express yourself! school shootings go international · express yourself! school shootings go...

Post on 03-Oct-2020






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Express Yourself!

School Shootings go International Sara Al Mahmoud

It seems like only yesterday when 20 children and 6 adults were killed at

Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut. On December

14, 2012 Adam Lanza, a 20 year old, got into the elementary school with

a Bushmaster rifle. Not only was an American Elementary school

attacked, similar crimes have been committed all over the world. Re-

cently in China, a 36 year old man, entered an elementary school in

Chengping and stabbed 22 students. Luckily, none lost their lives during

the incident. As an American International school, AISA was very shocked

after hearing the tragic news.

Because of this horrible attack, many Americans are wondering how it’s possible for a civilian to buy and own a semi-

automatic rifle. Immediately following the shooting at Sandy Hook, American Walmart stores stopped the sales of the

rifle. Americans are also in the process of changing the legislation to re-access the process and restrictions of gun owner-


Regardless of the gun laws, the seemingly random attacks on school children are terrifying. What motivates a person to

attack innocent children? How do you protect a school from such attacks? The important thing now is to be cautious and

prepared so these kinds of incidents don’t happen again.

It’s a blessing to live in a safe and secure place such as the UAE, but we never know what the future holds. A few AISA staff

members were asked if they’re aware of any procedure or training they know to follow in the event of an attack on the

school. Middle School Counselor, Mrs. Huner said, “I think AISA security is really good, we have the guards at every gate

entrance and everyone can only come in from the front door during the day.” Mrs. Huner also commented on how safe

she felt after knowing how secure the law is when it comes to bearing arms in the UAE.

When asked about actual procedures that should take place if any minor incident happens Vice Principal, Mrs. Hanson,

replied "We are putting a policy in place for such a situation so your teachers and the administration have a plan to keep

the students safe." Even though such incidents may never happen in the future, it's good to know that there is an actual

procedure that staff members are aware of in order to keep students safe.

Past attacks were often committed by students on their own schools, where

little to no security restrictions were in place to identify troubled students

or check for weapons. This raises the question, should schools be responsi-

ble for security checks on their own students? Should schools have to in-

stall metal detectors, or do we need to take a deeper look into what moti-

vates students to attack their fellow students.

Volume3, Issue 5. February


Our mission is to produce an up-to-date,

fun, fresh, and fierce newspaper that will

be liked by many, cussed by some and

read by all. Enjoy!

Staff advisor: Miss.Sarah

Edited by: Mrs.Hanson Bhutta

AISA VOICE: Sara Al Mahmoud, Danna

Atrak, Alix Marionnet, Tim Johnson,

Meera Romanos, Reem Luqman

WHAT’S UP?:Latifa Al Mazrui, Dalia Al

Hashmi, Fahda Al Saud, Hadeel Dahlan

COSMOPOLITAN: Ali Al Masaood, Sarah

Sheikh Ali, Sasha Richard Herbert

THE SCENE: Jessica Smith, Sasha Richard

Herbert, Alhanoof Al Hameli, Anonymous

WE ARE THE LIONS: Zaid Salamah, Ah-

mad Fardan



School Shootings

Freshmen Akwardness

AISA’s Got Talent

Environmental Concerns

Kids do the Darndest


Page 3 What’s Up?

Valentines Day Events

History of Valentines Day

Robotics Club

Black History Month

Page 4 Cosmopolitan

Valentines Day facts

Love letter to the Mascot

Best Tweets

Page 5 The SCENE

Global Village Trip

Dubai Shopping Festival

Ask Bob

Kanye Concert

Page 6 We Are The Lions!

Basketball Update

ACS Vs. AISA Charity B-


Terry Fox Run

Sandy Hook Elementary shooting, American flags at half



Danna Atrak

It’s no secret that everyone’s excited about

their first year in high school. First year with

the big kids, later curfews, and maybe even…

dating. However, with all the excitement

about being a freshman, there is also a lot to

worry about.

So, I thought I would give a little of my own

advice as a senior so you know what to ex-

pect. Firstly, teachers expect A LOT more of you. Friends start to form “groups” which always causes drama. Everyone’s

becoming young adults and dealing with hormones so there’s anger and frustration all the time for no reason! Yes, you will

become overly stressed and of course that causes you to break-out and have mood swings but hey, you’re not alone! An

anonymous girl said, “Between the stress of work and fitting in, I really hated my experience, I think you need to be really

strong to continue to being a sophomore. There can be a lot of bullying and fights on Facebook. Ignore those immature


You are not alone! Freshmen year is a time when students develop their academic skills and start to find who they are. It’s

easy to lose yourself when trying to fit in and it’s easy to feel totally lost. This is the time when rumors start to get intense

and the girls get REALLY catty. You don’t see this so much later in junior or senior year because everyone’s older, mature,

and focused on themselves. Personally speaking, each year in high school got easier and easier. By senior year, there’s a lot

LESS drama because people are mature enough to confront each other if there’s an issue. Students develop better commu-

nication skills, less attitude, and are more focused on universities and the right friends.

When you go to 9th grade it’s important to know who your friends are. Remember the saying, “Know your friends” is very

important here. Generally, you want to carry those friendships on throughout your whole high school experience and with

the wrong crowd that can be… bad. It can be a rough experience, but it can also be the best years of your entire life, so en-

joy your precious time. If I could go back, no of course not… not even if you paid me, but hey that’s just me.




AISA’s Got Talent: Angel Meredith

Alix Marionnet

Angel Meredith is 16 and in the 10th grade. This is her first year at

AISA. Previously she went to Poinciana High School in Florida. Angel

was born in Brooklyn, New York and then moved to Florida. You might

recognize her from the AISA Talent Show where she showed off some

of her dance moves.

Angel started performing arts at the age of six, and performs in many

dancing shows and competitions. She dances at her church and teach-

es the little children. She performed in the "Fine Arts" competition

with her step team and travelled to different states for two years. An-

gel’s team came in second place out of the 50 states, representing the

state of Florida. Angel and her step team have been in newspapers,

television and parades.

At the age of thirteen, she started to do new things like photography.

She started off small and began to improve on her photography. Pro-

fessional photographers have even asked her to intern with them as

they recognized how talented she is as a photographer, even at the

age of fifteen. Presently, Angel is attending a dance school and will be

taking her ballet and pointe exam in May and will continue to practice

photography as a hobby.

Angel says, “Dancing and photography are who I am”.

If you would like to nominate an inspiring AISA student in the next

issue of The Express, please write to us at and

let us know who should be featured next.

Meera Romanos

Here at AISA we have the cutest and

weirdest kids in Abu Dhabi. Some of these

kids do the most hilarious things ever,

thing you would never expect from a kid

that small. Mrs. Cools, a Pre-k teaching

assistant, told me the funniest story ever.

She said, " I had my lunch out, it was a

tuna salad with pasta. I put it on the table

and went to help another kid with some-

thing and when I turned back I saw one of

the girls take her spoon out from her

lunch box and slowly walk towards my

food. I turned around to keep helping the

kid and when I was done I walked back to

where my food was and all I saw was the

little girl eating my lunch and it was al-

most finished".


Cools also said

she saw quite a

funny little

fight. She said

she saw three 1st graders fighting for the

basketball, it was one girl against two

boys; of course the girl won at the end.

Environmental Apathy Op-Ed Tim Johnson

The visit from the school in Mexico really opened my eyes to what we at AISA “could” do as a community. Unfortunately, what we are doing to protect the environment is absolutely nothing.

A little awareness can go along way when it comes to the envi-ronment, with simple things like recycling and not being so wasteful. Last year, we had presentations about being environ-mentally friendly, with practical things we could easily do as a school to cut back on waste and pollution. However, we are half way into the school year and I personally haven’t heard one thing about recycling or clubs we can join in order to make our school more environmentally friendly. This is a big disappointment. Our school has some hidden recy-cling bins placed around campus that no one uses. Other than that I haven’t seen any other efforts by the stu-dents or administration to show they care. Collecting pop cans so we can plant a couple of trees doesn’t cut it. What about all the paper we waste? What about the thousands of plastic water bottles we throw in the garbage? What about all the water we waste?

Last year, the Eco club held many assemblies informing us how to be more eco friendly and also ways we could

become more active within the community. The presentation that the school from Mexico did was really quite

embarrassing. Their school has achieved so much with a modest set of resources. With the resources that our

school has, there is really no excuse that we don’t bother to contribute to protecting the environment. AISA,

what can we do?

Kids do the


Things Photo: Photography by Angel Meredith

Cocoa & Cram


The History of Valentine's Day Hadeel Dahlan Every February 14, across the world, candy, flowers, and gifts are exchanged between loved ones celebrating the day of love. Many participate in this holiday, but few under-stand where these traditions came from. The history of Valentine's Day is connected to the Roman and Christian beliefs. The Ro-man emperors demanded that everyone should believe in the Roman Gods. A man named Valentine was thrown in prison because he did not follow the emperors’ de-mand, and continued to teach the Christian religion. On February 14th Valentine was executed because he performed a miracle: He cured the jailers’ daughter of her blind-ness. Another legend says that in the Roman celebrations young men would draw a women's name out of a box and they would pair until next year's celebration. This celebration and paring was called Valentine's day after the priest Valentine came along who disobeyed the emperor by secretly performing marriage ceremonies for ones who fell in love. He was put to death on February 14th. According to Roman mythology, the story of Cupid is that Cupid was the son of Venus, the Goddess of love. Cupid would usually cause people to fall in love by shooting them with his magical arrows. Cupid didn't just cause others to fall in love - he himself fell deeply in love. He fell for Psyche, and she was put to death by Venus. Cupid brought Psyche back to life and the Gods moved by their love, granted Pysche immortality. In the end, Cupid represents the heart and Psyche sym-bolizes the struggles of the human soul.

“Heroes are Remembered,

Legends Never Die” Latifa Al Mazrui

Black History month also known as African American History Month, is a month

to remember and celebrate all the great Africa Americans who have achieved

successful movements in the case of freedom and equality.

This event has grown from “Negro History Week”, the idea of noted historian

Carter G. Woodson and other prominent African Americans. Since 1976, every

U.S president has officially designated the month of February as Black History

Month. Black History Month is more commonly celebrated in places like the

U.S., Canada, the United Kingdom, than here in the U.A.E. Everyone has a

unique way of celebrating this month, and it is celebrated on both a scholarly

and commercial level.

Not everyone is in favor of designating a separate month for the appreciation of

African American history. Morgan Freeman, a critic of Black History Month,

said: “I don’t want a black history month. Black history is American History.”

Asking a few local AISA students revealed that most had never heard of Black

History Month before. On the other side, the juniors who are studying Ameri-

can History have a background on black history. Junior Mariam Al Harmoodi

said, “I’m glad that there is a black history month; great people must be cele-

brated as well as their contributions”. February is a time to reflect on the legacy

of the civil rights movement, Martin Luther King Jr., Jackie Robinson, Barack

Obama and Rosa Parks. All of these African Americans deserve to be awarded

with memory and respect. Black history month is also an inspirational month in

which we should feel empowered to affect social change and stand up for what

you believe in.

What’s Up?

The Robotics Club

Dalia Al Hashmi

Ms.Thea Khalifa is leading the new Robotics Club, which takes place every Sunday after school. This club is made to design, build and program robots using Lego Mind Storms. First of all, they start building the Robots using Lego kits. They then use a computer program to program the robots to move and do whatever they ask them to do. Once the program is ready, they connect the computer to the robot to transfer the program. The club can then run those programs directly from the Lego Robots.

The Robotics Club started on Sunday January 13, 2013, and it is for both middle and high school students. The club’s student leader is Neal Cardoza. Neal has helped Ms.Khalifa plan and organize the club and he also helps others in the club when they have any questions. The students that have signed up for the club are Seunghun Jeon (Grade 6) ,Mansoor Al Mutawa (Grade 6) ,Rasheed Korayem, (Grade 7) ,Ahmed Mohamed (Grade 9) ,Farzam Reza (Grade 9) ,Mohammad Anas (Grade 10), Neal Cardoza (Grade 11), Farhan Ahmed (Grade 11), Kyu Jin Kim (Grade 11) ,Tarek Ghoul (Grade 11), Patrick William Hald Maxwell (Grade 11), Armand Gurgu (Grade 12) ,Dawar Khan (Grade 12).

Habitat for Humanity

Charity Trip to

Borneo, Malaysia

Soon, AISA IB students will

be traveling to Borneo on a

charity trip. They will be

helping to build affordable

housing for the underprivi-

leged while experiencing

the culture of Malaysia.

Students depart February

16 and will be returning to

school on March 3rd. Have

a safe trip!


Valentine’s Day Facts Ali Al Masaood

When did it all start? There are various theories on the origin of Valentine's Day, but the most popular dates back to the time of the Roman Empire during the reign of Claudius II, 270 AD. Claudius didn't want men to marry during wartime because he believed single men made better soldiers. Bishop Valentine went against his wishes and performed se-cret wedding ceremonies. For this, Valentine was jailed and then executed by order of the Emperor on February 14. While in jail, he wrote a love note to the jailor's daughter signing it, "From your Valentine." Sound familiar? More Valentine's Day-related History

The ancient Romans celebrated the Feast of Lupercalia on February 14th in honor of Juno, the queen of the Roman gods and goddesses. Juno was also the goddess of women and marriage. Girls of medieval times ate bizarre foods on St. Valentine's Day to make them dream of their future spouse. In the Middle Ages, young men and women drew names from a bowl to see who would be their Valentine. They would wear this name pinned onto their sleeves for one week for everyone to see. This was the origin of the expression "to wear your heart on your sleeve." In 1537, England's King Henry VII officially declared February 14th the holi-day of St. Valentine's Day.

Chocolate Casanova, well known as "The World's Greatest Lover," ate chocolate to make him more masculine. Physicians of the 1800's commonly advised their patients to eat chocolate to calm their pining for lost love.

Flowers 73% of people who buy flowers for Val-entine's Day are men, while only 27 per-cent are women. 15% of U.S. women send themselves flowers on Valentine's Day.

Roses The red rose was the favorite flower of Venus, the Roman goddess of love. Red roses are considered the flower of love because the color red stands for strong romantic feelings.

And... More fun facts about Valentine's Day The most fantastic gift of love is the Taj Mahal in India. It was built by Mughal Emperor Shahjahan as a memorial to his wife.

Every Valentine's Day, the Italian city of Ve-rona, where Shakespeare's lovers Romeo and Juliet lived, receives about 1,000 letters addressed to Juliet. Fun Facts found at

Sarah SheikhAli

We asked you to send a love letter to our school mascot and this was by far

the cutest submission…HAPPY VALENTINE’S DAY!

Dear Lion Mascot,

The first time I saw you, I knew I had to make you mine.

Years of other students’ sweat deeply intertwined in your low quality scratchy

burlap material skin, you smell of summer and honey mustard. The way your

mane is tangled beyond belief lets me know that you’re a free spirit, who doesn’t

believe in the restraints of society, especially hairbrushes. Your humungous saucer

eyes stare deep into my soul, and the fact that you can’t move your eyeballs

makes your stare so much more chilling and meaningful.

A head that’s too big for your scrawny body, a true vision of beauty. A

warm smile that’s permanently sewn on your face, it brightens my day because I

know you’re smiling for me. Or maybe you’re smiling because the way your face

was stitched, it is physically impossible to frown. Whatever it is, you are so beauti-

ful. I visit you in your sleep, when no one is wearing you, and just enjoy your life-

less costume company. The way you light up the gym during AISA’s games, run-

ning around and making

people do the wave and

chant for our team, it makes

my heart stop. So many

times I have dreamt of

wearing your skin, to make

you and I, one.

Your very cheesy Secret

Admirer J


Let’s hear you TWEET!!

Reem Luqman

@NMehairbi: “We Emiratis are so cute. The moment there’s a hint of winter we all start abandoning any form of secured shelter.”

@Shaiba:” I’m going to use “What’s cookin, good lookin’? on my wife everyday. By doing so 1) Find out what’s for lunch.2. Compliment her”.

@IbnTawfeeq: “I secretly keep the numbers of all the taxis so I have someone to talk to when I’m lonely.”

@abzieR: “*a new song is out* This song is the best song ever!! *a week later another song is out* No, this song is the best song ever!!”

@RashedBinM7md: “I used to hate school but the things I hear about other schools! I just have to say how much I appreciate AISA!”

@MariamAlMarz: “Get ready for the most stressful week of the school year #AISA”

Please submit your

funny or strange tweet

with us at year-

What are the chances that I get turned down if I asked a boy out to prom? That depends on a few different things. First and foremost, if he said yes to or has asked someone else to prom. Try finding out beforehand to spare yourself the embarrassment. Second, it helps if you already know the guy. It's really awkward when you don't know the person and you go ask him. So depending on that, you might get rejected or everything's going to work out. Either way, one day you'll look back at this and laugh! How do I deal with rejection? Chocolate ice cream. It'll make you feel better but won't help your chances if you're a girl that's trying to find a guy for prom. It's actually scientifically proven that it makes you feel better. Also, try crying yourself to sleep. It releases endorphins and all that. J No one likes me. :( Aww, your mother loves you, or at least I think she does. I'm only kidding! Of course she loves. Try to focus more on what you do have and less on what you don't have. Your life could be a lot worse. Be grateful! I hate Valentines Day. I can't stand all the love and hearts and pink. Help! Don't we all! I suggest sleeping through it and avoiding all human contact for the day. It's just one day. I don't like it either but un-less we take over the world and outlaw Val-entines Day, it's gonna keep happening. Will you be my Valentine? Bob is everyone's valentine.

Artwork by Nadia Jacobson

Ask Bob - The Love Edition


Girl’s Trip to Global Village

Jessica Smith

On January 16th 2013 the high school girls went on the annual after

school trip to Global Village in Dubai. This year had more people than

last year; each grade (9-12) had at least 10 people who went. This may

be because we have many new students and teachers this year at AISA

and the UAE so many went on this trip and experienced the fun rides

and ‘countries’ at Global Village for the first time. As soon as we arrived

at Global Village, everyone went in search of something to eat. Right

after we filled our stomachs, everyone went their separate ways to ei-

ther ride all the fun rides or to go from ‘country’ to ‘country’ and experi-

ence new cultures.

Estefany Santana, a junior, who

is new to AISA and to the UAE,

went on this trip. She said, “ I

expected to see only Asian and

Middle Eastern countries but I

was really excited and happy to

see some Latin American coun-

tries, even though it was just

Brazil. I only went on one ride

but it was fun and I would defi-

nitely go again. When going

there you get to learn about

other cultures.”

Since this was an afterschool trip

it was very short. We left school

around 3:30 and should have

arrived back at AISA around 9:30. There was a bit of confusion when we

had to meet up at the gates to board the bus, which meant we had to

wait a while, but we all had a lot of fun. We can’t wait until next year.

We hope the boy’s side had as much fun as we did with this trip. Thank

you to Ms. Levi and Mr. Stewart for organizing this trip. The girls appre-

ciate everything you have done.

Update: On January 23rd, the Global

Village funfair was shut down fol-

lowing a tragic incident where a

metal rod from the Freij World

Wheel came detached and killed a

man. Three men, the owner, opera-

tor and engineer of the ride, have

been arrested.

Shopper’s Paradise @ The Dubai Shopping Festival

Alhanoof Al Hameli

The Dubai shopping festival is an annual event that was first organized by Dubai government in the year 1996. It is a famous

festival that people from all around the world attend. The Dubai shopping festival is known as the most exciting shopping

festivals of Dubai. This year, the Dubai shopping festival is open from the beginning of January untill the 2nd of February.

There are many entertainment programs that are organized for the visitors such as film festivals, special events for young-

sters, impressive street performances, night fireworks and international fashion shows.

The Dubai shopping festival first started as a simple shopping event where people got to see the best products. After time

passed, this festival became known for the entertainment programs. This year the DSF promises a lot of entertainment pro-

grams and events.

“ I always enjoy going to Dubai shopping festival because each year they impress me more and more with the different ideas

they have” said Lama Aboubakr.

More than 70 malls in Dubai are participating in DFS 2012, with bargains, promotions, sales and special offers. There are many opportunities

to win daily and weekly prizes such as cars, jewelry and cash that are donated by the malls participating in this event.

A signature of DFS event is Layali Dubai, a series of concerts by different cultural, regional and international musicians. Meanwhile, the DSF

carnival will feature many different performances and shows from different artists and dancers form all around the world. There will also be

amazing fireworks and laser shows during the festival that visitors will enjoy a lot.

This festival has attracted more than 42 million visitors from around the world in the year 2011 and positioned Dubai city as a leading tourist

destination and that’s all goes to His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, UAE Vice-President and Prime Minister, and Ruler

of Dubai efforts.

Where was everyone January 31st?

Sasha Richard Herbert

2013 kicked off with a concert by Kanye West at Yas Du Arena. It

was Kanye’s second time performing in the UAE. This concert was

winter themed and might I say it was AMAZING. The concert had

3D images of white mountains behind the artist with snow falling

around the VIP stands. It’s the first concert I’ve ever seen with so

much effort put into the design, it was beautiful. Because it was

winter themed, Kanye West wore all white and in a few songs he

wore beautiful masks. One mask was all fur which seemed to re-

semble a bear and the other one was all crystals, again it was

beautiful. He did stay on stage for 2 hours but it seemed like this

performance was a lot shorter than his last performance in the UAE.

Kanye’s performance was amazing but he left the stage so sud-

denly, just dropping his microphone and walking away, that the

ending seemed a little abrupt. Everyone stood around expecting

him to come back after the way he left the stage, however he nev-

er came back. It was such a disappointment because we all want-

ed more!



We Are the Basketball Season Nearing it’s Final Buzzer Zaid Salamah

As basketball season is nearing the end, all the teams are getting prepared for their tournaments. Whether it is

the ECC (UAE) or the ISAC (International) or Invitational tournament, the AISA basketball teams will be trying

their best to display new trophies by the end of the month.

Varsity Boys; Will be participating in the ECC tournament in Dubai, an Invitational tournament in Kuwait. Mo-

hamed Al Shaibani is really excited for the tournaments: “I believe that this year, we can overcome the 2nd place

curse and win it all. We’ve shown a lot of improvement and progress both as individuals and as a team.”

Varsity Girls: Varsity girls will only be attending an ECC tournament because there have been many complica-

tions with travelling. Carlotta Saenger, captain of the team says that although she’s disappointed about the situ-

ation with ISAC, she’s really excited for the ECC and believes that with the overall team improvement, they have

a good chance of winning.

JV Girls: The JV girls are doing well this season and are ready to finish it off even better. Alma Chehab is proud of

the team and satisfied with her first AISA team. Unfortunately their ISAC got cancelled, but there’s always the

ECC tournament.

JV Boys: The JV boys will be participating in the ECC tournament that will take place at our rival school ACS. PJ

is satisfied with the team’s recent form, and isn’t too annoyed at the amount of losses because they have a

young team. This year plays as a preparation for next year.

U14: The U14 teams will not be travelling to another country, but will participate in the ECC. The coaches are

very proud of their players to show such talent at a young age. Everyone knows that being part of your first

school team is a great experience and a lot of fun. Good luck guys!

Sport Meets Charity Ahmed Fardan

Hey AISA students! There are a couple of charity events coming up, and AISA would

like your help! First up is the AISA vs ACS teacher’s basketball game for charity. I

know everyone has been excited for this match since last year. Last year, we lost by 1

point, but not this time, this time we'll get them! Come and support both your teach-

ers, and your school in this exciting match on the 21st of February! The entry fee is

10 AED.

Second up is the Terry Fox Run for cancer

research! If you like running, then you

should join us on the Corniche! For this

charity event, there is no entry fee, no

minimum pledge and the whole event is

volunteer driven. So unless you come, we

won't be able to run this charity event.

Get it? If you want to come, then be

there at 8:00 on 22nd of February, at the



Soccer Update Soccer season is in full swing. Some of the soccer coaches report to us with an up-

date on their team’s status.

Coach Stoutt reports on the U14 boys.

Team Captain: Abdul Jaiyeloa.

This year the boys started out a little shaky losing their first 2 games against

BSAK and ASD but after putting forth a great display of teamwork and effort

in practice, we came back fighting with two great winning displays of football

against UAS and our local rivals ACS beating them 6-2. There are still a few

games left so I'm hoping we can continue with the same winning formula and

our next opponents will be showed how the Lions can produce some great


Coach Gray Captain: Farida Rady Co-Captain Kayoon Kim The JV girls soccer team has had an excellent season so far. We have lost 2 games, won 5, and tied 1. The girls have greatly improved and we're looking forward to the ECC finals. Coach Chalmers Girls Varsity Soccer We have 18 girls on the team of whom only 4 are Seniors/Juniors, so we have a very young team. As a result it has been a learning process for many of the girls. We are in the top division subse-quently we have no “easy” games and while it is a real challenge for many of us the girls are improv-ing in leaps and bounds. Our team captains this year are Xenia Williams, Sarah Al Zaabi, and Ja-mie Jackson.

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