falcon announcements: may 8, 2015 - bownetfarragut.bownet.org/bhs/pdf/falcon announcements/2015 may...

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Falcon Announcements: May 8, 2015

May Calendar Events:

May 6-13 - Prom Tickets on sale $70.00 each

May 10 - Purple Ribbon Mother’s Day Run May 12, 13, 19 - NECAP Testing for ALL Juniors

May 13 - Quarter 4 Progress Reports May 27, 28 - Smarter Balance Assessment (Math) 7:30 AM for ALL Juniors

May 30 - “Into the Past” Prom 7 PM

NECAP Testing On Tuesday May 12, Wednesday May 13, and Tuesday May 19, 2015 the school schedule will be modified for

the following activities.

At 9:30 the school will follow a modified schedule with all normal classes on that day. Juniors – Arrive at 7:20am to prepare for the assessment for the New England Common Assessment Plan (NECAP)

State testing in science with all juniors on Tuesday May 12, Wednesday May 13, and Tuesday May 19, 2015. Room schedules will be announced later.

JUNIORS: If you know that your son/daughter will be away on these testing days please notify the school as soon as possible. If they are absent on either day, perhaps due to illness, please contact both the school attendance line and

guidance at x312 to let us know your child will not be present. Your student will make up the exam upon their return to school.

Senior students in the CRTC program will be expected to attend their Vocational classes and should arrive at school

at the normal time. Junior students in the CRTC program at Concord are excused from those classes on these two

days. CHS is aware our students will be testing, and it will not affect their program.

The Science NECAP exam is one of the important tools available to parents and educators to determine how well our schools are helping students meet standards and grade level expectations. In every assessment, scores are only as

meaningful as the effort students put into the tests.

Please encourage your child to take the tests seriously and to give their best effort. You can best help your child

prepare for the assessment by making sure that s/he is rested on the days the tests will be given. And, as with eve-ry day, it is critical that students have a good breakfast before heading off to school.

Finally, please make sure they are here by 7:20 so testing can begin promptly. Thank you for supporting your child

and our school during the testing period.

Please call or email me if have any questions.

Linda Frost, Assistant Principal


Arrival time

Tuesday May 12, 2015 Wednesday May 13, 2015 Tuesday May 19 2015

9th 7:25 – 9:25 Team Work (Humanities, BEST & IST 9)

Team Work (Humanities, BEST & IST 9)

Team Work (Humanities, BEST & IST 9)

10th 7:25 – 9:25 Sophomore project (classrooms)

Sophomore project (classrooms)

Sophomore project (classrooms)

11th 7:20 - 9:25 Science NECAP testing Science NECAP testing Science NECAP testing

12th 9:25 Late arrival Late arrival Late arrival


Bow High School Principal’s Report - May 2015

International Trips Summary 2015/16

These are the International trips planned for the 2015/16 academic year:

South Africa: Summer of 2015; Partnership with Hopkinton School District. Already Approved by the Bow School Board

France: Thanksgiving 2015; Already approved by the Bow School Board. May be cancelled because there are

fewer than ten students currently signed up.

We are seeking Bow School Board approval for a student Intersession trip to Costa Rica in April, 2016 with

chaperons Heather Rosenbleeth and Jonesy Rainville. Their proposal is attached. If approved, this would be our first trip to Costa Rica, and in future years, this trip would alternate with the Belize trip, which has taken

place before.

International Trip Proposals for 2016/17 School Year

Heather Rosenbleeth and Derek DeAngelis would like to propose a trip to Cuba for Thanksgiving week, 2016. They a would go through an established student travel organization called “Explorica.” The nine-day trip

would cost roughly $3500. Additional information is included with this proposal, though the proposal details

have not been confirmed, pending the Bow School Board’s decision.

We anticipate that our newly created partnership with Haihe High School in China will lead to alternating travel years between our two sister schools. We have begun the student exchange during Intersession 2015,

with our students traveling to China and staying with families of Haihe High School students during part of

this Intersession experience. In the fall of 2015, we expect that Haihe High School students will travel to this area and will stay with host families of our students.

Bow High School Receives Prestigious Honor

Bow High School was recently named the recipient of the New Hampshire 2015 School of Excellence Award by the

NH EDdies organization. This is a very prestigious honor with many worthy schools competing for this annual award. Linda Frost, Heidi Pauer, and Sam Dixon worked with a group of outstanding BHS student leaders to prepare the

materials and presented to the EDdies committee multiple times. This is a great honor and reflects the values and

beliefs of our communities, as well as the tireless dedication of our faculty, staff, and students. Much thanks and ap-preciation to be recognized for the work we do.

John House-Myers

Teacher Appreciation Week Thank You Dear Faculty and Support Staff,

I would like to take this moment to express my deep appreciation and gratitude for your work as educators in our school and community. In an era when public schools are consistently attacked from outside forces, you have al-

lowed us to shine a light on Bow High School and tell the community, our state, our nation, and yes, even the world,

that we are one of the finest high schools that you will ever find, anywhere, and that we are an exemplar, a school of excellence, a beacon of hope for every student who lands on our shores. Thank you for making each student feel

special, and investing so much of your professional and personal lives into the success of our students.

I have received many congratulations from well-wishers this week about Bow High School’s recent Award of Excel-

lence through the NH EDies. I respond the way I always have: that our exceptional teachers and support staff are the reasons why every year I believe we are the best high school around. We have received the accolades that we

have because we have the greatest teachers and support staff I have ever had the privilege to work with. Thank you for always striving to make a difference in each of our students’ lives.

You do so much to support and challenge our students, and find fulfillment in the growth and discoveries that you


witness in your students every day. I know that it does not occur by accident, that this is a result of consistently

hard work, dedication, care, and love. I also know that you do so by working with one another to create, innovate, risk, and challenge yourselves and one another to grow professionally, as you energetically and enthusiastically ex-

plore new frontiers for growing and learning. Thank you for your willingness to consistently reach higher, further, and deeper on behalf of the students and community you serve.

Finally, thank you for:

Your letters of recommendation for our senior students; Your service as mentors on Senior Seminar projects;

Your volunteering with groups and clubs; Your attending games, concerts and shows;

Your mentoring of ELO and Honors Options activities;

Your thoughtful support of one another through ups and downs; Your advocacy for students and one another;

Your donations and voices of support and encouragement; Your arranging events and activities that honor others;

Your coaching and cheerleading;

Your sense of humor, your intelligence, your empathy; Your making tough choices in tough moments;

Your reaching out to parents to clarify, communicate, and partner; Your constant efforts to improve and enhance Intersession experiences (even if you end up getting bitten by a log-

gerhead turtle in the process!); Your fundraising and sponsor partnerships to support your students’ projects;

Your thoughtful lesson planning and engaging instruction;

Your willingness to add new strategies and best practices to your repertoire...

Thank you for being the educators you are and making Bow High School the exceptional school for teaching and learning that we are. You make every day count.

You have my utmost respect and admiration. Thank you all for making a difference in the lives of our students. You are changing the world one student at a time.

Onward Bow,

Bow High School Administration

Volunteer Opportunities Volunteer for Concord’s Market Days Festival, which is being held this year on June 25, 26, and 27.

This is a family friendly festival, a long time summer tradition in Concord now in its 41st year. Last year several area

students volunteered, supervising the bounce house and mini golf areas, acting as runners, and helping with the fit-

ness challenge. Students should bring their community service paperwork for Gena Moses to sign off on.

The festival uses an on line volunteer sign up tool called Volunteer Spot which lets participants see all available jobs and time slots and sign up. (Note that students cannot sign up as servers or ID checkers in the Beer + Hospitality

Tent). Here is the link: Click here to sign up on Volunteer Spot

Students will be prompted to give an email address which we will use to send reminders and updates to all partici-


If it is more convenient, students who want to volunteer can get in touch with me and I will sign them up.

Gena Cohen Moses genacohenm@gmail.com 491-0437


Prom News The Junior Class is proud to announce this year's prom, "Into The Past" that will be held at the Radisson in Manches-

ter on Saturday, May 30th. Tickets will be on sale May 6-13 for $70 per ticket.

Parents of juniors are planning a pre-prom reception that will be held at Bow High School starting at 6pm. If anyone

is able to help with donations of food, drink, decorations or paper goods please contact Joyce Vig at rjvig@comcast.net

42nd NH Police Cadet Training Academy Registration is open for the 42nd NH Police Cadet Training Academy which will be June 20-26. Please go to

this link below to sign up ASAP. You must make a meeting with Chief Commerford, so don’t wait!!! http://www.nhchiefsofpolice.com/calevcadetacademy See Sgt Lougee, SRO, for further information.

Upcoming Center for College Planning Events…

NHHEAF (NH Higher Education Assistance Foundation) programs are always listed on their Events page at http://www.nhheaf.org/events.asp. Check it out!

From the School Counseling Office Seniors:

This is a reminder that all outside classes are due May 22, 2015 if it is a VLACS course, and May 1, 2015 for American School Courses. Those outside courses will be added to your transcript at that time with the current course grade.

Scholarships are still coming in apply TODAY!

Please check your mailboxes in the school counseling office frequently….year end information is distributed this time of year. There is information regarding year end surveys that need to be done prior to graduation practice.

Continue to do well with your academics….colleges will be requesting final transcripts!

Update Naviance with your college acceptances/denials and be sure to enter the college/university that you will be attending in the fall.

A- Col : cdesruisseaux@bownet.org, Com-Mas: mhoberman@bownet.org, Mat-Z: jfarese@bownet.org


We would like to see you in the school counseling office in May or June to finalize some of your plans for the sum-mer and next year with "life after BHS".

Everyone will have a slightly different plan which may include a 4 year school, a 2 year school, military, AmeriCorps

volunteer work, apprenticeship or the workforce.

If you are stuck and are unsure of what you would like to study, what type of school you may like, how you don't

want to go to college, etc. then please come see us and make a half hour appointment. This would be different from your BEST 11 overview, and will concentrate on us pulling out some ideas for your future.

Also, if you have not yet signed up for the college board SAT for June, please do so ASAP! Link to register:


Four year plan so you know what to work on this spring and summer:



The Common Application 2015-2016 Essay Prompts

We are pleased to share the 2015-2016 Essay Prompts with you so that you can start preparing your college applica-


1. Some students have a background, identity, interest, or talent that is so meaningful they believe their application would be incomplete without it. If this sounds like you, then please share your story.

2. The lessons we take from failure can be fundamental to later success. Recount an incident or time when you ex-

perienced failure. How did it affect you, and what did you learn from the experience?

3. Reflect on a time when you challenged a belief or idea. What prompted you to act? Would you make the same

decision again?

4. Describe a problem you've solved or a problem you'd like to solve. It can be an intellectual challenge, a research query, an ethical dilemma-anything that is of personal importance, no matter the scale. Explain its significance to

you and what steps you took or could be taken to identify a solution.

5. Discuss an accomplishment or event, formal or informal, that marked your transition from childhood to adulthood

within your culture, community, or family.

All juniors should be researching their college searches in Naviance and have schools added to their “Colleges I am

Thinking About” tab. If you have questions/concerns please make an appointment with your school counselor.

Are You Aware? - The requirements are changing for students who enroll full time at an NCAA Division I school after August 1, 2016.

Students must graduate high school and meet ALL the following requirements:

Complete 16 core courses:

Four years of English

Three years of math (Algebra 1 or higher)

Two years of natural/physical science (including one year of lab science if your high school offers it)

One additional year of English, math or natural/physical science

Two years of social science

Four additional years of English, math, natural/physical science, social science, foreign language, comparative

religion or philosophy

Complete 10 core courses, including seven in English, math or natural/physical science, before the sev-

enth semester. Once students begin their seventh semester, they may not repeat or replace any of those 10 courses

to improve their core-course GPA.

Earn at least a 2.3 GPA in their core courses. Earn an SAT combined score or ACT sum score matching their core-course GPA on the Division I sliding scale, which balances their test score and core-course GPA. If students have a low test score, they need a higher core-course

GPA to be eligible. If they have a low core-course GPA, they need a higher test score to be eligible. If they have a

low core-course GPA, they need a higher test score to be eligible.

For more resources regarding these changes, visit NCAA.org/student-athletes/play-division-i-sports or the Division I

Academic Requirements Guide.

Did you know that the SAT’s are changing? Find out more here.

Continue to work on your career and community service hours, you will need 20 hours completed to graduate. It

looks great to have these hours already posted to your transcript when applying to college. See the volunteer op-


portunities on the BHS website.


Continue to update your resume, work on your career/community hours, work hard!


Start doing great things that you can add to your resume...volunteer...explore a career….record these hours.

All students should keep their resumes updated in Naviance Family Connection. Also, keep working on the 20 community service and 20 career exploration hours that will be due on January 15th of your senior year. Completed

forms can be handed into Martha Rae in the school counseling office. Forms are available for pick up in the school

counseling office and on the BHS website under “Student Life”, “Forms”. For volunteer opportunities check out our website.

Working Papers: Please see Martha Rae in the school counseling office for the “Employer’s Request for Child La-

bor” paper work. If you are 15 years old or younger you will need working papers. Once you find a job, bring the

“Employer’s Request for Child Labor” form and a copy of your birth certificate to Martha Rae in the counseling office and she will complete the “Official” working papers for you to give to your employer.

Sporting Events for the Month of May



Open House

(Refreshments will be served.)

For retirees, Dan Ferriera, our District Special Ed. Director,


Pauline Laliberte, our District Social Worker,

Thursday, June 4, 2015, 4:00 - 6:00 p.m. Bow High School cafeteria

Hope you can join us.






The Falcon Nest Menu for May



Purple Ribbon Mother’s Day 5K Run




Dates to Remember:

Junior Science NECAP Testing May 12, 13 and 19

AP Testing May 4 - 15

Progress Reports May 13

BHS Theatre Presents: The 39 Steps May 15, 16

Memorial Day (observed) (no school) May 25

Math Smarter Balance May 27, 28

Prom May 30

Open House for Dan Ferriera & Pauline Laliberte June 4

SAT Exam June 6 at BHS

Senior Awards Night June 9

Sports Awards Night June 10

Class of 2015 Last Full Day of High School June 10

Mandatory Graduation Practice 12-3 PM June 11 & 12

ACT Exam June 13

Graduation June 13

Final Exams (tentative) June 15, 16, 17, 18

Last Day of School/Early Release 12:50 PM June 18

Final Report Cards Available June 19

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