e.n.d. : the end

Post on 18-Apr-2015






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Η Κατάρρευση του Μύθου των 600 ΔΙΣ.


Δ.N.D. : The End

Κπξηάθνο Σόκπξαο * Οθηώβξηνο 2012 1

Ξνηα είλαη θαη ηη είλαη ηειηθά ε END ; Καη’ αξρή λα δηεπθξηλίζνπκε όηη ππάξρνπλ 2 END.

1. End National Debt θαη 2. Δllas Never Die

Η πξώηε END ηζρπξίδεηαη όηη έρεη 600 ΓΙ ΓΟΛΑΡΙΑ ΗΠΑ, θαηαηεζεηκέλα ζε Σξάπεδα ηνπ Καλαδά, γηα ηελ εμαγνξά ηνπ Διιεληθνύ Γεκνζίνπ Υξένπο θαη ηελ απειεπζέξωζε ηεο Διιάδαο από ηνπο δαλεηζηέο ηεο. Απηή ηελ εθπξνζωπεί ὁ Μαλώιεο Λακπξάθεο.

Η δεύηεξε END είλαη απηή πνπ ρεηξίδεηαη ην ζέκα κε ηηο κεηνρέο ηεο Σξάπεδαο ηεο Αλαηνιήο. Ξάιη 600 ΓΗΠ. Ρπραίν ;;;;; Θα ην δείηε ζην ηέινο Ζ Ellas Never Die πιεξνθνξεί απφ ηελ επίζεκε ηζηνζειίδα ηεο φηη δελ έρεη θακία ζρέζε κε ηελ End National Debt, νχηε κε ηα 600 ΓΗΠ πνχ είλαη θαηαηεζεηκέλα ζηελ Ρξάπεδα;;;;;;; ηνπ Θαλαδά.

Καη εδώ αξρίδνπλ ηα δύζθνια αθνύ, ε πξώηε END δειώλεη όηη δηαρεηξίδεηαη 600 ΓΙ νκόινγα ηνπ θ.νπ ώξξα, ελώ ε δεύηεξε ηα 650 ΓΙ ηωλ κεηνρώλ ηεο Σξάπεδαο ηεο Αλαηνιήο, πάιη ηνπ θ.νπ ώξξα.


Δ.N.D. : The End

Κπξηάθνο Σόκπξαο * Οθηώβξηνο 2012 2

Απηή είλαη κάιηζηα θαη ε αλαθνίλσζε :

Δ.N.D. : The End

Κπξηάθνο Σόκπξαο * Οθηώβξηνο 2012 3

Ζ πξψηε END (ηνπ Θ.νπ Ιακπξάθε), ζχκθσλα κε δήισζε ηνπ εθπξνζψπνπ ηχπνπ ηεο ζην ΚΑΘΔΙΔΗΝ ηεο

01/10/2012, είλαη ΚΘΝ.

ΚΘΝ - Κε Θπβεξλεηηθή Νξγάλσζε

Απφ ηε Βηθηπαίδεηα Οη MΘΝ νξίδνληαη από ηελ Παγθόζκηα Σξάπεδα ωο ηδηωηηθνί νξγαληζκνί πνπ αζθνύλ δξαζηεξηόηεηά γηα λα απαιύλεη ηνλ πόλν, λα πξνωζήζεη ηα ζπκθέξνληα ηωλ θηωρώλ,

ηελ πξνζηαζία ηνπ πεξηβάιινληνο, ηελ παξνρή βαζηθώλ θνηλωληθώλ ππεξεζηώλ, ή αλαιακβάλνπλ ηελ αλάπηπμε ηεο θνηλόηεηαο.

Η ρξήζε ηνπ όξνπ ΜΚΟ πνηθίιιεη από ρώξα ζε ρώξα - γηα παξάδεηγκα ν όξνο ΜΚΟ ρξεζηκνπνηείηαη ζπλήζωο γηα ηηο εγρώξηεο νξγαλώζεηο ηεο Απζηξαιίαο πνπ αλαθέξνληαη ζηηο Ηλωκέλεο Πνιηηείεο ωο Με θεξδνζθνπηθόο νξγαληζκόο.

Δ.N.D. : The End

Κπξηάθνο Σόκπξαο * Οθηώβξηνο 2012 4

Σέηνηεο νξγαλώζεηο πνπ δξαζηεξηνπνηνύληαη ζε δηεζλέο επίπεδν, αξθεηά ζπζηεκαηηθά

αλαθέξεηαη ωο «κε θπβεξλεηηθέο νξγαλώζεηο», ζηηο Ηλωκέλεο Πνιηηείεο θαη αιινύ. Ο όξνο κε θπβεξλεηηθέο νξγαλψζεηο (Μ.Κ.Ο.) απνηειεί λενινγηζκό θαη απνδίδεη ζηα ειιεληθά ηνλ αγγιηθό όξν Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs).

Ο όξνο ρξεζηκνπνηήζεθε αξρηθά ζην άξζξν 71 ηνπ Καηαζηαηηθνύ Υάξηε ηνπ ΟΗΔ.


Απφ ην 1996 έσο ην 2004,

ηα πνζά πνπ έρνπλ δνζεί απφ ηνπο Διιεληθνχο θξαηηθνχο πξνυπνινγηζκνχο ζε ΚΘΝ,

μεπεξλνχλ ηα 68 εθαηνκκχξηα επξψ…



Δ.N.D. : The End

Κπξηάθνο Σόκπξαο * Οθηώβξηνο 2012 5



Παγθόζκηα Σξάπεδα (World Bank Group)


Γεληθή Γξακκαηεία Νέαο Γεληάο: Πξόγξακκα ππνζηήξημεο πξωηνβνπιηώλ

Δπηρεηξεζηαθό Πξόγξακκα "Πεξηβάιινλ" 2000-2006

Πξόζθιεζε από ηελ ΤΓΑ γηα ηελ ππνβνιή πξνγξακκάηωλ από ΜΚΟ


ECHO - Xξεκαηνδόηεζε Πξνγξακκάηωλ Αλζξωπηζηηθήο Βνήζεηαο


EuropeAid Co-operation office


@LIS - πκκαρία γηα ηελ Κνηλωλία ηεο Πιεξνθνξίαο


Αλζξωπηζηηθή Βνήζεηα: Η Δπηηξνπή πηνζεηεί απνθάζεηο γηα επηδνηήζεηο


Πεγέο ρξεκαηνδόηεζεο ηεο Δ.Δ. γηα αλζξωπηζηηθά θαη αλαπηπμηαθά


Ηδησηηθνί θνξείο ρξεκαηνδφηεζεο ζηηο ΖΞΑ

Δ.N.D. : The End

Κπξηάθνο Σόκπξαο * Οθηώβξηνο 2012 6

Γηα λα πεηύρεη όκωο ε κπίδλα, πνπ δελ είλαη ηίπνηα πεξηζζόηεξν από ηελ θεξδνζθνπία κε ην δεκόζην ρξένο ηεο Διιάδαο θαη ηε δπζηπρία ηωλ Διιήλωλ,

έπξεπε πξψηα λα ζηεζεί ην παξακχζη ησλ 600 ΓΗΠ.

600 ΓΗΠ ιέλε φηη έρνπλ νη αζεφθνβνη Γελ ηνπο έθηαλαλ 200 ή 300.

Καη εδώ αξρίδνπλ ηα ωξαία, αθνύ θαη ν ηειεπηαίνο αθειήο ηνπο ξώηεζε πωο είλαη δπλαηόλ λα έρεη 600 ΓΙ ν ώξξαο, όηαλ δελ ηα έρεη νύηε ν όξνο.

Πχκθσλα ινηπφλ κε δήισζε ηνπ εθπξνζψπνπ

ηχπνπ ηεο END ζην ΚΑΘΔΙΔΗΝ ηεο 01/10/2012, ηα 600 ΓΗΠ είλαη δήζελ κεηξεηά,

αθνχ αληηζηνηρνχλ ζε ακεξηθαληθά νκφινγα πνπ βξίζθνληαη δήζελ θαηαηεζεηκέλα

ζε custodial account ζε Ρξάπεδα ηνπ Θαλαδά.

Δ.N.D. : The End

Κπξηάθνο Σόκπξαο * Οθηώβξηνο 2012 7

Θαη φηαλ ξσηήζεθε ηη είδνπο έγγξαθν έρεη ζηα

ρέξηα ηνπ πξνο απφδεημε ησλ ηζρπξηζκψλ ηνπ,

απάληεζε φηη ππάξρεη CDR, θαη φηη, γηα φζνπο γλσξίδνπλ θαιά ην ηξαπεδηθφ ζχζηεκα,

CDR ζεκαίλεη ιεθηά. Κεηξεηά !!!

Νη ζχγρξνλεο απάηεο έρνπλ φιεο έλα θνηλφ ζεκείν Όηη δεκηνπξγνύλ έλα κύζν ν νπνίνο, ελώ ζηελ πξαγκαηηθόηεηα δελ ηζρύεη, γίλεηαη πηζηεπηόο ιόγω

ηεο πνιππινθόηεηαο ηνπ δεηήκαηνο ζην νπνίν

αλαθέξεηαη. Καη όηη απνπξνζαλαηνιίδνπλ ην ζύκα ηνπο,

ζηξέθνληαο ηελ πξνζνρή ηνπ ζε άιια δεηήκαηα, εληειώο δηαθνξεηηθά από ην κύζν ζηνλ νπνίν


Πηελ πεξίπησζε ηεο END, νη κχζνη ήηαλ

πνιινί 1. Όηη ππάξρνπλ νκόινγα ηνπ δεκνζίνπ ηωλ ΗΠΑ

2. Όηη έλαληη απηώλ έρεη εθδνζεί CDR 3. Καη όηη ην CDR ηεο END ζεκαίλεη ιεθηά, πνιιά

ιεθηά, 600 νιόθιεξα ΓΙ.

Δ.N.D. : The End

Κπξηάθνο Σόκπξαο * Οθηώβξηνο 2012 8

Θαη ν απνπξνζαλαηνιηζκφο ήηαλ ε πνιηηηθνπνίεζε ηνπ εγρεηξήκαηνο

πξνθεηκέλνπ ε θνηλή γλώκε λα απαζρνιείηαη κε ην πνιηηηθό δήηεκα ηεο δήζελ ζωηεξίαο ηεο Διιάδαο

από ηνπο δαλεηζηέο, αληί λα αζρνιεζεί κε ηελ νπζία

θαη λα ηνπο πάξεη κε ηηο πέηξεο.

Ν απνπξνζαλαηνιηζκφο βφιεςε ην ζχζηεκα Απηόο είλαη ν ιόγνο πνπ Κπβέξλεζε θαη Γηθαηνζύλε

αλέρζεθαλ κέρξη θαη ζήκεξα ηελ END, ελώ ζε θάζε άιιε πεξίπηωζε ζα έπξεπε νη εθπξόζωπνί ηεο λα

έρνπλ ήδε ζπιιεθζεί.

H END εμππεξεηεί ην ζθνπφ ηεο απαμίσζεο ηνπ Αληηκλεκνληαθνχ Κεηψπνπ. Θαη ε φιε ηζηνξία, φπσο εμειίζζεηαη,

βνιεχεη κηα ραξά ηε ΚΘΝ END ε νπνία κε ην κέγεζνο ηεο δξαζηεξηόηεηαο πνπ αλέπηπμε, δηθαηνύηαη πιένλ λα δεηήζεη ρξεκαηνδόηεζε από όιν ηνλ πιαλήηε, γηα ηνλ ηεξό ζθνπό ηεο ζωηεξίαο ηεο Διιάδαο.

Κηιάκε γηα ην απφιπην Humanitarian Fund Raising

Δ.N.D. : The End

Κπξηάθνο Σόκπξαο * Οθηώβξηνο 2012 9

Ξάκε ινηπφλ λα μεδηπιψζνπκε ηελ ηζηνξία

Μαο είπαλ όηη ππάξρεη CDR θαη όηη CDR ζεκαίλεη κεηξεηά. Πξηλ δνύκε ηη πξαγκαηηθά ζεκαίλεη CDR, αο δηεπθξηλίζνπκε όηη ην κόλν ηξαπεδηθό έγγξαθν πνπ ζεκαίλεη πξαγκαηηθά κεηξεηά, δειαδή αιεζηλά ιεθηά είλαη ην CD θαη όρη ην CDR, ην νπνίν δελ έρεη θακία ζρέζε κε κεηξεηά ρξήκαηα.

CD - Certificate of deposit From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia A Certificate of Deposit (CD) is a time deposit, a financial product commonly offered

to consumers in the United States by banks, thrift institutions, and credit unions. CDs are similar to savings accounts in that they are insured and thus virtually risk free;

they are "money in the bank". CDs are insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) for banks and by the National Credit Union Administration (NCUA) for credit unions. They are different from savings accounts in that the CD has a specific,

fixed term (often monthly, three months, six months, or one to five years), and, usually, a fixed interest rate. It is intended that the CD be held until maturity, at which time the money may be withdrawn together with the accrued interest.

In exchange for keeping the money on deposit for the agreed-on term, institutions usually grant higher interest rates than they do on accounts from which money may be withdrawn on demand, although this may not be the case in an inverted yield curve

situation. Fixed rates are common, but some institutions offer CDs with various forms of variable rates. For example, in mid-2004, interest rates were expected to rise, many banks and credit unions began to offer CDs with a "bump-up" feature. These allow for a

single readjustment of the interest rate, at a time of the consumer's choosing, during the term of the CD. Sometimes, CDs that are indexed to the stock market, the bond market, or other indices are introduced.

Δ.N.D. : The End

Κπξηάθνο Σόκπξαο * Οθηώβξηνο 2012 10

Απηφ είλαη

έλα ππφδεηγκα CD.

Δίλαη ην κόλν ηξαπεδηθό

έγγξαθν πνπ ζεκαίλεη

100% πξαγκαηηθά ρξήκαηα. Αθνχ γηα λα εθδνζεί,

πξνυπνζέηεη ηελ θαηάζεζε ΚΔΡΟΖΡΩΛ.

Καη γηα λα είλαη πηζηεπηό πξέπεη λα πξνέξρεηαη από

αλαγλωξηζκέλε Σξάπεδα θαη

όρη από θάπνηα παξαηξάπεδα ή ηδηωηηθό απνζεηήξην.

Έδεημε πνηέ ηέηνην έγγξαθν ε END ;;;; Φπζηθά φρη.

Ξνπ λα ην βξεη άιισζηε ;

Όηαλ ηνπο ζέζακε απηό ην εξώηεκα, καο απάληεζαλ όηη δελ θαηαιάβακε θαιά εκείο νη αδαείο θαη όηη δελ

ελλννύζαλ Certificate of Deposit – CD,

αιιά Custodial Receipt – CR. Ούηε ην έλα όκωο (CD), νύηε ην άιιν (CR), αθόκε

θαη αλ ηα αζξνίζνπκε, δε γίλνληαη CDR.

Άιιν CD, άιιν CR θαη άιιν CDR.

Δ.N.D. : The End

Κπξηάθνο Σόκπξαο * Οθηώβξηνο 2012 11

Γηα λα δνχκε φκσο ηη ζεκαίλεη Custodial Receipt (CR)

Custodial Receipt

Definition of 'Custodial Receipt'

A receipt representing a security held by a custodian or transfer agent.

As such, it represents ownership of the security by the depositor.

A security in custodial receipt form is usually non-transferable.

Tη ζεκαίλεη απηό ; Όηη ν θάηνρνο ηνπ CR έρεη ζηα ρέξηα ηνπ έλα απνδεηθηηθό ην νπνίν απνδεηθλύεη ΜΟΝΟ ηελ θπξηόηεηα ηνπ ηίηινπ πνπ θαηέζεζε.

Γειαδή αλ έρεη θαηαζέζεη έλα ηίηιν άθπξν, πιαζηφ ή κεδακηλήο πξαγκαηηθήο αμίαο, έρεη ζηα ρέξηα ηνπ έλα απνδεηθηηθφ πνπ ιέεη φηη είλαη θάηνρνο ηεο κνχθαο πνπ θαηέζεζε. Όρη φηη έρεη 600 ΓΗΠ ρξήκαηα. Ρν CR ΓΔΛ ΑΞΝΓΔΗΘΛΔΗ ηελ χπαξμε ρξεκάησλ. Αθνξά κφλν ηελ θπξηφηεηα ηνπ αμηφγξαθνπ. Άξα, αθφκε θαη CR λα έρεη ζηα ρέξηα ηεο END, πάιη ςέκαηα ιέεη, αθνχ CR = ΡΗΡΙΝΠ, ΝΣΗ ΣΟΖΚΑΡΑ.

Δ.N.D. : The End

Κπξηάθνο Σόκπξαο * Οθηώβξηνο 2012 12

Απηφ είλαη

έλα ππφδεηγκα CR.

Γηα λα εθδνζεί έλαληη

θαηάζεζεο Νκνιφγσλ

ΖΞΑ, πξνυπνζέηεη ηελ θαηάζεζε ησλ

ΞΟΩΡΝΡΞΩΛ ΡΗΡΙΩΛ. Καη γηα λα είλαη πηζηεπηό

πξέπεη λα πξνέξρεηαη από αλαγλωξηζκέλε Σξάπεδα θαη

όρη από θάπνηα παξαηξάπεδα ή

ηδηωηηθό απνζεηήξην.

Έδεημε πνηέ ηέηνην έγγξαθν ε END ;;;; Φπζηθά φρη. Ξνπ λα ην βξεη άιισζηε ;

Θαη ηη έγγξαθν εκθάληζε ηειηθά ε END ; Δδψ αξρίδνπλ ηα γέιηα…………………

Δ.N.D. : The End

Κπξηάθνο Σόκπξαο * Οθηώβξηνο 2012 13

Απηφ είλαη ην ΚΝΛΝ ΔΓΓΟΑΦΝ πνπ είδακε κέρξη ζήκεξα

Δ.N.D. : The End

Κπξηάθνο Σόκπξαο * Οθηώβξηνο 2012 14

Ρν νπνίν ηη αθξηβψο ιέεη ;

Ξξνζνρή : Ρν έγγξαθν απηφ, ην νπνίν πξνέξρεηαη απφ κε

αλαγλσξηζκέλν, Ηδησηηθφ Απνζεηήξην, δελ αλαθέξεη ΝΚΝΙΝΓΑ ΖΞΑ αμίαο 600 ΓΗΠ, αιιά,



Θαη ε ηζηνξία ησλ ΝΚΝΙΝΓΩΛ ΖΞΑ αμίαο 600 ΓΗΠ, ΡΔΙΔΗΩΛΔΗ ΑΘΟΗΒΩΠ ΔΓΩ.

Δ.N.D. : The End

Κπξηάθνο Σόκπξαο * Οθηώβξηνο 2012 15

Γηαηί ν θ.νο ΠΩΟΟΑΠ ΓΔΛ ΚΞΝΟΝΠΔ λα θαηέρεη ΝΚΝΙΝΓΑ ΖΞΑ αμίαο 600 ΓΗΠ ;

Γηαηί, πνιύ απιά, ζηελ πεξίπηωζε απηή ζα ήηαλ ν 3νο ΚΑΣΟΥΟ ΠΑΓΚΟΜΙΩ ΣΟΤ ΓΗΜΟΙΟΤ ΥΡΔΟΤ ΣΩΝ ΗΠΑ, θαη ην ΟΝΟΜΑ ηνπ ζα αλαγξάθνληαλ ζηε ζρεηηθή θαηάζηαζε πνπ αθνινπζεί :

Δ.N.D. : The End

Κπξηάθνο Σόκπξαο * Οθηώβξηνο 2012 16

Ρη πξνθχπηεη απφ ηελ αλαιπηηθή θαηάζηαζε

ησλ θαηφρσλ Νκνιφγσλ ησλ ΖΞΑ ;

1νο Θάηνρνο Νκνιφγσλ ΖΞΑ ε Θίλα (1,169 ΓΗΠ) 2νο Θάηνρνο ε Ηαπσλία (1,063 ΓΗΠ) 3νο Θάηνρνο φιεο καδί Ξεηξειατθέο Δηαηξείεο (254 ΓΗΠ)

Ρνλ θ.ν ΠΩΟΟΑ, πνπ είλαη θνξησκέλνο ΚΔ 600 ΓΗΠ ΝΚΝΙΝΓΑ ησλ ΖΞΑ, γηαηί ηνλ μεράζαλε θαη δελ ηνλ έβαιαλ ζηελ 3ε Θέζε ; Ρη είλαη φκσο ηα IBOE πνπ θέξεηαη λα θαηέρεη ν θ.νο Πψξξαο

Θαη πνπ ζα ζψζνπλ ηελ Διιάδα απφ ηνπο δαλεηζηέο ηεο ;;; Δδώ, κάιινλ ηα γέιηα πξέπεη λα γίλνπλ θιάκαηα,

γηα ηα ράιηα καο, πνπ θαηαληήζακε λα καο δνπιεύνπλ

αθόκε θαη ειίζηα ακεξηθαλάθηα.

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Κπξηάθνο Σόκπξαο * Οθηώβξηνο 2012 17

IBOE - International Bill Of Exchange

Definition of 'Bill Of Exchange' A non-interest-bearing written order used primarily in international trade that binds one party to pay a fixed sum of money to another party at a predetermined future date.

Investopedia explains 'Bill Of Exchange' Bills of exchange are similar to checks and promissory notes. They can be drawn by individuals or banks and are generally transferable by

endorsements. The difference between a promissory note and a bill of exchange is that this product is transferable and can bind one party to pay a third party that was not involved in its creation.

If these bills are issued by a bank, they can be referred to as bank drafts. If they are issued by individuals, they can be referred to as trade drafts.

UNCITRAL Convention on International Bills of Exchange and International Promissory Notes, 1988 Article 2 1. An international bill of exchange is a bill of exchange which specifies at least two of the following places and indicates that any two so specified are

situated in different States: (a) The place where the bill is drawn; (b) The place indicated next to the signature of the drawer;

(c) The place indicated next to the name of the drawee; (d) The place indicated next to the name of the payee;

(e) The place of payment, provided that either the place where the bill is drawn or the place of payment is specified on the bill and that such place is

situated in a Contracting State.

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Ρη είλαη ινηπφλ ηα IBOE ηνπ θ.νπ Πψξξα, αλ ηειηθά ππάξρνπλ θαη απηά ; ΔΗΛΑΗ, ΑΞΙΑ, ΓΗΔΘΛΔΗΠ ΠΛΑΙΙΑΓΚΑΡΗΘΔΠ ΞΝ ΣΟΖΠΗΚΝΞΝΗΝΛΡΑΗ ΑΞΝ ΗΓΗΩΡΔΠ ΓΗΑ ΡΖΛ ΞΟΑΓΚΑΡΝΞΝΗΖΠΖ ΠΛΑΙΙΑΓΩΛ ΓΗΔΘΛΝΠ ΔΚΞΝΟΗΝ. Ρα ΗΒΝΔ εθδίδνληαη θαη θπθινθνξνχλ, ζχκθσλα κε ηε Γηεζλή Ππλζήθε UNCITRAL ηνπ 1988. ΠΛΑΙΙΑΓΚΑΡΗΘΔΠ !!!! Κε Ππλαιιαγκαηηθέο 600 ΓΗΠ ζα έζσλε ε END ηελ Διιάδα. Απηά ήηαλ ηα ρξήκαηα, ηα 600 ΓΗΠ ΚΔΡΟΖΡΑ γηα ηα νπνία καο κηινχζαλε.

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Παλ απηέο πνπ αθνινπζνχλ θαη πνπ είλαη

γεκάην ην δηαδίθηπν, θαη κπνξείηε λα ηηο

εληνπίζεηε θαη νη ίδηνη, αξθεί λα θάλεηε κηα έξεπλα κε ην ιχκα ΗΒΝΔ SCAM FRAUD.

Ρα ΗΒΝΔ ζήκεξα βξίζθνληαη πίζσ απφ ηηο κεγαιχηεξεο ρξεκαηννηθνλνκηθέο απάηεο πνπ ζηήλνληαη ζε παγθφζκην επίπεδν.

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Αξθεί λα ξίμεηε κηα καηηά ζηνπο παξαθάησ ζπλδέζκνπο

http://tesoro-del-alma.blogspot.gr/2012/01/shandiman-documents-based-upon-phony.html http://tesoro-del-alma.blogspot.gr/2012/03/another-set-of-iboe-documents.html http://tesoro-del-alma.blogspot.gr/2012/07/this-is-bogus-jonathan-todd-clinard-iboe.html http://tesoro-del-alma.blogspot.gr/2011/12/actual-phony-iboe.html http://tesoro-del-alma.blogspot.gr/2012/01/newest-iboe-scam.html http://tesoro-del-alma.blogspot.gr/2012_02_22_archive.html http://tesoro-del-alma.blogspot.gr/2012/03/another-set-of-iboe-documents.html http://tesoro-del-alma.blogspot.gr/2012/05/global-immunity-given-to-trask-group-of.html http://tesoro-del-alma.blogspot.gr/2011/12/treasury-statement-concerning-bill-of.html http://tesoro-del-alma.blogspot.gr/2011/12/misuse-of-ucc-1-system.html http://flickrhivemind.net/User/IBOE%20FRAUD/Timeline http://www.webtopicture.com/iboe/iboe-scams.html https://www.google.gr/search?q=IBOE+FRAUD&hl=el&prmd=imvns&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.&biw=



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Police Seize Fake U.S. T-Bonds in Italy April 1, 2011 • 8:41AM

Police in Rome seized a half-trillion false U.S. T-Bonds, and discovered an international ring that put such phony money through banks that discounted the fake bonds. The phony bonds were counterfeited by the Mafia; the question is whether this is a

bottom-top operation, or whether the Mafia has been commissioned from the top. Guess. Twenty International Bill of Exchange (IBOE) papers, for a value of $565 billion, have

been seized in Rome. Prosecutors say that there are 18 more IBOE bills in circulation, probably already in the "legal" financial system.

The Italians had been tipped off by U.S. intelligence, as a similar investigation is going on in the U.S.A.

In searching the house of an Italian citizen, Ivo Sobrero, financial police found a document certifying the authenticity of the 38 IBOEs, as well as a list with names of banks and countries where the bills were either deposited or negotiated.


Ζ ΘΝΚΞΗΛΑ. ΡΗ ΠΑΠ ΘΚΗΕΔΗ ; The operation would go as follows: The gang deposited the IBOE in a bank account, and would then find another bank that would discount the bill, sometimes at a wholesale rate of 15-20%. It is clear that both the account bank and the discounting bank must know what is going on. The cut of the IBOE was in the order of hundred millions of dollars, not exactly what you get through honest work. The list of banks contacted by the gang is impressive: Santander, Barclays, Arab Bank, JP Morgan, World Bank, Romanian central bank etc. It is not clear, however, if those

banks entered a negotiation. One case, however, is documented: A negotiation in Dubai, where a joint venture with the Al Rhaba Holding had been created, and another joint venture between Al Rahba

and a Malaysian firm, Kosmo Seraya Sdn Bhd -- the latter was supposed to ensure the discounting of the bills. According to wiretapped conversations, part of the profits should be accredited to an account at the Vatican bank, IOR, owned by a charity.

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Bizarre Claim for $1 Trillion By DAN MCCUE


ΚΔ 1 ΡΟΗΠ !!! MANHATTAN (CN) - An American expatriate in Bulgaria claims the United Nations, the World Economic Forum, the Office of

International Treasury Control and the Italian government conspired with a host of others to steal more than $1.1 trillion in financial

instruments intended to support humanitarian purposes.

The 111-page federal complaint involves a range of entities common to conspiracy theorists, including the Vatican Illuminati, the

Masons, the "Trilateral Trillenium Tripartite Gold Commission," and the U.S. Federal Reserve.

Plaintiff Neil Keenan claims he was entrusted in 2009 with the financial instruments - which included U.S. Federal Reserve notes

worth $124.5 billion, two Japanese government bonds with a combined face value of $19 billion, and one U.S. "Kennedy" bond with

a face value of $1 billion - by an entity called the Dragon Family, which is a group of several wealthy and secretive Asian families.

"The Dragon family abstains from public view and knowledge, but, upon information and belief, acts for the good and better

benefit of the world in constant coordination with higher levels of global financial organizations, in particular, the Federal Reserve

System," Keenan claims.

"During the course of its existence over the last century, the Dragon family has accumulated great wealth by having provided the

Federal Reserve Bank and the United States Government with asset assignments of gold and silver via certain accounts held in

Switzerland, for which it has received consideration in the form of a variety of Notes, Bonds and Certificates such as those described

... that are an obligation of the Federal Reserve System."

Keenan says that with accrued interest the instruments are now worth more than $1 trillion. He says the family designated him as

its principal in an effort to select certain registered and authorized Private Placement Investment Programs (PPPs) for the benefit of

unspecified global humanitarian efforts.

In his remarkable complaint, Keenan claims that the U.S. government enormous amounts of money - delivered in gold and other

precious metals - from the Dragon Family many years ago, and that the money was placed into the Federal Reserve System for the

benefit and underwriting support of the dollar, "which was to become and currently remains the global reserve currency".

Keenan claims the conspiracy began with the illegal detention of two Japanese citizens, Akihiko Yamaguchi and Mitsuyoshi

Watanabe, and the seizure of $134.5 billion in bonds they were holding in Italy, in June 2009.

Yamaguchi can best be described as Keenan's predecessor in trying to place Dragon Family instruments in legitimate PPPs to

advance the group's humanitarian aims, according to the complaint.

Keenan says he came to know both Yamaguchi and the Dragon Family through the Japanese man's efforts on the group's behalf,

and that he introduced them to a bank in Cyprus with which they could do business.

Keenan says that in gratitude, Yamaguchi sought and was granted approval to execute a special power of attorney, whereby

Keenan would also act on behalf of the Dragon Family to place their assets in PPPs.

It was then, he says, that he took possession of the instruments that are the heart of the lawsuit. For his assistance, Keenan says,

he was to receive a profit share amounting to 30 percent of any particular PPP he arranged.

A month after the Japanese men were detained, an man named Leo Zagami, "a self-described 33rd degree Free Mason, who, as of

April 2008, had reportedly claimed to be the leader of a breakaway faction of the Knights of Templar and high-level Freemasons

centered around the elite of the Masons P2 (propaganda Due) Lodge in Monte Carlo," arrived on the scene, according to the

complaint. (Parentheses in complaint.)

Zagami claimed to be a representative of the Vatican Illuminati and other European sect societies and "had been looking to make

contact with certain Asian Secret Societies," the complaint states.

During a meeting in Japan, he says, he told a contact that Yamaguchi and Watanabe had been "set up" and that he had inside

information about the seized instruments.

Subsequently, he introduced his contact in Japan to defendant Daniele Dal Bosco, a Vatican banker and associate of the P2 Masonic

Lodge, who "would be able to 'cash the bonds seized by the Italian Treasury Police,'" according to the complaint.

The complaint alleges a complicated history with many moving parts and scores of internationally known and unknown characters,

the sum of which is that Keenan claims he was entrusted with billions of dollars in bonds by the Dragon Family.

He claims that soon, he and Dal Bosco were in daily contact via Skype and they arranged to meet in Italy. During these

conversations, Dal Bosco represented that he was not only financial advisor to Zagami, but also to the Vatican, Vatican City, Rome,

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and the treasurer for the P2 Masonic Lodge.

As a result, Keenan said, although he tried keep personal possession of the financial instruments with which he was entrusted, he

nevertheless came to trust Dal Bosco, and turned the bonds over to him for "temporary safekeeping and custodianship".

Dal Bosco absconded with the bonds and sought assistance in selling the instruments "in the global marketplace through stealth,

conversion and bribery," Keenan claims.

He claims that as the conspiracy continued to unfold, various high level officials repeatedly offered him a bribe of $100 mil lion to

"release" the instruments without disclosing their theft to the Dragon family, and to allow the instruments to be converted to a so-

called UN "Sovereign Program" wholly under the auspices, protection and umbrella of the sovereign immunity enjoyed by the


Other defendants include UN General Secretary Ban Ki-Moon, Former Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi, Giancarlo Bruno, who

is identified as head of the banking industry for the World Economic Forum, Italy's ambassador to the UN Cesare Maria Ragaflini,

Ray C. Dam, president of the Office of International Treasury Control, and David A. Sale, the deputy chief of the council for the

cabinet of the OITC.

Keenan seeks the return of the stolen instruments, punitive damages and court costs on multiple claims of fraud, breach of contract

and violation of international law.

He is represented by William H. Mulligan Jr., with Bleakley, Platt &

Schmidt of White Plains, N.Y.

William H. Mulligan, Jr.

Bleakley Platt & Schmidt, LLP One North Lexington Avenue

White Plains, NY 10601

(914) 949-2700

Web site: http://bpslaw.com/

Whitepages info:

Bleakely Platt & Schmidt

1 N Lexington Ave Ste 700

White Plains, NY 10601

(203) 422-5050

(914) 287-6100



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Record $6 Trillion of Fake U.S. Bonds Seized ΑΡΖ ΔΗΛΑΗ Ζ ΘΝΟΦΑΗΑ ΑΞΑΡΖ ΚΔ ΗΒΝΔ, ΞΝ ΑΞΝΘΑΙΦΘΖΘΔ ΞΟΝΠΦΑΡΑ ΠΡΖΛ ΗΡΑΙΗΑ. 6 ΡΟΗΠ !!!!!!! By Elisa Martinuzzi - Feb 17, 2012 8:01 PM GMT+0200 Italian anti-mafia prosecutors said they seized a record $6 trillion of allegedly fake U.S. Treasury bonds, an amount that’s almost half of the U.S.’s public debt. The bonds were found hidden in makeshift compartments of three safety deposit boxes in Zurich, the prosecutors from the southern city of Potenza said in an e-mailed statement. The Italian authorities arrested eight people in connection with the probe, dubbed ―Operation Vulcanica,‖ the prosecutors said. Counterfeit U.S. bond confiscated in Switzerland shown on Feb. 17, 2012. The U.S. embassy in Rome has examined the securities dated 1934, which had a nominal value of $1 billion apiece, they said in the statement. ―Thanks to Italian authorities for the seizure of fictitious bonds for $6 trillion,‖ the embassy said in a message on Twitter. The financial fraud uncovered by the Italian prosecutors in Potenza includes two checks issued through HSBC Holdings Plc (HSBA) in London for 205,000 pounds ($325,000), checks that weren’t backed by available funds, the prosecutors said. As part of the probe, fake bonds for $2 billion were also seized in Rome. The individuals involved were planning to buy plutonium from Nigerian sources, according to phone conversations monitored by the police. The fraud posed ―severe threats‖ to international financial stability, the prosecutors said in the statement.

HSBC spokesman Patrick Humphris in London declined to comment when contacted by telephone. The U.S. Secret Service assisted the Italian authorities, spokesman Edwin Donovan said. Money Laundering Creating fake Treasuries is a ―common scam, especially in Italy,‖ he said. The tipoff was the ―astronomical‖ face value of each bond, he said. Fake bonds in high denominations are more common in

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Europe, where people are less familiar with the face value of U.S. Treasury bonds than in the U.S., he said. Zurich’s public prosecutor’s office provided material to their Italian counterparts in Potenza in 2011, according to Corinne Bouvard, a spokeswoman for the senior public prosecutor’s office of the canton of Zurich. The Swiss part of the investigation ended on July 22, she said. The Italian investigation initially focused on a Sicilian who was living in Potenza and was ―already known for money laundering and exporting currency abroad,‖ according to the statement from the Potenza prosecutor’s office. Phony U.S. securities have been seized in Italy before and there were at least three cases in 2009. Italian police seized phony U.S. Treasury bonds with a face value of $116 billion in August of 2009 and $134 billion of similar securities in June of that year. The U.S. Secret Service averages about 100 cases a year related to bonds and other fictitious instruments.

IBOE Fraud International Bill of Exchange (IBOE) Fraud

Posted on August 1, 2011

Latest – 12 scammers have confessed in return for mercy, freedom and peace by supplying lots of valuable electronic evidence against bigger scammers – a 13th confession is expected soon and then the scene will be set for all legal cases against the

masterminds of this global financial terrorism. Highlights from these documents will be added to this site daily followed by comments and then with email headers, IP and network data analysis whenever applicable for further suspect verification. Spanish,

German, Egyptian and Italian victims have complained that some international anti-fraud sites are involved in scams by not providing FULL exposes of ALL the key kingpins

for the following suspect nations: United Kingdom (Latchford) , Thailand (Shandiman), Panama (Steiner) and the United States (Lord Neil Gibson).

UPDATE! ANGRY SCAMMERS HAVE CREATED A SPOOF OF THIS SITE, IT SHOWS HOW SICK AND DESPERATE THESE PEOPLE REALLY ARE BUT IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH LEGITIMATE CRIME PREVENTION AND ERADICATION. Nicholas Fleming is an honest handsome upright citizen fighting against criminal entities like EBTC and its associate scammers and so the scammers are now trying to victimize him with their pathetic site probably made by Gibson’s little Rony. This website is about organized financial fraud involving fake documents, fake bonds, fake SWIFTs, fake SKRs, fake Historical Assets, Fake Gold, Fake Dollars and of course fake IBOEs . This criminal can of worms with their 21st century versions of ―The Sting‖ have scammed victims all over the world with vanishing loans, insurance scams, bogus bonds and 1008 other forms of financial fraud using a plethora of interesting invented investments.

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These range from commodity deals such as oil, sugar and scrap metal to historical asset scams where investors are fooled into believing in diplomatic immunity and federal Fargo boxes of Benjamins!

One of the most hilarious scams they pulled was using their Social Welfare ID card numbers to print their own IBOEs for trillions and trillions of dollars. Unfortunately most victims do not understand that it is not simply a scammer entering his life but an army of them all pretending to be chasing scammers and ready to inform Interpol of any injustice.

All the names and companies mentioned in this website are part of the intricate web of an international joker broker and faker maker gang unless stated otherwise, they

believe that police do not understand them nor are brave enough to come up against their heavyweight lawyers who are often on very nice retainers, once arrested popular excuses used to enable police to take bribes include ―Unfortunately there is no such real

document in existence and therefore something that has never existed cannot be faked‖. – if you have further information please feel free to post it for the public.

All IBOEs on the market are fake


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Ρν απνθάιπςε πξφζθαηα ν ΙΝΓΗΝΠ ΔΟΚΖΠ.

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Ρν έγγξαθν απηφ αθνξά ΞΟΝΡΑΠΖ ηνπ θ.νπ

ΠΩΟΟΑ γηα ηε ζσηεξία ηεο ΑΙΑΚΞΑΚΑ απφ

ηελ πηψρεπζε, αλαρξεκαηνδνηψληαο ην ρξένο ηεο κε ΗΒΝΔ ηα νπνία είραλ θαηαηεζεί ζηελ

αλχπαξθηε DIAMOND & DIAMOND BANK ηνπ Θαλαδά.

Ρν μέξεη θαιά ην παηρλίδη κε ηα ΗΒΝΔ ν θ.νο Πψξξαο

Θαη ην μέξεη ηφζν θαιά, πνπ ρξεζηκνπνηεί σο

Γηθεγφξν ηνπ, ηνλ ίδην δηθεγφξν πνπ έρεη αλαιάβεη ηελ ππεξάζπηζε ησλ ελφρσλ ζηε

κεγάιε απάηε ηνπ 1 ΡΟΗΠ, πνπ δηαβάζαηε πξνεγνπκέλσο.

Ρνλ θ.ν William H. Mulligan, Jr. Bleakley Platt & Schmidt, LLP Ρνπ νπνίνπ ζαο είπα λα ζπγθξαηήζεηε ην φλνκα.

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Άθεζα γηα ην ηέινο ηελ ηζηνξία κε ηα CDR. Απηά, πνπ ζχκθσλα κε ηελ END είλαη ιεθηά, πνιιά ιεθηά, φια ηα ιεθηά, 600 ΓΗΠ.

Ρη είλαη αθξηβψο ηα CDR θαη πσο ιεηηνπξγνχλ ;;;

Απεπζχλζεθα ζε θίινπο ζηηο ΖΞΑ πνπ εξγάδνληαη ζηε Bank NY Mellon, πνπ είλαη ν Λν 1 δηαπξαγκαηεπηήο CDR ζηνλ Ξιαλήηε θαη ζπγθέληξσζα ηηο πιεξνθνξίεο πνπ αθνινπζνχλ :

DR - Depository Receipt A Depository Receipt (DR) is a negotiable instrument in the form of securities that is issued by a foreign public listed company and is generally

traded on a domestic stock exchange. For this, the issuing company has to fulfill the listing criteria for DRs in the

other country. Before creating DRs, the shares of the foreign company—which the DRs represent—are delivered and deposited with the 5 custodian bank of the depository creating the DRs.

Once the custodian bank receives the shares, the depository creates and issues the DRs to the investors in the country where the DRs are listed.

These DRs are then listed and traded in the local stock exchanges of the other country 2.

The working of a standard DR program is illustrated in the Figure here down.

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Depository Receipt is a negotiable certificate issued by a bank in a domestic country that represents ownership of shares in companies of other countries.




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ΑΡΝ ΠΓΘΟΑΡΖΠΡΔ ΡΝ. Cross listing, particularly through DR such as American Depositary Receipts (ADR) or Global Depositary Receipts (GDR), is a popular way of internationalization among firms from emerging economies. In addition to Europe and America, International firms are allowed to cross list in other countries through the DR program.


Chinese Depositary Receipt - CDR

A CDR is a type of depositary receipt that is traded on Chinese stock exchanges.

A CDR is a certificate issued by a Chinese bank that represents a pool of foreign equity that is traded on local Chinese exchanges.

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Foreign companies can use CDRs to allow both Chinese institutional and

private investors to own their stock. In other words, a depositary receipt (DR) is a certificate issued by a bank

representing equity in foreign companies, which is traded on stock exchanges within the issuing country. CDRs are a recent addition to the expansion of depositary receipts that

started in the 1920s. Other forms of depositary receipts are global, European, and international.

The most common type is the American Depositary Receipt.

Canadian Depositary Receipt - CDR Looking to Canada for DR Demand As the world’s leading depositary, the Bank of New York Mellon closely tracks the depositary receipt (DR) market to identify important market

trends and bring them to our clients’ attention.

Over the past several years, we recognized a

steady rise in DR investment on the part of Canadian institutions. This welcome trend resulted from the repeal of a Canadian rule that had restricted pension funds’ capacity to invest globally.

Our Depositary Receipt Division’s Global Capital Markets Group took the opportunity to access this growing investor base and began an intensive educational effort in Canada.

Targeting the buy- and sell side communities, we actively spread the message that DRs trade, settle and clear as easily as Canadian securities,

making them an appealing investment option. These efforts highlight the group’s focus on developing creative solutions

to increase liquidity and investment in the DR marketplace.

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The positive results of these ongoing initiatives in Canada are a testament

to the group’s ability to effect change that is mutually beneficial to DR issuers and investors.

The Canadian Rule Change Canada’s Foreign Property Rule, instituted in 1971 and repealed in late 2005, was created expressly to encourage the growth of Canadian capital markets.

However, the rule restricted Canadian pension funds from investing more than 30% of their registered assets in foreign securities.

Canadian pension funds had long argued that since Canadian stocks constituted less than three percent of the world's market capitalization, pension plan members were deprived of the growth opportunities that

unconstrained global diversification could provide. The rule’s repeal opened up their investing opportunities.

How the Rule Change Benefits DR Issuers With the repeal, Canada's capital markets have become better integrated with global capital markets, giving Canadian institutions greater access to capital.

For DR issuers, the most important result of the rule’s repeal is that Canadian institutions are now free to invest in DRs without restriction.

As a result, Canada’s pension funds and the like present a new, viable source of DR demand.

Another key advantage for investors, brokers and ultimately issuers, is that Canada’s securities depositary, the Canadian Depositary for Securities (CDS), has a link with the U.S. securities depositary, the Depository Trust Company. This meets the need for efficient and secure cross-border clearing and settlement and provides a fast and dependable network that enables

Canada's stock exchanges, financial institutions and dealers to effectively manage their Canada-U.S. cross border business.

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Importantly, with this arrangement in place, Canadian investors can

purchase DRs just as easily as they can purchase Canadian securities.

Today’s Canadian institutional marketplace is similar to the U.S. institutional marketplace of 10 to 15 years ago, which underwent a “global awakening.”

Γηαηί ε END έζηεζε φιε ηελ ηζηνξία ζε Ρξάπεδεο ηνπ Θαλαδά; Γηαηί, φπσο αλαθέξεη ζε έθζεζή ηεο ε ΛΚellon, ηα DR κπήθαλ πνιχ πξφζθαηα ζηελ αγνξά ηνπ Θαλαδά, δελ ππάξρεη κεγάιε εκπεηξία, θαη ε αγνξά βξίζθεηαη 10-15 ρξφληα πίζσ ζε ζρέζε κε ηελ αληίζηνηρε αγνξά ησλ ΖΞΑ. Όηη πξέπεη δειαδή γηα θάπνηνλ εηδηθφ.

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At that time, U.S. investors were beginning to realize that international diversification could substantially improve portfolio performance.

As the Canadian market similarly becomes more focused on global investing, there is a need to educate

the marketplace on the many benefits of investing in DRs to access the foreign markets.

There are more than 175 investment managers in Canada, most of which are located in Montreal and Toronto.

Canadian institutions currently hold nearly $20 billion in CDR

Γηαηί ε END δελ είλαη δπλαηφλ λα θαηέρεη CDR αμίαο 600 ΓΗΠ ;;; Γηαηί απιά, φιεο καδί νη Ρξάπεδεο ηνπ Θαλαδά, έρνπλ εθδψζεη CDR ζπλνιηθήο αμίαο κφιηο 20 ΓΗΠ.

American and global depositary receipt (DR) trading volume increased 8.3% to 78.1 billion, a record high. The total value of U.S. investment in non-U.S. equities (both DRs and non-

U.S. shares) increased 68% to about $4.2 trillion.

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At the same time, non-U.S. equities accounted for 19.8% of all equity

investment in the U.S., an increase from 18.4% at the same time last year. At the mid-year mark, companies from 19 countries had established 64

new sponsored DR programs, and 50 new unsponsored DR programs had been established for issuers from 15 countries. The number of available DR programs rose to 3,214 from 3,096 a year

ago. Industry-wide, DR programs for issuers from 76 countries were available to

investors. U.S.-Listed Market Remains the Largest DR Trading Market. U.S.-listed programs accounted for nearly 90% of all DR trading value

worldwide. The major U.S. stock exchanges — the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE)

and NASDAQ — remained the largest markets for DR trading. In total, 66.4 billion U.S.-listed DRs, valued at $1.65 trillion, traded on U.S.

markets during the first half of 2010. Compared with 60.7 billion DRs, valued at $1.17 trillion at mid-year 2009, this represents an increase of 9.4% in DR trading volume and an increase

of 41.0% in DR trading value, year-on-year. India and China Lead New DR Capital Raisings.

During the first six months of the year, 44 initial and follow-on DR offerings by non-U.S. companies raised more than $4.1 billion. Issuers from India and China completed the most offerings, with 21 and

13, respectively. Issuers from these two countries raised nearly $2.4 billion, more than 50%

of the global total. Of the 44 initial and follow-on DR offerings, 16 issuers raised capital in U.S. markets, while 20 occurred on European markets, namely the London and

Luxembourg Stock Exchanges.

Δ.N.D. : The End

Κπξηάθνο Σόκπξαο * Οθηώβξηνο 2012 37

Γηαηί ε END δελ είλαη δπλαηφλ λα θαηέρεη CDR αμίαο 600 ΓΗΠ ;;; Γηαηί απιά, ν κεγαιχηεξνο επελδπηήο DR ζηνλ Ξιαλήηε είλαη ε γλσζηή καο FIDELITY, πνπ θαηέρεη 30 ΓΗΠ.


Θαη ηέινο,



Δ.N.D. : The End

Κπξηάθνο Σόκπξαο * Οθηώβξηνο 2012 38






Ρξάπεδα ηεο Αλαηνιήο 670 δηζ. επξψ…………….…


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