film title design process

Post on 17-Jul-2015






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Film Title

Marian, Jerome, Mital


Idea 1

Created a new Adobe Photoshop file (AP) A4m then turned it 90 degrees clockwise as shown below.

Looked for a dark and mysterious background on google and copied it into PowerPoint(PP).

Using the following ‘color’ modes below we managed to change the colour into a dark red colour.




Used PP correction to give this image some brightness and softness.

Enlarged the picture, copied it into paint and back in to PP.



Then went into ‘color’ then saturated and toned the image up into the one above.

Copied image from PP to AP (Photoshop) and then enlarge it

Added the text “Missing Jaime” as that is the filming title, changed the font and colour to fit it into the background.

Added a bit of colour to back ground then transitioned it to look more related to the genre.

Final colour for title

<- Version 1 no capital letters

Version 2 with capital letters ->

Due to fast typing a mistake has been made to the name instead of Jamie we wrote Jaime and realised at the end and made this correction.


In order to use this in our movie as our film title we’ve converted the Photoshop file into a PNG image file but the school computer reads the PNG image file as a Fireworks file. This process was done for both files. The process: Go into “File” and press “Save As…” select the “PNG” option then press ok.

Idea 2

1)In a PowerPoint presentation went into insert pressed “WordArt” Selected Fill style

2)Typed our film title in the text box3)Spaced each letter so the text can be animated4)Added Dash outline so the title looks creepy and mysterious





We split each letter of the title so it can be animated later on.

Inserted 1 layer for each letter (12) and reserved 1 layer for the background then renamed the layers.


Copied each letters from PP into the layers.Added a black background. And used a blue line to place all the letters in a straight horizontal position.

Inserted key frames to start animating, messed the letters around and then created classic tween for the animation.

Inserted another key frame later on the timeline, in the key frame we turned the brightness of the letters from 100% to -100%.

Created classic tween, so now the animation fades out in black

Then converted this animation into a window movie file

Idea 3

Used the previous background from idea 1 as the background for idea 2 to make idea 3, removed the old (black) background, classic twins and added the background from idea 1.

Made the background from idea 1 in last key frame have no (-100%) brightness so in the end it fades to black.In the first frame key frame we added -48% brightness and added classic twins, this will add a small fade in effect to the background as the letters assemble.

Exported file so it can be used in the movie.

The end

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