develop memory power, some effective techniques

Post on 06-May-2015






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Developing your memory power is now possible through some simple methods. It makes you intellectually young too. Remember all skills are achieved through repeated trials. So be ready to practice these techniques regularly.


Develop Memory Power

How to Maintain a strong memory for life

b a b u a p p a t @ g m a i l . c o m

Maintaining a strong memory for life depends on the health and vitality of your brain

If you are looking for ways to preserve and even enhance your grey matter as you age, there are

many things you can do to improve brain health and thus your memory and mental performance.

Brain deterioration begins well before old age

According to Dementia Today, an online publication which posts scientific news and professional views on Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias from

the global research community, brain deterioration begins well before old age.

Loss of NeuronsPlasticity at Brain Synapses

Scientists believe that changes in plasticity at brain synapses — the junctions where neurons signal to

each other — and the loss of neurons may be responsible for this decline in function

Regions of brain involved in memory functions

Interestingly, these changes also precede Alzheimer’s disease. Dementia Today also reports that in Alzheimer’s disease patients, early neuron loss and changes in synapse function have been

observed in the hippocampus and neo-cortex — the very brain regions involved in language, memory,

and other higher cognitive functions

Strategies to maintain brain health

But there are strategies to maintaining and improving brain health. Researchers have found at

least one clear link between brain plasticity and healthy aging: That a rich, stimulating environment can enhance and maintain brain plasticity, even in

old age and with Alzheimer’s disease patients.


Studies show that regular social interaction, exercise, and a healthful diet — as well as

cardiovascular exercise — can increase neurogenesis, neuron communication and

hippocampus-related learning.

Exercise to enhance cognitive function

These healthful habits can even decrease levels of amyloid beta deposits which are associated with

Alzheimer’s disease. Research has now shown that exercise enhances cognitive function and protects

against dementia

Neural activity in response to the situation

Brain plasticity, also called neuroplasticity, allows the neurons in the brain to compensate for injury or degeneration and adjust neural activity in response to new situations or changes in the environment of

the brain

What does this mean for you and me?

Neuroplasticity means that with the right stimulation, your brain can form new neural

pathways, alter existing connections, and adapt to changing conditions and stimulus

The human brain has an incredible ability to reshape


This ability is of the utmost importance to learning and memory. You can harness the natural power of

neuroplasticity to improve your memory and increase your cognitive abilities. Research suggests you may want to incorporate some of the following

strategies as well

Get closer

Healthy relationships may be the ultimate memory booster. In one recent study from the Harvard School of

Public Health, for example, researchers found that people with the most active social lives had the slowest

rate of memory decline. Relationships stimulate our brains and the best kind of brain exercise may be

interacting with others

Sleep on it

Research shows that sleep is necessary for memory consolidation, with key memory-enhancing activity

occurring during the deepest stages of sleep

Sleep becomes a problem?

Overcome the sleepy head syndrome while studying

- Maintain a comfortable yet alert posture-

- Ensure sufficient light

- Infuse fun learning with enough videos and animations into your  reading time-

Use multi mode studying.. reading, writing, listening, drawing, conversing, practicing, thinking.......

-Assess the learning you achieveShare your experiences

Laugh out loud

Laughter is good for you and engages multiple regions across the whole

brain. As psychologist Daniel Goleman notes in his book Emotional

Intelligence, “laughter … seems to help people think more broadly and

associate more freely

Brain Building

Your brain needs a work out, too. The best brain exercising activities break your routine and

challenge you to use and develop new neuro pathways. The brain boosting activities you choose

should meet the following criteria:

It’s challenging

Anything that takes mental effort and expands your knowledge will work.

It’s new

If it’s something you’re already good at, it’s not a good brain

exercise. Try something that’s unfamiliar and out of

your comfort zone.

It’s fun

Physical and emotional enjoyment is important in the brain’s learning


Besides, if it’s not fun you won’t keep doing it!

How about some brain games?

If 9 x 9 = 728 x 8 = 487 x 7 = 283 x 3 = ?

One More?


11 x 11 = 422 x 22 = 1633 x 33 = 3644 x 44 = ?

Please create a functional formula for this problem and give the answer

Another Arithmeditation tool

1 = 22 = 103 = 304 = 685 - ?

How much is:

2 = 33 = 84 = 155 = 246 = ?

Add the missing letter


Are you a left hander?

If not write with your left handIf yes write with your right hand

Use your favourite “Manthra” for this• For counting the time you chant• From analogues external tools (coconut leaf belt)• Digital external tools• Bodily tools• Polished the bodily tools method• Internal or mental tools• Polished mental tools


• “HOMES” and the great 5 lakes of America• “TROASTRAMESOTHEX” and the five spheres of


Pictograms and Infographs


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