ewi honolulu connect

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December 2011 | Vol. 3, No. 12


President's Message

Aloha! At the November Program meeting, Dr. Jon Ho discussed the benefits of proactive wellness versus reactive medical treatments that combat conditions or illness. What we think about affects our health. Words spoken influence our paths. Human bodies fall into patterns as well. Like old habits, some may be unaware of stale blockages within them. Balanced energy parallels with a fresh flowing river. Wellness contributes to emotional and physical health.

Remember the excitement of your birthday as a child? When did you last wake up excited? Think about that morning. What makes your heart sing? Embrace that emotion. Well, it’s time to feel that joy again. Be grateful for each moment that ignites your spirit and touches your heart. I recently woke up excited to see Notre Dame Football in South Bend, Indiana! I follow Notre Dame Football because of Punahou’s Manti Te’o #5 and Robby Toma #9. Being present at their National College Letter of Intent signing two years ago created a personal connection. When Robby Toma offered tickets for the Notre Dame-Navy game, Mom, Dad, and I jumped at the chance to watch the game live. The experience was incredible. These kids were so humble and real at dinner. They touched our hearts at the pre-game Players Walk, beat Navy 56-14 and created a treasured lifetime memory.

A cherished moment was in the basilica. The ND student choir asked the audience to stand and join in singing the Lord’s Prayer. As I stood between my parents, holding Mom’s right hand and Dad’s left hand, emotions flowed with the sound of the beautiful voices. Tears rolled down my cheeks with gratitude for this precious moment. Time left with them is finite. Mom is 74 and Dad is 79.


December 2011 | Vol. 3, No. 12 ewihonolulu.org

We easily fall into mundane patterns, busy schedules, racing from place to place…sometimes on a road to nowhere. Did we really stop and be present? Did we embrace the uniqueness of each moment? Every day is filled with moments to savor. Every word spoken is an opportunity to ignite a passion or create a treasured moment. Commercialism can consume us with what we think we want or must have. Calendars can keep us so occupied that we forget to absorb a priceless moment. Let’s challenge ourselves to be more aware of what we have and appreciate the things in life that money can’t buy. Thank you Jana Moniz for sharing your Mom’s last moments on earth. Feel blessed to hear the waves rolling on the sand. Feel blessed by beautiful Hawaiian rainbows. Enjoy the sun removing a spine chill from your back….a precious hug from your child, regardless of their age….the laugh that makes you cry….a friend that calls when you need to talk….personal growth from EWI. This holiday season, celebrate your blessings and appreciate breath taking Hawaiian scenes and moments shared with your family and dear friends. With gratitude for the EWI moments shared with you,

President EWI of Honolulu 2011-2012

Honolulu Chapter: Be Present! Members only Business Meeting

Wednesday, December 7, 2011 at 5:30 p.m. Kapi`olani Community College / Ka`Ikena Dining Room COST: $36.00 PARKING: Free

Menu: Sautéed Snapper, Pan Seared Chicken Breast, Sautéed Seasonal Vegetables,

Steamed Rice, Salad Bar, & Dessert

RSVP via email dyoshida@bisihi.com or call 592-5006, Debbie Hirasaki by noon, Wednesday, November 30, 2011. A standing reservation exists for every representative at all EWI monthly meetings. It is your responsibility to inform the Sergeant-At-Arms by the RSVP deadline if you are UNABLE to attend. No-shows will be billed.

Bring your Christmas Spirit and Cheer! Holiday hats and attire win a prize! Bring a dollar and see how it can grow by the end of the evening. Be ready for FUN! HOLIDAY PHILANTHROPY PROJECT! In the spirit of giving, the Philanthropy Group would like to share some of our Aloha to our troops overseas. A letter written by you or a child to a troop member, magazine (used ones okay), books or snack items are welcomed. Their holiday season would truly be special with all of our prayers and good wishes!


December 2011 | Vol. 3, No. 12 ewihonolulu.org


Tracy Wong, President Insurance Solutions

Nadine Uratsuka, VP/President-elect Accuity, LLP

April Tengan, Secretary Hawaii Medical Service Association (HMSA)

Wanda Sanchez, Treasurer Bank of Hawaii

Debbie Hirasaki, Sergeant-at-Arms Business Insurance Services, Inc.

Leianne Pedro, Membership Director Pacific Business News

Adele Tasaka, Program Director Hawaii Visitors and Convention Bureau

Cora Kim, Communications & Marketing Director Hawaii Prince Hotel Waikiki

Maegan Brandt, Ways & Means Director Insurance Solutions

Jane Rock, EWISP Director-at-Large Neal S. Blaisdell Center

APPOINTED POSITIONS Shelley Okubo, Advisor Aqua Hotels & Resorts

Brenda Kanno, Bylaws/Parliamentarian Research Corporation of the University of Hawai'i

Wendy Kia, ASIST Chair Marie Louise Fine Garment Cleaners

Lauralei Tanaka, Philanthropy Chair HTH Corporation


President's Message 1-2

December Business Meeting 3-4

EWI Board Retreat 5-7

EWI Past Presidents 8

Membership News 9

EWI Reading Rally 10-11

EWI Golf Flyer 12

Happy Birthday!

Cathy Iwai December 1 Gertrude Yee December 30


December 2011 | Vol. 3, No. 12 ewihonolulu.org

October 14 – 15, 2011 Board Retreat

EWI Board of Directors arrived with open minds and positive attitudes ready to participate in a bonding experience worthy of their time. FUN – FRESH - PRESENT filled the air! After a delicious beef stew dinner prepared with love by Aunty Gail and Aunty Sonia, the activities commenced.

Link the C’s consisted of Board Members gathering hidden cards with CONNECTIONS, CAREERS, or COMMUNITY on them. After gathering three C s, each Director and Officer shared the C that resonated with them. The Chapter’s unique State of Hawaii General Excise Tax liability was discussed. No other EWI Chapter nationally or internationally encounters this situation. 2011-2012 budget and GET issue will be presented at the December Membership Business meeting. The Board indulged in homemade bread pudding topped with vanilla ice cream to dull the harsh reality of the GET issue.


December 2011 | Vol. 3, No. 12 ewihonolulu.org

President Tracy crashed out peacefully at 11:00 p.m. while other Directors talked until 2:30 a.m. Rain, waves rolling on sand, and a strong ocean breeze surrounded this comfortable beach house. A breathtaking sunrise greeted early risers Saturday morning as a hearty breakfast of fresh fruit, veggie omelets, cornbread, and sausage was prepared. Discussion continued on the Chapter Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats. The SWOT test revealed insight for Board awareness & action.

Strengths: Recruiting New Firms, Fundraising Weakness: Continuous Interactive participation, Highlighting EWI Benefits within firms, Marketing EWI Brand Opportunities: EWI branding at Fundraisers and Scholarship Dinners. EWI firm alternates for Program Meetings, Promote new logos Threats: Several Key Representatives near retirement, some without EWI successors

Brainstorming occurred for program ideas and increased attendance. An outdoor scavenger hunt was the perfect Team Building exercise to stimulate energy. Leadership skills, creativity, resourcefulness, and talent surfaced as teams presented their treasures to the judges.


December 2011 | Vol. 3, No. 12 ewihonolulu.org

Board members filled up on homemade hamburger patties or hearty hot dogs before committing to an implementation plan. The time shared unified, exposed, and energized the Board of Directors! Board Challenge: 40 Representatives present at each meeting thanks the Program Committee for their planning effort. 40 Representatives present creates energy in a room. 40 Representatives present confirms a solid organization to the speaker & guests. 51 Firms = the option for 3 delegates at Leadership Conference & Annual Meeting. $40,000 Income from Fundraising activities, $50,000 Stretch Goal Present at LCAM in Dallas September 13-15, 2012 Identify Board Successors Rewarding Experience = Tough Accomplishment


December 2011 | Vol. 3, No. 12 ewihonolulu.org

EWI of Honolulu – Past Presidents

Seated from left: Janice Pearson, Patricia Watson, Leona Hee, Eleanor Urakawa

Standing form left: Susan Tanigawa, June Takekawa, Lois Asato, Tracy Wong, Brenda Kanno, Shelley Okubo


December 2011 | Vol. 3, No. 12 ewihonolulu.org

Membership News The membership crew needs your feedback and help. Tell us what business and/or industry-types you would like as a new member firm of EWI in 2012! Send us your "wish list" before December 6th and be entered into a drawing to win a $20 Ruby Tuesday gift card. For an additional entry into the drawing, please provide a contact name/phone/email of the business if you can. Send your "New Member Wish List" to Leianne Pedro at lpedro@bizjournals.com or text her at 808-342-8721. Don't forget your promo items for the new member "goodie bags". If you don't have any promo items in stock, a candy bar with your business card attached works too! You can bring them to the next dinner meeting and give it to any membership crew member (Edith, Leianne, Leona, Nadine, Roseann or Star). Host a guest or your executive to the January dinner meeting and be entered into a drawing to win a free dinner for February! Congratulations to new member Danielle Scherman of member firm, Social Wahines! Danielle won the December free dinner for bringing a guest/prospective member, Frances Nuar of Social Kine.

To Be the Leading Connection for Business Professionals. Vision

EWI® Mission and Vision

Mission Executive Women International is an organization which brings together key individuals from diverse businesses for the purpose of promoting member firms, enhancing personal and professional development, and encouraging community involvement.

October 29, 2011 - EWI's Reading Rally was held at the Honolulu Zoo's Learning Center.

The event was a big success! Approximately 100 keiki and their families attended the event. Parents were very appreciative of our service. Some also wanted to find out how they could donate back

to EWI. Children received snacks, homemade cards, and new books to take home. Mahalo to Sheri Tamayose, "Angie" Andrea Gall-Kransnick, Wendy Kia, Wanda Sanchez,

Cora Kim, Kathy Rehg, Maegan Brandt and Jane “Tigger” & Bob Rock for their team effort. It was FUN, FRESH and PRESENT!!!! A huge HIGH FIVE to all!


December 2011 | Vol. 3, No. 12 ewihonolulu.org

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