earth-717: x-men vol 3

Earth-717: X-Men Vol 3 Chapter 1: Grey's Anatomy Several people were waiting inside of a lavish sitting room. The room was elegantly decorated, with red and orange patterned carpeting, expensive furniture sets and even an open bar. A couple of servants in white uniforms moved about the area, performing duties. The guests were all in formal dress attire, with the men all wearing impeccable black suits. However, there was also one woman amongst the guests. She was wearing a heavily posh outfit, composed of a long, slender black dress and a heavily patterned golden and silver necklace. Her blonde hair was in a fancy updo, and her hands were covered in leather gloves matching the rest of her garb. The most striking thing about her were her bright, hazel eyes. The woman took a sip from her wine glass as another servant walked into the room. “Madame and messieurs. Your table is ready. Monsieur Pierce will see you now.” The servant gestured towards the door through which he entered and bowed his head. The guests all started to walk towards the door, nodding at the servant as they walked past. The woman was the last

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An alternate time. An alternate world. The House that Xavier built is split down the middle by the greatest crisis it has ever faced. After adding a tortured young belle and a travelling samurai to the team, the X-Men are brought to their knees by an enemy they never expected. With all of mutantkind on the line, the team is forced to make the ultimate sacrifice to save their world.


Earth-717: X-Men Vol 3

Chapter 1: Grey's Anatomy

Several people were waiting inside of a lavish sitting room. The room was elegantly decorated, with red and orange patterned carpeting, expensive furniture sets and even an open bar. A couple of servants in white uniforms moved about the area, performing duties. The guests were all in formal dress attire, with the men all wearing impeccable black suits.

However, there was also one woman amongst the guests. She was wearing a heavily posh outfit, composed of a long, slender black dress and a heavily patterned golden and silver necklace. Her blonde hair was in a fancy updo, and her hands were covered in leather gloves matching the rest of her garb. The most striking thing about her were her bright, hazel eyes.

The woman took a sip from her wine glass as another servant walked into the room.

Madame and messieurs. Your table is ready. Monsieur Pierce will see you now.

The servant gestured towards the door through which he entered and bowed his head. The guests all started to walk towards the door, nodding at the servant as they walked past. The woman was the last one in the line, and gave the servant a brief smile, which was returned. The guests filtered through the door and down a short hallway that led to a meeting room.

The meeting room was completely enclosed, with no other entrances and no windows. Various pieces of expensive artwork adorned the walls, with the main, circular table being made of Brazilian mahogany. Six chairs were positioned around the table, each one meticulously placed so that the distance between them was uniform.

A blonde man in a suit that matched his peers was already sitting at the chair that was facing the door. He stood up upon seeing his guests arriving. They all entered the room and moved to their designated places. The blonde woman moved towards the chair across from the blonde man. As his guests took their seats, the blonde man smiled. He then sat back down as multiple servants came into the room carrying platters and bottles.

The blonde man's name was Donald Pierce.

Donald watched as the servants placed the plates of food in front of each person at the table, followed by them pouring more wine into their glasses. Once everyone was served, the servants vacated the room, with the last one closing the door behind him. Donald then looked around the table and slyly smiled.

Welcome, my friends. It is once again time for our bimonthly meeting. I hope the accommodations are to your liking.

The man to Donald's immediate left spoke up.

You have always been a good host, Donald.

Thank you, thank you.

Donald then held up his wine glass. His guests all followed suit.

To us, said Donald. To the brave men and women who seek to keep the world safe from those who would endanger us all. To us. The Purifiers.

To us, chanted the guests. The Purifiers.

Everyone at the table took a sip from their glass. After they spent some time eating, Donald wiped his mouth with a handkerchief. The blonde woman watched as he set his handkerchief aside before putting his hands together on the table.

Now, to business, he said, before turning to look at the man on his right. Mister Fitzroy. What news do you bring on your ventures?

Fitzroy cleared his throat before speaking.

All good news, Mister Pierce. My contacts within Roxxon are assuring me that our laundering operations are proceeding as intended. Revenues are up nine percent this quarter.

Good. And what of the propaganda campaigns?

The meeting proceeded like this, with Donald asking each person at the table about their particular enterprise within the organization. Sometimes the other guests would also interact with the person currently under questioning. All this time, the blonde woman was paying close attention. Finally, she was the only person to not have been spoken to.

Donald looked directly at her.

Miss Pryor?

Madelyne downed the rest of her glass before responding.


And what of your responsibilities? What news do you bring of your interactions with Trask Industries?

Everyone turned to look at Madelyne. For her part, she did not seem even the slightest bit perturbed by the newfound attention, and she kept her eyes on Donald the entire time.

Conversations with Bolivar Trask have been quite productive, said Madelyne. Production on the Mark Three Sentinels is scheduled to start soon. Testing phase will likely take several months, which is good because we'll need time to establish a new marketing campaign. Plenty of people will still be shaken from the Tampa incident.

Donald slowly narrowed his eyes as Madelyne spoke.

I'll be having my first in-person meeting with Doctor Trask in two weeks time. He said that he wants to show me one of his special projects, something that nobody outside the company knows anything about. Clearly he trusts me, or, at the very least, is invested enough in our cause to let me in.

Donald nodded in approval.

You've done well, Miss Pryor. With new Sentinels, we'll be able to make significant gains. Naturally, I can't trust that Senator Kelly will get anything done with his new Mutant Response Division. He's a reactionary, and if he really believes that a police force can deal with this threat, then he's sadly mistaken. But new Sentinels?

Donald sat back in his chair.

There's a solution we can count on.

After the meeting was over, Madelyne and the other guests all left the room. They were escorted out of the club and back to the ground floor of the building. Once she was outside, Madelyne took a moment to look up at the moon in the night sky. She then nodded at one of the men who was leaving the building before walking down the sidewalk.

After a minute, Madelyne arrived at public parking lot. She walked up to her black SUV and pulled the keys out of her pocket. Tapping the unlock button, the front lights of the vehicle flashed on for a brief moment. She then approached the driver's side door and opened it. She got inside the vehicle and closed the door.

Madelyne put the key in the ignition and turned the vehicle on. The engine roared to life, followed by the radio. Madelyne took a moment to look into her rear view mirror and check her lipstick, hair and makeup. As she was doing this, she failed to notice a man slowly emerging from the shadows of the back seat.

The man was covered completely in a black bodysuit with synthetic implants. Modular, lightweight polymer armour lined the limbs, chest and back pieces. His face was hidden behind the mask section, which had no discernible features aside from a glowing, cyan visor. It was thin and rectangular, aside from the middle, which slanted downwards in an upside down triangle shape.

Madelyne set the rear view mirror into place, and finally saw the reflection of the blue visor. She looked over her shoulder and screamed as the Sapphire Weapon reached forward and seized her by the throat.

* * * *

Wake her up.

Water splashed on Madelyne's face and body, startling her back to consciousness. She shook her head and spit water out of her mouth as she frantically tried to get her bearings. She quickly realized that she was tied to a chair, with her arms and legs fastened with some type of durable but lightweight metal cable.

Madelyne saw that she was in a room, but she could not see the walls or any exits. A single light was affixed to the ceiling, shining down directly on her. She grunted and tried to pull at her restraints, but to no avail. Then, a raspy voice sounded out from the shadows.

Do not waste your energy, Miss Pryor. I can assure you that you are quite restrained.

Madelyne blinked and exhaled as Sinister stepped into the light. She gulped at the sight of him.

Who . . . . who the hell are you?

Mister Sinister.

Madelyne scoffed.

The hell kinda name is that?

Sinister pursed his lips and put his hands behind his back. He ignored the question and started pacing in a circle around Madelyne's chair.

In these circumstances, my identity is nowhere near as interesting as yours, Miss Pryor. Madelyne Pryor. Thirty years old. Wealthy heiress of the Pryor estate, who has not needed to truly work a day in her life. Only child and an unmarried woman with plenty of time at her disposal. One of the highest ranking members of the Purifiers, which is, for all intents and purposes, a terrorist organization dedicated to the subjugation and eradication of mutants all around the globe.

Madelyne took a deep breath and swallowed.

So what? she asked. That's what you want? Little revenge cause you're a freak like the rest of those mutants?

Sinister stopped in front of Madelyne and turned to face her. He then knelt down in front of her and stared into her eyes. Madelyne was unnerved upon seeing that his eyes were pure red and had no visible pupils, even up close.

Firstly, Miss Pryor, I am not a mutant.


Secondly, I do not want revenge. As a man of science, I am above such trivial motives. No, with you, I want something very specific.

Madelyne raised an eyebrow.

What? Money? Information?

Your body.

After a second of silence, Madelyne broke out into laughter. Sinister did not seem amused.

Gotta say, that has to be the most creative way a guy's ever asked me out.

You misunderstand, Miss Pryor.

Sinister stood up. He then snapped the fingers on his right hand. The Sapphire Weapon stepped into view, pulling an apparatus along with him. It was a metallic rack on wheels, with an unconscious young woman with red hair strapped to it. A shiny helmet with several coloured tubes and wires attached to it adorned her head.

This is Jean Grey, said Sinister. Quite possibly the most powerful mutant ever to be born. Her powers are unparalleled, but she would never serve me. I do possess some means of . . . . ensuring compliance, but in her case, suppressing her mind may undo what makes her so special. However . . . . I have recently started work on a new experiment that could remedy my problem.

Sinister reached out and grabbed Madelyne by the chin.

You, Miss Pryor.

What are you talking about?

You will be my solution. I will take your body and reformat its genetic code so that it matches Miss Grey's. Your anatomy, your essence . . . . all of it will be rewritten. You will receive her powers, and have a program installed after your creation that will ensure your compliance. The only thing that I cannot rewrite are your memories, but that is of little concern.

Sinister then let go of Madelyne's chin and stepped away from her.

You crazy bastard. You can't do something like that! That's impossible!

Sinister chuckled as he looked over his shoulder.

I have been alive for over one hundred and fifty years, Miss Pryor. Do not speak to me of what is impossible.

Sinister then looked at the Weapon.

Sedate her and prepare them both for the procedure.

The Weapon nodded. Madelyne then gulped as the Weapon turned to look at her. He was holding a syringe in his hand.

* * * *

Initiate P. Project, C. Trial.

Madelyne, now naked, was trapped inside of a two metre tall, cylindrical, vertical yellow tank. The front end was made of a thick, transparent plastic. Struggling to maintain consciousness despite the amount of sedative drugs swirling through her system, Madelyne started to pound on the plastic wall, desperate to escape.

She could see Sinister standing nearby, watching her with a wide grin on his face. Then, a foggy yellow mist started to fill up the air in the tank from the ground up. Madelyne screamed in terror as she clawed at her containment tank. She then watched in horror as her skin started to melt. She felt herself gargling on her own melting flesh as everything faded to nothingness.

* * * *


Sinister was sitting inside of an observation room. It was attached to the same room in which he had left Madelyne tied up in a chair when he first captured her. One of the walls was a one-way mirror, allowing him to look inside of the adjacent room. In the centre of the room, under the lone light affixed to the ceiling, was a bulbous, sickly, yellow sac, about a metre in diameter.

Strands of thick, glistening webbing of the same colour covered it, attaching it to the floor in numerous locations. Multiple tubes implanted in the ceiling sprayed a white mist on the sac, as per Sinister's design. The mist was created to trigger the final transformation of the chrysalis process. Sinister folded his arms and eagerly watched.

The sac started gestating, and eventually began to crease. Splitting open, it emanated a large amount of grey dust and spores upward into the room. A single, fleshy, beige mass, covered in slime and mucus, started to pull itself out of the split in the sac. After a few seconds of struggle, it released itself, pushing into view.

It had long, red hair.

The mass had the shape of a female human, with its naked breasts and stomach in full view. Gelatinous fluid crept down its skin, giving it a kind of unnatural glow. Sticking out its arms, it then pulled a flab of skin off of the place where its face was, revealing itself.

It had green eyes.

* * * *

The self-destruct sequence has been activated. Repeat. The self-destruct sequence has been activated. This sequence may not be aborted. All employees proceed to emergency evacuation areas immediately.

As the alarm sounded across the Genesis Camp, an explosion from the outside battle rocked one of the laboratories. The explosion knocked over some of the specimen tanks, including the one that was keeping Madelyne inside. She was unconscious, and was once again clothed, although she had not been awakened since she went through the transformation.

Her body was now completely different. Her hair, her eyes, and her facial structure had all been modified, so that she was now exactly what Jean Grey would be when she was Madelyne's age. As the tank containing Madelyne fell, it smashed into a table that was full of beakers and flasks containing various chemicals.

As the chemicals poured through cracks in the metal tank and seeped into Madelyne's skin, her body melted into a grey, viscous mass. A few minutes later, the self destruct sequence activated, and the entire base went up in flames, incinerating nearly everything inside and around it in a hundred metre radius. However, the heavily durable specimen tank mostly shielded the grey liquid from the explosion, with the outside of it being heavily charred.

As the fires raged, the grey liquid started to move. At first it was only ripples, but then, a humanoid form started to take shape. The grey liquid eventually formed into an appendage with a sharp spike at the end, which stabbed at the containment tank. Tearing it open, the appendage then reformed into an arm with a human hand.

It took several minutes, but eventually, Madelyne had learned to control her newfound power. She reformed all of the liquid and made it solidify. She looked around at the fires burning around her as she was reborn. She looked down at her gloved hands, and then at her clothes, which were now automatically formed out of the same liquid that made up her flesh.

As Madelyne took a couple steps, she saw something out of the corner of her eye. Turning around, she saw that some of the plastic from the containment tank was still intact. In it, she could see a faint reflection of herself.

Oh, God.

She had a long, slender black dress, with a heavily patterned golden and silver necklace. Her red hair was in a fancy updo, and her hands were covered in leather gloves matching the rest of her garb.

The most striking thing about her were her bright, emerald eyes.

Earth-717: X-Men Vol 3

Chapter 2: Going Rogue


Rogue ignored the cries of her mother as she ran through the city streets. She knew that her mother could make herself look like any person on the busy sidewalk, but it didn't matter to her. All that mattered to Rogue at that moment was getting as far away from her mother as possible. All that mattered was running away, and never looking back.

Use your power. That's what it's for.

A couple of tears flew out of Rogue's eyes as she continued to sprint down the street. She was moving blindly, for she truly did not know where she was. She shoved several pedestrians out of her way, causing many people to look at her with scowls. But their opinions didn't matter to her. All that mattered was staying on the move.

Go on, honey. Do it.

While normally Rogue would try to avoid touching people if possible, all of her instincts were being overridden by the desperate nature of her situation. She shoved another man out of her way as she continued her mad dash through the unknown metropolis. She just kept in her mind that she was wearing her gloves, and that as long as she kept them on, she wouldn't be able to hurt anyone else.

He deserves it.

Bursting through a small crowd on a street corner, Rogue rushed out onto the street without even thinking to check her surroundings. She then heard the sound of a loud horn, and quickly realized that a truck was about to collide with her. Gasping, Rogue then leaped out of the way, barely moving out of the truck's path in time as the driver slammed on his brakes.

Are you crazy?!

Rogue shook her head as she scrambled to her feet.

I'm sorry, she said. I'm sorry!

Without a backwards glance, Rogue continued to run. For what seemed like hours, she ran without stopping and without direction. Eventually, the adrenaline finally drained from her system, and she collapsed from exhaustion. Her face slammed against the pavement, and her breathing slowed as she fought to stay conscious.

Don't let go.

Rogue shouted as she thought she heard her mother's voice. She jumped up and then toppled over herself, winding up back on her hands and knees. Taking a couple deep breaths, she then reminded herself that her mother's voice was only in her mind right now. There was no way that she could have followed her this far.

She hoped there was no way that she could have followed her this far.



Rogue looked up to see a middle aged man standing in front of her. He had a look of concern on his face.

Miss, are you alright? he asked, with a faint chuckle. I saw you fall on your face there. You need some help?

The man held out a hand. After a second of silence, Rogue then shouted and rapidly backed away.

Stay away from me! Don'tcha ever come near me, ya hear?!

The man blinked and looked utterly confused. Without another word, Rogue took off in the opposite direction, seemingly rejuvenated. She only made it another block before once again she was out of breath. Stumbling about, her body slammed against a mesh fence that denoted the edge of a public park.

Sliding down to her rear, Rogue just took a couple minutes to breathe and reorient her thoughts. Looking around, she then realized that she had made it out of the centre of the busy city and into a residential area. There were numerous houses up and down the street, with only a handful of people on the sidewalks.

Still, Rogue did not know if any of those people could be her mother in disguise. Crawling on all fours, she made her way around the corner of the fence and into an alley behind a convenience store. Once she felt concealed, she started to rummage through some of the containers and debris scattered about. She stopped for a moment upon finding a broken bit of glass, in which she could see her reflection. She sighed as she looked at the white streak in her hair.

While she was looking for anything she may have been able to force herself to eat, she found a handful of coins instead. They were hiding underneath a pile of broken wooden planks. Scraping the coins off the floor, she then started counting them. Relieved at having found so many, she then held the coins together with both hands and closed her eyes for a couple minutes.

After stuffing the coins in her pocket and brushing off her short, brown, leather jacket, Rogue walked out of the alley. Coughing into her hand, she then made her way to the front of the convenience store and pulled the door open. A tiny bell rang as she stepped inside, and a man behind the counter gave her a short wave and a smile.

Rogue nodded at him as she started to look up and down at the various items available. As she found herself drawn to the section with cheaply priced snacks, her ears perked up upon hearing someone speak. She blinked and looked up to see a television hanging from the ceiling. On it, she could see a podium with several people, including a man in a suit whose skin was covered in blue fur.

The news station's caption identified him as 'Doctor Henry McCoy', and showed that he was speaking in Seattle.

I would like to take this opportunity to properly thank you all for showing such passion and support for my work. With the aid of Project Pegasus, my Energy Field Amplifier will serve as a momentous step forward for clean, renewable energy sources that we can count on to take us through the rest of the twenty-first century.

The crowd clapped for a few seconds before he continued.

It has only been one short month since the end of an alien invasion that changed the world as we know it. Twenty two million people lost their lives in the five days that Earth was subjugated by a hostile alien force. Not a single person on this planet was not somehow affected by this event. Yet already, we have made great gains as we rebuild. That spirit, the spirit of progress, of change, and of the promise of a better future, is what drives us forward.

The crowed clapped again. Rogue scratched the side of her head as she grabbed a couple bags of chips and pretzels off of the rack. She then walked up to the counter and set them down. The man behind the counter took each bag and scanned it.

Just these?

Uh, yeah. Yeah.

Four fifty, please.

Rogue started to count out the coins in her hand. As she was about to hand the amount to the man, she found her eyes drawn back up to the television.

And of course, none of this would be possible without your support, said Hank. There has been a clear and tremendous shift in thinking to allow myself, a mutant, to stand here today in front of you all. Instead of being met with fear, I am met with compassion. I hope that all of my mutant brothers and sisters will soon be able to share the same luxury.

Rogue frowned as she listened.

I want to extend my gratitude to Professor Charles Xavier and Doctor Moira MacTaggert. Without the support of their Institute for the Gifted in Boston, Massachusetts, I may not have had this opportunity. Thank you all.

Rogue blinked and became consumed in her own thoughts for a few seconds. The clerk tilted his head to the side.

Miss? Is something the matter?

Rogue gulped.

Uh . . . . no. I'm awfully sorry, mister, but I ain't gonna take these.

Rogue pushed the bags towards the clerk. She then put the coins back in her pocket and walked out of the store. Putting her hands in her jacket pockets, she then started to walk down the street with her head held high. She had no idea if her new plan was a good idea or not, but it was more of a plan than she had a moment ago.

After searching around town for a while, she finally found a bus terminal. Several buses were stationed nearby, and more were coming and going. She walked into the lobby and looked around, seeing folks of all sorts going about their business. Taking in a deep breath, she then approached the ticket area and looked up at the digital table that showed all of the bus routes.

Rogue sighed with relief upon seeing that one of the buses later on in the day was scheduled to head for Boston. She then approached one of the ticket clerks. He was a rotund man who was sitting on a cushioned stool. He smiled at her as she arrived at his station.

What can I do for you, ma'am?

Good day, sir, said Rogue. Don't suppose I could get a ticket for the bus headin' out to Boston, now could I?

You sure could, little lady, said the clerk, cracking a wide smile. Ten dollars, please.


Rogue reached into her pocket and pulled out the coins. Her heart sank as she realized that she did not have enough to cover the price. The clerk watched her as she started to cycle the coins around in her palm. Rogue closed her eyes and let out a pained sigh. She looked away from him and bit the inside of her lip.


Rogue blinked and turned back. She saw that the clerk was beckoning her over. He was holding his right hand on the desk, and he used his other hand to point at it. Rogue then placed her hand near his as he slid it back, revealing that he was hiding a ticket under his palm. She lightly gasped as she looked back up at him.

Just this once, he whispered.

Rogue felt her eyes tear up as she placed her gloved hand on the ticket, covering it. She then closed her fingers around it as she warmly smiled at him.

Go on, he said.

Rogue left the station and stood in line with the other passengers waiting to board the bus. A woman scanned her ticket as she arrived at the door. The woman nodded at Rogue and gestured for her to go inside. Once she was on the bus, she made her way to a window seat with no one else near it. She then leaned over and placed the side of her head against the window.

As the bus started to leave, Rogue reflected on the whirlwind of emotions that had been flowing through her all day. When she had woken up that morning, she had no idea of how much her life would change, nor where she would be going from here on out. However, she knew for sure that there would be no going back.

* * * *

After arriving at the bus terminal in Boston, Rogue once again found herself in a completely unknown environment. She had wondered during the bus trip if this was the correct course of action, but it was far too late to go back now. She then clutched her stomach as hunger pangs reminded her how long it had been since she ate something.

Finally spending some of her coins to purchase a bag of chips from a concession area, Rogue speedily devoured them in less than thirty seconds. After she tossed the empty bag in one of the trash cans, she made her way to a map of the city that was placed on the wall of the lobby. She stared at it for several minutes before realizing that there was no way she would be able to memorize it all.

Sighing, Rogue shook her head before going outside. As she made her way to the outskirts of the city, she started holding out her thumb at the cars that would pass by. Sighing as another car drove by her, she then kicked out at a soda can that was in her way. She continued to stroll down the sidewalk, hanging her head.

She then heard a motorcycle engine die down near her. Rogue opened her eyes and looked to the side to see a man sitting on a parked motorcycle. He had rugged skin and distinctive hair. His muscular arms bulged out from under his shirt. She turned to face him.

You goin' somewhere?

Rogue stared at the man for a few seconds before responding.


Wanna be more specific?

Maybe. Maybe not.

The man grumbled.

Suit yourself.

The man then placed his hands back on the handlebars. As he was about to rev up the engine, Rogue spoke up.

Charles Xavier's Institute. For the uh . . . . Gifted, think it was called.

The man turned back to her.

You gotta reason you want to go there?

Rogue sighed.

I ain't what you'd call uh . . . . look, mister. That's where I'm headin'. You know your way 'round these parts, or should I keep walking?

The man chuckled as another car drove past.

Was just asking, darlin'. No need to get upset. I know where Xavier's Institute is. I'm going there too.

Rogue blinked.

Really? she asked.

Yup. Been livin' there for almost two months now. Good place. Good people. And they do good work. If that's where you wanna be, then I don't gotta ask where you come from. So . . . . you got a name, kid?

Rogue glanced to the side for several seconds as the wind blew through her hair.


Rogue, huh? Well, Rogue . . . . you want a lift or not? Up to you.

Rogue rubbed the back of her neck as she once again looked to the side. She stared out at the horizon as she thought about everything that had led her here, and the uncertainty of where she was going to go. Taking another breath, she then started walking up to the man. He adjusted himself so that there was more room on the seat for her.

Rogue clambered onto the motorcycle as the man turned the engine back on. She looked at his back for a couple seconds, but did not reach out to touch it. Sensing her hesitation, the man looked over his shoulder.

You'll want to hold on, darlin'.

Rogue gulped and breathed in and out a few times.

Hey, he said. It's okay.

You never told me your name, blurted out Rogue.

The man smiled.


Logan . . . .

The two were silent for a few more seconds.

You ready? he asked.

Rogue returned Logan's smile as she then reached forward and wrapped her arms around his body. Logan nodded before he hit the gas and started driving down the street. Feeling secure for the first time in days, Rogue exhaled as she allowed Logan to take her to the next phase of her life.

* * * *

Bolivar Trask was sitting in his suspended, transparent lab, typing away at his computer console. The lab was rather small compared to the room it was attached to, which was a massive, dark chamber that housed Trask's greatest creation. It was a twenty metre tall synthetic, sitting on her chair, looking down at her creator with her unblinking red eyes.

This was Master Mold, an artificial intelligence created by Trask for the official reason of controlling and coordinating Trask Industries' new Sentinel program. Unofficially, she was truly built for the purpose of finding a way to eradicate the mutant race.

How is your night proceeding, Doctor Trask?

Master Mold spoke with a monotone, feminine voice that echoed. It was somehow haunting and soothing at the same time. She did not have a visible mouth, which made some people who met her feel uncomfortable. Trask, however, did not mind at all.

Just looking over some last minute finance reports, said Trask, as he pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose. Nothing exciting.

You know, Doctor Trask, I could always deal with such tedious matters for you. You did design me to assist you in any way I can.

Trask weakly chuckled.

I can deal with this myself, my dear. I do appreciate the offer, though.

If you allowed me to take on all of your day-to-day tasks as CEO, it would free up more time for you to enjoy leisure activities. Perhaps you could find someone to spend a nice, quiet evening with.

I already have you for that.

I suppose that is true, Doctor Trask.

Trask then turned around as the door to the lab opened behind him. Madelyne walked inside, dragging a man along with her. The man had his hands and legs tied up, and his head was concealed with a black bag. Madelyne tossed the man forward, letting his body slam against the floor. Madelyne then reached down and seized the bag before tearing it off of the man's head.

The man was Donald Pierce. He tried to shout, but his mouth was covered with duct tape.

As promised, said Madelyne.

Excellent job, Miss Pryor, said Trask.

Because Trask was a little person, he barely needed to bend down to rip the tape off of Donald's mouth.

Let me go, you crazy . . . .!

Madelyne kicked Donald in the back with her right foot. Donald groaned in pain.

You'll want to be more polite than that, Mister Pierce, said Trask. I trust you've become reacquainted with Miss Pryor.

Pryor? The hell are . . . . the only Pryor I know is Madelyne Pryor, and she disappeared almost a whole year ago!

Think again, Donald, said Madelyne.

Donald then turned over to look at Madelyne.

I didn't disappear. I was reborn.

You're insane, lady, said Donald. You look nothing like Madelyne Pryor. You don't even have the same face!

You're right, she said. I've lost my face. I've lost my genes. I've lost everything, Donald. Everything that made me who I was. Everything except my memories.

A look of horror slowly started to form on Donald's face as he listened to Madelyne.

I was forcibly changed. I was the product of a madman who wanted to play God. Turned into a woman I cannot recognize, and I can't change it back. This is the new me. Forever.

It can't be, said Donald, his voice hollow. No. No, it can't be.

It can, Donald. It's me, Madelyne. I know it probably would take more time to convince you, but trust me . . . . it took a hell of a long time to convince myself.

What happened to you?

I found my purpose.

Madelyne then held up her left hand, which transformed into a grey spear. Donald screamed as Madelyne then stabbed downward, piercing his stomach. She giggled as she pulled the spear out and reformed her hand. Trask then looked over towards Master Mold.

I assume you'll take it from here? he asked.

Absolutely, Doctor Trask. Mister Pierce will be fulfilling his new role within our organization in no time at all.

Earth-717: X-Men Vol 3

Chapter 3: New Home

The room was completely silent, as it always was during a session. The rule had been established ever since Jean had first met Xavier: no speaking was ever allowed during a psychic training session. The only communication that was allowed was via telepathy, and while their voices could not be heard via their ears, they spoke quite loudly in each other's minds.

Focus on the feeling you've described. The essence of it.

Yes, Professor.

Xavier and Jean were sitting inside of their study room, facing each other. They were both sitting on the carpeted floor, their legs folded and their eyes closed. An assortment of objects, such as toy blocks, plastic bottles and pens were orbiting the two of them, kept in a continuous pattern by Jean's telekinesis.

Jean had grown adept at maintaining the orbiting while also focusing her psychic connection. It was strenuous work, but it helped her powers develop and grow.

That's it. Show me what has been troubling you.

Jean took in a deep breath as images started to flash in her mind. Of time she had spent with parents and friends as a child. Of time she had spent as Sinister's captive, when she was forced to watch in horror as that helpless woman was melted inside of a containment tube. Of time she had fought alongside her teammates against an army of alien invaders in the streets of Boston.

Of time she had spent with Scott.

All of the images were tainted by some type of orange light in the background. It was subtle at first, only being faint and around the edges. But after cycling through the images, the orange exploded like a flare, before a piercing shriek was heard in the back of her mind. Jean groaned, but forced herself to keep her mouth closed so as to not accidentally speak out loud.

It's happening more often, Professor. Some kind of . . . . I don't know. Premonition?

I saw it. It became more pronounced when you thought of . . . .


Xavier and Jean then met each other on the astral plane. They were standing in the black void, with a white star in the background to provide them with light.

You've been thinking of him more often.

How couldn't I be? He's been gone for so long.

Have you tried to reach him on the astral plane?

No. I promised myself I wouldn't try to force him. That I would . . . . let him choose.

Jean started to cry.

I miss him. So much.

I am so sorry, my child. I know what he means to you, and it was my actions that drove him away.

Do you think we'll ever be able to bring him back? Do you think we can be together again?

I don't know. I can only hope.

Jean scoffed.

Hope. Is that all we have?

Sometimes, it's all we need.

Xavier and Jean stared at each other in silence for a few seconds.

But as for your vision . . . . I have a theory, but only that.

More than I got.

You must know, Jean, that if this turns out to be true, it could very well change our entire world. I have no tangible evidence, but . . . .

Tell me.

Xavier took a moment to ready himself.

The colour of the glare. The logo you designed for yourself, the one you said just 'came to you'. The fire that appeared around you when you stopped that nuclear missile from exploding. The codename you selected.


Many years ago, back when Erik and I were working together, we came across ancient texts in our research into the history of mutants. These texts made reference to a legend that dates back nearly twenty thousand years. Perhaps when the very first mutants ever appeared. The legend was of a cosmic entity that was composed of pure psychic energy. It was supposedly one of the most powerful beings in the universe. It was called . . . . the Phoenix Force.

Jean gasped.

I have never seen anything to prove that the Phoenix Force actually exists, but I have seen a pattern in what has happened to you. I have been silent about it because I was uncertain, but I cannot ignore it anymore. If the Phoenix Force is real, and somehow, your fate is tied to it . . . . then something may be coming that we cannot even begin to comprehend.

* * * *

Here's our stop.

Logan pulled into the Institute and drove around the circular driveway. Rogue looked up at the mansion with a mixture of anticipation and apprehension. Logan drove all the way to the front entrance before he slowed the motorcycle down. Coming to a stop, he then allowed Rogue to get off before he followed suit.

Rogue rubbed her right arm with her left hand, but did not step forward. Logan immediately walked towards the double doors, and pushed them open with both hands. She followed after him as he led the way.


Logan and Rogue found themselves in the foyer of the mansion. The floor was made of wood, with a large X in the centre. There was also a balcony overlooking the foyer, and within a few seconds, a bald man in a wheelchair emerged from one of the upper doors. He looked down at Logan and smiled, before briefly glancing at Rogue with curiosity.

Logan, said Xavier.

Hey, Chuck. How's it going?

Well enough, thank you. And who do we have here?

Rogue gulped and put her hands behind her back. Logan then gestured for her to follow him. They headed up the stairs that led to the balcony, before walking up to Xavier.

Girl I found on the way back. Said she was comin' here anyway.

Is that right? asked Xavier, as he looked at Rogue. And what is your name?


Xavier put his hands in his lap.

My name is Professor Charles Xavier. I run this Institute for the purpose of helping mutants. I am right in asking that you are one of us?

Uh . . . . yeah.

Before the conversation could go any further, the voice of another woman came from down the hall.


Xavier looked over his shoulder as Moira MacTaggert approached. She had her pink hairband on her head as per usual, and was wearing a white blouse with black pants. Rogue's eyes were immediately drawn to the silver metal band on her ring finger that matched the one on Xavier's.

Moira, said Xavier. It's good that you're here. I was just introducing myself to our new guest. Rogue, this is Doctor Moira MacTaggert, my partner in running the Institute and also in life.

Moira smiled at Rogue and held out a hand.

How do you do?

Rogue's heart skipped a beat as she stared at Moira's hand. She blinked a couple times, but did not reach out. Logan narrowed his eyes as he glanced at Rogue's gloved hands. Moira frowned for a brief moment before retracting her hand. She looked down at Xavier.

Don't worry. Allow me.

Moira nodded. Xavier then looked forward.

Logan, why don't you go let the others know you've returned? I'd like for Moira and I to speak to Rogue on our own. Get her acquainted with the Institute.

Logan looked over at Rogue.


Rogue returned his gaze.

Hope you find what you're lookin' for, he said.

Logan then hopped over the balcony and landed back in the foyer. He then left through one of the other hallways. Rogue then looked back at Xavier.

Walk with me, he said.

Xavier, Moira and Rogue made their way back down to the foyer and outside the mansion. Xavier led the group around the grounds as they spoke.

So why don't you tell me why you've sought us out?

Rogue shrugged and put her hands in her jacket pockets.

Reckon it seemed like a good idea. Don't have anywhere better to go.

What of your family? asked Xavier.

Rogue didn't answer the question, instead looking at the ground.

Would you be looking to stay permanently? asked Moira.

I dunno. Hadn't thought that far ahead, really, but I ain't got anybody else. Still, maybe it ain't really my place to be . . . .

You are more than welcome to stay for as long as you need, said Xavier.

Rogue's eyes widened as she looked back up at the Professor, who stopped moving forward.

You mean that? she asked, her mouth trembling.

Every word.

Moira placed her hand on Xavier's shoulder, and the two of them smiled at the young woman before them. Rogue sniffed and wiped the tears off her eyes.

Bless your heart, Professor. Bless your heart.

* * * *

So you are saying that your project has the ability to provide energy for an entire city at once?

That's quite right, answered Beast.

Storm shook her head.


Hank has a big brain, said Piotr. Anyone can do it, he can.

Storm, Piotr and Jean were all huddled around the laptop in one of the living rooms. They were on a video call with Hank, who was still at the Project Pegasus facility in Seattle.

I certainly appreciate the vote of confidence, my friend, said Beast. But truly, it was a team effort. I had the help of some of the finest minds that Project Pegasus has to offer, and even then, it was quite difficult. But we never lost sight of our goal.

Jean shook her head.

He's gonna say some literary quote now, isn't he?

We are not now that strength which in old days moved earth and heaven . . . .

Jean threw up her arms. Storm and Piotr chuckled.

That which we are, we are, continued Beast. One equal temper of heroic hearts, made weak by time and fate, but strong in will. To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield. Alfred, Lord Tennyson.

Get back to the science stuff, genius, said Jean. Leave the poetry to . . . . the poets.

Nice one, said Piotr, giving Jean a thumbs up. Ten out of ten.

Jean grumbled.

Shut up!

What? I said it was a nice one!

Storm laughed as Logan walked into the room.

What's so funny? he asked.

Hey, Logan! called Jean. We're just talking to Hank.

Logan walked up to the group. He then waved when he saw Hank on the computer screen.

Hey, Furball. Nice to see ya.

And you as well. Unfortunately, I have to get back to work. But it was great to catch up with you all.

Later, Hank! said Jean. Come back soon!

Farewell, said Storm.

Piotr and Logan both silently waved as the video call ended.

So, said Logan. What's for lunch?

The group made their way to the kitchen, after they all realized that they were indeed hungry. Jean and Piotr started scrounging through the cupboards, while Logan pulled some sandwich ingredients out of the fridge. He unsheathed the claws on his right hand and used them to slice up the meat, cheese and bread.

Storm placed her elbow on Logan's shoulder as he worked.

I trust that you will be providing a sandwich for me as well?

Logan smirked at Storm.

You even need to ask?

Quite frankly, I believe I do.

Logan chuckled.

Don't worry, darlin'. I'll get to yours.

Storm rolled her eyes.

You treat me so well.

I never let anyone tell me different.

At that moment, Xavier, Moira and Rogue all entered the kitchen. Storm, Logan, Jean and Piotr all turned to look at them.

Everyone, said Xavier. I'd like you all to formally meet our newest arrival. This is Rogue, and she will be staying with us for the foreseeable future. Rogue, this is Jean Grey, Piotr Rasputin, Ororo Munroe, and I believe you're already acquainted with Logan.

Rogue awkwardly waved at the team.


Wow, said Jean. New girl! That doesn't happen too often around here.

Pleased to meet you, said Piotr.

I certainly hope you find yourself comfortable here. And please, call me Storm.

Welcome to the club, kid, said Logan.

Rogue blushed.

Really, ya'll are much too kind. Ya'll don't even know me.

But we'd like to, said Jean. It's our job to help mutants, no matter who they are. Say, what's your power?

Uh . . . .

I have telepathy and telekinesis. You know, mind stuff.

Weather manipulation.

Logan showed off his claws.

They hurt. Good thing I can heal too.

Piotr flexed his arms.

I am invincible!

The team then eagerly waited for Rogue to respond. She scratched the side of her head as all eyes were on her.

My powers . . . . well, they ain't somethin' that's easy to show off.

You can just tell us, said Jean.

Uh . . . .

Xavier raised an eyebrow at Rogue as she seemed to struggle to find the words. He could sense her fear and hesitation. He was about to intervene and get her out of the situation when Rogue suddenly spoke up.

I can absorb and use other people's powers. If I, if I touch them. Temporarily, I mean.

The team members all glanced at each other for a moment.

Well, that's unique, said Jean.

Would probably come in handy, said Piotr.

The wonders of our race never cease to astonish me, said Storm.

Logan stayed silent, but looked at the gloves on Rogue's hands. At that moment, Moira pulled her phone out of her pocket. She sighed as she looked at a notification on it.

You guys are going to have to take that lunch to go, said Moira. It's SHIELD. Coulson has something for us.

Logan grumbled. Storm patted him on the shoulder a couple times as conciliation. Rogue turned to look at Moira.

What's SHIELD?

Come on, said Jean, as the rest of the team headed for the foyer. We'll explain on the way.

Explain what?

Jean smirked.

The other part of our job.

Earth-717: X-Men Vol 3

Chapter 4: Cyclops and His Amazing Friends

In the dead of the night, a cargo liner floated alone in the San Francisco Bay. This ship was the Czar, and was not scheduled to arrive or depart from any port in the area. Most people would not pay much attention to a single ship that was floating about, nor would most people even realize that it was out of place.

But Scott knew better.

Moving as quietly as he could, Scott pulled himself up the side of the ship on a grapple line. Once he reached the railing, he leaped over it and landed on his feet. Crouching close to the floor, he scanned his vision side to side, seeing a man near the far left end of the ship. He was patrolling, and had combat gear and an assault rifle.

Moving behind a nearby crate, Scott waited as the man leisurely strolled along the edge of the ship. When the man was in the right position, Scott pounced up and seized him from behind. Wrapping his arm around the man's neck, Scott squeezed hard as he dragged him to the floor. Scott then slammed the man's head against the railing, knocking him out.

Scott took a quick breath as he placed his finger against his ear.

This is Cyclops. I'm in.

Bobby's voice filtered in through the ear piece.

Want us to jump in?

Scott looked over his shoulder.

Not yet.

Amanda's voice was the next to filter in.

Why not? You know it's him! This is the ship he escaped on last time. We've got him!

I know he's here, said Scott. But I don't know how many defenders he has.

Scott pushed the guard over so that he could get a look at him from the front.

Took down a guard. Looks like the same mercenary detail we ran into back in Peru. Sinister must be getting desperate if he's recycling hired help.

Of course he is, said Bobby. We're after him, SHIELD's after him. Hell, even Hydra's after him! He's gotta be feeling the heat.

He'll be feeling it when I get my hands on him, said Amanda.

Alright, quiet down, you two, said Scott. Stay low for now. I'm going in. I'll let you know when I need you.

Got it, said Bobby.

Bobby and Amanda were sitting inside of a small raft that was floating alongside the Czar. Scott had decided to go in first, since he was the most adept at infiltration and hand-to-hand combat without needing to rely on his powers. Bobby and Amanda both switched off their com links as they looked at each other.

While Bobby and Scott were both wearing their modified tactical uniforms based on their outfits from when they were members of the X-Men, Amanda was wearing her yellow bodysuit of her own design. It was specifically created to help her channel her powers. She also wore a set of orange goggles that complimented her long, red hair.

Amanda sighed as she looked to the side, clearly agitated at having to wait. Bobby looked over at her with concern.

How you holding up?

Amanda scowled.

I can't take it, she said. All this waiting. Chasing. To think we're so close . . . .

Amanda looked back at Bobby.

And to think how close we got last time. We had him, Bobby. We had him, we were this close, and he slipped away. He always gets away!

Bobby shook his head.

Not this time. He won't.

You can't promise that.

Bobby was about to respond, but stopped himself and looked down. Amanda frowned and again looked to the side. The two stayed silent for a minute.


Bobby looked up at Amanda again. Her face was still turned to the side.

Would you be willing to put him down? Even if he surrendered?

Bobby took several seconds to think.

I don't know, he finally said. I . . . .

You shouldn't have to think about this, said Amanda, her tone growing angrier. You know what he did. To me. To Scott. To Alex. How many other mutants had to suffer at his hands?!

I know, I know. I saw it. I saw the camp. I know what he's done. But . . . . you're talking about murder, Mandy.

Amanda narrowed her eyes.

I'm talking about justice. About putting that animal in the ground where he belongs.

Amanda sighed as she placed a hand on her forehead.

Every night, I relive it. The shocks. The needles. The . . . . the acid. All of it just to see what I could survive. No one should have to go through that. No one except him. When I finally catch up to that bastard, I'm gonna make him burn until he has no flesh left to melt.

Bobby gulped.

Mandy, you're scaring me.

Amanda scoffed.

You don't know what being scared is.

* * * *

Back aboard the Czar, Scott continued to make his way towards the centre of the ship. He sneaked his way past a couple of guards, knowing that if he engaged multiple enemies at once, he would more than likely be detected. While Scott was just as much filled with contempt for Sinister as Amanda, he was also far more patient, and waited for the opportune moment before he entered the interior of the ship.

As Scott made his way towards the bridge of the ship, he thought about how long his hunt for Sinister had lasted. It had been nine months since he had left the Institute and abandoned the rest of the X-Men. While he frequently found his thoughts drifting back to Jean, he also could not allow his love for her to compromise his mission.

Every day, Scott reminded himself of how Xavier had betrayed his trust. Of how Xavier had purposefully infiltrated his mind and suppressed memories of his time as the Ruby Weapon, one of Sinister's most powerful slaves. Of how Sinister had then turned his younger brother, Alex, who Scott had long thought was dead, into the Sapphire Weapon.

Scott had only known the truth about Alex's predicament for mere minutes before he once again fell to his death, this time for good.

Ever since, Scott had been chasing Sinister, who had gone on the run after the destruction of the Genesis Camp. He and Bobby used data stolen from Sinister's hard drive to learn about secret bases that Sinister had around the globe, and they had started hitting them whenever they could. Within a few months, Scott and Bobby also learned that both SHIELD and Hydra were actively trying to capture Sinister, but Scott had promised himself that he would get to him first.

Then, only a month ago, aliens had invaded the planet. Scott and Bobby were in Europe at the time, heading for one of Sinister's last known hideouts in Greece. For five days, the entire world shut down. Then, the Avengers and the Fantastic Four repelled the invasion. When Scott and Bobby made it to the hideout, they met Amanda, who was also hunting for Sinister.

Amanda decided to join Scott's team. She too wanted revenge on Sinister for torturing her and experimenting on her for months on end. However, while Amanda made no secret about her desire to kill Sinister, Scott knew that he had to be the one to do it. He promised himself that no matter what, he would be the one to finally end Sinister's reign of terror. Permanently.

Scott placed his back against the wall near the door that led to the bridge. Focusing his concentration, he could hear the sound of someone speaking from the other side. Peering around the wall, he finally saw the man he was looking for. Sinister was there, and he was speaking via video call to a man whom Scott did not recognize.

I was told I could speak to Cameron Hodge directly, said Sinister. I will not be trifled with. Put him through, immediately!

The man on the video turned to the side upon hearing someone's voice. He then bowed and stepped aside as a blonde man with glasses stepped into view.

Doctor Essex.

Mister Hodge.

I apologize for my reticence, said Cameron. It's becoming more difficult to know who to trust these days.

Have I given you any reason to doubt me? asked Sinister.

Donald Pierce has gone missing, just like Madelyne Pryor. I believe someone is targeting us specifically, but I don't have any leads. I've had to step in to assume leadership of the Purifiers in Pierce's absence. I don't suppose you have heard about anyone who would be after us?

Sinister shook his head and placed a hand on his chin.

Not on my end.

I think it will be safer if we confer in person. Come to my headquarters in Chicago. We'll talk more about your plan then.

As you say, Mister Hodge.

The video call ended. Sinister then started typing on a terminal. Scott glared at Sinister from behind, knowing that this was his chance. Taking in a breath, he then placed his finger on the side of his visor, ready to take the shot.


Scott gasped as he looked to the side. A mercenary had just turned the corner and spotted him. The mercenary aimed his assault rifle, but Scott was too fast, switching targets and firing a shot at him. The shot was only powerful enough to stun the mercenary, knocking him to the floor. Scott then turned to the side to see Sinister grinning at him.


Sinister held his hand forward and fired an energy blast from it. Scott was struck straight in the chest, blasting him against the wall. Sinister then jammed his fist against a button on one of the bridge's control panels, activating the alarm. Bobby and Amanda both looked up before reactivating their com links.

Scott! yelled Bobby. Scott! What's happening?!

Scott jumped back to his feet despite the pain. He rushed into the bridge room, but Sinister had already fled and was heading for the forward part of the ship.

He's here! said Scott, as he gave chase. He's headed for the bow! Get up here, now!

We're on it!

Amanda boosted into the air, igniting herself. Bobby started to skate upwards, propelled by his ice powers. Scott leaped over a stairway railing and landed on the floor in the exterior section of the ship. Sinister had already sprinted a few dozen metres ahead of him, and multiple mercenaries now stood in Scott's path.

Scott fired a quick shot at one mercenary, blasting his rifle out of his hands. He then leaped forward, dodging a burst of bullets from another one. Landing an uppercut on the jaw of the first mercenary, Scott then quickly transitioned into a roundhouse kick to take down the second mercenary before he could retaliate.

By now, Amanda and Bobby were closing in, and were firing down at the other mercenaries with energy beams and ice blasts. Scott continued to chase after Sinister, before yelling out at him.


Sinister stopped in his tracks, before turning around to face his pursuer. Scott fired a beam from his visor, but Sinister held up his hand and created an energy shield to absorb the blast. Scott and Sinister then stared at each other.

Poor Scott. You've been chasing me for a long time. What do you think you'll gain from it?

Scott fumed.

Justice, replied Scott.

Justice? For who? Your dear dead little brother? I took him in. I saved his life. I gave him purpose. You were the one who let him fall from that plane, Scott. And you were the one who dropped him from my ship. If you're looking for vengeance . . . . look in the mirror.


Scott screamed as he fired another energy beam, but this time, a humanoid form sprinted in front of Sinister to block the attack. The beam bounced off of a golden energy barrier that then faded. Scott blinked as he looked at the humanoid form that was now protecting Sinister.

No . . . .

The figure was a woman who was covered completely in a black bodysuit with synthetic implants. Modular, lightweight polymer armour lined the limbs, chest and back pieces. Her face was hidden behind the mask section, which had no discernible features aside from two thin, horizontal, rectangular glowing visors, which were parallel to each other.

Sinister laughed as Scott's jaw dropped.

Allow me to introduce you to the newest member of the family, said Sinister. This is Claudine Renko, otherwise known as . . . . the Topaz Weapon.

Sinister then looked at the Weapon.

Deal with him.

The Weapon silently nodded before facing Scott. She then clenched her fists, causing swirls of yellow energy to form around her hands. She then sprinted towards Scott, and the swirls expanded to surround her entire body. Scott fired a sustained energy beam at the Weapon, but it was not powerful enough to break through her defensive field.

The Weapon punched forward with a charged fist, but Scott dodged to the side. Holding his fists together, he then swung and bashed them against her back. Grunting, the Weapon then backhanded Scott against the face as she turned around. She then fired an energy blast out of the side of her fist, but Scott managed to roll out of the way.

Seeing that Scott was in trouble, Bobby skated over towards him. He formed an ice shield in front of him as he charged directly towards the Weapon. She turned just in time to see the attack coming, and retaliated with a charged punch. The energy from the punch collided with the shield, smashing it to pieces.


Amanda boosted forward as Bobby fell to the floor, dazed because of the destruction of his shield. The Weapon was about to attack him again when Scott fired a beam at her back. The Weapon shrieked as Scott's beam seared the armour along her spine. In the moment that she was stunned, Amanda shoulder charged into her chest.

The Weapon tumbled backwards, crashing through a crate because of the force of Amanda's charge. Amanda then helped Bobby to his feet. The three young mutants then turned to face the Weapon as she got back up. Yelling in anger, she then slammed one of her fists against the floor, launching a pulse wave of golden energy.

Bobby threw both of his arms forward, and quickly created a massive ice barrier. Once again the barrier was shattered by the energy blast, but it still was large enough to absorb the pulse. Snarling, Amanda then flew towards the Weapon, firing beams from both hands. The Weapon deflected the beams with her energy field, before reaching out and seizing Amanda by the face.

MANDY! shouted Bobby.

The Weapon slammed Amanda against a nearby crate. Scott quickly glanced to the side, seeing that Sinister had taken the time to get on a smaller speedboat that was now preparing to leave.

He's getting away! said Scott.

Bobby ignored Scott, instead charging for the Weapon. He fired a sustained ice beam with both hands, striking the Weapon in the chest. The Weapon let go of Amanda as Bobby landed multiple punches on her face.

Scott fired a laser blast at Sinister's speedboat, but was then forced to retreat as multiple mercenaries returned fire with their assault rifles. Sinister chuckled to himself as he then pulled a detonator out of his pocket. He pressed the button, which caused explosive charges deep within the Czar to detonate.

Scott, Bobby and Amanda were all knocked off their feet and temporarily paralysed by the massive explosions that rocked the Czar's hull. The Weapon then silently disengaged from combat, performing a backflip that catapulted her dozens of metres into the air. She then landed on Sinister's getaway boat in a perfect three point pose.

Scott crawled to the edge of the ship, gritting his teeth as he watched Sinister escape. After half a minute of struggle, Scott pushed himself off the floor and made his way to Bobby and Amanda. Helping them to their feet, he then led the two of them to a lifeboat. The three young mutants managed to get away from the Czar as the flaming wreckage started to sink beneath the waves.

As Amanda snapped out of her daze, she then slapped Bobby across the face.


You idiot! said Amanda. Sinister was getting away! Scott said so, and instead, you went after me! Now we lost him. Again!

Bobby raised an eyebrow.

You're welcome for saving your life!

Saving my life isn't as important as ending his!

Amanda then folded her arms across her chest. Bobby sighed and looked away from her. Scott did his best to stay calm.

We didn't lose him, said Scott. Not entirely.

What do you mean? asked Amanda.

I know where he's going, answered Scott. Chicago. To meet a guy named Cameron Hodge. Even if the meeting place changes, we still have that name. He's running low on allies and on places to hide. We find this Hodge guy, whoever he is . . . . and we'll find Sinister. And, the element of surprise will be gone. We know he has a new Weapon now, but even she won't be able to save him next time.

Earth-717: X-Men Vol 3

Chapter 5: Ophelia's Castle

The X-Jet raced over the ocean, with Moira in the pilot's chair. As the field team leader, Storm was the one sitting next to her in the passenger seat. Xavier, Jean, Logan and Piotr were all in their respective seats, and the team members had all changed into their X-Men uniforms. Rogue, who did not have time to be properly introduced to the modified SR-71 Blackbird and its procedures, was placed in a seat next to Logan.

The video screen on the jet's control panel activated. It showed the face of Phil Coulson, agent of SHIELD.

Doctor MacTaggert?

Coordinates received, and we're heading there now, said Moira. Go ahead and give us the briefing, Coulson.

The coordinates I've sent are for a Hydra facility in Serbia. We've confirmed multiple intelligence reports that they've been consolidating their forces after the invasion.

Any particular reason you called us? asked Moira.

Because we've also confirmed reports that the base's commander is Madame Hydra.

Logan's ears perked up. Everyone except for Rogue blinked and looked intently at Coulson.

You are certain? asked Storm.

As certain as we can be in this business, replied Coulson. It's her, alright. She's on-site right now, but she might not be there for long. Maria Hill figured that since she was the one who helped Mister Sinister and Senator Kelly with the Mutant Response Division, that the X-Men would want first crack at her.

Damn straight, we do! said Jean.

That woman must be stopped, said Piotr.

We sincerely appreciate you providing us with this information, Agent Coulson, said Storm. The X-Men will deal with this threat.

Acknowledged, said Coulson. My team will be there shortly. Take down the facility and any Hydra forces you can. If you can capture Madame Hydra herself, all the better.

Storm nodded.

It will be done.

Coulson out.

The video call ended, and the SHIELD logo briefly flashed on the screen. The members of the team glanced at each other, clearly disturbed by the news of their target. Rogue looked back and forth a few times before she held her arms out to her sides.

Don't suppose any of ya'll wanna fill me in? Who the hell is Madame Hydra? What kinda crazy plane are we even on? Anybody?

My apologies, Rogue, said Xavier. I had certainly hoped to have explained every aspect of the Institute before we ran into a situation like this, but these are extenuating circumstances.

You're tellin' me!

Hey, kid.

Rogue turned to look at Logan.

We help mutants, but we also sometimes gotta do dirty work. We're the X-Men.

Logan then pointed at Moira.

Moira, up there? She's an agent of SHIELD. Government agency that works keep the world safe. We help them out from time to time. Hydra are the bad guys. You know, used to be Nazis, try to take over the world type, and Madame Hydra is one of their worst. As for the plane . . . .

Logan grunted and shrugged.

To be honest I don't really know much about it or how it works. But it sure does fly, heh, heh.

Rogue sighed and shook her head.

This is all a bit overwhelmin'.

Hey. Look at me.

Rogue returned Logan's gaze.

You're gonna be alright, you hear me? We'll keep you safe. You don't gotta do nothing yet. But you are gonna see how we X-Men get things done. Alright?

Rogue took in a deep breath. After a few seconds of hesitation, she responded.


Logan grinned.


Storm looked over her shoulder at Logan and Rogue. She saw the trust in Rogue's eyes as Logan spoke to her. Storm smiled before facing forward again.

* * * *

Ophelia grumbled as she faced forward again. Troops and aides all around the base were moving as fast as they could, but they were still not fast enough. Hydra had received reports that SHIELD may have learned of their location, and if that were true, then an assault would no doubt be coming very soon.

Ophelia had hoped to have evacuated by now, but too many valuables and personnel needed to be moved, so it was taking longer than expected. While the base had been outfitted with computer systems and an integrated defensive grid, the actual structure was still an old-fashioned castle made of brick and stone, and so moving objects around was not easy.

As Ophelia oversaw the evacuation, Petransky walked up to her.


Ophelia turned to look at Petransky.

There's something you need . . . .

Petransky was interrupted by the sound of a distant explosion. Ophelia and Petransky then both looked up as an alarm sounded across the base. Petransky gulped and rubbed the back of his neck.

. . . . to see.

The sound of a female voice was heard through the loudspeakers across the complex.

Alert! Alert! All personnel! We are under attack! I repeat, we are under attack! Enemy profiles confirmed as . . . . the X-Men. Activating defensive matrix.

I'm assuming this is what you were going to show me? asked Ophelia.

Petransky nervously cleared his throat.

Y-Yes, ma'am.

Ophelia growled as she stormed into the operations centre. She pushed one of the technicians out of the way as she reached for the microphone.

This is Madame Hydra! All combat units, engage the X-Men! Hold them back as the evacuation proceeds! If they get through, I'll kill you all myself! DO YOU HEAR ME?! VICTORY OR DEATH! NO SURRENDER!

Ophelia then turned to Petransky.

Send a message to Zemo. Let him know what's happening.

Petransky bowed.

Yes, ma'am.

And tell the Warden to suit up.

* * * *

The outside of the castle was complete chaos. Dozens of Hydra soldiers were spread around the perimeter, outfitted in combat gear. Multiple jeeps and tanks were also joining the fray, firing upwards at the incoming attackers. The castle itself had several automated laser defense cannons attached to its towers.

However, it was clear that the initial push was not going well for Hydra. Piotr charged straight into one of the jeeps, before picking it up with both hands. An entire squad of Hydra soldiers opened fire on Piotr, but his unbreakable skin deflected all of their bullets and lasers. He then heaved the jeep forward, causing the squad to disperse and leap out of the way to avoid being crushed.

Storm soared over Piotr, landing on a small defense outpost. Kicking outward as she landed, she knocked one of the soldiers clean off the roof. She then elbowed another soldier in the face before grabbing a third and throwing him against his ally. Jumping up, Storm then summoned a quick lightning strike, shattering the outpost completely.

Logan sprinted past the crumbling debris, straight towards one of the tanks. Pouncing forward with his claws unsheathed, he landed on top of the tank and started wildly slashing at the metal plating. The hatch opened and a soldier popped out with a shotgun, but Logan sliced the shotgun in half before grabbing the soldier and tossing him into the air.

Jean, who was flying like a bullet, grabbed the soldier by the leg as she flew overhead. She then broke into the dive, dodging multiple cannon blasts from some of the tanks. The soldier yelled as Jean dragged him along the ground before throwing him forward. His body slammed into the side of one of the jeeps, knocking it over completely.

Piotr ran past the jeep as it smashed into a tree. Holding his fists out laterally, he then spun around, bashing away three different soldiers. He then jumped up and dropped his elbow on one of the tanks, crushing it and causing it to explode. Storm flew next to him, and formed a small tornado that picked up the debris from the tank and shot the pieces outward at the other vehicles.

Another tank moved over a ridge, and took aim at Storm and Piotr. Before it could fire, Moira flew the jet behind it and launched a set of cluster missiles. The missiles decimated the tank, and the jet then flew out of the way of retaliatory attacks from two troopers who were carrying rocket launchers. One of them looked to the side and screamed as Logan rushed up to her and slashed her across the chest.

Jean then flew down and picked up the second rocket trooper with both hands. Quickly spinning around, Jean then tossed her sideways, smacking her body against one of the larger trees. Jean then boosted upwards, heading straight for the castle. She dodged laser shots from the defense cannons, before forming a telekinetic barrier around herself.

Jean used her own body to ram one of the cannons, breaking it apart as she struck it with her barrier. She then headed for the castle, before being repelled by a previously unseen energy field.


Jean flew backwards upon realizing that she couldn't break through the field.

Hey, guys! Looks like they've got some kinda energy field! I can't break it!

I can! shouted Piotr.

I don't think so, said Jean. It's pure energy. I think we may have to . . . .

Allow me!

Storm launched herself upwards, holding both of her arms towards the heavens. Her eyes turned pure white as she focused her powers, causing several thunderclouds to form together in the sky above the castle. The sound of crackling thunder echoed across the battlefield.

I summon the forces of the elements! Heed my call, and grant me your power! Enact swift and righteous justice against these most terrible of foes!

Storm then threw her arms forward, and a torrent of lighting strikes tore through the air. They all crashed against the energy field at once, and were sustained by Storm's power. The sheer volume of energy being exerted was both blinding and deafening, causing everyone in the area to shield their eyes or cover their ears.

Then, after only a few seconds, the energy field overloaded and shut down. Storm relented, and the thunderclouds dissipated as quickly as they had appeared. Storm took several deep breaths and lowered herself to the ground as she recovered from using so much power. As Moira moved the X-Jet into position to fire missiles and laser blasts at the remaining defense cannons, Jean then flew down towards Storm, using her telekinetic powers to knock away the last handful of nearby Hydra troops.

Logan caught Storm, and held her close as she regained her bearings.

No, said Storm. I must . . . .

Hey, said Logan. Ya did good. You can take a minute.

Storm exhaled again. Piotr and Jean stood guard as the remaining Hydra defenders started to make their way towards the team. Storm then got back to her feet.

We got incoming, said Jean.

We will need to divide our efforts, said Storm. Wolverine, now that their defensive matrix has been deactivated, I need you to breach the castle directly. Find Madame Hydra if you can.

Logan nodded.

You got it.

Phoenix, assist Wolverine in any way you can.

You sure? asked Jean.

Yes. Colossus and I will take care of the rest of the exterior forces.

Jean smirked at Logan.

Race ya there!

Jean then blasted off into the sky. Logan grumbled before looking over at Piotr.

Hey! We gonna do that thing we talked about?

Are you serious? asked Piotr.

Hell yeah.

Piotr then picked up Logan with his right hand, before holding his arm back. Logan narrowed his eyes as Piotr then threw him forward with all of his strength. Logan yelled as he was catapulted through the air. Holding his claws out in front of him, he smashed through one of the castle's windows, landing right in the operations centre.

The technicians screamed and fled as the guards opened fire. Jean jumped through the window and formed a telekinetic barrier around herself and Logan, deflecting dozens of bullets. As the guards paused for a moment, Jean then let the barrier dissipate, and Logan immediately went on the offensive. He made quick work of the handful of guards in the room, hacking and slashing his way through them.

* * * *

They do this sorta thing on the regular?

Rogue was now in the passenger seat of the X-Jet, watching as Moira squeezed off another laser shot. She had been observing the entire battle, and her awe at the situation never ceased.

They do indeed, said Xavier, who was sitting behind Rogue. We have trained them to hone their control of their powers. Now, as a team, they can go out in the world and use their powers for the betterment of all.

Rogue took in a deep breath as she continued to watch the fighting.

* * * *

Storm spun around as she launched another small tornado, which swept up a squad of soldiers and a jeep before scattering them all over the courtyard. While she was fighting off the rest of the troops, Piotr picked up two of the Hydra soldiers and bashed their heads together. As Piotr was about to look over his shoulder, he felt a crushing blow hit him in the back.


Piotr was knocked forward, and he landed on his face. He then heard the sound of a deep voice that was heavily modified by air filters.

Turn and face me, mutant scum!

Grunting as he pushed himself off the ground, Piotr then turned around to see a man in a large, dull green suit that seemed to be a fusion of rubber and metal. He stood two metres tall, with a grey face mask. A giant air tank was strapped to his back, and both of his arms were outfitted with modules. His left hand was wielding a massive, rectangular metal shield, while his right hand had been replaced with a three-pronged metallic claw.

The Warden clenched his claw for a moment as he stared Piotr down.

You are bigger than your friends, said Piotr, before cracking his knuckles. Doesn't change that I will knock you down.

The Warden let out a fiendish chuckle as he smacked his shield twice with his claw.

You can try!

Piotr scowled as he sprinted directly for the Warden. Holding his right fist back, Piotr then threw it forward, punching the shield directly. He was stunned to find that his fist barely pushed the Warden back. This moment of surprise was all the Warden needed to retaliate with a punch from his claw hand, knocking Piotr backwards.

Staggered, Piotr was in a poor position to defend himself as the Warden then bashed him in the chest with his shield. Recovering faster this time, Piotr then grabbed the shield with both hands. Piotr and the Warden both strained themselves as they pulled away from each other. After several seconds of struggle, the Warden grasped Piotr's wrist with his claw hand.

Uh oh, said Piotr.

Laughing, the Warden then pulled Piotr's arm off of his shield. Lifting upwards, the Warden then heaved Piotr into the air. He then spun around before slamming Piotr's body against the ground. Piotr clutched his chest in pain. The Warden then lifted his foot, intending to lower it on Piotr's skull. Piotr rolled out of the way just in time to avoid being crushed under the Warden's boot.

The Warden growled as Piotr jumped back to his feet. He then kicked out with his left leg, but the Warden deflected the attack with his shield. The Warden then lunged forward and tried to grab at Piotr with his claw hand, but Piotr sidestepped the attack. Now behind the Warden, Piotr grabbed at the air tank with both hands and squeezed inward.

As the tank's metal was crushed, the Warden shouted out in pain. Piotr then brought down his fist on the Warden's head, bashing his foe to the ground. Piotr then stomped on the Warden's face mask, finally rendering him unconscious.

* * * *


A Hydra soldier was blown over the railing of one of the staircases of the castle by a telekinetic attack from Jean. She then looked up to see Ophelia, Petransky and a handful of soldiers making their way up the stairs. Looking down, Ophelia then pointed at Jean.


The soldiers opened fire with their assault rifles. Jean quickly threw up her telekinetic barrier, repelling the bullets coming her way. Internally, she thanked the Professor for helping her develop the strength of her barrier. Seeing that the bullets weren't hitting their target, Ophelia then yelled before beckoning the troops to follow her.

Logan sprinted past Jean, heading straight for Ophelia. The top of the stairs was connected to a hallway that led to a private aircraft chamber. Running at full speed, Logan got to the top of the stairs, with Jean following behind him. Logan stabbed one of the soldiers in the back with both sets of claws. As the soldier shouted, Ophelia and the rest of her escort turned around.

Without even saying a word, Ophelia drew both of her customized machine pistols and fired. She hit Logan in the chest, and Jean in the shoulder.



Jean fell to the ground, clutching at her bleeding wound. She cringed as she started to lose consciousness from the shock. Logan stood upright as his gunshot wound started to heal. Ophelia then turned to Petransky.

Go. Prepare the aircraft. I will deal with them.

Petransky nodded. He and the rest of the Hydra troops ran through the nearby door to the aircraft chamber. Ophelia then put on a villainous smile as she looked back at Logan.

It's been far too long, liebling. It's about time you finally came back to me.

Logan snarled.

Keep dreamin', bitch.

Ophelia heartily laughed.

Don't pretend you didn't enjoy our little romance. Here you are, running back to my side. I think you missed me.

The only thing I missed was the chance to cut out your heart.

Come now, Wolverine. We need not fight. After all, I was the only woman who could satisfy your more violent cravings. We could always settle our differences the way we used to. In bed.

Logan slashed his claws against each other. Ophelia scowled.


Ophelia then aimed her pistols forward again and opened fire. Logan ran forward and swung his claws in front of him, deflecting some of the bullets. As Logan closed in, Ophelia calmly tossed her pistols to the side before pulling out and turning on a glowing, blue stun baton. She then jammed it forward, striking Logan in the chest.

Logan shouted and Ophelia laughed as the baton electrified him. Ophelia then performed a high kick, hitting Logan in the face. He moved back, still disoriented by the electricity attack. She pressed her advantage, swinging down with the baton and bashing him across the jaw. As he stumbled backwards, she pulled her specialized whip off of her belt.

Cracking it forward, Ophelia slashed the whip across Logan's chest. The attack sliced open his skin, spurting blood into the air.

I hope you're holding back, meine liebe! said Ophelia, giggling. Or have you become completely impotent?

Logan growled as Ophelia cracked her whip again. He lashed out at just the right moment, slicing her whip in half. He then rushed for her as she pressed a button on her baton, causing it to transform into an electrified katana. Holding the sword with both hands, she then used it to block Logan's slash attack.

Swinging the sword side to side, Ophelia found her attacks deflected by Logan's claws. The two combatants traded blows, but for a full minute, neither one seemed capable of overtaking the other. Finally, Ophelia landed a vertical slash on Logan's right arm. Cringing, he was then forced to backpedal to avoid another powerful sword swing.

Exhausted, Logan backed into a wall. As Ophelia put on a slasher smile and was about to stab him in the chest, she felt a finger tap on her shoulder.


Ophelia looked behind her to see Jean standing there with her fist winded up. Ophelia blinked and widened her eyes as Jean threw her first forward, punching the villain square in her face. Jean put all of her force into the punch, and Ophelia was lifted into the air by the critical blow. She then landed on her back, with her arms outstretched.

And with that, Ophelia was defeated. Her eyes rolled back into her head as drool fell from the corner of her mouth.

* * * *

A SHIELD Quinjet landed just outside the castle, next to the already parked X-Jet. Petransky, the Warden and the surviving Hydra soldiers were all standing in a line with their hands behind their heads. Piotr, Storm and Moira were standing behind the line of prisoners, ensuring that they did not try to escape.

Xavier rolled up next to Jean, Logan and Rogue, who were standing with Ophelia. Jean's shoulder had since been patched up. Ophelia's hands were now bound with a metallic cuff device. Her hair was dishevelled and her left eye was bruised, although it was already starting to heal. As the loading ramp of the Quinjet lowered, Maria Hill, Phil Coulson and a handful of armed soldiers walked out.

They approached the team, and Hill folded her arms across her chest.

Agent Hill, said Xavier. Agent Coulson. May we present Ophelia Sarkissian. Also known as the Viper, also known as Madame Hydra.

Great work, said Coulson.

Ophelia grumbled as Hill glared at her.

Madame Hydra herself, said Hill. Huh. To think we've been after you for so long, but now . . . . I have to say, it's a bit anticlimactic.

Ophelia scowled, but did not respond.

Put her on board, said Hill. We have a nice, cozy cell at Ravencroft prepared just for her.

A couple of the soldiers took Ophelia from Jean and Logan and led her back to the Quinjet. The other soldiers started moving the rest of the prisoners. Hill then turned back to Xavier as the X-Men all bunched up around him.

Damn fine job, Professor, said Hill. This was a huge help. I won't forget this.

We're happy to assist in any way we can, said Xavier. That's what the X-Men are for.

Rogue looked at Xavier as he spoke, but she didn't know what to think.

* * * *

Madelyne and Trask stood together as they watched the capsule. A hissing noise was heard as the capsule door slid open, and mist filtered out. After a few seconds, they watched as a humanoid figure stepped through the smoke. The figure seemed to be mostly metallic, with certain sections covered in leather clothing and modular armour.

A black, grey and maroon colour scheme dictated most of the figure's appearance, but they could still tell that the few organic sections of its body were the remains of Donald Pierce. Master Mold, who was sitting in her chair behind Madelyne and Trask, proceeded to speak.

I co-opted the idea from some of the files we stole from SHIELD. Allow me to present Mister Pierce's new form . . . .

A red, ocular targeting lens over the left eye turned on and emitted a bright red light.

. . . . Deathlok.

Earth-717: X-Men Vol 3

Chapter 6: Helicopter Havoc

As the X-Jet raced back to North America, Rogue sat next to Jean, who was resting on a bench on the side of the main compartment. Xavier was also there in his wheelchair, watching over his telepathic student. His eyes were drawn to the bandage over her left shoulder, which concealed the gunshot wound that Ophelia had inflicted upon her.

The bullet had gone straight through Jean's flesh, luckily missing the bones in her shoulder. While Moira had hastily performed a patch job on the entrance and exit wounds, it was nowhere near enough to properly ease her pain. Jean groaned as she moved her head slowly from side to side.

I am so sorry, Jean. This never should have happened.

Jean moved her neck so that she could look into Xavier's eyes. Rogue blinked as she watched Jean look at the Professor, remarking to herself that it seemed almost as if they were able to understand each other's thoughts.

It's not your fault.

I place you all in harm's way. It's not my fault, but it is my responsibility.

Jean shook her head.

We're all here of our own choice, Professor. It's the choice we make. The choice I made, and it's the choice I will continue to make. We do good with our powers because of your help, and no one can take that away from us. No one.

Xavier hesitated for several moments before silently nodding. Jean gave him a brief smile as he then turned away and rolled his wheelchair back to where the rest of the team were. Jean sighed as she looked straight up at the ceiling. Rogue rubbed her hands together in her lap before glancing at Jean.



Why do you do it?

Jean took a breath.

Because it's the right thing to do.

Rogue gulped as she looked away for a moment.

I don't think I'd be able to do that, she said.


Rogue rubbed the back of her neck.

I just can't. My powers, they . . . . they ain't the kind that helps people.

Rogue looked down at her hands, and she could almost still feel like there was blood on them. While Jean could sense Rogue's emotions on the astral plane, she only needed to look into her sullen green eyes to see the torment in her soul.



How are you doing?

Rogue weakly chuckled.

You go 'round, using your powers to sav