facts you need to know about your cat

Post on 24-Jan-2015






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Why does my cat look at me like that? It's a evil stare. Perhaps he is working out which bit to eat first!

Does he have a second family, who only look after him from 9pm - 7am! I might even get one of those cameras

you can attach to cats, record his movements.

The dog even seems confused by the cats behaviour, does not even get excited when I put my walking shoes on! Does the cat not appreciate how much fun the dog has

running around in circles, slipping on the wooden floor in a frenzied dash for the door.

Even simply walking across the floor has to be completed in an arrogant manner, tail up high and walking with

attitude any self-respecting rapper would be proud of! Come to think of it, what music does the cat prefer, I know

the dog has a liking for Status Quo!

So having watched a couple of Cat programs, it is time to communicate with this pet with attitude, I will show it

who the alpha male around here is! First, apparently if you look your cat in the eye and slowly close and open your eyes, it is a sign of friendliness! Ok, the cat is definitely

looking at me with a view to eating me!

Next, I try the rubbing of heads, which is another sign of greeting! The cat must of been watching Rocky 4, I never

saw that left hook coming! I am sure the dog is laughing as well!

My final attempt at training the cat, put it on a lead and train it to walk by my side. This I have seen done, if the old girl down the road can train her pet cat to do it, then I am sure this fully qualified instructor of people can achieve it. The cat has definitely been watching Rocky, that was some


I have not finished with you Tiddles! A quick bit of research reveals a book on How To Train Your Cat

This book dealt with:

What Breed is best for you What you should know before buying a cat How to select a Cat Breeder Discover how cats behave How to create a healthy environment for your cat Common cat diseases and health problems Selecting the

right cat litter Grooming your cat Selecting cat toys Training your cat to walk (This was what I am looking for!)

Diet Training tips

It was a comprehensive list, covering the areas I needed and some I should of read before letting Tiddles into the

family home! It certainly would of saved a few quid down the vets, if I had read this book first.

The book was easy to read and understand, dealing with a lot of questions I needed answers for and some I had not

even thought about.

Following the advice in this book, the cat is definitely beginning to understand me a lot easier! You never know

it might even let me stay!

That's the cat sorted, now I wonder if there is a book on "Understanding,Caring For and Training Your missus"?


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