endocrine. q: type of neuro check where tap on facial cheek causes lip and facial spasm. (from...

Post on 27-Dec-2015






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Q: Type of Neuro check where tap on facial cheek causes lip and facial spasm.

(From hypocalcemia/tetany).

A: Chvostek’s sign

Q: Cells of organs that are influenced by hormones or neurotransmitters

A: Target Cells

Q: Hypothyroidism during infancy

A: Cretinism

Q: The normal blood sugar rebound that follows hypoglycemia.

A: Somogyi Effect

Q: A normal occurence when blood sugar elevates at 3 am.

A: Dawn Phenomenon

Q: Growth Hormone, a direct hormone from the anterior pituitary.

A: Somatotropin

Q: Too much growth hormone after adulthood.

A: Acromegaly

Q: Carpal spasm when blood flow restricted to lower arm. (an indicator of low calcium).

A: Trousseau’s Sign

Q: Enlarged heart. Big flabby weak heart.

A: Cardiomegaly

Q: Thyroid Storm. Thyroid Crisis.

A: Hyperthyroidism.Thyrotoxicosis (with tachycardia and HTN)

Q: Adrenal cortex does not produce enough cortisol…poor response to stress, tired, Bronze Color. President Kennedy.

A: Addison’s Disease

Q: Indirect hormones. Secreted by one gland, but “targets” another. (eg: pituitary puts out thyroid, which targets thyroid gland).

A: Tropic Hormones

Q: Abrupt withdrawl of steroids, natural body steroids or prescription steroids. Low bp, high K+

A: Addisonian crisis

Q: build up of ketones in the blood / diabetic coma

A: Diabetic Ketoacidosis

Q: Excessive urination

A: Polyuria

Q: Condition caused by insufficient growth hormone. Body and head proportional, limbs stunted.

A: Dwarfism

Q: Voracious Hunger

A: Polyphagia

Q: Glands which secrete hormones directly into the blood. Glands without ducts.

A: Endocrine glands.

Q: Excessive Thirst

A: Polydipsia

Q: Glands with ducts.

A: Exocrine Glands

Q: Condition with a benign tumor causing excessive epinephrine and norepinephrine. HTN!!!

A: Pheochromocytoma

Q: Name for bulging eyes.

A: Exothalmos

Q: Enlargement of the thyroid gland (swollen lower neck)

A: Goiter

Q: Enlarged Liver

A: Hepatomegaly

Q: When a Type II Diabetic Has Extreme Hyperglycemia

A: HHNC or HHS Hyperosmolar

Hyperglycemic Syndrome (Nonketotic Coma)

Q: Name for two hormones: FSH Follicle-Stimulating Hormone and LH, Luteinizing Hormone.

A: Gonadotropins

Q: Balance in the body.

A: Homeostasis

Q: Hypothyroidism

A: Myxedema

Q: Severe hypothyroidism. Lethargy>>hypothermia >>coma.

A: Myxedema coma

Q: Pancreas makes insulin but body unable to use it (usually due to excessive weight).

A: Insulin Resistance

Q: word for (glucose + cortex + steroid)

A: Glucocorticoids

Q: norml A1C level

A: 4.5 to 6% nondiabetics

5.7 to 6.4%= prediabetes

Diabetic goal is 7 or less

Q: Steroids turn inflammation down by turning what system down?

A: the immune system

Q: The most important human glucocorticoid:

A: Cortisol

Q: Enzymes elevated during pancreatitis:

A: amylase and lipase

Q: Yes or No. Do we teach diabetics to take their insulin even if they are sick and unable to eat?

A: Yes, because glucose levels increase with illness.

Q: If we find a type I diabetic collapsed, what is first action?

A: Administer IV glucose. If wrong, it won’t make a big difference. Glucose starvation of the brain cells means… time is of the essence.

Q: Word meaning, “we don’t know what caused it”

A: Idiopathic

Q: Word meaning caused my medical treatment or procedure. (doctor caused)

A: Iatrogenic

Such as iatrogenic cushing’s disease

Q: Another word for neonatal hypothyroidism:

A: Cretinism

Q: Result of too much growth hormone during childhood:

A: Gigantism

Q: Type of Diabetes in Pregnancy

A: Gestational Diabetes

Q: What electrolyte does parathyroid hormone rob?

A: Calcium

Q: Condition that can be brought on by too much predisone:

A: Cushing’s Syndrome

Q: A beneign tumor of the adrenal glands:

A: Pheochromocytoma

Q: Most common cause of hypothyroidism (autoimmune)

A: Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis

Q: Another term for Hyperthyroidism

A: Grave’s Disease

Q: Diabetes Caused by disease or medication:

A: Secondary Diabetes

Q: Condition where cannot react to stress very well due to lack of stress hormones

A: Addison’s Disease

Q: Condition that can be brought on by thyroid surgery:

(heart rate may be 200 beats/min)

A: Thyroid Storm

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