
Post on 28-Oct-2014






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First do general daily puja of Maa Durga as you do, or according to Easy Navratri Puja Vidhi. Then worship specific form of Nav Durga on their respective day with following Mantras to please them :

1. Worship Shailputri on First Day of Navratri :

Shailputri is the name of form of Maa Durga when she incarnated as daughter of King of Mountains Himachal. Shail means mountain and putri means daughter. Her Luster is said equal to crores of moons, she rides on a Bull named Nandi, her head is adorned with half-moon, she has a trident in her one hand and varmudra in other hand. Mantra of worship of Shailputri Devi are :

( i ) Om Devi Shailputryai Namah (Do 108 recitation of this mantra)

( ii ) Vande Vanchhit Laabhaay, Chandrardhkritshekharaam | Vrisharudham Shooldharaam Shailputriim Yashaswinim ||

Which means, I worship Goddess Shailputri to fulfill my wishes, who is adorned with half moon on her head, rides on a bull, carry a trident and is illustrious.

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2. Worship Brahmcharini on Second Day of Navratri :

Brahmcharini is form of Maa Durga when she was incarnated as the daughter of King Daksh. Her name was sati in this incarnation and her unmarried form is worshipped as Brahmcharini Devi. She has rosary (Mala) and Kamandalu in her lotus hands. She gives eternal bliss by knowledge of Supreme Self (God). Mantra for worship of Devi Brahmcharini are :

( i ) Om Devi Brahmcharinyai Namah (Do 108 recitation of this mantra)

( ii ) Dadhaanaa Kar Padaabhyaamakshmala Kamandalu | Devi Prasidati Mayi Brahmcharinyanuttamaa.

Which means, O Goddess Brahmcharini, who holds rosary and Kamandalu in her hands, please on me.

A devotee who is eager to know God, who want knowledge, he should worship Devi Brahmcharini on the second day of Navratri.

3. Worship Chandraghanta on Third Day of Navratri :

Chandraghanta is form of Maa Durga who rides on Tiger, holds a Gong (big bell) and adorned with half moon on head. Mantra for worship of Devi Chandraghanta is as follows :

( i ) Om Devi Chandraghantayayi Namah (Do 108 recitation of this mantra)

( ii ) Pindaj Pravaarudh chandkopastrkairyuta | Prasadam Tanute Madhyam Chandraghanteti vishrutaa ||

Which means, O Goddess Chandraghanta, who rides on Tiger, angry on enemies, holds many weapons in 10 hands, please on me. Devotees who have many enemies and obstacles in their life, should worship Devi Chandraghanta on third day of Navratri. Goddess Chandraghanta then destroy all obstacles and fears of devotee and destroy enemies and demons.

4. Worship Kushmanda on Fourth Day of Navratri :

Kushmanda is the form of Goddess Durga which creates universe. Goddess Kushmanda rides on Lion, hold weapons in her seven hands, holds rosary in eighth hand. Mantra for worship of Goddess Kushmanda is :

( i ) Om Devi Kushmandayayi Namah (Do 108 recitation of this mantra)

( ii ) Suraasampoornam Kalasham Rudhiraaplutamev Cha | Dahdana Hastpadmaabhyaam Kushmanda Shubhdaastu Me ||

Which means, Goddess Kushmanda who holds two pitchers full of Madira and Blood in her lotus hands, be propitious to me.

Goddess Kushmanda is Mother of Sun. She creates the entire universe and solar system. Devotees must worship her in order to get success in her creation. Devotees who has malefic Sun in their birth chart should worship Kushmanda Devi.

5. Worship Skandmata on Fifth Day of Navratri :

Skandmata is the form of Goddess Durga when she take incarnation of Parvati and gave birth to Lord Skanda or Kartikeya. She is known by her sons name as Skandmata. Skandamata rides on Lion with six faced Kartikeya on her lap. The mantra for worship of Goddess Skandamata is :

( i ) Om Devi Skandmatayayi Namah (Do 108 recitation of this mantra)

( ii ) Sinhaasangataam Nityam Padmaanchit Kardwayaa | Shubhdaastu Sadaa Devi Skandmata Yashaswini ||

Which means, Skandmata who rides on Lion with Kartikeya, holds lotus in her two hands and Varmudra in one hand, be propitious to me.

Skandmata take care of a devotee as her own child. Devotees must worship Skandamata specifically if they have may obstacles in life. Skandmata then take care of devotee as her own child and remove his all obstacles.

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6. Worship Katyayani on Sixth Day of Navratri :

Katyayani is an incarnation of Goddess Durga, when Indian Rishi Katyayan meditate on Goddess to destroy demons. Goddess Durga incarnated in his home as his daughter, named Katyayani. According to Durga Saptshati, Goddess Katyayani is Mahasaraswati. Goddess Katyayani holds weapons in her 10 hands, rides on Lion, have three eyes and adorned with half moon on head. Katyayani Mantra for worship in Navratri is :

( i ) Om Devi Katyayanyayi Namah (Do 108 recitation of this mantra)

( ii ) Chandrahaasojjval Karaa Shaardoolvarvaahanaa | Katyayani Shubham Dadyaad Devi Daanavghatini ||

Which means, Devi Katyayani who holds Chandrahaas Sword and other weapons in her ten hands, rides on Lion, and destroying demons, be propitious to me.

( iii ) Om Hrim Katyayani Swaha (Do 108 Recitation of this Katyayani Mantra)

7. Worship Kalratri on Seventh Day of Navratri :

Kalratri is incarnation of Goddess in which she removed her golden skin and became lustrous black colored. She is naked, rides on an ass, holds sword and Varmudra in two right hands, holds a torch and abhaya mudra in left two hands. She is the Master of Hypnotism. Kalratri Mantra for worship during Navratri is :

( i ) Om Devi Kalratryayi Swaha (Do 108 Recittaion of this Kalratri Mantra)

( ii ) Ekveni Japakarnpoora Nagn Kharaasthita | Lamboshthi Karnika karni Tailaabhyaktshariirini ||

Vaam Paadollasallohlata Kantakbhushanaa | Bardhan Moordham Dhwajaa Krishnaa Kalratribhayankari ||

This is the mantra to meditate on her. This mantra describes her form. She is naked, rides on ass, long lips, lustrous body, wearing ornaments in legs like lightning, black in color, unlocked hair, big eyes and ears and very dangerous looking. Meditating on this form of Kalratri removes all obstacles as well as removes all magical effects created by others.

8. Worship of Mahagauri on Eighth Day of Navratri :

Mahagauri is the 16 years old form of unmarried Goddess Parvati. She rides on bull, holds trident and damru in two hands and have varamudra and abhayamudra in other two hands, wears pure white cloths, face is white like moon. Mantra for worship of Mahagauri during Navratri is :

( i ) Om Devi Mahagauryayi Namah (Do 108 Recitation of  Mahagauri Mantra)

( ii ) Shwete Vrishesamarudha Shwetaambardhara Shuchih | Mahagari Shubham Dadyanmahadev Praodadaa ||

Which means, Goddess Mahagauri who rides on white bull, wear pure white clothes, giver of happiness, be propitious to me.

9. Worship of Siddhidatri on Ninth Day of Navratri :

Siddhidatri is master of eight siddhis and nine nidhis. Siddhidatri is an incarnation of Maa Durga, when goddess Parvati enters in half body of Lord Shiva. Siddhidatri is Seated on Red Lotus and She also rides on Lion. She has Conch, Chakra, Lotus and Gada in her four hands, Dev, Humans, Brahmins, Demons, Kinnars are all worshipping her. Siddhidatri Mantra for worship during Navratri is :

( i ) Om Devi Siddhidatryayi Namah (Do 108 Recititation of Siddhidatri Mantra)

( ii ) Siddha Gandharva Yakshdyairasurairamarairapi | Sevyamaanaa Sadabhuyaat Siddhida Siddhidayini ||

Which means, Goddess Siddhidatri who is worshipped by Siddha, Gandharva, Yaksh, Gods, Demons etc., holds Conch, Chakra, Gada and Lotus in her hands, giver of all siddhis and victory all over, be propitious to me.

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Devotee must worship Goddess Siddhidatri on ninth day of Navratri because she gives the results of nine days worship.

Note : On Eighth day you should give invitation to nine girls of age group of 5 to 12 for food on ninth day. On ninth day, prepare food for them. The special menu for this day is Halwa, Poori and Chana. Many people make Kadhi and Kheer also. Feed the girls with full of love and devotion considering them nine form of Goddess. After food, give them some dakshina, i.e. money, gifts, clothes etc. whatever you wish and with which these girls are pleased.

This way you complete Nav Durga (Maa Durga) Puja on Navratri Festival.

October 17, 2012, Second day of Navratri, Dwitiya : Sugar or the food made with Sugar products. For this Goddess

Durga blesses the devotee with fullest happiness and good health.  (March 24, 2012 in Vasant Navratri)

October 18, 2012, Third day of Navratri, Tritiya : Milk or the products prepared with milk. Durga Ma blesses the

devotees for this with peace and mental happiness in the l ife.  (March 25, 2012 in Vasant Navratri)

October 18, 2012, Fourth day of Navratri, Chaturthi : Offer the Goddess the products made with Maida and sugar. It

blesses the devotee to get rid of all his sins.  (March 26, 2012 in Vasant Navratri)

October 19, 2012, Fifth day of Navratri, Panchami : Bananas or any other fruits but offering bananas gives

psychological maturity for the devotee.  (March 27, 2012 in Vasant Navratri)

October 20, 2012, Sixth day of Navratri, Sashti : Honey or the products made of honey. It makes devotee free from

any mental i l lness and provides them fullest confidence to face any challenge in l ife with ease.  (March 28, 2012 in

Vasant Navratri)

October 21, 2012, Seventh day of Navratri, Saptami : Offer items made of jaggery. It makes the devotee wealthy for

all the coming generations.  (March 29, 2012 in Vasant Navratri)

October 22, 2012, Eighth day of Navratri, Ashtami : Offer Coconut or any other product made of coconut water. It

makes the devotee happy and prosperous in his l ife.  (March 30, 2012 in Vasant Navratri)

October 23, 2012, Ninth day of Navratri, Navami : Grains such as wheat, maze, etc on this day makes the devotee

free from all his bonds and provides him salvation after his death.  (March 31, 2012 in Vasant Navratri)

There are different Naivedyam items for Navratri puja in South India , especially in Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka and

Tamil Nadu.

Nava Graha Gayatri Mantra

Surya Gayatri Mantra (For the Sun)Om Ashwadhwaja Vidmahe Pasa Hasthaya Dheemahi. Thanna Soorya Prachodayath

Chandra Gayatri Mantra (For the Moon)Om Padmadwajaya Vidmahe Hema Roopaya Dheemahi. Thanna Soma Prachodayath

Kuja Gayatri Mantra (For Mars)Om Veeradwajaya Vidmahe Vighna Hasthaya Dheemahi. Thanno Bhauma Prachodayath.

Bhudha Gayatri Mantra (For Mercury)Om Gajadwajaya Vidmahe Shuka Hasthaya Dheemahi. Thanna Budha Prachodayath

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Guru Gayatri Mantra (For Jupiter)Om Vrishabhadwajaya Vidmahe Ghrini Hasthaya Dheemahi. Thanno Guru Prachodayath

Shukra Gayatri Mantra (For Venus)Om Ashwadwajaya Vidmahe Dhanur Hasthaya Dheemahi. Thanna Shukra Prachodayath.

Shani Gayatri Mantra (For Saturn)Om Kakadwajaya Vidmahe Khadga Hasthaya Dheemahi. Thanno Manda Prachodayath.

Rahu Gayatri Mantra (For Rahu)Om Nagadwajaya Vidmahe Padma Hasthaya Dheemahi. Thanno Rahu Prachodayath

Ketu Gayatri Mantra (For Ketu)Om Ashwadwajaya Vidmahe Shoola Hasthaya Dheemahi. Thanna Ketu Prachodayath

1. Japaa kusuma Sankaasam – Kaasyapeyam Mahaath’ yuthimThamo’urim sarva Paapa ganam – Pranathosmi Dhiwaakaram.

One who looks like the Hibiscus flower, Son of Kashyapa, full of radiance,Foe of darkness and the one who dispells all sins, I prostrate that Soorya.

2. Dhadhi sanka Thushaaraabham – Ksheero Dhaarnava SambhavamNamaami sasinam Somam – Sambhor makuta Bhooshanam.

The one who has the hue of curd and icebergs, one who emerges from the milky ocean, Chandra who adorns Shiva, I prostrate. that Chandra.

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3. Dharanee garbha Sambhootham – Vidhyuth kaanthi SamaprabhamKumaaram Sakthi Hasthancha – Mangalam Pranamaam Yaham.

The one who is the son of Bhooma Devi, One who has the lustre of lightning,One who has Shakthi in his hand, and the auspoicious one, I prostrate that Angaraka.

4. Piryangu kali Kaasyaamam – Roope’naa Prathimam BudhamSowmyam sowmya Gunopetham – Tham Bhudham Pranamaam Yaham.

The one who is dark like the bud of Priyangu flower, One who is unequalled in beauty and is intelligent, And the son of Chandra, One who is peaceful, I prostrate that Budha.

5. Dhe’vaanaancha Risheenaancha – Gurum Kaanchan sannibhamBhudhdhi bhootham Thrilokesam – Thannamaami Bhruhaspathim.

The one who is the Guru of the Devas and Rishis, the one who is radiant and intelligent, The Lord of all the three worlds, I prostrate that Brihaspathi.

6. Hima kundha M’runaalaabam – Dhaithyaanam Paramam GurumSarva saasthra Pravruththaaram – Bhaargavam Pranamaam Yaham.

The one who has the lustre of the dew, Lotus stem and Thumba flower, High priest of Asurasand the one who preaches the Shatras, I prostrate that ( Bhargava )Sukracharya.

7. Neelaanchana Samaabaasam – Raviputhram YamaagrajamChaayaa Maarthaanda Sambhootham – Thannamaami Sanaicharam.

The one who is blue, one who is like charcoal, one who is the son of Surya and the brother of Yama, one who is born to Chaya and Surya, I prostrate that Saneeswara.

8. Ardha kaayam mahaaveeyram – Chandhraadhithya vimardhanamSimhikaagarba Sambhootham – Tham Raahum Pranamaam Yaham.

The one who has half a body and is full of valour, One who opposes Chandra and Surya without fear, One who was born from Simhika’s womb, I prostrate that Rahu.

9. Palaasa pushpa sankaasam – Thaarakagraha masthakamRowdhram rowdhraathmakam go’ram – Tham Kethum Pranamaam Yaham.

The one who looks like Palasa flower, One who is the king of the stars andOne who has a fierce form and is scary and angry, I prostrate that Kethu.

Navratri is a sacred festival solely devoted to the divine form of Maa Shakti. During this nine night long festival of Navratri, nine different forms of Maa Durga signifying power, wealth, prosperity and knowledge are worshipped. Each day is dedicated to different aspect of divine almighty.

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Maa Shailputri

Maa Shailputri is the daughter of Himalaya and first among the nine aspects of Maa Durga. Mounting

on a bull, Maa Shailputri holds a trishul in the right hand and a flower in the left hand. Maa

Shailputri�s glories are endless.

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Maa Brahmacharini

"Brahma" means "Tapa". Maa Brahmacharini is the second form of

Navdurga and is worshipped on the second day of Navratri. Maa

Brahmacharini practices Tapa and is very gorgeous giving the message of

love to the whole world. She holds a rosary (mala) in her right hand and

Kamandal in left hand. The goddess is full with merriment.

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Maa Chandraghanta

The Goddess establishes justice by saving her

devotees from all kinds of danger. This form of

Navdurga is known as Chandraghanta because

there is a half-circular moon in her forehead. This

face of Maa Durga is very charming and bright.

She possesses three eyes and ten hands holding

ten different types of swords, weapons and arrows

etc and mounts on a Lion.

Maa Kushmanda

Maa Kushmanda, the fourth aspect of Navdurga is adored

on the fourth day of Navratri. Maa Kushmanda represents

the source of providing basic necessities to the whole

world. This form of Durga is said to be the creator of the

universe and resides in the innermost core of the earth.

She has eight hands which hold seven types of weapons in

seven hands and a rosary in her right hand. She seems

brilliant riding on a Lion.

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Maa Skandamata

Skandamata is the fifth form of Navdurga

therefore she is worshipped on the fifth day of

Navratri. Skandamata bestows her devotees

with the gift of differentiation of right from

wrong to the world. She holds her son,

"Skanda" in her lap while displaying three

eyes and four hands; two hands hold lotus

while the other two hands respectively display

defending and granting gestures.

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Maa Katyayani

On sixth day of Navratri, the sixth form of Maa Durga

known as Maa Katyayani is worshipped. It is believed

that Maa Katyayani persistently battles against the

evil and deceitful entities. She has three eyes and

four arms. One left hand holds a weapon and the

other a lotus. The other two hands respectively

display defending and granting gestures. Her mount

is a lion.

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Maa Kaalratri

Maa Kaalratri is the seventh form of Navdurga. Maa

Kaalratri is also known as Maa Kaali or Maha Kaali

and is worshipped on the seventh day of Navratri.

Kalaratri is the one of the fiercest forms of Maa

Durga and her appearance itself evokes fear. This

form of Goddess is believed to be the destroyer of all

demon entities. Mounted upon a Donkey the goddess

possess black skin with bountiful hair and four hands,

two clutching a cleaver and a torch, while the

remaining two are in the mudras

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Maa Gauri

Maa Durga is the soft spoken and simplest form of

Maa Durga. She is calm and kind and exists in

peaceful style. She has four arms and fairest

complexion of all the Durga Shakti. She holds a drum

and a trishul and is often depicted riding a bull.

Durga Ashtami Puja is also held on this day in many

parts of the country.

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Maa Siddhidatri

Navdurga�s ninth aspect is Maa Siddhidatri.

Maa Siddhidatri showers knowledge over all her

devotees making their soul pure. The Goddess

drives on Lion. She has four hands and looks

are very pleasing. The day is also observed as

Mahanavami in many parts of the world.

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