facebook diaries-somet12-destination analysts presentation

Post on 15-Jul-2015






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Erin Cummings, Destination


AJ Alexandra Emily

Gregg Jane Kathy

Mia Nick Peter Scott

• Do you recall today's post(s)?

• What thoughts and feelings do you have about today's


• How did today's post(s) affect your feelings about the


• What specific elements of the post(s) made you feel the

way you do?

• Anything else you'd like to comment on?


• Loved the picture!!

Absolutely breathtaking

and I couldn't stop

staring at it.

• Uninspired and lackluster.

I am surprised they

actually could post more

generic pics. The pic of

the rural road in the fall

made me almost fall into

a coma.• It just makes me think about how much there is to do in Florida and all the things to choose from. I love Florida so it excites me to see things to do and things I've already done and remember how much fun it was.

• Makes me think that it

will be a tourist trap with

a ton of screaming kids

and soccer moms.

Confirms that it is a

family tourist wet


Does it evoke an emotional connection to our


Does it support what we want to communicate about our

destination brand?

Does it distinguish our destination?

Does it inform new, positive thinking about our


Does it make us look like a source of expertise?

Does it have significant potential to motivate travelers to



“It’s just the sense that it is some things that

will move you spiritually. Things that you

must see and experience live… things bigger

than man.”The beauty of the pictures of the

park, the descriptions of the parks, and

just the things to do at the parks. I really

liked that I was able to get a lot of

information about S.C. and get ideas of

how to plan a trip there and what there is

to do there.

“This is now on my bucket list”

“I can’t wait to take a trip there”

• I'm not a golfer and the fest looked like any other autumn fest you

could go to anywhere. It just was boring and forgettable.

• The Blue Man group posting does not tell me anything about Orlando

and is not unique to Orlando. It is a generic show picture that could

be anywhere.

• I would like to see some posts from SC that would really entice me

and grab my attention and really make me want to go out of my way

to make sure I vacation there. So far the posts are really things I can

do where I live.

• Please show all the parts of Orlando, not just the touristy parts.

• “Nice mall, just like premium outlet

malls in other states”

• “I thought it was stupid for them to

highlight, of all things, a shopping mall.

EVERY CITY HAS ONE, and they all

look just like that!”

• “The characters gave me a positive

feeling, but the ordinary outlet mall

made me feel like Orlando is nothing

special. If that's really an attraction,

then Orlando is less than I expected.”

“The text and other people's comments don't affect

me as much as the incredible photography”

“The photography is the hook!!”

“Received a beautiful post last night. The photo

was breathtaking with the array of colors.”

“Don’t post unless you have a visual”

“No picture?!”

“WOW!! Such an

unbelievable and

sweet picture. I

seriously can't

stop looking at it.”

Attention Grabbing? Relevant?

“Seems like there is nothing to do but look out your window into

nature. No culture, no activities, no events.”

“Just for outdoor activities lovers and nothing else. It’s just too one-


“Today's post showed me nothing new. It made me feel that Albuquerque

doesn't have much diverse recreational activity.”

“Am I right that there were only hot air balloon images?! Nothing telling a

different story about ABQ?”

“It made me wonder, where are the people of Albuquerque? Where is the

culture? What (besides Ballooning) make the place unique?”

“Makes me think this would be a nightmare boring vacation spot.”

“My feelings about South Carolina continue to become more positive

with the continuing postings of different attractions.”

“Table Rock State Park and the golf course photos. Everyday there

have been posts of different South Carolina attractions, each one


“Warmer" colors than I'd associate with Alaska; so a

refreshing view. Expanded my impressions of what I

thought Anchorage might be like (cold, grey, working


“The balance of images between wildlife, stunning vistas,

and things like coffee with froth...a different and highly

enjoyable experience to be had.”

“The images I recall are serene, relaxing, beautiful—they

aren't highlighting this family-centered commercial craze

I've been envisioning.”


“I am overloaded on Laredo. I received 9 ( or was it 10???) posts

from them today. TOO MUCH!! Especially since most of them I had

little interest in. after today's onslaught, I would have unfriended


“Wow, there were a lot of posts today!! I felt sort of overloaded by the

amount of posts.”

“Quality vs. quantity is important!”

“The lack of new content kills this page. I know there must be more

to do and see there. This is just incompetence and laziness from the

administrators of the page.”

“Nothing new posted, so I assume nothing new is happening. Makes

me think they are running out of ideas.”

“The lack of any current or relevant posts is unacceptable, especially

during an upcoming weekend or holiday (Halloween)”

“I like to read comments from people that

have something to offer about their personal

experience with the picture or what they saw

or maybe some suggestion from experience

traveling there.”

“Read the comments from others, who

seemed to be reminiscing about their

travels...with fond memories. These posts

, and scenic views, reinforce my desire to

visit Alaska.”

“The best memories is a great way to tell tons of

stories about your city in one post...great for a

travel site especially!”

“I also like reading those "what's your favorite memory" posts. I "liked" a Costa

Rican travel site and always eagerly post my favorite memories from our

honeymoon there.”

“The photo triggered my review of the Alaska magazine link, which

gave me additional incentive ( great photos) to visit the area. The link

enhanced my desire to visit the area.”

“I also wanted a hyperlink to Macoy Laroza's page so I could see

more of his work”

“I loved the post about the Center for Birds of Prey. Such a beautiful

picture of the owl. I also enjoyed clicking on the link and learning more

about the Center.”

“I also like that there are posts that link directly to the Discover South

Carolina webpage. There you can find A LOT of information about

S.C., how to plan a trip there, and find out what to do there.”

“I really liked that there was a link to Anchorage.net. There was just so much

information on that site. I really liked learning more about the city, what things

there were to do, and looking at pictures. It is a great place to go to and plan your

trip. I was very impressed.”

“I really liked that there was a link to the Albuquerque Convention and Visitors

Bureau and that you could look at the calendar of events. I enjoyed finding out

more about the upcoming events. I also browsed around on there and found out

more about the things you would do in Albuquerque. I think it is a great website

and has a TON of great information.”

• 5 Things to Do/ “Top” Lists (Albuquerque)

• Seasonal theme/focus (South Carolina)

• Decide who you are (who you want to be) and who you most want to speak to

• Have definitive objectives that you have decided in advance

• Ensure all posts pass the objectives test. Don’t post if not

• Use Facebook for its key strength as a marketing tool: To inspire

• Don’t focus 100% on a limited brand message. Showcase your complexity and diversity. Use Facebook to show your audience things they have never seen or thought about your destination

• Be active

• Provide links to more information from your post. Take the opportunity to drive traffic to your website

• Balance your focus on niche audiences

• Don’t overuse events as content

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