. Roberts - All Rights Reserved. Edited by Dr. Robert Akl 52

    Time Scaling g at( ) L! "# 1/ a( )G s /a( ) ROC = ROCG scaled by a

    (sis in ROC if s /ais in ROCG )

    Time Differentiationd

    dtg t( ) L! "# sG s( )

    ROC $ ROCG

    s-Domain Differentiation % tg t( ) L! "#d

    dsG s( )


    Laplace Transform Properties

    M. J. Roberts - All Rights Reserved. Edited by Dr. Robert Akl 53

    Convolution in Time g t( )!h t( ) L" #$ G s( )H s( )


    Time Integration g '( )d'()


    *L" #$ G s( ) /s

    ROC % ROCG & + > 0( )

    If g t( ) = 0 , t< 0 and there are no impulses or higher-order

    singularities at t= 0 then

    Initial Value Theorem: g 0+( ) = lims#)

    sG s( )

    Final Value Theorem: limt#)

    g t( ) = lims#0

    sG s( ) if limt#)

    g t( ) exists

    Laplace Transform Properties

    M. J. Roberts - All Rights Reserved. Edited by Dr. Robert Akl 54

  • 8/12/2019 Filter Analysis3



    FinalValueTheorem limt!"

    g t( ) = lims!


    sG s( )

    This theorem only applies if the limit limt!"

    g t( ) actually exists.

    It is possible for the limit lims!0

    sG s( ) to exist even though the

    limit limt!"

    g t( ) does not exist. For example

    x t( ) = cos #0t( )L

    $ !% X s( ) =s




    s X s( ) = lims!0



    2 = 0

    but limt!"

    cos #0t( ) does not exist.

    Laplace Transform Properties

    M. J. Roberts - All Rights Reserved. Edited by Dr. Robert Akl 55

    Final Value TheoremLaplace Transform Properties

    The final value theorem applies to a function G s( ) if all the

    poles of sG s( ) lie in the open left half of the splane. Be sure

    to notice that this does not say that all the poles of G s( ) must

    lie in the open left half of the splane. G s( ) could have a single

    pole at s = 0 and the final value theorem would still apply.

    M. J. Roberts - All Rights Reserved. Edited by Dr. Robert Akl 56

    Use of Laplace Transform


    Find the Laplace transforms of x t( ) = u t( ) ! u t! a( ) and

    x 2t( ) = u 2t( ) ! u 2t! a( ). From the table u t( ) L" #$ 1 /s, %> 0.

    Then, using the time-shifting property u t! a( ) L" #$ e!as / s, % > 0.

    Using the linearity property u t( ) ! u t! a( ) L" #$ 1! e!as( ) /s, %> 0.Using the time-scaling property

    u 2t( ) ! u 2t! a( ) L" #$1


    1! e!as







    =1! e!as/2


    , %> 0

    M. J. Roberts - All Rights Reserved. Edited by Dr. Robert Akl 57

    Use of Laplace Transform


    Use the s-domain differentiation property and

    u t( ) L! "# 1 /s , $ > 0

    to find the inverse Laplace transform of 1/ s2. The s-domain

    differentiation property is %tg t( ) L! "# d

    dsG s( )( ). Then

    %tu t( ) L! "# d





    )*+= %



    . Then using the linearity property

    tu t( ) L! "#1



    M. J. Roberts - All Rights Reserved. Edited by Dr. Robert Akl 58

    The Unilateral Laplace

    TransformIn most practical signal and system analysis using the Laplace

    transform a modified form of the transform, called the unilateral

    Laplace transform, is used. The unilateral Laplace transform is

    defined by G s( ) = g t( )e!st dt0!


    # . The only difference betweenthis version and the previous definition is the change of the lower

    integration limit from ! "to 0 !. With this definition, all the

    Laplace transforms of causal functions are the same as before

    with the same ROC, the region of the splane to the right of all

    the finite poles.

    M. J. Roberts - All Rights Reserved. Edited by Dr. Robert Akl 59

    The Unilateral Laplace


    The unilateral Laplace transform integral excludes negative time.

    If a function has non-zero behavior in negative time its unilateral

    and bilateral transforms will be different. Also functions with the

    same positive time behavior but different negative time behavior

    will have the same unilateral Laplace transform. Therefore, to avoidambiguity and confusion, the unilateral Laplace transform should

    only be used in analysis of causal signals and systems. This is a

    limitation but in most practical analysis this limitation is not significant

    and the unilateral Laplace transform actually has advantages.

    M. J. Roberts - All Rights Reserved. Edited by Dr. Robert Akl 60

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    The Unilateral Laplace


    The main advantage of the unilateral Laplace transform is that

    the ROC is simpler than for the bilateral Laplace transform and,

    in most practical analysis, involved consideration of the ROC is

    unnecessary. The inverse Laplace transform is unchanged. It is

    g t( ) =1

    j2!G s( )e+stds




    M. J. Roberts - All Rights Reserved. Edited by Dr. Robert Akl 61

    The Unilateral Laplace


    Some of the properties of the unilateral Laplace transform aredifferent from the bilateral Laplace transform.

    Time-Shifting g t! t0( )L" #$ G s( )e!st0 , t0 > 0

    Time Scaling g at( ) L" #$ 1 / a( )G s /a( ) , a > 0

    First Time Derivatived

    dtg t( ) L" #$ sG s( )! g 0!( )

    Nth Time Derivatived



    g t( )( ) L" #$ sN G s( )! sN!n d



    g t( )( )%






    Time Integration g ,( )d,0!


    -L" #$ G s( ) /s

    M. J. Roberts - All Rights Reserved. Edited by Dr. Robert Akl 62

    The Unilateral Laplace


    The time shifting property applies only for shifts to the right because

    a shift to the left could cause a signal to become non-causal. For the

    same reason scaling in time must only be done with positive scaling

    coefficients so that time is not reversed producing an anti-causal function.

    The derivative property must now take into account the initial value

    of the function at time t = 0! and the integral property applies only to

    functional behavior after time t = 0. Since the unilateral and bilateral

    Laplace transforms are the same for causal functions, the bilateral table

    of transform pairs can be used for causal functions.

    M. J. Roberts - All Rights Reserved. Edited by Dr. Robert Akl 63

    The Unilateral Laplace

    TransformThe Laplace transform was developed for the solution of differential

    equations and the unilateral form is especially well suited for solving

    differential equations with initial conditions. For example,




    x t( )!" #$ + 7d

    dtx t( )!" #$ +12x t( ) = 0

    with initial conditions x 0%( ) = 2 and d

    dtx t( )( )

    t=0% =%4.

    Laplace transforming both sides of the equation, using the new

    derivative property for unilateral Laplace transforms,

    s2 X s( )%s x 0%( )%


    dtx t( )( )

    t=0% + 7 s X s( )% x 0

    %( )!" #$ +12 X s( ) = 0

    M. J. Roberts - All Rights Reserved. Edited by Dr. Robert Akl 64

    The Unilateral Laplace


    M. J. Roberts - All Rights Reserved. Edited by Dr. Robert Akl 65

    Pole-Zero Diagrams and

    Frequency Response

    M. J. Roberts - All Rights Reserved. Edited by Dr. Robert Akl 66

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    Pole-Zero Diagrams and

    Frequency Response

    M. J. Roberts - All Rights Reserved. Edited by Dr. Robert Akl 67

    Pole-Zero Diagrams and

    Frequency Response


    + H j!( ) = lim!"0+ 3 j!

    j!+ 3=0lim

    !"0# H j!( ) = lim!"0# 3


    j!+ 3=0


    H j!( ) = lim!"+#

    3 j!

    j!+ 3= 3lim


    H j!( ) = lim!"#$

    3 j!

    j!+ 3= 3

    M. J. Roberts - All Rights Reserved. Edited by Dr. Robert Akl 68

    Pole-Zero Diagrams and

    Frequency Response

    lim!"0+!H j!( ) =#

    2$ 0 =


    2lim!"0#!H j!( ) = #$

    2# 0 = #



    lim!"#$!H j!( ) =#%

    2# #




    )*+ = 0 lim!"+#!H j!( ) =




    M. J. Roberts - All Rights Reserved. Edited by Dr. Robert Akl 69

    Pole-Zero Diagrams and

    Frequency Response

    M. J. Roberts - All Rights Reserved. Edited by Dr. Robert Akl 70

    Pole-Zero Diagrams and

    Frequency Response

    M. J. Roberts - All Rights Reserved. Edited by Dr. Robert Akl 71

    Pole-Zero Diagrams and

    Frequency Response

    M. J. Roberts - All Rights Reserved. Edited by Dr. Robert Akl 72

  • 8/12/2019 Filter Analysis3



    Pole-Zero Diagrams and

    Frequency Response

    M. J. Roberts - All Rights Reserved. Edited by Dr. Robert Akl 73

    Pole-Zero Diagrams and

    Frequency Response

    M. J. Roberts - All Rights Reserved. Edited by Dr. Robert Akl 74

    Pole-Zero Diagrams and

    Frequency Response

    M. J. Roberts - All Rights Reserved. Edited by Dr. Robert Akl 75

    Pole-Zero Diagrams and

    Frequency Response

    M. J. Roberts - All Rights Reserved. Edited by Dr. Robert Akl 76

    Pole-Zero Diagrams and

    Frequency Response

    M. J. Roberts - All Rights Reserved. Edited by Dr. Robert Akl 77

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