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Diploma in Weight Loss Part I

Lesson 2

Hormones, Cravings & Metabolism


Presented by:

Sarah Devine Course Educator

BS Health EducationEQF Level 4 Personal Training

About Us

Sarah I. Devine

Bachelor of Science Community Health Education

EQF Level 4 Personal TrainerEQF Level 3 Fitness InstructorEQF Level 3 Group Fitness Instructor

Largest LIVE Educator on the Planet

4+ Years / 2012

Offices All Over the World

Lesson 1 Recap

How overweight and obesity affect our health

Getting the balance right- Blood sugar levels

Understand Carbohydrate Digestion- Pairing with


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Summary Notes: Lesson 1 & 2 Webinar Slides: Lesson 1 (2 will be up tomorrow)

Bonus Videos: Food Labelling

What’s to Come

Summary Notes: Lesson 3 Bonus Videos: Benefits of Exercise

New This Semester: Home Workout 1


What We Will Know

• Physiological & Biological causes of cravings

• Micronutrient deficiency and cravings

• Hormone imbalances

• The Thyroid Hormones

• Nutrient dense foods for good health

Risks Of Unbalanced Hormones

Increased sugar


Weight gain around the middle

Feeling fatigued

Deficient in nutrients

What major trigger causes us to crave?

What major triggers cause

us to crave food?

Hunger Vs Cravings

Hunger is controlled by the stomach helps you know when it’s time to fuel up because your body

needs energy

Cravings are controlled by the brain

What kind of craving do people have?


Physiological Biological

What causes us to CRAVE?

Biological Factors

What do you think are the

biological factors that cause us to

crave are?

Biological Cravings

Biological Perspective for Cravings

1. Missing Micronutrients

2. Metabolic Balance

3. Hormone Disruption

Missing Micronutrients

Food Craving Nutrient Deficiency Nutritious Food

Bread Nitrogen Green leafy vegiesg, nuts, seeds, legumes, grains

White pasta, bread & pastries Chromium Onion, lettuce, tomato, cinnamon, grapes

Crisps/potato chips, salty foods Chloride Celery, olives, tomatoes, kelp, Himalayan sea salt

Chocolate Magnesium Raw cacao, whole grains, beans, nuts, seeds, fruit, green veggies

Fizzy/Soda drinks Calcium Broccoli, kale, sesame seeds, legumes, mustard, turnip greens

Coffee, black tea Sulphur Cruciferous veggies, cranberries, horseradish, garlic, onion

Ice, starches Iron Beans, legumes, seaweed, cherries, red meat

Sweets, coffee black tea Phosphorous Citrus fruits, green leafy veggies, banana, tomatoes, seaweed, black olives

Improve Your Nutrient Intake

No More Cravings

Metabolic Balance

Balancing our nutrient intake



Process that converts nutrients (what you eat and drink) into energy

“Hidden" functions: breathing, circulating blood, adjusting hormone levels, and growing and repairing cells

Basal Metabolic Rate (refer to lesson 1): Body type, gender, age

Metabolic Hormones Thyroid



• Regulates body temperature

• Regulates the speed of your heart and bowels, as well as your memory and mood

• Pituitary Gland in your brain releases thyroid stimulation hormone which tells the thyroid to produce thyroxine – helps regulate metabolic rate

• Feedback loop

Thyroid Hormones

Your thyroid is responsible for producing the master metabolism hormones that control every function in your


Thyroid produces three types of hormones:

• Diiodothyronine (T2)

• Thyroxine (T4) – 90% inactive

• Triiodothyronine (T3) – active (revs up metabolism)

Hormones secreted by your thyroid interact with all your other

hormones, including insulin, cortisol, and sex

hormones like oestrogen, progesterone, and


Thyroid Hormones

Why could my Thyroid be sluggish?

Increasing Thyroid Function

Nutrient Dense Foods

Iodine – Sea vegetables e.g. kelp, cranberries, eggs yogurt, cod & salmon

Zinc – Beef, lamb, wheat germ, pumpkin, spinach, nuts, cacao, mushrooms

Selenium – Brazil nuts, tuna, sunflower seeds, wholegrain, mushroom & chicken

Lack of these nutrients can

reduce thyroxine


Balancing Hormones Naturally

Tip: Curbing your refined carbohydrate and sugar intake and eating a low GI food plan can

balance testosterone levels

Increased fibre from vegetables

Chose carbs wisely

Choose Your Carbohydrates Wisely

Simple Carbohydrates leads to a fast rise in blood sugar followed by a rapid rise in Insulin levels

Complex Carbohydrates help stabilise leptin levels, which send signals to your body to reduce hunger, increase fat burning and reduce your fat

being stored around your middle

Increase Good Fats


Carbs- 4 caloriesProteins- 4 calories

Fats- 9 calories

1. Muscle triggers testosterone production

2. Resistance training increases fat burning for energy

3. Muscle tissue burns more calories than fat tissue does, muscle mass is a key factor in weight loss

Increase Resistance Training

Insulin resistance occurs when insulin levels are sufficiently high over a prolonged period of time causing the body’s own sensitivity to the hormone to be reduced

Insulin resistance means your cells can't absorb the extra blood glucose your body keeps generating from the food you eat

Your liver converts the glucose into fat resulting in increased sugar addiction and weight gain

Processed and Sugar Foods

Vitamin D

Resetting Your Hormones To Reset Your Weight

Hormone Balancing Through Food

Physiological Causes

Your Senses

Senses Are Linked To Your Brain

Dopamine is a hormone that is involved with the reward pathway in the brain but is also involved in appetite regulation. When we smell see or think about food, we release dopamine which gives us pleasure and increases our appetite for food

Serotonin is known as the feel good hormone involved in gut health, mood, sleep memory and muscle function. Serotonin is also linked to appetite control and involved in hunger cravings especially the carbohydrate ones

Dopamine & Serotonin’s Link To Cravings

Stress & Negative feelings increase our cravings

Lowers dopamine and serotonin

We crave carbohydrate foods to increase levels of serotonin and dopamine for a calming,

happy feeling

Negative, guilty, shameful feelings after binging

What can we do?

Find ways to avoid our Physiological triggers

Steps to beat the cravings

Out of sight and out of house

Portion Control

One slice of cake or pie

One bag of crisps

Smaller chocolate bar

Only cook what you are going to eat

Cook in bulk but freeze single portions

Freeze half the whole bread loaf

Bake ½ the recipe

Portion Distortion


Healthy Food Swaps

Women who ate lower-calorie, slightly smaller dishes were no

hungrier than those who ate regular

dishesDieters liked the

taste of the lower-calorie dishes just as

much as that of the regular


Swap For Save (kcal)

Cappuccino/Latte Americano/Green tea 300

Breakfast cereal 2 hard boiled eggs 260

Dried Fruit Fresh fruit 80

2 Biscuits 2 Oatcakes 100

Cream Cheese Cottage cheese 100

Chips Roasted sweet potatoes 250

Chips Roasted Parsnip chips 300

Swap For Nutrient Benefits

Crisps Nuts Omega and vitamins

Sweets/Sugar Dates/figs Vitamins & Minerals

Breakfast cereal Porridge & Nuts Carb & protein

Healthy Swaps

Not This Try This

Mayonnaise Hummus / Avocado & Greek yogurt

Ranch Dressing Balsamic Vinegar

Bread or Crackers Apples or lettuce

Mince/ground beef Ground turkey

Soda Water flavoured cucumber or lemon

Ice cream Frozen yogurt

Bread crumbs Rolled Oats

Sour cream Greek yogurt / Tzatziki

Butter Coconut oil

White rice Ground cauliflower

Potatoes Sweet Potatoes

Table salt Sea salt

Pasta Grated courgette

Healthy Swaps

We Should Not Feel Like We Are On A Diet

What We Now Know

• Physiological & Biological causes of cravings

• Micronutrient deficiency and cravings

• Hormone imbalances

• Thyroid Hormone

• Nutrient dense foods for good health

Rewards Of Knowing

Reduce cravings

Weight LossIncrease

energy and muscle mass

Eating nutrient-

dense foods

What major trigger causes us to crave?

What major triggers cause

us to crave food?



1 cup/340g/ 12Oz Plain Greek yogurt (Can use soy)

2 tablespoons lemon juice

2 cloves garlic minced

1 cup/340g/ 12Oz diced cucumber (remove the inner part)

1 tablespoon chopped dill

Mix in together and season to enjoy as a dip or dressing for any recipe

Challenge Winner!!

Challenge #2

Diet Diary Challenge!




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