egypt tns 2011.1

Post on 09-May-2015






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Egypt Mood

Survey was done 3 months after the revolution and another one 6 months later

by TNS. National survey covering both sexes and ages 15- to 60+

November 2011

Egypt Pulse SurveyKey issues ; inflation, unemployment, security

Compared to 3 mths post revolution these issues weights further increased indicating slow progress

Egypt Pulse SurveyOnly 21% see Egypt is heading in the right direction

Major drop from the 71% 3mths post revolution showing that people are losing faith

Egypt Pulse SurveyQuality of life Is seen as worse than before the revolution at 42% which increased from 4% 3 months post revolution while 7% see it better, a decline from 84%. Showing that people had major expectations after revolution that were not met

Egypt Pulse Survey

As for democracy, and freedom of speech it is seen to be still better than before revolution at 66% , a drop from 84% affected mainly by increased freedom of expression.

Egypt Pulse Survey 77% are supporting the revolution , 12% against it

A drop in the support of the revolution and increased opposition vs previous wave

Egypt Pulse SurveyEgyptians had many expectations of the revolution which explains the disappointment, mainly fighting corruption and poverty which were not addressed seriously in the past months.

Egypt Pulse Survey43% said nothing was done in fighting corruption. Even undecided 42% indicate so as well.

Majority see that poverty was not addressed at all.

Egypt Pulse Survey Prosecution of corrupt figures was not achieved according to majority of Egyptians

Social equality was seen by most as the same since before the revolution.

Egypt Pulse SurveyMajority are satisfied with SCAF performance

Satisfaction levels have decreased compared to prior wave

Egypt Pulse SurveySatisfaction of SCAF performance is mainly due to national security

Dissatisfaction of SCAF performance is mainly due to slow decision making

Egypt Pulse Survey• Multiple Expectations from SCAF, key border and domestic security

Egypt Pulse Survey

• Most see national security achieved

• 38% find that domestic security not achieved with 46% undecided !

Egypt Pulse SurveyMajority find that Inflation was not addressed

Egypt Pulse Survey Main expectations from the government revolve around economic demands

Bottom of the list is quality of education, infrastructure

Egypt Pulse SurveyOver 50% seen that corrupt employees were not questioned

45% find that police return in Egypt streets has not been achieved

Egypt Pulse Survey Inflation has not been addressed according to 56%

Domestic security is seen by 38% as not achieved with majority undecided !

Egypt Pulse SurveyPeople are split over satisfaction of government performance with a skew towards dissatisfaction

Majority are ok with Sharaf continuing as PM indicating that they don’t see him responsible for poor government performance

Egypt Pulse Survey Satisfaction with Sharaf due to his association with revolution and to being respectable

Dissatisfaction with Sharaf due to his weak stance and failure take or enforce decision

Egypt Pulse Survey

• Peoples Expectations from the government are mainly economic in nature

Egypt Pulse SurveyMajority see that quality of life has not improved

Majority see that inflation has not been managed

Egypt Pulse SurveyOver 50% find that corrupt employees were not questioned

Pricing issues were seen by most as not resolved

Egypt Pule survey Fighting government corruption has not been achieved accroding to 51%

Narrowing Rich Gap poor seen unachieved by majority

Egypt Pulse SurveyMajority dissatisfied with minimum wage of LE 700

Majority find that between 1000 and 1,200 should lie the minimum wage

Egypt Pulse survey• Police performance is seen to have improved compared to 6

months ago

Egypt Pulse SurveyCrime rated is seen to have increased according to 92% of respondents

While 91% said that they personally did not face any issues.

Egypt Pulse Survey Majority of Egyptians favor civil government

Reasons varied from not favoring a certain faction to freedom

Egypt Pulse SurveyTOM parties were mainly Wafd, Horreya & Adala and Ghad

Parties like Misreyeen ahrar and wasat got 10% and 8% TOM

Egypt Pulse Survey

• People plan to vote for horeya and adala and Wafd primarily with 20% each .

Egypt Pulse Survey

• 44% find that if MB got majority it would have negative implications, 26% undecided

Egypt Pulse Survey Fear Of MB mainly due to mixing religion with politics and applying rules in a wrong manner.

Positives of MB is fighting corruption and executing muslim sharia3a.

Egypt Pulse Survey

• 55% think if Salafis gain Parliament majority it will have negative implications

Egypt Pulse SurveTOM presidential candidates,Moussa leads by 75%, followed by Baradei and Noor. Sharaf has 25% despite the fact that he is not running Sabahy, Bastaweesy have low TOM

Egypt Pulse Survey If people vote tomorrow for a president, it will be for Moussa. Shafik comes 2nd despite low TOMBaradei only 4% reflecting people disinterest in him

Sabahy and Noor have very low prospects

Egypt Pulse Survey • People are mainly looking for a president who has

political experience and integrity explaining previous choice of Moussa and Shafik

Egypt Pulse Survey

People find protests a positive act While they find sit ins a negative act

Egypt Pulse Survey

Key findings: People are losing patience and faith with the revolution quicklyKey demands revolve around the economic situation Major confusion among many Egyptians evident in being undecided in many rather obvious issuesPeople are emotional in their decision making, dissatisfied with government yet willing to elect Sharaf for President, want him to continue as PMPeople respect authority and despite SCAF not delivering on key issues they are satisfied with their performance.Majority want a civil government yet there is polarization in society on position regarding religious majority in parliamentNew parties have not left any impression on Egyptians except for the strong Ikhwan party ‘horeya and adala’

Egypt Pulse Survey

Key Findings:

People plan to vote in a very traditional and not a revolutionary manner for parties and president alike. Egyptians are looking for a president with political experience giving little chance to the new faces who don’t have experience in that field despite their non association with the old guardEgyptians are all for protests but not sit ins.Security fears are unfounded given that majority has not experienced any criminal incident

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