essay structure

Post on 15-Dec-2015






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Essay Structure


Structuring A Response To Text Essay

Once you have:- Read and re-read the question- Underlined key words of the question in order to make sure that you really understand what the question is asking you to write about

Spend 5 minutes writing an essay plan. Essay plans make the writing of an essay much faster. They ensure that the content is relevant and well structured.

Introduction Paragraph- State your thesis (what is your argument going to be?)- What will your main points be to support your argument?- Order your ideas in a way that makes your essay flow and make sense. This could be in order of importance or chronologically

Main BodyUse:

Statement – a snappy statement that proves your argument

Explanation – explain in detail how this point supports your argument

EXample/quote – that supports your argument

Your response/relevance to the question – discuss/explain why your point/argument is relevant to the question

Remember to fully explain your ideas. The person that is reading has no idea about your topic, so they are relying on you for information.

Conclusion- Finish with a statement that reiterates your argument- Do not repeat your introduction

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