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Programação oficial completa da Conferência das Nações Unidas sobre Desenvolvimento Sustentável Rio+20.


  • 1.Descrio Palestrante Ttulo do Evento Data de Incio Horrio IncioLocalInstituio Responsvel Inaugurada que no dia 27 de abril, essa exposio, localizada na Cinelndia, Centro do Rio, considerada o pontap inicial da Rio+20 e rene 130 imagens do fotgrafo Yann Arthus-A Terra vista do cu 27/04/2012Cinelndia Bertrand. Ficar exposta at o dia 24 de junho. O acervo captura belas imagens da terra vista de cima, por helicptero e at balo. Gratuito. O ONU-Habitat e a Cidade do Rio de Janeiro esto organizando uma srie de eventos e conferncias dirigidas ao pblico em geral e aos meios de comunicao para discutir desafios e oportunidades das reas urbanas no sculo 21. O objetivo gerar debates para reunir propostas inovadoras e alcanar uma abordagem sustentvel para todos os aspectos da crescente urbanizao. Os Eventos Especiais abertos sobre as cidades sustentveisConferncias + Eventos Especiais sobre Cidades Sustentveis18/05/2012 Forte de Copacabana culminaro no lanamento oficial da iniciativa Sou um transformador urbano [Im a City Changer], um movimento global de sensibilizao sobre as aes positivas que tiveram impactos na vida das pessoas em reas urbanas. O evento ser no Forte de Copacabana, no Rio de Janeiro. O credenciamento obrigatrio. Concurso cultural aberto ao pblico Descrio: Com apoio do Planeta Sustentvel e da MTV, o concurso cultural da Rio+Social premiar o autor do melhor vdeo de 15 segundos sobre o tema "O que voc tem a dizer Concurso Cultural Rio+Social25/05/2012 Hotel Windsor BarraPlaneta Sustentvel sobre a Rio+20?" com uma viagem para acompanhar o evento Rio+Social no dia 19/6/12 no Rio de Janeiro. http://www.facebook.com/MTVBrasil/app_363471387043918 Com um contedo vasto, rico em informao e de uma qualidade visual impecvel, a Exposio Sculos Indgenas no Brasil - IV Edio 01/06/201210:00:00Caixa Cultural Rioexposio demonstra um grande potencial informativo e educativo acerca das culturas Caixa indgenas brasileiras. Sero 58 eventos e atividades lideradas por relevantes organizaes nacionais e internacionais, durante 60 dias. E um dos grandes destaques ter como foco a Educao para Transio , a Solidariedade Inclusiva e Jovens Liderana no contexto do desenvolvimento sustentvel e da nova sociedade. A programao contar com um publico que vai de formadores de opinio , personalidades de renome, representantes da ONU, Planetrio: Rio+20 & voc 03/06/2012Planetrio autoridades e maiores especialistas do mundo a jovens e crianas, que tero uma nica oportunidade de fazer parte de um dos mais memorveis encontros da historia e que discutir o futuro da humanidade e do planeta com 193 pases convidados e atores da sociedade civil . O Festival das guas 2012 discutir, em Braslia, a sustentabilidade e a economia verde. Participam da abertura, no dia 5, s 18h, a Ministra do Meio Ambiente Izabella Teixeira e o Diretor-Executivo do Programa das Naes Unidas para o Meio Ambiente (Pnuma), Achim Steiner. Ao longo dos seis dias, o Frum ser dividido em mais de dez painis temticos como Festival das Aguas 2012 05/06/2012 8:00:00Via Scen Trecho 2Festival das guas Energia e Clima, gua e Ecossistemas, Agricultura & Alimentao, Desenvolvimento Social, Urbanizao e Cidades e Economia e Finanas do Desenvolvimento Sustentvel, todos com foco no bioma Cerrado. Evento fechado Lanamento do livro do economista Ricardo Abramovay, editado pelo Planeta Sustentvel. Resenha sobre o livro: Lanamento do Livro "Muito Alm da Economia Verde"05/06/201219:00:00 Editora Abril Planeta Sustentvel http://planetasustentavel.abril.com.br/noticia/estante/muito-alem-economia-verde- 686670.shtml?func=2 Essa a uma das a vidades mais importantes para juventude na Rio+20. o principal espa o para juventude mundial incidir no processo oficial da Rio+20. Nessa confer ncia seroSecretaria Nacional deConfer ncia Internacional de Juventude para Rio+20 Youth escolhidos jovens para par cipar dos processos de negocia o do documento final da 07/06/2012 Armazn 6: Pir MauJuventude da PresidnciaBlastRio+20, alm de aprovar um declara o de posicionamentos da juventude mundialque serda Repbica reme da aos Chefes de Estado, por ser uma a vidade reconhecida pela ONU.9:00:00 Alle Menschen sind frei und gleich...) diversos diretores. Alemanha, Estnia, Israel, Letnia, Litunia, Polnia, Rssia, Repblica Tcheca, Ucrnia, EUA, 2007. Legendas em ingls. Cpia em DVD.Para marcar o 60 aniversrio da Declarao Universal dos Direitos Humanos em 2008, a fundao Erinnerung, Verantwortung und Zukunft (Memria, responsabilidade eTodos os seres humanos nascem livres e iguais - Programa 1 08/06/201216:00:00MAM futuro) em colaborao com o Instituto Goethe realizou o 2 Concurso Internacional de Curtas-MAM Metragens. Estudantes de escolas de cinema e artes de diversos pases. Classificao indicativa livre

2. amor (Hiroshima mon amour) de Alain Resnais. Frana, 1959. Com Emmanuelle Riva, Eiji Okada, Bernard Fresson, Stella Dessas. Legendas em portugus. 91. Uma artista vem participar de um filme sobre a paz em Hiroshima e l ela se apaixona por um Hiroshima meu amor08/06/201218:00:00 MAMjapons. Um clssico da histria do cinema que recebeu o prmio da crtica no Festival de MAM Cannes. Classificao indicativa 14 anos. No dia 09 de junho, entre 8h e 18h, o Arena do MAM acolher a cerimnia de formatura de cerca de 1200 jovens que atuaro como voluntrios durante a Rio+20. O Programa de Voluntariado uma iniciativa do governo brasileiro, em parceria com o PNUD e a agncia UN Volunteers. Os voluntrios foram selecionados entre alunos de ensino mdio de escolas pblicas fluminenses, alunos de ensino tcnico do sistema FIRJAN, universitrios de todo pas e pessoas com deficincia provenientes da FAETEC e de outras entidades. TodosFormatura Voluntrios09/06/2012 8:00:00 Arena do MAM participaram de curso de treinamento, que incluiu oficinas sobre sustentabilidade, direitos CNO humanos, cidadania ativa e voluntariado. Os principais objetivos do Programa so: envolver diversos segmentos da sociedade brasileira na realizao da Conferncia; oferecer oportunidades a jovens interessados em ganhar experincia com a realizao de um evento internacional de grande porte e capacit-los para o trabalho em equipe; bem como incentivar a prtica do voluntariado no plano nacional. Acesso restrito Formatura dos voluntrios da Rio+20 09/06/201210:00:00 Arena do MAM Formatura dos 1200 voluntrios que atuaro na Rio+20 (Alle Menschen sind frei und gleich...) diversos diretores. Alemanha, Estnia, Israel, Letnia, Litunia, Polnia, Rssia, Repblica Tcheca, Ucrnia, EUA, 2007. Trs programas. Legendas em ingls. Cpia em DVD.Todos os seres humanos nascem livres e iguais Programa 2 09/06/201216:00:00 MAMMAM Classificao indicativa livre. Hans Staden de Luiz Alberto Pereira. Brasil/Portugal, 1999. Com Carlos Evelyn, Stnio Garcia, Srgio Mamberti. 92. Complemento Os caramujos (Les escargots) de Ren Laloux. Frana, 1965. Legendas em portugus. 11. A histria do aventureiro alemo, que chegou ao Brasil em 1554 e foi capturado pelos ndios Tupinambs. O filme aborda a colonizao da costa brasileira e os primeiros contatos entreOs caramujos 09/06/201218:00:00 MAMMAM braos e ndios. No curta de animao, um campons lamenta suas alfaces raquticas.... e de repente elas comeas a crescer desproporcionalmente. Classificao indicativa 16 anos. (Alle Menschen sind frei und gleich...) diversos diretores. Alemanha, Estnia, Israel, Letnia, Litunia, Polnia, Rssia, Repblica Tcheca, Ucrnia, EUA, 2007. Trs programas. LegendasTodos os seres humanos nascem livres e iguais Programa 3 10/06/201216:00:00 MAMMAM em ingls. Cpia em DVD. Classificao indicativa livre. (Recipes for Desaster) de John Webster. Finlndia, 2008. 85. Legendas em portugus. Cpia em DVD. Complemento - O que voc faz contra a mudana climtica (Was machst Du gegen den Klimawandel?) de Katrin Rothe. Alemanha, 2008. 245. Cpias em DVD. A pergunta sobre as possibilidades individuais de se confrontar com a mudana climtica tambm ocupa o diretor John Webster. No seu filme, ele compartilha conosco sua tentativa de Receitas de um desastre 10/06/201218:00:00 MAMum estilo de vida com um nvel baixo de CO2. O complemento um curta de animao que MAM apresenta uma coletnea de depoimentos sobre a pergunta O que voc faz contra a mudana climtica?. Classificao indicativa 14 anos. Essa a uma das atvidades mais importantes para juventude na Rio+20. o principal espa o para juventude mundial incidir no processo oficial da Rio+20. Nessa confer ncia sero Secretaria Nacional deConfer ncia Internacional de Juventude para Rio+20 Youth escolhidos jovens para partcipar dos processos de negocia o do documento final da Rio+20, 10/06/2012Dia todo Per MauJuventude da PresidnciaBlastalm de aprovar um declara o de posicionamentos da juventude mundial ser remetida que da Repbica aos Chefes de Estado, por ser uma atvidade reconhecida pela ONU. Painel 1 A posio do Brasil na Rio+20 Como casar as agendas ambiental, econmica e Centro de Convenessocial no contexto do desenvolvimento sustentvel, Painel 2 O papel do setor privado naO RIO +20: Verdes e desenvolvidos11/06/2012 8:00:00 Bolsa de Valores do Rio de transio para a Economia Verde, e Painel 3 Como a Inovao Poder Colaborar comSeminrios BrasileirosJaneiroIniciativas de Conservao junto s necessidades estratgicas para o desenvolvimento em escala.TEDx Rio 11/06/2012 9:00:00 UFRJ inscrio pelo site: http://www.tedxrio.com.br/ (esgotado)TEDX Rio 3. inscrio pelo site: www.gescompraias.com.brGescom11/06/2012 9:00:00 FORTE DE COPACABANAPrefeitura/Instituto EDebates temticos, sobre temas emergentes para a realidade brasileira. Tem o objetivo deBrasil Sustentvel: o caminho para todos11/06/2012 9:00:00Jardim Botnico estimular e consolidar o debate e construo sobre as novas bases da agenda ambiental Ministrio do Meio Ambientebrasileira.O evento promover a discusso entre autoridades governamentais, empresariais eII Seminrio Cinetfico Internacional de Gesto Compartilhada11/06/2012 9:00:00 Forte de Copacabanarepresentantes da sociedade civil sobre a valorizao da parceria publico-privada na gesto Prefeitura do Rio de janeirode Praias. GESCOMdas praias do litoral brasileiro.O evento proporcionar uma plataforma para a comunidade cientfica, polticos e outrosinteressados discutirem desafios e solues para um desenvolvimento sustentvel. Durante oFrum, um documento de intenes ser formulado e enviado para discusso na ConfernciaRio+20. Alm da necessidade urgente de aes para o desenvolvimento sustentvel, oFrum de Cincia, Tecnologia e Inovao para oConselho Internacional de11/06/2012 9:00:00 PUC - RJ evento tambm ir abordar questes como a reduo da pobreza e a importncia dasDesenvolvimento Sustentvel Cincia (ICSU)pesquisas interdisciplinares. Tambm pretende aumentar o dilogo entre a comunidade decincia, tecnologia e inovao com polticos e a sociedade civil, e fornecer uma plataformapara os jovens discutirem as questes abordadasThe Forum aims to provide a platform for the science, technology and innovation (STI)community to highlight key messages within the Rio+20 context, and to enter into dialogue withpolicy-makers and other stakeholders. To highlight the urgent need for greater action onsustainable development and poverty alleviation, and to explore strategies and best practicesfor addressing these issues. To highlight the importance of interdisciplinary research,collaboration and dialogue across the natural science, social science and engineeringForum on Science, Technology and Innovation for Sustainable communities, for addressing the interrelated economic, social and environmental pillars of Conselho Internacional de11/06/2012 9:00:00 PUC - RJDevelopment sustainable development. To explore modalities for dialogue and collaboration between the STI Cincia (ICSU)community and policy-makers. To provide a platform for young people to discuss sustainabledevelopment issues, and to inspire young people and teachers about STI for sustainabledevelopment. To generate dialogue between the STI community and civil society stakeholders,including business and industry, indigenous peoples and farmers. To generate furthermomentum for the development of a new contract between science and society, includingpolicy-makers and other stakeholder groups. To share global, regional and local perspectives.COQUETEL DE ABERTURA OFICIAL DA MOSTRA BRASILAcesso restrito com convite11/06/201219:00:00Arena do MAM MAMCERRADOEm comemorao ao seu 15 aniversrio, a revista Caros Amigos tem a satisfao deoferecer a amigos, apoiadores, leitores e pblico em geral, um debate de alto nvel sobre o O Brasil que queremos: principais desafios 11/06/2012 20:00:00 Tucarena|PUC-SP tema O Brasil que queremos: principais desafios, com a participao de Leda Maria Paulani, Editora Caros AmigosLuiz Gonzaga Belluzzo, Paulo Vannuchi, Tnia Bacelar e Ladislau Dowbor.O Frum ser um espao para discusses entre cientistas, polticos, representantes depases e outras instituies sobre o papel da cincia no caminho do desenvolvimentoFrum de Cincia, Tecnologia e Inovao para oPontifcia Universidade11/06/2012sustentvel. O Frum feito em parceria entre organizaes internacionais sobre cincia, pelaDesenvolvimento SustentvelCatlica do Rio de JaneiroUnesco, Ministrio Brasileiro da Cincia, Tecnologia e Inovao e a Academia Brasileira deCincias.A Ministra de Estado do Meio Ambiente, Izabella Teixeira convida para o painel Produo eAuditrio Tom Jobim no Produo e Consumo Sustentveis12/06/2012 8:00:00Consumo Sustentveis do Ciclo de Debates do MMA para a Rio+20 "Brasil Sustentvel - OMinistrio do Meio Ambiente Jardim Bot nicocaminho para todos." 4. Dilogo sobre produo e consumo sustentveis e as estratgias para aprovao e Ministrio do Meio Ambienteimplementao do 10 Years Framework on Programmes on SCP (10YFP), com * Abertura: Ministra Izabellacompartilhamento de experincias internacionais e nacionais que favorecem a continuao doTeixeira *Samyra Crespo -programa e a construo de novos padres sustentveis de produo e consumo. DuranteSecretria de Articulaoevento haver a assinatura do acordo de cooperao SEBRAE e MMA.Institucional e CidadaniaAmbiental do Minsitrio doMeio Ambiente(moderadora) *SylvieLemmet - PNUMA *HlioMattar - Presidente doInstituto Akatu para oconsumo consciente *Paul"Brasil Sustentvel - um caminho para todos" - Ciclo de DebatesSinger - Secretrio de para Rio+20 Mesa "Dilogo Internacional sobre Produo e 12/06/2012 9:00:00 Jardim BotnicoEconomia Solidria doConsumo Sustentvel"Ministrio do Trabalho eEmprego *Suzana Kahn -Subsecretria de EconomiaVerde do Estado do Rio deJaneiro *Maurcio Groke -Presidente da AssociaoBrasileira de Embalagem*Sussumu Honda -Presidente da AssociaoBrasileira deSupermercadosEvento Fechado TEDx Rio 12/06/2012 9:00:00FORTE DE COPACABANA TEDX RioEvento Fechado Gescom 12/06/2012 9:00:00FORTE DE COPACABANA Prefeitura/Instituto EMostra de Cinema IndgenaSesc Ginstico/Sesc 25 anos de Vdeo nas Aldeias durante a Rio+20: Mostra 25 Anos Video nas Aldeias - Ocupao irbita Copacabana/ Sesc A beleza do novssimo cinema indgena com a pertinncia de seu contedo - uma Mostra com12/06/2012 10:00:00Movimento Imagina Rio www.imaginario.etc.brMadureira/ Sesc Duque deo melhor da produo cinematogrfica indgena brasileira, com sesses especiais paraCaxias/ Sesc Pavuna estudantes da rede pblica. As sesses sero seguidas de conversas do pblico com osrealizadores indgenas. Entrada Franca.Este evento paralelo tem de repensar o setor imobilirio, proporcionando aos decisoresferramentas para identificar os passos necessrios para melhorar a sustentabilidade do Greening the Real Estate Market: The Development of amercado e para promover o sector imobilirio como uma fora motriz na prestao de12/06/2012 14:30:00 Arena do MAM FIABCI/BRASIL Susteinable Real Estate Sector benefcios sociais, econmicos e ambientais dentro e fora da UNECE regio.Realizao: FIABCI/BRASIL & UNECE Real Estate Market Advisory GroupThis side event aims to rethink the real estate sector by providing decision makers with tools toidentify the steps needed to improve market sustainability and to promote the real estate Greening the Real Estate Market: The Development of a12/06/2012 14:30:00 FORTE DE COPACABANA sector as a driving force in the provision of social, economic and environmental benefits withinFIABCI/BRASIL Susteinable Real Estate Sectorand beyond the UNECE region.Presented by FIABCI/BRASIL & UNECE Real Estate Market Advisory GroupEste evento paralelo tem de repensar o setor imobilirio, proporcionando aos decisoresferramentas para identificar os passos necessrios para melhorar a sustentabilidade doFIABCI/BRASIL & UNECE Greening the Real Estate Market: The Development of a12/06/2012 14:30:00 Windsor Barra Hotel mercado e para promover o sector imobilirio como uma fora motriz na prestao deReal Estate Market Susteinable Real Estate Sectorbenefcios sociais, econmicos e ambientais dentro e fora da UNECE regio.Advisory GroupThis side event aims to rethink the real estate sector by providing decision makers with tools toFIABCI/BRASIL & UNECE Greening the Real Estate Market: The Development of aidentify the steps needed to improve market sustainability and to promote the real estate12/06/2012 14:30:00Windsor Barra HotelReal Estate Market Susteinable Real Estate Sector sector as a driving force in the provision of social, economic and environmental benefits withinAdvisory Groupand beyond the UNECE region.Senegal/Frana, 1979. Legendas em portugus. 113.O filme a crnica de um povoado srre da regio do cultivo do amendoim no Senegal. Os Fad, Jal de Safi Faye12/06/2012 16:00:00 MAM aldees testemunham, atravs da fala dos ancios, a histria do povoado transmitida pelaMAMtradio oral.Classificao indicativa 14 anos. 5. de Jean-Pierre Duttileux e Luiz Carlos Lacerda. Brasil/Frana/Blgica, 1978. 85. Complemento - Ecologia de Leon Hirzsman. Brasil, 1973. 13. Na aldeia dos ndios Mekronotis, onde Raoni o cacique, chega a notcia de que, mais uma vez, tratores penetram na floresta, invadindo as fronteiras da reserva indgena. O filmeRaoni 12/06/201218:00:00MAMMAM concorreu ao Oscar de melhor documentrio. Classificao indicativa 14 anos.Pr-Estria de "As Hiper Mulheres". Abertura para Convidados. Abre pro pblico do dia 13 aoMOSTRA CINEMA INDGENA12/06/2012 19:00:00Cinema Sesc GinsticoImagina Rio 22Sarau de Poesia - Ocupao ABC UrbanaSarau Poesia Bem Black - Promoo da Livraria Kitabu - Entrada Franca12/06/201219:00:00Movimento Imagina Riowww.imaginario.etc.br Evento desenvolvido pelo IPHAN que em complemento agenda global da Rio+20, preparou uma programao especfica para oferecer aos participantes, com base na temtica sobre o Patrimnio e Sustentabilidade, uma viso sobre a Paisagem Cultural da Cidade do Rio de Janeiro, que atualmente proposta para o reconhecimento como Patrimnio Mundial. Haver eventos paralelos Eventos paralelos: Exposio Rio de Janeiro. Paisagens Cariocas entre a Montanha e o Mar Hall do auditrio Auditrio do Palcio Gustavo Apresentaes de grupos de jongo e de capoeiraMesa Redonda - Patrimnio e Sustentabilidade12/06/201214h Capanema Presena de Baianas de AcarajAo final da mesa redonda, no trreo do Palcio Gustavo Capanema. So 25 os bens registrados pelo IPHAN como Patrimnio Cultural Imaterial do Brasil. Destes, esto fortemente presentes no Rio de Janeiro o Samba, a Capoeira, o Acaraj e o Jongo/Caxambu da Regio Sudeste, para os quais o IPHAN vem desenvolvendo os devidos Planos de Salvaguarda, aes que objetivam apoiar a continuidade desses bens culturais de modo sustentvel. Inscries gratuitas pelo e-mail comunicacao.rj@iphan.gov.br Diferentes painis serviro para debater o papel do setor de construo na eficincia das cidades, economia verde e a influncia de ferramentas e polticas pblicas na promoo deEficincia no Uso de Recursos e Economia Verde:13/06/20128:30:00FORTE DE COPACABANA construes sustentveis, com a apresentao de iniciativas aplicadas em vrias partes do WBCSD Oportunidades para Edifcios e Cidades Sustentveis mundo. Realizao: WBCSD e empresas membros. Essa mesa faz parte das comemora es da Semana do Meio Ambiente e tem por objetivoSecretaria Nacional de Mesa Juventude e Sustentabilidade13/06/20129:00:00Per Mau apresentar olhares dos diferentes setores da juventude organizada sobre os desafios daJuventude da Presidncia sustentabilidade. da Repbica Evento Fechado Governana de guias 13/06/20129:00:00FORTE DE COPACABANA FIESP/FIRJAN Evento FechadoEconomia Criativa 13/06/20129:00:00FORTE DE COPACABANA SEBRAE 6. A Conferncia da BMW ser realizada dentro do contexto da Rio+20, em nosso Lounge de13h-14h: Chegada e Sustentabilidade - uma rea de exposio localizada do outro lado do Rio de Janeiro, a qual Credenciamento exibe todas as iniciativas de sustentabilidade do BMW Group, desde suas inovaes, cadeia 14h: Incio da Conferncia - de valor e tecnologia de produtos a pessoas e ideias que estimulam a sustentabilidade. Ser Palestra principal, Governo um local de ideias, dilogos e exemplos durante a Conferncia das Naes Unidas sobre o do Brasil; - Dr. Rainer Feurer, Desenvolvimento Sustentvel, na Rio+20, entre 13 e 24 de Junho de 2012, no Rio de Janeiro.Vice-Presidente Snior de Estratgia e Planejamento Corporativo, Meio Ambiente, Tema da Palestra: Sustentabilidade Corporativa no BMW Group, Estratgia e Metas de vel Superior; - Dr. Thomas Becker, Vice- Presidente de RelaesLounge de Sustentabilidade (BMW Group Sustainability Lounge) 13/06/2012 9:00:00Parque dos AtletasBMW Governamentais, Tema da Palestra: Solues de Mobilidade Sustentvel com Baixa Emisso de Carbono, Levando a Mobilidade Eltrica (e-Mobility) para uma Nova Era. 15h30: Discusso com a imprensa e os interessados 16h: Trmino da Conferncia. Os desiguinados tambm tero oportunidaes de fazer um test-drive de veculos eltricos do BMW Group em Trata-se de mostra de artes sustentveis de periferias, que busca contribuir para a discusso um circuito de teste no ambiental nestes espaos do Rio de Janeiro. Em 13 de junho, haver o coquetel de abertura da Mostra, quando sero inauguradas duas exposies, que parmanecero em exibio durante o projeto: uma fotogrfica sobre a Serra da Misericrdia e outra de artes plsticas (artesanatos e ardunos). No dia 16 de junho, ser inaugurada a Mostra de Cinema Ambiental Eco Periferia, que consiste na apresentao de filme longa-metragem e outro curta-metragem Estao das Palmeiras - sobre o meio ambiente. A exibio dos filmes ser seguida de debate com representantes das Cooperativa de Reciclagem Mostra Eco Periferia13/06/2012 9:00:00ONGs parceiras e do pblico, no qual ser discutido um dos seguintes temas: A reciclagemComplexo do AlemoEu Quero Liberdade como forma de reinsero social Cooperativa de Reciclagem Eu Quero Liberdade; e O uso criativo de reciclveis arte sustentvel. No dia 17 de junho, haver sesses de filmes da Mostra de Filmes Ecolgicos ECO PERIFERIA, seguidas de debate com o tema Desenvolvimento econmico e sustentvel das comunidades Polos de produo local. Em 20 de junho, sero realizadas oficinas de criao de artes sustentveis, sendo uma com materiais slidos (pet, pneus, papelo, etc) e outra com resduos eletrnicos. Em cada oficina sero selecionados cinco participantes, que tero dois dias para montar uma exposio de Exposio ludica e interativa de conhecimento, casos concretos e exemplos de tecnologias SEBRAEEstande Interativo - Rplica Centro SEBRAE de Sustentabilidade 13/06/2012 10:00:00 Parque dos Atletasque agregam a sustentabilidade como valor ao negcio Mostra de documentrios focada em algumas das principais questes scio-ambientais doMostra Social em Movimentos Rio+20 13/06/2012 10:00:00Caixa Cultural Rio Caixa Brasil e da Frana.Lan. Campanha Weblixo - Ocupao ABC Urbana LANAMENTO DA CAMPANHA AMBIENTAL ESCOLAR Concurso enrte os alunos - 13/06/2012 10:00:00 Esc. Monte CasteloMovimento Imagina Rio www.imaginario.etc.br WEBLIXO - Entrada Franca Official Event - Tentative Agenda Opening Session (Plenary) - Opening remarks by the Co-chair, Status of negotiations and the III Preparatory Committee (day 1) 13/06/2012 10:00:00Riocentroway forward by the CSG, Working group(s) meetings; 15:00hrs to 18:00hrs Working group(s)United Nations meetings; 18:00hrs to 19:30hrs Interactive briefing on status of negotiations. Evento Pblico Programas Estratgicos de Desenvolvimento Sustentvel do 13/06/2012 11:00:00 Parque dos AtletasCasa CivilRio: Bolsa de Ativos Ambientais do RJ e Roteiro VerdeBalano de carbono das prticas sustentveis incentivadas pelo Evento Pblico 13/06/2012 11:00:00 Parque dos AtletasCasa CivilPrograma Rio Rural Green Innovations in the Mobility Sector13/06/2012 11:00:00 Arena da BarraRoom UN2BMW BrazilA Zero to Nature Oil Refinery13/06/2012 11:00:00 Arena da BarraRoom UN3Planck-E Apresentao de cantos e danas e oficinas de pintura corporal com traduoApresentaes e Oficinas Fulni- na Estao Cinelndia 13/06/2012 11:00:00 Cinelndia simultnea para o ingls. 7. A MJV realiza tambm na Arena da Barra, entre os dias 13 e 17 de junho, das 11h s 19h, a Oficina de Inovao em Sustentabilidade, atravs da qual participantes do evento tero a oportunidade de vivenciar - a partir de um circuito que remete atrao temtica de um parque de diverses - as etapas da metodologia de Design Thinking, normalmente aplicada pela empresa soluo de problemas de negcio, junto a seus clientes. Oficina de Inovao em Sustentabilidade13/06/2012 11:00:00 Arena da Barra MJV Para obter mais informaes, acesse: http://consultoriadesignthinking.com.br/ http://www.mjv.com.br/ Elaborao de grafite no Espao do CNO no Parque dos Atletas pelo Instituto Wark e GDR -Instituto Wark e GDR - CUCaA - Construindo o universo atravs da arte 13/06/2012 11:00:00Parque dos Atletas Grafiteiros da Rocinha Grafiteiros da RocinhaLeitura EnCena: Expedio dos Amantes da Mquina de Francisco Carlos Leituras EnCena - Ocupao irbita13/06/2012 12:00:00 Casa da GveaLeitura EnCena: Cavalo Hidreltrico de Francisco Carlos - Movimento Imagina Rio www.imaginario.etc.br Entrada Franca Leitura EnCena: Expedio dos Amantes da Mquina de Francisco Carlos + LeituraLeitura EnCena13/06/2012 12:00:00 Casa da Gvea EnCena: Cavalo Hidreltrico de Francisco Carlo. Evento FechadoDia do Amanha 13/06/2012 13:00:00 FORTE DE COPACABANAFundao Roberto MarinhoProtecting our first environment: protecting womens Room UN2 Women in Europe for areproductive health and future generations from harmful 13/06/2012 13:15:00 Arena da Barra Common Future (WECF)environmental impacts A Mostra Meu Meio marca a reinaugurao do Museu do Meio Ambiente, pelo Instituto deAJA Derrube Limites (abertura)13/06/2012 13:30:00 Museu do Meio Ambiente Jardim Botnico Pesquisa do Jardim Botnico.Plos Verdes Inovao e Sustentabilidade13/06/2012 14:00:00 Parque dos Atletas Evento PblicoCasa CivilDilogos sobre Mudanas do Clima: cenrio nacional e Evento Fechado13/06/2012 14:00:00 FORTE DE COPACABANAFIRJAN/FIRJAN internacional ABERTURA - as 15 horas Abertura Oficial com a presena da Ministra da Cultura Ana de Holanda, Secretria de Cultura Abertura oficial - Ocupao irbita13/06/2012 15:00:00 Casa da Gveado Estado do Rio de Janeiro Adriana Rattes, Secretrio de Cultura do Municpio do Rio de Movimento Imagina Riowww.imaginario.etc.br Janeiro Emlio Kallil. Apresentao do Maracatu do Quilombinho, de Sorocaba - SP . Entrada FrancaMaracatu do Quilombinho, de Sorocaba13/06/2012 15:00:00Casa da Gvea Apresentao do Maracatu do Quilombinho, de Sorocaba - SPRelatos Canibais. Sesso VDEO-SHOW13/06/2012 15:00:00 Parque dos Atletas Sesso Video - Show ELETROBRAS A proposta montar um espao para demonstrao dos principais programas e iniciativas do Ministrio das Comunicaes voltadas para incluso digital. Sero feitas demonstraes de computadores robs e equipamentos reciclados, desenvolvidos a partir do curso de formao Ministrio dasEstande do Ministrio das Comunicaes Pier Mau ( Palestras) 13/06/2012 16:00:00Pier Mau provido pelo Ministrio aos Telecentros participantes do Programa de Telecentros. SeroComunicaes realizadas palestras sobre o tema moderadas pelo Ministrio, com a participao de convidados.Razes do Brasil Uma cinebiografia de Srgio Buarque dede Nelson Pereira dos Santos. Brasil, 2003. 87.13/06/2012 16:00:00MAMMAMHollanda (primeira parte)Classificao indicativa 14 anos. evento pblicoDr. Marcelo Cardozo da Silva Ao Civil Pblica do Carvo 13/06/2012 16:00:00 Parque dos AtletasAnalice Marques Bolzan - Juiz Federal/TRF4P&D+I NO CEPEL PARA O DESENVOLVIMENTOP&D+I NO CEPEL PARA O DESENVOLVIMENTO SUSTENTVEL DO SISTEMAALBERT CORDEIROSUSTENTVEL DO SISTEMA ELETROBRAS E DO SISTEMA13/06/2012 16:00:00 Parque dos Atletas ELETROBRAS E DO SISTEMA ELTRICO BRASILEIRO ELETROBRASGEBER DE MELOELTRICO BRASILEIRO MANUAL DE INVENTRIO HIDROELTRICO DE BACIASMANUAL DE INVENTRIO HIDROELTRICO DE BACIAS HIDROGRFICASFernanda da Serra Costa13/06/2012 17:00:00 Parque dos Atletas ELETROBRASHIDROGRFICAS Atividades da Superintendncia de Terrotrio e Cidadania na Evento PblicoRio + 2013/06/2012 18:00:00 Parque dos Atletas Casa CivilRelatos Canibais - Ocupao irbitaLeitura performatizada da pea teatral Esfinge-Tupi de Francisco Carlos com Bete Coelho +13/06/2012 18:00:00 E.A.V. Parque Lage Movimento Imagina Rio www.imaginario.etc.br Dj e Grande Elenco Entrada FrancaSesso VDEO-SHOW 13/06/2012 18:00:00 Parque dos Atletas Sesso VDEO-SHOWELETROBRAS Sesso VDEO-SHOW No Cais do Porto do Rio de Janeiro, em Berlim, em Havana, em Calcut ou em qualquer Lugar, nosso cabaret se filia tradio dos cabars alemes dos anos 20, que serviram de inspirao e modelo para o teatro de Bertolt Brecht. Um barman prepara coquetis que so servidos ao pblico por garonetes do prprio elenco durante o espetculo. As verses dasMUSICAL HAVANA CAF 13/06/2012 19:00:00 UNEP msicas vo desde grandes standards norte-americanos a mambos, rumbas e boleros, queMinistrio da Cultura refletem sucessos e fracassos de um mundo em que tudo est venda, tudo tem seu preo. Trs msicos acompanham o elenco com sax, piano e contrabaixo, enquanto os atores se revezam, cantando e tocando instrumentos. 8. Parceria: MUF- Museu de Favela e Projeto Regies Narrativas Projees dos artistas e coletivos associados:* >Careca Arts Sanduba- TV Parede > Fernando SalisPlataforma Vide Urbe + artistas e coletivos associados - > MV Hemp - Projetando idias + oficina Licena Potica >Raisa Inocncio, com a13/06/2012 19:00:00MUF Movimento Imagina RioOcupao irbitawww.imaginario.etc.brperformance "Pesquisa amoral" > Laboratrio Regies Narrativas mostra de vdeosrealizados nas oficinas de narrativas transmdiareas de projeo:* MUF e entorno do MUF: casas, cho, arquiteturas em geral, caixa dgua etc www.videurbe.com.br Entrada Franca Leitura performatizada da pea teatral Esfinge-Tupi de Francisco Carlos com BeteRelatos Canibais Parque Lage13/06/2012 19:00:00Parque Lage (Salo Nobre) Coelho + Dj e Grande Elenco.Programa Plataforma Vide Urbe (MUF Cantagalo) 13/06/2012 19:00:00Cantagalo Projees espao pblicos no convencionais.Progr. ao vivo rdio Roquete Pinto -Ocupao irbita com Andrea Cals e convidados falando sobre cinema e meio ambiente. Entrada Franca13/06/2012 20:00:00 Casa da GveaMovimento Imagina Riowww.imaginario.etc.brFestival de Esquetes Teatrais. Cal e do Tablado e "Baixada noFestival de esquetes teatrais com artistas da Baixada se apresentando no Baixo Gvea -. Baixo" - Ocupao irbita13/06/2012 20:00:00 Casa da GveaEntrada Franca Movimento Imagina Riowww.imaginario.etc.br Com Andrea Cals e convidados falando sobre cinema e meio ambiente + Festival dePrograma ao vivo da Radio Roquete Pinto 13/06/2012 20:00:00 Casa da Gvea Esquetes Teatrais. Cal e do Tablado e "Baixada no Baixo". um evento de performances e instalaes visuais, em grande escala. So 10 carros de sucata organizados em linha em frente a duas telas de projeo, em um amplo galpo, lembrando um cinema drive - in. Cada carro ser plataforma de um artista ou coletivo, do Drive - in Rio - Oficina e Lounge de Interao 13/06/2012 21:30:00Per MauMinistrio da Cultura Brasil, Dinamarca, Inglaterra e Itlia. O projeto servir de plataforma para obras experimentais em performance, design, instalao, cinema , teatro, animao e vdeo mapping . Contar com a presena da Ministra da Cultura, Ana de Hollanda. Abertura da exposioCentro Cultural Ao daorganizada pelo IPHAN: Patrimnio, Territrio e Sustentabilidade. Incio das atividades do Ministrio da Cultura 13/06/2012 18h Cidadania Para alcan armos os objetivos propostos, realizaremos um conjunto de debates, palestras, GT s e plenrias visando discu r os vrios aspectos do tema em questo. Alm disso, oSecretaria Nacional de referido encontro servir ainda para aprofundar a pauta da juventude e subsidiar a SNJ e o Encontro da Juventude e Educa o para a Sustentabilidade 13/06/2012 Dia todo Jardim BotnicoJuventude da Presidncia Conjuve na incid ncia nos documentos e resolu es finais da Confer ncia Rio+20 bem como da Repbicano estabelecimento de responsabilidades e pactua es para a es concretas ps-Rio+20. Organizado pelo ICLEI Governos Locais pela Sustentabilidade, o encontro abordar como Vila Olmpica - Barra deesverdear a economia urbana e como os governos locais podem melhor contribuir para osEncontro Global dos Municpios na Rio+2013/06/2012Tijuca [ao lado do Riocentro] objetivos de proteo dos bens comuns globais, bem como melhorar os sistemas de governana global e local. Convocada pelas Secretarias dos trs acordos ambientais globais surgidos na Cpula da Terra de 1992 a Conveno Quadro das Naes Unidas sobre Mudana do Clima (UNFCCC), a Conveno das Naes Unidas de Combate Desertificao e a Conveno da ONU sobre Biodiversidade, juntamente com o Global Environment Facility e outros parceiros Vila Olmpica - Barra de Rio Conventions Pavilion 13/06/2012 o Pavilion realizar um programa de duas semanas de eventos e atividades, apresentandoTijuca [ao lado do Rio Centro] uma exposio retrospectiva e mostrando a contribuio desses tratados para o desenvolvimento sustentvel. Apresentaes focaro em temas como oceanos, cidades, economia verde, gnero e desenvolvimento. Focado na conteno do aquecimento global, o evento debater a criao de uma nova forma de calcular as emisses de gases de efeito estufa (GEE) na atmosfera. Ser apresentado umAuditrio da Firjan e Forte de documento com compromissos de reduo, adaptao e financiamento para a restrio deRio Climate Challenge / Rio Clima 13/06/2012 CopacabanaGEE. uma iniciativa das subcomisses Rio+20, da Cmara dos Deputados e do Senado, com apoio da prefeitura do Rio de Janeiro, do governo do estado de Pernambuco e ONGs. O objetivo principal deste evento ser o de destacar os pontos fortes e fracos da Famlia de Pegadas, composta por trs indicadores conhecidos como Pegada Ecolgica, Pegada Hdrica e Pegada de Carbono. Isso auxiliaria no entendimento do uso destes indicadores paraRio 92, para onde foi? Rio+20, para onde vai?.13/06/2012 11:00:00Arena da Barramedir as vrias dimenses relevantes do desenvolvimento sustentvel. Vamos apresentar aWWF aplicao de cada ferramenta, utilizando exemplos concretos, e de forma mais participativa possvel, encerrando o evento com uma discusso qualificada. 9. O principal objetivo estabelecer diretrizes para a Acessibilidade Universal e o Desenho paraTodos, buscando promover a incluso de pessoas com deficincia. A Cultura no seu sentidomais amplo um fator importante no turismo, especialmente se considerarmos o turismo mais Turismo Cultural Inclusivo no Contexto da Sustentabilidade13/06/201211:00:00Arena da Barra13/06/2012 14:45do que uma atividade de lazer, considerando o desejo das pessoas de aprender, conhecer edescobrir coisas novas.Anlise do Ciclo de Vida como uma ferramenta de avaliao, com a qual se pretendeconhecer e avaliar a carga ambiental associada a um produto, processo ou servio, levando Associao Nacional da Avaliao do Ciclo de Vida (ACV) dos Blocos e Telhas 13/06/201214:00:00Arena da Barra em conta todas as etapas de seu ciclo de vida (do bero ao tmulo), desde a extrao dasIndstria de Cermica Cermicasmatrias-primas do meio natural para a fabricao do produto, at o tratamento do produto noVermelhafinal da vida til do mesmo.O objetivo principal do trabalho calcular a pegada do Municpio e do Estado de So Paulo. Oclculo no s ir desencadear a discusso sobre os padres de consumo da mdia urbanabrasileira, mas tambm levantar questes sobre como mitigar os impactos deste consumo ecriar cadeias produtivas mais sustentveis. A parceria desta iniciativa com a Secretaria deA Pegada Ecolgica da cidade e estado de So Paulo / TheMeio Ambiente do Estado de So Paulo e a Secretaria de Meio Ambiente de So Paulo. Por 13/06/201215:00:00Arena da Barra parte da sociedade civil, o Movimento Nossa So Paulo vem trabalhando com indicadores deWWF ecological footprint of the City and State of So Paulosustentabilidade para a cidade e est envolvido na discusso das cadeias sustentveis e decompras pblicas responsveis . Durante o evento, iremos tambm colaborar com a GlobalFootprint Network. O resultado esperado desse evento ser o clculo da pegada e ocompromisso com a reduo da mesma.Construir uma economia verde e sustentvel tambm contribuir para o incremento daincluso de pessoas com deficincia, por meio da Educao Inclusiva, da Sustentabilidade eda Acessibilidade em seu sentido pleno. Semear e aprofundar a discusso destes temas Acessibilidade em Grandes Eventos Mundiais: a Conferncia 13/06/201215:15:00Arena da Barra uma das metas do SUDI 2012, avanando na criao de oportunidades para tirar as pessoas UFRJ/CNO Rio+20da pobreza. Este evento busca esta sinergia entre os diferentes atores sociais, instituiespblicas e privadas, governos e universidades.Sound, Water, Water setups, Door SignsPrepCom: Presse briefing 14/06/2012 0:00:00 P3-7 Rio Centro United NationsPORTUGUESE INTERPRETATION PrepCom: EU coordination Meeting on Rio+2014/06/2012 8:00:00 P3-4 Rio Centro Sound, Water setups, Door Signs United NationsPrepCom: Major Groups morning briefing 14/06/2012 8:30:00 P3-3 Rio Centro Sound, Door Signs United NationsPrepCom: Bureau room 14/06/2012 8:30:00 P3-G Rio Centro Door SignsUnited NationsEvento FechadoMunicpios Verdes e Florestabilidade 14/06/2012 9:00:00 Forte de Copacabana Fundao Roberto MarinhoIntimamente ligado a Conferncia Rio+20, permitir aos participantes aprender depalestrantes inspiradores e casos reais de solues integradas de vanguarda para desafios Congresso Mundial ICLEI 201214/06/2012 9:00:00 SESC PalladiumICLEIque enfrentamos nas cidades, alm de prover oportunidades de apresentarem suas prpriashistrias e experincias.Intimamente ligado a Conferncia Rio+20, permitir aos participantes aprender deParque Municipal Amricopalestrantes inspiradores e casos reais de solues integradas de vanguarda para desafios Congresso Mundial ICLEI 201214/06/2012 9:00:00 ICLEI Renn Gianetti que enfrentamos nas cidades, alm de prover oportunidades de apresentarem suas prpriashistrias e experincias.Intimamente ligado a Conferncia Rio+20, permitir aos participantes aprender depalestrantes inspiradores e casos reais de solues integradas de vanguarda para desafios Congresso Mundial ICLEI 201214/06/2012 9:00:00Othon Palace Hotel ICLEIque enfrentamos nas cidades, alm de prover oportunidades de apresentarem suas prpriashistrias e experincias.Intimamente ligado a Conferncia Rio+20, permitir aos participantes aprender depalestrantes inspiradores e casos reais de solues integradas de vanguarda para desafios Congresso Mundial ICLEI 201214/06/2012 9:00:00 Belo Horizonte City House ICLEIque enfrentamos nas cidades, alm de prover oportunidades de apresentarem suas prpriashistrias e experincias.Our event main topic will discuss ?The Wasteful System? a consumption dilemma....CivilSociety role in making cultural shift in consumption habits towards Sustainability?, We willdiscuss firstly the trigger behind the transformation of wants to become needs, then our dailydecision making dilemma; a paradox between our values and actions, then we will talk aboutthe misconception of possessiveness of the natural resources for the so-called human growth Bahrain Women 14/06/2012 9:30:00T-5 (Riocentro)and the enormity of the current situation and finally we will focus on the importance role of Civil Association for Humansociety when moving to action through leading the Wasteful System AWARENESS DevelopmentMOVEMENT aiming to correct misconceptions for the nature resources, the daily destructiveconsumption patterns, etc. Walking along the line with stakeholders and decision makingbodies for collective decisions, commitments, plans and solutions, hoping to empower thismovement on regional level."Consumption vs. Sustainability" The Destructive Wasteful System 10. UN Civil Society Resource Mobilization Partnership Formula? states that Global civil society onInternational Association forthe one hand commits at Rio+20 to mobilize 15 billion Euros and 15 million volunteers by the the Advancement ofRio+20 15/15/15 Formula - Heartpower and Action for The Future We14/06/2012 9:30:00T-4 (Riocentro)year 2015 for UN led sustainable development efforts and on the other hand requests newInnovative Approaches toWantforms of participation in global SD governance.Global Challenges (IAAI)In the proposed transition towards a green economy, many civil society organizations andsocial movements are worried about how to guarantee the protection of human rights and thepromotion of social justice. Based on a series of debates that occurred on the road to Rio+20, Instituto Vitae Civilis (Vitae 14/06/2012 9:30:00T-3 (Riocentro)the objective of this event is to present the proposal of a framework to protect human rights in Civilis Institute)the transition to green and inclusive economies, aiming at strengthening the debate andDeveloping an economic framework which respects human rights andproviding concrete and efficient tools for policymakers.planet boundariesSound, Door Signs, Screen, PowerPoint projectorPrepCom: Bahrain Women Association for Human Development 14/06/2012 9:30:00T-5 Rio CentroUnited Nations PrepCom: Instituto Vitae Civilis (Vitae Civilis Institute)14/06/2012 9:30:00T-3 Rio Centro Sound, Door Signs, Screen, PowerPoint projectorUnited NationsPrepCom: International Association for the Advancement of Sound, Door Signs, Screen, PowerPoint projector 14/06/2012 9:30:00T-4 Rio CentroUnited NationsInnovative Approaches to Global Challenges (IAAI) PrepCom: Reach the Children, Inc. - Alleviate Agricultural Sound, Door Signs, Screen, PowerPoint projector 14/06/2012 9:30:00T-6 Rio CentroUnited NationsPovertyOur event main topic will discuss ?The Wasteful System? a consumption dilemma....CivilSociety role in making cultural shift in consumption habits towards Sustainability?, We willdiscuss firstly the trigger behind the transformation of wants to become needs, then our dailydecision making dilemma; a paradox between our values and actions, then we will talk aboutthe misconception of possessiveness of the natural resources for the so-called human growth Bahrain Women 14/06/2012 9:30:00T-5 (Riocentro)and the enormity of the current situation and finally we will focus on the importance role of Civil Association for Humansociety when moving to action through leading the Wasteful System AWARENESS DevelopmentMOVEMENT aiming to correct misconceptions for the nature resources, the daily destructiveconsumption patterns, etc. Walking along the line with stakeholders and decision makingbodies for collective decisions, commitments, plans and solutions, hoping to empower thismovement on regional level."Consumption vs. Sustainability" The Destructive Wasteful SystemUN Civil Society Resource Mobilization Partnership Formula? states that Global civil society onInternational Association forthe one hand commits at Rio+20 to mobilize 15 billion Euros and 15 million volunteers by the the Advancement ofRio+20 15/15/15 Formula - Heartpower and Action for The Future We14/06/2012 9:30:00T-4 (Riocentro)year 2015 for UN led sustainable development efforts and on the other hand requests newInnovative Approaches toWantforms of participation in global SD governance.Global Challenges (IAAI)In the proposed transition towards a green economy, many civil society organizations andsocial movements are worried about how to guarantee the protection of human rights and thepromotion of social justice. Based on a series of debates that occurred on the road to Rio+20, Instituto Vitae Civilis (Vitae 14/06/2012 9:30:00T-3 (Riocentro)the objective of this event is to present the proposal of a framework to protect human rights in Civilis Institute)the transition to green and inclusive economies, aiming at strengthening the debate andDeveloping an economic framework which respects human rights andproviding concrete and efficient tools for policymakers.planet boundariesOur event main topic will discuss ?The Wasteful System? a consumption dilemma....CivilSociety role in making cultural shift in consumption habits towards Sustainability?, We willdiscuss firstly the trigger behind the transformation of wants to become needs, then our dailydecision making dilemma; a paradox between our values and actions, then we will talk aboutthe misconception of possessiveness of the natural resources for the so-called human growth Bahrain Women 14/06/2012 9:30:00T-5 (Riocentro)and the enormity of the current situation and finally we will focus on the importance role of Civil Association for Humansociety when moving to action through leading the Wasteful System AWARENESS DevelopmentMOVEMENT aiming to correct misconceptions for the nature resources, the daily destructiveconsumption patterns, etc. Walking along the line with stakeholders and decision makingbodies for collective decisions, commitments, plans and solutions, hoping to empower thismovement on regional level."Consumption vs. Sustainability" The Destructive Wasteful SystemUN Civil Society Resource Mobilization Partnership Formula? states that Global civil society onInternational Association forthe one hand commits at Rio+20 to mobilize 15 billion Euros and 15 million volunteers by the the Advancement ofRio+20 15/15/15 Formula - Heartpower and Action for The Future We14/06/2012 9:30:00T-4 (Riocentro)year 2015 for UN led sustainable development efforts and on the other hand requests newInnovative Approaches toWantforms of participation in global SD governance.Global Challenges (IAAI)In the proposed transition towards a green economy, many civil society organizations andsocial movements are worried about how to guarantee the protection of human rights and thepromotion of social justice. Based on a series of debates that occurred on the road to Rio+20, Instituto Vitae Civilis (Vitae 14/06/2012 9:30:00T-3 (Riocentro)the objective of this event is to present the proposal of a framework to protect human rights in Civilis Institute)the transition to green and inclusive economies, aiming at strengthening the debate andDeveloping an economic framework which respects human rights andproviding concrete and efficient tools for policymakers.planet boundariesA Mostra Meu Meio marca a reinaugurao do Museu do Meio Ambiente, pelo Instituto de AJA Derrube Limites (atividades especiais Rio+20) 14/06/2012 10:00:00 Museu do Meio AmbienteJardim BotnicoPesquisa do Jardim Botnico. 11. Dana em cadeira de rodas no Brasil: competncias noUniversidade Federal de Eliana Lucia Ferreira14/06/2012 10:00:00 MAMprocesso de incluso social Juiz de Fora A Voz do Professor - Evento SESI - SENAI 14/06/2012 10:00:00Forte de Copacabana Evento Fechado FIESP/FIRJANPrepCom: Green Economy14/06/2012 10:00:00P-3 A Rio CentroDoor Signs, Screen, PPoint Projector United Nations PrepCom: Meeting 14/06/2012 10:00:00P3-B Rio Centro Door Signs United Nations PrepCom: Meeting 14/06/2012 10:00:00P3-C Rio Centro Door Signs United Nations PrepCom: Meeting 14/06/2012 10:00:00P3-4 Rio Centro Door Signs, Screen, PowerPoint projector United Nations PrepCom: Meeting 14/06/2012 10:00:00NotesUnited Nations PrepCom: Meeting 14/06/2012 10:00:00P3-EDoor Signs United Nations PrepCom: on UNCSD14/06/2012 10:00:00P3-5 Rio Centro SoundUnited NationsPrepCom: European Community: Eu Coordination14/06/2012 10:00:00P3-F Rio Centro Door Signs United Nations Official Event - Tentative Agenda Day 06/14/2012: 10:00hrs to 13:00hrs Working group(s) meetings; 15:00hrs to 18:00hrs III Preparatory Committee (day 2)14/06/2012 10:00:00 Riocentro United Nations Working group(s) meeting; 18:00hrs to 19:30hrs Interactive briefing on status of negotiations.AMOSTRA FOTOGRAFICA DO CONTIDIANO DA COMUNIDADE, DESDE ABabilnia Chapu Mangueira Ns Moradores na Foto14/06/2012 10:00:00IMPLANTAO DA UPP Em uma futura economia verde sustentvel, essencial utilizar a biomassa para um nmero Claes Tullin de diferentes aplicaes; alimento, celulose, papel, combustvel para CHP, combustvel para transporte, produtos qumicos verdes, produtos txteis verdes e assim por diante. O mercado de biomassa ir aumentar (dramaticamente) e ser importante aperfeioar o uso entre aplicativos diferentes e seguindo uma linha de valor decrescente at que este seja utilizado A bioeconomia do futuro14/06/2012 11:00:00 Parque dos Atletas para aquecimento/resfriamento e/ou eletricidade, ou seja, ser muito importante integrar e Embaixada da Sucia desenvolver sistemas de anlise. Alm disso, para entender o processo de investigao at o produto/servio final fundamental compreender os mecanismos do sistema de inovao, por exemplo, de forma a desenvolver polticas adequadas para alcanar uma economia verde sustentvel. Evento aberto ao pblico. Palestrantes: Claes Tullin (SP Techical Research Institute of Sweden). O Estado do Esprito Santo publicou a Lei 9.531, de 17 de setembro de 2010, que institui aAladim Fernando Cerqueira Poltica Estadual de Mudanas Climticas. No mbito da Poltica duas aes se destacam: oe David Viegas Casarin Inventrio de Gases de Efeito Estufa do Esprito Santo e o Programa de Adaptao s Mudanas Climticas. O Inventrio quantificou as emisses de responsabilidade do Estado do Esprito Santo segundo a metodologia do IPCC e foi elaborado em parceria com o Instituto Jones dos Santos Neves, a OSCIP Agncia Nacional de Desenvolvimento Econmico Social e Defesa Ambiental, ANDESA e o Instituto Virtual Internacional de Mudanas Globais. OInventrio de Gases de Efeito Estufa do ES e ProgramaPrograma Estadual de Adaptao s Mudanas Climticas tem como objetivo implementar Governo do Estado do14/06/2012 11:00:00 Parque dos AtletasEstadual de Adaptao s Mudanas Climticas aes de preveno e adaptao aos efeitos das mudanas climticas, tendo como aesEsprito Santo primrias, a instalao de um Sistema de Monitoramento Hidrometeorolgico e Alerta de Desastres, a elaborao de Planos Municipais de Reduo de Risco e de Drenagem de guas Urbanas e a estruturao das Coordenaes Municipais de Defesa Civil. Evento aberto ao pblico. Palestrantes: Aladim Fernando Cerqueira (Diretor Presidente do Instituto Estadual de Meio Ambiente e Recursos Hdricos) e David Viegas Casarin (Gerente do Instituto Estadual de Meio Ambiente e Recursos Hdricos). Realizao de painis sobre o Programa gua Brasil e sobre Negcios e Tecnologias Sociais como ferramenta da erradicao da pobreza e desenvolvimento do Pas. ocasio,Workshop BB na RIO+20 14/06/2012 11:00:00 Parque dos AtletasBanco do Brasil acontecero atos solenes de parcerias com os Governos, empresas, entidades e sociedade civil. Evento aberto ao pblico.Megacidades 201214/06/2012 11:00:00 Parque dos Atletas Evento Pblico Casa Civil Realizao de painis sobre o Programa gua Brasil e sobre Negcios e Tecnologias SociaisMarina Grossi; Maria Ceclia Auditrio 1 - Parque doscomo ferramenta da erradicao da pobreza e desenvolvimento do Pas. ocasio,Way de Brito; Wagner deWorkshop BB na Rio +2014/06/2012 11:00:00 Banco do BrasilAtletasacontecero atos solenes de parcerias com os Governos, empresas, entidades e sociedade Siqueira Pinto; der de Melo civil. 12. Polticas, programas e aes de combate ao desmatamento ilegal, biopirataria e ao trficoRepresentantes do MPF, do internacional de animais silvestres: planejamento estratgico interinstitucional. Infraestrutura e CNJ, das Foras Armadas, meio ambiente: judicializao de polticas pblicas e o projeto de lei respectivo. Declaraoda Polcia Federal, do MMA, da Ordem dos Advogados do Brasil para a Rio + 20. Capacitao profissional, conscinciado IBAMA, do ICMBio, Ada ambiental e participao social do advogado: a experincia das Comisses de DireitoPellegrini Grinover, Kazuo Ambiental da OAB. Paragominas e Termo de Ajustamento de Conduta (TAC) da Carne:Watanabe, Senador Jorge experincias inovadoras e exitosas. Especializar a tendncia? Recomendaes do CNJ.Viana, Arnaldo Sampaio de Varas Especializadas Ambientais na Justia Federal de 1 Grau ou Cmaras/TurmasMoraes Godoy, Marcelo Especializadas Ambientais nos Tribunais. Avaliao das experincias pioneiras. ExperinciasGoulart, Celso Antonio de Educao e de Gesto Ambientais na Administrao Pblica: Licitaes Sustentveis Pacheco Fiorillo, Flvio Educao Ambiental na Administrao Pblica Federal, AGU Carbono Neutro. ExperinciasAhmed, Samir Murad, Adnan de Educao e de Gesto Ambientais dos TRFs e DPU. CNJ e as iniciativas em prol da Demachki, Werner Grau sustentabilidade. Atuao destacada do Judicirio favorece desenvolvimento do DireitoNeto, Daniel Azeredo,Poder Judicirio Federal e a Rio + 20: dilogos interinstitucionaisAmbiental no Brasil. Evento aberto ao pblico. Palestrantes: Representantes do MPF, do Tribunal Regional Federal Representante da AJUFE,14/06/2012 11:30:00 Parque dos Atletas e experincias inovadoras CNJ, das Foras Armadas, da Polcia Federal, do MMA, do IBAMA, do ICMBio, Ada Pellegrini da 3 RegioMariana Freitas, Maria Grinover (USP/ CEBEPEJ), Kazuo Watanabe (USP/CEBEPEJ), Senador Jorge Viana,Tereza Sadek, Arnaldo Sampaio de Moraes Godoy (Consultor-Geral da Unio), Marcelo Goulart (MinistrioRepresentantes das Varas Pblico do Estado de So Paulo), Celso Antonio Pacheco Fiorillo (OAB/SP), Flvio Ahmed especializadas, Daniela Aben- (OAB/RJ), Samir Murad (OAB/MA), Adnan Demachki (Prefeito de Paragominas/PA), WernerAthar, Carlos Jos de Souza Grau Neto (Presidente do Conselho da TNC), Daniel Azeredo (MPF-PA), Representante da Guimares, Mayra Motta, AJUFE, Mariana Freitas (Juza Federal/Curitiba), Maria Tereza Sadek (Pesquisadora - USP),Des. Consuelo Yoshida e Representantes das Varas especializadas, Daniela Aben-Athar (AGU), Carlos Jos de Souzarepresentantes das Guimares (AGU), Mayra Motta (AGU), Des. Consuelo Yoshida (Presidente - Comisso deComisses/setores dos Gesto Ambiental TRF3) e representantes das Comisses/setores dos demais Tribunais,demais Tribunais, Leonardo Leonardo Henrique Soares (DPU), Min. Herman Benjamin (STJ), Svio Renato Bittencourt Henrique Soares, Min. Soares Silva (Presidente da ABRAMPA), Representante da ANPR, Carina Costa de OliveiraHerman Benjamin, Svio (Programa Direito e Meio Ambiente - FGV-Rio), Rmulo Silveira da Rocha Sampaio (Programa Renato Bittencourt Soares Direito e Meio Ambiente - FGV-Rio).Silva, Representante daO Papel do Legislativo Estadual na Sustentabilidade: reflexes e Evento Pblico ANPR, Carina Costa de14/06/2012 11:30:00 Parque dos AtletasCasa Civil aes The Amazon Environmental Research Institute (IPAM) is a Brazilian NGO which work concept is based on participatory research by measuring and assessing from the point of view of scientific research, environment conservation and community. In order to promote Amazon conservation and development, IPAM currently works on three programs: (1) Community Management of Varzeas (Floodplains) and Forests, (2) Amazon Scenarios and (3) Climate Change. These programs have generated a considerable amount of Amazon Environmental14/06/2012 11:30:00T-8 (Riocentro) information and encouraged initiatives to support public policies, local action and international Research Institute (IPAM) agreements by working together with family farmers, farm producers, indigenous people, traditional communities and the government as a whole. At Rio+20, IPAM , partners and invited guests (academia, government and civil society) will present the recent scientific researches on climate change and REDD, besides exchanging information and perspective of traditional knowledge. The Future of the Amazon: a low carbon production model The workshop will be organised by practitioners of sustainable development on the part of IofC, on the one hand, and CEFO as an academic group whose members do research in sustainable development, on the other. Most, if not all, topics of the current CEFO members fall under the fields of sustainable development and human security (food security, land security and rights, energy security, just governance, inclusive economics, etc.). This collaboration is an important step to bringing researchers of various disciplines and practitioners together and exploring mechanisms of creating such partnerships. Initiatives of Change14/06/2012 11:30:00T-10 (Riocentro)International The workshop will allow bringing out the questions of methodologies and interdisciplinary nature of participants research. The session will be facilitated with the aim of creating synergies in research and communication among representatives of various disciplines (natural and social sciences) working for human security and sustainable development.Land and Life: Human Security through Sustainable Development 13. The side event will focus on the normative reference base for a human rights-based approachto sustainable development governance and make suggestions for required institutionalsettings and legislation. Normative considerations will be enriched with critical policy analysisand intelligence drawn from the practices the contributing organisations are undertaking in theirvarious action fields. These practices reach from grass-root level work with indigenous14/06/2012 11:30:00 T-9 (Riocentro) communities over policy and law related research and outreach to critical philosophy on global Centre for Ethics and Valueethics (and back). The event will stage six contributions and organise interactive discussion Inquiry (CEVI)with participants on issues related to human equality and sustainable development. Based onthe contributions and the discussion, a joint reflection document will be prepared as informationfor civil society and as input towards and beyond the official Rio+20 conference.The need for a rights-based approach to sustainable developmentRadical new thinking is required to directly address the current urgency for new solutions withinnew cultural and policy frameworks that will drive more sustainable development and povertyeradication. We need more than technological innovation to transform our current lifestyles intosustainable ones, but also social innovation is crucial to obtain this. A social platform led byNorthern Alliance for14/06/2012 11:30:00 T-3 (Riocentro)civil society organizations and research centers in Europe has been working on defining Sustainabilitysustainable lifestyles and drafted roadmaps for more sustainable lifestyles 2050 applying backcasting methodologies. In these roadmaps concrete plans of action for different stakeholdersSUSTAINABLE LIFESTYLES 2050 are included.THE GREEN ECONOMY IN THE FRAME OF THE SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT,Comite Impulso -IMPLIES A CHALLENGE THAT MUST REPRESENT IMPORTANT EFFORTS THATFUNDACIN REDAFFECT DIRECTLY IN THE YOUTH, REASON FOR WHICH, TO EXAMINE HIS SCOPE, COLOMBIANA PARA LAMANNERS OF TRANSITION, IT IS MECHANISMS OF FINANCING THAT THEY ALLOWDEFENSA DE LOS14/06/2012 11:30:00 T-4 (Riocentro) INSTITUTIONAL OPENINGS FOR HIS EXECUTION, IS FOR YOUNG WOMEN A MATTER DERECHOS HUMANOS,OF THE FIRST ORDER, IN THE SENSE THAT THE DEVELOPMENT AS IT ISEL MEDIO AMBIENTE YCONCEIVED, INFLUENCES THEM IN A ROYAL WAY, REASON FOR WHICH, A TRAFFICLA PAZ, GRUPO GREEN ECONOMY, SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT FROM ATOWARDS THE GREEN ECONOMY IS A MATTER THAT FOR THE YOUNG PERSONS IS PRINCIPAL, NIOS PERSPECTIVE OF YOUTH TRANSCENDENTAL. Y JVENESThe political economy of energy aided by international finance, trade and aid has been theprincipal reasons for unsustainable development. The panel will discuss how equity in energyis of paramount importance for the cherished goal of energy for all and for sustainable Beyond Copenhagen14/06/2012 11:30:00 T-6 (Riocentro)development. The panel will argue that equity in access to energy at international and subCollectivenational levels through fundamental changes in the patterns of production and consumption Energy for all; Equity as fundamental goal should be the first goal for sustainable development. PrepCom: Amazon Environmental Research Institute (IPAM)Sound, Door Signs, Screen, PowerPoint projector14/06/2012 11:30:00 T-8 Rio CentroUnited Nations The Future of PrepCom: Beyond Copenhagen Collective - Energy for all 14/06/2012 11:30:00 T-6 Rio CentroSound, Door Signs, Screen, PowerPoint projector United NationsPrepCom: Centre for Ethics and Value Inquiry (CEVI) The needSound, Door Signs, Screen, PowerPoint projector14/06/2012 11:30:00 T-9 Rio CentroUnited Nations for a riSound, Door Signs, Screen, PowerPoint projectorPrepCom: Comite Impulso- Sust. Dev. From perspective of youth 14/06/2012 11:30:00 T-4 Rio CentroUnited NationsPrepCom: Initiatives of Change International- Land and Life 14/06/2012 11:30:00 T-10 Rio Centro Sound, Door Signs, Screen, PowerPoint projector United NationsPrepCom: Northern Alliance for Sustainability 14/06/2012 11:30:00 T-3 Rio CentroSound, Door Signs, Screen, PowerPoint projector United NationsThe Amazon Environmental Research Institute (IPAM) is a Brazilian NGO which work conceptis based on participatory research by measuring and assessing from the point of view ofscientific research, environment conservation and community.In order to promote Amazon conservation and development, IPAM currently works on threeprograms: (1) Community Management of Varzeas (Floodplains) and Forests, (2) AmazonScenarios and (3) Climate Change. These programs have generated a considerable amount of Amazon Environmental14/06/2012 11:30:00 T-8 (Riocentro) information and encouraged initiatives to support public policies, local action and international Research Institute (IPAM)agreements by working together with family farmers, farm producers, indigenous people,traditional communities and the government as a whole.At Rio+20, IPAM , partners and invited guests (academia, government and civil society) willpresent the recent scientific researches on climate change and REDD, besides exchanginginformation and perspective of traditional knowledge. The Future of the Amazon: a low carbon production model 14. The workshop will be organised by practitioners of sustainable development on the part of IofC, on the one hand, and CEFO as an academic group whose members do research in sustainable development, on the other. Most, if not all, topics of the current CEFO members fall under the fields of sustainable development and human security (food security, land security and rights, energy security, just governance, inclusive economics, etc.). This collaboration is an important step to bringing researchers of various disciplines and practitioners together and exploring mechanisms of creating such partnerships.Initiatives of Change14/06/2012 11:30:00 T-10 (Riocentro) International The workshop will allow bringing out the questions of methodologies and interdisciplinary nature of participants research. The session will be facilitated with the aim of creating synergies in research and communication among representatives of various disciplines (natural and social sciences) working for human security and sustainable development.Land and Life: Human Security through Sustainable Development The side event will focus on the normative reference base for a human rights-based approach to sustainable development governance and make suggestions for required institutional settings and legislation. Normative considerations will be enriched with critical policy analysis and intelligence drawn from the practices the contributing organisations are undertaking in their various action fields. These practices reach from grass-root level work with indigenous14/06/2012 11:30:00 T-9 (Riocentro)communities over policy and law related research and outreach to critical philosophy on global Centre for Ethics and Value ethics (and back). The event will stage six contributions and organise interactive discussion Inquiry (CEVI) with participants on issues related to human equality and sustainable development. Based on the contributions and the discussion, a joint reflection document will be prepared as information for civil society and as input towards and beyond the official Rio+20 conference.The need for a rights-based approach to sustainable development Radical new thinking is required to directly address the current urgency for new solutions within new cultural and policy frameworks that will drive more sustainable development and poverty eradication. We need more than technological innovation to transform our current lifestyles into sustainable ones, but also social innovation is crucial to obtain this. A social platform led byNorthern Alliance for14/06/2012 11:30:00 T-3 (Riocentro) civil society organizations and research centers in Europe has been working on defining Sustainability sustainable lifestyles and drafted roadmaps for more sustainable lifestyles 2050 applying back casting methodologies. In these roadmaps concrete plans of action for different stakeholdersSUSTAINABLE LIFESTYLES 2050are included. THE GREEN ECONOMY IN THE FRAME OF THE SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT,Comite Impulso - IMPLIES A CHALLENGE THAT MUST REPRESENT IMPORTANT EFFORTS THATFUNDACIN RED AFFECT DIRECTLY IN THE YOUTH, REASON FOR WHICH, TO EXAMINE HIS SCOPE, COLOMBIANA PARA LA MANNERS OF TRANSITION, IT IS MECHANISMS OF FINANCING THAT THEY ALLOWDEFENSA DE LOS14/06/2012 11:30:00 T-4 (Riocentro)INSTITUTIONAL OPENINGS FOR HIS EXECUTION, IS FOR YOUNG WOMEN A MATTER DERECHOS HUMANOS, OF THE FIRST ORDER, IN THE SENSE THAT THE DEVELOPMENT AS IT ISEL MEDIO AMBIENTE Y CONCEIVED, INFLUENCES THEM IN A ROYAL WAY, REASON FOR WHICH, A TRAFFICLA PAZ, GRUPO GREEN ECONOMY, SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT FROM A TOWARDS THE GREEN ECONOMY IS A MATTER THAT FOR THE YOUNG PERSONS IS PRINCIPAL, NIOS PERSPECTIVE OF YOUTHTRANSCENDENTAL. Y JVENES The political economy of energy aided by international finance, trade and aid has been the principal reasons for unsustainable development. The panel will discuss how equity in energy is of paramount importance for the cherished goal of energy for all and for sustainable Beyond Copenhagen14/06/2012 11:30:00 T-6 (Riocentro) development. The panel will argue that equity in access to energy at international and subCollective national levels through fundamental changes in the patterns of production and consumption Energy for all; Equity as fundamental goalshould be the first goal for sustainable development. The Amazon Environmental Research Institute (IPAM) is a Brazilian NGO which work concept is based on participatory research by measuring and assessing from the point of view of scientific research, environment conservation and community. In order to promote Amazon conservation and development, IPAM currently works on three programs: (1) Community Management of Varzeas (Floodplains) and Forests, (2) Amazon Scenarios and (3) Climate Change. These programs have generated a considerable amount of Amazon Environmental14/06/2012 11:30:00 T-8 (Riocentro)information and encouraged initiatives to support public policies, local action and international Research Institute (IPAM) agreements by working together with family farmers, farm producers, indigenous people, traditional communities and the government as a whole. At Rio+20, IPAM , partners and invited guests (academia, government and civil society) will present the recent scientific researches on climate change and REDD, besides exchanging information and perspective of traditional knowledge. The Future of the Amazon: a low carbon production model 15. The workshop will be organised by practitioners of sustainable development on the part of IofC, on the one hand, and CEFO as an academic group whose members do research in sustainable development, on the other. Most, if not all, topics of the current CEFO members fall under the fields of sustainable development and human security (food security, land security and rights, energy security, just governance, inclusive economics, etc.). This collaboration is an important step to bringing researchers of various disciplines and practitioners together and exploring mechanisms of creating such partnerships.Initiatives of Change14/06/2012 11:30:00T-10 (Riocentro) International The workshop will allow bringing out the questions of methodologies and interdisciplinary nature of participants research. The session will be facilitated with the aim of creating synergies in research and communication among representatives of various disciplines (natural and social sciences) working for human security and sustainable development.Land and Life: Human Security through Sustainable Development The side event will focus on the normative reference base for a human rights-based approach to sustainable development governance and make suggestions for required institutional settings and legislation. Normative considerations will be enriched with critical policy analysis and intelligence drawn from the practices the contributing organisations are undertaking in their various action fields. These practices reach from grass-root level work with indigenous14/06/2012 11:30:00T-9 (Riocentro) communities over policy and law related research and outreach to critical philosophy on global Centre for Ethics and Value ethics (and back). The event will stage six contributions and organise interactive discussion Inquiry (CEVI) with participants on issues related to human equality and sustainable development. Based on the contributions and the discussion, a joint reflection document will be prepared as information for civil society and as input towards and beyond the official Rio+20 conference.The need for a rights-based approach to sustainable development Radical new thinking is required to directly address the current urgency for new solutions within new cultural and policy frameworks that will drive more sustainable development and poverty eradication. We need more than technological innovation to transform our current lifestyles into sustainable ones, but also social innovation is crucial to obtain this. A social platform led byNorthern Alliance for14/06/2012 11:30:00T-3 (Riocentro) civil society organizations and research centers in Europe has been working on defining Sustainability sustainable lifestyles and drafted roadmaps for more sustainable lifestyles 2050 applying back casting methodologies. In these roadmaps concrete plans of action for different stakeholdersSUSTAINABLE LIFESTYLES 2050are included. THE GREEN ECONOMY IN THE FRAME OF THE SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT,Comite Impulso - IMPLIES A CHALLENGE THAT MUST REPRESENT IMPORTANT EFFORTS THATFUNDACIN RED AFFECT DIRECTLY IN THE YOUTH, REASON FOR WHICH, TO EXAMINE HIS SCOPE, COLOMBIANA PARA LA MANNERS OF TRANSITION, IT IS MECHANISMS OF FINANCING THAT THEY ALLOWDEFENSA DE LOS14/06/2012 11:30:00T-4 (Riocentro) INSTITUTIONAL OPENINGS FOR HIS EXECUTION, IS FOR YOUNG WOMEN A MATTER DERECHOS HUMANOS, OF THE FIRST ORDER, IN THE SENSE THAT THE DEVELOPMENT AS IT ISEL MEDIO AMBIENTE Y CONCEIVED, INFLUENCES THEM IN A ROYAL WAY, REASON FOR WHICH, A TRAFFICLA PAZ, GRUPO GREEN ECONOMY, SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT FROM A TOWARDS THE GREEN ECONOMY IS A MATTER THAT FOR THE YOUNG PERSONS IS PRINCIPAL, NIOS PERSPECTIVE OF YOUTHTRANSCENDENTAL. Y JVENES The political economy of energy aided by international finance, trade and aid has been the principal reasons for unsustainable development. The panel will discuss how equity in energy is of paramount importance for the cherished goal of energy for all and for sustainable Beyond Copenhagen14/06/2012 11:30:00T-6 (Riocentro) development. The panel will argue that equity in access to energy at international and subCollective national levels through fundamental changes in the patterns of production and consumption Energy for all; Equity as fundamental goalshould be the first goal for sustainable development. PrepCom: Meeting 14/06/2012 13:00:00P3-D Rio Centro Door Signs, Screen, PowerPoint projectorUnited Nations PrepCom: Meeting 14/06/2012 13:00:00P3-E Rio Centro Door SignsUnited Nations PrepCom: on UNCSD14/06/2012 13:00:00P3-5 Rio Centro Sound, Door Signs United Nations Sesso VDEO-SHOW14/06/2012 13:00:00 Parque dos Atletas Sesso VDEO-SHOW ELETROBRAS PrepCom: Meeting 14/06/2012 13:15:00P3-3 Rio Centro Door SignsUnited Nations 16. Best practices and technology can help sustainably increase productivity and leverageagriculture?s poverty reduction potential. But they need to be shared, deployed and adaptedbecause every country, every farmer and every field are different. Knowledge sharingmechanisms, such as extension services, are essential for addressing existing implementationgaps, deploying new technologies and to ensure farmers around the world can use the toolsmost adapted to them. 14/06/2012 13:30:00 T-9 (Riocentro)However, knowledge sharing mechanisms such as extension services have often beenFarming Firstneglected and suffered from budget cuts and a lack of attention to the sector. In the meantime,public support for agricultural support also declined, raising questions about how research canaddress the need of farmers in different geographies.Scaling up best practices, deploying innovations, sharing knowledge, need to become prioritiesfor the future agriculture agenda, with complementary role for public and private actors in Innovation and uptake of best practices for sustainable agricultureachieving sustainable agriculture.The 4th HELENA Z. BENITEZ GLOBAL FORUM ON GENDER JUSTICE AND THE GREENECONOMY FOCUSING ON WATER, ENERGY, AND FOOD : PROMISES ANDPARADIGMS. aims to present fully gender and development issues which are vigorouslyembedded within the framework of fundamental human rights and gender justice in the Asia-Philippines Women 14/06/2012 13:30:00 T-10 (Riocentro) Pacific region and in many parts of the world. It hopes to elevate further the discussions on theUniversity (PWU)theme of green economy and gender equality, justice and human rights with special focus on 4th HELENA Z. BENITEZ GLOBAL FORUM ON GENDER JUSTICE AND water, energy, and food nexus , to a broader and more significant audience , during the UnitedTHE GREEN ECONOMY FOCUSING ON WATER, ENERGY, AND FOOD:Nations Conference on Sustainable Development, Rio+20 , in Rio de Janiero Brazil, June 2012.PROMISES AND PARADIGMSTHE VOICES OF AFRICAN MOTHERS: www.vamothers.orgThe Voices of African Mothers works to establish a peaceful African Continent through conflictresolution and to identifying the causes of ethnic, religious and inter-communal conflict.VAM envision women and future generations to possess a full range of educationalopportunities to attain empowerment to become decision-making leaders of Africa..VAM believes access to education is key to equality. Equality is the application of the principle 14/06/2012 13:30:00 T-2 (Riocentro)of natural justice and fairness. This refers to the legal and social capacity of men, women, boys Voices of African Mothersand girls to mobilize and manage domestic, community, national and international resourcesand share the benefits arising there on an equal basis.VAM promotes economic empowerment and equality through resource production that areappropriate for needs through vocational training and development of business skills. Healtheducation is provided in the areas of preventive health care, nutrition, hygiene, preadolescentIMPACTS OF PLASTICS ON THE ENVIRONMENT AND THE HEALTH OFpregnancy, family planning etc.WOMEN AND CHIThe future of high seas life is at stake at Rio+20 UNCSD. Despite WSSD commitment toprotected area networks by 2012, legal gaps in oceans governance allow for plunder anddestruction. Our side event exposes these gaps through real world examples and presentsGreenpeace?s Oceans Rescue Plan.99% of ocean is currently unprotected, so the future of millions that depend on it for their 14/06/2012 13:30:00 T-2 (Riocentro)livelihoods is at risk. Pacific small island nations struggle to secure sustainability of theirGreenpeacefisheries and long-term future of coastal communities, while large-scale fishing fleets fromaround the globe race to catch the last tuna. In the Indian Ocean, a fragmented, inadequategovernance regime leaves it open to wholesale plunder. Even Arctic waters are facingincreasing industrialization as ice melts.In Rio, Governments must agree to an implementing agreement under UNCLOS to enable theGreenpeace: An Oceans Rescue Plan for Rio protection of high seas biodiversity and the creation of marine reserves.Transportation is a key building block of sustainable development. The majority of transportfinancing supports unsustainable transportation, increasing inequality of access, CO2 and airpollution, traffic fatalities, and sprawl development. A growing share of transport financing fromclimate funds and development aid programs supports sustainable transport. Emerging bestpractices in national transportation policy also have potential to leverage changes in transportsustainability by influencing larger public and private sector transport investments. 14/06/2012 13:30:00 P3-F (Riocentro) Sustainable transport seeks to avoid low value or unnecessary travel through smarter planning Institute for Transportationand communications, shift travel to lower impact passenger and freight modes, and improveand Development Policythe efficiency of vehicles, fuels, and network operations. This session discusses efforts tomeasure the contribution of transport investments to support sustainability goals, focusing onkey metrics and indicators as well as providing an overview of recent patterns and trends intransport funding flows from different sources worldwide.Financing Sustainable Transport to Support Sustainable Development 17. The Side Event in the Rio+20 will emphasize on Youth Engagement, mobilization and empowerment on UNCSD/Rio+20 and beyond process, as the Major Group for Children and Youth (MGCY) is the main entry-point for all children, youth and their organization into the process. The side event will do it?s best to provide a meaningful session for youth participation. This will be a good an opportunity to showcase the enthusiasm and courage of14/06/2012 13:30:00 P3-3 (Riocentro) the Sri Lankan youth in this high-level UN event to bridge the gap between the Global NorthSri Lanka and the Global South youth. We would like to make this side event as a platform to network as much as youth leaders around the world who are participating in Rio in June and to carry out a mass youth campaign and mobilization for an ambitious deal in Rio+20. The side event will composed of a plenary session of experts, motivators and youth, they would speak on aboveEnabling Youth participation in bridging Rio+20 Outcome Beyond 2015themes and implementations of agendas. wi The year after the Earth Summit -- on the eve of the Knowledge Economy -- the UN lost its only two global facilities for technology assessment. Since then, billions of public dollars have been lost subsidising nuclear fusion, biotech-fermentation, Terminator technologies, nanotechnology, second-generation biofuels, and ocean fertilization, etc- largely because of ETC Group (Action Group the absence of adequate technology assessment. At Rio+20, the UN must protect the14/06/2012 13:30:00 T-6 (Riocentro)on Erosion, Technology and sovereignty and security of member states by ensuring that the know-how of technology Concentration) transfer is supported by the know-what of technology assessment and the know-why of socioeconomic benefits. The side-event will hear experts discuss the problems, specific language and institutional modalities governments could adopt now and implement post-Rio. The Technology Economy? Know-how, Know-what, Know-why Weapon Contamination (WEC) refers to landmines and explosive remnants of war (ERW). The latest consists of both unexploded ordnance (UXO) that has been fired but has failed to International Committee of14/06/2012 13:30:00 T-5 (Riocentro)explode, and abandoned ordnance. Impact of Weapon Contamination (WEC) towards Sustainablethe Red Cross (ICRC) First and foremost, WEC causes deaths and injuries, even after the end of armed conflict. Development However, the destructive impact goes much further. PrepCom: BirdLife International Nature and natural capital as Sound, Door Signs, Screen, PowerPoint projector14/06/2012 13:30:00 T-8 Rio Centro United NationsfoundatPrepCom: ETC Group (Action Group on Erosion, Tecnology and Sound, Door Signs, Screen, PowerPoint projector14/06/2012 13:30:00 T-6 Rio Centro United Nations Concentra) Sound, Door Signs, Screen, PowerPoint projectorPrepCom: Farming First-Innovation and uptake of best practices14/06/2012 13:30:00 T-9 Rio Centro United Nations PrepCom: An Oceans Rescue Plan for Rio 14/06/2012 13:30:00 T-3 Rio Centro Sound, Door Signs, Screen, PowerPoint projector United Nations Screen, PowerPoint projector PrepCom: Institute for Transportation and Development Policy 14/06/2012 13:30:00 P3-6 Rio CentroUnited NationsPrepCom: International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) Sound, Door Signs, Screen, PowerPoint projector14/06/2012 13:30:00 T-5 Rio Centro United Nations Impact of We PrepCom: Philippines Women University (PWU)14/06/2012 13:30:00 T-10 Rio CentroSound, Door Signs, Screen, PowerPoint projector United Nations PrepCom: Sri Lanka-Enabling Youth participation14/06/2012 13:30:00 T3-2 Rio CentroSound, Door Signs, Water Podium, Screen, PowerPoint projector United NationsPrepCom: Voices of African Mothers14/06/2012 13:30:00 T-2 Rio Centro Sound, Door Signs, Screen, PowerPoint projector United Nations PrepCom: Informal meeting14/06/2012 13:30:00 P3-4 Rio CentroSound, Door Signs, Water Podium United Nations Best practices and technology can help sustainably increase productivity and leverage agriculture?s poverty reduction potential. But they need to be shared, deployed and adapted because every country, every farmer and every field are different. Knowledge sharing mechanisms, such as extension services, are essential for addressing existing implementation gaps, deploying new technologies and to ensure farmers around the world can use the tools most adapted to them.14/06/2012 13:30:00 T-9 (Riocentro)However, knowledge sharing mechanisms such as extension services have often beenFarming First neglected and suffered from budget cuts and a lack of attention to the sector. In the meantime, public support for agricultural support also declined, raising questions about how research can address the need of farmers in different geographies. Scaling up best practices, deploying innovations, sharing knowledge, need to become priorities for the future agriculture agenda, with complementary role for public and private actors inInnovation and uptake of best practices for sustainable agricultureachieving sustainable agriculture. The 4th HELENA Z. BENITEZ GLOBAL FORUM ON GENDER JUSTICE AND THE GREEN ECONOMY FOCUSING ON WATER, ENERGY, AND FOOD : PROMISES AND PARADIGMS. aims to present fully gender and development issues which are vigorously embedded within the framework of fundamental human rights and gender justice in the Asia- Philippines Women14/06/2012 13:30:00 T-10 (Riocentro) Pacific region and in many parts of the world. It hopes to elevate further the discussions on the University (PWU) theme of green economy and gender equality, justice and human rights with special focus on4th HELENA Z. BENITEZ GLOBAL FORUM ON GENDER JUSTICE AND water, energy, and food nexus , to a broader and more significant audience , during the United THE GREEN ECONOMY FOCUSING ON WATER, ENERGY, AND FOOD:Nations Conference on Sustainable Development, Rio+20 , in Rio de Janiero Brazil, June 2012. PROMISES AND PARADIGMS 18. THE VOICES OF AFRICAN MOTHERS: www.vamothers.org The Voices of African Mothers works to establish a peaceful African Continent through conflict resolution and to identifying the causes of ethnic, religious and inter-communal conflict. VAM envision women and future generations to possess a full range of educational opportunities to attain empowerment to become decision-making leaders of Africa..14/06/2012 13:30:00 T-2 (Riocentro)VAM believes access to education is key to equality. Equality is the application of the principle Voices of African Mothers of natural justice and fairness. This refers to the legal and social capacity of men, women, boys and girls to mobilize and manage domestic, community, national and international resources and share the benefits arising there on an equal basis. VAM promotes economic empowerment and equality through resource production that are appropriate for needs through vocational training and development of business skills. Health education is provided in the areas of preventive health care, nutrition, hygiene, preadolescent IMPACTS OF PLASTICS ON THE ENVIRONMENT AND THE HEALTH OF pregnancy, family planning etc. WOMEN AND CHI The future of high seas life is at stake at Rio+20 UNCSD. Despite WSSD commitment to protected area networks by 2012, legal gaps in oceans governance allow for plunder and destruction. Our side event exposes these gaps through real world examples and presents Greenpeace?s Oceans Rescue Plan. 99% of ocean is currently unprotected, so the future of millions that depend on it for their14/06/2012 13:30:00 T-2 (Riocentro)livelihoods is at risk. Pacific small island nations struggle to secure sustainability of theirGreenpeace fisheries and long-term future of coastal communities, while large-scale fishing fleets from around the globe race to catch the last tuna. In the Indian Ocean, a fragmented, inadequate governance regime leaves it open to wholesale plunder. Even Arctic waters are facing increasing industrialization as ice melts. In Rio, Governments must agree to an implementing agreement under UNCLOS to enable the Greenpeace: An Oceans Rescue Plan for Rio protection of high seas biodiversity and the creation of marine reserves. Transportation is a key building block of sustainable development. The majority of transport financing supports unsustainable transportation, increasing inequality of access, CO2 and air pollution, traffic fatalities, and sprawl development. A growing share of transport financing from climate funds and development aid programs supports sustainable transport. Emerging best practices in national transportation policy also have potential to leverage changes in transport sustainability by influencing larger public and private sector transport investments.14/06/2012 13:30:00 P3-F (Riocentro) Sustainable transport seeks to avoid low value or unnecessary travel through smarter planning Institute for Transportation and communications, shift travel to lower impact passenger and freight modes, and improveand Development Policy the efficiency of vehicles, fuels, and network operations. This session discusses efforts to measure the contribution of transport investments to support sustainability goals, focusing on key metrics and indicators as well as providing an overview of recent patterns and trends in transport funding flows from different sources worldwide.Financing Sustainable Transport to Support Sustainable Development The Side Event in the Rio+20 will emphasize on Youth Engagement, mobilization and empowerment on UNCSD/Rio+20 and beyond process, as the Major Group for Children and Youth (MGCY) is the main entry-point for all children, youth and their organization into the process. The side event will do it?s best to provide a meaningful session for youth participation. This will be a good an opportunity to showcase the enthusiasm and courage of14/06/2012 13:30:00 P3-3 (Riocentro) the Sri Lankan youth in this high-level UN event to bridge the gap between the Global NorthSri Lanka and the Global South youth. We would like to make this side event as a platform to network as much as youth leaders around the world who are participating in Rio in June and to carry out a mass youth campaign and mobilization for an ambitious deal in Rio+20. The side event will composed of a plenary session of experts, motivators and youth, they would speak on aboveEnabling Youth participation in bridging Rio+20 Outcome Beyond 2015themes and implementations of agendas. wi 19. The year after the Earth Summit -- on the eve of the Knowledge Economy -- the UN lost itsonly two global facilities for technology assessment. Since then, billions of public dollars havebeen lost subsidising nuclear fusion, biotech-fermentation, Terminator technologies,nanotechnology, second-generation biofuels, and ocean fertilization, etc- largely because ofETC Group (Action Groupthe absence of adequate technology assessment. At Rio+20, the UN must protect the 14/06/2012 13:30:00 T-6 (Riocentro)on Erosion, Technology andsovereignty and security of member states by ensuring that the know-how of technologyConcentration)transfer is supported by the know-what of technology assessment and the know-why ofsocioeconomic benefits. The side-event will hear experts discuss the problems, specificlanguage and institutional modalities governments could adopt now and implement post-Rio.The Technology Economy? Know-how, Know-what, Know-whyWeapon Contamination (WEC) refers to landmines and explosive remnants of war (ERW). Thelatest consists of both unexploded ordnance (UXO) that has been fired but has failed toexplode, and abandoned ordnance. International Committee of 14/06/2012 13:30:00 T-5 (Riocentro) the Red Cross (ICRC) Impact of Weapon Contamination (WEC) towards Sustainable First and foremost, WEC causes deaths and injuries, even after the end of armed conflict.Development Howeve

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