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Post on 20-Feb-2021






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  • Faculteit Geneeskunde en Gezondheidswetenschappen

    Cognitive-motor interference during various upper limb motor tasks in persons

    with multiple sclerosis

    Joke Raats

    Masterproef voorgelegd tot het behalen van de graad van Master of science in de ergotherapeutische wetenschap

    Promotor: prof. dr. Feys Peter

    Copromotor: dr. Lamers Ilse Academiejaar 2015-2016


    Interuniversitaire master in samenwerking met:

    UGent, KU Leuven, UHasselt, UAntwerpen, Vives, HoGent, Arteveldehogeschool, AP Hogeschool Antwerpen, HoWest,

    Odisee, PXL, Thomas More

  • Faculteit Geneeskunde en Gezondheidswetenschappen

    Cognitive-motor interference during various upper limb motor tasks in persons

    with multiple sclerosis

    Joke Raats

    Masterproef voorgelegd tot het behalen van de graad van Master of science in de ergotherapeutische wetenschap

    Promotor: prof. dr. Feys Peter

    Copromotor: dr. Lamers Ilse Academiejaar 2015-2016


    Interuniversitaire master in samenwerking met:

    UGent, KU Leuven, UHasselt, UAntwerpen, Vives, HoGent, Arteveldehogeschool, AP Hogeschool Antwerpen, HoWest,

    Odisee, PXL, Thomas More


    Achtergrond: Het gelijktijdig uitvoeren van twee taken is een frequent voorkomende

    gegeven, onder andere het tezamen uitvoeren van een motorische en een cognitieve

    taak. Het cognitieve- motorische paradigma bij Multiple Sclerose werd uitgebreid

    onderzocht gedurende het wandelen, maar veel minder bij taken van de bovenste


    Doelen: Eerst werd er gekeken of er een cognitief motorische interferentie was bij taken

    van het bovenste lidmaat. Vervolgens of deze interferentie verschillend wat voor

    personen met MS ten opzichte van gezonde personen. Finaal werd ook de invloed van

    de complexiteit van de motorische taak op de DTC bekeken.

    Methode: 31 gezonde personen en 37 personen met MS namen deel aan een cross

    sectioneel onderzoek, beiden hadden geen beperkingen in de bovenste ledematen. Vijf

    motorische taken werden uitgevoerd, enkelvoudig en gecombineerd met een cognitieve

    taak. Data werden geanalyseerd met Mann-Withny U testen en een MANOVA.

    Resultaten: Voor elke taak en in beide groep werd een interferentie gevonden. De range

    van de verschillende motorische DTC ging van 9.97 tot 34.90%. Deze was echter niet

    groter voor de personen met MS. De kleinste interferentie werd gezien bij de finger

    tapping en de grootste bij de box and Block test.

    Conclusie: Er werd een cognitieve motorische interferentie gevonden die gelijkaardig is

    voor beide groepen. Deze studie werd uitgevoerd bij personen die op een hoog

    motorisch en cognitief niveau functioneerde, wat een verklaring kan zijn waarom er

    geen verschil gevonden werd tussen beiden groepen. De complexiteit van de motorische

    taak zorgde voor een andere keuze in prioritisering.

    “Aantal woorden masterproef: 9147 (exclusief bijlagen en bibliografie)”


    Background: Executing and performing different tasks at the same time is a common

    everyday act, frequently like combining a motor and a cognitive task. The cognitive-

    motor paradigm in Multiple Sclerosis (MS) has been examined extensively by cognitive

    tasks during walking, but not during upper limb tasks.

    Objectives: The primary aim is to see if there is a cognitive- motor inference (CMI)

    during upper limb movements. Secondly, to examine whether there is a difference in the

    dual task cost (DTC) between PwMS and healthy controls. Finally, the influence of the

    complexity of the motor task on the DTC is investigated.

    Method: 37 PwMS and 31 HC without marked upper limb dysfunction participated in a

    cross-sectional study. They executed five different upper limb tasks, in single condition

    and combined with the phonemic word list generation task. Data were analyzed with

    Mann-Withny U test and A MANOVA.

    Results: For each motor task, and in both groups, a range in the DTC for the motor tasks

    between 9.97 and 34.90% was found. However the DTC was similar for the PwMS

    compared with the HC in any task. The DTC was smallest during finger-tapping task

    and largest in the box and block test.

    Conclusion: A CMI is found during upper limb tasks but appeared similarly in PwMS

    and HC. The similarity can be explained by the fact that PwMS without marked upper

    limb and cognitive dysfunctions has been included. However the degree of difficulty of

    the motor task determined a different prioritization over the tasks.

    Amount of words: 9147 (exclusive annex and references)

  • CONTENTS Abstract Nederlands ..................................................................................................... - 1 -

    Abstract English ........................................................................................................... - 5 -

    Prefaces ......................................................................................................................... - 1 -

    Introduction .................................................................................................................. - 3 -

    Characteristics of Multiple Sclerosis ........................................................................ - 3 -

    The dual task paradigm............................................................................................. - 5 -

    Research aims ............................................................................................................... - 7 -

    Method .......................................................................................................................... - 8 -

    Sample ...................................................................................................................... - 8 -

    Design ..................................................................................................................... - 11 -

    Experimental procedure and task ........................................................................... - 11 -

    Data analyse ............................................................................................................ - 12 -

    Results ........................................................................................................................ - 14 -

    Discussion ................................................................................................................... - 20 -

    Recommendations and implications for future research ............................................ - 25 -

    Conclusion .................................................................................................................. - 26 -

    Bibliography ............................................................................................................... - 27 -

    Annex 1: The different motor tasks ............................................................................ - 33 -

    Annex 2: Toelating tot consultatie van de masterproef .............................................. - 34 -

  • - 1 -


    Het schrijven van deze masterproef is één van de laatste hordes in een zeer verrijkende

    opleiding. Achterom kijkend naar dit parcours wil ik dan ook oprecht dank zeggen

    tegen enkele mensen. Dit traject leg je immers niet alleen af!

    Een eerste dankjewel gaat uit naar de onderzoeksgroep van Reval/ Biomed, UHasselt.

    Met een bijzondere dank aan Prof. Dr Peter Feys, Dr. Ilse Lamers, Dr. Ilse Baert en

    Drs. Deborah Severijns die met hun kritische kijk mij leidde naar dit eindresultaat.

    Dank je wel om mij keer op keer verder te pushen maar me toch steeds net niet te laten

    struikelen… De ondersteuning, sturing en discussies die ik met jullie voerde, waren, en

    zijn nog steeds, erg verrijkend voor me.

    Dank je wel aan elke proefpersoon die tijd maakte voor me. Ik ben hen dankbaar voor

    de waardevolle meetgegevens die ik hierdoor kon verzamelen.

    Mijn dank gaat ook uit naar alle collega’s van AZ Klina, campus De Mick. Door jullie

    was de combinatie van werken en studeren mede mogelijk. Een dikke merci voor de

    flexibiliteit waarmee onze ergo’s een extra patiënt in mijn plaats deden, dat jullie je

    plan trokken als ik weer een lange tijd achter mijn boeken kroop… Greet, dank je wel

    dat je me toe liet om mijn uurrooster niet al te strikt van 8.00 tot 16.00 te laten invullen.

    Hoewel Koen hard zijn best deed, zullen computers en ik waarschijnlijk nooit vrienden

    worden, toch wil ik hem duizend maal dank zeggen! Een vriendelijke dank u wel aan

    de neurologen van het MS Netwerk Antwerpen, dr. B. Willekens, dr. C. deBarsy en dr.

    K. Geens, die me steunden bij dit onderzoek. Maar superlatieven schieten tekort om

    Marleen te loven voor het werk dat zij leverde voor mij. Zij bood me een schouder

    wanneer een virus mijn data had aangetast maar bovenal nog veel meer proefpersonen.

    Voor de wijze waarop zij op dat moment me steunde en mij alle moed deed samen

    rapen om dit werk af te ronden zal ik haar oneindig dankbaar blijven!

    Mijn ouders, jullie niet aflatende steun lijkt echt oneindig te zijn! De voorbije jaren van

    werken en studeren zouden onmogelijk geweest zijn als de deuren van dit warm hotel

    geen 7/7 dagen en 24/24 uur geopend zouden zijn geweest. Mama en papa, dank je wel

    om mij de kans te geven om me te laten doen wat ik graag wil doen!

  • - 2 -

    Bart, Wendy, Leen en Tom, bedankt voor het luisterend oor en mijn excuses dat ik niet

    altijd de vrolijkheid zelve was bij ons thuis. Vanaf nu veranderen hopelijk onze

    gespreksonderwerpen weer.

    Best friends make the good times better and the hard times easier. Als laatste wil ik hen

    dan ook oprecht danken: de bezorgde smsjes, de geïnteresseerde telefoontjes, de

    grappige mails… het deed stuk voor stuk deugd. Jullie hielden me te gepaste tijden aan

    als weg van mijn bureau. Karen, bedankt om mij steeds bij te praten na een weeral

    gemist avondje. Susanne, bedankt voor de uitstapjes waarbij je er op een of andere

    wijze wonderwel in slaagt dat ik alles even achter me kan laten. Michael, Bert, Inge…

    Het is ontzettend fijn te weten dat er altijd wel iemand naast je staat, die achter je staat!

    Bedankt iedereen.

  • - 3 -


    Executing and performing different tasks at the same time is a common everyday thing

    for most of us. In order to execute these tasks, we shouldn’t need to keep our attention

    continuously on each single task as performing proceeds natural and automatic. Dual

    tasking can be defined as "the concurrent performance of two tasks that can be executed

    independently, measured separately and have distinct goals" (McIsaac, Lamberg, &

    Muratori, 2015). The most well known and investigated combination of dual tasking is

    walking whilst talking. When the dual task becomes more difficult, persons affected

    may stop walking when starting up a conversation, due to the specific attention the

    walking might demand. A reduced dual task performance could be explained by an

    underline concurrence of the cognitive task on physical performance (Hyndman &

    Ashburn, 2004). Literatures shows that this combination becomes more difficult when

    aging or in neurological diseases like stroke, Parkinson Disease and in Multiple

    sclerosis (Lundin-Olsson, Nyberg, & Gustafson, 1997; Hausdorff, Schweiger, Herman,

    Yogev-Seligmann, & Giladi, 2008; Strouwen, 2015; Bowen, Wenman, Mickelborough,

    Foster, Hill, & Tallis, 2001; Hyndman & Ashburn, 2004; Hamilton, Rochester, Paul,

    Rafferty, O'Leary, & Evans, 2009).


    MS is a chronic disease of the central nervous system (CNS) that affects between two

    and two and a half million people worldwide (Cameron, Finlayson, & Kesselrinf, 2013).

    The disease prevalence is uneven distributed in the world by a north-south and a east-

    west gradient (Sindic, 2014). The prevalence rate in Belgium is estimated at 88/100.000

    with an incidence rate of 430 newly diagnosed each year. The lifelong implications

    physically, cognitively and psychosocially leads to a reduced quality of life,

    participation and the ability to maintain employed (Heesen, Böhm, Reich, Kasper,

    Goebel, & Gold, 2008).

    This neurodegenerative, autoimmune disease is associated with an inflammation and

    damage of the myelin in the nerve fibers and the axonal degeneration of the central

    nervous system. Specifically because of a loss of oligodendrocytes, which are

    responsible for the maintenance of the myelin around the axon, the axonal transmission

    becomes more difficult or is not longer possible (Chiaravalloti & DeLuca, 2008). The

  • - 4 -

    reason of inflammation and plaque formation in MS is unknown. It is thought to be the

    result of several immunological, genetic and viral factors (Rumrill, Battersby, & Kaleta,

    1996). The clinical signs are heterogeneous, depending on location, amount and the

    severity of plaques in the CNS different symptoms may occur (O'Brien, Chiaravalloti,

    Goverover, & DeLuca, 2008). Despite the existence of a wide range of symptoms, i.e.

    visual, muscular, sensory, bladder... malfunctioning, the focus for this study is only set

    on the motor and cognitive malfunctioning.

    Motor disorders are the most well know symptoms of MS. Coordination, muscle

    strength and tone are commonly affected in PwMS. Consequently weakness, spasticity

    and tremor affects most activities of daily life (Bethoux & Sutliff, 2013). These

    limitations could hinder voluntary movement of the upper and lower limb and the trunk.

    In the context of this study, the focus is on the upper limb. Depending on which

    outcome measurement is used, studies shows that 66% of PwMS and up to 81% after 15

    years of disease experience impairments of unilateral and bilateral upper limbs (Bertoni,

    Lamers, Chen, Feys, & Cattaneo, 2014; Johansson, et al., 2007). These limitations cover

    a wide range of disordered functionalities, like precision and force grip, grasping,

    releasing, reaching, speed and accuracy and movement patterns are all functions or

    activities that could be impaired (Raine, Meadows, & lynch- Ellerington, 2009). PwMS

    with Expanded Disability Status Scale (EDSS) score 3.5 or lower present already upper

    limb dysfunctions in all the ICF levels (Bertoni et al., 2014).

    Cognitive impairment is another common symptom in MS, with prevalence rates

    between 43 and 70% (Chiaravalloti & DeLuca, 2008; Patti, 2009; Rao, Leo, Bernadin,

    & Unverzagt, 1991). It is an underestimated symptom, particularly in the early phase,

    that has a poor correlation with the EDSS (Amato, Zipoli, & Portaccio, 2006). These

    disorders can have a major determining impact on many everyday activities, including

    social and work-related domains, which is independently of the individual degree of

    physical disability (Chiaravalloti & DeLuca, 2008). Memory (54%), mental-processing

    speed (50%), executive functions (20%) and visuo-spatial perception (20%) are the

    most common impaired functions in PwMS (Ben Ari, Benedict, & LaRocca, 2013).

    Difficulties, both with movements of the upper limb and cognition, are known to be

    widespread in PwMS. Although there is an increasing evidence for interaction during

  • - 5 -

    simultaneous execution of these tasks (Wajda & Sosnoff, 2015), in most cases the

    different functions are examined independently of each other. Only two published

    studies have investigated how these difficulties interact in this particular disease

    (D'Esposito, Onishi, Thompson, Robinson, Armstrong, & Grossman, 1996; Learmonth,

    Pilutti, & Motl, 2015). Recognizing this interaction can have an impact in analyzing

    common daily activities. It can enable clinicians and researches to create more

    meaningful outcome measures to identify better real-life performance. The separate

    mapping of functions is not a fair representation of everyday activity. A combined

    measure of motor and cognitive tasks could increase the validity for measuring real-life

    impairment in PwMS. A decrement of one or two tasks could indicate the occurrence of

    cognitive-motor interference (Leone, Patti, & Feys, 2015) which can be investigated

    with the dual task paradigm.


    During dual tasks, cognitive processes are competing with each other. The precise

    manner of the interference during dual task is unknown but two theoretical models are

    very frequently put forward: the capacity sharing model and the bottleneck theory (task

    switching). Another less known model is the multiple resources theory (Pashler, 1994).

    The capacity sharing model is the most commonly accepted method to think about dual

    task interference (Plummer, & Eskes, 2015). If tasks are performed simultaneously,

    people will have to divide their processing capacity which will result in a reduced

    capacity for each individual task and whereby the performance of the dual task in

    general will be impaired (McIsaac et al., 2015). It has been suggested that the

    interference of the tasks could be caused by an increased use of central resources rather

    than an overall reduction in a patient’s processing capacity (Hyndman & Ashburn,

    2004). The allocation can be a voluntary choice or influenced by the characteristics of

    the task. Difficult tasks will require more focus and the center of attention will be

    determining for the other combined task. The brain will be challenged to decide how to

    prioritize tasks. In general, prioritization is based on the motivation to minimize danger

    and maximize pleasure (Yogev-Seligmann, Hausdorff, & Giladi, 2012). Although this

    statement is not always correct. In the DT paradigm of the lower limb an inappropriate

  • - 6 -

    prioritization strategy is seen. The risk of falling increases when people execute dual

    tasks (Wajda & Sosnoff, 2015; Wajda, Motl, & Sosnoff, 2013).

    An alternative model is the bottleneck model, which suggests dual tasking is similar to

    task switching. In this model it is assumed that it is impossible to run two processes

    parallel to each other because they use the same neural pathways. Different processing

    bottlenecks could be distinguished in different stages of processing (Pashler, 1994).

    During the dual tasks, one or both tasks will have a delay, called a psychological

    refractory period effect, which is caused by the bottleneck and the final performance

    will be impaired. The bottlenecks are responsible for response selection and decision

    making (Tombu & Jolicoeur, 2003). Marois & Ivanoff describes three major bottlenecks

    of information processing attention, visual short-term memory and psychological

    refractory period phenomena respectively (Marois & Ivanoff, 2005). Consequently,

    during dual tasking, the system must always balance between several demands and will

    switch attention to the most task-relevant information (McIsaac et al, 2015). By

    selecting, there may be a delay in the response. Pashler & Johnston conclude that a

    central bottleneck model doesn’t conflict with general observations nor with the idea

    that different areas in the brain usually work continuously and concurrently (Pashler &

    Johnston, 1998).

    The last model is the multiple resources theory. Wickens et al state that there are two

    important concepts, namely: the multiple resource model and the mental overload.

    Although there is a certain overlap, they also differ from each other. The multiple

    resource model is composed of three components which are related to demand, resource

    overlap and allocation policy. The mental workload is mainly related to the demands of

    the task, the human’s mental resources which are needed for the characteristics of the

    demand. Finally Wickens et al. compose a model that suggests that the dual task

    paradigm resources competes in four dimensions: the stages of processing, codes of

    processing, modalities and responses (Wickens, 2008)

    Despite previous exploring theories, the brain-behavior relationship in dual-tasking is

    not entirely clear. Several studies show the present of a dual task interference in a

    healthy central nervous systems (CNS). Everybody has the ability to select, attend and

    process information, but these capacities are limited, which has an influence to the

  • - 7 -

    preparation and performance of simultaneous tasks. The dual task paradigm is been

    investigated in a broad range of cognitive tasks and variances on gait performances (Al-

    Yahya, Dawes, Smith, Dennis, Howells, & Cockburn, 2011). The laborious

    performance of multitasking changes is apparent in persons with neurodegenerative

    diseases. The increased problems in persons with neurodegenerative disease are

    explained by Marois & Ivanoff (2005) by three impaired bottlenecks in the CNS.

    McIsaac et al. provide three reasons for the declination in performance of dual tasks that

    could be linked closely to the theoretical causes of dual task interference. As first the

    pathology affects the attention capacity that is needed for a specific task. Secondly,

    cortical changes may affect executive function, laid in the frontal lobe. Finally, each

    task requires separately more effort in itself, therefore performing tasks simultaneously

    brings out a larger effort (McIsaac et al, 2015).

    To quantify the cognitive- motor interference (CMI) in experimental studies, the

    method of the dual task effect (DTE), a synonym for dual task cost (DTC), is frequently

    calculated. A decrement due to dual tasking is represented by a negative result and an

    improvement by a positive result. This calculation makes it possible to compare

    different tasks with each other.


    The primary aim of this study was to investigate if there is a difference between PwMS

    and healthy controls in performing a motor task combined with a cognitive task.

    Additionally, is the dual task cost is determined due to the characteristics of the motor


    A higher cognitive cost will be hypothetically associated with some specific motor

    tasks, particularly motor tasks that require more precision or manual dexterity. Higher

    cognitive cost would indicate more requirement of greater attention for that specific

    motor task, under dual-tasking condition.

  • - 8 -



    The study design and protocol were approved by the ethics committee of the University

    Hospital Antwerp, after consulting the local ethics committees of all participating

    institutions namely UHasselt en AZ Klina. After the explanation of the study protocol, a

    written informed consent was obtained for all participants.

    PwMS were recruited through the MS Network of Antwerp. Controls included a

    convenience sample of family, friends and colleagues but they were only selected by

    age and sex to match the PwMS. Subjects had to be at least 18 years or older and had to

    be able to perform the nine hole peg (NHPT) faster than 0.50 peg/ second using their

    respective dominant hand (Kierkegaard, Einarsson, Gottberg, van Koch, & Holmqvist,

    2012). It was chosen to investigate the impact of MS rather than motor dysfunction in

    this pilot study. Only the PwMS were diagnosed according to McDonald's criteria. The

    exclusion criteria for both, PwMS and controls, were presence of current major

    psychiatric disorder or a history of other neurological disorder or an orthopedic disease

    of the upper limb or spine.

    All participants had to complete a clinical test-battery. It included several

    questionnaires, clinical tests, and descriptive data with regards to their date of birth,

    gender, duration of illness and an Expanded Disability Status Scale (EDSS) score as

    defined by their neurologist.

    The following questionnaires were completed:

    The Modified Fatigue Impact Scale (MFIS) is a 21-item structured, self-report

    questionnaire with nine ‘physical’ items, ten ‘cognitive’ items and two

    ‘psychosocial’ items. Participants were asked to score the fatigue they experienced

    during the last four weeks. Each item has been rated on a likert-scale (0-4)

    indicating how often they have experienced fatigue (Kos, et al., 2003). The total

    score for the MFIS is the sum of the scores for the 21 items, subscale scores can also

    be generated. The maximum score of 84 indicates an extreme feeling of fatigue, a

    minimum score of zero indicates no fatigue.

  • - 9 -

    The Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS) is a two dimension scale to

    identify depression and anxiety. It results in a score range from 0-21 for depression

    and anxiety scale. High scores indicate more symptoms (Tedman, Young, &

    Williams, 1997).

    The Edinburgh Handedness Inventory determine the hand dominance (Oldfield,


    The Manual Ability Measure 36 (MAM- 36) assess perceived difficulties in 36

    common activity of daily life (ADL) tasks. A four point scale (four = easy, one =

    cannot do) on each item led afterwards to sum the score. This score was then

    converted into a “manual ability measure” (zero indicates lowest and 100 indicates

    perfect manual ability) (Chen & Bode, 2010) .

    The dual task questionnaire determines the perceived executing of dual tasks in

    daily life. It is a 10-item structured, self-report questionnaire. Participants were

    asked to score their perceived difficulties with dual tasks in daily life. Each item is

    been rated on a likert-scale (0-4) with four = very often, one = never. The final score

    is the average of the filled-items (Evans, Greenfield, & Wilson, 2009).

    The following cognitive assessment were executed:

    The symbol digit modality test (SDMT) evaluates information processing speed. A

    key presenting nine numbers paired with unique symbols was given to the subjects.

    Below the key is an array of symbols paired with empty spaces, the patient had to

    match the number for each symbol as quickly as possible. The final outcome is the

    number of correct responses in 90 seconds (Drake, Weinstock-Guttman, Morrow,

    Hojnacki, Munschauer, & Benedict, 2010).

    The Stroop color word test (SCWT) is considered to be a general measure of

    cognitive flexibility and control. It consists of three subtasks. Each subtask has 100

    stimuli, which are distributed evenly in a 10 x 10 matrix. The first subtask shows

    color words in random order printed in black ink. Subtask 2 displays solid color

    patches in basic colors. The third subtask contains color words printed in an

    incongruous ink color. The participants were instructed to read the words, name the

    colors, and finally, name the ink color of the printed words as quickly and as

    accurately as possible. Finally, the interference is displayed in seconds. This is

  • - 10 -

    achieved by Stroop III – ((Stroop I + stroop II)/2) (Van der Elst, van Boxtel, Van

    Breukelen, & Jolles, 2006).

    The Trail Making Test A and B (TMT a, TMT b) measures the cognitive domains of

    processing speed, sequencing, mental flexibility and visual–motor skills. The test

    contains part A and B. In the first part one has to connect a series of 25 encircled

    numbers in numerical order. In part B one is asked to connect 25 encircled numbers

    and letters in numerical and alphabetical order, alternating between the numbers and

    letters (Tombaugh, 2004; Bowie & Harvey, 2005).

    The motor skills were evaluated by the following tests:

    The nine Hole Peg Test (NHPT) is developed to assess fine manual dexterity. The

    time needed to place and remove nine pegs is recorded and the average of the two

    trials was displayed (seconds).

    The Semmes-Weinstein monofilaments: Five monofilaments (diameters of 2.83,

    3.61, 4.31, 4.56 and 6.65) are used to measure tactile sensitivity in the fingertip and

    the thumb:

    o 2.83=1, normal sensation

    o 3.61=2, diminished light touch

    o 4.31=3, diminished protective sensation

    o 4.56=4, loss of protective sensation

    o 6.65=5, untestable;

    The monofilaments are randomly presented in a descending or ascending order to

    the thumb and index finger. Each filament is pressed against the skin until it

    bends. The participants are instructed to close their eyes and will be asked to give

    a response once they sense a touch. All filaments are tested three times. The

    filament with the lowest pressure score, which is felt 3/3 times on the fingertip, is

    recorded (Cuypers, Levin, Thijs, Swinnen, & Meesen, 2010).

    Hand grip strength: an average maximal hand grip strength (kg) was measured for

    each hand with the JAMAR® hand-held dynamometer during three repeated trials.

    The American Society of Hand Therapists (ASHT) recommends that grip strength

    should be measured using the Jamar dynamometer with the handle in the second

  • - 11 -

    position, whilst the person is in a sitting position, with shoulders adducted, elbows

    flexed 90° and forearms in neutral position (Bohannon, Peolsson, Massy-Westropp,

    Desrosiers, & Bear-Lehman, 2005).


    A cross- sectional design was applied to investigated whether there is a difference

    between PwMS and control participants under single and/ or dual- task condition. Data

    collection took place between October 2015 and April 2016.


    The investigation, which lasted slightly more than one hour per subject took place in all

    different participating hospitals, included five different motor tasks and one cognitive


    Several motor tasks were included, which vary in degree of difficulty, whereby required

    attention to a specific motor task was diverse. These varied from almost automatic tasks

    to tasks which required more manual dexterity. The motor tasks were performed in a

    sitting position, to minimize the postural control as a confounding factor. The five

    motor tasks are shown in appendix 1:

    1. Finger tapping test: participants were asked to tip the index finger and thumb

    together for 30s at their preferred pace. The participants were asked to wear a glove

    which contain sensors. The number of contacts between two fingers was measured.

    This task was included in the protocol because finger tapping is intended to be a

    fairly automatic, coordinated task.

    2. Sustained hand grip strength: In the hand grip strength task, subjects were requested

    to squeeze isometrically for a maximum of 30 seconds. This was recorded by hand

    dynamometer of the E-link device (BIOMETRICS, NL). In the final analysis, the

    area under the curve was measured. For an uncomplicated presentation in the table

    the number was then divided by

    3. The box and block test: participants were asked to move blocks one by one during

    30 seconds. This task was chosen because it requires manipulation of an object, the

    blocks were 2.5 cm x 2.5 cm and so gross motor skills were required. The number of

    blocks that were moved were measured.

  • - 12 -

    4. The Purdue Pegboard:

    a. The Purdue Pegboard unilateral

    b. The Purdue Pegboard bimanual

    Two particular parts of the Purdue Pegboard test were executed. The original

    Purdue Pegboard consists of five different components. In order to reduce

    the duration of the research protocol, tests were carried out only unilateral

    with the dominant hand, as well as the part where the both hands places the

    pegs in the board simultaneously. Each task lasted 30 seconds. The number

    of pegs were counted for the final analyses.

    The cognitive task was the phonemic word list generation. It is a common used

    cognitive task in previous research in DTC in PwMS (Motl R. W., Sosnoff, Dlugonski,

    Pilutti, Klaren, & Sandroff, 2014; Kalron, Dvir, & Achiron, 2010; Sosnoff, Boes,

    Sandroff, Socie, Pula, & Motl, 2011). Participants were asked to name as many words

    as possible beginning with a specific letter during a period of 30 seconds. The total

    number of words generated in 30 seconds was used as outcome.

    The different tasks (single motor, single cognitive and dual motor-cognitive) were

    randomly performed. Based on standardized instructions, each task was executed two

    times, one time in a single condition and once in a combined motor-cognitive task

    condition. All participants performed a practice trial of each task to get familiarization

    of the task. After each test, the subjects were asked to give a score which describes their

    feeling of fatigue, by a visual analogue scale (VAS) score. In the dual task condition

    subjects were asked to perform the cognitive task and one of the five motor tasks

    simultaneously. No instructions were given to the prioritization of the task.


    Thirty-seven PwMS and thirty-one healthy controls participated in the study.

    Unfortunately five data files of PwMS were completely lost by an affected laptop. Two

    PwMS were excluded because they didn’t match the inclusion criteria of the NHPT

    performance. One healthy control was excluded for the research protocol because of

    color blindness and inadequate performance on the NHPT, i.e. score of

  • - 13 -

    All data outcomes were checked for the normality of distribution and appropriate

    parametric or non-parametric analyses were performed. Consequently for the

    comparison of the descriptive data between the groups a Mann-Whitney U Tests has

    been done. To study the differences between the single and dual condition for each task,

    a paired samples t-test was used. An independent samples t-test was used to investigate

    the differences between PwMS and healthy controls for each task.

    The analysis of the experimental data was built up in several steps. First by calculating

    the dual task cost for the cognitive and for the motor task separately, as follows:


    However, the calculation of the DTC separately for each task (cognitive and motor) is

    too narrow. We needed to achieve an overall estimation of the performance of the entire

    dual task. The DTC must not be seen as an indicator of the dual task performance of a

    cognitive task neither of a motor task, but as an interference. In order to take into

    account a general performance for a task, a single score for the overall combined change

    in cognitive task and motor task performance under dual-task conditions was calculated,

    based on the following formula (Hamilton et al., 2009; Baddeley, Della Sala, Gray,

    Papagna, & Spinnler, 2005).

    To investigate the CMI of all the different dual task, a multivariate analysis of variance

    (MANOVA) was used. This was done to avoid separate analyses of each motor task –

    and the associated loss of power. The Wilks’ lambda multivariate statistic was used to

    determine the significance of the results, and Fischer’s LSD tests for post-hoc testing.

    The group variance was used as an independent variable, the different averages of the DTC

    as dependent variables and fatigue as a covariate. All the data analyses were performed in

    SPSS version 22.0. The significance levels for all tests were set at p < 0.05. To analyze

    the different tasks, the mean DTC for each task was compared with another one by

    paired sample t-tests.

    In addition to the several analyzes of the DTC, there may be a difference in the

    prioritizing between the two groups. Despite no task prioritization instructions were

  • - 14 -

    given, it could be possible that PwMS choose the motor task over the cognitive task

    because of a possible lesser performance on the motor task in the single condition. If

    people made different choices in prioritizing, this would lead to a reduction of the mean

    decrement score for the group. On the other hand, it was possible that there were

    differences between PwMS and healthy controls. It could be possible that they made

    other choices in prioritizing, cognitive versus motor. Therefore, the various DTC are

    plotted on charts to get more information.


    The basic demographic and descriptive, clinical characteristics of each group are

    summarized in table 1. This table shows no significant differences for age or gender.

    The EDSS score of the PwMS (mean of 2.3) showed a mild disabled group. PwMS

    perceived significantly more fatigue based on the MFIS, just as they experienced a more

    anxious and depressed feeling on the HADS. Despite the fact that we recruited on a

    good performance of hand dexterity, the PwMS perceived significantly more difficulties

    in daily life by the MAM-36. Across the full range of cognitive tests no differences

    were found between PwMS and HC. The motor skills of the PwMS were significantly

    more impaired. A difference was noted on the NHPT for the non-dominant hand and for

    the hand grip strength for both hands. The sensory function of the non dominant hand

    was more impaired for the PwMS (Semmes Weinstein non dominant). The dominant

    hand wasn’t.

  • - 15 -

    Table 1. Subject characteristics; number, mean and interquartile range

    PwMS n= 30 Controls n= 30 P-value

    Demographic data

    Age (years) 44.1 (33.3-55.4) 43.9 (33.4-55.1) Ns

    Gender (M/F) 26/4 26/4 -

    Disease-specific data

    EDSS score (0-10) 2.3 (1.5-3) - -

    Years since diagnosis 9.3 (4.3-12.3) - -

    Descriptive data

    MFIS (0-57) 38.0 (24.3-48.3) 16.8 (8.5-24.3) P < 0.001

    HADS (0-56) 11.1 (5.8-17) 6.8 (3.75-10) P < 0.05

    MAM-36 (0-100) 79.7 (67.9-92.5) 97.2 (100-100) P < 0.001

    Dual task questionnaire (0-4) 1.4 (0.7-2.1) 1 (0.6 -1.1) P < 0.05

    Cognitive testing

    SDMT (1-90) 59.8 (49.8-66.8) 61.8 (55-68.5) Ns

    SCWT interference 23.6 (20.4-27.7) 26.2 (19.9-30.1) Ns

    TMT a (seconds) 24.4 (18.8-28.6) 22.3 (17-26.5) Ns

    TMT b (seconds) 53.4 (36.3-57.8) 48.6 (34.9-49.5) Ns

    Sensory-Motor testing

    NHPT non dominant (seconds) (R/L) 20.8 (17.9- 22.6) (2/28) 18.0 (16.8- 18.6) 3/27) P < 0.001

    NHPT dominant (seconds) (R/L) 17.0 (15.8- 18.01) (28/2) 16.2 (14.8-17.6) (27/3) P = 0.08

    Semmes Weinstein non dominant 4.1 (4-5) 4.4 (4-5) P < 0.05

    Semmes Weinstein dominant 4.1 (4-5) 4.3 (4-5) P = 0.08

    Hand grip strength non dominant (kg) 23.0 (18.4-26.2) 29.7 (25.9- 32.4) P < 0.001

    Hand grip strength dominant (kg) 27.6 (23.2- 31.9) 33.2 (27.3- 34.3) P < 0.05

    Table 2 shows the performance of each group in the single and dual task condition. For

    each motor task there was a statistically significant difference between single and dual

    task performance. Furthermore, there was a difference in the performance of the motor

    tasks in the single condition between PwMS and the healthy controls. No significant

    difference was found between PwMS and healthy controls for the cognitive tasks in the

    single condition and for the cognitive tasks in the dual task condition combined with the

    Purdue Pegboard bimanual, finger tapping and the hand grip strength. On the contrary, a

    worse performance was observed between the two groups in the performance for the

    cognitive task, while this was combined with the Purdue Pegboard unilateral and the

    box and block test.

  • - 16 -

    Table 2. Performance of PwMS and healthy controls for each task (mean ± standard deviation)



    PwMS Healthy Controls

    Finger Tapping (FT) ST 143.23 ± 26.99 158.33 ± 20.15 p

  • - 17 -

    Table 3 shows there were no significant differences for the DTC based on the cognitive

    or motor task between PwMS and healthy controls.

    Table 3. Dual task cost for each task (%) (mean ± standard deviation)

    PwMS Healthy controls p-value

    DTC mot FT 20.52 ± 20.26 19.08 ± 12.10 ns

    DTC mot HGS 22.41 ± 23.83 21.84 ± 12.35 ns

    DTC mot BBT 34.90 ± 19.06 31.17 ± 21.94 ns

    DTC mot PP uni 16.00 ± 14.46 10.89 ± 12.18 ns

    DTC mot PP bim 9.97 ± 13.18 11.60 ± 11.88 ns

    DTC cog, FT -5.19 ± 34.17 -8.26 ± 44.59 ns

    DTC cog, HGS 2.21 ± 36.78 0.10 ± 34.49 ns

    DTC cog, BBT 3.03 ± 26.69 -1.43 ± 29.97 ns

    DTC cog, PP bim 21.72 ± 27.87 11.53 ± 38.19 ns

    DTC cog, PPuni 10.77 ± 35.49 -2.36 ± 25.38 ns

    Table 4 shows the subsequent analysis. Also here no differences were found for each

    task separately. To investigate the CMI of all different tasks, a MANOVA was used.

    This multivariate analysis was based on the mean DTC of each task. Finally, it revealed

    a non-significant result on the Wilks' Lambda (F=0.829, p=0.535). In summary, no

    differences were found between the cognitive-motor interference of PwMS and healthy


    Table 4. A combined dual task cost for each task (%)(mean ± standard deviation)

    PwMS Healthy controls p-value

    mDTC FT 6.41 ± 21.02 5.4 ± 21.44 ns

    mDTC HGS 11.34 ± 19.36 11.04 ± 18.50 ns

    mDTC BBT 18.54 ± 14.59 14.87 ± 18.87 ns

    mDTC PP uni 13.42 ± 20.38 4.26 ± 14.93 P=0.053

    mDTC PP bim 16.51 ± 16.37 11.57 ± 22.13 ns

    mDTC= (mean of the motor DTC and the cognitive DTC)

  • - 18 -

    Table 5. A comparison of the mean DTC between the different tasks

    mDTC BBT

    (16.92 ± 16.82)

    mDTC PP bim

    (13.71 ± 19.47)

    mDTC HGS

    (11.19 ± 18.77)

    mDTC PP uni

    (8.82 ± 18.11)

    mDTC FT

    (5.90 ± 21.05)

    mDTC BBT

    (16.92 ± 16.82)

    - ns Ns p

  • - 19 -

    Figure 1. Plots of the different motor DTC combined with the cognitive DTC for the five motor

    tasks. The mean DTC for each group is shown by a colored line .

  • - 20 -


    The aim of this study was to explore whether there is a difference between PwMS and

    healthy controls in performing a motor task combined with a cognitive task, whereby

    PwMS without marked upper limb dysfunction were included. We found a cognitive-

    motor interference occurred for the executed tasks, independent of the group to which

    one belonged. A decline of the performance of one single task while performing two

    simultaneous tasks is confirmed by previous research of the CMI in PwMS during

    walking (Motl et al., 2014; Leone et al., 2015; Hamilton et al., 2009; Sosnoff et al.,

    2011; Wajda & Sosnoff, 2015; Learmonth, Pilutti, & Motl, 2015). Except the research

    of Learmonth et al. all studies had applied the dual-task paradigm consisted by tasks

    related to the lower limb and walking. Learmonth et al., who conceptualized the dual

    task paradigm by using a cognitive task combined with the NHPT, had a DTC for the

    PwMS of 20%. These findings are similar with our results, i.e. 17% on the motor DTC

    of the Purdue Pegboard unilateral (cf table3). This Purdue Pegboard test for 30 seconds

    combined with a cognitive task was also used to explore the dual task paradigm in

    Parkinson diseases. Without calculating a specific DTC, they also reached the same

    conclusion, i.e. there is a CMI when single and combined condition are compared to

    each other (Proud & Morris, 2010). In comparison to our research, Learmonth & Proud

    conducted only one dexterity motor task. Each motor task showed a DTC. The result of

    this research seems to contribute to the idea that CMI wasn’t present at specific tasks of

    the lower limb, but possibly generalized to a larger spectrum of different functions.

    In our study we had expected that PwMS would show a greater dual-task interference

    compared with healthy controls. Nevertheless, we didn’t found a difference in DTC

    between PwMS and healthy controls. A discrepancy in the decrement of the DTC in

    PwMS during walking was found in studies of Kalron et al. and Hamilton et al. (Kalron

    et al., 2010; Hamilton et al., 2009). Important to note is that in the research of Kalron et

    al. a DTC was not calculated and insufficient information about the interference

    calculation was given. Similar to this study he selected persons with a low degree of

    disability. Although they performed already lower on the single task performance, it is

    reasonable to expect a lower performance on the dual task. A DTC is needed to compare

    our results with these findings.

  • - 21 -

    The result of our study could be explained by the methodology, the characteristics of the

    recruited group, the different motor tasks and cognitive tasks.


    No power analysis has been made in order to estimate an adequate group size. The

    absence of research in cognitive- motor interference during dual tasking, specific for

    movements of the upper limb, made it not possible to have a reliable effect size. The

    study must be seen as a pilot study.

    We saw that both groups had no differences in the cognitive performance. So the

    outcomes of the Trail Making Test and the SDMT were similar for the PwMS. This

    indicated no remarkable cognitive dysfunction for the PwMS. For the motor

    functioning, the performance of the NHPT < 18 seconds for the dominant hand

    indicated no major upper limb dysfunction. However, the PwMS perceived more

    difficulties with the upper limb in their daily life. The outcomes of the motor and

    cognitive functions were reflected in the execution of the single motor and cognitive

    tasks of the experimental procedure.

    According to current literature there is no significant relationship between dual-task

    decrement and measures of disease severity (Allali, Laidet, Assal, Armand, & Lalive,

    2014; D’Esposito et al., 1996; Hamilton et al., 2009). However, the results of Sosnoff et

    al. cannot be refuted or supported (Sosnoff et al., 2011). Sosnoff et al., who examined

    the DTC while walking in PwMS with mild, moderate and severe disabilities, found a

    difference in the DTC between these three groups of PwMS. In our study only patients

    with a mild disability level (mean EDSS of 2.3) were included, so a comparison

    between different degrees of disabilities was not possible. We can only conclude that

    there was no worse decline in the DTC for the PwMS in a mild stage of the disease


    While the degree of disability (cf EDSS) and the execution of the single motor task are

    almost parallel, it is probably more important to look to the performance of the single

    task. PwMS scored significantly worse than healthy controls on the performance of the

    single motor tasks, which probably is translated to a reduced performance in the dual

    task condition. This is confirmed in persons with Parkinson Diseases, specifically

  • - 22 -

    according to Strouwen et al. who stated that the single tasks performance is the

    strongest determinant for the dual task ability (Strouwen, 2015). If we make the

    analyses based on the capacity sharing model, it would indicate that a final decrement of

    the DTC should have been expected, because the motor and cognitive tasks must

    compete for resources. Although unexpected, a poorer performance for the DTC was

    not observed. Learmonth et al. confirmed this. A poor motor performance doesn’t lead

    to a greater DTC. She investigated the cognitive- motor interference by a cognitive task

    combined with the NHPT in three different disabled groups of PwMS. She found that an

    increase of the disability in PwMS led to a worse performance on the NHPT, but no

    increased DTC was found for the severe group of PwMS compared with the mild or

    moderated group (Learmonth et al., 2015). Therefore, the capacity sharing model can

    not entirely explain why we didn’t found an increased DTC in PwMS compared to

    healthy controls. Apparently, the isolated physical status gives no explanation for the

    CMI. A possible answer can be found in the multiple resources theory. Specifically, in

    spite of a weaker performance on the single tasks by the PwMS, they experienced the

    dual task as an easy task and could therefore execute them as good as automatically in

    our study. Presumably, some of the chosen tasks were not complex enough to

    discriminate. Certainly not for the finger tapping task, which is also reflected by the low

    mean DTC FT of 5.9%. Wickens explained that the dual tasks were done in the

    “residual capacity” region. Only if an overload is forced by complex tasks, the

    performance during dual tasking will fail (Wickens, 2008). There may exist a “residual

    capacity”, which is unused in task performance, whereby the reduced dual task

    performance was not visible. Despite the fact that D’Esposito and colleagues reported

    no relation between the DTC and the disease duration or EDSS score (D'Esposito et al.,

    1996), it is expected that the DTC would increase as EDSS severity or upper limb

    dysfunction increases further, based on the multiple resources theory.


    The duration of each task was thirty seconds. This might have not been long enough to

    establish discriminatory differences between the two subgroups. However, this was a

    deliberate choice. On the one hand, by keeping the duration fixed, it was possible to

    easily compare the different tasks with each other. On the other hand, although no

    correlation has been found between fatigue and DTC (Motl et al., 2014), a different

  • - 23 -

    execution in the single task performance of the sustained hand grip was seen for the

    PwMS. Severijns et al. showed a difference in motor fatigability between healthy

    controls and PwMS after thirty seconds (Severijns, Lamers, Kerkhofs, & Feys, 2015).

    Executing tasks longer by excluding the force grip task could have been more

    appropriate to detect differences between PwMS and healthy controls.

    Formulating comments on the cognitive task depends strongly on the theoretical model

    which is used. Based on the bottleneck theory no DTC could be expected for this

    research. It seemed that the neural pathways required for word generation did not

    overlap with the motor task of the upper limb. Based on the capacity sharing theory it

    was assumable that there were shared complex neural pathways connecting with

    different brain regions interlinked with each other. This is effectively showed by MRI

    of healthy persons, where the overlapping dual-task situation was compared with the

    execution of the single task. An activation in the prefrontal, temporal, parietal, and

    occipital cortices was detected (Schubert & Szameitat, 2003). In contrast with the

    comments that were given at the section of the characteristics of the recruited group, the

    capacity sharing theory gives now a clear explanation. Furthermore, a systematic review

    of Al-Yahya et al., concerning CMI in older adults, neurological disorders and healthy

    controls during walking, determined a lack of standardization in the dual-task paradigm

    for the cognitive task. A great variety of the concurrent cognitive task is seen. Al-Yahya

    et al. added that the domain and difficulty level of the cognitive tasks may have an

    impact on DT effects during walking. They concluded that cognitive tasks involving

    internal interfering factors (e.g. verbal fluency) seem to disturb motor performance

    more than tasks based on external interfering factors (e.g. reaction time) (Al-Yahya et

    al., 2011). It is assumable that the phonemic word list generation task was not

    comprehensive enough to explain the entire cognitive- motor interference paradigm,

    because of a low degree of systematic evidence for the cognitive task. It is likely that

    the cognitive component is multidimensional and in order to obtain conclusive

    information it would be better to select diverse tasks based on different categories of


  • - 24 -


    In this research no task prioritization instructions were given. It allowed persons to

    instinctively select which task to prioritize. This seems to match more with situations in

    everyday life. Regarding these prioritization, figure 1 shows that both groups made the

    same choice in prioritization. Both prioritized the cognitive task over the motor tasks for

    the upper limb, exceptionally for the Purdue Pegboard. The motor DTC was

    consistently larger than the cognitive DTC. These prioritization could be explained by

    both theories. The bottleneck theory argues that a delay on a task is caused by a central

    bottleneck. According to Ruthruff et al. it could be a structural limitation, a strategy or

    an instruction by the researcher (Ruthruff, Pashler, & Klaasen, 2001). On the other hand

    a decline could be explained by the capacity sharing model. A restricted central

    processing capacity permitted to do only one task at a time. This delay or decline is also

    consistent with the outcomes of table 3 and 5. As illustrated in table 5, the mean DTC of

    the box and block test was the highest. In table 3 it is seen that this decline is mainly on

    the motor section and hardly noticeable on the cognitive part. This conclusion was also

    made by Allali et al. In the four different cognitive tasks that he offered while walking,

    the PwMS prioritized consistently the cognitive tasks (Allali et al., 2014). It was

    uttermost striking that the same prioritization in the Purdue Pegboard bimanual was not

    observed. In the Purdue Pegboard bimanual a prioritization of motor task was seen over

    the cognitive task. This means that a greater increase in the DTC of the cognitive task

    was seen in comparison with a lower increase for the motor task. This could be

    explained due to the complexity of the Purdue Pegboard bimanual test. It seems like this

    motor task itself requires more attention. This is contrary to an easy task such as the

    finger tapping, where even an improvement for the cognitive task was seen in the

    combined condition.

    In general the literature shows no consistency in the way people prioritize. In order to

    make an overall conclusion regarding the choice in prioritization, there are too few

    studies and a too great variability in the types of tasks which are measured (Plummer et

    al., 2013). Plummer et al. states that pattern of the CMI likely depends on several

    factors, including the types of tasks, levels of difficulty, instructions to prioritize, the

    characteristics of the persons… Although the analysis of Plummer was made for the

    CMI in stroke patients, it is assumable to conclude this also for PwMS.

  • - 25 -


    The paradigm of the cognitive- motor interference in general in PwMS is a field that is

    not entirely unraveled. It is our opinion that further research should be twofold.

    On the one hand, the theoretical frameworks where the methodology is based on, should

    be further explored with a more broad variety of tasks that are used to explore the

    theories. This would generate a solid basis, which better reflects the everyday life.

    Previous research was mainly focused on the cognitive- motor interference while

    walking, however, it is important to investigate a larger range of characteristics and

    tasks to generalize this phenomenon.

    On the other hand, attention must go to specific outcome variables. In view of rigorous

    methodology to measure the dual task performance the dual tasks in this research were

    conceptualized and reduced in five single motor outcome variables. However, it is clear

    that there are more components which influence the execution of the tasks, like postural

    control (Boes, Sosnoff, Socie, Pula, & Motl, 2012), reaction time, the variability of

    speed during execution… Reducing the executed tasks to only five outcome variables

    could be too simple. Recognizing the complexity of the motor skills like a

    multidimensional construct, may require extended variances to enable multiple

    outcomes for possible further analysis. Using accelerometers for the trunk and for the

    arm could be very interesting, just like measuring the reaction time on several cognitive


    As an important aspect to mention and also like cited above, it appears appropriate to

    perform the tasks longer. It may have an effect on the fatigue in PwMS, but on the other

    hand this can be a more accurate reflection of the tasks of daily living. This concerns

    daily activities such as typing a report at a meeting, making a meal, ironing while

    watching television… Eventually, a clear construct of the CMI must be achieved, to

    reach the ultimate goal: Provide more targeted interventions, which are based on DTC

    assessment. Assessing the DTC could lead us to a more complete and comprehensive

    method for detecting effects in daily life. Therapists can take this paradigm into their

    therapy by training or compensations. Research of Yogev-Seligman et al and of Kim et

    al. about interventional studies suggested the effectiveness of DT training in walking.

    The motor and cognitive outcome variables in DT training were better, compared to a

  • - 26 -

    single motor training (Yogev-Seligman, Giladi, Brozgol, & Hausdorff, 2012; Kim, Han,

    & Lee, 2014). On the other hand, recent research of Strouwen et al. shows no

    differences between consecutive task training and integrated task training. They

    suggested that improved DT performance could be explained by an improvement of

    carrying out instinctive tasks automatically. However, these studies were only

    conducted in other neurological diseases, like Parkinson disease and stroke. Therefore,

    it is important to further investigate this unexplored area. As the theory about dual task

    paradigm is still underdeveloped, the methodology for future research must be

    considered carefully.


    The current study investigated the differences between PwMS and healthy controls

    when performing a motor task of the upper limb combined with a cognitive task. A

    cognitive- motor interference was found for tasks performed in single vs. dual

    condition, but no differences were found between PwMs and healthy controls in the

    dual task cost. The study was executed in PwMS who were functioning on a high level

    of performance in the upper limb and in cognition. It is expected that the proper

    functioning of these two functions explains why no differences were found between

    PwMS and healthy controls in the dual task cost of any different motor task. However,

    there is a discrepancy in the DTC for the various motor tasks independent of a specific

    group. Depending on the degree of difficulty of the motor task a different prioritization

    was given.

  • - 27 -


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