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Introduction to Chinese Thought: Daoism

Introduction to Chinese Thoughts: Daoism

Traditionally, Laozi is founder of philosophical Daoism and also revered as a deity in religious forms of Daoism. But we will study Daosim as philosophy by considering from Daodejing, his most famous writing. Moreover, book of Zhuangzi which is another important Daoism book, will be added to elaborate in some point discussion.

Laozi tired of the moral decay of city life and the kingdoms decline. He decided to journey west. Before leaving from the city, a guard at the city gate recognized him, and asked Laozi to produce a record of his wisdom.

The result was Daodejing, a book like poetry consisting of two parts, 81 chapters, which discusses the meaning of Dao and Virtue. Thereafter, Laozi left the city on his buffalo; no one knew where he had gone but belief that he lived as a hermit in the forest at the age of 160.

Laozi said to Confucius that he should withdraw from changing world and live like water. What does analogy water mean? No Contribution is true contribution

The Weak survive, the mild persist. Nothing is softer than water, and yet aggression and force never triumph over water So be like water

For Daoism, Softness is the most significant character of water. When refer to powerful force, most people generally think of powerful force from strength and thickness. But Daoism values powerful force from softness or weakness. This kind of power can support, foster and nourish myriad of things without defeat, obstruct, or intervene like water can support a boat not to sink, even though it is fluid. In Daoism view, perhaps the best way to solve the problem is no action because confusion or disorder comes from our taking action to intervene or obstruct other thing or life.

Why Laozi finds the way of good life and social harmony from the way of nature? What is the way of nature? What is Daoism good life and social ideal?

Part 1: Nature and CulturePart 2: Dao (tao) and Yin-Yang (Being-Non being)Part 3: Wu-wei (non-action) and Daoist social IdealPart 1: Nature and Culture

When the great Way (Dao) declined, There were humaneness and rightness. When intelligence and wisdom emerged, There was great artifice. When the six relationships were no longer harmonious, There were filial children. When the realm fell into disorder, There were loyal ministers.

(Daodejing, ch18)

Although Daoism argues Confucianism, it does not mean that moral conduct is not important for Daoism. The point is that when find the way to make social harmoniously, one should consider on the real cause of disorder which is our ignorance of Dao or the way of nature, and the conflict between human and nature. To bring the ancient tradition back (such as Confucius attempt) is not the real solution.

Another schools of thought in Chinese philosophy, except Daoism, concern with the problems of man and government. This leads to fail for the most part of their thought within the scope of ethics and morality. The unique aspect of Daoisms philosophy lies in extending the boundaries from human life to the entire universe. Laozi views that human life not as something independent from myriad things, but rather as an integral part of the cosmos. Laozis overall philosophy can be regarded as a development from cosmology to humanism, and from humanism to political philosophy. Although his primary concern is the demands of human life, he chooses to regard human life in its position in cosmological whole. We can also conclude that while Confucianism is humanism and anthropocentric philosophy, Daoism is macrocosmic and de-anthropocentric philosophy.

If one desires to take the empire and act on it, I see that he will not succeed. The empire is a sacred vessel, that cannot be acted upon. In being acted upon, it is harmed; And in being grasped, it is lost. (Daodejing,Ch29)

Quiz 1In your opinion, what thing or condition is indication of achievement good life? What is the good life in Daoism thought? longevity according to human life spanlongevity reflects livelihood harmonizing with nature. longevity is not only ideal of individual life, it is also a norm to consider what things or human conduct conflict with the way of nature.

Daoism thought could be as a guidance for environment ethics.(?)For Laozi, longevity is not immortality. Part 2: Dao (Tao) and Yin-Yang (Being-Non being)

What is yin-yang? How they involve with reality of Dao?

Dao as Metaphysical principle:Interdependence of Being-Non beingClay is molded to form a vessel; There being nothing (non-being) inside, the vessel is useful. Doors and windows are carved out to make a room, There being nothing (non-being) within, the room is useful. Thus, with something one gets advantage, while with nothing (non-being) on gets usefulness. (Daodejing, Ch11)

When everyone in the world knows beauty as beauty, ugliness appears. When everyone knows the good as good, not-good (evil) arrives. Therefore being and non-being give birth to one another (Daodejing, ch 2)

2) Dao as Natural Law:Circularity of Being-Non being3) Dao as Standard for human behavior: Non-actionThere is nothing softer and weaker than water, And yet there is nothing better for attacking hard and strong things. For this reason there is no substitute for it. All the world knows that the weak overcomes the strong and the soft overcomes the hard. But none can practice it (Daodejing, Ch 78)

Laozi uses water to illustrate the principle that the softness overcomes strong. The small trickle of water can reduce a giant boulder to gravel. Flood water can destroy man-made structures in seconds. This is Laozis meaning when he asserts that the weak overcome strong. He uses metaphor of water to guide the ruler to regulate people without violence and authority just like water could overcome things without imposing any form of external interference.

Quiz 2What another things or symbols of weakness do you think of ? list at least 4 symbols. Daoism famous symbol of weaknessInfantFemaleMotherRiverSeaMudLiving bodyValley

He who possesses virtue in abundance may be compared to an infant. Poisonous insects will not sting him. Fierce beats will not seize him. Birds of prey will not strike him. His bones are weak, his sinews tender, but his grasp is firm. He does not yet know the union of male and female, But his organ is aroused. This means that his essence is at its height. He may cry all day without becoming hoarse, This means that his (natural) harmony is perfect (Daodejing, Ch55)

In general, infant is a symbol of weakness. But for Laozi, infant is weakness with pure or lack of artificiality or constraint. Infant also has an inner consolidation of genuineness capable of neutralizing all external threats.

Part 3:Wu-wei (non-action) and Daoism Political IdealMeaning of Wu-weiLiterally, wu-wei means doing nothing. Action which does not have excessive desire. 2) Action which does not force, but yields.

3) Spontaneous action which the agent does not have intention or make an effort to do it. (action with aesthetic skill)

Three functions of Wu-wei1) when things are running well, do nothing to interfere.

2) when one has to do something, let one do it with no personal, selfish desire.

3) in all acts, one should conform to the natural pattern of things, and refrain from introducing human intervention.

When I first began cutting up oxen, I did not see anything but oxen. Three years later, I couldnt see the whole ox. And now, I encounter them with spirit and dont look with my eyes. I rely on the Heavenly patterns, strike in the big gaps, am guided by the large fissures, and follow what is inherent so. I never touch a ligament or tendon, much less do any heavy wrenching!... There are spaces between those joints, and the edge of the blade has no thickness. If you use what has no thickness to go where there is space. Oh! There is plenty of extra room to play about in. Thats why after nineteen years the blade of my chopper is still as though fresh from the grindstone. (Zhuangzi, Ch3)

Wu-wei as Political Guidance for Ruler The First step to apply wu-wei in political realm, a ruler need to reduce his desire and knowledge. But not all kinds of desire and knowledge should be reduced. Simple desire and knowledge (including technology) are permitted. Four kinds of learning are rejected by Daoism 1) Knowledge of social distinctions

2) Knowledge gained from our senses

3) Moral knowledge that Confucians and other moralists teach 4) Knowledge from record book

Do not exalt the worthy, and the people will not compete. Do not value goods that are hard to come by, ant the people will not steal. Do not display objects of desire, and the peoples minds will not be disturbed. Therefore in the ordering of the sage, empties their minds, fill their bellies, weakens their ambitions, strengthens their bones He does nothing (wu-wei), and there is nothing that is not brought to order (Daodejing, Ch 3)

Without passing through the door one may know all-under-Heaven; Without looking out the window one may observe the Way of Heaven. The further one goes, the less one knows. This is why the sage knows without moving, understand without seeing, succeeds without doing. (Daodejing, Ch 47)

Let the state be small and the people be few. There may be ten or even a hundred times as many implements, But they should not be used. Let the people, regarding death as a weighty matter, not travel far. Though they have boats and carriages, none shall ride in them. Though they have armor and weapons, none shall display them. Let the people return once more to the use of knotted ropes. Let them savor their food and find beauty in their clothing, peace in their dwellings, and joy in their customs. Though neighboring states are within sight of one another, And the sound of cocks and dogs is audible from one to the other, People will reach old age and death and yet not visit one another. (Daodejing, Ch 80)

The highest is one (ruler) whose existence no one knows. The next is one who is loved and admired. The next is one who is feared. And the next is one who is hated. When his faith in them is not sufficient, They will have no faith in him. Anxiously, he values his words, Fulfills his tasks, completes his work. The people all say, And with us, it happened naturally. (Daodejing, Ch17)

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