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AUTHOR Fondal, Jean A.; Ronda', Renee N.TITLE Bibliography on Speech and Language in Mental

Retardation: 1900-1975.INSTITUTION Minnesota Univ., Minneapolis.PUB DATE 75NOTE 60p.

EDRS PRICE MF-$0.76 HC-$3.32 PLUS POSTAGEDESCRIPTORS *Bibliographies; \Environmental Influences;

Exceptional Child Research; *Intervention; *LanguageDevelopment; Language Instruction; Maturation;*Mentally Handicapped; Program Descriptions; RetardedSpeech Development; *Speech Skills; Speech Therapy

ABSTRACTThe bibliography presents app ximately 750

references (from 1900-1975) on speech and langua functioning in thementally etarded. Citations are grouped into two tions: speechand langu ge (development, verbal behavior, and envir maentalinfluences), and intervention studies (habilitation, therapy 4ndtraining programs). References usually provide author's name, title,source, date and pagination information. (CL)

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University of Minnesota

a Member of the Belgian National Board for Scientific Research (FNRS)

Addresss Pattee_Hall, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis,Minnesota 55455, USA.



Figure 1


Witness Figure 1, the number of publications in Engrish

relatiie to the linguistic problems of the mentally retarded

has dramatically increased in recent years. This bibliography

islintended as a help to researchers and interested people in

keeping under control a rapidly growing literature. The biblio-

graphy counts about 750 references published between 1900 and

the first semester of 1975. They are classified according to

two categories without overlap between the categories. The

first category bears the titles Speech and Language. Included

in this category are references on speech and language deve-

lopment, verbal behavior, environmental influences on speech

and language functioning in mentally retarded. The second

category is entitleds Intervention Studies. It includes the

references on habilitation, therapy and training programs for

improving speech and language in mentally retarded subjects.

Two principles have directed the search and organization

of the bibliography. They are the specificity and availability

of the material. Fiz4t with reference to specificity, only

those references that are concerned with speech and language

development and functioning in mentally retarded subjects

have been included. No work has been included that deals

chiefly with the roles of speech and language in conceptual


development, discrimination learning, problem solving, mediated

memory, and with "verbal learning (serial and paired-associate

learning). Comprehensive reviews of this literature are readily

available to which the interested reader can refer (e.g., Norman

Ellis' International Review of Research in Mental Retardation,

Vol. 1 to 6, New York, Academic Press). Similarly no work has

been included that refers to written language development and

reading in the retarded. Second with reference to availability,

only those references that have appeared in print have been

included in the bibliography. No unpublished doctotal disser-

tations (unless abstracted in "Dissertation Abstracts"), no

papers presented at national and international conventions

and symposia (unless published in the proceedings of the

meeting ) and no unpublished manuscripts have been included in

--the-bibli ography.

Several abbreviations that figured in the titles of the

references have been reproduced as such in the bibliography.

They area IQ (intellectual quotient),, MA (mental age), CA

(chronological age), EMR (educationally mentally retarded),

ESN (educationally subnormal), TMR (trainable mentally retar-

ded), SSN (severely subnormal), ITPA (Illinois Test of Psycho-

linguistic, Abilities), PPVT (Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test),

EPVT (English Picture Vocabulary Test), RSB (Revised Stanford-

Binet), WISC (Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children).

Finally we would like to express our appreciation to

Barbers Daggar and the staff of the University of Minnesota

Special Education Library for valuable assistance in iden-

tifying and locating the relevant references.

Table of Contents


Foreword 1

Speech end Lenguage 4

Intervention Studies 34



Speech and Language

ADAMS, J. Delayed language development. Journal of Speech andHearing Disorders, 1969, 311, 169-171.

ADLER, S. A sociolinguistic approach to functional mental re-tardation. tceptional Children, 1971, jig, 336-337.

ALLEN, R. & JCNES, R. Perceptual, conceptual and psycholinguisticevaluation of the mentally retarded. In A. BAUMEISTER (Ed.).Mental retardation: Appraisal. education and rehabilitation.Chicago, Aldine, 1967, pp. 39-65.

ALLEN, R. & WALLACH, E. Word recognition and definition by educa-ble retardates. American Journal of Mental DeficiencY. 1969,21, 883-885.

ALSTON, H., WAKEFIELD, J., RICE, J., BURLESON, B. Factor analysisof the teat performance of institutionalized EMR children onthe WISC and ITPA. EtutajtplItkula, 1974, la, 6, 22.

ANASTASIOW, N. & STAYROOK, W. Miscue language patterns of madlyretarded and non-retarded student. American Journal of MentalDeficiency, 1973, 2, 431-434.

APPELBAUM, S. The expanded word association test as a measure ofpsychological deficit associated with brain damage. Journalof Clinical PsYchcologYg 1963, 12, 78-83.

BADE, M. Levels of abstraction in vocabulary definitions of men-tally retarded schoolchildren. American Journal of MentalDeficiency, 1958, 61, 241-246.

BAER, D., GUESS, D., & SHERMAN, J. Adventures in simplisticgrammar. In R. SCHIEFELBUSCH (Ed.), Language of the mentallyTpiltax91.1galtimore, Mary ands University Park mss. 1972.

BALLA, D., BUTTERFIELD, B., & ZIGLER, E. Effects of institutiona-lization on retarded Children, A longitudinal cross- institu-tional investigation. American Journal of Mental Deficiency,1974, 2g, 530-549.

BANGS, J. A clifiical analysis of the articulatory defects of thefeeble-minded. Jcturnal of Speech and Hearing Disoraers. 1942,2. 343-356.

BANGS, T. Evaluating children with language delay. .1..a3.01 auachand Hearing Disorders, 1961, 26, 6-18. -


BARTEL N.Irhe development of morphology in retarded children.ucation and Trainin of the Mentally Retard ,.1970, 4,

1 1

BARTEL, N., GRILL, J., & BARTEL, H. The syntagmatio-paradigmaticshift in learning disabled and normal children. Journal ofJeerning Disabilities, 1973, 8, 518-524.

BATEMAN, B. The role of ITPA in differential diagnosis and pro-gram planning for mentally retarded. American Journal of,Orthopsychiatry, 1965, 31, 465-472.

BATEMAN, B. & WETHERELL, J. Psyeholinguistic aspects of mentalretardation. Mental Retardation, 1965, 3, 2, 8-13.

BAUMEISTER, A. Problems in comparative studies of *Atel rotor-dates and normals. American Journal of Mental Deficiency,1967, 21, 869-875.

BAYLEY, N., RHODES, L., & GOOCH, B. A comparison of the develop-ment of institutionalized and home-reared mongoloids and afollow-up study. Cifo4tmi,...m_n_.A:1Weathil.tchDist,1966, 4, 104-105.

BECKEY, R. A study of certain factors related to retardation ofspeech. LIdifeatriDisorsjourneofSecht, 1942,223-249.

BEIER, E-.-ASTARKWEATHER, J., & LAMBERT, M. Vocabulary usage ofmentally -retarded children. American JournDeficiency, 1969, 22, 927-9

BENNET, A. An analysis of errors in word recognition by retar-ded children. Journal of Educational Psychology, 1942,Mi. 25-38.

BENSEL, R. Mental retardation and hearing loss. Minnesota Medi-cine, 1965, 48, 375-378.

BERRY, M. Lanlumge disorders of children, The bases and diagno-sis. New Yorks Appleton-Century-Crofts, 1969.

BERRY, M. & EISENSON, J. The dejloctive in speech. New YorksAppleton-Century-Crofts, 1942.

BERRY, M. & EISENSON, J. Speech disorders, Principles andpractice of therms. New Yorke Appleton-Century-Crofts,1956.

BERRY, Comprehension of possessive and present continuoussentenoes by non-retarded, mildly retarded and severelyretarded children. Agailmp Journal of Mental DaficiencY,1972, zk, 5413-544.

BERRY, P. agk_licetionttLanaeancommullmentallhandicaed.London. Arnold, 1975.


BERRYMAN, J. Orel evolution of vocalization. American Journal

of Mental Deficiency, 1968, 23, 611 -615.

BIJOU, S. & WERNER, H. Vocabulary analysis in mentally deficientchildren. American Journal of Mental Deficiency, 1944, 48,


BIJOU, S. & WERNER, H. Language analysis in brain.injured andnon-brain-injured mentally deficient children. JournalatGenetic ksychologY, 1945, 66, 239-254.

BILOVSKY, D. & SHARE, J. The ITPA and Down's syndromes An explo-

ratory study. American Journal of Mental Deficiency, 1965,

2, 78,-82. /

BINGHAM, M. Speech and the retarded mind. Special Education, 1961,

1, 2, 32-33.

BIRCH, J.4 MATHEWS, J. The hearing of mental defectivess Itsmeasurements end characteristics. American Journal of Mental

Deficiency, 1951, (11, 384-393.

BLAKE, K. & WILLIAMS, C. Use of English morphemes by retard*d,normal and su erior chi dren e uatecrfo CA. Athens, Georgia:

University of Georgia,. 9

BLAKELY, R. Speech defects end mental retardation. public Healthpepprt,_ 1966. 814 343-347.

BLANCHARD, I. Better feeding can mean better speaking. AmericanJournal of Noraing, 1963, 63, 94-95.

BLANCHARD, I. Speech pattern and etiology in mental retardation.American Journal of Mental Deficiency, 1964, 68, 612-617.

BLESSING, K. An investigation of a psycholinguistic deficit in

EMR children. Dissertetion'Abstracts, 1964, 11, 23722373.

BLOOM, L. A comment on Lee's developmental sentence typess A methodfor compering normal and deviant syntactic development.Journal of Speech and Hearing Disorders. 1967, ,, 293-296.

BLOOMER, H. Speech defects associated with dental abnormalitiesend malocclusions. In L. TRAVIS (Ed.), Handbook of speechpathology. New Yorks Appleton-Century-Crofts, 1957, iNp.


BLOUNT, W. Language and the more severely reterdeds A review.Alterieen Journal of Mental DengU, 1968, 21, 21-29.

BOOS, E. An experiment in physiological approach to languageacquisition. American Journal of Mental Deficiency, 1943,Az, 286-290.

BRADBURY, B. & LUNZER, E. The learning of grammatical inflexionsin normal and subnormal children. Journal f Child Psychologypnd Psychiatry, 1972, 1,2, 239-248.

BRANDON, W. Spout, problems of the mentally retarded child. SpeechMonographs, 1952, 12, 191.

BRICKER, W. Errors in the echoic behavior of preschool children.Journal of Speech end Flaring Research, 1967, 22, 67-76.

BRICKER, D., VINCENT-SMITH, Lot & BRICKER, W. Receptive vocabu-lary7 Performance end selection strategies of delayerd andnon-delayed toddlers. American Journal of Mental Deficiency,1973. 77. 579-584.

re'BROOK, J. The spontaneous spoken vocabulary of a group of severely

mentally subnormal children. British Journal of Disorders ofCommuniostionL 1966, 20 131-135.

BROWN, SR A note on speech retardation in mental deficiency.Pediatrics, 1955. 1.1 272-273.

BROWN, S.-Retarded speech development. In W.J. CURTIS, C. EDNEY, J. KEASTER (Eds.),children. New Yorks Harper & Row, 1967,

JOHNSON, S. BROWN,Speeds handicapped.PP. 330-359.

BROWN, L. & RICE, J. Psycholinguistic differonelation of low IQchildren. Mental Retardation, 1967. 5. 1, 16-20.

BRUNT, P. The effects of verbal labeling on recognition of plc..,tures and names in severely subnormal and normal children.

LaIJourimRfmltiliDAELcktmayatmcEqh. 1965, 2. 237-244.

BUDOFF, M. & PURSEGLOVE, E. Peabody picture vocabulary test per-romance of institutionalized mentally retarded adolescents.Americin JouTnal of Mental Defloiencz, 1963, 62, 756-760.

BURT, C. Defects of speech. In C. BURT (Ed.), The bosekward child."London, University of London Press, 1950. pp. 208-259.

BYRNE, M. Speech and language of athtld and spastic children.Journal of Speech and Hearing Disorders, 1959, 231 -240.

CACCANO, J. & YATER, A. The ITPA and negro children with

CANTOR, G. & GIRARDEAU, F. Rhythmic discrimination ability inmongoloid and normal children. American Journal of MtntalDeficiency, 1959, 61,621-625.

CARLSON, D. & MEYERS, C. Language, memory and figural abilityhypothesis in retardates of mental age four. AmericanJournal of Mental Deficiency, 1968, 23, 1o5-111.


::m::::::telly deficient adolescents

In the oral language of men-and normal elementary ohil-1945, Lip., 183-220.




On pege 7 8

BRYANT, P. Verbal labelling end learning strategies in normaland severely subnormal children. Quarterly Journal of Exoe-rimental Psychology, 1967, 19, 155-161.

BUIUM, N., RYNDERS, J., & TURNURE, J. Early maternal linguisticenvironment of normal and Down's syndrome language learningchildren. American Journal of Mental Deficiencq, 1048 22.52 -58.

BYRNE, B., WILLERMAN, L., & ASHMORE, L. Severe and moderate lan-guage impairments Evidence for distinctive etiologies.Behavior Genetics, 1974, 4, 331-347.


CARR, D. The concept formation end psycholinguistio abilitiesof normal and mentally retarded children of comparable MA.Dissertation Abstracts, 1965, 21, 997.

CARREL, J. & BANGS, J. Disorders of speech comprehension asso-, clateewith idiopathic language retardation. Nervous Child,

1951,,,, 64.76. .

CARREL, J. Paybhelinguistics in the study of mental retardation.In R. SCHIEFELBUSCH, R. COPELAND, & J. SMITH (Ede.), Lan-EleaurlijmntpljnialEtlqn. New Yorks Holt, Rinehart and

CASSEL, R. Sbriel verbal learning and retroactive inhibition inaments and children. Journal of ginical PsYokAogy, 1957,11 369-373.

CATALANO, F. & McCarthy, D. Infant speech as a possible pre-dictor of later,intelligence. Journal of Psychology, 1954.311, 203-209.

CAWLEY, J. Word recognition performance of mentally handicappedand average children: Implications for classroom diagnosis.Mental Retardation, 1968, 64 3, 28 -31.

CAWLEY, J. Verbal probiTm solving Along, educable mentally retar-ded children. Storrs, Connecticut: Connecticut UniversityPress, 1970.

CAWLEY, J. & RANKIN, I. Spelling characteristics of mentallyhandicapped children. AIntilattttwAsie, 1965, le 5, 21-24.

cAzbEN, C. The neglected situation in child language researchand education.-In S. WILLIAMS (Ed.), Language and poverty.Chicago: Markham Publishing Company, 1970, pp. 8-101.

CHALKLEY, M. A language study of some ESN children. Special,Education, 1965, .5y, 11-13.

CHAPMAN, A. & COOPER, E. Nature of stuttering in a mentallyretarded population. American Journal of Mental Deficiency,1973, 78, 153-157.

CHIPMAN, C. The vocabulary of mental defectives. Proceedings ofthe American Association on Mental Deficiency, 1935, 40,485.563.

CLARK, A. Learning, speech end thought in the mentally retar-ded. Londpns Butterworths,'1972.

CLAWSON, W. & SCHLANGER, B. Orel vocabulary responses of edu-cable mentally retarded adolescent boys in a dyadic si-tuation. Exceptional Children, 1968, 20 761-762.

CORNWELL, A. Development of language, abstraction and numeri-cal oonoept formation in Down's syndrome children. AmericanL_JklpsIlltr_zournalofMaTus,' 1974, 22, 179-190.

CORNWELL, A. & BIRCH, H. Psychological and social development inhome-reared children with De:$*1'8 syndrome. American Journal

of Mental Deficiana. 1970.-k,_341-350.\.°

COURT, D. & HARRIS, M. Speech disorders in children. BritishMedical Journal, 1965, 2, 345-347.

CROMER, R. Child and adult learning of surface structure /cues=to deep structure using a pioture card technique. Journalof Psycholinguistic Research, 1974', 1, 1-14.

CROMER, R. Receptive language in the, mentally retarded* Processesand diagnbstic distinctions. In R. SCHIEFELBUSCH & L. LLOYD

,(Eds.), Lanaz..AcuisiticaLietaaglael.dtem,end intervention, Baltimore, Maryland' University Perk Press,

,1974, pp. 237-268.

CRUICKSHANK, V. Arithmetic vocabulary of retarded boys. Acer4o-/ pal Children, 1946, 13, 65-69.

CURRY, H. Phonics and the trainable child. Pointer, 1966, 10, 52 -53.

DAEHRING, D. & RETTAN, R. Language disorders in brain-damaged pa-tients. The effects of homonmes visual field defects. Archi-vas of Neurology, 1961, 1., 294-299.

DANSINGER, S. & MADAW, A. Verbal auditory screening with the men-tally retarded. 1966,


DAS, J. Vigilance and verbal conditioning in the mildly and seve-rely retarded. American Jourual of Mental Deficiency, 1970,

21, 25)-259.

D'ASARO, M. & JOHN, V. A rating scale for evaluation of receptive, /expressive and phonetic language develoPment of the youngchild. .....2CenkrillhilajittLIE, 1961, 2Z, 3.4.

DELP, H. & SMEETS, P. Language.assessMent of mental retardates.TrairiinA School Bulletin, 1973, 22, 30-32.

DENNEY, D. Recognition, formulation and integration in the deve-lopment of interrogative strategies among normal and retar-ded children. Child Development, 1974, 114, 1068 -1076.


DEVER, R. A new perspective for language research. Mental Retar-dation, 1966, 4, 5, 20-22.

DEVER, R. A comparison of the results of a revised version ofBerko's test of morphology with the free speech of mentallyretarded children. ...2Regax_t_r_sAmJurnalofSetldHainResh,1972, 11, 169 -178.


DEVER, R. & GARDNER, W. Performance of normal and retarded boyson Berko's test of morphology. Language and Speech. 1970.f12, 162-181.

DIEDRICH, W. & POSER, C. Language and mentetion of two phenyl-ketonurio children, Journal of Speech and HogringiDisorders,1960, LI, 124-134.

DUCHET, D., VENGELADE, S.,& MARROWITOH, M. Retardation oflan-gunge attainment in two groups of siblings of which onegroup was twins. viel'osciNeuzlfantin, 1961,Q. 545-552.

DUNN, L. & BROOKS, S. Peab, y . are Vocabulary Test perfor-mance of educable men lstarded. Training School Bu'le-tin, 1960, 2, 35-40.

& BROOKS, S. Peabody Picture Vocabulary Teat performanceof trainable mentally retarded children. American Journalof Mental Deficiency, 1961, kl, 448-452.

EARL, C. Speech difficulties of thermentally defectives. fmelh,1936. 2,, 7-14. ,

MUNSON, J. The nature of tafective speech. In W..CRUICKSRANK(Ed.), psychology of exceptional childrat and Youth.'En-glewood ClIffs New Jersey) Prentioe-Rall, 1955, pp. 184,k_ '.


ESSA, S. & SIEVERS, D. Language development in institutionalizedand community mentally retarded children. American Journalor Mental Deficiency, 1961, 66, 413.

EVANS, N. An analysls of 107 non-communicating children. Jcurnak'of Mental Deficiency Research, 1961, 1, 77 -9 ?.

EVANS, R. Word recall and associative clustering in mental retar-dates. American Journal of Mental Deficiency, 1964, gi, 413-418.

EVANS, D. & HAMPSON, M. The language of mongo,s. British Journalof Disorders of Communication, 1968, 1, 171-16E--

EVERHART, R. The relationship between articulation and other de-velopmental factors in children. Journal of Speech and jjetaAgIDisorders, 1953, 18, 332-338.

EVERHART, R. Literature survey of growth at' developmental fac-tors in articulatory maturation. Journal idliarinDisorders, WO, 21, 59-69.

FAY, W. & BUTLER, B. Echolalia, IQ and the developmental dicho-tomy of speech and language systems. Journal of Speech andHearing Research, 1968! 11, 365-371.

FAWKUS, M. Speech disorders land thera in-mental subnormality;In A. CLARK & A. CLARK (Eds.)', Menpytal/ deflitentl. New York,Free Press, 1965, pp. 447-481.

FEIFEL, H. Qualitative differences in the vocabulary responsesof normals and ebnormels. Genetic Psychology Monographs,-19.49, 12, 151-204.

FERRIE, M. Speech defects and their treatment. Special SchooleJournal, 1956, LI, 15-20.

FISHER, L., SHARE, J., & KOCH, R. Adaptation of Gesell Develop-ment Scales for evaluation of development in children withDown's syndrome. American Journal of Mental Deficiency,1964, 68, 642-646.

FISICHELLI, V., COXE, M., ROSENFELD, L., HABER, J. KARELITZ,/ S.The phonetic content of the cries of normal infant and/thosewith brain damage. Journal of Psychology, 1966, 64, 119-126.

FISICHELLI, V. & KARELITZ, S. Frequency spectra of the criesI of normal infants and those with Down's syndrome. psyche..nemie Science, 1966,6, 195-196.

FITZSIMMONS, A. AsurvorrecntirieyIpgchissellin:.diffi-

culties. Minneapolis, Minnesotan University of MinnesotaPress, 1963.

FLEMING, C. The verbal behavior of hydrocephalic children. Develop-mental Medecine and Child Neurology, 1968, 11, 74-82.

FLOWERS, D. Expansion and the intelligibility of speech by blindand sighted, non-retarded and retarded individuals.American Journal of Mental Deficiency, 1974, 28, 607-618.

FOALE, M. & Paterson, J. The hearing of mental defectives.American Journal of Mentrl Deficiency, 1954, la, 254-258.

FONTES, V. & FEIRREIRA, A. Study of the language of mental de-fectives. CriancePort, 1945, 4, 89-120.

-FULTON, R. & LLOYD, L. Hearing impairment in a population ofchildren with Down's syndrome. American Journal of MentalDeficiency, 1968,- 21, 298-302.

GALLAGFER, J. A comparison of brain-injured and non-brain-injured MR children on several psychological variables.Child Development, 1957, 22, 3-79.

GALLAGHER, J, Changes in verbal and non-verbal ability of brain.injured mentally retarded children following removal ofspecial stimulation. American Journal of Mental DificishoYi1962, 66, 774-781.

GALLAGHER, J. Short term recall of sentences in normal and retardedchildren. American Journal of Mental Deficiency, 1969, 2i.57-61.



GAROUTTE, B. Cerebral developmental anomalities and disturbances

of language. Journal of Neurological Science, 1967, 4, 339-


GARSTECKI, D., BORTON, T., STARK, E., KENNEDY, B. Speech, language

and'hearing problems in the Laurence-Moon-Biedl syndrome.Journal of Speech end Hearing Disorders, 1972, 11, 407-413.

GENS, G. Speech retardatiOn in the normal and subnormal child.

Trakning_School Bulletin, 1950, 112, 32-36.

GENS, G. The speech pathologist looks at the mentally deficient

child. Training School Bulletin, 1951, 48, 19-27.

GERJUOY, I. & GERJUOY, E. Preliminary word-association norms for

institutionalized adolescent retardates. PsYchonomic Science,

1965, ;a, 91-92.

GERJUOY, I. & WINTERS, P. Word association norms: Adolescent .

retardates. Bordentown, New Jersey: Johnstone Training and

Research Center, 1969.

GLOVSKY, L. Audiological assessment of a mongoloid population.TrainingL School Bull tin, 1966, 61, 27-36.

GLOVSKY, L. & RIGRODSKY, S. A developmental analysis -of mentallydeficient children with early histories of aphasia.Training School Bulletin, 1964, 61, 76-96.

CODA, S. The spoken !syntax of normal, deaf and retarded adoles-

cents. Journal of Verbal Learning and Verbal Behavior, l964,

3, 401-405.

GODA, S. Vocal utterances of young moderately and severely re-

tarded non-speaking children. American Journal of

Deficiency, 1960, tl, 269-273. ,

GODA, S. & GRIFFITH, B. Spoken language of adolescent retar-dates snd its relation to ntelligence, age and anxiety.Child Development, 1962, 31, 489-498.

GOERTZEN, S. Speech and the mentally retarded child. AmericanJournal of Mental Deficiency, 1957, 67, 244 -253.

GOERTZEN, S. Spe oh and the mentally retarded child. In J. Roth-

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GOLDENGERG, S. An exploratory study of some aspects of idio-

pathic language retardation. Journal of Speech and HearingDisorders, 1950, 11, 221-233. .

GOODSTEIN, H. The performance of mentally handicapped and ave..

rage IQ children on two modified oloze tasks for oral lan-

guage. American Journal f Mental Deficiency, 1970, zl,



GOODSTEIN, H., CAWLEY, J., & HELFGOTT, J. Verbal problem solving

emong educable mentally retarded children. American Journal

of Mental Deficiency, 1971, 71, 238-241.

GOODWIN, F. A consideration of etiologies of 454 cases of speech

retardation. Journal of Speech and Peering Disorders, 1955,

20, 300-303.

GORDON, M. & GORDON, A. Comparison of some verbal habits.of adults,

children end mentally retarded subjects. American Journal

of Mental: Deficiency, 1967, fl, 886-889.

GOTTLEBEN, R. The incidence of stuttering in a group of mongo-loids. Training School Bulletin. 1955, 31, 209-218.

GRAHAM, N. & GULLIFORD, R. A psycholinguistic approach to the

language deficiencies of educationally subnormal children.Educational Review, 1968, 20, 136-145.

GRAHAM, J. & GRAHAM, L. Language behavior of the mentally rater-

deds Syntactic characteristics. American Journal of Mental

Deficiency, 1971, 21, 623-629.

GREWELL, F. Speech, language and hearing disorders in encephai-

lopethy. FollA Phoniatrica, 1960, 12, 282-291.

&MITA, B. & SPITZ, H. Some relationships between abstraction

and word meaning in retarded, adolescents. American Journal

of Mental Deficiency, 1958, 247-251.

GRUBER, L. & STEER, M. Auditory perceptual abilities of institu-

tionalized mentally retarded children. American Journal of

Mental Deficiency, 1965, ma. 287-290.

GRUBER, L. & STEER, M. Perceptual expression and intelligencein institutionalized mentally, retarded children. AmeylcanJournal of Mental Deficiency,' 1966, 21, 417-422.

HALPERN, A. & ESQUINOZZI, A. Verbal expressivity as an index

of edeptetive behavior. American Journal of Mental De-,

ficiencY, 1969, IL, 57-61.

HAMMIL, D. & IRWIN', 0. Relations among measures of language of

cerebral palsied and of mentally rear* children. gal-bral Palsy Journal, 1966, a, 8-9.

HAMMIL, D. & IRWIN, O. Factors affecting emilvalency of PPVT

and RSB when used with mentally subnormal children. Ame-rican Journal of Mental Deficiency, 1967, 71, 793-7967-

HARGIS, C. & LERHMEYER, A. The significance of grammar in

teaching arithmetic to educable retarded children.Training of tilt Mentally Retardqd, 1970, j, 104-108.



HARGIS, C., MERCADO, D., & JOHNSON, H. A linguistic and cognitiveperspective on retardation. Journal of Genetic Psychology.

1975. 126, 145-154.

HARLOW, J. Mentally retarded or hearing impaired? Volta Review,

1967, 61, 664-667.

HARRISON, S. A review of research in speech and language develop-ment of the mentally retarded child. American Journal ,fMental Deficiency, 1958, 151, 236-240.

HARRISON, R., BUDOPF, G., & GREENBERG, H. Differences between EMRand nonretarded children in fluency and quality. of verbal asso-ciations. American Journal of Mental Deficiency, 1975, 21,

583-591.HASS, W. & KASS, S. Syntactic structure-and language development

in retardates. In R. SCHIEPELBUSCH (Ed.), Language of thementally retarded. Baltimore, Marylends University Park Press,

1972, PP. 35-51.

HAWK, S. The speech of the handicapped child. Cerebral PalsyReview, 1964, gl, 12-14.

BEHMELIN, B. Rules and language. In M. RUTTER (Ed.), infantileeutismt Concepts, characteristics and treatment. LondontChurchill:Livingstone, 1971.

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Figure Caption

Figure 1. Cumulative record of English publications on SpeechFind Language in relation to Mental Retardation since1900 (A c totsl number of publications; B $ studieson speech and language development and functioning;C s intervention studies).















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