design a rocket 2020 primary - npl

Post on 11-Jun-2022






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Design a Rocket Challenge 2020 - primary entries 1

Winner of Primary School Category

Comments from UK Space Agency:

“I love the idea of this mission. There are lots of mission

concepts for similar "swarms" of tiny satellites to go to lots of

places at once. The spacecraft are beautifully drawn.”

The Cloud4Life mission is a 45 cm diameter vehicle (small so it can travel at high speeds) that ‘seeds’

about 7.5 thousand tiny ships of 4 distinct species, each seeking a different aspect of life. Large

clusters of green lights from the tiny ships indicate likelihood of having found life.

The next page shows main carrier design and payload detail.

Design a Rocket Challenge 2020 - primary entries 2

Design a Rocket Challenge 2020 - primary entries 3

Runner Up in Primary School Category

Comments from UK Space Agency:

“This rocket makes good use of boosters, and I like the idea of a Saturn Gateway, a

bit like the Lunar Gateway that NASA is developing! The moon probes are

thoughtfully designed, especially the jet legs which are important for landing on

moons with no atmosphere, and a range of sensor payloads for searching for life.”


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Shortlisted Primary School Entry


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Shortlisted Primary School Entry Emilia

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Shortlisted Primary School Entry Flight Plan, Ben, Primary My rocket looks like a caterpillar and it has loads of fuel. It can blast off really really high, so it can go hovering above Hyperion, Rhea, Telesto, Mimas and Dione. It carries 10 robots:

• On Rhea it will drop a cooking robot and a drawing robot. The cooking robot is there to see how you can cook on Rhea, and the drawing robot is to draw the surface to see how the ground is there.

• On Telesto it will drop a painting robot and a camera robot. The painting robot will paint the whole moon to make it prettier, and the camera robot will take pictures of the surface before it’s painted.

• On Mimas it will drop a game robot and a plant robot. The plant robot will see how you can grow plants in space, and the game robot can split in half and play a board game to see how you can play games in space.

• On Hyperion it will drop a movie robot and a reading robot. The movie robot plays a movie to see how you can watch a movie in space, and the reading robot is to see how you can read in space.

• On Dione it will drop an exercising robot and a money robot. The money robot will test how you can count money in space, and the exercising robot is to see how you can exercise in space.

That’s all the robots and moons. There are two people on the rocket, daddy and Ben. If the rocket gets too heavy it can drop a bit off if it wants to. It carries a few cooling things to make sure it doesn’t whizz past Saturn’s moons. It also carries some rubbish in case some of its fuel spills, as it can burn rubbish down to make it into fuel. Its boosters are very unusual. They rock backwards and forwards because that’s how a caterpillar walks, so the rocket can blast off in different directions if it wants to. Its cab is very small. If the cab was big there wouldn’t be any room for it as the building to blast it off had already asked for a specific length. My rocket is very pretty so it can stand out and it might attract real aliens!


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Shortlisted Primary School Entry

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We received many entries with brilliant

ideas and designs. Selecting ‘the best’

was a very hard task.

There is hope for the future of space


Many thanks for all the brilliant

submissions that follow.

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I am entering your Covid 19 rocket

challenge, and this is my entry (please

see attached). I was inspired by this

because there is so much junk being left

in the unknown parts of space. No one

will go into space to collect it, will they?

So I designed the Debris Insect (DEB for

short) to collect the debris scattered

around space. I talked to a worker from

the ESA and he showed me some

websites about the junk being left

there. I go to King's College Soto de

Vinuelas, Madrid (Spain). At that school

we are trying our hardest to support the

planet, and by doing that we are

following the Global Sustainable Goals,

set by the United Nations. Something

everyone should be doing as well.

I hope you like my entry,


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We hope you are all well, thank you for running this competition - it's given us hours of designing and testing out ideas here!, we've even been using a makeshift wind tunnel this morning!

The Flower Rocket – By Annabelle – Primary

My Rocket design will help solve a lot of problems in Space. I thought about what I would like to see in the future and

learn from mistakes from the past to make sure I avoided repeating them.

Design & Material: My Rocket will have a slim design to reduce air drag, it will be light weight being built with a material I

want to make based on Cotton and will need less solid fuel to get it off the launch pad.

Getting it where it needs to be: Once it is in the air, my central turbine engine will boost the Rocket further by converting

the energy from the moving air into power.

There are also Solar Panels to help power the systems & cargo support, this also doubles up as the power source for the

Solar Sail & Space Debris Collector.

How to cover the costs: There are three payload areas:

1. Large central payload (this has a Moon module inside on it’s way to the Moon)

2. The smaller side bays can hold Cube Sats and Student Payloads (Children’s and Student payloads fly for free)

Stage One – nothing gets wasted: It has three jobs to do – Launch, Support & Collect.

The parts from Stage one, once ejected, stay together and reconfigure into a Daisy shape, this forms a Solar Sail and also

acts as a collection net for Space Debris. It will have it’s own thrusters and can be guided from Space or on Earth. It will be

used to bounce power (light) or Radio Waves for deep space communications. Once this work has been completed it can

then be used again to either collect and return broken Satellites or collect and encapsulate space debris and burn it up or

return it to Earth for recycling. It can be closed up to either protect the contents for re-entry or allow it to burn up on re-

entry safely.

The Rocket can be landed back on Earth or another Planet for re-use, nothing goes to waste.

My Rocket will protect the Earth & respect Space by leaving no trace.

Thank you.

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Design a Rocket Challenge 2020 - primary entries 14


This aim of the mission is to create a very accurate Intergalactic positioning system

You need multiple Heavy lift Rockets (R) to complete this mission. I think 9 Rockets and then

however how many to keep the satellite chain connected. The Rocket (R) will put Space Station (SS)

into orbit. Rocket (R) will need 4 payloads full of thousands of probes (P).

The fairing will have been launched with a trajectory code to dock with the SS and when they reach

their designated fairing drop point’s they will then be jettisoned off the SS. The fairing will be

jettisoned at 4 different times in different directions to create 4 super highways to create a 360 map

of the milky way Just before the signal cuts off or the fairing get too far to relinquish the connection,

they will split into two and all the probes inside will be scattered into the one quadrant and then

they will start scanning their environment around them. They scan for radiation, life signs and

possible energy sources and their surrounding. This will act as a map for interstellear travel.

The satellite will keep the connection from earth to the probes and send the information back to

earth. The probes may not have much use once they have completed their mission other than to be

really expensive thermostats and the satellites will have transmitted all the information back to

earth. Therefore the satellites will be like markings in the roads for interplanetary travel and may be

be used as a superhighway and interplanetary communication system.

How researcher would use this: Researchers will be able to scan the Milkyway for a long time and

observe changes which may have not previously been unaware. It may help us understand dark

matter or changes in earths climate.

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Game at:

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Please find James's entry for the Space Rocket design challenge.

His rocket will be used to carry an exploratory space station to another planet outside of our solar

system. It is 4 times larger than a blue whale and is called "Whale in Space".

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Top: food; Middle: speed; Bottom: forcefield

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My rocket lands on the moon.

Just before it is about to land, they deploy the parachute so it doesn’t crash and break a bit of the


At the base of the rocket it has a fuel buggy. There is a special lift inside- like stairs but you don’t

have to climb. Like bars in a school gym

There is a special oven like a pizza oven.

There are windows where they sleep, like the port holes on ships.

There are ipads / kindles where they sleep/sit so they can read.

It is blue and red and yellow.

Inside there is a separate mini rocket that can house them should the main rocket go wrong or

someone gets ill. That

one can be used to get

them home safely.

Rafferty aged 7

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