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European Co-operationin Anthroposophical Curative

Education and Social TherapyHasenöhrlstraße 12, 1100 Vienna, Austria

tel. +31 6 5020 4989 info@ecce.eu; www.ecce.eu

Minutes ECCE General Meeting 2016

May 19th - 22nd 2016Trondheim, Norway

Record of those present and excused: see appendix.

Thursday Mai 19 th at Hotel Augustin (Kongensgate 26, Trondheim)

The president, Mrs. Béatrice Cussac de-Verteuil, opens the meeting and gives everyone a warm welcome. She thanks our hosts for their efforts and the excellent preparatory work they have done. Mr. Michael Dackweiler (ECCE committee member) gives a short introduction into the theme “building bridges”.

Guests from Norwegian Camphill places at this eveningMrs. Astrid Åkra – parents organisation – Camphill Jøssåsen LandsbyMr. Stig Tore Röe (Astrid’s husband)Mrs. Karen Nesheim, Camphill SolborgMrs. Kirsti Hills-Johnes, Camphill VidaråsenMr. Frank Schmiemann – Camphill Village TrustMrs. Dorine van der Linden – Camphill Landsby JøssåsenMrs. Anne Langeland, Mr. Nils Langeland, Mrs. Soili Turunen, Mr. Gerrit Overweg, Mrs. Kristin Vansvik – Camphill Rotvoll Mrs. Rigmor Skålholt from the Sosialterapeutisk Forbund welcomes the ECCE to Norway

50 years Camphill in Norway - Mrs. Karen Nesheim, Camphill Solborg

The first village, Vidaråsen Landsby, was founded at Whitsun 1966. Four pioneers (among them where Karen’s parents), wished to develop a village community where adults with special needs and people from the village could share their lives. Lack of money was no hinder; motivated by their common ideals and strong determination, the village became reality.

Minutes – General Meeting May 19-22, 2016, Trondheim, Norway (approved by Committee members on 20.11.2016, Paris) Renate Chwatal - 1 -

The authorities supported Vidaråsen from the start. A turning point economically was when gymnasium finalists, decided to sell candles in support of Vidaråsen. This was the start of a yearly campaign with the motto “Light a Candle for Vidaråsen”.During the following twenty years, they collected enough money to finance the building of a new house annually. At the same time, the impulse, carried by the pioneers and original villagers attracted many young people in search of a meaning in life, to join the life in the village.

“The impulse of Vidar” - a tale from Norse mythology (an excerpt of it) Mrs. Kirsti Hills-Johnes, Camphill Vidaråsen,

“It is said that Odin had an affair with the warrior goddess Grid, and that she bore him a son named Vidar, who took after his father and became one of the honored Aesir Gods. He is one of the two Gods of Vengeance. Vidar’s name may originally have meant “widely ruling”. He is known as “the Silent God”, meaning that he does not flaunt his vengeance; Vidar is said to speak little, but be a fierce warrior when the moment is needed. It is also said that he is almost as strong as Thor, and that the Gods depend upon him in times of trouble. He is also known as the God of the Thick Shoe, as he is constantly in the process of building up the soles of his shoes. Traditionally, shoemakers (and before that, people who made their own shoes) were encouraged to dedicate the little scraps of leather they trimmed off of their new shoe soles to Vidarr, who would collect them and add them slowly to this own soles.”This image was brought in relationship to what makes us different if we only act on it: to do the "extra"; for freedom lies in the action that was not necessary or duty, but "extra" to what is expected or prescribed. It is this "extra" that will "save" the world in the end according to the myths.

Friday Mai 20 th :

Visit of Camphill Rotvoll

Camphill Rotvoll is different from the other villages in Norway, as it is located in a typical residential area, not far from the city of Trondheim. About 25 people live in 3 houses with space for 10 adults who need help in daily life. At Rotvoll is a large garden with vegetable and herbs, and a large greenhouse. They keep a few sheep, together with their next door neighbors: Rotvoll Waldorf School. They offer a number of workshops: a large weavery, a juice- and jam-factory, a bakery and a small general store. Camphill Rotvoll also offers suitable work for people who do not live there, but come in on a day-basis.

Minutes – General Meeting May 19-22, 2016, Trondheim, Norway (approved by Committee members on 20.11.2016, Paris) Renate Chwatal - 2 -

Mrs. Anne Langeland – Camphill Rotvol,

she states that co-workers have to have skills to understand what people with special needs will tell us. We have to observe how they communicate, among each other, with the nature, with animals, with God and with the dead.’

Mr. Thomas Kraus (ECCE secretary) introduces the theme “building bridges”.

Due to the fact that there is a strike going on in Norway one could have the impression that human beings are in a kind of a status of a general strike. Everybody is waiting for a change or movement from outside. Beginning of the intention to build a bridge is an obstacle. To overcome it one needs to have specialists, a plan and two opposites to be connected. To build is an activity and the bridge itself is a concrete result which has always to be protected. It needs money, time and motivation.This is the same between human beings but the result is not visible, however we can experience it. It’s all about relationship; a ship which is floating and connecting two sides. Let´s become sailors, soulsailors! In former time the accompanying person was ahead. Now we have to work on the same level with the accompanied person and try to let him be the acting person towards a mutual exchange. Persons might become pillars, building a bridge between them will have the impact of a mutual benefit.

E Europe - as a bridge between East and West C Cooperation – most important is the how C Curative – to cure humanity E Education – first self education later on to educate the other

If ECCE serves, bends or kneel down it will become a bridge too. It protects against counterforces and reflects the light from above. Let´s now colour Europe with the northern light from Norway and let us all become pontifexes. -----

On a two hours’ drive to Vallersund farm and we learnt Norwegian songs in the bus. During the travel time members discussed on the theme

“building bridges”

Mr. Bart Vanmechelen (ECCE committee member, representative of the Council/ Dornach) asks the participants to work with images and exchange with each other these two questions in small groups:1. where have I met Curative education when it touched me? 2. what inspired me when I first got in touch with ECCE?

Minutes – General Meeting May 19-22, 2016, Trondheim, Norway (approved by Committee members on 20.11.2016, Paris) Renate Chwatal - 3 -

Visit of Vallersund gård

A small Camphill village located on the coast of Trøndelag, which offers care to people with special needs. They have organic farming and gardening, sheltered workshops and teaching. The intentional community of Vallersund is also an Eco-village with an interest in alternative energy. They have a large windmill that covers their energy needs. A heat pump extracts energy from the sea to heat their houses. A biological purifying plant treats the waste-water before it is returned to the sea. The ‘Fram-school’ is also located here, which is an educational service for young adults with learning disabilities.

Vallersund is situated at the Atlantic Ocean. It was a unique possibility to see more of Norway. Many of the participants visited the «Peace Angel» behind the village on top of a hill and enjoyed the beautiful view from there.

In the afternoon we refer to the two questions again (Mr. Bart Vanmechelen)

where have I met Curative education when it touched me? what inspired me when I first got in touch with ECCE?

Most of the parents have the feeling of “coming home” when they meet antroposophy. There is a high quality in the way people live together, in food, workshops. It is the concern about the “child”, the perspective of growth and development.

Mr. Fidel Ortega – people tend to ask ‘what do we get from ECCE?’ but they should think about ‘what can we give to ECCE?’ People from the east and the south of Europe have less money, but they want to give. On my first request ECCE did not accept our organization in Tenerife as a member. Therefore we united and founded the federation of Spain/Portugal/Tenerife.Now, 5 years later, we have organized the 2nd Congress of this federation for 250 residents and companions. The topics of these meetings are ‘me and the outer world’ ‘the world and me’ and the next one will be ‘me in the world’. It is always interesting to meet so many people from different countries and places. It is nice to be here in Norway meeting people and to build bridges. On the other hand it is a pity that some of our friends cannot take part in these meetings due to their economic situation (Hungary, Romania, Czech Republik) Mr. Bart Vanmechelen – it is also important to build a bridge to the sphere of rights with EDF, EASPD …. How can we build a bridge and bring it into higher quality?Mr. Michael Dackweiler – we don’t notice the different qualities of our countries. We have to share our experiences. The Camphill places in Norway and Germany are completely different. It would help to have more knowledge of each other; then we can adjust our own ways and find other options, other solutions.

Minutes – General Meeting May 19-22, 2016, Trondheim, Norway (approved by Committee members on 20.11.2016, Paris) Renate Chwatal - 4 -

Mr. Bernard Heldt – 1 ½ % of the European population of persons with special needs are guided by anthroposophical organisations. Only in cooperation with other Not-Governmental Organizations – we can give them a bridge to society - inclusion.

Mr. Christian Gaegauf - what gives us the impulse to work for ECCE? How important is ECCE for Romania and Hungary? ECCE should work on the same level as the persons in need, they teach us! (more practical, not so much in theory)

Mrs. Karen Nesheim recommends a book from a norwegian writer – Nils Christie ‘Beyond Loneliness and Institutions’, telling about communes for extraordinary people, which is written in a way that everyone can understand.

Mr. Frank Schmiemann reports that there is no parents’ organization for all norwegian organizations, but there is a good cooperation between parents, co-workers and authorities. But how can the strength of the parents be used in daily life? Parents have to be on an equal level!Mrs. BéatriceCussac de-Verteuil – it could be a task to raise awareness of the parents and to strengthen and to unite them, to be stronger!

Mr. Christian Gaegauf – therefore a forum is needed, parents have no time for that. They want to share their problems, also on political level.Mrs. Paulamaria Blaxland de Lange – new things come out of the future, out of the interest and the encounter. We have to be tolerant and to support each other.

Saturday May 21 st

Visit of Camphill Landsby Jøssåsen,

in Malvik commune in Sør-Trøndelag. The village is located deep in the forest by Jøssåstjernet, lake. There live about 50 people. In addition, around 10-12 persons from the local community also come in to work. Besides farming, the village has a weavery, a book- and paper-workshop, a wood workshop and a pottery - a group of people has the important task of making fire wood.

Arrival at Camphill Jøssåsen - eurythmy together with Mrs. Karen Nesheim.

We meet parents from the Camphill-places in Trøndelag.

Mr. Stein Ratkje (Violine) and Mr. Tor Haldberg (piano) welcome the ECCE visitors with "Spring" by Edvard Grieg and the norwegian winning song from the EU- Songcontest 1995 "Nocturne" Minutes – General Meeting May 19-22, 2016, Trondheim, Norway (approved by Committee members on 20.11.2016, Paris) Renate Chwatal - 5 -

Opening and welcome by Mr. Magnar Bollingmo chairman of the board in Champhill Jøssåsen and member of the mainboard for Champhill Norway.

Mr. Aage Rundberget shares his experiences being father of one of the villagers at Vallersund

Eskils father, Aage reports about the biography of his son, who was born in 1976 with down’s-syndrome. He suffered from many medical diseases like heart and lung problems and krupp cough for many years. Apart from this Eskil was developing his oral and social abilities and a lifelong fascination of classical music. But most of all he appreciates a good meal together with his many good friends. “peace and love” could be his son’s slogan. People at any age seem to relax when staying with Eskil. His peaceful and calm behavior also has a remarkable effect on animals, like cows and horses. In 1993 Eskil started his career in Vallersund; he was adapted as a true villager rapidly and soon became a rather popular young man, due to his good humor and his charming personality. Eskil was offered to participate for some hours a week at a municipal training center for handicapped persons, where he enjoyed the outdoor works and lessons in reading, writing, house-keeping and other social activities. Unfortunately the municipal budgeting in the last years reduced this activity next to nothing for Eskil. Although living 2,5 hours drive apart from Vallersund I often visit Eskil and his new “grand family” and noticed that my son quickly adapted the good behavior and refined way of living conducted by the parents in the different houses where Eskil lived. Not to forget the positive impact from many students and trainees who have been living there. After a while I was invited to join the local board of the Vallersund village. My motivation was the pure interest and personal engagement concerning the life and living in the village. Additionally I was a bit curious about the organization and administration of Camphill villages as such. At the beginning, in the early 1980ies, skepticism and ignorance was the main attitude among the local population and even among the municipal authorities. Thanks to wisdom and patience, both within the village and within the municipal and regional bureaucracies the Vallersund village has succeeded fairly well. The activity in the village are subordinate to Norwegian law and regulations, but the antroposophic philosophy and lifestyle can be maintained in a proper way.

Presentation of ECCE

The history of ECCE – Mr. Bernard Heldt (Vice-president of ECCE)

ECCE was founded in 1992 and stands for the rights for people with special needs in the European Union (more information about it on the ECCE-banner). The members of ECCE are 30 umbrella organizations and about 400 organizations with anthroposophic background in care for people with special needs. The committee members work

Minutes – General Meeting May 19-22, 2016, Trondheim, Norway (approved by Committee members on 20.11.2016, Paris) Renate Chwatal - 6 -

altogether more than 150 days a year, without payment. Only the management assistant has a low salary.

On occasion of the ECCE Congresses in Amsterdam and Strasbourg and the “living in the encounter” congress in The Hague, EU-commissioners gave lectures for people with special needs from all over Europe.

The anthroposphic Curative Education and Social Therapy is only 1 ½ % of all persons with disabilities and learning disabilities in Europe. We are small, but we gain our power together with other NGO’s. ECCE was co-founder of EDF in 1997, which advices the European Commission for disablity issues.In 2008 the European Union adopted the UN-convention. A big issue is the Inclusion, which means that all have their place in society, real inclusion is building bridges from society to persons with disabilities. So a real cultural change!

The presence of ECCE – Mrs. Béatrice Cussac de-Verteuil (President of ECCE)

The movement of inclusion is not always pleasant; in the European Union during the 19-nineties the EU political idea was to close places with more than 30 residents. Therefore big places did split up administratively into several small units/houses, but stayed in fact the same. ECCE objected against it and found partners, because it is a question of quality and not of numbers! ECCE helps to draw attention to each other. For example in Hungary, social therapy showed to the Hungarian authorities that this Hungarian anthroposophic place is in a European movement and that helped to finance their project. In France only few anthroposophic places are funded by the government; no therapies are paid (‘music therapy is only fun’). ECCE can help to convince the authorities to comply the UN-Convention. This is one of the reasons why parents should cooperate with ECCE.

The future of ECCE – Mr. Michael Dackweiler (Committee member of ECCE)

The development of the last 25 years should be saved for the future; the network between people, organizations, countries and movements of curative education and social therapy. We have to look after the places where we are living and to care for the network in politics and in the European society. The surrounding makes it possible to do our work.We have to look after 1- the persons in the center of our work (self-advocates)2- parents3- professionalsWe need younger people to continue the work already done and to bring ECCE forward in many other countries. Minutes – General Meeting May 19-22, 2016, Trondheim, Norway (approved by Committee members on 20.11.2016, Paris) Renate Chwatal - 7 -

After an amusing inclusive Norwegian Folk dance with Mrs. Anne Langeland

the plenum and conclusion of building bridges is held

What can I contribute to the collaboration/cooperation in ECCE?

Mr. Frank Schmiemann – the Norwegian parents enjoyed the meeting with ECCE and it might help them to unite.Mrs. Katarina Grönberg – I am very happy having met all these people personally – how can we continue to think about each other.Mr. Bernard Heldt – this may happen through the ECCE link.Mr. Michael Mullan shares following essay from Martin Buber 1950 with usDistance and Relation"Man wishes to be confirmed in his being by man, and wishes to have a presence in the being of the other. The human Person needs confirmation because man as man needs it(…)sent forth from the natural domain of species into the hazard of the solitary category, surrounded by the air of chaos which came into being with him, secretly and bashfully he wathes for a Yes which allows him to be and which can only come to him from one human person to an other. It is from one man to another that the heavenly bread of self being is passed.”

Mrs. Ana Oneida Borges Medina from Tenerife is very happy to have a face to each name of ECCE. For her it is difficult to explain what anthroposophy is, outside the organization. Other parents also don’t know much about anthropsophy, but they like the way professionals work with their children and they are interested to learn more about it. Mr. Thomas Kraus what could be the impact out of that?Mr. Bernard Heldt – curative education has to be done! Practise is very important; you work with humans.Mrs. Ann Naeyaert – the norwegian parents movement is very strong, they have collaboration and brotherhood; it would be wonderful to have them in ECCE.Mr. Thomas Kraus invites all participants to build bridges between Europa and Russia and to join the first World Congress for People in Need of Special Care which will take place in Ekaterinburg/Russia from September 7 – 10, 2017. So East and West might come closer together. It will be a very special event with 1000 guests from all over the world. This congress is being organized in cooperation with different Russian Ministries.Mrs. Astrid Åkra (Norway) is very enthusiastic and will start up a national parents’ organization in 2017.Mr. Fidel Ortega thinks it is necessary to make ECCE visible; the cultural life and activities under the umbrella of ECCE should be continued and maybe increased.Mrs. Béatrice Cussac de-Verteuil is very impressed and pleased by the hospitality and care ECCE received in Camphill Jøssåsen and thanks very much for it.

Minutes – General Meeting May 19-22, 2016, Trondheim, Norway (approved by Committee members on 20.11.2016, Paris) Renate Chwatal - 8 -

At the dinner at Restaurant “Grenaderen” in Trondheim, Mr. Helge Pettersen - member of the board in Champhill Jøssåsen and Chairman of the mainboard for Champhill Norway and his wife Herlaug joined ECCE.

On that occasion Mr. Bernard Heldt hold a a good-bye speech for Mrs. Adrienne Thier. Bernard Heldt reflects on 18 years co-operating with Adrienne Thier, of which 12 years she was president of ECCE. He reminisced of events in this period, like her activities during ECCE congresses, and the building-bridge capacities of Adrienne, even between different languages . . . In memory of that long period he has made a photo book, which unfortunately has not been delivered in time. There will be a photo presentation on the screen in the meeting room on Sunday. That photo presentation is technically supported by Mr. Stig Tore Röe.

Sunday May 22 nd 2016, 9 am – 12 am

Organizational part of the General Meetingat Comfort Hotel Park, Prinsen Gate 4A, Trondheim, Norway

Opening by Mrs. Béatrice Cussac de-Verteuil and Mr. Thomas Kraus

Mr. Michael Dackweiler asked to imagine standing outside reflecting the quality of bridge building. If you build a bridge you can enter it from 2 sides. If we build bridges we look from our side, because we are used to our own side. Martin Buber is talking about the dialog, if you go into it, something happens on both sides. How demanding it is to change the point of view. You see another person from outside. He invites us for a moment to reflect on this bridge. Establish your personal relation to the sun, feel the quality of light and warmth of the sun. Who is on the other side of the bridge – sun. My relationshisp to the sun – I try to reflect on it, my gratitude, thankfulness, our life is only possible because of the sun. Now we enter the other side of the bridge. What does it mean for the sun to see the other side of the bridge? There is a relationship, some kind of love. The quality of love, which is a kind of gift, which comes along with the light to every human soul. The other side of the bridge may wait for our love, for our attention. Maybe you can connect this into your life.

Mr. Michael Mullan - light has to do with revealation – my inner sun reveals the other person if I am interested in meeting him.

1. Minutes 1.1 Draft minutes General Meeting May 9th–May 10th, 2015 in Brussels are confirmed.

Minutes – General Meeting May 19-22, 2016, Trondheim, Norway (approved by Committee members on 20.11.2016, Paris) Renate Chwatal - 9 -

2. Committee and office issues

Committee of ECCE: Secret vote for the coming 3 years for board members is held:

Mrs. Beatrice Cussac de-Verteuil: 45 yes, 0 no, 3 abstentions, Mr. Bernard Heldt: 47 yes, 0 no, 1 abstention.

Mrs. Beatrice Cussac de-Verteuil hopes that also young people will join the board in the future. The board has to be renewed to make new solid pillars.

Mrs. B. Cussac de-Verteuil and Mr. B. Heldt will continue their voluntary work for ECCE for the next 3 years.

Mrs. Adrienne Thier withdraws from the Committee after 18 years.

Mrs. B. Cussac de-Verteuil states that the members are very grateful for Adrienne’s work all over the years. Adrienne has paid attention to everyone and she is wellknown in many orgaizations; we will miss her very much. We will be loosing a president and a pillar of the board, but Mrs. Adrienne Thier will stay a supporting member and ECCE is giving Adrienne the quality of a honorary member.

Mrs. Adrienne Thier had felt it was time to pass over to Béatrice Cussac de-Verteuil. 2 topics which have touched Adrienne Thier and she was always insisting on: the care of people with very complex dependency needs (when ECCE visited the

Dorfgemeinschaft Breitenfurt/Austria Adrienne realised the 24 hours support for these very disable persons and she was worrying who is going to take care and represent them). In the European Union EDF and Inclusion Europe draw their attention to these disabled persons and therefore ECCE is working very close with these organizations.

The exportance of allowances, that means that disabled persons are not allowed to live where they want – they don’t have the choice to move as any other citizen. Mrs. Thier has mentioned that on different occasions. Prof. Lisa Waddington lawyer, situated at the University of Maastricht (NL) working for EDF, is willing to help to pursue that goal.

Adrienne thinks that sometimes lectures for professionals, are not so easy understandable for some parents, therefore information should be more easy to read (f.e. Inclusion Europe). Michael Dackweiler’s introduction which was understandable easily; lectures for parents are very important. Mrs. Adrienne Thier thanks all members for their friendships and the work done together and wishes all the best for ECCE and the future.

Minutes – General Meeting May 19-22, 2016, Trondheim, Norway (approved by Committee members on 20.11.2016, Paris) Renate Chwatal - 10 -

Mr. Bart Vanmechelen states that ECCE has the task to represent the persons with

special needs in the European Union. ECCE has to be included in the decision making policy process. Therefore it is important to be co-operating with other organizations, like EDF who is partner for EU commission and EU parliament. ECCE has partnerships with EASPD (serviceproviders); in the field of Anthroposophy it is ELIANT to support the working fields (like medicine, curative education and social therapy and Waldorf eduction) who aims to work, to create and protect the space for the “extra”.

ECCE is co-founder and also partner of ELIANT and Mr. Vanmechelen will follow Mr. Heldt in the role of representing ECCE in ELIANT – where he will make sure that curative education and social therapy will be visible in the consciousness in Brussels lobby. It is very Important to find good partners and continuation of the work to push in the right direction (eat the apples of our own garden).Mr. Bart Vanmechelen invites on behalf of ELIANT the members of ECCE for the 10-years celebration of ELIANT in Brussels, November 8th this year. In the next ECCE Link the invitation will be mentioned more deeply.For practical reasons the date of the ELIANT celebration had to be changed to November the 7th.

Another umbrella organization is ECSWE for the Waldorf education in Europe; Mr. Georg Jürgens was a coworker of a european Parliamentarian. We met him and the president of ECSWE (Dr. Richard Landl) to inform about each other and to see where we can work together. ECCE will keep you informed about these cooperations.

Mrs. Ann Naeyaert – finances

The annual report 2015 has been sent to the members in advance. Mrs. Ann Naeyaert explains the annual report 2015, the financial situation of ECCE and that there loss in 2015 of € 7.288,92, mostly due to members who did not pay their membership fee. She appeals again to the members who have outstanding contributions. She informs about the decision of the Committee members that in future their travel costs will not be paid by ECCE, but from the organization behind them. The number of Committee meetings will be reduced, skype conferences will be installed. Also meetings to other organisations will be reduced. For ECCE, building bridges with its members and with the European network is an ongoing task that includes a lot of voluntary work, as you can read in the Annual Report 2015. As you can see in the result of 2015 we have to deal with a substantial loss. This is due to the fact that 29 % of the membership fees were not payed and some costs from 2014 that still had to be payed in 2015. The contribution fee 2015 and 2016 remained the same, as decided at the General Meeting 2014.

Minutes – General Meeting May 19-22, 2016, Trondheim, Norway (approved by Committee members on 20.11.2016, Paris) Renate Chwatal - 11 -

Mrs. Ann Naeyaert informs about new supporting members, Ann-Charlotte Cussac/France, Miguel Balde (The Netherlands) and Alexander Chwatal/Austria, which may be an impulse that people with disablity from other countries may follow them with a fee of € 2,- month.

Mrs. Paulamaria Blaxland de Lange thinks it is an attitude of poverty; there is no question to meet others, important work has to be supported by the members. If we are a professional organization we have to make sure that the funding of the activities is there; we have to develop. Yes to be economical, but not to reduce activities. I will make a concert at effort to get more funds in Great Brittain for ECCE.

Mrs. Beatrice Cussac de-Verteuil says it is important to read what is under the figures – it would be a pity to reduce activities – she proposes to increase membership-fees 2017 by 10 %.

Mr. Bernard Heldt will make all efforts to improve fundraising and find new funds. In his opinion it is important to increase ECCE activities.

Mr. Fidel Ortega - members need to co-operate and to spend money – it is our responsibilty as members to give the fund that ECCE can work. He supports to increase the membership for all members by more than 10 %. Activity is very important, but some countries do not have the money to pay their fees and we should help them (fraternity).

Mrs. Beatrice Cussac de-Verteuil expresses her thanks to Mrs. Renate Chwatal for all her work in the name of the members.

Mrs. Ann Naeyaert thinks it is important for ECCE to keep contact to other organisations to stay alife, not to stop the activities.

Mr. Bernard Heldt supports to increase all membership fees by 10 %.

Mr. Michael Dackweiler – ECCE needs a good budget to work with - what are our aims, what do we need? To be in contact with the countries, what can they do for us? 10 % or more, if possible. To pay nothing is not a good sign. If an organization is not able to pay their fee, they have to inform about the delay. Maybe another member can help.

Mr. Christian Gaegauf: suggests to negotiate with members who are not able, those who can give more should give more. To have a list of activities and find fundings for it.

Minutes – General Meeting May 19-22, 2016, Trondheim, Norway (approved by Committee members on 20.11.2016, Paris) Renate Chwatal - 12 -

Discharge of the treasurer and the board for the year 2015 – unanimously accepted. The budget 2016 is accepted by all members. Increase of membership 2017 for 10 % (and more who can, less who cannot) all members present agreed on it.

Mr. Bart Vanmechelen - Transition to a Belgian association

is proposed for practical reasons, reason of costs and the circumstance that also other European NGO’s have their address in Belgium. ECCE continues its work, statutes remain the same. To create the new association in Belgium ECCE has to dissolve the dutch association. The dutch association will be finished without a depth. A new bank account in Belgium will be opened in 2016, membership fees for 2017 have to be transferred to the new bank account. Contract with Mrs. Renate Chwatal for the office will be transmitted to the new association.

The transition of ECCE to a Belgian association ECCE, without changing the Articles of Association, and with continuing the contracts of the Dutch association ECCE, is unanimously accepted by all present members. The Dutch association ECCE will be mentioned as co-founder of the Belgian ECCE. The same Committee members of the Dutch association ECCE will be the Committee members of the Belgian association.After having founded the Belgian ECCE, the Dutch association ECCE will be closed down. A possible liquidation surplus of the Dutch association will be allocated to the Belgian ECCE.Bart Vanmechelen and Bernard Heldt will execute this decission.

Mr. Bart Vanmechelen - reports about the change of the council

Dr. Rüdiger Grimm will finish his work for the international Council. following team will replace him:Mr. Dr. Jan Göschel 50 %, Mrs. Sonja Zausch (eurythmist, Berlin, works for training) 20 %, Mr. Bart Vanmechelen 20 % 10 % volontary work

The link between the international Council and ECCE will be supported by the Council by Mr. Bart Vanmechelen.

Minutes – General Meeting May 19-22, 2016, Trondheim, Norway (approved by Committee members on 20.11.2016, Paris) Renate Chwatal - 13 -

Reflection on the meeting

What are we taking home? What should be repeated, what was not so good that time?

Mrs. Ann Naeyaert is impressed about the situation in Norway, the cooperation between the Camphills and she will take that impression of brotherhood with her. It is inspyring to hear everybodies’ story. She hopes we can inspire each other and also those who were not here, to strengthen the people with complex needs, we stand for.

Mr. Michael Mullan is delighted to be here and to see all camphill places – there is something very special about these places, the spirituality at the places and the people there. It was interesting to experience what is behind the norwegian persons and he wants tothank for their efforts. For the future building bridges could be more defined – bridge whereto -? authorities, people with special needs?

Mrs. Dorine van der Linden – is happy to receive all of you and to show and tell how we live and work. It was inspyring to meet all of you and exchange with you; got a better understanding about ECCE.

Mrs. Astrid Åkra – so nice to see all of you; it was a pleasure to have this opportunity. Now she has the energy to start with a norwegian parents organization.

Mrs. Elena Nardini – there was much cordiality and exchange. The norwegian hosts have formed a vascular to encounter.

Mrs. Bernadette Bernier is very impressed about the light and warmth of the people and the nature. She got stimulation and enthusiasm and thinks she needs to be a stronger pillar for her association.

For Mrs. Adrienne Thier it is very impressive how Camphill places in Norway were created and she is very happy having seen all these, well organised places and to meet all of you.ECCE will support the creation of the parents organisation. She expresses her thank to the organisation team.

Ms. Ann-Charlotte Cussac loved to dance, and was happy on the ferry boat.

For Mrs. Katia Delpiano it was the first time in ECCE. It is interesting to meet people from different countries, to feel the unity and power of the group. The topic building bridges was very interesting and she will take it home.

Minutes – General Meeting May 19-22, 2016, Trondheim, Norway (approved by Committee members on 20.11.2016, Paris) Renate Chwatal - 14 -

Mrs. Susanna Frey she likes the north, she is astonished about so many Camphill places and it is important that so many parents came

Mrs. Elisabetta Zornexpresses her thanks for the welcome. She comes from a small place. She could feel the power in the nature and the camphill places. There is a difference between the south and the north. She hopes a lot that there may be an exchange between the places in the south and in the north of Europe, and a share of different cultures.

Mrs. Doris Bauknecht is impressed by the communities and it showed how much ECCE is needed. Parents expressed their will and ECCE should go on.

Mr. Stig Tore Röe is glad to met ECCE members and that his wife, Astrid took the responsiblity to build up a parents’ organization in Norway. He is not sure if the parents in Jøssåsen realized what the message from ECCE to the parents was. The average age in ECCE is quite high – what can ECCE do, to find younger people? brothers, sisters? ECCE makes good work, but how can it be brought further on to the next generation.

Mr. Alfred Leuthold thinks the same; it is important to exchange what is going on in other countries. ECCE is working hard, far away from our daily life. It is a big challenge to get other people involved and to activate people. Maybe ECCE could to do more in marketing and transperency.

Mr. Christian Gaegauf is very grateful for the work on ECCE level. We have to remember that we are far away from each other, but we have to build bridges and we have to learn more from our people.

Mr. Bernard Heldt – it is the basis of the northern mystery which opens for ideas – Karl König would be proud of these places we have seen – he meant open to society. Bernard Heldt refers to what Rudolf Steiner had said in the Curative Education Course, 2nd chapter: curative education and social therapy have to be done in accordance with the possibilities of the surrounding society, and not with fanatism. The principles of curative education have to percolate into life, in ways that are possible and practical. Bernard Heldt is impressed by what he has seen and heard about the Camphill work in Norway! And yes: we need younger people to bring it further.

Mr. Bart Vanmechelen feels mostly gratitude to all that we have been able to enjoy these places, we have been connected to encounter, we share with each other. Inspiration brings forces we can work with.

Mrs. Rigmore Skålholt – we made something together; we prepared and created it, we appreciated the dance we made alltogether and visited the angel. I am very proud of your persistence to fulfil our programm. And I am happy about the two young ladies who smelt the importance of this work. Minutes – General Meeting May 19-22, 2016, Trondheim, Norway (approved by Committee members on 20.11.2016, Paris) Renate Chwatal - 15 -

Mrs. Charlotte Stenbæksgaard - has expierenced nice nature, a very tough programme, nice relationship with each other on the bus. Having heard many stories about people with disabilities in Europe are struggling, I realize more than before the privilege to live in Denmark. It was a big experience to be here with you and to feel the relationship between ECCE members.

Mrs. Paulamaria Blaxland de Lange shares the “turtle story Joachim” with us, wherefrom the conclusion for ECCE may be - ECCE rather developing than reducing; to count on the forces and wealth of ECCE.

Mrs. Helle Hansen is proud of her neighbours, same language, same culture, she felt very welcome. Helle would be be pleased to receive a list of participants who will attend the meeting in advance. She would be interested in hearing more about regulations coming from EU, to hear in praxis from the different countries. For Mrs. Renate Chwatal it was impressive to meet all these places and these warm people who invited us to visit their places and to meet the parents. I will take home many wonderful impressions and try to inspire the parents in my home country.

Mrs. Béatrice Cussac de-Verteuil - some years ago the ECCE meetings were full of lectures; now there are more spiritual and practical inputs in the group, which she appreciates very much. Many bridges have been built, but no bridge is need if nobody wants to walk on the bridge. For Béatrice hospality is another word for love and that we received from Norway.

Mr. Thomas Kraus was very delighted about the quality of encounter, a new substance as a reality. He enjoyed this peacefulness and harmony in the group.

Mr. Michael Dackweiler is happy and much richer than 3 days ago.

Mrs. Béatrice Cussac de-Verteuil hopes that for the next General meeting one of the members will invite ECCE. (In 2018 maybe in France?)

Mrs. Paulamaria Blaxland de Lange stated that ECCE would be welcome in England for the next GM.

Mrs. Béatrice Cussac de-Verteuil closes the meeting at noon and thanks Astrid and Rigmor and the norwegian team who have hosted the General Meeting with so much warmth and attention. She thanks every ECCE member and the board members for the work done together.

Minutes – General Meeting May 19-22, 2016, Trondheim, Norway (approved by Committee members on 20.11.2016, Paris) Renate Chwatal - 16 -

P.S. In 2017 ECCE will celebrate its 25th anniversary. These celebratations will be held in connection with our next General Meeting from May 18th to 21st, 2017 in Switzerland, Arlesheim, at Sonnenhof.


Overview of members present and apologiesGeneral Meeting ECCE, May 19th – 22nd

2016, Trondheim


Au stria - Renate Chwatal ‚Sprachrohr‘ für Menschen in anthroposophisch orientierten Lebens-Lernstätten (PO) - Michael Mullan PlatO (IC)

Belgium- Ann Naeyaert Michaëlis vzw (IC, CM)- Adrienne Thier ( S) - Bart Vanmechelen International Council for Curative Education and Social Therapy (IC, CM)

Denmark- Helle Hansen Dansk Forbund for Helsepaedagogik og Socialterapi (IC)

France- Béatrice Cussac ‘Les Ravis’; Association française de parents d'hand.ment. (PO/CM) - Bernadette Bernier Mouvement de Pédagogie Curative et de Sociothérapie (IC)

Germany- Thomas Kraus (CM / S) - Michael Dackweiler Anthropoi (IC, CM)

Italy- Elisabetta Zorn Antropsofica (PO / IC)- Elena Nardini Antropsofica (IC)

Netherlands- Bernard Heldt (S, CM)- Alexandra Buijsman (S)- Miguel Balde (S)

Norway- Rigmor Skålholt Sosialterapeutisk Forbund (IC)

Spain / Portugal- Fidel Ortega Dueñas Federaçao de pedagogia curativa e sócio-terapia em Espanha e Portugal (IC, CM)- S. Katarina Grönberg Federaçao de pedagogia curativa e sócio-terapia em Espanha e Portugal (IC, PO)

Switzerland- Christian Gaegauf Parentela CH (PO)- Susanne Frey Parentela CH (PO / S)

United Kingdom- Paulamaria Blaxland de Lange ACESTA (IC)

Minutes – General Meeting May 19-22, 2016, Trondheim, Norway (approved by Committee members on 20.11.2016, Paris) Renate Chwatal - 17 -


Denmark- Charlotte Stenbæksgaard Hertha Støtteforening (IC) France- Anne-Charlotte Cussac (S)

Germany- Alfred Leuthold Anthropoi (PO)- Doris Bauknecht

Italy- Katia Delpiano I Girasoli (IC)

Norway- Karen Nesheim Camphill village Solborg (IC)- Frank Schmiemann Camphill Jøssåsen Landsby (IC)- Dorine van der Linden Camphill Jøssåsen Landsby (IC)- Astrid Åkra Camphill Jøssåsen Landsby (PO)

Spain / Portugal- Ana Oneida Borges Medina Asociacion San Juan (IC, PO)

AM = Associate member ; CM = Committee member ; EC = Executive committee ; IC = Intentional community ; PO = Parent organisation ; S = Supporting member ; TC = Training centre ; O = Observer


Belgium- Geert Freyhoff Inclusion Europe (AM)

Czech Republic- Anežka Janátová Spolek pro Lécebnou pedagogiku a sociální terapii v Ceské republice (IC)

Finland- Hannu Outakivi Camphill Comm. Sylvia-koti Suomen hoito-ja sosiaalipedagoginen yhdistys ry (IC) Hungary- László Jakubinyi Szimbiózis a Hamonikus Együtt-létért Alapítvány (IC)

Italy- Margaretha Fulgosi (S)- Leonardo Fulgosi (S)

Netherlands- Pim Blomaard Ned. Ver. Antroposofische Zorgaanbieders, sector IZ (IC)- Jan Vogelij Landelijk Ouder Verbond – LOV (PO)- Ineke Vogelij (S)- Walter Bosch (S)

Romania- Adrian Pintea Federatia de Pedagogia Curativa din Romania (IC)- Paun Ionut- John Byrde (notified) Casa Rozei- Roxana Byrde (notified) (S)


Minutes – General Meeting May 19-22, 2016, Trondheim, Norway (approved by Committee members on 20.11.2016, Paris) Renate Chwatal - 18 -

- Deborah Ingves (notified) Individuellt Liv I Gemenskap (PO)

Switzerland- Rüdiger Grimm International Council for Curative Education and Social Therapy- Matthias Spalinger (notified) VAHS Verband für anthroposophische Heilpäd. und Sozialtherapie (IC)

United Kingdom- Elaine Bradley The Association of Camphill Communities for Great Britain and Ireland (IC)- Martin Sturm The Association of Camphill Communities for Great Britain and Ireland (IC)

Minutes – General Meeting May 19-22, 2016, Trondheim, Norway (approved by Committee members on 20.11.2016, Paris) Renate Chwatal - 19 -

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