employee engagement strategies for non-desk workers

Post on 29-Nov-2014






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As internal communicators, we often lose sight of treating our employees like consumers. Just as consumer buying and consumption habits evolve, so do employees — they are one and the same. Consumer habits are drastically changing due to accessibility to technology. We no longer sit in our living rooms to watch television programs based on the network’s schedule. We watch our favorite programs based on our schedule and on a variety of devices. The big networks and content providers have had to adapt. So, too, is corporate communications and relating to our workforce. No doubt about it, the way we relate to our workforce is changing — why? Because our workforce has changed. Their tools, access and behavioral expectations are evolving. It’s time to move beyond theory and into a tactical communication methodology that engages, informs, measures and gives a voice to the internal consumer. Five relevant strategies based on how mobile has impacted consumer/employee behavior: 1) Shorten up your message, provide bite-sized blocks 2) Listen actively, provide youtility in your communications 3) Give employees a voice, encourage interactions, involve employees in your content creation and distribution 4) Have no fear, take risks, be innovative 5) Measure your activity to gain insight and to influence topics, timing, and channels


Employee Engagement: There’s a tiny person on that

speck that needs my help

Jonathan Erwin

Why did Robert ask me to speak on employee engagement?

Shorten it up

No Fear!

Listen - actively

Listen - actively

“I declare!”

“I declare!”


No Fear!

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