fifrq v* · sangeet, dhawani, nada' struti' srvara'...

Post on 12-Feb-2020






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SYLLAEUS 2017-t8

Glass: 1{th

Sublect: HINDI

T9TST Fi[ :

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In the €nd, lt's not the years in your life that count.ItEthe lifc in youryears. (Abraham Lindon)

1 - X ]

Books prescribed:



EilGIISH1. Hornbill2. Snapshots

: The Canterville Ghost by Oscar Witde

1et Term (Juty to August)

1. The portrait of a Lady2. We're not afraid to OiL if we can all be together.3. A Photograph (poem)

_ The Voice of the Rain (poem)Snapshots:1. The Summer of the beautifuf \Mrite horse2. TheAddressNovel : Chapter 1, 2Grammar : Determiners, Tenses, VoiceWr*ing : Notice, nOvertisemlit.,-n"port ,*iting, LetterWiting, Speech &Article Writing

's' --..,

Hornbi' 2nd Term (September to November)

1. Discovering Tut: The Saga continues2. TheAiting pfanet : The GieerrUou"r"nfs Role3. The Browning VersionPoetry : Chitdhood, Father to SonSnapshots:1. Ranga's Maniage2. Afbert Einstein at School3. Mothe/s Day4. Birth5. Tate of Meton CityNovel : Chapter 3,4, 5, 6, 7srammar : Modals, Clauses

I'm a slow walker but I never walk back.(Abraham Linclon)

2 -X|/

.Fffi:W&slst Term

u|*t : 1. ,Physlc€f; Wot{*&

3, Laws of Motion ' .-.;,4. Work, Potrer & Energry- . .,.-, 1 ?.5. Morion er system orFal{dibii U-Ribr roevl i

-:-=-, ,,{i#;fdni --";;,}r.:". r .:. '

: 6. Gnavitd'Pn

7. Pro ##ffifffiffi

8. Thenn@namics " 1- < :

9. Behav.isrr.of hrbdGa*&@i6''" '

Theory of Gases

... . 10. oscffiqgq& Vtbve--: , " :i'.

(lndudin$"tqt-fwE ), , ,, , ,. .--',


1.. PMI

, 2. Three DitreFiord Georne*rY

*3-"GomPtex Nun6er

" 4'Llnear Ineqtslitie

5. Sets

6. ReHions and Function

7. Trigonoretry8. statistics9. Probabitily

2nd Term

1. Permutation and Combination

2. BinomialTheorem

3. Sequence and Series

4. Straight Line

5. Conic Section

6. Limits and Derivative

7. Mathematical Reasoning + lstTerm Syllabus


lst Term

1. Some Basic ConcePt of Chemistry

2. Structure of Atom

3. Classification of Element & Periodicity in Property

4. Chemical Bonding & Molecular Structure

5. Hydrogen

6. Redox Reaction

7' Environmental chemistry + Practicalwork

2nd Term

1. ThermodYnamics

2. Equilibrium

3. S-block elements

4. p-block elemtnts

5. Organic ChemistrY

6. HYdrocarbon

7. States of Matter (Gases + Liquid) +

First Term Syllabus + PracticalWork

People are iust as haPPY.?? tryY T?L1'Pirrei l . ino"io ue.' '

- (Abraham Linclon)

4 - x l

- . t




Unit 1

Unit 2

Unit 3

Unit 4


Unit 5

DiversitY in the Living World

Siructuraf Organisation in Plants* Animals

Cell Structure & Funetion

Plant Physiology + Prac'ticalWbrk '

Plant ffisiology

AnimatPtryrsiology + PffiattfVork +

Syllabus of 1st Term



1. Definitisn of the Fi#owing :

Sangeet, Dhawani, Nada' Struti' Srvara' SaDtak' Thaat' Jati'

Raga, Gat, Taran", i'iiul?n-" *i Aniu"ohahon' Laya' Taal

2. contribution and J; Life Sketch of MiyanTansen' Pt' v'N'


I "t"t

arrdy of Musical elements in NatYaShastra

Practical i

1. A. One Dant Khyalwith simple elaboration and a few tones

in the following Ragas :

aift"g, Vrindavani; Sarang' Jaunpuri

B. One Vilambit Khyal wfth simple elabordion and a

few tones in the Prescribed Ragas'

C.. One Swarmalika and one Lakshanjeet in each Raga'

One Devotionalsong

Xno*f"ag" of the Structure & Tuning of Tanpura

Believe you can and vou arc half rvay thcre'-' (Theodore Rccscvelt)




lst Term :

Unit 1 : Changing trends & career in Physical

Unit 2 : Physical Fitness' \Alellness and lifestyle

Unit3 : OlYmPicMovement

Unit 4 : Yoga

Unit 5 : DoPing

Unit6 : PhYsicalActivitYMovement

2. Brief Knowlege of Gharana


1. Raga Bhairavi

2. Recitation of the thaPas

Cn"rt"t", Sultala, Ektala with


2nd Term :

Unit 7

Unit 8

Unit 9

Unit 10

Unit 11

of Dadra, Kehanra, Tee

Dugum keePin Tala with

Test & Measurement in sPort

Fundaments of Anatomy & Physiology

Biomechanics & SPorts

PhyschologY and sPorts

Training in sPorts

2nd Term :

Theory:1. Brief History of a) DhruPad

b) KhaYal

c) Tarana

Hate the Sin, Love the Sinner'- (Mahatama Gandhi)

6 - x l


Book:InformaticsPractices by Central Board of Secondary Education

lst Term (April to Septcmbcr)1. 'lntroduction of Cdmputer Systems

a) Hardware conceptsb) Softrrare concepts & prbductivity toolsc) Information security and social networking

2. Relational Databaso'Managem'eht System :a)_ Introduction of MySQL

b) MySQL

c) Functions in MySQL

3. Programming Fundamentalsznd Tcrm (Octobcr to Herch)

1. Infioduction to Programmrng

a) Getting started with IDE Programmingb) Programming Fundamentals

c) Controlstructuresd) Programming guidelines

2. lTApplications + Syllabus of First'Term




Part-A Statistic :Introduction

Collection, Organisation & Presentation of dataStatistical tools and interpretationsHuman Capital FormationPovertylnfrastructureEmployment and unemployment

The Best to find yourseff is to boee yourself inthe service of others. - (Mahdma Gandhi)

7 - X l


Part-A Statietic

: DeveloPing Projectsin Economtcs

, ;;;l;;;nt Policies and exPerience

, ;;;;;;icrerormssince 1ee1

, 'cuii"nt

challengesfacing Indian Economy

: Development expeiieidof rndia -Acomparison

with nei g hbo urs (i;;lu;ing First Term svllabus)



: Constitution : Wr!' How Philosophy of the

Constitution . -r:--^.i

: Rights in the constitution and directive'

orinciPtes of state PolicY

' Er""tion and RePresentation


: JudiciaryFederalism

: LocalGovt' .-^aro

Constitution as a living documents

2nd Term

: PoliticalTheory : Introduction' Freedorn

: EqualitYSocialJustice

: RightCitizenshiP

: NationalismSecularism

: PeaceDeveloPment

liir"ai"g First Term SYllabus)

Unit 1

Unit 2

Unit 3

Unit 4

Unit 5

Unit 6

Unit 7

Unit 8

Unit 9

Live as ir you were i:,*"t:1ffiff:['J:"3"ffi'li)

you were to live lor lorevel ' \rY's' '-. ' - ' -

0 - x l


ls tTerm:. Meaning and objectives of accounting

. BasicAccounting terms

. Accounting PrinciPles

. Process and bases of Accounting

. Accounting standards and IFRS

. Accounting equations

. DoubleEntrySYstem

. SourceDocuments

. Journaland Subsidiary Books

. CdshBook

. Ledger

. TrialBalance & Errors

. Bank Reconciliation Statement

. Depreciation, Provision and reserves

2ndTerm:. BillsofExchange. Rectification of Errors

. Financial Statement and adiustments

. Financial Statements of NPOs

. IncompleteRecords

. lntroductionto ComPuters



. Tally+ lstTerm SYllabus


lstTerm:. Natureand PurPoseof Business

. Form, of Business Organisation

. Public, Private and GlobalEnterprises

. BusinessServices. EmergingModesof


. Social Responsiniity of gu"iness & Business Ethics

2ndTerm:' . Sources of Business Finance

. SmallBusiness' lnternalTrade

" lntemational Business

3rdTerm:' Full ComPlete Revision

._. )

God has no religion' - (Mahatma Gandhi)

10 -x l

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