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ess 1



TOPIC 1: Systems and Models

Systems:an assemblage of parts and their relationship forming a functioning entirety or wholeo Open systems: exchanges matter and energyo Closed systems: exchanges only energyo Isolated systems: neither matter nor energy and is theoretical

Laws of thermodynamicso 1st: energy is neither created nor destroyed, only changes formso 2nd: the entropy of a closed system increases; when energy is transformed into work, some energy is always lost as waste heat

EquilibriumoSteady-state: in open systems, continuous inputs and outputs of energy and matter, system as a whole remains in a constant state, no long term changes.o Static: no change over time; when the state of equilibrium is distributed, the system adapts a new equilibrium; cant occur in living systemso Stable: the system returns to the same equilibrium after disturbanceso Unstable: system returns to a new equilibrium after disturbances

Feedbacko Positive: results in a further decrease of output and the system is destabilized and pushed into a new state of equilibriumo Negative: tends to neutralize or counteract any deviation from an equilibrium and tends to stabilize systemsTransfers and transformationso Transfers:- The movement of material through living organisms- Movement of material in non-living process- The movement of energyo Transformations- Matter to matter- Energy to energy- Matter to energy- Energy to matter

The Gaia modelo Views earth as a living organismo The earth has a disease

TOPIC 2: Ecosystems

Definitions: Biotic factors: living components Abiotic factors: non-living physical and chemical components Species: a particular type of organism Population: a group of individuals of the same species living in the same area at the same time Habitat: the environment where a species normally lives Ecological niche: how an organism makes a living Community: a group of populations living and interacting with each other in a common habitat Ecosystem: a community of independent organisms (biotic factors) and the physical environment (abiotic factors) which they inhabit Biome: a collection of ecosystems sharing common climatic conditions Respiration: a process of breaking down food in order to release energy Photosynthesis: a process of producers making their own food (glucose) and producing oxygen from water and carbon dioxide Biomass: the living mass of an organism or organisms but sometimes refers to dry mass Gross Productivity: the total gain in energy or biomass per unit area per unit time o GPP: by producers o GSP: by consumers Net Productivity: the total gain in energy or biomass per unit area per unit time after allowing for losses to respiration o NPP: by producers o NSP: by consumersBiomes: climate latitude (distance from equator) altitude (height above sea level) wind and water currents P/E ratio (precipitation over evaporation ratio)latent heat: heat that is either taken in or produced when water changes from state to stateDifferent Biomes: Tropical Rainforest hot and wet areas with broadleaved ever green forest. Within 50 north or south of the equator. High rainfall and high temperature, high insolation as near equator. There are amazingly high levels of biodiversity, many species and many individuals of specie. There are very large evergreen trees, small shrubs, orchids.It is estimated that tropical rainforest produces 40% of NPP of terrestrial ecosystems. But the problems it has, are that 50% of human population live near the equator, so they damage the biome, they are exploited for human economical needs.

Desert dry areas which are usually hot in the day and cold in the night, there are tropical, temperate and cold deserts. It covers 20-30% of earths surface, about 300 of north or south of the equator. Water is limited in the deserts. There are few species and very low biodiversity, there are only the ones who adapted to the conditions. Soil can be rich, because the nutrients are not washed away from the water. NPP is low because the amount of plants and animals are limited, because of the water. Desertification is the human activity. Temperate Grassland fairly flat areas, that are covered with grass, they are located 400 600 from the equator, either north or south. The net productivity is not very high, because its only grass that grows on the land, nothing else. And with that the animals that are growing are small size as well. Humans use grass lands for the crops. Temperate Forest -mild climate and deciduous forest. Located 400 600 north or south of the equator, it has 4 seasons, there also are fewer species than tropical rainforest, it has the second highest NPP after the tropical rainforest. Much of the temperate forests, have been cleared because of human activities. Arctic Tundra Tree less plain with permafrost, cold and very low precipitation, dark nights. It is 10% of lands surface, it is located on the arctic cap. Water is limiting but the fire can stop the climax community forming. There are no trees but there Is a thick mat, covered by mosses and grasses. It has very low biodiversity, and soil is poor. With that the NPP is very low, humans use it for mining.Ecosystem Structure:

Food chains and trophic levels food chain: shows a flow of energy from one organism to the next food web: shows a complex network of interrelated food chains trophic level: a position that an organism or a group of organisms in a community occupies in a food chain producers or autotrophs: which manufacture their own food from inorganic substances consumers or heterotrophs: which feed on autotrophs or other heterotrophs to obtain energy decomposers: consumers that obtain energy from dead organisms detritivores: consumers that derive their food from detritus or decomposing organic materialEcological pyramids o pyramid of numbers: shows the number of organisms at each trophic level in a food chain advantages: o easy method of giving an overview o good for comparing changes in population numbers over different times disadvantages: o all organisms included regardless of their size o numbers can be too great to represent accurately o pyramid of biomass: contains the biomass at each trophic level advantages: overcomes the problems of pyramids of numbers disadvantages: only uses samples from populations, so its impossible to measure biomass exactly organisms must be killed to measure dry mass o pyramid of productivity: contains the flow of energy through each trophic level; shows the energy being generated and available as food to the next trophic level during a fixed period of time advantages: shows the actual energy transferred and allows for rate of production disadvantages: very difficult and complex to collect energy data as the rate of biomass production over time is required o bioaccumulation and biomagnification bioaccumulation: increase in concentration in one organism over time biomagnification: increase in concentration with the increase in trophic levels o trophic efficiency: only 10% of the energy is transferred to the next, so the trophic efficiency=10%

Population Interactions A population is a group of organisms of the same species living in the same area at the same time and capable of interbreeding. Population density is the average number of individuals in a stated area.

Competition Competition between members of the same species isIntra-specificcompetition. Individuals of the different species, competeting for the same resource is calledInter-specific competition. The other outcome is that one species may totally outcompete the other, this is the principle of Competitive exclusion.

Predation happens when one animal, the predator, eats another animal, the prey.Herbivory is defined as an animal eating green plant.Parasitism - is a relationship between two species in which one species lives in or on another gaining its food from it.Mutualism- s a relationship between two or more species in which both or all benefit and none suffer.

Succession Succession is the change in species composition in an ecosystem over time It may occur on bare ground where soul formation starts the process or where no soil has already formed, or where the vegetation has been removed. Early in succession, GPP and respiration are low and so NPP is high as biomass accumulates.

To see the stages of primary succession go to page 266. Table 14.1

Primary succession involves the colonization of newly created land by organisms.See Fig. 14.1 on page 266.

Primary succession starts on dry land is called axerosere. A succession in water is ahydrosere.See Fig. 14.2 on page 267

Succession progresses in stages from pioneer species, that are adapted to live in limiting environments, to stable developed community. This final community is termed a climax community.

To see the secondary succession process in time, go to page 268 and find Fig. 14.3

Secondary succession occurs on souls that are already developed and ready to accept seeds carried in by the wind. Also there are often dormant seeds left in the soil from previous community. This shortens the number of seral stages the community goes through.

Changes occurring during a succession (refer to Fig. 14.4 on page 268) the size of organisms increases energy flow becomes more complex soil depth, humus, water-holding capacity, mineral content and cycling increase Biodiversity increases and then falls as the climax community is reached NPP and GPP rise and then fall Production: respiration ratio fallsSpecies diversity in successions

Early stages of succession: few species Species diversity increases with the succession Increase continues until a balance is reached between possibilities for new species to establish, existing species to expand their range and local extinction

TOPIC 3: Human Population, Carrying Capacity and Resource Use

Population dynamics

Exponential growth or geometric growthWhen the population is growing, and there are no limiting factors slowing the growth.

Density-dependent limiting factors (biotic factors when effects depend on the population density) Negative feedback mechanism- lead to stability of the populationInternal factors act within species1. Limited food supply lead to intraspecific competition2. Lack of suitable territory3. Survival of the fittestExternal factors act between different species (predation and disease)1. Predation pray animals increase, predators increase -> pray decreases and the predators decrease2. Disease at high populations spreads fastS-curvesThe visual picture of the curves

Start with exponential growth Then the growth slows down Finally constant sizeOther facts: Consistent with carrying capacity of the environment Environmental resistance

Density-independent limiting factors (abiotic factors when effects do not depend on the population density) Climate Weather Volcanic eruptions Floods

J- curves Boom and bust population grows exponentially and suddenly collapses The collapse is referred to as overshoot The sudden collapse usually caused by abiotic factors The J-curves usually occur in:1. Microbes2. Invertebrates3. Fish4. Small mammals

K-and r-selected species

K-selected species

Long life Slower growth Late maturity Fewer large offspring High parental care and protection High investment in individual offspring Adapted to stable environment Later stages of succession Niche specialists Predators Regulated mainly by internal factors Higher trophic level Trees, albatrosses, humans

r-selected species

Short life Rapid growth Early maturity Many small offspring Little parental care or protection Little investment in individual offspring Adapted to unstable environment Pioneers, colonizers Niche generalists Prey Regulated mainly by external factors Lower trophic level Examples: annual plants, flour beetles, bacteria

K-and r-selected species are extremes of a continuum. Many species are mixture of both characteristics.

Demographics study of the dynamics of the population change.Human Development Index measure:1. Life expectancy2. Well being3. Standards of living4. GDP

MEDC- industrialized nations with high GDPs.LEDC- less industrialized nations with lower GDP

Population growth effects on the environmentMore people- more recourses- more waste- greater impact

Factors that affect population size:

Crude birth rate number of births per thousand individuals in population per yearCrude death rate the number of deaths per thousand individuals in a population per year. Immigration EmigrationNatural increase rate(crude birth rate crude death rate) / 10, which, gives the natural increase rate as a percentage. It excludes the effects of migration.Total fertility rate the average number of children each woman has over her lifetime.Fertility rate the number of births per thousand women of childbearing age. In reality,replacement fertilityranges from 2.03 in MEDCs to 2.16 in LEDCs because of infant and childhood mortality. (Fertility is sometimes considered a synonym for the birth rate)

Human population growthDemography is the study of the statistical characteristics of human populations, e.g. total size, age and sex composition ad changes over time with variations in birth and death rates.

Carrying capacity the maximum number of a species or load that can be sustainably supported by a given environment, without destroying the stock Populations remainstable when birth rate = death rate The size of the population is depended on the wealth of the population Demand for and the exchange of the resources effects the size All of the abovediffers in MEDCs and LEDCs

Population growth and food shortages

There are two main theories relating to population growth and food supply, from Malthus and Boserup

Malthusian theory

Thomas Malthus English clergyman and economist (1766 to 1834) Published an essay on the principle of population in 1798 Claimed that food supply was the main limit to population growth Believed that human population increases geometrically, whereas food supplies grows arithmetically, and as a result, there are much more humans than food supplies

Limitations of Malthusian theory

Too simplistic Shortage of food is just one possible explanation for the slowing in population growth It is only poor who go hungry Globalization is something Malthus could not have expected

Boserup theory

Ester Boserup, a Danish economist (1965) Increase in population would stimulate technologists to increase food production Rise in population will increase the demand for food and so act as an incentive to change agrarian technology and produce more food Belief that necessity is the mother of invention

Limitations of Boserups theory

Too simplistic view Like Malthus, his idea is based on the assumption of a closed community. Emigration and immigration are not considered Overpopulation can lead to unsuitable faming

Family sizes

Appears that decision to have children is not correlated with GNP of a country nor personal wealth: High infant and childhood mortality Security in old age Children are an economic asset in agricultural societies Status of women Unavailability of contraception

The ways to reduce the family size are to:

Provide education Improve health Provide contraception Increase family income Improve resource management

Population Pyramids

These pyramids show how many individuals are alive in different age groups (five-year cohorts) in a country for any given year. They also show the frequency of males and females. In the pyramids, population numbers are on the x-axis and the age groups on the y-axis.

The shapes of the pyramids are following:

Expanding (stage 1) high birth rates; rapid fall in each upward age group due to high death rates; short life expectancy.

Expanding (stage 2) high birth rates; fall in death rates as more living to middle age; slightly longer life expectancy.

Stationary (stage 3) declining birth rate; low death rate more people living to old age.

Contracting (stage 4) low birth rate; low death rate; higher dependency ratio; longer life expectancy.

Demographic transition model:

Demographic transition model describes the pattern of decline in mortality and fertility (natality) of a country as a result of social and economic development.

This model can be described as a five-stage population model, which can be linked to the stages of the sigmoid growth curve.The stages are:Pre- industrial society: High birth rate due to no birth control; High infant mortality rates; Cultural factors encouraging large families. High death rates due to disease, famine, poor hygiene and a little medicine.LEDC: Death rate drops as sanitation and food improve, Disease is reduced so lifespan increases. Birth rate is still high so population expands rapidly Child mortality falls due to improved medicine.Wealthier LEDC: Birth rats fall due to access to contraception. Improved health care, education and emancipation of women. Population begins to level off and desire for material goods and low infant death rates mean that people have smaller families.MEDC: Low birth rates Low death rates Industrialized countries Stable population sizesMEDC: Population may not be replaces as fertility rate is low. Problems of aging workforce.

Food Resources

Undernourishment, malnourishment Lack of essential nutrients like proteins, vitamins, minerals.


Types of farming systems

Subsistence farming the provision of food by farmers for their own families or the local community

Cash cropping- growing the food for the market

Commercial farming- large, profit- making scale maximizing yields per hectare. (monoculture)One type of crop or animal is produced.

Extensive farming more land with lower density of stocking or planting and lower inputs and corresponding outputs.

Intensive farming using the land more intensively with high levels of input and output per unit area.

Pastoral farming raising animals on a land which is not suitable for crops.

Arable farming is sowing crops on good soils to eat directly or to feed to animals

Mixed farming has both animals and crops and is a system in itself where animals waster is used to fertilize the crops and improve soil structure.

Farmings energy budget

A system with inputs, outputs, storages and flows = marketable product sold by weight

Energy balance in farming = fuel, labor, any other energy, soil, sow the seed, harvest the crop, prepare and package, transport, energy cost of dealing with waster products.

Grain equivalent the quantity of wheat grain that would have to be used to produce one kg of that product.

Rice Production in Borneo

Traditional, extensive rice production in Indonesian Borneo- Low inputs of energy and chemicals, high labor intensity and a low productivity.- No fertilizers and pesticides used- Rice yield is only output (no pollution)

Intensive rice production in California- high inputs of energy and chemicals, low labor intensity and a high productivity- diesel and petrol- fertilizers (N, P) Pesticides (insecticides and herbicides)- More energy input than output- More pollution

Fisheries industrial hunting

According to FAO more than 70% of the worlds fisheries are fully exploited, in decline or seriously depleted.The global fish catch is in decline even though technology has improved.Demand is high and rising but fisherman cannot find or catch enough fish because they are no longer there

The tragedy of the commons - Tension between the common good and the needs of the individual and how they can be in conflict.

Exploitation of the oceans is the tragedy of the commons

The Grand Banks off the coast of Newfoundland were once among the richest fishing grounds on Earth. Since 1400s its been depleted by various countries.

The United Nations Convention on Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) international agreement written over decades that attempts to define the rights and responsibilities of nations with respect to the seas and marine resources.

Maximum Sustainable Yield (MSY)

Sustainable Yield increase in natural capital

Sustainable yield of the aquifer is the amount that can be taken each year without permanently decreasing the amount of water stored.

SY = annual growth and recruitment annual death and immigration

Harvesting MSY leads to population decline and thus loss of resource base and an unsustainable industry or fishery.

Optimal Sustainable Yield (PSY) half the carrying capacity. Safety margin than MSY ut still may have an impact on population size with other environmental impacts.

Resources- Natural CapitalNatural Capital - Natural resources, services that support life, natural processes. The Goods and services that are not manufactured but have value to humans.

Natural Income (yield, harvest, services) Yield from the natural capital.Renewable Resources living resources that can replace or restock themselves. (Alternative energy resources)Non-renewable resources- exist in finite amounts on Earth and are not renewed or replaced after they have been used or depleted. (Minerals and fossil fuels)Replenishable Resources replaceable but take long period of time. (Groundwater)Sustainability living within the means of nature, on the interest or sustainable natural income generated by natural capital.

Tragedy of commons- many individuals who are acting in their own self-interest to harvest a resource may destroy the long-term future of that resource so there is none for anyone.Resource Values

Economic marketable goods and services Ecological- life-support services Scientific/technological - applications Intrinsic aesthetic, cultural, spiritualUrbanization the drifts from the countryside to urban life. Urbanization might eventually encroach on or degrade natural habitats of the cities.Globalization- Every society on Earth is connected and unified into a single functioning entity. (Global trade) Globalization often leads to westernization. Globalization has facilitated the process of global agreements on global issues.

Human Carrying Capacity Maximum number or load of individuals that an environment can sustainably carry or support.

Ecocentric - reduce the use of non-renewable resources and minimize their use of renewable ones.

Technocentric human carrying capacity can be expanded continuously through technological innovation and development.

Conventional Economists trade and technology increase the carrying capacity.Ecological Economists technological innovation can only increase the efficiency with which natural capital is used.Reuse- object is used more than once. (Drink bottles, second hand cars)Recycling objects material is used again to manufacture a new product. (Aluminium)Remanufacturing objects material is used to make a new objects of the same type. (Plastic bottles)Absolute Reductions use fewer resources (energy, paper)Ecological footprint area of land that would be required to sustainably provide all of a particular populations resources and assimilate all its wastes.

Population dynamics

Exponential growth or geometric growthWhen the population is growing, and there are no limiting factors slowing the growth.

Density-dependent limiting factors (biotic factors when effects depend on the population density) Negative feedback mechanism- lead to stability of the populationInternal factors act within species1. Limited food supply lead to intraspecific competition2. Lack of suitable territory3. Survival of the fittestExternal factors act between different species (predation and disease)1. Predation pray animals increase, predators increase -> pray decreases and the predators decrease2. Disease at high populations spreads fastS-curvesThe visual picture of the curves

Start with exponential growth Then the growth slows down Finally constant sizeOther facts: Consistent with carrying capacity of the environment Environmental resistance

Density-independent limiting factors (abiotic factors when effects do not depend on the population density) Climate Weather Volcanic eruptions Floods

J- curves Boom and bust population grows exponentially and suddenly collapses The collapse is referred to as overshoot The sudden collapse usually caused by abiotic factors The J-curves usually occur in:1. Microbes2. Invertebrates3. Fish4. Small mammals

K-and r-selected species

K-selected species

Long life Slower growth Late maturity Fewer large offspring High parental care and protection High investment in individual offspring Adapted to stable environment Later stages of succession Niche specialists Predators Regulated mainly by internal factors Higher trophic level Trees, albatrosses, humans

r-selected species

Short life Rapid growth Early maturity Many small offspring Little parental care or protection Little investment in individual offspring Adapted to unstable environment Pioneers, colonizers Niche generalists Prey Regulated mainly by external factors Lower trophic level Examples: annual plants, flour beetles, bacteria

K-and r-selected species are extremes of a continuum. Many species are mixture of both characteristics.

Demographics study of the dynamics of the population change.Human Development Index measure:1. Life expectancy2. Well being3. Standards of living4. GDP

MEDC- industrialized nations with high GDPs.LEDC- less industrialized nations with lower GDP

Population growth effects on the environmentMore people- more recourses- more waste- greater impact

Factors that affect population size:

Crude birth rate number of births per thousand individuals in population per yearCrude death rate the number of deaths per thousand individuals in a population per year. Immigration EmigrationNatural increase rate(crude birth rate crude death rate) / 10, which, gives the natural increase rate as a percentage. It excludes the effects of migration.Total fertility rate the average number of children each woman has over her lifetime.Fertility rate the number of births per thousand women of childbearing age. In reality,replacement fertilityranges from 2.03 in MEDCs to 2.16 in LEDCs because of infant and childhood mortality. (Fertility is sometimes considered a synonym for the birth rate)

Human population growthDemography is the study of the statistical characteristics of human populations, e.g. total size, age and sex composition ad changes over time with variations in birth and death rates.

Carrying capacity the maximum number of a species or load that can be sustainably supported by a given environment, without destroying the stock Populations remainstable when birth rate = death rate The size of the population is depended on the wealth of the population Demand for and the exchange of the resources effects the size All of the abovediffers in MEDCs and LEDCs

Population growth and food shortages

There are two main theories relating to population growth and food supply, from Malthus and Boserup

Malthusian theory

Thomas Malthus English clergyman and economist (1766 to 1834) Published an essay on the principle of population in 1798 Claimed that food supply was the main limit to population growth Believed that human population increases geometrically, whereas food supplies grows arithmetically, and as a result, there are much more humans than food supplies

Limitations of Malthusian theory

Too simplistic Shortage of food is just one possible explanation for the slowing in population growth It is only poor who go hungry Globalization is something Malthus could not have expected

Boserup theory

Ester Boserup, a Danish economist (1965) Increase in population would stimulate technologists to increase food production Rise in population will increase the demand for food and so act as an incentive to change agrarian technology and produce more food Belief that necessity is the mother of invention

Limitations of Boserups theory

Too simplistic view Like Malthus, his idea is based on the assumption of a closed community. Emigration and immigration are not considered Overpopulation can lead to unsuitable faming

Family sizes

Appears that decision to have children is not correlated with GNP of a country nor personal wealth: High infant and childhood mortality Security in old age Children are an economic asset in agricultural societies Status of women Unavailability of contraception

The ways to reduce the family size are to:

Provide education Improve health Provide contraception Increase family income Improve resource management

Population Pyramids

These pyramids show how many individuals are alive in different age groups (five-year cohorts) in a country for any given year. They also show the frequency of males and females. In the pyramids, population numbers are on the x-axis and the age groups on the y-axis.

The shapes of the pyramids are following:

Expanding (stage 1) high birth rates; rapid fall in each upward age group due to high death rates; short life expectancy.

Expanding (stage 2) high birth rates; fall in death rates as more living to middle age; slightly longer life expectancy.

Stationary (stage 3) declining birth rate; low death rate more people living to old age.

Contracting (stage 4) low birth rate; low death rate; higher dependency ratio; longer life expectancy.

Demographic transition model:

Demographic transition model describes the pattern of decline in mortality and fertility (natality) of a country as a result of social and economic development.

This model can be described as a five-stage population model, which can be linked to the stages of the sigmoid growth curve.The stages are:Pre- industrial society: High birth rate due to no birth control; High infant mortality rates; Cultural factors encouraging large families. High death rates due to disease, famine, poor hygiene and a little medicine.LEDC: Death rate drops as sanitation and food improve, Disease is reduced so lifespan increases. Birth rate is still high so population expands rapidly Child mortality falls due to improved medicine.Wealthier LEDC: Birth rats fall due to access to contraception. Improved health care, education and emancipation of women. Population begins to level off and desire for material goods and low infant death rates mean that people have smaller families.MEDC: Low birth rates Low death rates Industrialized countries Stable population sizesMEDC: Population may not be replaces as fertility rate is low. Problems of aging workforce.


Source sun. Fossil fuels are sources of stored energy from the sun Oil is the economys largest source at the moment, supplying 37% of all the energy we use. Coal is the next largest, supplying 25% Natural gas supplying 23%

How much longer for fossil fuels?

The common estimates include: Oil 50 years Natural gas 70 years Coal - 250 years Will eventually run out, as they are non-renewable energy sources.

Depends on: Our rate of use Technologies Efficiency of humans How successful humans are at finding new sources How successful humans are at finding and extracting more. If the wealth of humans increase The population of humans Demand increase or decrease

Evaluation of energy sources and their advantages and disadvantages


Coal (fossil fuel)

From Fossilized plants laid down in the carboniferous period Mined from seams of coal which are in strata between other types of rock May be open cast mined (large pits) or by tunnels underground. Burnt to provide heat directly or electricity by burning to turbines in power stations.

Advantages Plentiful supply Easy to transport and solid Needs no processing Relatively cheap to mine and convert to energy by burning Up to 250 years of coal leftDisadvantages

Non-renewable energy source Cannot be replaced once used (same for oil and gas) Burning releases carbon dioxide which is a greenhouse gas Some coals contain up to 10% sulfur. Burning sulfur forms sulfur dioxide which causes acid deposition Particles of soot from burning coal produce smog and lung disease. Coal mines leave degraded land and pollution. Lower heat of combustion than other fossil fuels (less energy released per unit mass)

Oil (fossil fuel)

From Fossilized plants and micro-organisms that are compressed to a liquid and found in porous rocks Crude oil is refined by fractional distillation to give a variety of products from lighter jet fuels and petrol to heavier diesel and bitumen. Extracted by oil wells. Many oil fields are under the oceans so extraction is dangerous Pipes are drilled down to the oil-bearing rocks to pump the oil out. Most of the world economy runs on oil either burnt directly in transport and industry or to generate electricity

Advantages High heat of combustion Many uses Once found is relatively cheap to mine Easily converted into energy

Disadvantages Only a limited supply May run out in 20-50 years Gives off carbon dioxide when burned Oil spill danger from tanker accidents. Risk of terrorism in attacking oil pipes Greenhouse gas effect

Natural gas (fossil fuel)

From Methane gas and other hydrocarbons trapped between seams of rock Extracted by drilling like crude oil Often found with crude oil Used directly in homes for domestic heating and cooking

Advantages Highest heat of combustion Lot of energy gained from it Ready- made fuel Relatively cheap form of energy Cleaner fuel than coal and oil

Disadvantages Only limited supply of gas but more than oil About 70 years left (according to current usage) Gives off carbon dioxide but only half as much per unit of energy produced as coal

Nuclear fission

From Uranium is the raw material. This is a radioactive and is split in nuclear reactors by bombarding it with neutrons As it splits into plutonium and other elements, massive amounts of energy are also released Uranium is mined Australia has the most known reserves Canada exports the most Other countries have smaller amounts About 80 years worth left to mine at current rates Could be extracted from sea water

Advantages Raw materials are relatively cheap once the reactor is built and can last quite a long time Small mass of radioactive material produces a huge amount of energy No carbon dioxide released nor other pollutants (unless there are accidents)

Disadvantages Extraction costs high. Nuclear reactors are expensive to build and run Nuclear waste is still radioactive and highly toxic Big question of what to do with it Needs storage for 1000s of years May be stored in mine shafts or under the sea Accidental leakage of radiation can be devastating. Accidents are rare but worst nuclear reactor accident at Chernobyl, Ukraine was in 1986 Risk of uranium and plutonium being used to make nuclear weapons


Hydroelectric power (HEP)

From Energy harnessed from the movement of water through rivers, lakes and dams to power turbines to generate electricity Pumped-storage reservoirs power turbines

Advantages High quality energy output compared with low quality energy input Creates water reserves as well as energy supplies. Reservoirs used for recreation, amenity Safety record is good.

Disadvantages Costly to build Can cause the flooding of surrounding communities Dams have major ecological impacts on local hydrology Silting of dams Downstream lack of water Risk of flooding if dam bursts

BiogasFrom Decaying organic plant or animal waste are used to produce methane in biogas generators or burnt directly as dung/plant material More processing can give oils which can be used as fuel in vehicles instead of diesel fuel = biofuels

Advantages Cheap Available If the crops are replanted, biogas can be a long-term, sustainable energy source

Disadvantages May be replacing food crops on a finite crop land and lead to starvation When burnt, it still gives off atmospheric pollutants, including greenhouse gases. If crops are not replanted, biomass is a non-renewable resource.


From Felling or copping trees. Burnt to generate heat and light

Advantages Cheap Available If the crops are replanted, biogas can be a long-term, sustainable energy source

Disadvantages Low heat of combustion Not much energy released for its mass When burnt, it gives off atmospheric pollutants, including greenhouse gases If trees are not replanted wood is a non-renewable resource. High cost of transportation as high volume.

Solar photo volcanic cells

From Conversion of solar radiation into electricity via chemical energy

Advantages Infinite energy supply Safe Low quality energy converted to high.

Disadvantages Manufacture and implementation of solar panels can be costly. Need sunshine, do now work in the dark


From Using buildings or panels to capture and store heat

Advantages Minimal cost if properly designed.


From: Can be found singly, but usually many together in wind farms

Advantages Clean energy and supply once turbines made Little maintenance required

Disadvantages Need the wind to blow Often windy sites not near highly populated areas Manufacture and implementation of wind farms can be costly Noise pollution Some local people object to on-shore wind farms, arguing that it spoils countryside Question of whether birds are killed or migration routes disturbed by turbines


From: The movement of sea water in and out drives turbines A tidal barrage is built across estuaries, forcing water through gaps In future underwater turbines may be possible out at sea and without dam

Advantages Should be ideal for an isolated country such as the UK Potential to generate a lot of energy this way Tidal barrage can double as bridge, and help prevent flooding

Disadvantages Very costly Few estuaries are suitable Opposed by some environmental groups as having a negative impact on wildlife May reduce tidal flow and impede flow of sewage out to sea


From The movement of sea water in and out of cavity on the shore compresses trapped air, driving a turbine

Advantages Should be ideal for an island country These are more likely to be small local operations Can be done on a national scale

Disadvantages Construction can be costly May be opposed by local or environmental groups. Storms may damage them


From It is possible to use the heat inside the Earth in volcanic regions. Cold water is pumped into the Earth and comes out as steam Steam can be used for heating or to power turbines creating electricity.

Advantages Infinite energy supply Is used successfully in some countries, such as New Zealand.

Disadvantages Can be expensive to set up Only works in areas of volcanic activity Geothermal activity might calm down, leaving power station redundant Dangerous underground gases have to be disposed carefully

Nuclear fusion energy can be released by the fusion of two nuclei of light elements

TOPIC 4: Biodiversity and Conservation

Background and Mass Extinctions background extinction rate- natural extinction rate for species E. O. Wilson- a biologist at Harvard, thinks that the current rate of extinction is 1000 times the background rate and is caused by human activities hotspots- areas where species are more vulnerable to extinction Biologists thing: we are the sixth mass extinction called theHolocene extinction eventTo see all 6 mass extinctions refer to the Table on page 95

The Sixth Mass Extinction far greater than any in the past already wiped out many large mammal and flightless bird species humans alter the landscape on an unprecedented scale previous mass extinctions were due to physical (abiotic) causes over long time spans current mass extinction is caused by humans (biotic causes) and is accelerating humans: otransform the environment ooverexploit other species ointroduce alien species opollute the environment Worldwide Fund for Nature produces periodic report called the Living Planet Report omeasures trends in the Earths biological diversity two phases to the sixth mass extinction o1. when modern humans spread over the Earth about 100 000 years ago o2. when humans became farmers 10 000 years agoHotspots some regions have more biodiversity than others in hotspots there are unusually high numbers ofendemic species- those only found in that place tend to be nearer the tropics and are often tropical forests tend to have large densities of human habituation nearbyKeystone Species species that have a bigger effect on their environment than others act as keystone in an arch, holding the arch together their disappearance can have an impact far greater than and not proportional to their numbers or biomass ocould destroy the ecosystem or imbalance it greatly Example: elephants in the African savanna act as engineers, removing trees, after which grasses can growTypes of Diversity

Biodiversity-the numbers of species of different animals and plants in different places ocan be considered at three levels: Genetic diversity-the range of genetic material present in a species or a population Species diversity-the number of different species within a given area or habitat Habitat diversity-the number of different habitats per unit area that a particular ecosystem or biome contains Simpsons diversity index- measure species diversity in an area oSimpsons reciprocal index- in which 1 is the lowest diversity

whereN =the total number of organisms of all species andn =the total number of organisms of a particular species

How New Species Form Charles Darwin proposed the theory of evolution which is outlined in The Origin of Species, published in 1859 The theory is summarized bellow oSpeciation-when species are formed by gradual change over a long time owhen populations of the same species become separated, they cannot interbreed and may start to diverge if the environments they inhabit change oseparation may have geographical or reproductive causes; humans speed up speciation by artificial selection of plants and animals and by genetic engineering oover time the population gradually changes=natural selection othe survival of the fittest

Physical Barriers (examples of species and speciation) oLarge flightless birds (e.g. emu, ostrich, rhea, cassowary) only found in Africa, Australia, South America ocichlid fish in the lakes of East Africa, Lake Victoria, Lake Tanganyika, Lake Malawi oLlamas and camels (llamas in South America and camels in Africa and central Asia) Land bridges:allow species to invade new areas Continental drift:the movement of tectonic plates Plate tectonics:the study of the movement of plates (continental drift) Plates may either slide past each other, diverge, or convergeFactors that help to maintain the biodiversity complexity of the ecosystem stage of succession (lack of) limiting factors inertiaFactors that lead to loss of biodiversity

Natural hazards loss of habitat fragmentation of habitat pollution overexploitation introducing non-native (exotic species) spread of disease modern agricultural practicesWhat makes a species prone to extinction?

narrow geographical range small population size of reclining numbers low population densities and large territories few populations of the species a large body low reproductive potential seasonal migrants poor dispersers specialized feeders or niche requirements hunted for food or sport minimum viable population size:that is needed for a species to survive in the wild is a figure that scientists and conservationists considerSpecies Examples (recovered, extinct, endangered) Recovered Species oAustralian saltwater crocodile 18 out of 23 were once endangered listed as protected species in Australia in 1971 overexploited for skin (leather), meat and body parts through illegal hunting, poaching and smuggling restored through ranching and closed-cycle farming oGolden lion tamarin (GLT) recovered or not? small monkey endemic to Atlantic coastal rainforests of Brazil omnivores only 2% of their native habitat is left poachers earn US$20 000 for skin captive breeding program some re-introduced to the wild but with only 30% of success their future uncertain Extinct Species oThylacine (Tasmanian tiger) life expectancy of 12-14 years habitat: open forests and grassland competed with dingoes on the mainland of Australia hunted by farmers whose stock of sheep was the species prey hunting, poisoning, and trapping shooting parties organized for tourists entertainment last one has been killed in 1930 now introduced dogs have taken over the ecological role of the thylacine oDodo large flightless bird endemic to the island of Mauritius ground-nesting bird 1505 Portuguese sailors ate dodo as a source of fresh meat new species introduced that ate dodo humans killed the birds for sport destruction of habitat extinct by 1681 fauna impoverished by its loss became an icon due to its apparent stupidity Endangered species oRafflesia tropical parasitic plant in the forests of South-East Asia single sexed pollination must be carried out when the plant in bloom vulnerable because they need specific conditions to survive deforestation and logging destroy their habitat now there are Rafflesia sanctuaries

TOPIC 5: Pollution Management

Pollution: the addition of substances to the biosphere by human activity, at a rate greater than could be rendered harmless by the env-t

-Major sources of pollution (table on p. 277) Combustion of fossil fuels Domestic waste Industrial waste Agricultural waste

-Point source pollution the release of pollutants from a single, clearly identifiable site(e.g factory chimney, waste disposal pipe) easier to locate easier to manage

-Non-point source pollution: the release of pollutants from numerous, widely dispersed origins (e.g. vehicles, chemical spreads on fields) Difficult to locate General restrictions could be put to control it

Detection and monitoring of pollution

Indicator species: species that are only found if the conditions are either polluted or unpolluted

-Biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) The measure of the amount of dissolved oxygen required to break down the organic material in a given volume of water through aerobic biological activity Indirect pollution measurement Higher BOD more pollution

-Biotic index A 1 to 10 scale Gives a measure of the quality of an ecosystem by the presence and abundance of the species living in it Indirect method Used at the same time as BOD measurements

-Three-level model of pollution management a model for reducing the impact of pollutants replace, regulate, restore model Refer to figure 15.3 on page 282 Pollution management strategies (refer to case study on p282-283)

-Domestic Waste (Solid domestic waste or municipal solid waste) Makes up about 5% of total waste 3kg of solid waste per capita in USA solid waste production has risen from 300kg per year in 1985 to 500

Strategies to minimize waste

-Recycling Collecting and separating waste materials and processing them for reuse E.g. aluminum canso Only 5% of energy needed to recycle ito Can be recycled indefinitely

-Disposal of waste: Landfill Waste buried in a suitable site Lined with special plastic liner to prevent leachate (liquid waste) from seeping out Produced methane could be used to generate electricity

-Disposal of waste: Incinerators Burning of waste at high temperatures Heat produced is used (heat-to-energy incineration) Smaller land area used than in landfill Ash from incinerators could be used in road building Expensive

-Disposal of waste: organic waste Could be composted or put into anaerobic digesters Produced methane could be used as fuel


The addition of excess nutrients to a freshwater ecosystem Could be a natural process Usually nitrates and phosphates from: detergents, fertilizers, sewage etc.

-The process of eutrophication Fertilizers wash into a river or lake High levels of phosphate allow faster algae growth Algal blooms block the sunlight More algae more food for zooplanktonmore food for fishless zooplankton Algae die and are decomposed Not enough oxygen in waterfood chains collapseorganisms die Dead organic material forms sediments on the river bed and turbidity increases A clear blue lake is leftReduces biodiversity in slow-moving water bodies, temporary reduction in biodiversity in fast-moving waters

-Eutrophication management strategies (refer to table 15.4 on p. 287)

-Impacts of eutrophication Bad smell Rivers/lakes covered by green algal scum and duckweed Anaerobic water (oxygen-deficient) Loss of biodiversity and shortened food chains Death of higher plants Death of aerobic organisms invertebrates, fish and amphibians Increased turbidity

Introduction to ozone

Found in stratosphere, where it blocks UV radiation, and troposphere

-Depletion of stratospheric ozoneThe ozone layero Reactive gas mostly found between 20 and 40km altitudeo Made from oxygen (O2)o UV radiation is absorbed in its formation and destructiono The ozone layer absorbs more than 99% of UVC radiationDamaging effects of UV radiationo Mutationo Damage to photosynthetic organismso Damage to consumers of photosynthetic organisms

-The action of ozone depleting substances Liming lakes: adding powdered limestone raises the pH but the effects are short-lived Reducing emissions: reducing combustion of fossil fuelso Precombustion: removing sulfur from the fuel before combustiono end of pipe measures

TOPIC 6: The Issue of Global Warming

The greenhouse effect is a normal process which is necessary for the maintenance of the Earths surface temperature. The effect is caused by gases in the atmosphere reducing heat losses by radiation back into space. They trap heat energy that is reflected from the Earths surface, and reradiate some back into space some back to Earth. Greenhouse gases absorb infrared radiation radiated from the Earths surface and pass this heat to other atmospheric gases. Incoming solar radiation is made up of visible light, ultraviolet light, and infrared heat. About 45% of incoming light is absorbed, scattered or reflected by the atmosphere and clouds before it reaches the Earths surface. Of the 55% that reaches the surface 4% is reflected and 51% is absorbed, which is used for photosynthesis, heating the ground and seas, and evaporation. It is then released back into the environment as longer wavelength infrared energy (heat energy). Therefore if we had no greenhouse gases this energy would be lost to space.

As humans increase emissions of some greenhouse gases, the greenhouse effect is enhanced. Most scientists believe that this is what is causing global warming and climate change. See Pg 136 Fig. 7.1 and 7.2. Human activities (anthropogenic activities) are increasing the amounts of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. Greenhouse gases (GHGs) include not only carbon dioxide but also water vapour, methane, and chlorofluorocarbons (CFC). CFCs are chemicals made by humans which destroy the ozone layer when they reach the stratosphere, but acts as GHGs in the troposphere. Water vapour has the largest effect in trapping heat energy (about 36-66% of greenhouse effect). Most GHGs are there through natural processes but it is the increase, which is caused by anthropogenic activities which is of concern.

CFCs have a very high global warming potential (GWP) higher than carbon dioxide, which means it contributes the most per molecule to the greenhouse effect and therefore global warming. Methane is also increasing by about 1% per year due to human activities (about 60% comes from human and 15% from cattle). Methane can be used as a source of energy and many developed countries capture and pipe methane to be used to generate electricity of for heat. Carbon circulates through the atmosphere and is found in four main storages: the soil; living things (biomass); the oceans; and the atmosphere. Carbon sinks are stores of carbon found in soil, biomass, and oceans. The biggest contributor of carbon to the atmosphere is through the burning of fossil fuels. The amount of carbon on the planet is finite and is called the carbon budget. Human activity has disrupted the balance of the global carbon cycle, through increased combustion, land use changes, and deforestation.

Changes in the climate can be seen in a variety of ways: changed temperatures and or rainfall patterns, more severe storms, ice sheet thinning or thickening, and sea level rises.

There are five ways that the climate can change overtime due to conditions on Earth and GHG levels changing: the more damage we do the more change will occur; there may be a buffering action in which climate change does not follow in a linear way (it is resistant to change); climate change may respond slowly at first but then accelerate until it reaches a new equilibrium; climate may not respond but then tip over the threshold and change rapidly until a new, much higher equilibrium is reached; in addition to the threshold change it may get struck at the new equilibrium even if factors causing the change cease to exist.

Effects on oceans and sea levels: Sea levels are rising due to increased temperatures causing water to expand and ice to melt which then runs off into the seas. The Greenland and Antartic ice sheets are thinning, and, this and the thermal expansion of the seas will mean that sea levels will rise even more. An increase of between 1.5 and 4.5C could mean a sea level rise of 15-95cm (IPCC data). If there is a threshold and this is exceeded then sea levels could rise by metres. This could be disastrous for low-lying countries like the Maldives, Kiribati, Tuvalu, and the Netherlands. The oceans absorb carbon dioxide and this makes them slightly acidic. They have become more acidic by 0,1 pH as they have absorbed about half the carbon produced by anthropogenic activities. This will obviously affect marine life. As they warm they absorb less carbon dioxide which is a problem. Effects on polar ice caps: Melting of land ice on Antarctica and Greenland will cause sea levels to rise as it flows into the sea. Glaciers are melting causing increased volumes of water. The Greenland ice sheet could melt completely and slow down or even stop the North Atlantic Drift (NAD) current by diluting the salt water. If the NAD current and the Gulf Stream slow or even shut down, the climate of the UK and Scandinavia would be much colderThe melting of the Artic could open up trade routes and allow for exploitation of undersea minerals and fossil fuel reserves. Methane clathrate is a form of ice under the Artic ocean floor that traps methane. If it were to melt and reach the surface, the release of methane might trigger a rapid increase in temperatures. Effects on food production: Warmer temperature should increase the rate of biochemical reactions so photosynthesis should increase. But respiration will also increase therefore there may be no increase in NPP. In Europe the crop growing season has expanded. If biomes shift away from the equator, there will be winners and losers. It depends on the fertility of soils as well. For example if production shifts northwards from the Ukraine with its rich black soils to Siberia with its thinner, less fertile soils, NPP will decrease. In seas, a small increase in temperature can kill plankton, the basis of many marine food webs. Effects on biodiversity and ecosystems: Melting of tundra permafrost would also release methane which is trapped in the frozen soils. Animals can move to cooler regions plants can not. The distribution of plants can shift as they disperse seeds which germinate and grow in more favourable habitats. But this happens very slowly and could be too slow to stop them from becoming extinct. Species in alpine or tundra regions have no where to go, neither up nor towards higher latitudes. Polar species could become extinct in the wild. Birds and butterflies have already shifted their ranges to higher latitudes. Plants are breaking their winter dormancy earlier. Loss of glaciers decrease the salinity of marine waters and changes to ocean currents alter habitats. If droughts increase wildfires are more likely to wipe out other species. An increase in temperatures of fresh and salt water may kill sensitive species, and national parks and reserves could find their animals dying. Pine forests in British Columbia (Canada), are being devastated by pine beetle, which is not being killed off by previously cold winters which have become milder. Effects on human health: malaria, yellow fever, and dengue fever could spread to higher latitudes. In a wetter climate fungal diseases will increase. In a drier climate dust increases leading to asthma and chest infections. Warmer temperatures in higher latitudes would reduce the number of people dying from the cold each year and reduce heating bills for households.Effects on human migration: If people can not grow food or find water, they will move to regions where they can. Global migration of millions of environmental refugees is quite possible and this would have implications for nation states, services and economic and security policies. The IPCC estimates that a 150 million refugees from climate change in 2050. Effects on national economies: Some economies would suffer if water supplies decrease or drought occurs. This could open up new resources such as tar sands in Canada and Siberia, which have been frozen under permafrost. If rivers dont freeze hydroelectric power generation will be possible at higher latitudes. Agricultural production may increase in higher latitudes but fall in the tropics.

Carbon dioxide is responsible for two-thirds of anthropogenic greenhouse effect. China is probably the most prolific emitter having overtaken the U.S.A. According to the Earth Policy Institute, carbon emissions from fossil fuel burning was 8.38 Gt (109 tonnes)of carbon in 2006, 20% above the 2000 level and running at an increase per year of about 3.1 %. Strategies to alleviate climate changeThere are three strategies that we can adopt on this issue: do nothing; wait and see; or take precautions now. Science can not give us 100% certainty on the issue of global warming nor predict with total accuracy what will happen. What it can do is collect data and provide evidence. How that evidence is interpreted and extrapolated will depend on individual viewpoints, scientific consensus, economics and politics. Sceptics of the validity of global warming and climate change and, its human cause, may adopt a do nothing approach due to there consideration of it as a non-threat. In addition to this they say that global warming is a good thing and technology can manage its effects.

The wait and see approach is risky as it is a long slow process to move the global economy away from fossil fuel usage. It could be an unnecessary disruption of national economies. It is possible however that we will reach the tipping point when our actions will have little effect as positive feedback mechanisms change the climate to a new equilibrium, which could be 8 degrees warmer than it is now.

The precautionary strategy is the majority choice, which focuses on acting now in case. Even if we found out that fossil fuel burning is not the cause of global warming we know that these fuels will run out and it makes sense to clean up the Earth and find alternative fuel sources now before we run out. What we are seeing in current national policies and international targets, are precautions (carbon emission reduction, carbon-offset, lifestyle changes) against increased climate change. These precautions can be divided into three categories: international commitments (Kyoto); national actions; and personal lifestyle changes.

Kyoto Protocol1997: signed by some 160 nations at the third United Nation Framework Convention on Climate Change conference (UNFCCC).The protocol calls for the first ever legally binding commitments to reduce carbon dioxide and 5 other greenhouse gas emissions to 2.2 % below 1990 levels before 2012. The US signed but has not ratified the protocol. 2004: The Kyoto Protocol is still ineffective. For the protocol to be effective at least 55 countries have to ratify (fully adopt the commitments) and there must be enough developed countries who together are accountable for more than 55% of emissions according to 1990 levels. However the percentage of developed countries is only 37.5%. 2005: Kyoto Protocol goes into effect. Signed by major industrial nations except US. Worked to slow emissions accelerates in Japan, Western Europe, US regional governments and corporations.

TOPIC 7: Environmental Value Systems

Environmental philosophieso Ecocentric: life-centered, respects rights of the nature and the dependence of humans on natureo Technocentric/Anthropocentric: human-centered, humans are not dependent on nature, but nature is there to benefit the human kind

Technocentric worldviewso Cornucopians: people who see the world having infinite resources to benefit humanity. Believe that the env-tal problems could be solved with technologies, improving our living standardso Env-tal managers(stewardship): believe that we have an ethical duty to protect the nature. Support limited limiting resource exploitation. Believe that if we look after the planet, it looks after us

Nurturing vs. intervening or manipulative approaches= environmental vs. technocentric worldviewsEcocentric worldviewso Biocentric: all life has an inherent value, not just for humans. Some philosophies believe that humans arent any more important than other species.o Soft technologists: believe in small-scale local community action and emphasize the role of individuals making a differenceo Deep ecologies: put more value on nature than humanity. Believe in biorights universal rights of all species and ecosystems; advocate strong policy and population change

Various environmental worldviewso Communism and capitalism in Germany- disregarding value of the environment and exploiting resourceso Native American- Use low impact technologies and respect nature- Polytheistic religion believes that animals and plants have a spiritualityo Modern Western- view earth as a resource for humanity.- Ecofeminists argue that it is the rise of male-dominated species that has led to our view of nature as a foeo Buddhisms view- believe that we are all dependent on each other and preaches that all being are equal- believe that all living organisms share the conditions of birth, old age, suffering and death

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