rugmaker essay narrative structure

Writing an essay that sticks closely to the topic The Rugmaker of Mazar-e-Sharif

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Writing an essay that sticks closely to the topic

The Rugmaker of Mazar-e-Sharif

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‘The Rugmaker of Mazar-e-Sharif is the story of one man overcoming enormous challenges.’ How does the narrative structure of The Rugmaker of Mazar-e-Sharif convey Najaf’s achievements?

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Is the novel about one man overcoming challenges?

What is ‘narrative structure’?

What are Najaf’s achievements and how are they conveyed?

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Narrative StructureWhat does ‘narrative’ mean?

To narrate is to tell

You can recount events if you are narratingYou can narrate a story

You can ‘spin a yarn’A narrator is someone who tells a story

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Narrative Structure

What does structure mean?

To structure is to organiseTo structure is to build

Narrative Structure is how the story is built or organised

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Narrative Structure in The Rugmaker of Mazar-e-Sharif

Two interlinking narratives (stories) set in Australia and Afghanistan

2001-2006 1977-2001

These narratives alternate (take turns) They go back and forth, to and fro.

Eventually these narratives converge (come together)

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Narrative Structure

These two narratives are used to demonstrate how the past informs (has an impact on) the present.

In this way the reader is given a greater understanding of Najaf’s experiences and emotional states

‘for me, the middle of the night is not a good time’ (p.156)

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Narrative StructureThe authors use stories and experiences from the past to shine a light on the present.

For example: Traditional stories like the fable of Kandhi Hazara help Najaf to understand his own life better.

This focuses our attention, as readers, on Najaf’s experience as a refugee. His fears, frustrations, hopes and joys.

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Is The Rugmaker of Mazar-e-Sharif the story of one man overcoming enormous challenges?

Do I agree with this part of the topic?Yes.

I will start my essay with the following:

The Rugmaker of Mazar-e-Sharif is about one man overcoming enormous challenges.

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How does narrative structure convey Najaf’s achievements?

This is the second part of the topic that many students ignored.

HOW is the story built to show us Najaf’s achievements?

HOW is the story organised to show us Najaf’s achievements?

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OK the narrative structure needs to be addressed in my introduction

Using a dual narrative the writers are able to slowly reveal elements of the past that make the present more real to the reader. As the book proceeds we learn and understand more about Najaf’s character, and the influences on his life. The reader is able to begin to understand why Najaf holds certain views.

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Add this to the first sentence

The Rugmaker of Mazar-e-Sharif is about one man overcoming enormous challenges. Using a dual narrative the writers are able to slowly reveal elements of the past that make the present more real to the reader. As the book proceeds we learn and understand more about Najaf’s character, and the influences on his life. The reader is able to begin to understand why Najaf holds certain views.

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Now I need to list briefly three of Najaf’s challenges and achievements in the introduction, which I have chosen to use in my essay and which will make up the body of my essay.

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The Rugmaker of Mazar-e-Sharif is about one man overcoming enormous challenges. Using a dual narrative the writers are able to slowly reveal elements of the past that make the present more real to the reader. As the book proceeds we learn and understand more about Najaf’s character, and the influences on his life. The reader is able to begin to understand why Najaf holds certain views. In understanding Najaf’s character the reader is able to appreciate the enormity of the challenges facing him and his extraordinary achievements. Three significant challenges Najaf faced; were the his injury and rehabilitation, remaining positive at Woomera, and setting up his own business in Melbourne. Najaf’s challenges underpinned his greatest achievements.

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The Rugmaker of Mazar-e-Sharif is about one man overcoming enormous challenges. Using a dual narrative the writers are able to slowly reveal elements of the past that make the present more real to the reader. As the book proceeds we learn and understand more about Najaf’s character, and the influences on his life. The reader is able to begin to understand why Najaf holds certain views. In understanding Najaf’s character the reader is able to appreciate the enormity of the challenges facing him and his extraordinary achievements. Three significant challenges Najaf faced; were the loss of his brother and his injury, remaining positive at Woomera, and setting up his own business in Melbourne. Najaf’s challenges underpinned his greatest achievements.

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Najaf’s injury and rehabilitation

After Najaf’s family house was bombed, killing his brother, Najaf’s injury and rehabilitation caused him great distress. He started to doubt his god saying that perhaps ‘God had chosen his family for special suffering.’ He realises ‘that a man is not what he thinks, not what he says but what he does with his hands and legs and heart.’ He then decides to keep himself busy by knitting and selling woollen socks. However, his beliefs became stronger after he was cured by the little red pill given him by the psychologist. He was then able to return to work. This incident from his past affected Najaf’s later outlook on life and he became a more positive person.

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Remaining positive at WoomeraNajaf maintained a positive attitude at Woomera even although he felt powerless, not knowing his fate. In the first chapter of The Rugmaker of Mazar-e-Sharif he tries to relieve his homesickness by singing an Afghani song. When the officers start listening to him he believes himself to be ‘a man with something to offer, a song to sing and and maybe a tale to tell that might be worth listening to’ (p.5) Due to his strong faith established throughout his trials in Afghanistan, he is able to hope, and it is his hope which helps him show compassion for his fellow inmates at Woomera. Najaf starts working in the kitchen to do something constructive with his time, and makes sure that everyone gets equal amounts of food so that there are not arguments. His belief in the good of work, is linked to his faith as he says; ‘work repays your debt to God for making you a human being.’

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Setting up his rugmaking business in Australia

Najaf’s belief in the godliness of work is evident not only in him setting up his business in Australia but in the past, when he worked protecting the family flock which was considered more important than school. He says that; ‘It is important to Afghanis to feel that what comforts come from God have been earned, and particularly important to the Hazara.’ His work ethic permeates the chapters of the book both past and present, and it is this achievement which gave him his greatest happiness, in setting up his rugmaking business in Melbourne.

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Now I have mentioned three areas of achievement, how should I conclude?

By going back to the topic. I will look at the introduction and see whether I have answered the topic.I have said that Najaf’s achievements are due to his strong character.I have also said that the narrative structure allows readers to understand Najaf’s character.I have mentioned three achievements.

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The writers make us aware of Najaf’s character by using an effective narrative structure

Now where is that piece of information about how narrative structure shows Najaf’s character to the reader.

I need to go look at my notes.

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The writers make us aware of Najaf’s character by using an effective narrative structure where the past indeed influences the present. The success of this strategy allows the reader to understand where Najaf’s beliefs come from. His beliefs underpin his achievements. He was able to successfully recover from his leg injury, remain positive at Woomera and build a successful business in Australia.