eco life issue no. 2 (april-august 2013)

Post on 07-Mar-2016






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ECO Life is a magazine published by Caribbean Youth Environment Network- Trinidad and Tobgao. It focuses on youth advocacy in the field of environmental issues and sustainable development.



E C O L i f e




The CYEN is a non-profit, civil society, charitable body that focuses its resources on empowering

young people and their communities.

Mission - The Caribbean Youth Environment Network is a non -profit organisation that is dedicated

to improving the quality of life of Caribbean young people by facilitating their personal

development and promoting their full involvement in all matters pertaining to the environment and

sustainable development. The organisation promotes education and training, Caribbean integration

and community empowerment as tools to develop an ethic amongst young people that assists in

the conservation and protection of natural resources within the wider Caribbean.


Contact Us - 16 – 20 Anva Plaza, Eastern Main Road, Tunapuna

(868) 739 – 6343 or (868)747 - 8831 or

Or visit our website at

Contributing Writers -Rianna Gonzales, Zac Bermudez, Khadija La Croix, Dizzanne Billy

Photo Credits - Various CYEN-TT members, The Knowledge Fair Team

Design and Layout - Dizzanne Billy, Rianna Gonzales

Cover picture :

The CYEN-TT team together with the beautiful young children of "D" Kids Early Learning

Academy's vacation camp - Camp Friends.


“Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn.”

- Benjamin Franklin


CONTENTS 6 Limelight

11 Why should they listen to

us?...Youth, the essence of change

13 Las Islas Bonitas

14 World Environment Day 2013

14 Solar Power in Trinidad and Tobago

17 World Oceans' Day 2013


18 News from the CYEN-TT Desk


21 Word on the Street...Tobago Edition

22 Interview with Mr. Carver Bacchus

25 Adopt-A-River

28 CYEN-TT Junior Upcyclers



(fr-ack-ing) - verb - also known more formally by the term hydraulic fracturing,

is a procedure which enables the extraction of oil and natural gas from rock formations

deep below the earth's surface. The process involves drilling thousands of metres into the

ground, and blasting water and chemicals, sometimes described as fracturing fluids, into

the rock in order to extract gas which is embedded in deposits of shale, a rock which is

not very permeable and therefore potentially contains gas reservoirs. The resulting fuel is

consequently often described as shale gas.


San City Green Expo 2013 provided an avenue to

showcase environmentally sustainable businesses, NGO’s and Governmental Agencies in

one location. The public interacted and became more empowered regarding the


At the SanCity Green Expo 2013, CYEN-TT members immersed themselves in public interaction, marketing

CYEN, promoting environmentalism and our upcoming project - "UPCYCLING: FROM TRASH TO TREASURE." Hats off to our volunteers, who worked through both

torrential rain and scorching heat!

CYEN-TT is all for being socially active. We

pounded the streets in search of ways to dynamically engage & inform the public about

what we do! TAKE A LOOK! We pounded the streets in search of ways to actively engage & inform the

public about what we do! TAKE A LOOK!


Volunteers got the opportunity to make their own environmental posters for display at our booth & not only were the young ones drawn to them but they listened to us speak about

environmental issues and sustainability...WHO KNEW?!


On June 5th 2013, the United Nations Development Programme(UNDP)

hosted its first ever Global Environment Facility (GEF) Small Grants

Programme (SGP) UNDP Caribbean Knowledge Fair to observe World

Environment Day 2013

CYEN-TT was officially invited to be one of the groups advocating for environmental awareness at the Knowledge Fair 2013.

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Ms. Wendy Seow, National Energy

Corporation of Trinidad and Tobago

Limited speaking as a panellist on

Corporate Social Responsibility .

Popular local comedians Errol

Fabien, Nicki Crosby, Penelope

Spencer and Kerrie Fabien

portray the importance of

proper garbage disposal in a

skit entitled Comedy of Horrors

at the Knowledge Fair.

Odessa Fortune(CYENTT

Treasurer) displaying one of

our upcycled items - a

jewellery holder made out of

used Coca Cola tin cans




Why should they listen to us? ...Youth, the essence of change

By - Rianna Gonzales

“We are not going to solve our problems operating at the same level of thinking that

created them.”

So why then is our future in the hands of the people that created the problem in the first place? The youth of Trinidad and Tobago and the Caribbean are more than just the leaders of tomorrow; we are the leaders of today! If you take a moment to think you will see that the most remarkable innovations of this generation, the ones that are impacting our lives have been the inventions of persons under the age of 30. Google, Twitter and Facebook all young people who have changed the face of communication. Who are the game changers? Who are the activists and lobbyists? The youth organizations! So why we do we fight,? Why do we stand up for change? It’s our future and its worth fighting for. We want to see a positive change and we believe that we can do it! Our generation of young people, sees no boundaries, no limits, no obstacles. We stimulate our imagination and think outside the preverbal box; in fact we destroy the box! Ultimately, we have nothing to lose but everything to gain. If this does not convince you let me break it down for you in point form:

1. Young people are open to new ideas and are not

constrained by how things “should be”

We have not been around long enough to feel attached to the social norms and we are not restricted by their expectations.

2. Young people have nothing to lose

There is nothing for us to risk, no mortgage, debts or family to support.

3. Young people are not

completely desensitized to


The sight of suffering still makes us cringe and we are driven to make things better. Older folks have grown accustomed to the wrongs of the world and worse they have accepted them.

4. Our minds are sponges for


We are wired for learning. Digesting large volumes of information and transforming them into innovative solutions is what we do best. We can adapt quickly to any situation and adjust responses.

5. We are fluent in modern

technology, heck we

created it!

We are the gurus of the .com, hashtags and IM’s (if you don’t know what I’m talking about you must be over 35). We utilize technology to share information across the region and the world in an instant. Our networks cross the 1000’s and we have them at our fingertips!

6. We don’t mind asking


As youth we are already perceived as inexperienced and “green” so our egos are not tarnished when we admit that we don’t know something, it’s almost expected. On the other hand, the option to admit ignorance is less appealing. Our humility and willingness to learn puts us in the best position for dealing with issues.


7. We have energy to burn

We juggle school, work, extra-curriculas and still have enough energy to stay up all night and function the next day. We are persistent and we have no qualms chugging Red Bull to get what we want to get done.

8. We are optimistic

Though some adults might call this naïve but this characteristic allows hope to blossom and dreams to come into reality. Maybe we really don’t understand the true complexities and challenges of the “grown up” world but maybe that’s our advantage – these obstacles don’t exist so they can’t stop us!

9. We know what it is to be marginalized

We have always been told that “you can’t do that until you’re older!” We can’t vote or drink till we are 18 and can’t watch certain movies (but can pay the adult price), there are even age limits to when we can start and finish school. We know what it is not to be in control of our lives, to be marginalized in society and we are more willing to stand up against social injustice.

10. We love and forgive

To be a change maker you must have a passion or a love for something but you must also be willing to forgive. We are more open and accepting of others. We understand differences and realize that these differences are not to be discriminated, we don’t have time for revenge and vendettas…..we move forward!


"The desire of the youth to participate is the defining

characteristic of young people and we should not

confuse apathy about issues with a lack of

knowledge and passion on issues and challenges

facing our country. Give us the opportunity and

support and you will be surprised just how much we

can accomplish."

- Rianna Gonzales (National Co-Ordinator CYENTT)


" The desire of youth to participate is the defining

characteristic of young people and we should not confuse

apathy about issues with a lack of knowledge and passion

on issues and challenges facing our country. Give us the

opportunity and support and you will be surprised by how

much we can accomplish"

- Rianna Gonzales (National Coordinator CYEN-T&T)

las islas bonitas

- Manzanilla, Trinidad

eaning 'little apple,' Manzanilla is an admired area in T&T. This

picturesque village is reknowned for having the longest stretch of

beach in Trinidad (21km) that is densely populated by towering

cocunut trees, the expanse of the Atlantic Ocean waters that wash

upon its shores and the mass of seaturles that these waters bring with

them during the local nesting season (March to September)


World Environment Day

June 2013

World Environment Day is an annual event that happens

on the 5th June every year that is aimed at being the

biggest and most widely celebrated global day for positive

environmental action.

The theme this year was:

Through World Environment Day, the United Nations

Environment Programme is able to personalize

environmental issues and enable everyone to realize not

only their responsibility, but also their power to become

agents for change in support of sustainable and equitable


Together we can ensure a cleaner, greener and brighter

outlook for ourselves and future generations.

In keeping with the theme for World Environment Day 2013:

THINK.EAT.SAVE, the Knowledge Fair 2013 focused on our

capacity to "Share to Protect" our environment. It proposes

knowledge-sharing and networking to achieve sustainability.

CYEN-TT demonstrated the use of Up-Cycling to show how

reusing "waste" materials can reduce wastage and create

functional new items.

Do you know how an old plastic bottle can become a stylish


One of the upcycled items that

caught the most attention - A vase

made out of an old light-bulb


By: Zak Bermudez (Form 6, St. Mary's College)

Trinidad and Tobago has an economy based on the production and export of oil and gas; thus the use of alternative energy

sources is not common. However, falling reserves, the possibility of the withdrawal of Government subsidies on the use of oil and

gas and a growing environmental awareness has resulted in a search for an alternative. Solar power can be described simply as

energy derived from the sun, through the use of solar panels. In the long run, compared to electricity it will provide a virtually

free supply of power for household appliances or even the entire home. The upfront cost of a solar system to generate enough

power for the common home can be quite high, however it does not require much maintenance and there will no longer be the

need to rely on the country’s electric grid, it is also the environmentally friendly option. Solar Power in Trinidad has been thought

of as a last resort option. It’s availability to the population is limited and the attitude of the public towards it prohibits any form

of development in the industry. It is being invested in more readily in other parts of the Caribbean where oil and gas reserves are

limited or nonexistent. It can be argued that Trinbagonians are aware of solar power to some extent, but the masses of the

people are not ready to accept it into society. As long as the current reliance on oil is kept, it will be difficult for solar power to

start being widely used. However, through the use of the media, educational facilities and incentives as well as a more positive

attitude of the public, solar power can begin to thrive and create a sustainable future for the country.



Cocal Spit, Manzanilla - Trinidad

This dynamic area is where the freshwater of the Nariva Swamp meets

the salt water of the Atlantic. The waves' dynamics move the sediment of the area and results in the spit which is the main

geomorphic feature protecting the swamp from saltwater intrusion.




The Caribbean Sea blankets an area of 1,063,000 sq. miles.

It covers the entire marine region from Mexico to the

boundaries of South America

Not only is it wide, the Caribbean Sea measures up on depth. This ups the notch on the fascinating quotient, as its deepest point is

considered to be 25,220 ft, making it one of the deepest

seas and one of the lowest points on the earth's surface.

The Caribbean Sea hosts some of the most unique floral and coral

species in the world! It is also home to some of the most uncommon aquatic species that are almost

exclusive to the region. In the Caribbean Sea you will find sea

horses, whales, dolphins, sharks, sea anemones and octopus to name a

tiny few

The Caribbean Sea floor is home to two oceanic trenches:

the Hispaniola Trench and the Puerto Rico Trench. This puts the

area at great risk of serious earthquakes.

In 2008, the UN officially recognized June 8th as World Oceans


The ocean is the large body of salt water that covers the

majority (approximately 70%) of the earth’s surface. Planet

Earth, often referred to as the “Blue Planet”, is the only one in

the solar system with such an abundance of liquid water. Earth

has one ocean with several ocean basins (North Pacific, South

Pacific, North Atlantic, South Atlantic, Indian Southern and


The ocean is important as it is a habitat for a vast array of

species, provides oxygen (via phytoplankton) and influences

weather and climate. Humans depend upon the ocean for

goods such as food and minerals and utilize it for activities

such as transportation, recreation and energy generation.

Despite its importance, some key issues affecting the world’s

ocean include marine pollution, overfishing, marine invasive

species, ocean acidification and rising temperatures.

Some people use the term “ocean” and “sea” interchangeably.

However seas are smaller bodies of water which are partially

enclosed by land. Just to note the Caribbean Sea is the second

largest sea in the world!!!


THE MEMBER OF THE QUARTER IS CYEN-TT'S M.V.P. FOR THE QUARTER. This member was chosen based on attendance at general meetings, participation at events, presence on social media in terms of promoting CYEN and the environment as well as commitment in CYEN activities. We are proud to announce Ms. Farzaana Baksh as the Member of the Quarter April-June 2013!







Daryll Griffith


Odessa Fortune

Carver Bacchus, the Founder and

President of Sustainable Living T & T

better known as Sustain T&T. Sustain T&T

is dedicated to education, information

exchange and community building

around the idea of Sustainable Living,

Development and Industry. If you don’t

know about them maybe you know about

the Green Screen Film Series that they

have hosted for the past two years. This

year they have launched their “A Sea

Change Carver is now one of our National


National Advisor

- Marketing & Communications


Say hello to Zoi, the Howler Monkey.

Zoi lives in the El Socorro Wildlife

Center for Wildlife Rehabilitation in

Freeport, Trinidad. Photo by Rianna











In July 2013, the CYEN-TT executive team took a

trip to Tobago for a strategic planning meeting

with Tobago representatives Che Dillion and

Stephan Issac. On the second day of this two day

adventure, we took to the popular beach - Store

Bay - to conduct research as to what the major

environmental issues are in Tobago. Interviews

were done with beachgoers and here are a few

that stood out to us

The corals are not as colourful as

they used to be. There is nothing

that is vibrant about it anymore

The environment is important,

without is we cyah (can't) live.

We need to advertise the laws and

enforce them.

What I am most passionate about is

the slaying of the turtles. Those small

creatures ain't do nobody nothing.

They are just trying to live, just like we

I believe if everyone play their part

and really check for the earth we can

have a nice place because Trinidad

and Tobago is blessed.

All we have to do is 1. be mindful of

our environment 2. respect the

marine life and just do what God

put us on the Earth to do

The youth will be the

recipients of all the

(environmental) problems.

There needs to be serious

education campaigning to show

people that the actions they

partake in have serious



Your background is in marketing and publications, what

led you to form the NGO Sustain T&T?

Initially, Sustain T&T was an idea that came out of the marketing agency I work for, Pop! Creative Services. We were just starting up and wanted to develop a project that would give us a chance to show our capabilities (event management, design, public relations and social media management) and at the same time promote our social responsibility position. Environmental and Economic Sustainability are very important to me, and we felt there was a gap in opportunities for education, training and networking in that area, so Sustain T&T was born. In 2010 we offered workshops, a business seminar and a film screening under the brand and eventually registered the name as its own entity.

Sustain T&T has been in existence since 2010, what has

been your greatest challenge as well as your biggest


Our biggest challenge turned out to be our biggest success. Our first foray into the sector was good and we got feedback that the events should continue. People were looking for more opportunities to meet like-minded people, exchange ideas and learn more about environmental challenges and solutions. We had to come up with something that would capture people’s imagination and be a sustainable project with a focus on information sharing. It took a few months to figure out but we eventually decided that there was enough room in this market for another annual film festival event. This is when our marquis event – Green Screen, The Environmental Film Series, was born. 2013 will mark three years of this series and the number of people in the audience has been building steadily along with the quality of presentations and discussions. We’re proud to bring this project to the public every year.

The Green Screen Series started in 2011, what do you

hope to achieve from this events? And would you


We hope to educate the general public about environmental and sustainability issues through entertainment (film). We also wish to encourage communities and individuals to produce their own content pertaining to environmental issues. If it’s good, we’ll show it. Green Screen is fast becoming an institution so it’s not a matter of if we will continue or not. We have to.

Managing an NGO must take up a lot

of your time, how do you find the


I don’t think I’ve mastered the balance yet.

What would you say is one of the most

challenging issues in the environment?

Many people in Trinidad don’t understand environmental issues. They don’t fully comprehend how interconnected all our activities on these small islands are or how poor environmental management can affect their health or their future capacity to earn a living. Basic environmental literacy for all citizens is becoming a critical component toward our national development. You have recently become a National

Advisor (marketing and

communications) for CYEN-TT, what are

your expectations?

Before I establish expectations I hope to be able to learn from the current executive and membership about the challenges and hopes for the coming year. Once I’m able to get a handle on where my advice can be best utilized I expect that I’ll be able to contribute effectively.

What advice would you give to young people who are

searching for ways to make a change?

Just get out and do it. Get involved in something that you are passionate about. Everyone has a skill or enjoys doing something. If you’re good at photography, for example, or meeting new people, offer your skills to an organization that may have a need. NGO’’s ALWAYS need help. Volunteer and become someone that can be depended on, no matter how small your contribution. You’ll be surprised how far reliability will carry you.



Tell us a little about the documentary “A Sea Change”,

which had its first screening at the GEF SGP Knowledge

Fair on World Environment Day. What inspired you to do

this film?

“A Sea Change” is a short documentary about issues of Climate

Change affecting communities in Trinidad. Climate Change is

really the “elephant in the room” for small island developing

states like Trinidad and Tobago so it is high time we begin to

evaluate how it is affecting our country. Again, most folks don’t

know much about it, even though they may be noticing

phenomena caused by climate change. We need to have a plan

if we are to adapt to changing patterns in the future. The film

was a natural progression from the film series as we wanted to

produce a high quality piece about a pressing contemporary

environmental issue. With tremendous support from the

UNDP’s Global Environment Fund we were able to make this a


NGOs are oftentimes overlooked as being a force

of change in Trinidad and Tobago's society. What

do you think about that? How do you think this

mindset can be altered?

I think civil society including NGO’s, CBO’s and Community groups, can make the difference in our society. We are usually the people working in communities and seeing the realities first hand. We are the ones who can influence positive behaviour change at the community level. Many local NGO’s are often the “area expert” in their sector and the public sits up and listens when they speak. The government sometimes takes council from NGO’s in areas critical to development. What we need is a coordinated lobby with clear objectives that everybody can get behind, for the greater good. A lot of NGO activity is either fragmented or duplicated. A bit more coordination can go a long way toward making real progress.

This was a




The activist is not the man

that says the river is dirty;

the activist is the man that

cleans up the river.

Ross Perdot


This project is an initiative of the Water

and Sewerage Authority (WASA) that

will facilitate the monitoring, clean-up

and enhancement of rivers in Trinidad

and Tobago by developing community

networks that encourages active

participation in the protection of the

watersheds by educating residents and

businesses with hands-on restoration

activities. The overall objective of the

‘Adopt a River’ program is to bring

awareness to local watershed issues and

to facilitate the participation of public

and private sector entities in sustainable

and holistic projects aimed at improving

the status of rivers and their watersheds

in Trinidad and Tobago. The time frame

for this project is one year and CYEN-TT

looks forward to sharing with you in the

upcoming publication further details

concerning our engagement in this

project. We're excited! If you would like

to become a part of Adopt-A-River

through CYEN-TT feel free to contact us


The Arima River, is the river chosen by CYEN-TT.

General Secretary to CYEN-TT, Sharlene Subit accepting a token of

acknowledgement of the commitment that CYEN TT has towards the

implementation of a project under the Adopt A river Programme from the

Minister of the Environment and Water Resources the Honourable Mr.

Ganga Singh


CYEN-TT was nominated at the National Youth

Awards under the category of Volunteerism in

the Community. Thank you to the Ministry of

Gender, Youth and Child Development.

Channan Patrick ( Project coordinator CYENTT) contributes

at the Adopt-A-River workshop and stakeholders' analysis.

Shamila Ragoobir, a CYENTT member is interviewed

by Fritz Burgher from the North Western University

in Chicago. Fritz Burgher and Mark Odale were

guests at our general meeting in July where they

interviewed our members to get an idea of the

environmental movement in Trinidad and Tobago


The Caribbean Network for Integrated Rural Development (CNIRD) is the local "mother"

NGO to CYEN-TT. CNIRD, the National Planning Committee (NPC) for International Coastal Clean-Up (ICC) in collaboration with the Ministry of the Environment and Water Resources held the certificate ceremony &

launch of ICC 2013. On September 21st CYEN-TT joins a host of NGOs, Corporate groups and Schools all over

Trinidad to partake in the International Coastal Cleanup 2013—the world's largest volunteer effort to clean up waterways and the ocean.

To top left: CNIRD Directr Ms. Marissa Mohammed(middle) and four CYEN-TT interns


Bottom left: CNIRD members who volunteered at the launch - Anya, Kristen, Dizzanne and

Rohini (left to right)





During the July-August vacation,

CYEN-TT teamed up with a local camp

run by "D" Kids' Early Learning

Academy in Tunapuna for a day of fun

and education. CYEN-TT members

spent the day teaching the children

( 2-10 years) about the importance of

proper waste disposal and this was

followed with an evening session of



Can you think of

ways these "waste"

materials can be

used to create new,

totally functional

items? Look at what

they became below.


Above: Piggy banks made out of the styrofoam cups we used that day for drinking and a car made out of a cardboard

box, equipped with plastic plate wheels and all. Below: CYEN-TT volunteers all smiles


Buccoo Bay - Tobago Photo - Daryll Griffith

This narrow, long stretch is

predominantly a fishing beach and is the center of the action for the traditional

Goat and Crab Races at Easter time


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