declaration and constitution

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  • 8/2/2019 Declaration and Constitution


    The Declaration of


    Constitutionof the United States

    M-654 (rev. 07/08)

  • 8/2/2019 Declaration and Constitution


    T Dcltin


    Cnstitutin t Unitd Stts

  • 8/2/2019 Declaration and Constitution


    The sacred rights of mankind are not to be

    rummaged for, among old parchments, or musty

    records. They are written, as with a sun beam

    in the whole volume of human nature, by the

    hand of the divinity itself; and can never be

    erased or obscured by mortal power.

    Alexander Hamilton, 1775

    The basis of our political systems is the

    right of the people to make and to alter

    their Constitutions of Government. But theConstitution which at any time exists, till

    changed by an explicit and authentic act of the

    whole People is sacredly obligatory upon all.

    George Washington, 1796

    The Declaration of Independence...[is the]

    declaratory charter of our rights, and of the

    rights of man.

    Thomas Jefferson, 1819

    MeSSage froM The DIreCTor

    T Dclaration of Indpndnc and t

    Constitution of t Unitd Stats ar t two most

    important, and nduring documnts in our Nations

    istory. It as bn said tat t Dclaration of

    Indpndnc was t promis; t Constitution

    was the fulllment.

    Mor tan 200 yars ago, our FoundingFatrs st out to stablis a govrnmnt basd

    on individual rigts and t rul of law. T

    Declaration of Independence, which ofcially

    brok all political tis btwn t Amrican

    colonis and Grat Britain, st fort t idas and

    principls bind a just and fair govrnmnt, and

    t Constitution outlind ow tis govrnmnt

    would function. Our founding documnts av

    witstood t tst of tim, rising to t callngac tim ty wr calld upon.

    Mak no mistak, w av bn prsntd wit

    a timlss framwork for slf-govrnmnt, but in

    ordr to prsrv tis wondrful gift, w must old

    ts principls clos to our arts. I ncourag you

    to rad and undrstand ts documnts. I promis

    you will b noting sort of inspird.


    U.S. Citiznsip and Immigration Srvics

  • 8/2/2019 Declaration and Constitution


    The DeCLaraTIoN of INDePeNDeNCeAction of Scond Continntal Congrss, July 4, 1776T Unanimous Dclaration of t tirtn unitd Stats of Amrica

    WheN in t Cours of uman evnts, it

    bcoms ncssary for on Popl to dissolv t

    Political Bands wic av connctd tm wit

    anotr, and to assum among t Powrs of t

    eart, t sparat and qual Station to wic t

    Laws of Natur and of Naturs God ntitl tm,

    a dcnt Rspct to t Opinions of Mankind

    rquirs tat ty sould dclar t causs wic

    impl tm to t Sparation.

    We old ts Truts to b slf-vidnt,

    tat all Mn ar cratd qual, tat ty ar

    ndowd by tir Crator wit crtain unalinabl

    Rigts, tat among ts ar Lif, Librty, and

    t pursuit of happinssTat to scur tsRigts, Govrnmnts ar institutd among Mn,

    driving tir just Powrs from t Consnt of t

    Govrnd, tat wnvr any Form of Govrnmnt

    bcoms dstructiv of ts ends, it is t Rigt of

    t Popl to altr or to abolis it, and to institut

    nw Govrnmnt, laying its Foundation on suc

    Principls, and organizing its Powrs in suc

    Form, as to tm sall sm most likly to ffct

    tir Safty and happinss. Prudnc, indd, will

    dictat tat Govrnmnts long stablisd souldnot b cangd for ligt and transint Causs;

    and accordingly all exprinc at swn, tat

    Mankind ar mor disposd to suffr, wil evils ar

    suffrabl, tan to rigt tmslvs by abolising

    t Forms to wic ty ar accustomd. But wn

  • 8/2/2019 Declaration and Constitution


    a long Train of Abuss and Usurpations, pursuing

    invariably t sam Objct, vincs a dsign to rduc

    tm undr absolut Dspotism, it is tir Rigt, it

    is tir Duty, to trow off suc Govrnmnt, and to

    provid nw Guards for tir futur Scurity. Suc

    as bn t patint Suffranc of ts Colonis;

    and suc is now t Ncssity wic constrains

    tm to altr tir formr Systms of Govrnmnt.

    T history of t prsnt King of Grat-Britainis a history of rpatd Injuris and Usurpations,

    all aving in dirct Objct t establismnt of an

    absolut Tyranny ovr ts Stats. To prov tis, lt

    Facts b submittd to a candid World.

    he as rfusd is Assnt to Laws, t most

    wolsom and ncssary for t public Good.

    he as forbiddn is Govrnors to pass Laws

    of immdiat and prssing Importanc, unlss

    suspndd in tir Opration till is Assnt sould

    b obtaind; and wn so suspndd, as uttrly

    nglctd to attnd to tm.

    he as rfusd to pass otr Laws for t

    Accommodation of larg Districts of Popl,

    unlss tos Popl would rlinquis t Rigt

    of Rprsntation in t Lgislatur, a Rigt

    instimabl to tm, and formidabl to Tyrants


    he as calld togtr Lgislativ Bodis at

    Placs unusual, uncomfortabl, and distant fromt Dpository of tir public Rcords, for t sol

    Purpos of fatiguing tm into Complianc wit

    is Masurs.

    he as dissolvd Rprsntativ houss

    rpatdly, for opposing wit manly Firmnss is

    Invasions on t Rigts of t Popl.

    he as rfusd for a long Tim, aftr suc

    Dissolutions, to caus otrs to b lctd;

    wrby t Lgislativ Powrs, incapabl of

    Anniilation, av rturnd to t Popl at larg

    for tir xrcis; t Stat rmaining in t man

    tim xposd to all t Dangrs of Invasion from

    witout, and Convulsions witin.

    he as ndavourd to prvnt t Population

    of ts Stats; for tat Purpos obstructing tLaws for Naturalization of Forignrs; rfusing to

    pass otrs to ncourag tir Migrations itr,

    and raising t Conditions of nw Appropriations

    of Lands.

    heas obstructd t Administration of Justic,

    by rfusing is Assnt to Laws for stablising

    Judiciary Powrs.

    he as mad Judgs dpndnt on is Will

    alone, for the Tenure of their Ofces, and the

    Amount and Paymnt of tir Salaris.

    he has erected a Multitude of new Ofces,

    and sent hither Swarms of Ofcers to harrass our

    Popl, and at out tir Substanc.

    he as kpt among us, in Tims of Pac,

    Standing Armis, witout t consnt of our


    he as affctd to rndr t Military

    indpndnt of and suprior to t Civil Powr.


    as combind wit otrs to subjct usto a Jurisdiction forign to our Constitution, and

    unacknowldgd by our Laws; giving is Assnt to

    tir Acts of prtndd Lgislation:

    For quartring larg Bodis of Armd Troops

    among us:

  • 8/2/2019 Declaration and Constitution


    For protcting tm, by a mock Trial, from

    Punismnt for any Murdrs wic ty sould

    commit on t Inabitants of ts Stats:

    For cutting off our Trad wit all Parts of t


    For imposing Taxs on us witout our


    For depriving us, in many Cases, of the Benets

    of Trial by Jury:For transporting us byond Sas to b trid for

    prtndd Offncs:

    For abolising t fr Systm of englis

    Laws in a nigbouring Provinc, stablising

    trin an arbitrary Govrnmnt, and nlarging its

    Boundaris, so as to rndr it at onc an exampl

    and t Instrument for introducing the same

    absolut Rul into ts Colonis:

    For taking away our Cartrs, abolising our

    most valuabl Laws, and altring fundamntally

    t Forms of our Govrnmnts:

    For suspnding our own Lgislaturs, and

    dclaring tmslvs invstd wit Powr to

    lgislat for us in all Cass watsovr.

    he as abdicatd Govrnmnt r, by

    dclaring us out of is Protction and waging War

    against us.

    he as plundrd our Sas, ravagd our Coasts,

    burnt our Towns, and dstroyd t Livs of ourPopl.

    he is, at tis Tim, transporting larg Armis

    of forign Mrcnaris to complat t Works of

    Dat, Dsolation, and Tyranny, alrady bgun

    with circumstances of Cruelty and Perdy, scarcely

    parallld in t most barbarous Ags, and totally

    unworty t had of a civilizd Nation.

    he as constraind our fllow Citizns takn

    Captiv on t ig Sas to bar Arms against

    tir Country, to bcom t excutionrs of tir

    Frinds and Brtrn, or to fall tmslvs by tir


    he as xcitd domstic Insurrctions

    amongst us, and as ndavourd to bring on tInabitants of our Frontirs, t mrcilss Indian

    Savags, wos known Rul of Warfar, is an

    undistinguisd Dstruction of all Ags, Sxs and


    In vry stag of ts Opprssions w av

    Ptitiond for Rdrss in t most umbl Trms:

    Our rpatd Ptitions av bn answrd only by

    rpatd Injury. A Princ, wos Caractr is tus

    marked by every act which may dene a Tyrant, is

    unt to be the Ruler of a free People.

    Nor av w bn wanting in Attntions to

    our Britis Brtrn. W av warnd tm from

    Tim to Tim of Attmpts by tir Lgislatur to

    xtnd an unwarrantabl Jurisdiction ovr us. W

    av rmindd tm of t Circumstancs of our

    emigration and Sttlmnt r. W av appald

    to tir nativ Justic and Magnanimity, and w

    av conjurd tm by t Tis of our common

    Kindrd to disavow ts Usurpations, wic,would invitably intrrupt our Connctions and

    Corrspondnc. Ty too av bn daf to t

    Voic of Justic and of Consanguinity. W must,

    trfor, acquisc in t Ncssity, wic

    dnouncs our Sparation, and old tm, as w

  • 8/2/2019 Declaration and Constitution


    old t rst of Mankind, enmis in War, in Pac,


    We, therefore, t Rprsntativs of t united

    States of America, in Gnral Congrss, Assmbld,

    appaling to t Suprm Judg of t World for

    t Rctitud of our Intntions, do, in t Nam,

    and by Autority of t good Popl of ts

    Colonis, solmnly Publis and Dclar, Tat ts

    Unitd Colonis ar, and of Rigt ougt to b Freeand Independent States; tat ty ar absolvd from

    all Allgianc to t Britis Crown, and tat all

    political Connction btwn tm and t Stat of

    Grat-Britain, is and ougt to b totally dissolvd;

    and tat as Free and Independent States, ty av

    full Powr to lvy War, conclud Pac, contract

    Alliancs, stablis Commrc, and to do all otr

    Acts and Tings wic Independent States may of

    rigt do. And for t support of tis Dclaration,

    with a rm Reliance on the Protection of divine

    Providnc, w mutually pldg to ac otr our

    Livs, our Fortuns, and our sacrd honor.

    Signd by ORDeR and in BehALF of t CONGReSS,

    JOhN hANCOCK, Prsidnt


    ChARLeS ThOMSON, Scrtary


    Button Gwinntt

    Lyman hall

    Gorg Walton

    North Carolina:

    William hoopr

    Josp hws

    Jon PnnSouth Carolina:

    edward Rutldg

    Tomas hyward, Jr.

    Tomas Lync, Jr.

    Artur Middlton


    Samul Adams

    Jon Adams

    Robrt Trat Pain

    elbridg Grry

    Jon hancock


    Samul Cas

    William Paca

    Tomas Ston

    Carls Carroll of Carrollton


    Gorg Wyt

    Ricard hnry L

    Tomas Jffrson

    Bnjamin harrison

    Tomas Nlson, Jr.

    Francis Ligtfoot LCartr Braxton


    Robrt Morris

    Bnjamin Rus

    Bnjamin Franklin

    Jon Morton

    Gorg Clymr

    Jams Smit

    Gorg Taylor

    Jams Wilson

    Gorg Ross

    Delaware:Casar Rodny

    Gorg Rad

    Tomas McKan

    New York:

    William Floyd

    Pilip Livingston

    Francis Lwis

    Lwis Morris

    New Jersey:

    Ricard Stockton

    Jon Witrspoon

    Francis hopkinsonJon hart

    Abraam Clark

    New Hampshire:

    Josia Bartltt

    Mattw Tornton

    William Wippl

    Rhode Island:

    Stpn hopkins

    William ellry


    Rogr SrmanSamul huntington

    William Williams

    Olivr Wolcott

    Sins t Dcltin Indpndnc

  • 8/2/2019 Declaration and Constitution



    of The UNITeD STaTeS of aMerICa

    We the People of t Unitd Stats, in Ordr to form

    a mor prfct Union, stablis Justic, insur

    domstic Tranquility, provid for t common

    dfnc, promot t gnral Wlfar, and scur

    t Blssings of Librty to ourslvs and our

    Postrity, do ordain and stablis tis Constitution

    for t Unitd Stats of Amrica.

    aticl. I.

    Sctin. 1. All lgislativ Powrs rin

    grantd sall b vstd in a Congrss of t Unitd

    Stats, wic sall consist of a Snat and hous of


    Sctin. 2. T hous of Rprsntativs sall

    b composd of Mmbrs cosn vry scondYar by t Popl of t svral Stats, and t

    Electors in each State shall have the Qualications

    rquisit for elctors of t most numrous Branc

    of t Stat Lgislatur.

    No Prson sall b a Rprsntativ wo sall

    not have attained to the Age of twenty ve Years,

    and bn svn Yars a Citizn of t Unitd Stats,

    and wo sall not, wn lctd, b an Inabitant

    of tat Stat in wic sall b cosn.

    [Rprsntativs and dirct Taxs sall bapportiond among t svral Stats wic may

    b includd witin tis Union, according to tir

    rspctiv Numbrs, wic sall b dtrmind

    by adding to t wol Numbr of fr Prsons,

    including tos bound to Srvic for a Trm of

  • 8/2/2019 Declaration and Constitution



    Years, and excluding Indians not taxed, three fths

    of all otr Prsons.]1 T actual enumration

    shall be made within three Years after the rst

    Mting of t Congrss of t Unitd Stats, and

    witin vry subsqunt Trm of tn Yars, in suc

    Mannr as ty sall by Law dirct. T numbr

    of Rprsntativs sall not xcd on for vry

    tirty Tousand, but ac Stat sall av at Last

    on Rprsntativ; and until suc numrationsall b mad, t Stat of Nw hampsir sall

    b ntitld to cus tr, Massacustts igt,

    Rod-Island and Providnc Plantations on,

    Connecticut ve, New-York six, New Jersey four,

    Pnnsylvania igt, Dlawar on, Maryland six,

    Virginia ten, North Carolina ve, South Carolina

    ve, and Georgia three.

    Wn vacancis appn in t Rprsntation

    from any Stat, t excutiv Autority trof

    shall issue Writs of Election to ll such Vacancies.

    T hous of Rprsntativs sall cus tir

    Speaker and other Ofcers; and shall have the sole

    Powr of Impacmnt.

    Sctin. 3. T Snat of t Unitd Stats

    sall b composd of two Snators from ac Stat,

    [cosn by t Lgislatur trof,]2 for six Yars;

    and ac Snator sall av on Vot.

    Immdiatly aftr ty sall b assmbld in

    Consequence of the rst Election, they shall bedividd as qually as may b into tr Classs.

    The Seats of the Senators of the rst Class shall

    b vacatd at t expiration of t scond Yar, of

    1Cangd by sction 2 of t Fourtnt Amndmnt.2Cangd by t Svntnt Amndmnt.

    t scond Class at t expiration of t fourt

    Yar, and of t tird Class at t expiration of

    t sixt Yar, so tat on tird may b cosn

    vry scond Yar; [and if Vacancis appn by

    Rsignation, or otrwis, during t Rcss of

    t Lgislatur of any Stat, t excutiv trof

    may mak tmporary Appointmnts until t nxt

    Meeting of the Legislature, which shall then ll

    suc Vacancis.]

    No Prson sall b a Snator wo sall not

    av attaind to t Ag of tirty Yars, and bn

    nin Yars a Citizn of t Unitd Stats, and wo

    sall not, wn lctd, b an Inabitant of tat

    Stat for wic sall b cosn.

    T Vic Prsidnt of t Unitd Stats sall

    b Prsidnt of t Snat, but sall av no Vot,

    unlss ty b qually dividd.

    The Senate shall chuse their other Ofcers,

    and also a Prsidnt pro tmpor, in t Absnc

    of t Vic Prsidnt, or wn sall xrcis t

    Ofce of President of the United States.

    T Snat sall av t sol Powr to try all

    Impacmnts. Wn sitting for tat Purpos, ty

    shall be on Oath or Afrmation. When the President

    of t Unitd Stats is trid, t Cif Justic sall

    prsid: And no Prson sall b convictd witout

    t Concurrnc of two tirds of t Mmbrs

    prsnt.Judgmnt in Cass of Impacmnt sall

    not extend further than to removal from Ofce,

    and disqualication to hold and enjoy any Ofce

    of honor, Trust or Prot under the United States:

    Cangd by t Svntnt Amndmnt.

  • 8/2/2019 Declaration and Constitution


    but t Party convictd sall nvrtlss b liabl

    and subjct to Indictmnt, Trial, Judgmnt and

    Punismnt, according to Law.

    Sctin. 4. T Tims, Placs and Mannr of

    olding elctions for Snators and Rprsntativs,

    sall b prscribd in ac Stat by t Lgislatur

    trof; but t Congrss may at any tim by Law

    mak or altr suc Rgulations, xcpt as to t

    Placs of cusing Snators.

    T Congrss sall assmbl at last onc in

    every Year, and such Meeting shall be [on the rst

    Monday in Dcmbr,]4 unlss ty sall by Law

    appoint a diffrnt Day.

    Sctin. 5. eac hous sall b t Judg of

    the Elections, Returns and Qualications of its own

    Mmbrs, and a Majority of ac sall constitut a

    Quorum to do Businss; but a smallr Numbr may

    adjourn from day to day, and may b autorizd tocompl t Attndanc of absnt Mmbrs, in suc

    Mannr, and undr suc Pnaltis as ac hous

    may provid.

    eac hous may dtrmin t Ruls of its

    Procdings, punis its Mmbrs for disordrly

    Baviour, and, wit t Concurrnc of two

    tirds, xpl a Mmbr.

    eac hous sall kp a Journal of its

    Procdings, and from tim to tim publis

    t sam, xcpting suc Parts as may in tirJudgmnt rquir Scrcy; and t Yas and Nays

    of t Mmbrs of itr hous on any qustion

    shall, at the Desire of one fth of those Present, be

    ntrd on t Journal.

    4Cangd by sction 2 of t Twntit Amndmnt.

    Nitr hous, during t Sssion of Congrss,

    sall, witout t Consnt of t otr, adjourn for

    mor tan tr days, nor to any otr Plac tan

    tat in wic t two houss sall b sitting.

    Sctin. 6. T Snators and Rprsntativs

    sall rciv a Compnsation for tir Srvics, to

    b ascrtaind by Law, and paid out of t Trasury

    of t Unitd Stats. Ty sall in all Cass, xcpt

    Trason, Flony and Brac of t Pac, b

    privilgd from Arrst during tir Attndanc

    at t Sssion of tir rspctiv houss, and in

    going to and rturning from t sam; and for any

    Spc or Dbat in itr hous, ty sall not b

    qustiond in any otr Plac.

    No Snator or Rprsntativ sall, during t

    Tim for wic was lctd, b appointd to any

    civil Ofce under the Authority of the United States,

    wic sall av bn cratd, or t emolumntswrof sall av bn ncrasd during suc

    time; and no Person holding any Ofce under the

    Unitd Stats, sall b a Mmbr of itr hous

    during his Continuance in Ofce.

    Sctin. 7. All Bills for raising Rvnu sall

    originat in t hous of Rprsntativs; but t

    Snat may propos or concur wit Amndmnts

    as on otr Bills.

    evry Bill wic sall av passd t hous

    of Rprsntativs and t Snat, sall, bfor itbcom a Law, b prsntd to t Prsidnt of

    t Unitd Stats; If approv sall sign it,

    but if not sall rturn it, wit is Objctions

    to tat hous in wic it sall av originatd,

    wo sall ntr t Objctions at larg on tir

  • 8/2/2019 Declaration and Constitution


    Journal, and procd to rconsidr it. If aftr suc

    Rconsidration two tirds of tat hous sall

    agr to pass t Bill, it sall b snt, togtr wit

    t Objctions, to t otr hous, by wic it

    sall likwis b rconsidrd, and if approvd by

    two tirds of tat hous, it sall bcom a Law. But

    in all suc Cass t Vots of bot houss sall b

    dtrmind by yas and Nays, and t Nams of

    t Prsons voting for and against t Bill sall bntrd on t Journal of ac hous rspctivly.

    If any Bill sall not b rturnd by t Prsidnt

    witin tn Days (Sundays xcptd) aftr it sall

    av bn prsntd to im, t Sam sall b a

    Law, in lik Mannr as if ad signd it, unlss

    t Congrss by tir Adjournmnt prvnt its

    Rturn, in wic Cas it sall not b a Law.

    evry Ordr, Rsolution, or Vot to wic

    t Concurrnc of t Snat and hous of

    Rprsntativs may b ncssary (xcpt on a

    qustion of Adjournmnt) sall b prsntd to

    t Prsidnt of t Unitd Stats; and bfor t

    Sam sall tak effct, sall b approvd by im, or

    bing disapprovd by im, sall b rpassd by two

    tirds of t Snat and hous of Rprsntativs,

    according to t Ruls and Limitations prscribd

    in t Cas of a Bill.

    Sctin. 8. T Congrss sall av Powr To

    lay and collct Taxs, Dutis, Imposts and exciss,to pay t Dbts and provid for t common

    Dfnc and gnral Wlfar of t Unitd Stats;

    but all Dutis, Imposts and exciss sall b uniform

    trougout t Unitd Stats;

    To borrow Mony on t crdit of t Unitd


    To rgulat Commrc wit forign Nations,

    and among t svral Stats, and wit t Indian


    To stablis an uniform Rul of Naturalization,

    and uniform Laws on t subjct of Bankruptcis

    trougout t Unitd Stats;

    To coin Mony, rgulat t Valu trof, andof foreign Coin, and x the Standard of Weights

    and Masurs;

    To provid for t Punismnt of countrfiting

    t Scuritis and currnt Coin of t Unitd


    To establish Post Ofces and post Roads;

    To promot t Progrss of Scinc and usful

    Arts, by scuring for limitd Tims to Autors and

    Invntors t xclusiv Rigt to tir rspctiv

    Writings and Discovris;

    To constitut Tribunals infrior to t suprm


    To dene and punish Piracies and Felonies

    committd on t ig Sas, and Offncs against

    t Law of Nations;

    To dclar War, grant Lttrs of Marqu and

    Rprisal, and mak Ruls concrning Capturs on

    Land and Watr;

    To rais and support Armis, but noAppropriation of Mony to tat Us sall b for a

    longr Trm tan two Yars;

    To provid and maintain a Navy;

    To mak Ruls for t Govrnmnt and

    Rgulation of t land and naval Forcs;

  • 8/2/2019 Declaration and Constitution


    To provid for calling fort t Militia to xcut

    t Laws of t Union, supprss Insurrctions and

    rpl Invasions;

    To provid for organizing, arming, and

    disciplining, t Militia, and for govrning suc

    Part of tm as may b mployd in t Srvic of

    t Unitd Stats, rsrving to t Stats rspctivly,

    the Appointment of the Ofcers, and the Authority

    of training t Militia according to t disciplinprscribd by Congrss;

    To xrcis xclusiv Lgislation in all Cass

    watsovr, ovr suc District (not xcding

    tn Mils squar) as may, by Cssion of particular

    Stats, and t Accptanc of Congrss, bcom t

    Sat of t Govrnmnt of t Unitd Stats, and

    to xrcis lik Autority ovr all Placs purcasd

    by t Consnt of t Lgislatur of t Stat in

    wic t Sam sall b, for t erction of Forts,

    Magazins, Arsnals, dock-Yards, and otr ndful


    To mak all Laws wic sall b ncssary

    and propr for carrying into excution t

    forgoing Powrs, and all otr Powrs vstd by

    tis Constitution in t Govrnmnt of t Unitd

    States, or in any Department or Ofcer thereof.

    Sctin. 9. T Migration or Importation

    of suc Prsons as any of t Stats now xisting

    sall tink propr to admit, sall not b proibitdby t Congrss prior to t Yar on tousand

    igt undrd and igt, but a Tax or duty may b

    imposd on suc Importation, not xcding tn

    dollars for ac Prson.

    T Privilg of t Writ of habas Corpus

    sall not b suspndd, unlss wn in Cass of

    Rbllion or Invasion t public Safty may rquir


    No Bill of Attaindr or x post facto Law sall

    b passd.

    No Capitation, or otr dirct, Tax sall b laid,

    unlss in Proportion to t Cnsus or numration

    rin bfor dirctd to b takn.

    No Tax or Duty sall b laid on Articls

    xportd from any Stat.

    No Prfrnc sall b givn by any Rgulation

    of Commrc or Rvnu to t Ports of on Stat

    ovr tos of anotr: nor sall Vssls bound to,

    or from, on Stat, b obligd to ntr, clar, or pay

    Dutis in anotr.

    No Mony sall b drawn from t Trasury,

    but in Consqunc of Appropriations mad by

    Law; and a rgular Statmnt and Account of t

    Rcipts and expnditurs of all public Mony

    sall b publisd from tim to tim.

    No Titl of Nobility sall b grantd by t

    United States: And no Person holding any Ofce

    of Prot or Trust under them, shall, without the

    Consnt of t Congrss, accpt of any prsnt,

    Emolument, Ofce, or Title, of any kind whatever,

    from any King, Princ, or forign Stat.

    Sctin. 10. No Stat sall ntr into any Traty,Allianc, or Confdration; grant Lttrs of Marqu

    and Rprisal; coin Mony; mit Bills of Crdit;

    mak any Ting but gold and silvr Coin a Tndr

    in Paymnt of Dbts; pass any Bill of Attaindr, x

    S t Sixtnt Amndmnt.

  • 8/2/2019 Declaration and Constitution


    post facto Law, or Law impairing t Obligation of

    Contracts, or grant any Titl of Nobility.

    No Stat sall, witout t Consnt of t

    Congrss, lay any Imposts or Dutis on Imports or

    exports, xcpt wat may b absolutly ncssary

    for xcuting its inspction Laws: and t nt

    Produc of all Dutis and Imposts, laid by any Stat

    on Imports or exports, sall b for t Us of t

    Trasury of t Unitd Stats; and all suc Lawssall b subjct to t Rvision and Controul of

    t Congrss.

    No Stat sall, witout t Consnt of

    Congrss, lay any Duty of Tonnag, kp Troops,

    or Sips of War in tim of Pac, ntr into any

    Agrmnt or Compact wit anotr Stat, or wit

    a forign Powr, or ngag in War, unlss actually

    invadd, or in suc imminnt Dangr as will not

    admit of dlay.

    aticl. II.

    Sctin. 1.T xcutiv Powr sall b vstd

    in a Prsidnt of t Unitd Stats of Amrica. h

    shall hold his Ofce during the Term of four Years,

    and, togtr wit t Vic Prsidnt, cosn for

    t sam Trm, b lctd, as follows:

    eac Stat sall appoint, in suc Mannr as

    t Lgislatur trof may dirct, a Numbr of

    elctors, qual to t wol Numbr of Snators andRprsntativs to wic t Stat may b ntitld

    in t Congrss: but no Snator or Rprsntativ,

    or Person holding an Ofce of Trust or Prot under

    t Unitd Stats, sall b appointd an elctor.

    [T elctors sall mt in tir rspctiv

    Stats, and vot by Ballot for two Prsons, of wom

    on at last sall not b an Inabitant of t sam

    Stat wit tmslvs. And ty sall mak a List

    of all t Prsons votd for, and of t Numbr

    of Vots for ac; wic List ty sall sign and

    crtify, and transmit sald to t Sat of t

    Govrnmnt of t Unitd Stats, dirctd to t

    Prsidnt of t Snat. T Prsidnt of t Snat

    sall, in t Prsnc of t Snat and hous of

    Representatives, open all the Certicates, and theVots sall tn b countd. T Prson aving t

    gratst Numbr of Vots sall b t Prsidnt, if

    suc Numbr b a Majority of t wol Numbr

    of elctors appointd; and if tr b mor tan

    on wo av suc Majority, and av an qual

    Numbr of Vots, tn t hous of Rprsntativs

    sall immdiatly cus by Ballot on of tm for

    Prsidnt; and if no Prson av a Majority, tn

    from the ve highest on the List the said House shall

    in lik Mannr cus t Prsidnt. But in cusing

    t Prsidnt, t Vots sall b takn by Stats,

    t Rprsntation from ac Stat aving on

    Vot; A quorum for tis Purpos sall consist of a

    Mmbr or Mmbrs from two tirds of t Stats,

    and a Majority of all t Stats sall b ncssary

    to a Coic. In vry Cas, aftr t Coic of t

    Prsidnt, t Prson aving t gratst Numbr

    of Vots of t elctors sall b t Vic Prsidnt.

    But if tr sould rmain two or mor wo avqual Vots, t Snat sall cus from tm by

    Ballot t Vic Prsidnt.]6

    T Congrss may dtrmin t Tim of

    cusing t elctors, and t Day on wic ty

    6Cangd by t Twlft Amndmnt.

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    sall giv tir Vots; wic Day sall b t sam

    trougout t Unitd Stats.

    No Prson xcpt a natural born Citizn, or

    a Citizn of t Unitd Stats, at t tim of t

    Adoption of tis Constitution, sall b ligibl to

    the Ofce of President; neither shall any Person be

    eligible to that Ofce who shall not have attained

    to the Age of thirty ve Years, and been fourteen

    Yars a Rsidnt witin t Unitd Stats.[In Cas of t Rmoval of t Prsidnt from

    Ofce, or of his Death, Resignation, or Inability to

    discharge the Powers and Duties of the said Ofce,

    t Sam sall dvolv on t Vic Prsidnt, and

    t Congrss may by Law provid for t Cas

    of Rmoval, Dat, Rsignation or Inability, bot

    of t Prsidnt and Vic Prsidnt, dclaring

    what Ofcer shall then act as President, and such

    Ofcer shall act accordingly, until the Disability be

    rmovd, or a Prsidnt sall b lctd.]7

    T Prsidnt sall, at statd Tims, rciv for

    is Srvics, a Compnsation, wic sall nitr

    b incrasd nor diminisd during t Priod for

    wic sall av bn lctd, and sall not

    rciv witin tat Priod any otr emolumnt

    from t Unitd Stats, or any of tm.

    Before he enter on the Execution of his Ofce,

    he shall take the following Oath or Afrmation:I

    do solemnly swear (or afrm) that I will faithfullyexecute the Ofce of President of the United States,

    and will to t bst of my Ability, prsrv, protct

    and defend the Constitution of the United States.

    7Cangd by t Twnty-Fift Amndmnt.

    Sctin. 2. T Prsidnt sall b Commandr

    in Cif of t Army and Navy of t Unitd Stats,

    and of t Militia of t svral Stats, wn calld

    into t actual Srvic of t Unitd Stats; may

    rquir t Opinion, in writing, of t principal

    Ofcer in each of the executive Departments, upon

    any Subjct rlating to t Dutis of tir rspctiv

    Ofces, and he shall have Power to grant Reprieves

    and Pardons for Offncs against t Unitd Stats,xcpt in Cass of Impacmnt.

    h sall av Powr, by and wit t Advic

    and Consnt of t Snat, to mak Tratis,

    providd two tirds of t Snators prsnt

    concur; and sall nominat, and by and wit

    t Advic and Consnt of t Snat, sall appoint

    Ambassadors, otr public Ministrs and Consuls,

    Judges of the supreme Court, and all other Ofcers

    of t Unitd Stats, wos Appointmnts ar not

    rin otrwis providd for, and wic sall b

    stablisd by Law: but t Congrss may by Law

    vest the Appointment of such inferior Ofcers, as

    ty tink propr, in t Prsidnt alon, in t

    Courts of Law, or in t hads of Dpartmnts.

    The President shall have Power to ll up all

    Vacancis tat may appn during t Rcss of

    t Snat, by granting Commissions wic sall

    xpir at t end of tir nxt Sssion.

    Sctin. 3. h sall from tim to tim givto t Congrss Information of t Stat of t

    Union, and rcommnd to tir Considration

    suc Masurs as sall judg ncssary and

    xpdint; may, on xtraordinary Occasions,

    convn bot houss, or itr of tm, and in

  • 8/2/2019 Declaration and Constitution


    Cas of Disagrmnt btwn tm, wit Rspct

    to t Tim of Adjournmnt, may adjourn tm

    to suc Tim as sall tink propr; sall

    rciv Ambassadors and otr public Ministrs;

    sall tak Car tat t Laws b faitfully xcutd,

    and shall Commission all the Ofcers of the United


    Sctin. 4.T Prsidnt, Vic Prsidnt and all

    civil Ofcers of the United States, shall be removed

    from Ofce on Impeachment for, and Conviction

    of, Trason, Bribry, or otr ig Crims and


    aticl III.

    Sctin. 1. T judicial Powr of t Unitd

    Stats, sall b vstd in on suprm Court, and

    in suc infrior Courts as t Congrss may from

    tim to tim ordain and stablis. T Judgs, botof t suprm and infrior Courts, sall old tir

    Ofces during good Behaviour, and shall, at stated

    Tims, rciv for tir Srvics, a Compnsation,

    wic sall not b diminisd during tir

    Continuance in Ofce.

    Sctin. 2. T judicial Powr sall xtnd

    to all Cass, in Law and equity, arising undr tis

    Constitution, t Laws of t Unitd Stats, and

    Tratis mad, or wic sall b mad, undr tir

    Autority;to all Cass affcting Ambassadors,otr public Ministrs and Consuls;to all Cass

    of admiralty and maritim Jurisdiction;to

    Controvrsis to wic t Unitd Stats sall b

    a Party;to Controvrsis btwn two or mor

    Stats;[btwn a Stat and Citizns of anotr

    Stat;] btwn Citizns of diffrnt Stats;

    btwn Citizns of t sam Stat claiming Lands

    undr Grants of diffrnt Stats, [and btwn a

    Stat, or t Citizns trof, and forign Stats,

    Citizns or Subjcts.]

    In all Cass affcting Ambassadors, otr

    public Ministrs and Consuls, and tos in wic

    a Stat sall b Party, t suprm Court sall av

    original Jurisdiction. In all t otr Cass bformntiond, t suprm Court sall av appllat

    Jurisdiction, bot as to Law and Fact, wit suc

    excptions, and undr suc Rgulations as t

    Congrss sall mak.

    T Trial of all Crims, xcpt in Cass of

    Impacmnt, sall b by Jury; and suc Trial sall

    b ld in t Stat wr t said Crims sall

    av bn committd; but wn not committd

    witin any Stat, t Trial sall b at suc Plac or

    Placs as t Congrss may by Law av dirctd.

    Sctin. 3. Trason against t Unitd Stats,

    sall consist only in lvying War against tm, or

    in adring to tir enmis, giving tm Aid and

    Comfort. No Prson sall b convictd of Trason

    unlss on t Tstimony of two Witnsss to t

    sam ovrt Act, or on Confssion in opn Court.

    T Congrss sall av Powr to dclar t

    Punismnt of Trason, but no Attaindr of Trason

    sall work Corruption of Blood, or Forfiturxcpt during t Lif of t Prson attaintd.

    Cangd by t elvnt Amndmnt.Cangd by t elvnt Amndmnt.

  • 8/2/2019 Declaration and Constitution


    aticl. IV.

    Sctin. 1. Full Fait and Crdit sall b givn

    in ac Stat to t public Acts, Rcords, and judicial

    Procdings of vry otr Stat; And t Congrss

    may by gnral Laws prscrib t Mannr in

    wic suc Acts, Rcords and Procdings sall b

    provd, and t effct trof.

    Sctin. 2. T Citizns of ac Stat sall bntitld to all Privilgs and Immunitis of Citizns

    in t svral Stats.

    A Prson cargd in any Stat wit Trason,

    Felony, or other Crime, who shall ee from Justice,

    and b found in anotr Stat, sall on Dmand of

    t xcutiv Autority of t Stat from wic

    ed, be delivered up, to be removed to the State

    aving Jurisdiction of t Crim.

    [No Prson ld to Srvic or Labour in on

    Stat, undr t Laws trof, scaping into anotr,sall, in Consqunc of any Law or Rgulation

    trin, b discargd from suc Srvic or Labour,

    but sall b dlivrd up on Claim of t Party to

    wom suc Srvic or Labour may b du.]10

    Sctin. 3. Nw Stats may b admittd by

    t Congrss into tis Union; but no nw Stat

    sall b formd or rctd witin t Jurisdiction

    of any otr Stat; nor any Stat b formd by t

    Junction of two or mor Stats, or Parts of Stats,witout t Consnt of t Lgislaturs of t

    Stats concrnd as wll as of t Congrss.

    T Congrss sall av Powr to dispos of and

    mak all ndful Ruls and Rgulations rspcting

    10Cangd by t Tirtnt Amndmnt.

    t Trritory or otr Proprty blonging to t

    Unitd Stats; and noting in tis Constitution

    sall b so construd as to Prjudic any Claims of

    t Unitd Stats, or of any particular Stat.

    Sctin. 4. T Unitd Stats sall guarant

    to vry Stat in tis Union a Rpublican Form of

    Govrnmnt, and sall protct ac of tm against

    Invasion; and on Application of t Lgislatur, or

    of t excutiv (wn t Lgislatur cannot b

    convnd) against domstic Violnc.

    aticl. V.

    T Congrss, wnvr two tirds of bot

    houss sall dm it ncssary, sall propos

    Amndmnts to tis Constitution, or, on t

    Application of t Lgislaturs of two tirds of t

    svral Stats, sall call a Convntion for proposing

    Amndmnts, wic, in itr Cas, sall b valid toall Intnts and Purposs, as Part of tis Constitution,

    when ratied by the Legislatures of three fourths

    of t svral Stats, or by Convntions in tr

    fourts trof, as t on or t otr Mod of

    Ratication may be proposed by the Congress;

    Providd tat no Amndmnt wic may b mad

    prior to t Yar On tousand igt undrd and

    eight shall in any Manner affect the rst and fourth

    Clauses in the Ninth Section of the rst Article; and

    tat no Stat, witout its Consnt, sall b dprivdof its qual Suffrag in t Snat.

    aticl. VI.

    All Dbts contractd and engagmnts ntrd

    into, bfor t Adoption of tis Constitution, sall

  • 8/2/2019 Declaration and Constitution


    b as valid against t Unitd Stats undr tis

    Constitution, as undr t Confdration.

    Tis Constitution, and t Laws of t Unitd

    Stats wic sall b mad in Pursuanc trof;

    and all Tratis mad, or wic sall b mad,

    undr t Autority of t Unitd Stats, sall b

    t suprm Law of t Land; and t Judgs in

    vry Stat sall b bound trby, any Ting in t

    Constitution or Laws of any Stat to t Contrarynotwitstanding.

    T Snators and Rprsntativs bfor

    mntiond, and t Mmbrs of t svral Stat

    Legislatures, and all executive and judicial Ofcers,

    bot of t Unitd Stats and of t svral Stats,

    shall be bound by Oath or Afrmation, to support

    tis Constitution; but no rligious Tst sall vr b

    required as a Qualication to any Ofce or public

    Trust undr t Unitd Stats.

    aticl. VII.

    The Ratication of t Convntions of nin

    States, shall be sufcient for the Establishment of

    tis Constitution btwn t Stats so ratifying

    t Sam.

    don in Convntion by t Unanimous

    Consnt of t Stats prsnt t Svntnt

    Day of Sptmbr in t Yar of our Lord on

    tousand svn undrd and eigty svn and oft Indpndnc of t Unitd Stats of Amrica

    t Twlft In Witnss wrof W av runto

    subscribd our Nams,

    G. WasingtonPrsidt.

    and dputy from Virginia

    New Hampshire

    Jon Langdon

    Nicolas Gilman


    Natanil Goram

    Rufus King

    ConnecticutWm. Saml. Jonson

    Rogr Srman

    New York

    Alxandr hamilton

    New Jersey

    Wil: Livingston

    David Brarly

    Wm. Patrson

    Jona: Dayton


    B FranklinThomas Mifin

    Robt Morris

    Go. Clymr

    Tos. FitzSimons

    Jard Ingrsoll

    Jams Wilson

    Gouv Morris


    Go: Rad

    Gunning Bdford jun

    Jon Dickinson

    Ricard Basstt

    Jaco: Broom

    MarylandJams Mchnry

    Dan of St Tos. Jnifr

    Danl Carroll


    Jon Blair

    Jams Madison Jr.

    North Carolina

    Wm. Blount

    Ricd. Dobbs Spaigt

    hu Williamson

    South CarolinaJ. Rutldg

    Carls Cotswort Pinckny

    Carls Pinckny

    Pirc Butlr


    William Fw

    Abr Baldwin

    Attst William Jackson Scrtary

    Sins t

    Cnstitutin t Unitd Stts amic

  • 8/2/2019 Declaration and Constitution


    In Cnvntin Mndy

    Sptm 17t 1787.


    T Stts

    Nw hampsir, Massacustts, Conncticut, Mr.

    hamilton from Nw York, Nw Jrsy, Pnnsylvania,

    Dlawar, Maryland, Virginia, Nort Carolina,

    Sout Carolina and Gorgia.


    Tat t prcding Constitution b laid

    bfor t Unitd Stats in Congrss assmbld,

    and tat it is t Opinion of tis Convntion, tat

    it sould aftrwards b submittd to a Convntion

    of Dlgats, cosn in ac Stat by t Popl

    trof, undr t Rcommndation of itsLegislature, for their Assent and Ratication; and

    tat ac Convntion assnting to, and ratifying

    t Sam, sould giv Notic trof to t Unitd

    Stats in Congrss assmbld. Rsolvd, Tat it is

    t Opinion of tis Convntion, tat as soon as

    the Conventions of nine States shall have ratied

    tis Constitution, t Unitd Stats in Congrss

    assembled should x a Day on which Electors

    sould b appointd by t Stats wic sall av

    ratied the same, and a Day on which the Electorssould assmbl to vot for t Prsidnt, and

    t Tim and Plac for commncing Procdings

    undr tis Constitution.

    Tat aftr suc Publication t elctors sould

    b appointd, and t Snators and Rprsntativs

    lctd: Tat t elctors sould mt on t

    Day xed for the Election of the President, and

    should transmit their Votes certied, signed,

    sald and dirctd, as t Constitution rquirs,

    to t Scrtary of t Unitd Stats in Congrss

    assmbld, tat t Snators and Rprsntativs

    sould convn at t Tim and Plac assignd;tat t Snators sould appoint a Prsidnt of t

    Snat, for t sol Purpos of rciving, opning

    and counting t Vots for Prsidnt; and, tat aftr

    sall b cosn, t Congrss, togtr wit

    t Prsidnt, sould, witout Dlay, procd to

    xcut tis Constitution.

    By t unanimous Ordr of t Convntion

    G. WAShINGTONPrsidt

    .W. JACKSON Scrtary.

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    Congress oF THe UniTed sTaTes11

    bgun and ld at t City of Nw-York,

    on Wdnsday t fourt of Marc,

    on tousand svn undrd and igty nin

    The Convntions of a numbr of t

    Stats, aving at t tim of tir adopting t

    Constitution, xprssd a dsir, in ordr to prvnt

    misconstruction or abus of its powrs, tat furtr

    dclaratory and rstrictiv clauss sould b addd:And as extending the ground of public condence

    in the Government, will best ensure the benecent

    nds of its institution:

    ReSOLVeD by t Snat and hous of

    Rprsntativs of t Unitd Stats of Amrica,

    in Congrss assmbld, two tirds of bot

    houss concurring, tat t following Articls b

    proposd to t Lgislaturs of t svral Stats,

    as Amndmnts to t Constitution of t Unitd

    States, all or any of which Articles, when ratiedby tr fourts of t said Lgislaturs, to b

    valid to all intnts and purposs, as part of t said

    Constitution; viz.t.

    ARTICLeS in addition to, and Amndmnt of

    t Constitution of t Unitd Stats of Amrica,

    proposed by Congress, and ratied by the

    11On Sptmbr 2, 17, Congrss transmittd to t

    stat lgislaturs twlv proposd amndmnts, two of

    wic, aving to do wit Congrssional rprsntation and

    Congrssional pay, wr not adoptd. T rmaining tn

    amndmnts bcam t Bill of Rigts. T amndmnt

    concerning Congressional pay was ratied on May 7,

    12, bcoming t Twnty-Svnt Amndmnt to t


    Lgislaturs of t svral Stats, pursuant to t

    fth Article of the original Constitution....

    FReDeRICK AUGUSTUS MUhLeNBeRGSpakr of t hous of Rprsntativs.

    JOhN ADAMS, Vic-Prsidnt of t Unitd Stats,

    and Prsidnt of t Snat.


    JOhN BeCKLeY, Clrk of t hous of


    SAM. A. OTIS, Scrtary of t Snat.

  • 8/2/2019 Declaration and Constitution



    To The CoNSTITUTIoN of The

    UNITeD STaTeS of aMerICa

    amndmnt I.

    Congrss sall mak no law rspcting an

    stablismnt of rligion, or proibiting t

    fr xrcis trof; or abridging t frdomof spc, or of t prss; or t rigt of t

    popl pacably to assmbl, and to ptition t

    Govrnmnt for a rdrss of grivancs.

    amndmnt II.

    A wll rgulatd Militia, bing ncssary to

    t scurity of a fr Stat, t rigt of t popl

    to kp and bar Arms, sall not b infringd.

    amndmnt III.No Soldir sall, in tim of pac b quartrd

    in any ous, witout t consnt of t Ownr,

    nor in tim of war, but in a mannr to b prscribd

    by law.

    amndmnt IV.

    T rigt of t popl to b scur in tir

    prsons, ouss, paprs, and ffcts, against

    unrasonabl sarcs and sizurs, sall not bviolatd, and no Warrants sall issu, but upon

    probable cause, supported by Oath or afrmation,

    and particularly dscribing t plac to b sarcd,

    and t prsons or tings to b sizd.

    12The rst ten Amendments (the Bill of Rights) were ratied

    ffctiv Dcmbr 1, 171.

  • 8/2/2019 Declaration and Constitution


    amndmnt V.

    No prson sall b ld to answr for a

    capital, or otrwis infamous crim, unlss on a

    prsntmnt or indictmnt of a Grand Jury, xcpt

    in cass arising in t land or naval forcs, or in

    t Militia, wn in actual srvic in tim of War

    or public dangr; nor sall any prson b subjct

    for t sam offnc to b twic put in jopardy oflif or limb; nor sall b complld in any criminal

    cas to b a witnss against imslf, nor b dprivd

    of lif, librty, or proprty, witout du procss of

    law; nor sall privat proprty b takn for public

    us, witout just compnsation.

    amndmnt VI.

    In all criminal proscutions, t accusd sall

    njoy t rigt to a spdy and public trial, by an

    impartial jury of t Stat and district wrin tcrim sall av bn committd; wic district

    sall av bn prviously ascrtaind by law, and

    to b informd of t natur and caus of t

    accusation; to b confrontd wit t witnsss

    against im; to av compulsory procss for

    obtaining witnsss in is favor, and to av t

    assistanc of counsl for is dfnc.

    amndmnt VII.

    In Suits at common law, wr t valu incontrovrsy sall xcd twnty dollars, t rigt

    of trial by jury sall b prsrvd, and no fact trid

    by a jury, sall b otrwis r-xamind in any

    Court of t Unitd Stats, tan according to t

    ruls of t common law.

    amndmnt VIII.

    excssiv bail sall not b rquird, nor

    excessive nes imposed, nor cruel and unusual

    punishments inicted.

    amndmnt IX.

    T numration in t Constitution of crtain

    rigts sall not b construd to dny or disparagotrs rtaind by t popl.

    amndmnt X.

    T powrs not dlgatd to t Unitd Stats

    by t Constitution, nor proibitd by it to t

    Stats, ar rsrvd to t Stats rspctivly, or to

    t popl.

    amndmnt XI.13

    T Judicial powr of t Unitd Stats sallnot b construd to xtnd to any suit in law or

    quity, commncd or proscutd against on of

    t Unitd Stats by Citizns of anotr Stat, or by

    Citizns or Subjcts of any Forign Stat.

    amndmnt XII.14

    T elctors sall mt in tir rspctiv

    stats, and vot by ballot for Prsidnt and Vic-

    Prsidnt, on of wom, at last, sall not b an

    inabitant of t sam stat wit tmslvs; tysall nam in tir ballots t prson votd for as

    Prsidnt, and in distinct ballots t prson votd

    for as Vic-Prsidnt, and ty sall mak distinct

    1The Eleventh Amendment was ratied February 7, 1795.14The Twelfth Amendment was ratied June 15, 1804.

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    lists of all prsons votd for as Prsidnt, and of

    all prsons votd for as Vic-Prsidnt, and of t

    numbr of vots for ac, wic lists ty sall

    sign and crtify, and transmit sald to t sat of

    t govrnmnt of t Unitd Stats, dirctd to

    t Prsidnt of t Snat;T Prsidnt of t

    Snat sall, in t prsnc of t Snat and hous

    of Representatives, open all the certicates and the

    vots sall tn b countd;T prson avingt gratst numbr of vots for Prsidnt, sall

    b t Prsidnt, if suc numbr b a majority of

    t wol numbr of elctors appointd; and if no

    prson av suc majority, tn from t prsons

    aving t igst numbrs not xcding tr on

    t list of tos votd for as Prsidnt, t hous

    of Rprsntativs sall coos immdiatly, by

    ballot, t Prsidnt. But in coosing t Prsidnt,

    t vots sall b takn by stats, t rprsntation

    from ac stat aving on vot; a quorum for tis

    purpos sall consist of a mmbr or mmbrs

    from two-tirds of t stats, and a majority of

    all t stats sall b ncssary to a coic. [And

    if t hous of Rprsntativs sall not coos

    a Prsidnt wnvr t rigt of coic sall

    dvolv upon tm, bfor t fourt day of Marc

    nxt following, tn t Vic-Prsidnt sall act

    as Prsidnt, as in t cas of t dat or otr

    constitutional disability of t Prsidnt]1

    Tprson aving t gratst numbr of vots as

    Vic-Prsidnt, sall b t Vic-Prsidnt, if suc

    numbr b a majority of t wol numbr of

    elctors appointd, and if no prson av a majority,

    1Suprsdd by sction of t Twntit Amndmnt.

    tn from t two igst numbrs on t list, t

    Snat sall coos t Vic-Prsidnt; a quorum

    for t purpos sall consist of two-tirds of t

    wol numbr of Snators, and a majority of t

    wol numbr sall b ncssary to a coic. But

    no person constitutionally ineligible to the ofce of

    Prsidnt sall b ligibl to tat of Vic-Prsidnt

    of t Unitd Stats.

    amndmnt XIII.16

    Sctin 1. Nitr slavry nor involuntary

    srvitud, xcpt as a punismnt for crim

    wrof t party sall av bn duly convictd,

    sall xist witin t Unitd Stats, or any plac

    subjct to tir jurisdiction.

    Sctin 2. Congrss sall av powr to

    nforc tis articl by appropriat lgislation.

    amndmnt XIV.17

    Sctin 1. All prsons born or naturalizd in

    t Unitd Stats and subjct to t jurisdiction

    trof, ar citizns of t Unitd Stats and of t

    Stat wrin ty rsid. No Stat sall mak or

    nforc any law wic sall abridg t privilgs

    or immunitis of citizns of t Unitd Stats; nor

    sall any Stat dpriv any prson of lif, librty,

    or proprty, witout du procss of law; nor dny

    to any prson witin its jurisdiction t qualprotction of t laws.

    Sctin 2.Rprsntativs sall b apportiond

    among t svral Stats according to tir

    16The Thirteenth Amendment was ratied December 6, 1865.17The Fourteenth Amendment was ratied July 9, 1868.

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    rspctiv numbrs, counting t wol numbr

    of prsons in ac Stat, xcluding Indians not

    taxd. But wn t rigt to vot at any lction

    for t coic of lctors for Prsidnt and Vic

    Prsidnt of t Unitd Stats, Rprsntativs in

    Congress, the Executive and Judicial ofcers of a

    Stat, or t mmbrs of t Lgislatur trof, is

    dnid to any of t mal inabitants of suc Stat,

    bing twnty-on yars of ag, and citizns oft Unitd Stats, or in any way abridgd, xcpt

    for participation in rbllion, or otr crim, t

    basis of rprsntation trin sall b rducd in

    t proportion wic t numbr of suc mal

    citizns sall bar to t wol numbr of mal

    citizns twnty-on yars of ag in suc Stat.

    Sctin 3. No prson sall b a Snator or

    Rprsntativ in Congrss, or lctor of Prsidnt

    and Vice President, or hold any ofce, civil ormilitary, undr t Unitd Stats, or undr any

    Stat, wo, aving prviously takn an oat, as a

    member of Congress, or as an ofcer of the United

    Stats, or as a mmbr of any Stat lgislatur, or

    as an executive or judicial ofcer of any State, to

    support t Constitution of t Unitd Stats, sall

    av ngagd in insurrction or rbllion against

    t sam, or givn aid or comfort to t nmis

    trof. But Congrss may by a vot of two-tirds

    of ac hous, rmov suc disability.Sctin 4.T validity of t public dbt of t

    Unitd Stats, autorizd by law, including dbts

    incurrd for paymnt of pnsions and bountis for

    srvics in supprssing insurrction or rbllion,

    sall not b qustiond. But nitr t Unitd

    Stats nor any Stat sall assum or pay any dbt

    or obligation incurrd in aid of insurrction or

    rbllion against t Unitd Stats, or any claim for

    t loss or mancipation of any slav; but all suc

    dbts, obligations and claims sall b ld illgal

    and void.

    Sctin 5. T Congrss sall av powr to

    nforc, by appropriat lgislation, t provisions

    of tis articl.

    amndmnt XV.18

    Sctin 1. T rigt of citizns of t Unitd

    Stats to vot sall not b dnid or abridgd by

    t Unitd Stats or by any Stat on account of

    rac, color, or prvious condition of srvitud.

    Sctin 2. T Congrss sall av powr to

    nforc tis articl by appropriat lgislation.

    amndmnt XVI.19

    T Congrss sall av powr to lay and collct

    taxs on incoms, from watvr sourc drivd,

    witout apportionmnt among t svral Stats,

    and witout rgard to any cnsus or numration.

    amndmnt XVII.20

    T Snat of t Unitd Stats sall b

    composd of two Snators from ac Stat, lctdby t popl trof, for six yars; and ac Snator

    sall av on vot. T lctors in ac Stat sall

    1The Fifteenth Amendment was ratied February 3, 1870.1The Sixteenth Amendment was ratied February 3, 1913.20The Seventeenth Amendment was ratied April 8, 1913.

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    have the qualications requisite for electors of the

    most numrous branc of t Stat lgislaturs.

    Wn vacancis appn in t rprsntation

    of any Stat in t Snat, t xcutiv autority

    of such State shall issue writs of election to ll

    suc vacancis: Provided, Tat t lgislatur of any

    Stat may mpowr t xcutiv trof to mak

    temporary appointments until the people ll the

    vacancis by lction as t lgislatur may dirct.Tis amndmnt sall not b so construd as

    to affct t lction or trm of any Snator cosn

    bfor it bcoms valid as part of t Constitution.

    amndmnt XVIII.21

    [Sctin 1. Aftr on yar from t

    ratication of this article the manufacture, sale, or

    transportation of intoxicating liquors witin, t

    importation trof into, or t xportation trof

    from t Unitd Stats and all trritory subjct to

    t jurisdiction trof for bvrag purposs is

    rby proibitd.

    Sctin 2. T Congrss and t svral Stats

    sall av concurrnt powr to nforc tis articl

    by appropriat lgislation.

    Sctin 3. Tis articl sall b inoprativ

    unless it shall have been ratied as an amendment

    to t Constitution by t lgislaturs of t svral

    Stats, as providd in t Constitution, witin svnyars from t dat of t submission rof to t

    Stats by t Congrss.]

    21The Eighteenth Amendment was ratied January 16, 1919.

    It was rpald by t Twnty-First Amndmnt, Dcmbr

    , 1.

    amndmnt XIX.22

    T rigt of citizns of t Unitd Stats to

    vot sall not b dnid or abridgd by t Unitd

    Stats or by any Stat on account of sx.

    Congrss sall av powr to nforc tis

    articl by appropriat lgislation.

    amndmnt XX.23

    Sctin 1. T trms of t Prsidnt and

    t Vic Prsidnt sall nd at noon on t 20t

    day of January, and t trms of Snators and

    Rprsntativs at noon on t d day of January,

    of t yars in wic suc trms would av ndd

    if this article had not been ratied; and the terms of

    tir succssors sall tn bgin.

    Sctin 2. T Congrss sall assmbl at last

    onc in vry yar, and suc mting sall bgin at

    noon on t d day of January, unlss ty sall bylaw appoint a diffrnt day.

    Sctin 3. If, at the time xed for the beginning

    of t trm of t Prsidnt, t Prsidnt lct sall

    av did, t Vic Prsidnt lct sall bcom

    Prsidnt. If a Prsidnt sall not av bn cosn

    before the time xed for the beginning of his term,

    or if t Prsidnt lct sall av faild to qualify,

    tn t Vic Prsidnt lct sall act as Prsidnt

    until a President shall have qualied; and theCongrss may by law provid for t cas wrin

    nitr a Prsidnt lct nor a Vic Prsidnt lct

    shall have qualied, declaring who shall then act

    22The Nineteenth Amendment was ratied August 18, 1920.2The Twentieth Amendment was ratied January 23, 1933.

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    as Prsidnt, or t mannr in wic on wo is

    to act sall b slctd, and suc prson sall act

    accordingly until a Prsidnt or Vic Prsidnt sall

    have qualied.

    Sctin 4. T Congrss may by law provid

    for t cas of t dat of any of t prsons from

    wom t hous of Rprsntativs may coos a

    Prsidnt wnvr t rigt of coic sall av

    dvolvd upon tm, and for t cas of t dat

    of any of t prsons from wom t Snat may

    coos a Vic Prsidnt wnvr t rigt of

    coic sall av dvolvd upon tm.

    Sctin 5. Sctions 1 and 2 sall tak ffct on

    the 15th day of October following the ratication

    of tis articl.

    Sctin 6. Tis articl sall b inoprativ

    unless it shall have been ratied as an amendment

    to t Constitution by t lgislaturs of tr-fourts of t svral Stats witin svn yars

    from t dat of its submission.

    amndmnt XXI.24

    Sctin 1.T igtnt articl of amndmnt

    to t Constitution of t Unitd Stats is rby


    Sctin 2. T transportation or importation

    into any Stat, Trritory, or Possssion of t UnitdStats for dlivry or us trin of intoxicating

    liquors, in violation of t laws trof, is rby


    24The Twenty-First Amendment was ratied December 5, 1933.

    Sctin 3. Tis articl sall b inoprativ

    unless it shall have been ratied as an amendment

    to t Constitution by convntions in t svral

    Stats, as providd in t Constitution, witin

    svn yars from t dat of t submission rof

    to t Stats by t Congrss.

    amndmnt XXII.25

    Sctin 1. No prson sall b lctd tothe ofce of the President more than twice, and

    no person who has held the ofce of President,

    or actd as Prsidnt, for mor tan two yars of

    a trm to wic som otr prson was lctd

    President shall be elected to the ofce of President

    mor tan onc. But tis Articl sall not apply to

    any person holding the ofce of President when

    tis Articl was proposd by t Congrss, and

    sall not prvnt any prson wo may b olding

    the ofce of President, or acting as President,

    during t trm witin wic tis Articl bcoms

    operative from holding the ofce of President or

    acting as Prsidnt during t rmaindr of suc


    Sctin 2. Tis articl sall b inoprativ

    unless it shall have been ratied as an amendment

    to t Constitution by t lgislaturs of tr-

    fourts of t svral Stats witin svn yars

    from t dat of its submission to t Stats by tCongrss.

    2The Twenty-Second Amendment was ratied February 27,


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    amndmnt XXIII.26

    Sctin 1. T District constituting t sat of

    Govrnmnt of t Unitd Stats sall appoint in

    suc mannr as Congrss may dirct:

    A numbr of lctors of Prsidnt and Vic

    Prsidnt qual to t wol numbr of Snators

    and Rprsntativs in Congrss to wic t

    District would b ntitld if it wr a Stat, but inno vnt mor tan t last populous Stat; ty

    sall b in addition to tos appointd by t Stats,

    but ty sall b considrd, for t purposs of

    t lction of Prsidnt and Vic Prsidnt, to b

    lctors appointd by a Stat; and ty sall mt

    in t District and prform suc dutis as providd

    by t twlft articl of amndmnt.

    Sctin 2. T Congrss sall av powr to

    nforc tis articl by appropriat lgislation.

    amndmnt XXIV.27

    Sctin 1. T rigt of citizns of t Unitd

    Stats to vot in any primary or otr lction for

    Prsidnt or Vic Prsidnt, for lctors for Prsidnt

    or Vic Prsidnt, or for Snator or Rprsntativ

    in Congrss, sall not b dnid or abridgd by t

    Unitd Stats or any Stat by rason of failur to

    pay any poll tax or otr tax.

    Sctin 2. T Congrss sall av powr tonforc tis articl by appropriat lgislation.

    26The Twenty-Third Amendment was ratied March 29, 1961.27The Twenty-Fourth Amendment was ratied January 23,


    amndmnt XXV.28

    Sctin 1. In cas of t rmoval of t

    President from ofce or of his death or resignation,

    t Vic Prsidnt sall bcom Prsidnt.

    Sctin 2. Wnvr tr is a vacancy in

    the ofce of the Vice President, the President shall

    nominate a Vice President who shall take ofce

    upon conrmation by a majority vote of bothhouss of Congrss.

    Sctin 3. Wnvr t Prsidnt transmits

    to t Prsidnt pro tmpor of t Snat and t

    Spakr of t hous of Rprsntativs is writtn

    dclaration tat is unabl to discarg t powrs

    and duties of his ofce, and until he transmits to

    tm a writtn dclaration to t contrary, suc

    powrs and dutis sall b discargd by t Vic

    Prsidnt as Acting Prsidnt.

    Sctin 4. Wnvr t Vic Prsidnt and

    a majority of either the principal ofcers of the

    xcutiv dpartmnts or of suc otr body

    as Congrss may by law provid, transmit to

    t Prsidnt pro tmpor of t Snat and t

    Spakr of t hous of Rprsntativs tir

    writtn dclaration tat t Prsidnt is unabl to

    discharge the powers and duties of his ofce, the

    Vic Prsidnt sall immdiatly assum t powrs

    and duties of the ofce as Acting President.Traftr, wn t Prsidnt transmits

    to t Prsidnt pro tmpor of t Snat and

    t Spakr of t hous of Rprsntativs is

    2The Twenty-Fifth Amendment was ratied February 10,


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    writtn dclaration tat no inability xists,

    shall resume the powers and duties of his ofce

    unlss t Vic Prsidnt and a majority of itr

    the principal ofcers of the executive department

    or of suc otr body as Congrss may by law

    provid, transmit witin four days to t Prsidnt

    pro tmpor of t Snat and t Spakr of t

    hous of Rprsntativs tir writtn dclaration

    tat t Prsidnt is unabl to discarg t powrsand duties of his ofce. Thereupon Congress shall

    dcid t issu, assmbling witin forty-igt

    ours for tat purpos if not in sssion. If t

    Congrss, witin twnty-on days aftr rcipt of

    t lattr writtn dclaration, or, if Congrss is not

    in sssion, witin twnty-on days aftr Congrss

    is rquird to assmbl, dtrmins by two-tirds

    vot of bot houss tat t Prsidnt is unabl to

    discharge the powers and duties of his ofce, the

    Vic Prsidnt sall continu to discarg t sam

    as Acting Prsidnt; otrwis, t Prsidnt sall

    resume the powers and duties of his ofce.

    amndmnt XXVI.29

    Sctin 1. T rigt of citizns of t Unitd

    Stats, wo ar igtn yars of ag or oldr, to

    vot sall not b dnid or abridgd by t Unitd

    Stats or by any Stat on account of ag.

    Sctin 2. T Congrss sall av powr tonforc tis articl by appropriat lgislation.

    2The Twenty-Sixth Amendment was ratied July 1, 1971.

    amndmnt XXVII.30

    No law, varying t compnsation for t

    srvics of t Snators and Rprsntativs, sall

    tak ffct, until an lction of Rprsntativs sall

    av intrvnd.

    0Congrss submittd t txt of t Twnty-Svnt

    Amndmnt to t Stats as part of t proposd Bill of

    Rigts on Sptmbr 2, 17. T Amndmnt was not

    ratied together with the rst ten Amendments, which

    bcam ffctiv on Dcmbr 1, 171. T Twnty-

    Seventh Amendment was ratied on May 7, 1992, by vote of


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    DaTeS To reMeMber

    My 25, 1787:T Constitutional Convntion opns

    wit a quorum of svn stats in Piladlpia to discuss

    rvising t Articls of Confdration. evntually, all

    stats but Rod Island ar rprsntd.

    Sptm 17, 1787:All 12 stat dlgations approv

    t Constitution, dlgats sign it of t 42 prsnt,

    and t Convntion formally adjourns.

    Jun 21, 1788:T Constitution bcoms ffctiv for

    t ratifying stats wn Nw hampsir is t nint

    stat to ratify it.

    Mc 4, 1789:The rst Congress under the

    Constitution convns in Nw York City.

    apil 30, 1789:Gorg Wasington is inauguratd as

    the rst President of the United States.

    Jun 8, 1789:Jams Madison introducs t proposdBill of Rigts in t hous of Rprsntativs.

    Sptm 24, 1789:Congrss stabliss a Suprm

    Court, 1 district courts, tr ad oc circuit courts,

    and t position of Attorny Gnral.

    Sptm 25, 1789:Congrss approvs 12

    amndmnts and snds tm to t stats for


    fuy 2, 1790:T Suprm Court convns for t

    rst time.

    Dcm 15, 1791:Virginia raties the Bill of Rights,

    and 10 of t 12 proposd amndmnts bcom part

    of t U.S. Constitution.

    INDeX To The CoNSTITUTIoN of The


    Article, section Page

    Admiralty & Maritim cass III,2 22

    Advic and consnt II,2 21

    Age, as qualication for public


    prsidnt II,1 20

    rprsntativs I,2 snators I, 11

    voting A26 46


    Cas controvrsis III,2 2

    Prsidnts powr II,2- 21-22

    Amndmnt procdur V 2

    Appllat jurisdiction III,2 2

    Appointmnt powr II,2 21

    Appointmnts, tmporary A17 40

    Apportionmnt of rprsntativs I,2;A14,2 -10; 7-

    Appropriations(s) I,, 14, 17

    Arms, rigt to bar A2

    Army II,2 21Assmbly, rigt of A1

    Autors I, 1

    Bail, xcssiv A

    Bankruptcy, Congrss powr I, 1

    Bill of Rigts (Amnds. 1-10) A1-A10 -

    Bills I,7 1-14

    Bills of attaindr I,-10 17

    Borrowing, Congrss powr I, 1

    Cabinet ofcers reports II,2 21

    Cnsus I,2 -10

    Cif Justic, rol in

    impacmnt trials I, 11

    Commandr in Cif II,2 21Commrc, Congrss powr I, 1

    Commission of ofcers II,3 22

    Compact I,10 1


    annual mtings I,4;A20,2 12; 41

    dclaring war I, 1

    lgislativ procdings I, 12-1

  • 8/2/2019 Declaration and Constitution



    Article, section Page


    mmbrs compnsation and

    privilgs I,6;A27 1; 47

    organization I,1

    powrs I,;A12 14-16; -7

    spcial sssions II, 21-22

    Congrssional Rcord (Journal) I, 12-1

    Constitution, purpos Prambl

    Contracts, intrfrnc by stats I,10 17-1

    Controvrsis, court cass III,2 22-2

    Convntions V;VII;A21 2; 26; 4

    Copyrigts & patnts,

    Congrss powr I, 1

    Counsl, rigt to A6 4

    Countrfiting, Congrss

    powr to punis I, 1

    Courts (s Judiciary)

    Criminal procdings, rigts of

    accusd A;A6 4

    Currncy, Congrss powr I, 1

    Dfns, Congrss powr I, 14

    District of Columbia I,;A2 16; 44

    Doubl jopardy A 4

    Du procss of law A;A14,1 4; 7

    elctoral Collg II,1;A12;A2 1-1;

    -7; 44

    equal protction of laws A14,1 7

    equity III,2;A11 22;

    ex post facto laws I,-10 17-1

    extradition of fugitivs by stats IV,2 24

    Fins, xcssiv A

    Forign affairs, Prsidnts powr II,2 21

    Forign commrc, Congrss

    powr I, 1

    Full faith and credit clause IV,1 24

    Gnral wlfar, Congrss powr I, 14Grand jury indictmnts A 4

    Grivancs, rdrss of A1

    habas corpus I, 17

    hous of Rprsntativs

    lction to & ligibility for I,2

    members terms of ofce I,2;I,6 9; 13

    Spakr of I,2;A24;A2,-4 10;


    Article, section Page

    hous of RprsntativsContinud

    spcial powrs

    impacmnt I,2 10

    Prsidntial lctions II,1;A12 1-20; -7

    rvnu bills I,7 1

    stats rprsntation in I,2 -10

    vacancis I,2 10

    Immunitis (s Privilgs

    and immunitis)


    ofcials subject to II,4 22

    pnaltis I, 11-12

    powr of, lodgd in hous I,2 10

    rasons II,4 22

    trials, Snat I, 11

    Indians, commrc wit,

    Congrss powr I, 1

    Inabitant (s Rsidnt) I,2;I, ; 11

    Intrnational law,

    Congrss powr I, 1

    Invntors I, 1


    infrior courts I,;III,1 1; 22

    judicial rviw III,2 22-2

    jurisdiction III,2 22-2

    nomination & conrmation

    of judgs II,2 21

    Suprm Court III,1 22

    terms of ofce &

    compnsation III,1 22

    Jury trials III,2;A6;A7 2; 4; 4

    Lame duck amendment A20 41

    Liquor A1;A21 40; 42

    Marqu and rprisal, lttrs of I,,10 1; 17

    Mn (s Prsons)

    Militia (Military) A2;A ; 4congrssional powrs I, 1-16

    prsidntial powrs II,2 21

    Mony I, 1

    National dbt VI 2-26

    National Amricans (s Indians)

    Naturalization I, 1

    Navy I,;II,2 1; 21

    Necessary and proper clause I,8 16

  • 8/2/2019 Declaration and Constitution


    Article, section Page

    Nominat II,2;A2 21; 4

    Oath of ofce, federal and state II,1;VI 20; 26

    Original jurisdiction III,2 2

    Pardons and rprivs,

    Prsidnts powr II,2 21

    Popl, powrs rsrvd to A10

    Prsons A14 7-

    Ptition t govrnmnt, rigt to A1

    Pocket veto I,7 14

    Poll tax, proibition A24,1 44

    Post ofces & roads,

    Congrss powr I, 1

    Prsidncy, succssion to II,1;A20;A2 20; 41-42;



    disability A2, 4

    lction II,1;A12;A22; 1-20;

    A2 -7; 4; 44

    eligibility for ofce II,1 20

    lgislation, rol in I,7 1-14

    oath of ofce II,1 20

    powrs & dutis II,2- 21-22

    term of ofce & compensation II,1 18-20

    Prss, frdom of A1

    Privilgs and immunitis

    (of citizns) IV,2;A14,1 24; 7

    Proibition A1;A21 40; 42

    Proprty, taking for public us A 4

    Punismnts, crul and unusual A

    Rac A1

    Ratication of Constitution V;VII 25; 26

    Rligion, frdom of A1

    Rligious oats VI 26

    Rsidnt (s Inabitant) II,1 20

    Sarc and sizur A4

    Sas, Congrss powr I, 1Scrcy I, 12

    Slf-incrimination A 4


    lction to & ligibility for I, 11

    qual rprsntation of stats V 2

    ofcers I,3 11

    Prsidnt of I,;A12 11; 6

    Prsidnt of, pro tmpor I,;A2,-4 11; 4-46

    Article, section Page


    spcial powrs

    impacmnt trials I, 11-12

    Prsidntial appointmnts II,2 21

    tratis II,2 21

    terms of ofce I,3;I,6 10; 13

    vacancis A17 -40

    Slavry, proibition A1;A14,4 7; -

    Soldirs, quartring of A

    Spc, frdom of A1

    Spnding, Congrss powr I, 14-1

    Stat of Union mssag II, 21


    and fdral lctions I,4 12

    formation & admission to

    Union IV, 24-2

    powrs rquiring consnt of

    Congrss I,10 17-1

    powrs rsrvd to A10

    protction against invasion,

    violnc IV,4 2

    rpublican form of

    govrnmnt guarantd IV,4 2

    suits against III,2;A11 22-2;

    Sundays I,7 14

    Suprm law of t land

    (Constitution) VI 26

    Taxing powr, in gnral I,7- 1-14

    dirct taxs proibitd I, 17

    incom taxs prmittd A16

    Trritoris IV, 24-2

    Titls of nobility I, 17

    Trason II,4;III, 22; 2

    Traty(is) I,10;II,2; 17; 21;

    III,2;VI 22; 26

    Trial I,;III,2; 12; 2;A6;A7 4

    Vto, Prsidnts powr I,7 1-14

    Vic-Prsidncy, succssion to A20;A2 41-42; 4-46


    conditions for assuming

    Prsidncy II,1;A20; 20; 41-42;

    A2 4-46

  • 8/2/2019 Declaration and Constitution


    Article, section Page

    Vic PrsidntContinud

    dclaring Prsidnt disabld,

    rol in A2,4 4-46

    Snat, rol in I,;A12 11; -7

    term of ofce II,1 18

    Voting rigts A14;A24 7-; 44

    blacks, formr slavs A1,1

    igtn-yars-old A26 46

    womn A1 41

    War powrs (s Congrss,

    dclaring war, powrs;

    Prsidnt, powrs & dutis;

    Stats, protction against


    Warrants A4

    Wigts and masurs

    standards of I, 1

    Womn (s Prsons)

    No free government, nor the blessings of

    liberty, can be preserved to any people, but by...a

    frequent recurrence to fundamental principles.

    George Mason, 1776

    The people made the Constitution, and the

    people can unmake it. It is the creature of their

    own will, and lives only by their will.

    John Marshall, 1821

    The happy Union of these States is a wonder;

    their Constitution a miracle; their example the

    hope of Liberty throughout the world.

    James Madison, 1829

  • 8/2/2019 Declaration and Constitution


    U.S. Citiznsip and Immigration Srvics

    would lik to gratfully acknowldg t

    support of t National Constitution Cntr

    in Piladlpia, PA for tir assistanc in t

    dvlopmnt of tis ducational product. For

    mor information on t National Constitution

    Cntr and its mission, plas visit


  • 8/2/2019 Declaration and Constitution


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