dominate google - google first page ranking secrets

Post on 31-Mar-2016






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DESCRIPTION How to get on the first page of Google for almost anything. SEO methods. Includes list of web hosting sites less than $5 per month



web hosts under $5 per month

This short page will show you a few of the most basic and most powerful tips that will enable all your pages for almost anything to show up on the first page of Google resulting in and avalanche of visitors/customers.

The best thing about online content that will attract these new customers is you post it once and it will continue to work for you for years with very littler further effort on your part. If you want to thank me then place a link to me at the bottom of all your posts. I don't care if your visitors can even see the link. Google will and it will help my search engine rankings. Make a link for me for the keyword phrase Mobile Phone Spying for the url or if you don't want to do that then use one of the bookmarking/sharing buttons above and share this page with others.

If you're thinking of spending money to hire a seo company or seo "expert" don't waste your money. A good seo company that knows what they are doing will do exactly what you can do yourself below and you are going to do it better than them because you care about your success - they don't.

For simplicity sake this entire document/page will assume you have a carpet cleaning business and want to dominate Google for that.

1. The secret is to produce carpet cleaning related content people are interested in seeing and reading. Inserted in all of this content is information about whatever you want to be on the first page of Google for. In this example it is carpet cleaning.

2. Create lots of content in many different places. Your going to have a main content page. This is your main web site your create with a web hosting company. Think of this as your money planet. You are then going to post lots and LOTS of free content at other places listed below. The more content in more place is more opportunities for Google to put on you on its first page. The more of your content you can get on the first page of Google the more customers you will obtain. Think of these other content sources as moons that revolve around your planet.

Step by step instructions:

1. In order to post content online related to carpet cleaning (or whatever your desired subject matter is) that people want to read you have to know exactly what people are searching for on Google related to that subject matter. This is where the Google keyword tool comes into play. Enter a main keyword related to the content you want to rank on the first page of Google for. The Google keyword tool will spit back dozens and dozens of related keyword phrases that real carpet cleaning customers (or whatever your subject is) are typing into Google on a regular basis.

2. Look for the keywords that get the most number of searches per month. Create content around those keywords. Page 1 / 4

3. Decide which keyword phrase you're going to write your content for. Keep in mind the more words there are in a keyword phrase the easier and faster it will be to get on the first page of Google for. So even though keyword phrases the Google keyword tool pulls up that are 4 and 5 words long get less searches than keyword phrases 1 or 2 words long you will get on the first page of Google for these longer keyword phrases much more easily. In this example we can use the carpet cleaning phrase "carpet cleaning in" + town, state, zip. so we could right content related to "carpet cleaning in Torrington, CT 06790"

4. Make that exact keyword phrase the main part of the title and headline of your content. So for instance if you're going to write a blog post at WordPress make the headline carpet cleaning in Torrington, CT 06790. Make your username for your WordPress site carpet cleaning in Torrington, CT 06790.

Here is a list of fantastic places Google looks highly upon that you can place content. To make your content more powerful create separate accounts for each keyword phrase. For example create a youtube account for the username CarpetCleanTorringtonCT  for example and make sure anything you post in that account is strictly about carpet cleaning in Torrington CT only. (remember carpet cleaning is just the example we are using here. In your case the keyword phrase you choose is going to be whatever the Google keyword tool spits out for your subject matter)

Create content on wordpress with the username CarpetCleaningThomastCT and make the content for that account only about carpet cleaning in Thomaston ct. Don't be afraid to focus on keyword phrases that help the other person that do not seem to offer you business. For example create content around "how to get a stain out of my carpet in torrington ct" for example. In the content you create to solve that persons carpet cleaning problems you will of course mention your business and phone number or website address. The content you place at the sites listed below is the Moon content. ALL of the content you create at the sites below make sure to insert a link to your main Planet.

l Wordpress

l Youtube

l Metacafe

l Vimeo

l Yahoo Answers - create several accounts. Some of those accounts ask questions related to carpet cleaning and other accounts answer those questions. Make sure to include the main keyword phrase you want to be on Googles first page for.

l Tumblr

l Homepage Now

l ArticlesBase

l LiveJournel

l MySpace - yes google indexes and displays myspace pages.

l Weebly

l Xanga

l Facebook - create a full profile. Remember your username and headline should be tightly oriented around a specific keyword phrase plus town and state.

l Typepad

l Yola

l Zimbio

Remember to link all your related content together. So for example any posts were content that you place at any of the sites above that are related to carpet cleaning Torrington Connecticut link all these posts together. So in other words any content you create around carpet cleaning in Torrington Connecticut is content that all linked together. Google sees content related to each other that linked together as votes. You want all the content you create to link back to your main carpet cleaning website. This is the website your pain your web hosting for for example David's carpet cleaning The end result will be hundreds and hundreds of pages all related to carpet cleaning pointing back to your main carpet cleaning website. The illustration below should help make things clearer.

Make sure you put the keyword phrase in the title of each content your create. Also put the keyword phrase two or three times in both the first and last paragraph of each content posting. Page 2 / 4

Here is a list of cheap web hosting providers that all have site building software built-in so you don't have to know any HTML if you don't wish to. This is your main planet content. All of the web hosts below are less than $5 per month.

l Fatcow <~ best one. I have account with them. their help and services is fast - $3.50 per month.

l Hostgator

l Hostpapa

l Webhostingpad

l Jumpline

l Supergreen

l Just Host

Here are some more bigger name hosts but they are more expensive and not necessarily better.

l Hostmonster <~ I have web sites with this host as well

l Bluehost

l Netfirms

l Lunar Pages

l Yola

l Fast Domain

l Fast Hosts

l 1 & 1 Hosting

l In Motion Hosting

l Aplus

l Host Rocket Page 3 / 4

Cheap Printing for business cards, etc if you niche/content is related to something you want business from locally like carpet cleaning.

l Vistaprint

l Overnight prints

 Immediately after posting ANY new content on any of the above sites make sure to bookmark it. It makes Google find your content much more quickly since the Google robots scan these bookmarking sites regularly about every couple of hours. The easiest way to do that is to include social bookmarking icons on every single one of your posts at the top of the page like I have done on this web page. Here's the link to several. This is really powerful because some of your visitors will bookmark your pages as well so they are creating links online for you. Its like free employees.

l Addthis

l Sharethis

CONCLUSION: this may seem like a lot of work but once you get the hang of it after creating a content pages it will get easier. I can promise you this works. Look at it this way. 6 months from now you can be JUST 6 months older OR you can be 6 months older AND 6 months richer. If all you do is create one content page a day at the end of 6 months you will have 180 pages of content linking back to your main website. That is a lot of links, a lot of visitors, and a lot of money!!! If you have questions then email me. I WILL answer. Page 4 / 4

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