desk for success: keeping yourself organized at work

Post on 11-Apr-2017






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Desk for SuccessKeeping Yourself Organized at Work

Many professionals consider their desk to be a

comfort zone.

However, when a workspace becomes

overcrowded and messy, a disruption in overall

productivity is likely possible.

Keep it SimpleThe best way to ensure a

workspace remains

organized is to keep the

arrangement of the space


Creating limitations on

what is necessary on the

desk and keeping that list

short will set an


standard for the future.

Do not allow piles to find even a

temporary home on the

desk. Fine a permanent location

for papers or non-essential

resources to make

the organizational process


Give Everything a Home

Source: Quartz Media

Utilize Technology

Technological advancements in the

workplace actually benefit the

organization of a desk. In the past,

sticky notes and calendars were the

reminder tools of choice, but today,

most computer systems create

reminders virtually. Additionally,

having access to thousands of apps

and online resources will aid any

professional's organization skills.

Source: CNNMoney

DistractionsA desk full of unnecessary items causes small distractions. Keep no

more than 3 personal items (photos, memorabilia, etc.) positioned on

the workspace. Additionally, experts discourage professionals from

eating at the desk as it allows for clutter and interruption. Try to take

meal breaks in a different location.

Source: CNN

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