factory pastry cooks $200 close-out! chefs ....

Post on 01-Feb-2020






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lurgh, Tet.. J«*J4

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jg wading wt o»- T*I*-„.„» to*»- or Peru, as «••« on

iutid}ng lots, on to* take :«, ittMtafft- *1** J300 fC of tront-

• « oa-*35rt?V suitable tor housing

fonn» '" farm • lands !0 188 AOlUt rtKii;» room house snd bsth. ' 4 b j * barns snd ©the* buildings. Prlc-; ed cheap for quick ••'S- **°-' ** P*** ., Ome», # » • Mtanl* Frovost, River-

view, N. T. 1 FAR*r-wltfc~l<r-^cw. and - i t room

houa* In WUlsborn, pototrwoodTpt. 249 acre* In WiBsboro Mt., on Route

td«*i tormotefe ASI SANORR WHTTI-100 ChunpHiIa Bt.. Plattsburgh. Tel


»VSHS«W property Lsx* Shore Rd.. J*MM«1ML_*JM90. J r p Q p n s W e r eny reasonable ofer. fitf. 4«KJ.

Business Property 11

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m aisd bathroom*


_ e*a 8SO.B fsevaa-app^tsaant. home M swing o_t**f M» »p» **

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OAS""etitio^, ffloeeryirtth beer Hcenee

coMPiarr* M# miu With good buud-ln». Tear *ound work, good etrlp of i»ndt,;'Smwnte ta mechinery or. com­plete. Would meke «ood etorege. Good ioceiUont" Slckneee, reeeon for eelUn*. A bergeln! WW*» Be» 0*19, e/oiWeie-^.epuWlcen

TWO itorr c»mp »t Point *n Roche. l*rg* lot. food enade, on iak* with eendy beach. Write Box Ml, Dunne more., N. T. *

REAL ESTATE FOR RENT Apartmants-^-l-urn. i a U I U T X N .

APT, 3 furnUhed roome, light*, heet. hot witer. couple preferred. C»41 »-B lAfujette* B%. ,

cleen tfnlt* for light houee-elec.. not water, ge*. elee.,

refrtg.; heeted. Dally or weekly to June M. Plenty perking. BeUrtew Cablne. 418 Margaret St. Tel. SM1-W.

06RAKD J.room apt., netted; ttgnte M he* water, aleo Cb»rlotte >-rooe%apt^ 3W floor. Inq. «s Oak f t . ^ *

POOR roome and bath turn, apart* . ment;. prJTate entranoa a n t - judulta J only. Oall «B«.-W,

PQR RJBTTt Purni*b*d or unfumlahed apartmente and aln»ie room*. Tel. u e t .

tiOTKtt room or email apt. Furnished. Private entranoe. Saltan)* 'or nuraee or nehool teacher*, t l Court Bt, Tel. 1H or TtJ. '

TWO room, prtrate entrance, gae. Hghte, eb«w»r. not water, rem*., parking Aleo tm«. for tourleta. M Cornelia. 1(5.

UOOSRM aparttnenta furnished or un-hlMtohedTinMBATJ. APTB. US Court

m. Avejflnanl* > ;>Unfuni. FTtp.-;

19 i apartanetrt

few »en> leiMwrnatB 5 t t , «»-w>t


. daooterted eVroom apt. . . _ Wn - wwirv ~a4>~flaHHoe)noaiaa Taye. - Inet.

SSCOITD floor | rooema and bath. Heat, ,' he* water and- gat ttora furnished

:-f-TC*a r n t — — J

TJOUOl room* and berth, heated, etore and refrigerator. 3 * Oak St. Inquire

Ttaa-noor 4-Mom Seated apt. newtr renoratad. Adults preferred,

T H W i roeett -ant.- with garage, heatj store, refrigerator a n d

otber uuutlee tunUsbed. Adult*.' McOonouch at. '


bedroom apt. Auto: oil heat. C mln. from bu* eeetlon. Phone l«-W-J for appointment.

hot tor. Ideal for

m d o c w . 4 i o a e M a * d a

wayg . , aria. Wate <M». a/#


eWW^^^a ia^a/aJs^p ^ r i fwaW ^RgfewaB^|. 4K^^pa*V

, Oeve aore «c lead. Pttoa* Charles p o r g u . MTD

•CTtoCt house located 'epaM h* recnodeled- ant* raoeas. Heo. Water. TajL


• beawtifui DantuM41.

hereterood _ fjware.' flrej

diata jeei i i fjmt. Oatt » O t a * . BKAMtoa. PhoeueTSi and »M.

kroaiiifiilirT tat awe -fares, fwur «atle4 free* Peru, in atU* fxaes Bout* 1, Wen kept merteRTrarnthOuee, 4 bed-rMcm, will aetl stocked and equipped or jnet'the f a m i aulet plae* to lite; •UUdlng toes oould be sold. PrancU A. LaBombaM, KesltOr, 1M Broad at. TaUfttt.

P t » HjOfT: 3-room eecond floor tttn«*W34 Margaret at. Trtephdne 8487

KEESEVIILE _ Uoet desirable location! Pleasant and •peclou* .4 bedroom hoene, and garage. Located near , school and cburcae*. A sound ta l - : ue at tesoo.

.LaFlure, Realtor Kee**Tllle 4.J73S

POB s U U ; The Jerry residence at (8 Oonr* St.. eooabtlng of 3 apartments,

m. PUItmaffilD camp at Ooldsmttb'e. Run

nlng water, screened porch. Cerpen ter tool*, 3<,i h.p. Sea Bee outboard motor. Mr*. Hatch. l-A couch St.

KOMB m Jerlcbo. la mile* from city. 3 acre* laud, oarage. Cottage. Work ihOp.WM.Ph.75ar Oik St.

POR SAIJt: Small Ranch cottage on take. Private beach. Suitable for couple.. 4 rooms, one bedroom. Write Bos. aet Platteburgh.

» » • • Mroeseu UTing room, klt-mi *mt t apt. Jtot -water. Sutt-

abee for e a i M y . Tel. 3*39. MODSfltM apt*. Rested, oomplete elec­

tric kitchen, continuous not water, janitor aenrlot. Parking space for ears. ldCMBAU> APAR^UBNTS, 116 Court at. Tel. tea.

r u * ts a three line set. oontalne about U wwde. ooeu only «1M for six days.


HaaMt For Ran* 1© room house, s bedroom*, auto.

•ft beet. Oarage- Immedalte occu-M Stetson Ave, Inq. » Pal-

l«iiciatt Proparty 22

SBCOrtD floor offlce space, 4 rooms, well lighted. Phone 1187.

POR RINT: Store located at 8 0. 8. Ave. Immediate poseeeeion. Apply JOHM P. LONO, PlatUburgh Laundry. Plattaburgh.

Suburban—-Laka Proparty 23

luainais Eauiomanr St


CLOSE-OUT! 300 complete dinette sett, chrome end wrought iron, in assorted col* ors and style*.

TERMS C.O.D., F.O.B. our plant

Brooklyn, N. Y. Please writ*

BoxG-82 c/o Press-Republican

LOCAL business man. with no children, deelree fl»e or six room unfurnlehedT apt. Pleaie call Mr. Martin. Tel. 12e*Y from 8:30_a.m. to 8:00 pm. ,. -

ANT in U. S. Army deelree to lease for one year, 3 bedroom ground floor apt. or small houee. unfurnished. Two adult*., 14 montna boy and a pet. Will be reiponalble for any damage effected on property. Write Box Q-M. ft/o Fife-Republican.

LOCAL builneee men deelree four room apt., furnUbed or partly fumlahed, on let or 3nd floor. Mu»t be In city. Plesse call Mr. Reynold*. Tel. 13*8, from 8:30 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. *

MERCHANDISE HeuteJiold Goodi 30 H t t lawn chain,

eheltee, trlcyclei, bookcasee, wall

itroller, rocking horsee. ektU eaw. Tel. 1853-R.


On* need Kelrlnator 8 ft. refriger­ator. In unusually good condition for only 885.

One used Prigldslre » ft. refriger­ator, with a 43 lb. freeser compart­ment, now only 1148 JO.

COLDSPOT, ueed refrigerator, used very little, 485.

PRESmWSlOS. XeewTllle, R. T. Tel. 4-811I

IWUKMLJHBd PJailCO tefjrlferator, excel­lent condition, 8100. KT2PATR1CK1 * HOWKLL. 18 Margaret Bt , Platts burgh. Tel. 804.

ORB poet drill pres»ri4.1n. hsnd saw. 8 in. Jointer, wood shaper, aU ma­chinery In A-l condition including tool*. Writ* Rouse* Point Bo* 141.

Prepare for warm Days Ahead! e our display of Aluminum Out­er Furniture. .

AMES FURNITURE CQ. 30 Marion St. Tel. 418

Twin Bed Special Berts twin Hollywood beds with plastic head boards, limeraprlng mattreee end box apring. Only #60.93 each. .

AMES FURNITURE CO. 30 Marlon Bt. Tel. 418

BBSD Westlnghouse elec. range, cheap for iqulck s a l ^ WXaC * COAL, 38 Protection Ave.

PLASTIC headboard for elngle beds, ' reg. 110.50, now 83.75, 3 pc. bedroom

suites 878 (only 3 left). Maple bunk beds, 848.50. 3 pc. plastic sectionals, reg. 8106.50. now 8*9.50. studio couch, reg> 858, now 838. Plastlo covered re­clining chair, reg. 686.30, now 848.50. Solid Cedar wardrobee, reg. 888.50 now 835. Crib* with springs and mat­treee. $1548. PBRO HARDWARI STORB. Peru 3-9013.

U8BD electrla refrigerator, good con­dition. 885. DOC* ft COAL, 38 Pro tectum Aye.

U8BO Television coneole, guaranteed, easy term*. DOCK ft COAL, 38 Pre tectlon Ave.

BBLLIKO OJJI; metal porch chairs, kitchen chins cabinet: bargains. Baker's Furniture, 78 Montcalm Ave.

THB FABULOUS General Blectrlc ewiv el base vacuum cleaner IS TOURS for a* little aa 610 down atPLATTB-BURQH 8ALES CO., 90 Broad Bt. Tel. 1473.

DOHT forget that there t» »tlU time to enter th* SBALY poaTURBPKDlC MATTRBSS CONTEST! Seethe new­ly improved S B A L T P O S T U R E P E D I C MATTRBSS' and FOUNDATION AT GOLDMAN'S! The only mattreee In the world designed in cooperation with leading orthopedic surgeon* eo you c a n t sleep incorrectly I Rxcluelve OOMFOBTMMhRD mean*: No buttons, no bumps, n o lumps t Matching coil

Coil POBTIIRBPEDIC F T O -on- JNBA-TION. for complete Potture-perfeot sleeping! $79.50 each. A* advertised in Lire, a 30-year written guarantee, in sets. Sea them today at GOLD­MAN'S. 75-83 Montcalm Are., Platta­burgh. Open avenlnge 'til 9.

KITCHEN sink, 88; lavatory, 87.50: com­plete toilet, 815; kitchen cabinet, $10: bath tub, 810; white gait store, 110; kitchen" le t , ^ T O a h o w e r stall. 839. TQU8IGNANT*S 65 Oak St.

STOP ta and aa* our wide variety in Nancy Warren wall paper. DEPAX-BTTst PAINT ft PAPBR STORE 836

THB finest gift you can ever give for Graduation la a s a w Bplnet Piano. Come In to abuen** Muelo Store now end place your order. Easy credit terms.

FOR GRADUATION why not give a portable phonograph. You'll find all kinds from 83915 and up a> HAZEN'S MUSIC STORK.

USED OAS stoves, all reconditioned. From 835. up. PAYSON'S FTJRNI-TURX, Upper Cornelia St. Phone 393.

- TRADE-IKS Higheet Allowances tor your used furniture.. Sea otir new-Furniture ft Appliance*. Freeborn**. 313 Car. nelia S t Tel. 3 0 . PIANOS • ORGANS BY BALDWIN

Cost (only) little more. Buy the beet. We sell on time and dearer. Dial 3-3776. f


6 CU. FT. gas, refrigerator, used. PAYSON'S FURNITURE. Upper Cor­nells St, Phone 393,

USED FURNITURE We really have a large selection of good, used bads, mattresses, parlor

' suites, studlor- couches, etc. Stop in soon!

GOLDMAN'S STORES 73-83 Montcalm Ave. Open era. til 9. THB POPULAR WROUQHT-IRON GOSSIP BENCHES. magaUn* rack*, swivel chairs, corner tables, end tanles. and your choice of wrought-lron or chroma kitchen eeta with the black or whit* marble effect. For­mica Tope in all the popular color* as advertised • in your leading mag­azines. Reasonable priced with prices to fit all budgets.


75-83 Montcalm Ave. Open Eva. til 8 NEW three piece maple living room

suites from 8139 up at GOLDMAN'S "Store*, 75-83' Montcalm Ava. Open evenings til 9. PAINT, vail paper, floor and wall tile, painters' supplies. Brewster**. 73 Bo. Catharine St. Phone 307.

ONE 3 pc. Oak dining room auite, re­gular 8298.93, sale price (189.S5. PAY-SON'S FURNITURE. Upper Cornelia St. Phone 303.

USED sinks, lavatories, water heaters. gss ranges, oil range*, refrigerators, rreewer*. bathtubs, washers; all in good condition snd all reasonably priced. L. LAVENE, 138 Pin* 8t^ Tel. S3Su_ .: _ .

BALED'hay and straw at, CadyvtUe. T H. Harney, Cumberland Head. Tel 139-W-3 or 1358.-

DE8IGNED FOR FARMERSt A new way to kill HOUSE FLIBSI Just ecatter ltt No fumeel No eprayl For barn*, pens, manure piles, poul­try houses, ate. Contains special attractant, ATRKX. THE NEW D-CON FU-CON. 81.88 at LARKIN PHARMACY, 5 Bridge Bt. Tel. 370. Open 9 A.M. Ui10 PJM.. dally, closed-Sunday*.

SEED poutoe* and alio good eating potatoes. Inquire Benjamin Franklin. Churubu»co.

CUT tulips, bleeding hearts, delphini­um, daisies, lump up panty plant*, tomato and pepper plants. 18 Mac-Donald 8£.

PREMIER straw, pit* 1.75-100: TAtfc. rasp. 1.20-doa; veg., flow. pit*. 35c do*. Will mall poatpd. B. Jennetti: Sclota.

VBGBWABLK and "flow** plant*, High quality 4>lanU at reasonable pries* JENNJSTT'S aRKENHOUSE. W. Chazy. Phone 3101.

OONDB milkers. Complete line of Conde replacement. parts. FITZPATRICK ft HOWELL, 19 Margaret St. Phone 804.

FOR SALE: Baled hay. Beet quality, early June cut. Phone Peru 3-9918.

Sporting Goods THE "Sea Horee" diving lung* are here.!

-2 tank unit 899.50, underwater time. 3 hour*. One tank unit $75, under­water time. I hOur. The**.unit* In­clude non return mouth piece—emer­gency, warning device. LARKIN BPORT ft CAMERA SHOP. T Bridge St.. Plattsburgh. Tel. 3*8.


HEW and USED Office Desks, Chairs. Files. Safes, Tables, Transfer Cases, Coat Racks, Steel Shelving.. Metal Storage Cabinets and Metal Office Par­titions a t Attractive Prices.


Olens Falls 3-4935

84 Kensington. Road

F. Rae Surprenant, Prop.

Miscellaneous Service 56 3ttQTO-TliUKO., 0**d*n». lawns, flow* -erbed«r- prsparsd in. « t t 4ffl**ai!on.

Fhon* leOT.Rueesll Clark, CHAtWFBOR'a Photo J»9J»|?C *•« «J!

Ucense for you. HAGAR ft HART, 48 Margaret fiL Phone 840.

ItBHT a Blngar Bewiss MMhtof, low rates, free $*utery, gfio jdl make*jM

~ sMsrts, Singer

Sewing Center 9 Clinton at. WATER WIM. *>R^W4»t»_W,,•»***

drillers. R^d8nff«V*lnduetrIahTPurs water meana good health. Hu^dsoa Falls DrlUlns; Co., Hudson Falls, Hf. Y. Tel. 4-J808. For information call Ed Smith. KsesaviUe »>»a55t

see the new 84 Inch Republic; »t**l kitchen sink and cabinet, cpnlylet* with mixer shelf snd Hamilton Beat

_*"- *%. «. cumm* ^ 35 Protection Ave. Phone 104

PROMPT repairs on sU makes of toatt-ers. Irons, cleaners, lampe, ate. Pickup and delivery, Dwyer EJectrtc Servlcs Tel. 3350. _ _ _ _ _ _ _

MAPS, engineer tracings, architect'* drawings, plana, and specification*. Prompt service on th* new Brunnlng black and whit* print machine. Ootey Offloe Equipment Co.. 344 Cornell* St Tel. *«0.

PLATTSBURGH Stone Products, mix cement, Nu order loci large too email. Beekmantown Rd, Tal. 1134.


Plattsburgh 1370.

Halp Wanted, Mele-rew. S»

START NOW? Pastry Cooks $200 Chefs . . . . ,$500 2nd Cooks ^Ji30Q Pastry Cooks $2)0

(plus full maintenance) NORTHERN


21 Clinton St. . Phone 3482

PROMPT service on watch, clock and Jewelry repairs. Sea BTOUGHTON'B JEWELERS, cor. City Hall Place and Bridge St.. Plattshurgh. H. T. Tel. 833

Scjle* Help—Mai. 60

Chemicals 40 SEPTIC essspools for slow drainage,

etc. Get Sanaflow. Save hslf. Adiron­dack Chemical, 333 Margaret St., city

Machinery—Tools 42 MALL CHAIN SAWS

8184 and-up^ MALADY'S MACHINERY 55 Boynton Ave. Tel. 830

HOMEUTK chain saw*, aale* ft aervic*. J. T. RYAN; Saranao. Tsl. Saranac 3431.

Horses, Cattle, Etc. FOR SALE: 1 black heifer ready to

.freshen. Milk cans and Collie and shepard pups. Leelle Trombly, Mooers, New York.

12 BTGHGRADB heifer* du* to freshen in June. Also pigs. Hubert 3r»nd. So. Plattaburgh. TeL 43-J-l.

SADDLE HORSES. Juat back from the west with 50 outstanding saddle hore-ee. Color and alas to suit every mem­ber of th* family. Phil Quartler. Tel 110. Richfield Springs, N. Y. ,

FOR BALE: Riding horse with western saddle and bridle. Joan Oulmette. Tel. Keeaevtlle 4-2307.

34J-30 WORK and saddle horses, also sad­dle*. For aale or exchange. Orel Bell, Rlrervlew. Tel, Saranac 2488.

AOBABLB Valley Farms Calkins Bros., ft Son. Registered Ayrshire oaltee for sal*. TeL Peru 3-3358,

BAIT FOR SALE Minnows—nit* crawlers—worm*

98 ChamphUn Bt. Boots «• Motors 35 ONE 14 ft. outboard red mahogany

Chris-Craft line* with 1950 Svlnrud* motor. Tel. 1987-R.

1853 "SUPER Quiet" MERCURY OUT­BOARD. MOTORS. Complete line In­cluding Mark 25E and Mark S5E with electric starter. Trade-in* and fin­ance. New and used boats. New shop open every day and evenings.. O. J. McCarreU. Peru, N. T. Tel. 3-9143.

FOR A BETTER-SEASONED SUMMER k boat adds salt to your leisure-life! Bee flAYLETT'S MARINE fine selec­tion of boat* snd motors. Choose soon, while choosing'* beet. Point su Roche. Phone I01-W-3.

BOATS. Flat bottom, used rowboat*. Bargain price. Also Duratech alumi­num boat*. Pram*, Veellne and sail­ing craft*. Sea or writ* for .circular. Day Bros., Lake Shore road. RFD 3.

SEASK3FF type utility. 18 ft, x 7 it.. cllnkerbuilt. 45 h.p. ChrUcraft. ideal •fisherman or family craft. At Mal-lett* B*y, Vt., 8550. Ed. L. O'Neill. Brtotol. Vt.

FOR SALE: 25 ft. Chris-Craft Cabin cruiser, sleep* four. Head and com­plete galley. Completely equipped, 81900. May be eeen at Allen's Bay, Lake Shore Road, Peru, N. Y., or phone 142-J-3.

AT BARKER'S MARINE STORE. Lyman andJUuma Craft outboard boat*. 21

. So. River St. Phone 6.

M-O-LENE aa advertised on T.V. Only 82.98 at GORDON'S DRUG STORK. Margaret St. Phone 191. ,

FREEZER wrapmnaa ana. containers, at FIKCH-PRUTN * CO. MO. Tel. 468.

SEE the new Frlgldatre dishwasher! Live demonstration 8319.95 up. Terms at E. T. HARRIS ft SON. 7 Delord Bt Tel. 853.

TWO and- three bedroom cottages by season. On bus line. Private beach Phone 1038.

Summer Camps 24 FURNISHED camp at Point au Roche,

week, month or season. Phone 2374-M.

"^f^^nt^n^^'^^^TX^^l ME ton St. or CHf! Baveh. Office phone 1322; cottage phono 1028-M

LARGE camp for season or week. Fire­place, beautiful - surroundings on Chasy Lake, • also a very, modern 4 room camp 9 miles north of Platts-burgh on Lake Champlaltt. sandy beach. Tel. Dann. 20J1 or writ* Mrs

• Tho*. LaVarnway. Dannemora, N. Y .

FOR SALE: Attractively priced homes In surrounding communities, camps on

Champhtln, soreage on Route 6 and smallJtualnees. Call 4143, Cha-

IN CADYVlLIJg 8 room house. ta porch, hot water h e a t 3 _ Itardweod floors, Asking 88.000. R*al Buy. K. O. ORArTTV fUgALTORi T»l 487,

FOR a*LB—Maw 3 bedroom hams, oocu pteel one year. Knotty Fin* kitchen ft SSsysft Bar. Good reeldentlal **ctlon Raajr P S . T * . PhMelOM-M for ap-

' _ _ _ _ _ _ * ""' " CAtm?RNli:

baajgw- 'Oarai Ranch Home. 5 room* and

t . . . . . <J*ras*w Tb* ba«a;oo», Fftld Stan* fireplace in living room. Panel l M ) | « m i a , Fully landscaped. Tel

FOR #AUh 8 room bouss snd bath, all nlsnoe*. On Rout* 348 '. Immediate oceupan-

IiK West \&m&fcir r i ypqi ly' • S»OTJ : •'; ' X U a D O f H I O H TAIKi?

&*&U2%j£f%^ wlth

ttry'-:rSt eAp tshsat


COTTAGE on Cumberland Head near Ferry, convenience*. Rowboat avall-able. Inq. 4^ Court Bt. Tel. 249.

WINKLER auto, oil wall furnace 895; sofa and 2 chairs 835; carriage $15 Bslerlna evening gown size 13 98: 6 chair* 50c ea. Rummage—children'* and ladles* clothing. 8 Lincoln Lane. at city limit* off Rugar St.

SPECIAL PRICE on n*w Magic Chef commercial gas

- r*ng*r-atX"»urfac* burners. 2 ovens, rddle and broiler. FITZPATRICK HOWELL, 19 Margaret St. Phone

904. ONE solid walnut dining room suite,

bouffet, table and sis chairs, 1250. Call 3650.

LARGE cottage on eaat shore Cumber­land Hd. Directly on lake, spacious screen porch. All modern facilities & boat furnished. Quiet location. Tel.

. 17Q3. .. _ , . . _ . A . _ . r _ _ -ATTRACTIVE Lake" cbamplaln shore

cottage all convenience*. $50 wk. Chester Arthur, Ke*evllle 4-5387.

FOR RENT at Port Kent and Port Douglas, fully furnished summer cot-

r tage* at reasonable rental* for person furnishing suitable references. LA-

- FLURE, REALTOR; Keeeevllle 4-2725. HOUSEKEEPING cottages all completely

furnished With every modem conven­ience. Weekly, monthly or by the sea­son rates. KE8SKL PARK INN on beautiful Lake Charnplain, in- Keese-vllle. New York.

^ __ Rooms With Board FDrSABANT room in new home with

board for Air Base Worker, phone 103-J-l.

Rooms Without Board 26 MODERN clean room, private bath and

entrance, parking. 70 No. Catherine Bt. Tel. 570-J.

PLEASANT corner downstairs bedroom. Call 1833-M or inquire at « - E g » : s t . ; ^ ; [. '

HJUBK" privacy? ' Here are two double rooms snd bath on second floori be* lag -offered for rent by owner*'who p i downstair*. On b u s l i n e . Call

R 3 0 U , 15 per Hf**k., Newly decorated. near bath, hot and cold water, also " • ^ • ^ S P * * 1 **** •*•• C*n > u**d tor l ight housekeeping or bed­room near shower bath. Apply 55

Air Bu* workers! Breakfast: _ J taken if .necessary; Phone Dannemora 471} after « p.m.

ONE Phllco console combination radio, nearly new; I dining .room set suit-able for camps,-1 used bed and dress­er, odd chairs and stands and mlic,

j-arWcle*. Inq. 425 Margaret Bt. Spring Time Is Modernizing Time! What about those antique bathroom fixtures and the old coal burner? Let u* complete your modernizing by Installing beautiful new bath fixtures or a new and modern heat­ing system.

M: ATHARDT*"SON 16 Cornelia St. > Phone 840

•'} DURAVEL • The fast drying, rubberized', flat

wall paint that leave* no brush marks! Comes in 128 color*. 61-55 qt., 84.95 gal. - . . - - .


W**Y NOT have that new FORMICA TOP tn your kitchen during house cleaning? Or perhap* WALL TILE for your bath. Vl*lt KEN WOOD'S in Beekmantown today or call 2053.

FOR high grade piano* at reasonable prices, see ERVIN M. FALCONER, Piano Tuner, 84 Court St., • Platts*. burgh, Phone 254.

AUTOMATIC fire alarm! No Installa­tion! Value, 89.95—WHILE THEY LAST. $3 at FITZPATRICK ft HOW­ELL, .INC., 19 Margaret .St., Platts-butgh. Tel. 904.

JOHNSON Brothers England gold bend dinnerware, set of *tx, including u -plecq place setting, soup turlne snd accessory Items. Good condition. Rea­sonable. IB McDonough StTret. 3188-J.

HOUSE GLEANING calls for cleaners and waxes for floors and wall tile. Call 3082 or drop out at KEN WOOD'S In Beekmantown today and get the correct one* made especially for your floors. Don't ruin them by using the wrong cleaners.

AUTOMATIC washer and dryer in one unit. Newest style. WILSON AP FLIANCE. 32 Broad St.

10 PIECE Oak dining room suite, regu lar 8319.95, sale price, 1189.05. PAY-SON'S FURNITURE. Upper Cornelia St. Phone 392.

SEE the new DELTOX RUGS for 1955. Available In sizes from 27x54 up to 15x18. XHINBrOFTTT SxTTreverslbie rug* for-less than 830, In the newest range of colors. VUlt KEN WOOD'S in Beekmantown today or phone 3062.

Radio-Television 31 DO YOU KNOW that you can own a

G.K. 3-1 inch TV set for a* little aa $15 down? See them today at PLATTSBURGH SALES CO., 00 BrOad St. Tel. 1473. *

USED Admiral, Emerson, Phllco and Westlnghouse 17 and 21-lnch televi­sion sets. Reasonably priced. BRIDGE TV. 103 Bridge St. Tel. 2366.

GUARANTEED TV service on all make* at STANLEY TV SALES ft SERVICE, 46 Brlnkerhoff. Tel. 2539.

TV sales .k mrwee ._ror - Westlnghouse, P*d* and G. B. TV Plattsburgh Sales Co. 90 Broad St. Tel. 1473 Open even­ings.

Farm Equipt.-Suppliea 32 FOR^SAItK: Used, tractor*, ana Fsrmall

Model H. One WD Allls Chalmers with plows and mower, one John Deere B with cultivator. SULLIVAN EQUIPMENT COMPANY, Beekman­town Road. Phone 375.

FOR SALE; Used Corn Planters, with fertilizer attachment* and three point hitch. See at the PERU FARM CEN­TER, Peru, N. Y. Phone 2-2312.

FOR SALE: Almost new 18 ft. Custom craft plywood outboard utility boat. Fiberglass to water line and deck. Complete With folding canvas top, steering wheel lights, «tc. With or without 23 h.p, Johnson., Call or see Haylett's Boat Yard, Point au Roche.

.BANKER'S MARINE STORE Evtnrude outboard' motors, Chris-craft cruisers, speed boats, and kit boats. Lyman,- Thompson and Alums Craft outboard boats; Marine paint and varnish; water ekils and boards; life preserves of all kinds; anchors, oar*, paddles, boat trailers, and all other marine equipment. Trade In your old motor. Terms. 21 So. River St., Plattsburgh Tel. 6. 3','J hp Firestone Outboard Motor, . 835.00. 5-h.p. Zvlnrude Zepher, 865. New Royal Atlas 5 h.p. with clutch,

6139.50. PLATTSBURQH COAL CO. 55 Weed St., Plattsburgh

Building Materials 36 -PAINT NOW—PAY LATEf^

Take advantage of this good weath­er to repaint your home. Buy that good SWP that you need, pay about 810 down and take care of the balance In three easy pay­ments. .-

A. MASON & SONS, INC. Peru 2-2325. Pine St. 227

Plattsburgh LODVER doors $5; windows $4; panel

doors 824; soil pip* 83 a length; stair­ways 812; hot water heater 675; porch railing and column*, water pipe. Tel 3474-<R or inquire at Jersey Club, Cliff Haven. George Parent.

EAGLE-PICTURE aluminum storm wln-—dow*-ft^oor»r-grtH*.~northern aw_igf r '

Co. 96 Miller St. Phone 1093. BUY THB PARTS FOR YOUR NEW


T R I M - A - S E A L aluminum storm doors snd windows. Custom mad* teeally, lowest prices. H. Krlnorlta. Tel. 834.

Do-lt-Yourself 37

FOR SALE: One used John Dear* model H tractor with plow. Cheap. See at the PERU FARM CENTER, Peru, N Y. Phone 2-2312.

USED John Deere Traotors-Models t Models H—Models B—From 8225.00 at W.W. FINNEY ft 80N8, INC.. 48 Riley Ave.. Plattsburgh. Tel. 1742.

CHAIN Saws, new ft used. Cedar posts, ISO to 50c. BROADWILL'S FARM STORE, Morrlsonvliie-.

FOR SALK: Florence combination oil and gas range. Practically new. Good buy. Phone Keesavllls 4-2213.

USED Westlnghous* 30-gal, ' water heater, guarantee, 845. ft COAL, 29 Protection ^ve.'

electric DOCK

SPRING IS HERB! Yes, It's spring and just in timefor your painting need*, we have a spe­cial*- Outside house paint, 83.50 gal.; rubber latex flat paint $*.5Q gal. CHAMPUaN VALLEY FAINT ft GLASS CO.. Cor. Lafayette ft- Ash St., PlatUburgh. Teji. 11«.

Hew Homelite Chain Saw* Raymond Bedard

Champla.li. N. Y. Tei. 3S-B ONE used tractor drawn grain drill,

13. disc. IHC, 3 used tractors or horse drawn drills, 11 discs. (IHQ New 13 and 16 disc, grain drill* on rubber, (IHO> new com planters o n rubber or steel, CHILTON BROS. Phone 4181. Ellettburg Depot.

CLOSING out milking machine*) and milk palie at cost Finch-Pruyn Co;, ino rsi 448


RENT a sender and renew;your floors. Do- the Job ttmrself. Have new look­ing floors, yet save up to two-third* the cost, Sander is essy to operate. Rates are low. Inquire at paint deptrr Montgomery Ward, 0-8 Margaret St.. Plattaburgh. Tel. 1730. ^ ^

FLOOR SANDERS RENT sanders and renew your floors

at lower cost. Also cement mixer at 83.00 a day. Touelgnant, 65 Oak.

Business Equipment 38 BOTTLE cooler, between 15-18 case.

One-only 4-burner gas stove. Ilk* new. Phone 1935 or 1253.

PRICES slashed on all makes of new and used cash registers! See us tasti Jordon's office equipment. 3* Oak St.



CHICKS. Hlchola H»w Hsraa. Red-Rocks. Rock-Reds. Whit* BroU*r Croea unsexed S14-10O. Hvy. unsexed 811-100. Leg. Cock*l*. $2.50-100 ptp. Free Clr Wagner Bros. Hatch«ry. Beaver Spa. Pa.

Miscellaneous 4a


Wm. J. N*»«r*tt, Chasy. Fhonee 4131 and 3303 or sail John Collins. Plattsburgh 3344. This is a 4-ilne ad. oontaiha about 88

words, costs 8343 for six days. It's easy. Phona 77, and we'll be glad to help you word your ad.

DID YOU KNOW that the Sanitary Diaper eervle* de­livers tn Plattaburgh on Tuesdays and Frtd*yeT~Fnoh* Maloh* 1410 for complete information. ^ ^



1 Helen St.. Plattsburgh, H. Y. , TeL, 3835


ELECTRIC * ACETYLENE North End Welding Shop

North of Cumberland Head Corners Tel. 813. H. DEFAYETTfct TROtKfNG

Tel. 387, YMCA WE shsrpen all type* of aelasors; PINK-

INQ SHEARS our specialty. PAVONB SHOE HOBPITAL. 30 Margaret St,

*>ART»«sTNT arid rooming house near business district. Income over 8300 monthly. Well furnished, extra good condition. Low taxes. Write Box G-13. c/o Fresa-Republlcsn. • ,

EXPERT watch renaira. parts gusrantssd. Prompt rATSONS. 11 Bridge t i t

AU eervtoe ft Serrtos.

FOR BALE: Grocery, doing steady bus­iness. Fully stocked. Goad opportu­nity for ambitious worker. Oall at 43 Lafayette Bt. . .

KLEOTRIOAL material* and wiring, ex­pertly done by GARFIELD THERRI-i » . Cumberland Tlead. T e l . » l .

RBtfTArfa Bervloe. bandara, pollsh--ers, steel-woolers, linoleum rollers BROCS3NGTOK, 36 Miller. Ph. 73.

WEDDDTG Announcements. W* print them on short untie*. Gedde* Print Bbbp. 137 Oak St. TIT. I88J.

EMPLOYMENT Help Wanted—Mala

FOR SALE: Boy's bicycle, excellent con­dition. Many extra*. 818 JO. Also large wardrobe trunk. Excellent for stor­age, 67.00. 40 William s t -

COUPLETS acqu fish and equipment. Call 150-J-3.


FOR SALE: Black dirt. sand and gravel. Tel. Peru 3-9764 collect.

GET your supply of GARDEN CHEM ICALS .for your lawns, tree*, flower gardens, vegetable gardens, etc., to ­day from our large selection! LARKTJt PHARMACY, 3 Bridge SU Plattsburgh. Tel. 370. Open dally 9 *jn. to 10 p m Closed- Sundays.

MEMORIAL Day wreaths and sprays. 98c * to 83.49. Cemetery vases, metal and plastic. 19c and 35c. KRE8GB8. 12 Margaret St.. Plattaburgh.

NO MORE BACK ACHES! KILLER-KANE—tha easy, effective way to kill dandelion and rid your lawn of plagolng weeds, etc. One touch of KtLLER-KANE" does the ' trick! So* It at LARKIN PHARMA­CY. 5 Bridge St.. PlatUburgh. Tel. 370. Open 9 a.m. to 10 p.m. dally. Closed Sundays.

MOTO MOWER power mowers 1 Also hand and electric mowers. We carry all types of wire fencing. W. W. PTR-NXY ft SONS, 48 Riley Ave..' Platta­burgh. Tel. 1743.

•' IT'S LAWN SEEDING TIME Now Is th* tims to plant new lawns and reseed old. We have boxed seeds at 30c and 79c. We have bulk seeds in thre* exceptionally high quality grades, 75o l b , 8138 lb., and 81.851b.

LARKIN PHARMACY 5 Bridge St., Tel. 370. Open f A.M. to 10 P i l , dally, closed Sundays.

Ws carry all kinds of lawn seed1, gasden seed. Vertagreen fertiliser for tha

"lawn and garden. Garden tool* of all kind at W. W. FINNEY ft SONS, 48 Riley Ave., Plattaburgh. Tal. 1743, 1 SET of folding garage doors; upper half 1* glass. Reg. alae, complete, |25. GORDON'S DRUG STORE.

TOP soil. Cedar Fence pc* RAYMOND PELLERIN, Phone 29-W-2.


Wearing Apparel 47 WE now have the DAVY CROCKETT

hats, cowboy shirts and T-shlrta, In all slsee! We have a eompleta line of summer sport toga eueh aa shorts, pedal pushers, toreador pants, Ber­muda shorts, e t t .rror children shor and women, In all colors. SEES GOLDMAN'S BBFORS YOU BUYJ 75.-83 Montcalm Are., Plattaburgh Open evening* 'til 8.

Wanted To Buy SECOND hand lavga tent . in good condition.

Tei. Dannemora 4811. OLD Hsrley Davidson motorcycle

for th* parts. Phone 35-W-2. T" WANTED

STUDIO PIANO Must be in good condition and not over 40 inches high, -Must h a y full, key board. Pleas* call 993-W from 5:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. only.

WANTED to buy: Small used Spinet pi­ano. Contact Midway Restaurant, Charnplain. Tel. Charnplain, 12-Y-3

PULPWOOD All kinds of peeled and rough.

Stannard Pulpwood Bales. Inc.

Keeeevllle. Phone 4-5939 8INK8, toilets, furniture of aU kinds: gas stbvas: boats; television. Touslg ' nant. Tel. 756.

ROUGH sprue* ft baisaut peeled poplar. Rough ft peeled h'dwood. Birch ven-ear. Howard Uysttv Olayburg. 4524

WANTED: Driveways ft parking Iota to repair. Let us get you out of the mud. Call W. A. BUSHEY ft SON. 108-W-4 for free estimates.

CATTLE and Went Chasy. on reverse.

csivee. Victor Jubert, Phone 3433; Wast Chasy


elumbing—Keatincj •A PROMPT plumbing and oU heating ear-

vice snd iMtallaUon*. _JOHN BlJOit. day or evening. Tat 3BM-M.

phone 3831-R. work guaranteed

. . . estimate*. AH Raasooabl* rata*.

RipoirJno—Rafinishing 54 ^fi*"-^miin *iii.t i •;-.rn n-rirti-iufi- • y i m i ^ i -

tomMEOtCB oonstrwruon, mw ROOM

sr MACHINE T*nd*r with sxperlene* on

Fourdrlnler paper machine. Apply at mill office and ask for Edwin H. Bills, Superintendent; Thomas A. Oalante ft Sons. Inc.. Pulp and Paper Division, warrensb'urg. N. Y. „

MARRIED man to work on farm. Apply John B. Tetreault. Chasy. Phone Bouse* Point n-Y-2-

8INGUC man t o work on farm. Apply Herbert Ducharme, Watt Chasy Phone 3403.

SINGLE men for farm work. Be* OUT L. PERYKA, Tom Miller Road.

EMPLOYMENT Help Wanted-—Female 5S



AFTER 3:00 P.M.

Strand Theatre MIDDLE-AQED woman for cooking and

helping in kitchen. Apply Korlna Re* taurant, 7 Elisabeth. Tel. 2447.

WANTED — Combination housekeeper and companion to two.elderly ladles one eeml-lnvalld. Little or no house­work involved. References required. Salary, 825. weekly, plus room and board. Permanent position to right person, WU1 be treated like on* of the family. Phone 487-W- Write of see, in person, Mr. Robert Gibbe, 70 North Main St.. Port Henry, N. Y.

WOMAN or oapsble girl for general-housework and care of 5»i yr. old. child. Sleep in, 830 per wk. Call 2289-W or after 5 p.m. 3458 for in­terview. . r .

BOOKKEEPER Must be completely familiar with all phases of bookkeeping, monthly cloee* ft statements. Will b* under supervision to start. Salary 860 to 865 per week depending on exper­ience, i


21 Clinton St. Phone 3483

Stenographers Receptionists

Typists Gen Off Workers


#^P1JDYMENIT (Agency)

21 Clinton St Phone 3482

WANTED: Experienced hairdresser. Good working conditions. Phone 1733.

MAID for general housework, family of two adults. Phone 3544 mornings.

EXPERIENCED, hairdresser; salary 860 weekly, 40 hour*.. Harris Beauty Sa­lon. 4e> Margaret St!

WAMTJBD: l ady to work 9:30 a.m. to

well. Writ* Box O-TT. c/o Press-Rep. W A N T E D : Woman for general -house­

work, 5 days a week; steep in or out. Apply Mr*; J. *. Judgsv Point View

. Terraes WANTED: Experienced general house-

worker. g ( ^ salary. Cumberland Head, Apply at HERMANN'S STORE, Platts-burgh, M. Y. •

Order Your Want Ad

WANTED! Salesmen not satl*fled with •10.BOO a year. Old establrthed m m has de­veloped smeatng new chemical for use In their famous eafety equip­ment. Prospects including l o * « " trlal u»*r» everywhere. ^*»sUhow, Texa*. has already m*d* over 88.000 this year. No investment. Earnings advanced. Free use o£ta8*a»MB. Write D*pt. 340-Q, Box 373, Wttte-ton, Colorado. *

EXPERIENCED Automobile Salesman

- Wanted! by an old **t4bU*h*a^'Bir^lir*r -deaterehlp. that offer* Mcurlty, «

food »o»lUon and an opportunity o sell the finest automobile.on the

market. Please write, giving si* as--talls-to- .

P.O. Box 186; Plattsburgh, N. Y.

WANTED: Man with .soma sale* exper-leocs, preferably age 35-58 and mar­ried. Potential earnings unlimited. Write Box G-80. «/o Press-Republican.

FINANCIAL lusinees Opportunities 66

1 STAND built on 1934 Packard, In, good condition, .:for busln*** with Freneh fries, hot dogs, hsmburgers, eoft drinks, popcorn machine, potato peel­er. Discontinuing on account of 111-n#**, Inqulr* 193 Park S t , Tupper Lake. N. YTTel. 365.'

FOR BALE: Bkoellent opportunity for Anynn« 4nt»re«t«<l in restaurant busi­ness. Fin* location. All newly redec­orated. Reason for selling, til health. : her tnf box G-78, */o-

formstlon. p« Frees KspuMI




Bonking Services 68

Your Checks Lead "A Double Life" Your cheeks serve you TWICE. First, they pay. your bills quickly, con­veniently. Second, they come back to you, endorsed, as bona fid* re­ceipt* for every payment you mak*. Save time. Avoid dlsputee. Open k checking account her*.

The National Commercial Bank & Trust Company

PLATTSBURGH OFFICE 3 Brlnkerhoff St. TeL 70. Platttburgh

Member Federal Deposit Insuranc* Corporation



Dollar* that stem from the generous .dividends you receive yearly.

Sense that stems from the peace *f mind that come* from REGULAR investment* in savings. shares.




ASSOCIATION 8 Margaret Street Phon* 807


AUTOMOTIVE Automobiles Far Sere 72 OR T R A D E for late model Henry J,

WIlTys or 1st* mod*! email car. 1949 Olds, excellent condition. 17,000 orig­inal miles. Tel. 1987-B.

1950 NASH Amb. sedan, clean, only 8495. DTJROCHER'S USED CABS, 84 Elisabeth. Tel. 3I48-J.

' - Orm-INiA-dflLLTON: 195$ Chrysler New Yorker 4 dr. se­dan, finished in gun-metal gray and equipped with radio. alr-oo*dltion>. ing heater and automatic transmis­sion. Driven LESS th»h 23,ooo muss. This one i* the ORIGINAL "cream-puff." Should b» seen t o be appre* elated. T. 3. RYAN. & c . BroaSfat. at Tarleton Ct. Tel, l t t .

' M . l ! & , a S L 5 r t K _ .TUS1 Jwdra-matlc. " * S . « » T GARAGE, Boynton Ave. Tel. IB47*

1953 CHEVROLET;-model 310, 4 door se-dan with heater and directional ilg-

T e i ^ l l »*«•*** 8t„ Flattsnurgh. rfc RUNS tJOm A.TOF: A 1949 •Chavroiet

clubedup*, with nice rubber, 9XCML.

« X T R A C^LBANMSM muidebaker a'dr


1947 ^Plyrtiouth Spfctol, *

'^*j)Mtlpi*tY*W'-' •' ""'i






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