earth-717: thor vol 1

Post on 28-Sep-2015






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An alternate time. An alternate world. Humanity is part of a larger universe; they just don't know it yet. The life of Thor, the prince of Asgard, is changed when he learns of a grave and ancient threat that will bring darkness upon the cosmos. On a quest for answers, Thor must travel to new worlds and meet new beings, all while trying to solve one of the mysteries of the universe.


Earth-717: Thor Vol 1

Chapter 1: Darker Days

Far beyond the imagining of any being, be they giant or insect, king or peasant, god or mortal, is the infinity of the cosmos: that which is forever unknowable and unattainable by even the most divine amongst all things. Gentle whispers flowing between the stars, voids of space that stretch to the unexplored nether-realms of existence, and more secrets than could ever be collected by anyone. The setting for everything and anything, from all possible times is here; the canvas upon which all of creation has, is, and will forever be painted.

Yet despite all the enormity of the universe, there still are specific points of importance; a cosmic chain of locations that bind the fabric of reality together, and this chain takes the form of Yggdrasil, the World's Tree. Along the lines of this, the greatest of all great life-bearers, are the Nine Realms, and at the very top of the tree lies the one place that would become the greatest of all, the location that would be forever immortalized through myths and legends from across the universe. It is the home of the gods, the true pantheon of the cosmos, the realm eternal.


This is where our story begins.

* * * *

Gently now, gently!

Frigga chuckled to herself as the children all took their seats on the floor of the learning hall. The young minds sitting before her, with their legs crossed and their eyes bright, always served as a reminder of what was truly great about the ability to give the gift of life to others. She herself was sitting atop her stone bench, allowing her to look down at the students, each one eager to consume the knowledge with which she was ready to impart upon them.

Taking a moment to collect herself, she smiled upon seeing her own sons, both of whom were sitting at the front of the class. There was her first born, the boy with the golden hair, and the true heir to the throne of her king, and his younger brother, the one with ebony hair and as fair skin as could ever be asked for.

They were her sons. The Odinsons.

Thor and Loki.

Sitting just behind them were their good friends, and fellow children of Asgard. There was the energetic but brash Sif, who was always the first one to jump into any situation; her brother Heimdall, who was blessed with umber skin and a keen, studious nature, and the lovely Amora, known for her golden curls and for being quite cunningly perceptive given her age. About a dozen other children of the realm made up the class.

Frigga took in a deep breath before she began speaking.

I know you've all been quite eager for this lesson, and thus shall I give it.

Weaving her open palms in circles around each other, Frigga then formed packets of golden dust that floated through her fingers. Tossing them upwards, she and all the children watched as the dust formed into the image of a tree. The eyes of the children glowed with the wondrous sense of discovery that youth so frequently enjoyed.

What you see before you is an image of Yggdrasil, explained Frigga. The World's Tree. All of creation is tied together by her branches, all life sprung from her leaves. Along her perfect form, there are nine sockets, each one corresponding to one of the realms.

Sif jutted her fist against Thor's back, and they shared a smile before looking back up in awe. Amora noticed this, and slyly glared at Sif for a brief moment.

At the apex of Yggdrasil is our realm, the realm eternal, Asgard. Home of the Aesir, the gods. Next is Vanaheim, home to the sister race of Vanir, where I come from. The Aesir and Vanir are so closely bonded, that one can call either kind Asgardian and not speak false.

Weaving her hand again, the image of Yggdrasil then started to change to show a lavish visual depiction of each realm as she explained them.

Then there is Alfheim, home to the Ljosalfar, the Light Elves, keepers of knowledge and lovers of freedom for all. Their sister planet is Svartalfheim, where the Svartalfar, the Dark Elves, reside, masters of dark magic that is said to run deep in the blood of their race. Next is Nidavellir, home to the mighty Dvergr, the Dwarves, known for their great iron halls and prowess in the field of forging.

Loki laid his head upon one of his hands as he continued to listen.

The lower realms are known for being places of great danger and turmoil. There is Jotunheim, home of the Jotunn, the Frost Giants. It is a world full of pure, uncompromising ice, which would freeze even an Asgardian's skin in time. Next is Hel, the realm of the dead, where all beings are destined to eventually meet together, be they mighty kings or dishonoured souls.

One day, I'm gonna visit all the realms! shouted Thor.

Sif again gave him a gentle punch to the back.

Better take me with you!

Some of the children laughed. After a few moments, Frigga put up her hand, and the class was silent again.

Not all the realms, my son. The most dangerous of all, and that which is forever forbidden from being entered by anyone, is Muspelheim, lair of the infernal Fire Demons.

All of the children gasped as the image showed a volcano erupting, and a massive fire demon bursting out from within it.

But you have nothing to fear of any of these places, my children, so long as you follow the teachings that have been so wisely graced to you.

Heimdall then put up his hand.

Yes, Heimdall?

What of the centre realm? You told us about only eight. There's a ninth, isn't there?

Frigga smiled at the question. She then weaved her hands one last time, and the image changed to show a full view of a blue and green planet, hovering in space.

Yes, there is. This is the realm of Midgard, and it is both special and peculiar. Unlike the other worlds, the people of Midgard are mortal. They are born, they live and they die, their time tiny and fleeting compared to ours. They have little knowledge of the cosmos, nor do they have any significant effect on the rest of the realms. Still, their world is at the centre of the Great Tree, and thus, they may have some part to play in all our fates which we cannot even begin to imagine.

Frigga wiped both of her palms through the air, and the dust dissipated. The children were so mesmerized by watching this that they did not even notice the man walking into the room behind them. He was draped in regal, aurous armour, with a scarlet cape flowing down his back. A golden helmet adorned his head, and he carried a royal sceptre in his left hand.

He slammed the bottom of the sceptre against the ground, immediately getting the attention of everyone in the room.


My King!


The children all stood up and turned to face him, the majority of their faces positively beaming with delight upon seeing the All-Father. Odin grinned in response to their smiles, and warmly received Thor rushing up to and giving him a hug. Thor then stepped back, still smiling at his dad. Loki was the only member of the class who did not seem pleased to see Odin.

I hope you've all been paying attention to your lessons this morning, said Odin.

We have, All-Father, said most of the kids in unison.

Good. Good. It always warms my heart to see the growth of Asgard's children. Now, come with me. We must attend to your physical exercises for the day.

May I walk beside you, Father? asked Thor.

Odin nodded.

Anything, for my first born.

Thor ran up to his father again and eagerly grasped his right hand. Odin then turned and led the class out of the room. Loki started to follow, but then stopped, instead standing in place and folding his arms. Frigga got off her bench and walked up to him.

Loki? Go on.

Loki shook his head and turned around, walking a few steps away from his mother.

Loki! What ever is the matter?

I don't want to go to class today.

But you must. All children must complete their schooling. It is our way.

Loki exhaled, but did not budge. Frigga frowned to herself, considering what to do. After a few seconds pause, she then walked next to her son and held out her hand.

Come, sit with me.

Loki hesitated for a moment, but then took Frigga's hand and allowed her to lead him over to the stone bench. She sat down, and he clambered onto her lap. He leaned his head against her breast, and she started stroking his hair.

Loki . . . . please . . . . tell me what troubles you.

Loki sat up straight and closed his eyes, sighing as he did so. It took him a few minutes of rumination to finally open up.

I don't see why I have to do this, blurted Loki. There's no point! Why learn all these things, why do all these things . . . . when no one notices . . . . because they're all too busy with Thor.

Frigga continued stroking Loki's hair as she took in what he had said.

This . . . . is because of your brother?

It's not just him! It's everyone! The way everyone looks at him, talks about him. Not just Father, but Sif, Amora . . . . it's all about Thor, all the time. Father doesn't even see the things I do. He never looks at me. Never speaks to me. He's always so busy with his 'first born'. Sometimes I feel like I don't even belong here.

Oh, Loki . . . .

Frigga pulled Loki in for a hug, closing her eyes and embracing him tightly. He placed his arms around her the best he could. They then pulled away and looked at each other.

It's not fair, said Loki, with a single tear on his cheek.

Loki . . . . I know what it is like to be the other. I felt the same way once. I was from Vanaheim, and when I was brought here by your father, I felt out of place. It took a long time to feel like I belonged.

But you're the All-Mother! Our whole family . . . . All-Father, All-Mother . . . . heir to the throne . . . . then there's me. I'm just . . . . the extra one.

Frigga wiped his tear away before placing her hands on both of Loki's shoulders.

Now you listen here, Loki. You are my son, and I love you. You are just as important a member of this family as any of us.

Loki frowned and looked down at the floor, unresponsive to her words. Sighing to herself, Frigga then picked Loki up and placed him on the floor before grabbing his hand.

Let me show you something.

His curiosity piqued, Loki consented to Frigga leading him away from the learning hall and to a different part of the palace. Arriving in Frigga's chambers, they then walked to a door that led to a small room that had nothing but a circular well at the centre. There was an overhead hole in the ceiling that allowed for sunlight to pour directly on to the water. Frigga closed the door behind them once they were inside the room.

I've never been here, said Loki.

It's my secret, said Frigga. No one but I, your Father, and now you know about it.

Placing his hands on the stone, Loki looked at his reflection in the water. Raising an eyebrow, he then looked at Frigga in dismay.

A well is your secret? he asked, unconvinced.

No. Not the well. The secret is what I can do with it.

Weaving her hands in much the same way as she did at the learning hall, a few strands of green energy then materialized between Frigga's palms. She then reached out with her left hand, and the green energy strands fell into the water, pooling themselves together and lighting up the entire well. Loki's eyes widened with surprise as the water then showed an image of Odin working with Thor and the other children in the palace courtyard.

Smiling, Frigga knelt next to her son and took his hand in hers.

Tell me . . . . what do you see?

It's . . . . it's . . . . Father. And Thor, and . . . . this is happening right now!

Yes, my son. With one of my spells, I can use this well to see whatever I want. I think of a place, I cast the spell . . . . and there it is. A window to anywhere in the universe.


Frigga gestured for Loki to turn his head and face her.

Loki, I know you feel different. I know that . . . . sometimes it seems that all the focus is on your brother. It is true that he has a remarkable responsibility before him. But just because you are not the heir to the throne does not mean that you are not important, or that you are not loved.

Loki inhaled as he listened to Frigga speak.

Thor has his gifts, yes, but you have yours. I know you have been spending time in the library, reading about ancient tomes and magic. From now on, I will spend time with you and teach you how to use them. Just you and I.

Frigga massaged Loki's cheek with her hand.

I know most Asgardians value strength over magic. I know that sometimes . . . . the world might seem like it does not appreciate your gifts. But I do, and I will help you any way I can, because you are my son.

Sniffling, Loki finally allowed a smile to form on his face. Frigga returned it and pulled him closer, kissing him on the forehead.

* * * *

That night, the moonlight was as calming as ever as it melted its way into the royal bedchambers. Frigga finished tucking Loki into his bed, while Thor was in the bed next to his. Thor's crimson sheets stood in stark contrast to Loki's viridian ones. Frigga ran her fingers through Loki's hair as she sat next to him.

Mother! called Thor.

Frigga looked over at him.


Can you please tell a story before bedtime?!

Yes, please, added Loki. A good story.

Yes, one about someone with great courage, said Thor.

Frigga rubbed her hand against her chin for a moment.

Hmmm. Alright, alright. One story before bed.

Yes! said Thor and Loki in unison, before they laughed at each other.

But that is all, said Frigga. Just one.

Thor and Loki both nodded in understanding. Frigga then started her story, still sitting on Loki's bed.

A story of great courage . . . . well, I suppose that makes me think of your grandfather, the mighty King Bor. He was a kind and wise king, but that was not what he was remembered for. No . . . . he was remembered for his skill on the battlefield, and how he used that skill in darker days, against one of the most powerful villains in the history of the Nine Realms.

Thor grinned widely as Frigga spoke. Loki was more reserved, but listened intently to his mother's words.

For long ago, almost fifty thousand years now, there was a great war between the Light and Dark Elves. I know not the reason for it starting, nor how long it went on. However, I do know that Asgard eventually came to the aid of the forces of Alfheim when a terrible master of dark magic came to power against them . . . . I speak of Malekith the Accursed.

Both Thor and Loki shuddered at the mention of so horrifying a name.

He was more wicked than any Elf had ever dared to be . . . . so vile was he that he willingly bonded with the terrible power of the Aether, an ancient force of unquantifiable destruction, just so that he could wage war against our people.

Loki glanced at Thor, who seemed utterly entranced by the story.

The battle was long and bloody, but finally, Bor confronted Malekith atop Brigandir, the fiendish tower at the heart of the kingdom of the Dark Elves. Bor nearly sacrificed himself, but he managed to, at long last, and at great cost, vanquish the villain. With their military leader lost, the Dark Elves surrendered, accepting defeat . . . . and they have not waged war on anyone ever since.

Wow, said Thor, clearly impressed.

Mother, said Loki, clearly not quite satisfied. What happened to Malekith?

Frigga considered his question for a moment.

As I understand, he was severely punished for his failure by his people. He received a blood curse upon him, hence his title. He would be forever imprisoned along with a handful of his followers, sentenced to an eternity in a state of half-death. He would only awaken upon someone using the power of the Aether to release him . . . . so the legend says.

Loki blinked and nodded at his mother's answer. She then stood up and walked to the door.

Goodnight, my sons. Sleep well.

Goodnight, mother, they said in unison.

Frigga closed the door behind her. Thor was asleep within minutes, but rest would not come easy to Loki that night. Rather, he laid awake for many hours, pondering the story of Malekith as he was bathed by the pale moonlight.

Earth-717: Thor Vol 1

Chapter 2: Revival

The entire banquet hall was filled with the thunderous applause of hundreds of Asgardians when Thor walked into the room. The fervour that pervaded the massive hall was almost indescribable. Wearing his silver and gold lined battle armour, his flowing crimson cape and his glistening, winged helmet, he was as regal a sight as none other save for the All-Father himself.

Holding his mighty hammer, Mjolnir, high above his head, Thor was the spitting image of a prince of the realm, destined to be a king as beloved as any in the history of Asgard. Certainly none who would gaze upon him would challenge that he was indeed the one and only 'God of Thunder', and one of the mightiest warriors in the cosmos.

He was accompanied by a troop of the realm's finest warriors, with the Lady Sif standing at his right hand side. She was wearing her trademark battle dress, coloured silver and dull pink, which she had received as a gift from the Valkyries when she earned the title of 'God of War'. She was holding her sword in her right hand, and her shield in her left.

Odin and Frigga stood at the centre of the hall, both ready to receive the return of their son. Odin now had a gold piece covering his right eye socket. His parents held out their arms, and Thor rushed into them, seizing both of them with an enthusiastic embrace. Frigga was nearly winded by the amount of force Thor exerted, but then leaned into her son's shoulder, happy to have him home. Sif stood next to them, smiling upon seeing the family reunion before her.

Thor took a step back, and Odin held his royal sceptre into the air.

And now, to celebrate the return of my son, Asgard's prince, from yet another successful and glorious campaign, we feast! For Asgard!

For Asgard! chanted the entire room.

For the next several hours, everyone partook in a joyous celebratory feast. Merriment and good will were shared by all, and the wonderful food and company created a serene moment that would be cherished for quite some time. Thor and Sif sat together, laughing and telling exalting tales of their most recent battles.

As the two warriors shared a drink, Odin and Frigga, who were sitting at the head of the table, looked upon them with satisfaction and delight. Odin leaned towards her, and she instinctively turned her ear to him.

'Tis good to see him so engrossed by another who suits him well, said Odin.

'Tis a good match, replied Frigga. I had long hoped she would prove holder of his heart. She would make a fine companion for a new king. Headstrong, yes, but also compassionate and fair. She will be a wonderful All-Mother.

She will. Soon, but in good time.

Heimdall walked up to and joined Thor and Sif, with Sif keenly embracing her brother as he arrived. He sat down and started eating the freshly cooked pheasant before him, with Sif leaning her elbow against his shoulder. Thor looked at the siblings with warmth before he felt a premonition in the back of his mind. Turning his head, he looked to the back entrance of the hall.

There stood Loki, peering from around the corner, with only half of his body visible. The two brothers shared a brief glance, with Thor frowning. Loki blinked and looked down, only to turn away and recede behind the corner, never to join the festivities. Thor thought about going after him, but Sif interrupted his thoughts by insisting that they share another drink.

Thor indulged Sif, but he did so with less zeal than he did before.

* * * *

With Asgard's children being sent off the bed, a tranquil night settled on the golden realm. However, despite the calm and soothing nature of the gentle, nightly breeze, Thor's mind was not at ease. He stood on a balcony of the palace that overlooked the great city, with both of his hands pressed against the marble railing. Two lit braziers were placed at either corner of the railing.

Looking upwards, Thor's eyes settled on the library tower, with its great observatory perched on the top. So focused was his contemplation that he did not hear or notice Sif approaching him from behind. She held her hands together in front of her, watching him for a few silent moments. She then walked up to and stood at his side, placing both of her forearms on the railing.

Do not think I did not notice your change of disposition at the celebration, said Sif.

Thor gave a weak laugh.

Was I that obvious?

No, but I know you better than anyone. Thor, we've been best friends since we were children. How many adventures have we shared? How many times have we stood at each other's sides on the eve of battle? I know when your mind is not at peace.

Thor exhaled and looked up at the observatory again. Sif followed his gaze to the same point.

Your brother?

Thor nodded.

He was there, Thor said. At the feast. He . . . . was standing apart, and . . . . then he left.

You have not spoken to him of recent?

Nay, not for many months. He rarely descends from the observatory.

Sif blinked and looked down, trying to think of what to say. When she failed to think of something in time, Thor continued to speak.

He is free to walk anywhere in Asgard, but still he almost always remains on his own, as if he were still a prisoner. I feel that since we learned of his true origins, he does not feel entitled to be amongst his people.

He may be free to walk in Asgard, but he is not one of us, said Sif. Not anymore. Not since he betrayed the realm.

Thor looked at her with a slightly perturbed glare. Sif immediately regretted her words.

Yes, he committed terrible crimes, but he paid for them in full. A century and a half in the dungeons, and he accepted it without any retort. He has made recompense, and so in my eyes should not be treated as criminal any longer. Despite everything . . . . he's still my brother.

Sif sighed and looked to the side, unsure of how to proceed. Thor shook his head.

And still . . . . I know not what to say to him. He has suffered so much, lost so much. I wish I knew how I could make up for all of that. Regardless of our conflicts in the past . . . . I owe him that much.

Thor then turned to the side and walked away from the balcony. Sif held out her hand as if to try and stop him, but then withdrew it. For a long while, Sif stood on the balcony, staring up at the observatory.

Earlier that day, she was as happy as she had ever been. Now, she just felt empty and alone.

* * * *

His legs propped up against the wall, Loki laid on the cushioned reading bench as he voraciously consumed another volume. He was in the library, which had numerous walls and shelves lined from top to bottom with hundreds of thousands of books on every conceivable subject in the known universe. For him, this was the place he most ever felt at home.

Flipping the page, he was then distracted by a woman walking into the room. Her aura of mystic power was just as captivating as her unimaginable beauty, which was complimented by a lithe, perfectly proportioned figure. Her supple, blooming breasts immediately drew attention, and her emerald eyes and ruby lips only added to her visual appeal.

Golden hair with nary an imperfection adorned her head, and she wore a stylized green dress that made her instantly recognizable. An ornate headpiece of the same colour completed her look. Her sensuality infected the air around her; a sultry field of emanation that all felt in her presence. To look at her was to know loveliness like no other.

Placing his book on the cushion next to him, Loki smirked at her.

Amora the Enchantress.

Amora placed her hands on her hips, returning Loki's grin.

Truly, you have earned the title of 'God of Beauty', my dear.

Amora snorted in response, folding her arms. Loki slinked out of his seat, standing before her. He then started to pace around her, his hands held together in front of him.

Your compliments fall on displeased ears, Loki. I saw your brother at the banquet today, and as always, he was too enamoured with the good Lady Sif to notice the beauty you so inform me of.

Poetically tragic, is it not? asked Loki. The one man in the world who seems immune to your charms is the one you most desire. I wonder . . . .

Loki pulled himself close to Amora, holding her from behind with both arms, one on her stomach and his other reaching for her thigh. She responded by throwing her arms back and massaging his neck with her right arm and his hip with her left. He then placed his mouth right beside her ear, ready to whisper into it.

Is Thor's ambivalence towards you the reason for your insatiable lust?

Loki allowed himself to inhale her aroma as he waited for an answer.

Not ambivalence, she replied. Rejection. You can see it in his eyes, in the way his body moves . . . . the way he turns to her whenever she is near. The way his gaze falls upon her form, the same as hers falls on his . . . . with any other man, they would not be able to look upon another that way when I am near, but with him, I feel as invisible as a tear drop in a rainstorm.

Amora groaned to herself. Loki chuckled.

I can feel your vexation, your unchecked rage. It's delicious.

You would think so.

Loki then let go of Amora, and she turned around to face him.

Luckily for you, the time has finally come for us to feed that rage with the vengeance we both so crave.

Loki then gestured for Amora to follow him. He walked over to a door at the back of the library, and opened it to reveal his own personal well that he had placed in the observatory. Shutting the door behind them, Loki then stepped towards the water. Amora glanced at the well and then back at her companion.

You found him?

He was supposed to be untraceable, but when you spend over a century as a prisoner, you have much time to search.

Weaving his hands in the same way his mother once showed him, green energy strands then formed between Loki's fingers. He threw out his arms over the well, and the strands landed in the water. Once they pooled, they created an image of a massive black orb within a dank, darkened cavern. Amora studied it intensely, amazed that they had finally tracked down their goal.

Can you get us there? asked Loki.

Amora smirked at the question. Putting her arms down, pale green mist quickly enveloped the two of them. She then threw her arms up, and in an instant, they vanished.

* * * *

Amora's portal opened next to the massive black orb, and the two Asgardians stepped out of it. Their feet now firmly on the cavern floor, they looked up at the orb before them. They wordlessly approached it, finding a square opening. They then entered the orb, and were both taken aback and riveted by what they found.

The inside of the orb was a massive tomb. Most of the orb was hollow, with the inside composed of a single, spherical room. At the centre was a black altar, upon which a humanoid figure was encased within a charred, stone casket. Both of the figure's arms were crossed over the front, each wrist shackled by chains to the floor. The head was hung down.

All around the figure were about a hundred more humanoids, all frozen within stone slabs. The back of the room was covered by a gargantuan bestial form, also covered in stone. A small pillar, only about a metre tall, was mounted in front of the altar. A small orb was placed on top, with half of its volume sunk into a depression that made up the top part of the pillar.

Loki rubbed his hands together with glee as he looked upon the scene before him.


Amora found herself transfixed by the figure on the altar.

That . . . . is Malekith?

Indeed, answered Loki. Cursed to a fate of half-death for all eternity . . . . unless someone removes his shackles.

Amora reached out with her left hand, but Loki gently slapped it back down.

Ah, ah. Not that way.

Loki then pointed towards the orb on top of the pillar. They both looked at it, and saw that the orb was made of translucent crystal. Within the orb was a reddish, glowing liquid that writhed and flowed within its confinement.

The Aether, said Amora.

Malekith's ultimate weapon, said Loki. One of the Infinity Gems.

Amora raised an eyebrow.

It does not look like a gem.

Each one has a different form. They do not look alike at all. The Aether, however, is special, because while the others are all some kind of stone, this one exists as a fluid. Thus, it must be contained within a vessel . . . . hence the orb.

Loki then looked up at Malekith.

Now, Malekith the Accursed . . . . you have slumbered long enough.

Loki reached for the orb.

Time to awaken.

Seizing the orb, Loki pulled it from the pillar, and a loud cracking noise was heard. The pillar receded into the floor. Holding the orb in his hand, he then looked at Amora.

We need to send the Aether somewhere where Thor will find it . . . . somewhere where no one will interfere . . . . and where Malekith will pursue. You know of where I speak.

Amora grinned at Loki's words, and she used her hands to create a portal. The portal showed a view from space of a blue and green planet. Loki tossed the orb through the portal, and Amora closed it. The two then looked back at Malekith, whose casket had started to crack and break apart. The stone slabs holding the other humanoids did the same.

I think it best we take our leave, said Loki.

Amora quickly generated another portal, this one leading back to the observatory. The two hastened through it before it sealed. Once they were gone, thousands of shards of rock began falling from the ceiling as the entire room rumbled. Malekith's arms then pulled up one at a time, snapping the chains holding them in place.

With a fearsome howl, Malekith's casket exploded, and the resulting shockwave shattered much of the altar and the other slabs. Numerous Dark Elves, including one with horns that stood nearly three metres tall, broke out of their tombs. The bestial form in the back was also freed, revealing a colossal, black dragon, with a body fifty metres in length.

The dragon roared into the air, and the sheer volume of its cry broke apart all of the stone within and outside of the giant orb, revealing that it was a black and silver mechanical construction, with several glowing red markings on the outer shell. Malekith then looked down at himself, revelling in the sensation of finally being free.

He was a majestic figure, wearing his ceremonial red and grey battle garb, consisting mainly of a long coat that stretched down to his knees. Thin, ghostly hair draped his head to his neck. However, his most striking feature was that the skin on the left side of his body had been turned to iron, with the lines of his bones glowing blue beneath the metal. The same blue glowed in his eyes. Looking down at his hands, Malekith knew his time had come.

At long last, so ends the undying age of my betrayal.

Earth-717: Thor Vol 1

Chapter 3: Septicaemia

Rubbing the back of her neck, Jane vainly tried to massage out the throbbing in her muscles along her spine. After a couple minutes, she sighed and picked up her medical satchel, slinging the strap over her left shoulder. Brushing off the front of her blue paramedic outfit, she then turned and looked out the windows along the front wall of the hospital lobby. They showed off the New Mexico sunrise.

Having just finished a thirteen hour shift, Jane was more than ready to go home to her tiny, nondescript apartment, with its mostly empty fridge, barely working faucets and far too old computer. Her hands in her pockets, she then felt her phone vibrate against her left palm. Pulling it out, she flipped the phone open and looked down at her new text message, knowing it could only be from one of her three contacts.



hey, were still on for that cup of coffee tmrrw, right?

With her free hand, Jane scratched her short brown hair, which was done in a small up-do low bun, as she considered the message. Biting the inside of her lip, she thought back to the other day, when Keith had originally asked her about this. She and Keith had worked together for years, but she never really thought of him as her type. However, after realizing that she had not dated anyone for almost half a decade, she had decided to give a tentative yes.

While part of her was happy to receive the attention, another part wondered if she was just anxious because it had been so long since she even thought about dating. Either way, she was more confused and self-reflective than genuinely interested. Not that there was anything wrong with Keith per se, but she still felt like a real spark just wasn't there.

Then she felt like she was thinking about this way too much. It still was just a damn cup of coffee. She then typed in a response and sent it off.

yea. see you then.

Closing the phone and stuffing it back in her pocket, Jane then walked through the automatic doors of the hospital and out onto the street. She walked alone for a couple minutes, lost in her own thoughts. She was concerned about a great many things, such as how she felt that she had been stuck in the same routine for so long, how she had virtually no social life, and how she was upset that she totally deserved that raise she didn't get.

She also wondered whether or not Keith actually liked her, or was experiencing the same sort of romantic drought that she was. Jane was so distracted by her own thoughts that she almost didn't notice a small metallic orb falling from the sky towards her.

Looking up in surprise, she then jumped backwards as the orb smashed into a van that was parked on the road next to her. Landing on her ass, Jane then quickly scrambled off the sidewalk and ran around to the other side of the parked van, which had been essentially totalled by the extraterrestrial object.


Jane gasped upon seeing that there was a man who was in the driver's seat, who was grasping at his arm in pain. He was wearing a plaid shirt, worker jeans and a red baseball cap. Instinctively reaching out, Jane yanked open the driver's side door and looked at the man.

Sir! Are you hurt?!

Yeah, he moaned. My damn arm . . . . I, I dunno if it's broke, or . . . .

Let me.

Jane reached into the vehicle and helped the man out, laying him down on the pavement. Pulling off her medical satchel and crouching next to him, she then looked over his arm, internally sighing with relief upon seeing that it was only badly bruised rather than broken. She quickly opened her phone and dialled the hospital.

Hello, this is . . . .

Cathy, it's Jane. I got a man injured here on Rodeo, just down the street. Arm banged up pretty bad.

Got it. Someone's on their way now.

Jane closed her phone and put it down.


No problem. It's my . . . .

Jane's attention was then drawn by seeing the orb that had fallen from the sky, wedged into the road nearby. Taking a moment to look it over, she realized that it was not metallic, but actually formed of some kind of translucent crystal. Within the orb was a reddish, glowing liquid that writhed and flowed within its confinement.

She felt irresistibly drawn towards it. The man looked at her with confusion as she felt compelled to reach out for it. As the red glow of the fluid started to cloud her vision, she noticed that the orb was cracked by the impact, and that the fluid started to seep out of it. Without warning, the fluid then leaped towards her, latching itself to her outstretched arm.


Paralysed by the sudden attack, Jane's body convulsed as the fluid phased into her body. The veins in her arm then glowed bright scarlet through her skin. The man yelled in terror as he watched her collapse to the ground, frothing at the mouth. Her body continued to vibrate as two of her fellow paramedics arrived on the scene.

* * * *

Malekith turned to face his disciples, looking upon them with a mixture of feelings that he could not place. They all stared up at their master, seemingly unable to speak due to being so shocked at the change in their predicament. Then, a large, three metre tall Dark Elf, with charred armour and a set of tusks, approached Malekith. He had red war paint on his face, and a twin set of curved horns emerging laterally from his temples. Malekith looked upon him and gently touched his forehead.


Kurse growled under his breath in response. Malekith exhaled and lowered his hand.

Then it is real, said Malekith. We have awakened.

We do, replied Kurse.

Malekith then looked back to his army of followers. He slowly walked into the crowd, touching each of their foreheads as he passed them. They lowered their heads in honour to allow him to perform this action.

My followers, my people . . . . to see you all animate again, is the only thing in this universe that could bring me joy.

He then saw a small group of ten Light Elves, each of them with a sigil on both of their cheeks.

My friends, the ones who forsook their own kind and chose to become my kin, because they were gifted in magics that the Ljosalfar shunned as demonic witchcraft, it is truly good to see you well.

The group of Light Elves bowed out of respect before Malekith, and he returned the gesture. He then looked up to see the gargantuan dragon gazing upon him. The beast was covered in thick, patterned scales, with two lines of triangular, leathery dorsal fins etched along its back. Its massive wings were covered in battle scars from the numerous wars it had participated in, with three talon-like claws attached to each one.

The dragon slithered its neck through the crowd of Elves, drawing its head up to Malekith. He stared directly into its orange, reptilian eyes. The beast had a crest with dual horns atop its regal head, and a lengthy, fleshy tongue to compliment the full set of serrated blades that were its teeth. Sniffing Malekith twice, it then lowered its head, simulating a bow.

Grinning, Malekith reached out with both hands and placed them on the dragon's snout, feeling it breathe a few times.

Zedonius, said Malekith. Loyal to the last.

Zedonius let out a guttural sound in response before pulling away and standing tall on its back legs. Having greeted everyone in the orb, Malekith then stood back up on what was left of the altar, ready to address his followers.

My people . . . . for fifty thousand years, we have been laid to rest, an ancient legend that the cosmos thought long dead.

Malekith ran the tips of the fingers on his left hand along the iron on his face, feeling the grooves of the metal over his bones.

Even our own kind, who placed this infernal curse upon me; half of my self no longer alive, now made of that which is our greatest weakness. Even they have forgotten us . . . . but now, we live again.

How? asked Kurse. The Aether . . . .

Bound us to this place, answered Malekith, but it has been moved by someone, somehow. I know not who or where. Not yet.

Kurse tilted his head as he watched Malekith close his eyes and focus his concentration. The rest of the Elves then began to talk amongst themselves, rekindling old friendships and remarking upon their unexpected return. They expressed gratitude and relief that they were finally able to move and speak again, and to be amongst what remained of their family and friends.

Kurse stood at Malekith's side, waiting for his master to speak. After a few minutes, Malekith's eyes opened again.

I can sense the Aether, said Malekith. I can feel its presence . . . . and the presence of another.

Where? asked Kurse.


* * * *

At the end of the Bifrost, otherwise known as the Rainbow Bridge, lies a large, spherical nexus through which travel between realms and dimensions is facilitated. This nexus is at the precipice of the great cosmic waterfall, and overlooks the edge of Asgard, giving the 'God of Observation' the perfect place from which to act as sentinel and guardian of the golden realm. This god is Heimdall, and while his other senses, such as smell and hearing, cannot extend beyond normal range, from within the nexus he can see to anywhere in the universe, as long as he knows where to look.

As Heimdall stood watch, a group of his kin walked into the nexus. The group was formed of Odin, Thor and Sif. Heimdall turned to face them when they arrived.

Why have you summoned us, gatekeeper? asked Odin.

I have witnessed a disturbance that must be addressed, my King, answered Heimdall. On my watch, I noticed something out of place in the realm of Midgard.

And what is this disturbance you speak of?

An ancient artifact not of that world. Per my study of the cosmos and its mysteries, this artifact appears to be none other than the Aether.

Thor and Sif looked at each other with surprise at the mention of the name. Odin furrowed his brow. Thor then turned back to Heimdall.

Are you certain, gatekeeper? asked Thor. The Aether?

No other object in the known universe matches its description so.

The Aether has not been seen for fifty thousand years, said Sif. It was buried with Malekith the Accursed in a place no one knows of, right?

Indeed, dear sister, replied Heimdall. Even I know not where Malekith's tomb resides. However, this is the Aether, and its power is far too great to remain unchecked. The people of Midgard are ill prepared to navigate such a danger.

Odin turned to the side and appeared to be deep in thought. Thor, Sif and Heimdall all stood silently, waiting for the word of their king. After several moments of contemplation, Odin turned back around to face them.

Where on Midgard is the Aether now?

It has arrived on the western side of the planet, answered Heimdall. It has since infected and situated itself within the body of a mortal woman.

Thor's eyes widened upon hearing this.

The Aether's power is far too great for any mortal to contain! Father, she may be destroyed by it, or changed in some way we cannot anticipate. We must recover her!

Odin nodded.

I agree, my son. This must be dealt with, immediately. You are to go to Midgard. Find this woman, and bring her back here. We must discover a way to extract the Aether from her and contain its power.

Odin then reached out and placed his free hand on Thor's shoulder.

I charge you with this task, Thor.

Thor held Mjolnir to his chest.

On my honour, as prince of Asgard, it will be done.

Sif then stepped forward, standing at Thor's side.

I will accompany you on this mission, if you'll have me.

Thor nodded at her. Odin held his sceptre in the air.

Then it is settled. So says the All-Father!

Odin slammed the sceptre on the ground. Thor and Sif then marched over to the opening of the nexus that led to the stars. Heimdall stood at the centre of the nexus, and placed his great sword, Hofund, into its slot. The nexus began spinning at an accelerated rate, as the cosmic energy needed to use the Bifrost was generated. As the nexus was nearly fully powered, Thor looked back at his father.

Good luck, said Odin.

Thor nodded at his father and looked forward again. At that moment, the Bifrost fired a brilliant white beam into space. Both Thor and Sif were pulled into it, launched across time and space, towards the blue and green planet at the centre of the World's Tree.

* * * *

Opening a pack of watermelon-flavoured chewing gum, Alex walked out of the hospital's automatic doors and pressed his back against the wall to the side. Popping one of the pieces into his mouth, his attention was then drawn by an aurora of rainbow-coloured light appearing in the sky above him. The aurora then transformed into a beam of white light that struck the pavement of the parking lot.

The beam emitted a thunderous clapping noise and a shockwave of energy that caused several parked cars to activate their alarms. The light beam dissipated, and Thor and Sif walked out of it. The piece of gum fell out of Alex's mouth as his jaw dropped upon seeing them. He watched them as they walked past, but once they were inside the hospital, he shrugged and put another piece of gum into his mouth, resuming his chewing.

Thor and Sif did not interact with anyone as they walked through the lobby. All eyes fell on them, with many people gasping or exchanging whispers with each other about the strange appearance of these two intruders. They brushed right past the waiting desk, and the woman behind it stood up.

Hey, hey! You can't go in there!

Thor and Sif ignored her, marching straight past her and into the wards. They arrived at Jane's room and saw that the door was closed. A thin window in the door showed that Jane, in a hospital gown, was lying in the bed. She was talking to a man with glasses and a grey suit who was standing next to her. Thor gestured towards the door, and Sif then kicked it down.

Jane yelped in surprise upon hearing the door smashing against the tiled floor. The man in the suit turned around, but was too stunned by Thor and Sif's appearance to say anything.

What the hell?! yelled Jane.

Are you the woman who was infected with the Aether?! demanded Sif.

What? Who?

Answer the question, mortal!

Huh? M-Maybe? I don't . . . .

Thor looked down at Jane's arm, and saw that her veins were still glowing scarlet through her skin.

It is she, he said. Take her.

Sif nodded and reached into the bed, pulling Jane off of it. She started to wildly scream as Sif slung her over her shoulder.

Hey, hey! HEY!

The man in the suit finally snapped out of his dazed trance and held out a SHIELD badge.

Excuse me! I'm Jasper Sitwell, agent of SHIELD! Release the woman and identify yourself!

Thor looked at him and tilted his head slightly. Sif walked out of the room, carrying the wailing Jane with her.

I am Thor Odinson, prince of Asgard, and I am afraid I cannot comply with your request to relinquish this woman. The All-Father himself has decreed she be taken to the golden realm.

Golden what?

Thor looked to the side, and saw Jane's paramedic outfit and her medical satchel on a chair in the corner of the room.

Those are her possessions?

Uh, I think so?

Thor nodded and picked them up, carrying them with him as he followed Sif out through the open doorway. Sitwell then shook his head and chased after him.

Hey, wait!

Sif, who was now walking through the lobby, shoved a security guard out of her way as she marched out of the hospital. Jane was fruitlessly pounding her fists against Sif's back.

Lemme go, you crazy bitch! shouted Jane. The hell is this?! Lemme go, dammit!

Thor followed after Sif, and Sitwell ran after him. Thor and Sif returned to the place in the parking lot that the Bifrost had left them, with Jane still helplessly struggling against Sif's grip. Sitwell pulled out his pistol and aimed it at Thor.

That's enough! Halt!

Paying him no mind, Thor held Mjolnir high above his head.

Heimdall! Portal!

The aurora of the Rainbow Bridge appeared again in the sky, and the white beam consumed Thor's group. Sitwell was so close to the beam that he was blown back by its force as it pulled Thor, Sif and Jane into the cosmos. Landing on his back, Sitwell groaned in pain. He then looked back up into the sky, seeing that they were gone.


Pushing himself off the ground, Sitwell saw that Alex was still standing in the same spot, wordlessly continuing to chew his gum. Shaking his head, Sitwell looked at the sky again.

Why do I always get the crazy assignments?

Earth-717: Thor Vol 1

Chapter 4: Princess Aeltri

Thor, Sif and Jane were all pulled through the nexus as it slowed its spinning. Heimdall drew his sword out of its slot, and stepped down from the central platform, ready to greet his friends upon their return. Loki was also present, with his back pressed against the wall of the nexus. His arms crossed, he was repeatedly tapping the side of his left foot against the floor.

Sif placed Jane on the floor, and she immediately lurched over and started vomiting on all fours. Sif made a face of disgust at her, while Thor looked at her with concern as he put her belongings down on the central platform. Loki narrowed his eyes upon seeing Jane, keenly studying her while he giggled.

This is the mortal? asked Loki.

Thor and Sif looked at him.

What are you doing here? asked Sif.

I heard what had happened from Father. I wanted to see what all the fuss was about.

Once Jane was finished, she wiped off her mouth and stumbled backwards, falling to the floor again. Thor knelt next to her.

Miss, are you well? Have your legs failed you?

What? Huh? Uh, I . . . .

Jane blinked a couple times before bouncing to her feet as she shrieked. She tried to sprint away, only to smash her face against the side of the nexus. Sif rolled her eyes. Stunned by her latest injury, Jane rubbed her forehead with her left wrist before she turned back around and looked at the four Asgardians standing before her.

What the . . . . holy hell, who are you people?! What just happened?!

We are the gods of Asgard, my lady, said Thor. I am Thor Odinson. This is the Lady Sif, the gatekeeper Heimdall, and my brother, Loki.

Jane blinked a few times and was silent for a whole minute as she tried to rationalize what she just heard.

Gods of . . . . whoa, whoa, whoa, w-wait, no, no, no, no . . . . A-Asgard? Like, Thor, like . . . .

Jane put up her hands and made a quotation gesture with her fingers.

God of Thunder, Thor? That Thor?

Thor nodded.

The very same.

Jane broke into delirious laughter before she started to stumble again.

Holy h-hell . . . . what kind of . . . . must be a b-blood infection, some kinda, whoa . . . . making me see some kinda crazy . . . .

Jane's eyes rolled back as she started to faint. Thor rushed over and caught her, holding her with both arms. Sif sucked in a breath and scowled before leaning in to Heimdall.

Mortals, she whispered.

Give her time, replied Heimdall. She must adjust.

Sif scoffed, not bothering to respond. Thor brushed some of Jane's mangled hair off of her face, and she stared at him with wide eyes. He smiled at her, and she took a couple minutes to reassert herself. She then slowly reached out and pressed the tips of her fingers on his cheek. Heimdall and Loki both noticed Sif's glare intensifying.

Wow, said Jane. You're . . . . you're real.

I am, replied Thor.

Thor helped Jane to her feet, and she started looking around with renewed awe. She then slowly walked out of the nexus and on to the Rainbow Bridge, and she was completely floored by the spectacular sight before her.

The magnificent bridge seemed to stretch on for eternity over the cosmic waterfall, with the incredible sight of endless stars and nebulae painting the sky above it. She could then see the golden city, with buildings of all shapes and sizes, each one defying any kind of traditional architecture she had ever known. At the centre of the city was the gargantuan Palace of the Gods, the crown jewel of Asgard. Needless to say, the heavenly sight before her instantly but fundamentally changed how she perceived the universe itself.

She finally turned around, looking back at the four gods standing near her.

You live here?!

Indeed we do, said Heimdall. Welcome to Asgard, miss . . . .?

Jane. Jane Foster.

Jane Foster, said Thor. You may be wondering why you have been brought here.

Well . . . . yeah! What gives?

Allow me to explain. We did not mean to cause you any distress or illness. However, you have come into contact with an ancient artifact of the cosmos, and we needed to take you away from Midgard to understand how this has happened.

Ancient artifact? What ancient . . . .

Jane's voice trailed off as she thought back to the orb that fell from the sky.

Whoa, whoa, wait, you're talking about that red glass ball thing!

It is called the Aether, said Heimdall. It has taken refuge inside your body.

Inside my . . . .?

Jane looked down at herself, and could see a flowing red stream glowing through her hospital gown from within her skin. Watching as the stream moved from her stomach to her arms and back again, she then looked up at Thor with horror in her eyes.

Oh . . . . shit.

Hold fast, Jane Foster, said Thor. As far as we can see, you have not experienced any ill side effects of the Aether as of yet.

However, said Heimdall, we still must extract it from you. It is a token of incredible power, and given time, it may consume or destroy you.


Jane held her arms out, her wrists facing upwards. Her agitation seemed to make the red stream cycle faster through her body, and her pupils started to glow with the same colour.

Well don't just stand there! Get it out already!

Thor, Sif and Heimdall all seemed startled by her eyes. Loki gave a hint of a smile. Jane then started convulsing again, being held in place on her feet with her arms outstretched. Her eyes went completely red, her pupils gone. She then emitted a long string of words in a language none of them understood, in a loud and echoed voice.

Just as quickly as her episode started, she went back to her normal state, only slightly fazed by the experience.

The hell was that?!

No ill side effects? asked Sif, looking at Thor in disbelief.

Heimdall, do you have any insight as to what just came over her? asked Thor.

Before Heimdall could speak, Loki interrupted.

I do.

Everyone turned to look at Loki.


I did not understand many of the words, started Loki, but I did recognize the form. She was speaking an ancient Elvish dialect. I have studied the language during my time in the observatory.

Elvish? asked Sif. Wait, that makes sense. The Aether was Malekith's weapon, so perhaps it has some intrinsic attachment to him? Contains the knowledge and language of the Dark Elves, and somehow imparts them upon whoever wields it?

Elves? asked Jane. They're real too?

Yes, answered Thor.

Jane's eyes lit up.

That was Elvish? Really? I mean, that's cool and all, but it sounded kinda like Welsh to me.

Sif raised an eyebrow.

Welsh? she asked. Who is this Welsh?

What? Oh, no, I mean, like, Welsh, like, someone from Wales. I have a cousin from there.

Wales? asked Thor. Ah, yes, those magnificent beasts of the sea! You say one of them is your cousin?

Jane was too flabbergasted by this to give a response.

As I was saying, continued Loki, if anyone possesses more information about the Aether and the affliction of this mortal, it would be the Elves. I would suggest you go to Alfheim and speak to Queen Alvaeriel. She will have more knowledge on this matter, that which even Father does not.

Sif glared at him.

And since when do you give orders to me, Loki?!

Sif, said Thor.

Loki smiled at Sif.

'Twas not an order, good Lady Sif, merely a suggestion. You are entitled to do with it as you please.

Sif, he speaks correctly, said Thor. We should ask the fair Queen for insight on this matter.

Without reporting to Odin?

Thor considered Sif's question, before turning to look at Jane again.

What if we ask him and he tells us to do the same? asked Thor. Every moment we waste might bring Jane to further harm. We leave now.

Sif stared at Thor for a few moments before relenting.

Very well.

Heimdall! called Thor.

Heimdall nodded and returned to the central platform, ready to activate the nexus. Thor then reached out his hand at Jane.

Come with us, Jane Foster. We must depart immediately.

Depart? Are we going through the crazy light show again?

Yes, blurted Sif, clearly exhausted with Jane. Let's go.

Alright, lady. Jeez.

Jane joined Thor again and picked up her belongings off the floor. Heimdall placed his sword in its slot, and the nexus began spinning again. Once the cosmic energy was ready, Thor, Sif and Jane were catapulted back into the cosmos. After they were gone, Heimdall again withdrew his sword and returned to his post.

Loki watched him for a moment before turning away. Heimdall then spoke without moving.

You know more about this than you are letting on.

Loki stopped in his tracks upon hearing this. Exhaling, he marched right up to Heimdall.

Excuse me?

Do you think you can deceive me? asked Heimdall.

I am not deceiving you of anything, gatekeeper. Perhaps you are deceiving yourself.

You almost never come down from the observatory, buried in your books for months on end, and only now when the Aether is released do you wish to help? Does this not seem somewhat coincidental to you?

Tell me something, oh wise God of Observation . . . . have you witnessed me commit any crimes or false actions since I have been released from the dungeons?

Heimdall inhaled.


Do you have any evidence to support your accusations?


And if you were to take this matter to court, and attempt to try me without any evidence, what would be the result?

It would be an embarrassment to me and my King.

That's right. So I would advise that you mind your words.

Heimdall glared at Loki for a few seconds. He then forced himself to respond.

As you say, my prince.

That's better.

Loki then stormed out of the nexus, and Heimdall resumed his watch, knowing inside that something was terribly amiss.

* * * *

Much like Asgard, Alfheim is a world of great fairness and beauty. Unlike the golden realm, Alfheim's glory is because of its connection to the forces of nature, with vast forests, beautiful oceans and frosted mountains, all bountiful with the gifts of life. Numerous species existing together crafted the ecosystem of the planet, forming a harmonious world that came across as a beacon of peace and hope in the cosmos.

However, while the outward appearance of the kingdom of the Light Elves was as serene as their world at large, not everyone within the kingdom felt at peace. Princess Aeltri, the teenage daughter of Queen Alvaeriel and heir to the throne of Alfheim, was staring out the window of her room, which was at the top of one of the castle's towers. Her telescope in hand, she used it to look up into the stars, something she did at some point almost every day.

Sighing in disappointment, Aeltri put her telescope back on its podium and took a seat on the sill of the stone window. Dangling her feet over the edge of the stone, she stared out at the rest of the kingdom, which was formed of the gorgeous houses, courtyards, buildings and markets of the Light Elves. The entire kingdom was surrounded by a vast valley with multiple lakes, and was connected to the main continent by a gargantuan stone bridge etched with the artistic carvings of her ancestors.

Waving her feet back and forth, Aeltri discarded her sad and lonely thoughts and instead started to move her palm in a way that generated a tiny green energy bubble. Allowing it to grow to the size of her fist, she then started to use her power to make it dance through the air. Just as a smile started to appear on her face, there was a knock at her door.


The bubble exploded into a show of light strands, and Aeltri's face became miserable again. Her mother opened the door and walked into the room; a matronly figure with long, blonde hair and the immediate aura of regal stature. She was wearing the refined and elegant garb expected of a queen. As she stepped inside, she saw the last sparkles of the fading magical bubble.


Aeltri sulked and rolled her eyes, knowing what was coming next as her mother rushed to her side.

Why must I continuously remind you how using your powers is forbidden?! And look at you! Your party starts in but an hour and you are still not in your regal attire! What would your . . . .

Let me guess, mother, interrupted Aeltri. You're about to ask what would my father think? Hmmm? Is that right?

Alvaeriel blinked at Aeltri's impudence.

Isn't that what you always ask to keep me in line? Make an appeal to father?! Always my father, who was never here?! Just because he's gone doesn't mean you get to use him to control me my whole life!

Aeltri, whatever is . . . .

Oh, spare me! It's always the same! Aeltri, act like a princess! Aeltri, be formal! Aeltri, never use your natural gifts in public, never be your true self, because what would the people think if they realized that the heir to the throne was a freak!

Her eyes flaring with green energy as her frustration grew, Aeltri then yelled and threw both her arms forward. A powerful green beam emitted from both of her hands, lighting up the sky around the tower. Alvaeriel yelped in terror upon seeing this display, and she instinctively seized Aeltri around the waist and hurled her into the room, away from the window.

As Aeltri fell to the floor, Alvaeriel closed the wooden window shutters, breathing in and out a few times before turning around to look at her daughter. Alvaeriel felt pangs of guilt as she saw the raw contempt in Aeltri's eyes.

Aeltri, please, I do not want any of this, but I do what I must to protect you. If the people were to learn . . . .

That's exactly it! shouted Aeltri, as she stood up. You don't want me! You never did! Ever since you learned I was a mage, you wished I'd never been born! Or at the very least that you and father had another child before he died, just so you wouldn't have to live with the shame of putting a magic-user on the throne!

I never said such a thing!

You don't need to! YOU NEVER NEEDED TO!

Once again filled with blind rage, Aeltri fired a green blast from her right palm, incinerating the door to her room. Alvaeriel gasped, and could only watch as Aeltri tore out of the room and sprinted down the hall.

Aeltri?! Aeltri!

Aeltri had zero regard for her mother at this moment, knowing that she wanted to be somewhere, anywhere, where her mother was not. Running at top speed, she soon arrived at the grand spiral staircase at the centre of the castle. She was about to rush down it when she suddenly crashed into another Elf who was walking up the stairs.

Going somewhere, Princess?

Aeltri blinked twice as she took a step back.


Faradei smiled at her. He was slightly taller than her, and had a thin but muscular build. He wore a yellow band around his forehead, and an olive green scout uniform that indicated that he was a high ranking officer in the kingdom's Honour Guard. He had a bow latched around his torso, and a quiver full of arrows strapped to his back.

Faradei put his hands on his hips as he spoke to Aeltri.

I'm sure wherever it is you're going, it will still be there if you take the time to walk.

Aeltri folded her arms and gave Faradei a stern glare.

Besides, said Faradei, gesturing towards the staircase. Going as fast as you were, you would've gone straight over the railing and fallen twenty stories to the castle lobby. I doubt that would look good in the morning news.

Despite her anger, Aeltri couldn't help but let out a small laugh. Faradei and Aeltri shared a brief smile as Alvaeriel approached.

Oh, Faradei, thank you for . . . .

Alvaeriel was silenced by Aeltri turning around and scowling at her. Faradei immediately stepped in, standing between the two.

My lady, said Faradei, I think it best if you allow me to speak to the Princess. Alone.

Alvaeriel was silent for a few seconds before nodding and stepping back. Faradei then turned around and placed his hand on Aeltri's shoulder, giving her a reassuring grin.

Come with me, Princess.

Faradei lead Aeltri down the velvet-carpeted path away from the staircase and towards a grand stained glass window, which was covered with a beautiful artistic rendering of three Elves tending to a lush garden. The image was shattered by line divisions, which formed shapes that were painted with every conceivable colour.

Aeltri sighed and pouted before Faradei could start speaking.

Are you going to tell me some simple story with a prepared moral to show me how I'm acting so awful?

No. I was going to tell you that you're right for being upset.

Aeltri gave Faradei a look that indicated she was honestly perplexed.

Princess, ever since your powers manifested, you have constantly been told to keep them secret from the populace, and that is for good reason. However, wanting to embrace your gifts is not wrong either. I do not have a simple story for you because there's no simple answer here. There is a reason that most of our people distrust magic, and if they were to find out about you . . . . I may not be able to guarantee your safety.

Aeltri rubbed her left forearm with her right hand as she looked downwards with saddened eyes.

Princess, your well-being is my absolute priority, the same as your mother. She does not try to hide your power because she harbours disdain for you. She does it out of love, and out of fear . . . . the people would not understand. Not the same way I do.

Aeltri then looked up, meeting Faradei's gaze.

Is that my fault? Or the people's?

Faradei exhaled, taking a moment to consider Aeltri's question.

I wish I could present a better solution. I truly do. But for now, I'm asking you to trust in me, and your mother, at least for a while longer.

Faradei took a step forward and placed his left hand on her chin.

Have I ever steered you wrong, Princess? Have I ever failed you?


Every time you've stumbled, who was the one who was there to take your hand, to make sure you did not fall?


Aeltri closed her eyes and then forcefully shoved her body against Faradei's, hugging him around the torso. Faradei placed his chin on her head, gently caressing her hair and shoulders. Their embrace was then interrupted by the crashing sound of a white beam of light landing just outside the castle gates.

Aeltri and Faradei both turned to look at the beam in astonishment as it dissipated. Alvaeriel rushed up to them.

Bifrost, said Alvaeriel.

What? asked Aeltri.

Asgardians have come, answered Alvaeriel. They have not visited our realm in many years. Faradei, make sure they are given a proper greeting.

They are allowed inside the castle? Without knowing their motives?

They are Asgardians. They would not come if it was not important.

Faradei bowed.

It will be done.

Faradei jumped over the staircase railing, leaping from floor to floor with graceful ease. Alvaeriel then began walking towards the stairs.

Come, Aeltri. We must be ready to accept these guests.

Aeltri kept looking through the window with curiosity. She had never seen an Asgardian before, and was quite interested in knowing what they were like. After a few more seconds, she then turned and joined her mother, following her down the stairs and towards the lobby of the castle.

* * * *

The gargantuan silver orb that Malekith and his forces were trapped inside had now left its tomb, and was hovering several hundred thousand kilometres from Earth. The exterior was in a constant state of rotation, with the red, glowing markings on the outside always moving, even when the orb itself was not. While for the last fifty thousand years the orb had been in a state of hibernation, it was actually Malekith's flagship, and the most advanced construction ever built by the Dark Elves.

It was called the Cryptorium.

Inside the Cryptorium, Malekith was looking at a holographic display screen of Earth. Kurse was standing with him, along with several of their soldiers. Sighing to himself, Malekith then turned around.

It is not here. It has been moved again.

Can you sense where? asked one of the Elves.

Malekith again closed his eyes, concentrating all of his effort on channelling his connection to the Aether.

It is calling out . . . . it remembers that I am its master, and it speaks to me . . . . I can hear its power, I can feel it grow . . . . it is in a vessel, a mortal . . . . but I hear another voice, another presence.

Who? asked Kurse.

Malekith opened his eyes, and all of the lines in his face went soft.


The Dark Elves all looked at each other in surprise.

The mistress? asked one of them.

My beloved wife, said Malekith, almost as if he did not believe it. I thought it impossible, but I can hear faint whispers of her voice . . . . the sweet voice I thought forever erased from the cosmos. She lives . . . . in the Aether. In the mortal. She speaks, as if to tell me where she is.

Where? asked Kurse. Where?!

The place where our misfortunes began . . . . Alfheim.

Earth-717: Thor Vol 1

Chapter 5: Battle for Alfheim

Having changed out of her hospital gown and back into her paramedic outfit in a back alley of town, Jane followed after Thor and Sif with renewed awe into the castle of the Light Elves. While the two Asgardians moved along as if it were an average day, Jane was still in a perpetual state of having to suspend her disbelief at the wondrous sights before her. The grand scale of the castle was to her something straight out of a fantasy novel, and she couldn't help feeling utterly overwhelmed by the knowledge that she was the first human to ever see many of these things.

Upon entering the main hall of the castle, Jane inevitably found herself running her gaze up the walls and along the ceiling. The ceiling was framed by a gigantic chandelier that seemed to evoke the cosmos itself, with silver and bronze twirling arms laced with lit candles. In the back of the hall was a spiral stone staircase that led to the numerous upper levels.

Before the staircase was a central throne, upon which Queen Alvaeriel was sitting. She was flanked on either side by Faradei and Aeltri, and the path leading to them was composed of two lines of Honour Guard Elves in formation. Thor and Sif wordlessly marched between the two lines, but Jane held back for a moment.

She had never received this kind of treatment before, and was unsure of how to take it. However, upon seeing Sif look at her over her shoulder, she quickly sped up her pace to catch up to the two Asgardians. Thor and Sif approached Alvaeriel, and bowed. Jane scratched the back of her neck, not knowing what to do for a moment before giving an awkward bow of her own.

My fair Queen, the Lady Alvaeriel of the Ljosalfar, said Thor.

The God of Thunder and the God of War, said Alvaeriel. Truly, it has been some time since the honoured Aesir entered my realm. I wonder to what I owe this most prestigious pleasure.

Thor then gestured to Jane, beckoning her to step forward. Jane glanced back and forth between Thor and Sif a few times before finally inhaling and stepping in front of the Queen's throne. Alvaeriel placed her right hand on her chin as she looked at Jane.

This is the reason we have come, fair Queen, said Thor.

A Midgardian? asked Alvaeriel, seemingly confused. You have brought a mortal here? For whatever possible reason?

Thor stepped next to Jane, and looked at her left arm.

May I?

Jane looked at him and nodded. Thor then grabbed Jane's arm and held it out. Alvaeriel leaned forward as she looked, and within a few seconds, the red stream of the Aether flickered under the skin of the appendage. Alvaeriel instantly shrieked and leaped backwards, almost falling out of her chair.

Get that witchcraft away from me!

The two lines of Honour Guard Elves instantly drew their swords, and they all turned to face the Asgardians. Sif placed her hand on her hilt, and Thor gripped tightly on Mjolnir. Aeltri started to breathe quickly, and Faradei stepped in front of Alvaeriel in a defensive posture. He then drew his bow, and aimed an arrow directly at Jane's face.

You have brought a demon to my kingdom! shouted Alvaeriel. You call her mortal? I call her death itself!

Multiple drops of sweat fell from Jane's brow as she stared at the arrow that was only a flick away from piercing her skull. Thor then pushed Jane back, shielding her with his body. Sif surveyed the Honour Guards, calculating in her mind the best strategy to use if they did indeed attack.

There is no need for violence! stated Thor. We have only . . . .

You have only brought my Queen distress, son of Odin, said Faradei. There are those who have died at my hand for only that much.

Uh, excuse me!

Everyone became silent upon hearing Jane speak. She walked around Thor and looked at Faradei, who kept his weapon trained on her. Aeltri tilted her head as she watched Jane, and even Alvaeriel was compelled to look at her.

Yeah, I, uh, sorry about the whole freak out thing, but I really think we started off on a bad foot here, so maybe we can start over? Hopefully without any stabbing or shooting or . . . . me dying? Okay?

Faradei turned his gaze just enough to see Alvaeriel out of the corner of his eyes. She gave a slight nod, and Faradei lowered his bow before returning to his post at her side. The Honour Guard Elves sheathed their swords and returned to formation. Jane let out a large sigh and wiped the sweat off her brow with her wrist before looking back up at Alvaeriel.

Yeah, so . . . . hi. I'm Jane. Jane Foster, and I'm, uh . . . . I'm not a demon. But . . . . apparently, I have something inside me that you know a lot about, and that's why we're here.

Alvaeriel spent some time considering Jane before standing up from her throne. She then slowly approached Jane, who stood still. Thor, Sif, Faradei and Aeltri all watched with anticipation as the Queen reached out with her right hand and placed her palm on Jane's cheek. Closing her eyes, Alvaeriel focused her concentration as she felt the energy flowing throughout Jane's body.

After about two minutes of this, Alvaeriel opened her eyes and took a step back. She and Jane stared into each other's eyes, both of them now more knowledgeable about the other.

It is true, said Alvaeriel. The Aether lives within you, Jane Foster. The legacy of Malekith the Accursed has obtained new blood, and the chance for new life.

We knew as much, said Sif. What else can you tell us about this?

That she has already begun to change, answered Alvaeriel.

Change? asked Jane. What does that mean?

Alvaeriel hesitated. Aeltri looked at her mother with keen eyes and wide ears.

The Aether is not just any artifact, Jane Foster. It has a will and spirit of its own, one that grew attached to Malekith when he dared bond with it. I could sense another voice inside your mind. It is but a whisper now, but I could feel it slowly growing in strength.

What voice? asked Thor.

The voice of Ciridylia, Malekith's wife. I saw a faint image of her, buried deep in Jane's subconscious. Given time, it will become more prominent.

Jane shook her head.

Wait, wait, wait, what are you going on about? Become more prominent? W-What are you trying to say?

The change will be subtle at first, but over time, it will take hold. You must understand, Jane Foster, that the Aether's power is greater than most in the known universe. It is capable of feats that even the most deplorable of blood magics cannot. I fear . . . . that unless the Aether is drawn from you before it is too late . . . . you will lose yourself to it. You will say things you do not know, see things you have not seen. That which makes you Jane Foster will cease to be, and your form will take new shape . . . . as the reincarnation of Ciridylia.

Jane took a couple steps back as her face indicated sheer terror.

Whoa, she said, putting up her hands. Whoa, no, no, no, y-you've gotta be kidding.

Jane looked over at Thor, who sighed. She then turned her head back to Alvaeriel. Aeltri gazed at Jane with saddened eyes.

I'm gonna turn into an Elf?!

I am afraid so, replied Alvaeriel. Your mind will be erased, and the Aether will imprint its memories of Ciridylia upon you. You are aware of the process, given that I sensed the words of the ancient Svartalfar tongue at the forefront of your consciousness. You have already spoken it, haven't you?

Jane rubbed the back of her neck. Thor then took a step forward.

How do we stop this? How do we extract the Aether? Can you do it?

Alvaeriel sighed.

I am afraid I cannot. The Aether is linked to Malekith, and Malekith alone. Only he can manipulate its energy.

Jane threw both of her arms out laterally in frustration.

Well what good's that gonna do me?!

However, continued Alvaeriel, there may be another method. As I understand it, the Aether can also be reverted to its original state by being brought to its point of origin: the Temple of Arishem. It is a shrine of worship devoted to the Celestial of the same name.

Celestial? asked Jane.

The Celestials were the original six beings at the start of all creation. Each one is the true owner of an Infinity Gem. As there are six Celestials, so too are there six gems. The Aether, the Gem of Power, is the one that belongs to Arishem.

And where is this temple? asked Sif.

Deep within the heart of the Dark World, answered Alvaeriel. Svartalfheim, home of the Dark Elves. It lies at the centre of a great valley of death; the ground soaked in the ashes of those who fell during the ancient wars. I know not its exact location, only the description which has been passed down by my lineage. I do know that it is on the same continent as Brigandir, the dark tower where Malekith made his final stand.

Jane sighed and scratched the side of her head with her left index finger.

Svartalfheim? Celestials? Brigandir? Man, today's just not my day.

We must take her to this temple right away, said Thor. We have no time to lose.

Wait, good Aesir, said Alvaeriel. Now that you brought this to my attention, my people also have a stake in this matter. Do not forget, Malekith was our enemy as well. In return for the information you have asked for, I request that one of my people accompany you on this journey. If you are travelling to the Dark World, I suspect that a talented scout would be most useful.

Who do you suggest? asked Sif.

Alvaeriel then turned to Faradei.

Faradei, a member of my Honour Guard, and a trusted servant of Alfheim.

Faradei bowed. Aeltri anxiously rubbed her hands together.

It would be an honour to aid you on this quest, good Aesir.

You're sending Faradei away, Mother?! blurted Aeltri. Now?

Everyone turned to look at Aeltri, whose cheeks reddened at the amount of attention. Alvaeriel sighed and looked back at Thor and Sif.

My daughter, Princess Aeltri, said Alvaeriel. Please excuse . . . .

Alvaeriel was interrupted by a loud blow-horn being sounded. Everyone in the hall turned to face the entrance as another Honour Guard Elf sprinted into the room.

My Queen! she yelled. Come, quickly!

Thor, Sif, Jane, Alvaeriel, Aeltri, Faradei and the rest of the Honour Guard Elves all formed a massive group that rushed to the front entrance. Once they were outside, they all looked up with wide eyes to see a gargantuan silver orb with red markings hovering over the bridge that connected the kingdom to the continent. Alvaeriel shuddered at the sight of it.

The Cryptorium, she stammered. Our greatest enemy has returned.

Upon her saying this, over a dozen black ships emerged from the Cryptorium and headed towards the city. They were thin vessels that looked like blades, with a spherical, ocular cockpit situated one-quarter of the way along the blade from the top. The cockpits glowed red, the same hue as the markings on the Cryptorium. They were the Harrows, the starfighters of the Dark Elves.

One of the Harrows rotated itself so that it was horizontal, before slicing through the top of a guard tower on the Alfheim bridge. It seamlessly cut through the stone, sustaining no damage to itself before aligning vertically again. The rest of the Harrows started firing red lasers into the kingdom, causing the civilians in the streets to flee in terror.

Then, flying over the bridge came the most horrifying sight of all: a massive black dragon, its body fifty metres in length. Spreading its mighty wings, the terrible lizard of the skies soared towards the kingdom as its belly glowed orange with heat. It then emitted a loud bellow and a stream of hellish fire that set several buildings ablaze at once. The screaming civilians caught in the fire blast were silenced by being reduced to ashes.

Atop Zedonius was its fearsome master, Malekith, who looked down at the kingdom as he swooped around for another pass.

The Aether is here! yelled Malekith. Find the mortal and bring her to me!

The Honour Guard Elves sprung into action, with many of them taking defensive positions along the castle walls to fire arrows at the incoming invaders. They also took to their posts on the various guard towers, each of which had a Sunlight Cannon atop it. The cannons had a transparent orb for the operator to sit inside, around which two sleek, beige, engraved cannon tubes were attached. The orbs glowed upon absorbing the overhead sunlight, before unleashing it in rapid-firing weaponized beams.

The Harrows scattered once they were fired upon by the Sunlight Cannons, with one of the starfighters being destroyed by a laser blast. As the rest of the Harrows retreated to regroup, Faradei turned to Thor and Sif.

We must help defend these people! yelled Thor.

What we must do is get the Aether away from here, retorted Sif.

Perhaps we can do both, said Faradei. I will lead you and the mortal away from the city, while Thor aids the defense.

Thor nodded at Faradei. Jane and Sif both looked at Thor, who waved his hand at them.


Faradei ran to the side of the castle, beckoning for Jane and Sif to follow. Jane ran after him, while Sif hesitated, her eyes on Thor. After closing her eyes for a moment, she then took off after Jane. While this was happening, several Honour Guard Elves started pushing Alvaeriel back into the castle.

My Queen! one of them yelled. We must get you to safety!

My daughter! Where is my daughter?! Aeltri!

The Elves looked back at the entrance, but Aeltri was nowhere to be found.

Zedonius flew near the castle, slashing out with his claw to destroy a Sunlight Cannon tower. Climbing to the top of the castle walls, he then emitted another stream of fire, incinerating an entire squad of Honour Guard Elves. Zedonius then pounced forward and snatched up another Elf in his jaws, swallowing her whole as she shrieked.

Holding out his right hand, Malekith fired a red energy beam that twisted and spiralled through the air at its target. The beam struck the top balcony of the castle, killing two more Elves and breaking apart some of the stone. He then closed his eyes and sniffed the air.

The Aether is so close . . . . find the mortal, now! Burn this entire realm to the ground if you must!

As Zedonius took flight again to continue the battle, two Harrows approached Thor, who was standing in front of the castle. They fired their lasers at the Thunder God, who deflected them with Mjolnir. Holding his hammer high above his head, a storm cloud then formed in the sky and shot down a lightning strike, charging his godly body with its power.

Bellowing out a fierce war cry, Thor then held Mjolnir forward, firing a wide spread of lightning from the end of his hammer. The lightning struck one of the Harrows, smashing it to pieces. The other Harrow was damaged enough by the explosions to crash into the ground, tearing up the tiles of the path leading to the castle gates.

Thor smiled in satisfaction at the destruction he caused, only to raise an eyebrow upon seeing a lone figure walking out of the smoking wreckage. The figure was three metres tall, with charred armour and a set of tusks. He had red war paint on his face, and a twin set of curved horns emerging laterally from his temples.

Pounding his chest with both fists, Kurse roared into the air, seemingly shaking the very floor with his power. Thor smirked upon seeing him.

At last, a foe worthy of the Mighty Thor! And what is your name, foul beast?


Well, Kurse, prepare to taste the might of Mjolnir!

Thor rushed forward to meet his enemy in battle. Kurse growled as Thor charged him, dodging back and out of the range of Thor's initial hammer swing. Kurse then threw a punch with his left fist, striking Thor's face.


The two mighty warriors traded several more blows, with neither combatant deterred by the powerful attacks they endured from the other. Roaring again, Kurse grabbed both of Thor's shoulders and smashed his head against Thor's face, causing him to drop Mjolnir as he was knocked backwards. Kurse pressed his attack, seizing both of Thor's fists with his hands.

Thor gritted his teeth as he pushed against the giant Dark Elf, using all of his muscles to try and overpower him. After almost a minute of struggle, Thor came to a shocking realization.

Kurse was stronger than him.

Grunting in pain as Kurse squeezed his fists, Thor was then forced to the ground by his fearsome adversary. Kurse then unleashed a savage flurry of punches on Thor's body before putting all of his might behind a kick from his right leg. Thor was sent flying backwards by this attack, smashing through one of the walls outlining the courtyards surrounding the castle.

Faradei and Sif were fighting off a squad of Dark Elves who had been deployed by one of the Harrows as Jane stayed behind them, completely overwhelmed by the battle raging on around her. Sif cut down two Dark Elves with one sword slash as Faradei put an arrow through the heart of another. Jane then looked up to see Thor smashing through one of the nearby stone walls.

Several large pieces of stone flew through the air, with one in particular heading straight towards her. She shouted and put up her hands, despite knowing that it was a futile gesture. Her eyes then widened upon seeing the piece of stone shattered by a beam of green energy. Looking to the side, Jane saw Aeltri standing there, having fired the blast. The two women shared a brief smile and a wordless moment of gratitude.

Blocking multiple magical blasts with her shield, Sif then charged at and brought her sword down on the neck of an attacking Light Elf with a sigil on both cheeks. Carving through his sternum, Sif then withdrew her sword and allowed his lifeless form to collapse on the ground. Aeltri saw this, and looked with amazement at the dead Light Elf.

Having defeated the entire squad of attackers, Faradei and Sif looked at each other in satisfaction when Zedonius suddenly landed on the nearby castle wall.


Jane fell to the ground upon seeing the dark dragon staring at her with its hungry, orange eyes. It took a step towards her, and she then saw its rider. Malekith narrowed his gaze, knowing that he had found his prize. Jane's fear grew as she knew that Sif and Faradei were now too far away to save her.

Mjolnir! To me!

The mighty hammer of the Thunder God smashed its way through the wall behind Zedonius, with the force of the blow knocking the massive dragon off balance. Mjolnir soared over Jane's head and into the hand of its owner, who stood in front to defend her. Aeltri then rushed out of her hiding spot, getting behind Thor.

Princess?! called Faradei.

In the moment of confusion, Sif held h

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