di council project

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Government-wide Diversity and Inclusion Council Project – Private Sector Research

April 2013

Research by Tyler McDonald


Table of Contents

Mission Statement Pg. 3

The Coca-Cola Company* Pg. 4-6

Google, Inc. Pg. 7

Mitre Corporation Pg. 8-9

3M Pg. 10

Wal-Mart Corporation Pg. 11

IBM Pg. 12

Deloitte Pg. 13

Exxon Mobil Corporation Pg. 14

Microsoft, Inc. Pg. 15-17

Goldman Sachs Pg. 18

Proctor & Gamble Pg. 19

Bank of America Pg. 20

Conoco Phillips Pg. 21

*Committee Charter included


Project Mission:

This report provides examples of various Diversity and Inclusion initiatives, charters and

related research of Diversity Councils in the private sector. For the purpose of this report a

selection of thirteen, Fortune 100 (2012 index), companies were chosen and researched. The

compilation of the companies is in no particular order and the information used to complete

this report was taken directly from each company’s internet site, published reports,and/or

obtained through contact with itsrespective diversity office.


The Coca-Cola Company




Public Issues and Diversity Review Committee Charter

Purpose The Committee is established by the Board to aid the Board in discharging its responsibilities relating to the Company's positions on corporate social responsibility and public issues of significance, which may affect the shareowners, the Company, the business community and the general public; and to perform such other duties as may be delegated by the Board and consistent with this Charter.

Committee Membership The Committee shall consist of no fewer than three members of the Board of Directors. The members of the Committee shall be established by the Board and removed by the Board. A majority of the members shall constitute a quorum.

Committee Authority and Responsibilities

1. The Committee shall evaluate social, political and environmental trends, issues and concerns which affect or could affect the Company's business activities and performance; and make recommendations to the Board and management regarding how the business can adjust to these trends.

2. The Committee will review the Company's progress toward its diversity goals and compliance with the Company's responsibilities as an equal opportunity employer. The Committee will receive at least annually, presentations by management and others related to the accomplishment of the Company's diversity and equal opportunity goals.

3. The Committee will review the Company’s human and workplace rights policies and how the Company demonstrates respect for human and workplace rights in our business system, in our supply chain and in the communities in which we operate. The Committee will receive at least annually, presentations related to progress in this area.

4. The Committee shall annually review shareowner proposals submitted to the Company and make recommendations to the Board regarding the response to such proposals to be taken by the Board in the Company's annual proxy statement.

5. The Committee shall review the Company's public policy advocacy efforts, including all political contributions, to ensure alignment with Company policy and our overall values. This review will occur at least annually. In addition, the Committee will periodically review the Government Advocacy and Political Contributions policy to ensure its efficacy.


6. The Committee shall annually review charitable contributions made by the Company.

7. The Committee shall have the authority to delegate any of its responsibilities to subcommittees, as the Committee may deem appropriate in its sole discretion.

8. The Committee shall have authority to retain such outside counsel, experts and other advisors, as the Committee may deem appropriate in its sole discretion and shall have the sole authority to approve related fees and other retention terms. The Committee shall be provided with appropriate funding, as determined by the Committee, for payment of compensation to such outside counsel, accountants, experts and other advisors.

9. The Committee shall make regular reports to the Board regarding its actions and recommendations.

10. The Committee shall conduct and present to the full Board an annual performance evaluation of the Committee.

11. The Committee shall review at least annually the adequacy of this charter and recommend any proposed changes to the Board for approval.

Amendment This Charter and any provision contained herein may be amended or repealed by the Board of Directors

Our Diversity Advisory Councils represent associates from all functions and business units

of The Coca-Cola Company. The Councils make recommendations for senior management

on how to advance the Company's efforts towards achieving our diversity goals.

Business Resource Groups provide our associates in the United States with opportunities to

connect with colleagues who share similar interests and backgrounds

The Coca-Cola African-American Business Resource Group serves as a corporate thought leader on the area of African American insights and an advocate for a winning and inclusive culture where inclusion is prioritized, diversity is respected and a qualified talent pool is valued.

The Coca-Cola Asian Business Resource Group contribute to the Company's commitment to promote diversity as a business and provide opportunities for Asian American business insights that assist The Coca-Cola Company in better connecting with key customer and consumer groups, people development, peer education, knowledge sharing and community engagement.


The Coca-Cola Business Support Professionals Business Resource Group delivers added value to The Coca-Cola Company and its employees by providing excellence in office and business support.

The Coca-Cola Company Latino Business Resource Group, LA VIDA, exists to enhance our Company's diversity efforts toward the Latino community by providing opportunities for people development, employee engagement, and community involvement.

The Coca-Cola Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Ally (LGBTA) Business Resource Group exists to foster an equitable and inclusive working environment where lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender employees, and their supporters, feel a sense of community and opportunity, and their diversity contributes to the successful achievement of the Company’s strategic priorities.

The Coca-Cola Military Veteran's Business Resource Group exists to link Veterans, their family members, and military supporters from all branches of United States Armed Forces who have served during times of peace and war.

The Coca-Cola Women's Business Resource Group,is focused on engaging, inspiring and developing the women of The Coca-Cola Company to drive total business performance and establish a strong reputation as a great place to work for women.


Google Inc.


Diversity Report 2011



Diversity and inclusion initiatives focus on three key areas: Changing the face of the technology industry Creating a workplace that works for everyone Empowering diverse businesses and communities online

At Google, we are committed to positively impacting the world around us. We support the

work of numerous organizations that share our goal of diversifying the fields in which we

work by bringing together thought leaders, conducting workshops, and providing

networking and professional development opportunities.

Employment here is based solely upon individual merit and qualifications directly related

to professional competence. We strictly prohibit unlawful discrimination or harassment of

any kind, including discrimination or harassment on the basis of race, color, religion,

veteran status, national origin, ancestry, pregnancy status, sex, gender identity or

expression, age, marital status, mental or physical disability, medical condition, sexual

orientation or any other characteristics protected by law. We also make all reasonable

accommodations to meet our obligations under laws protecting the rights of the disabled.

Google employee resource groups (ERGs)

ERGs are grassroots networks of employees with shared values of supporting diversity and inclusion within our company and our communities.

Currently we sponsor 18 ERGs around the globe (Asian Googler Network, Black Googler

Network, Filipino Googler Network, Gayglers, Google American Indian Network, Google

Capability Council, Greyglers, Hispanic Googler Network, Indus Googler Network, Mosaic -

Ann Arbor, Mosaic - Boston, Mosaic - Buenos Aires, Mosaic - Chicago, Mosaic - Colorado,

Mosaic - Pittsburgh, Mosaic - San Francisco, Women@Google, Google Veterans Network).


Mitre Corporation


MITRE's Corporate Diversity Action Council

The goal of the Corporate Diversity Action Council (CDAC) is to embed MITRE's commitment to diversity and inclusion into our work programs. CDAC works through three committees to achieve its goals.

The Workforce Committee supports MITRE's goal to recruit and retain a workforce that reflects the diversity of our customers and the nation.

The Operations Committee is focused on enhancing and improving MITRE work programs, products, and operations through the inclusion of diversity of staff and thought.

The Education and Awareness Committee supports MITRE's longstanding commitment to creating and maintaining a multicultural workplace where talented individuals can flourish.

MITRE's Definition of Diversity

At MITRE, we understand that a diverse workforce allows us to be at our best as we work with our customers around the world. Workforce differences that we celebrate include those based on:

Abilities Learning Styles

Age Length of Service

Culture National Origin

Education Race and Ethnicity

Experience Religion

Family Status Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity

Gender Socioeconomic Status

Job Function Work Styles

MITRE's effectiveness at using the talents of people with different backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives is a key aspect of our mission to serve the public interest.


MITRE's Definition of Inclusion

Inclusion is the practice of engaging the unique talents, beliefs, experiences, capabilities,

and culture of individuals and groups in support of a common mission. Inclusive behavior

acknowledges and respects differences.

At MITRE, we believe that fostering the collective strength of a wide spectrum of employees

results in innovative solutions for our customers. For that reason, MITRE strives to create a

culture that respects and leverages individual and cultural differences.




Why 3M Invests in Diversity

We are committed to providing an environment where all employees thrive, and Human Resources policies, employee education and executive leadership support this goal. 3M is continuously focusing on building and maintaining an inclusive culture.

An inclusive culture at 3M is built on our Human Resource Principles – to respect the dignity and worth of individuals; encourage the initiative of each employee; challenge individual capabilities; and provide equal opportunity.

We respect the dignity and worth of all individuals, we encourage the initiative of each employee, challenge individual capabilities and provide equal opportunity for development.

3M’s Employee Resource Groups / Affinity Groups are champions of the groups they represent. They help provide mentoring relationships and allow members opportunities to share information. The Employee Resource Groups / Affinity Groups fulfill a variety of purposes that include:

Serving as an educational resource and/or mentor to 3M and its membership.

Participating in community outreach.

Supporting personal and professional development.

Members of the Employee Resource Groups also participate in the Human Resources Advisory Committee on Diversity. This Committee promotes understanding and respect for differences among employees, and fosters inclusiveness throughout the company. The Human Resources Advisory Committee on Diversity also helps create an environment in which all employees can contribute fully to 3M’s success by providing input and counsel on Human Resources policy decisions including recruitment, retention and employee development. This group ensures that a broad range of perspectives are represented and respected.

3M’s Employee Resource Groups / Affinity Groups include:

African American Society, China Club; Disability Advisory Committee; Latino Resource Group; Military Support Network; Native American Council; People Like Us (PLUS) - GLBT; South Asia Society; Women's Leadership Network

Team Austin: This Action Council for Inclusive Leadership in Austin, Texas, serves as an umbrella organization for Employee Resource Groups in Austin


Wal-Mart Corp.


We are committed to nurturing an inclusive culture to retain our talent and help them

reach their potential. Once we hire the right people, with varied perspectives and ideas, it’s

essential to develop them and their careers so they can deliver on our mission to help

people save money and live better. Our belief is that with a meaningful sense of purpose,

our associates will be fulfilled and choose to stay with Walmart.

This means providing unique opportunities for advancement and growth – through

mentoring programs, sponsorship programs, various leadership courses and Associate

Resource Groups – where our associates can connect, collaborate and proudly celebrate

their diversity.

Through our Diversity Goals Program, nearly 60,000 managers are held accountable for

elevating the standards of diversity and inclusion throughout our company, with up to 15%

of management bonuses and 10% of performance evaluation scores tied to their diversity

goals achievement. These goals motivate our leaders to participate in diversity events,

mentor associates and to place diverse candidates at a rate consistent with the qualified

applicant pool for field management positions.


IBM (International Business Machines)


IBM's Commitment to Diversity

The employees of IBM represent a talented and diverse workforce. Achieving the full

potential of this diversity is a business priority that is fundamental to our competitive

success. A key element in our workforce diversity programs is IBM's long-standing

commitment to equal opportunity.

Business activities such as hiring, promotion, and compensation of employees, are

conducted without regard to race, color, religion, gender, gender identity or expression,

sexual orientation, national origin, genetics, disability, or age. These business activities and

the design and administration of IBM benefit plans comply with all applicable laws,

including those dealing with equal opportunity. For qualified people with disabilities, IBM

makes workplace accommodations that comply with applicable laws, and which IBM

determines are reasonable and needed for effective job performance. In respecting and

valuing the diversity among our employees, and all those with whom we do business,

managers are expected to ensure a working environment that is free of all forms of


Diversity Recruitment - Project View

Project View is an IBM diversity recruitment program that offers African American,

Hispanic/Latino, Native American, Asian, Women and people with disabilities, the chance

to be considered for IBM career opportunities nationally.




Leadership University for Inclusion



Inclusion Advisory Council

Accountability from the outside in -

Executing on our Inclusion strategy is a shared responsibility: It takes active commitment from our partners, principal, and directors and professionals to meet our vision.

No matter how senior, Deloitte’s leaders are held accountable to address Inclusion with all the energy and innovation it demands. To keep “external heat” on our execution tactics, priorities, and achievements, we have created the Deloitte Inclusion Advisory Council (IAC). This council was developed to hold our organization accountable for achieving results based on our strategic goals. It is made up of a unique group of influential leaders who bring a wealth of knowledge and experience that provide us with marketplace best practices and challenge us to keep moving forward with recommendations for new programs and initiatives..

Deloitte is the only one of the Big Four organizations to have an external council focused on inclusion-related issues.


Exxon Mobil Corporation


ExxonMobil conducts business in almost every part of the world. The diversity of ideas,

perspectives, skills, knowledge, and cultures across our company facilitates innovation and

is a key competitive advantage. Through a range of programs, activities, and investments,

we strive to create and maintain a diverse workforce, representative of the many

geographies where we do business. We developed our Global Workforce Diversity

Framework to attract, grow, and retain a premier workforce. A series of web-based

trainings and tools help our employees understand effective cross-cultural communication

and cultural sensitivities.

We support local employee networks around the world to foster a work environment

committed to diversity and inclusion. These include the Asian Connection for Excellence

(ACE); Black Employee Success Team (BEST); Global Organization for the Advancement of

Latinos (GOAL); People for Respect, Inclusion, and Diversity of Employees (PRIDE); and

Women’s Interest Network (WIN). These groups often sponsor educational and community

service programs for interested employees.

Our Standards of Business Conduct govern our employment practices. These standards

support our commitment to equal employment opportunities, prohibit harassment and

discrimination in the workplace, and align with applicable laws and regulations in the

countries where we operate. Any form of discrimination by or toward employees,

contractors, suppliers, and customers in any ExxonMobil workplace is strictly prohibited.

Our global, zero-tolerance policy applies to all forms of discrimination, including

discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity. Harassment, even in its

most subtle forms, directly conflicts with company policy and will not be tolerated. All

employees are subject to disciplinary action, including termination, for any act of

harassment. We employ a comprehensive education, training, and stewardship program to

ensure this policy is understood, implemented, and followed by our employees throughout

our worldwide operations. Each affiliate has adopted ExxonMobil’s global standards with

modifications only as needed to comply with country laws.


Microsoft, Inc.


Microsoft's Global Diversity & Inclusion strategy is a fundamental link in our business priorities. We work with senior executives from various business groups and corporate functions across the company to drive our goal of market leadership through diversity excellence. The pillars of our global diversity and inclusion strategy are: Representation: Building a Pipeline of Future Leaders

Microsoft focuses on building our employee pipeline, while actively recruiting and hiring

the world's top talent from all groups within our society. We use a comprehensive

approach to systematically execute recruiting, retention, and leadership development

throughout the organization—at all key functional departments and on a global scale.

Microsoft actively seeks to foster greater levels of diversity in our workforce and in our

pipeline of future leaders by partnering with our outreach partners (which include

academic institutions, professional organizations, and national advocacy groups) offering

scholarships and youth programs to encourage the study of technology and science. The

company works with its senior executive leadership team to ensure that diversity and

inclusive best practices are deeply embedded throughout our work environment. We know

that this approach provides a solid foundation to creating a highly engaged workforce with

a shared purpose of achieving the Microsoft mission.

Microsoft focuses on diversity recruiting by maintaining relationships with schools and

professional organizations. These organizations include the National Society of Hispanic

MBAs, Society of Women Engineers, National Black MBAs, American Indian Science and

Engineer Society, American Association of People with Disabilities, Gay, Lesbian and

Straight Education Network—and more.

Microsoft offers scholarships to foster a more diverse mix of future talent among women,

minorities, and students with disabilities in the U.S., Canada, and Mexico. In addition, the

Employee Resource Groups, such as Blacks at Microsoft offer scholarships for

Black/African Americans who are high-school seniors.

We also offer scholastic scholarships at the graduate-level through various groups.

Through the Microsoft Explore program, Microsoft offers a wide range of internships in


software/hardware development, user experience, legal, human resources, information

technology, sales, marketing, finance, and technical consulting/services.

Microsoft also offers several programs that provide students in grades K–12 with

opportunities to interact with today's technology and learn about careers in this industry.

These programs include Blacks At Microsoft Minority Student Day (BMSD), the worldwide

Microsoft DigiGirlz Technology Programs, the Microsoft High School Internship Program

and many others.

Inclusion: Creating Engagement in the Work Environment

Microsoft recognizes that diversity gains will not be sustained unless the work

environment promotes behaviors that encourage new ways of problem-solving and

rewards diversity of thought. We foster a culture of inclusive behaviors by doing the


Providing Microsoft leaders with cultural competency training and strategies for managing

global diversity and inclusion best practices.

Offering a comprehensive diversity and inclusion leadership and development program to

ensure employees have the skills and knowledge to excel in their responsibilities. An

innovative learning platform offers courses, workshops, online solutions and enhanced

content to help participants in their diversity and inclusion learning journey. Employees

are able to receive the training that they need on-demand, at their convenience, and from

the comfort of their office or home. This interactive learning environment also offers

participants an online area to discuss the training courses, ask questions, and learn from


Offering flexible work arrangements, programs, resources, and tools to help employees

achieve greater work life balance. These resources range from extensive resource and

referral services to generous maternity and paternity leave policies.

Offering employees a Women’s Professional Development Series that gathers employees –

both men and women - to support women’s initiatives, and get them thinking about how to

support these efforts in their day-to-day jobs. The series includes one of the biggest

women’s global conferences in the industry, the Microsoft Women's Leadership and

Development Conference, which attracts more than 4,500 employees both virtually and in-

person. Other elements of this program include a speaker series, networking opportunities

and ongoing webcasts.


Supporting Employee Resource Groups (ERGs) and Employee Networks (ENs), which

provide cultural awareness and social networking and are linked to the overall business

goals of Microsoft. ERG and EN members voluntarily work together and serve as internal

resources to ensure that diverse perspectives are included in business operations,

marketing, and product development activities. These organizations provide career

development, support, networking opportunities, mentoring, community participation,

product input, and assistance in activities that promote cultural awareness. Their programs

include speaker series, scholarship programs, community service, development

conferences, and heritage celebrations.


The Goldman Sachs Group


Our commitment to creating and sustaining a diverse work environment is absolute, for three reasons:

For the Firm

We strive for excellence. To achieve it, we must have the best people, and the best people

are drawn from the broadest pool of applicants. The people we need can be found only by

looking across the full spectrum of race, color, religion, creed, sex, age, national origin,

citizenship status, disability, qualified veteran status, genetic information, marital status,

sexual orientation and gender identity.

For Our People

Ours is a culture of teamwork. For our groups to excel, all members must feel that they are

operating in an inclusive environment that welcomes and supports differences, and that

encourages input from all perspectives. Our people have the right to expect a workplace in

which the richness of their lives and experience is welcomed and valued by their team and

by the firm.

For Our Clients

Their interests always come first. To continue providing our clients with creative ideas and

solutions for operating effectively in a complex global economy, we must be fully capable of

dealing with different cultures in an informed and nuanced manner. Experience has shown

us that we can best serve our clients’ interests by tapping the insights, talents and

judgments of a diverse workforce.


The Proctor & Gamble Company


2012 Report - http://www.pg.com/en_US/downloads/company/purpose_people/PG_DiversityInclusion_AR_2012.pdf

Diversity & Inclusion is deeply rooted in our company’s Purpose, Values & Principles. It is who we are, and aspire to be, as a company.

When P&Gers come together, we create a rich tapestry. Each of us is truly unique. Beyond the visible differences, we come from diverse traditions, with a wide array of personal experiences and points of view.

Through our commitment, P&G brings together individuals from different backgrounds, cultures, and thinking styles providing remarkably different talents, perspectives, life and career experiences. That’s why, in our increasingly interconnected world, it is only appropriate that we celebrate everyone’s uniqueness, every day.

The mission of Diversity & Inclusion at P&G is:

Non-Discrimination Policy

P&G is committed to providing equal opportunities in employment. This means we must

treat our fellow P&Gers and P&G applicants fairly and never engage in any form of unlawful

discrimination. We follow all related laws and in our employment decisions (such as

recruiting, hiring, training, salary and promotion) we do not discriminate against

individuals on the basis of race, color, gender, age, national origin, religion, sexual

orientation, gender identity and expression, marital status, citizenship, disability, veteran

status, HIV/AIDS status, or any other legally protected factor.


Bank of America Corporation


Global Diversity & Inclusion Council (GDIC) Chaired by CEO Brian Moynihan, the GDIC consists of senior executives from across Bank of America who set the strategic agenda for diversity and inclusion.

Global Diversity & Inclusion Organization (GDIO) Led by Chief Diversity & Inclusion Executive Geri Thomas, the GDIO partners with our businesses and regions to develop diversity and inclusion strategy, recruit diverse talent and manage our diversity sponsorships and strategic alliances, as well as actively support employee engagement through management of global affinity groups.

Diversity & Inclusion Business & Regional Councils Each business and region has its own Diversity & Inclusion Council. These councils drive strategy that promotes engagement, recruitment, development, education and awareness to affect diversity and inclusion efforts within each business and region.

Affinity Groups

With nearly 200 chapters worldwide, affinity groups enhance opportunities for employee development through networking, mentoring and information forums. Current groups include:

Asian Leadership Network

Black Professional Group

Disability Affinity Group

Hispanic/Latino Organization for Leadership and Advancement

Leadership, Education, Advocacy and Development for Women

Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Pride Resource Group

Military Support Affinity Group

Multicultural Leadership Network (Europe and Emerging Markets)

Native American Professional Network

Parents and Careers Diversity Network

Young Professionals Network (Asia Pacific)


ConocoPhillips http://www.conocophillips.com/EN/susdev/policies/diversity_position/whatitmeans/Pages/index.aspx

At the heart of diversity and inclusion is respect for people of all backgrounds. Diversity and inclusion at ConocoPhillips work hand-in-hand to ensure that our commitment to values, performance and excellence are sustained. Diversity is about running the business better by creating a workforce that encompasses a wide variety of cultural experiences, backgrounds and ways of thinking. Inclusion supports diversity by ensuring that an environment exists where every individual’s contributions and differences are respected and valued. A diverse and inclusive environment challenges our way of thinking by bringing together a variety of talents, backgrounds and experiences, and serves as a catalyst for new ideas and innovation. At ConocoPhillips, discovering and developing the best ways to make our differences work - for the good of our enterprise, our employees, our vendors and our communities - is an ongoing process. Our People Value in Support of Inclusion: Our People value embedded in our company SPIRIT values aligns with our inclusion efforts.

We respect one another, recognizing that our success depends upon the commitment, capabilities and diversity of our employees.

Respect. Treat everyone with dignity and ensure that actions result in fair and respectful treatment.

Commitment. Create an inclusive work environment that aligns the global workforce around a common purpose, while supporting and recognizing every individual’s and

team’s motivation, productivity and contributions.

Capabilities. Attract, develop and retain the best talent, and enable every individual to make a difference by valuing all ideas and perspectives, providing opportunities for

growth and development and expanding their sphere of influence through shared dialogue, learning and understanding.

Diversity. Develop our workforce to represent and reflect our global communities in which we live and work through inclusion, thus creating an environment that respects the contributions, ideas, talents and differences of every individual.

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