daily routine of prophet mohammad

Post on 22-Jan-2018






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The life of Holy Prophet (SAW) is full of

virtuous deeds.

We find guidance in every aspect of Holy

Prophet’s (SAW) life

No one’s life has been penned down like that

of Holy Prophet (SAW)

There are numerous aspects of the holy

Prophet’s (SAW) life which can be adopted and


This is possible only when we thoroughly study

His life.

Prophetic mission accomplished in

shortest period of time

Prophet (SAW) demonstrated the complete code of life with such a perfection which is not possible by any other person.

Completing divine mission within limited time period is not less than a miracle, whose precedent does not exist in this world.

All this became possible because the holy Prophet (SAW) led the affairs of his life based on:


sound planning and

adoption of a balanced approach

1-Ibrahim (A.S.)

There is for you an excellent example (to follow) in Abraham and those with him…. (60:4)

2-Prophet Mohammad (SAW)-

Ye have indeed in the Prophet of Allah a beautiful pattern of (conduct) for anyone whose hope is in Allah and the Final Day and who engages much in the praise of Allah- (Ahzab, 33:21)

His pure and pious life provides us complete guidance in every aspect of life e.g. ethics and moral values: وإنك لعلى خلق عظيم

The Holy Prophet (SAW) Himself demonstrated the Commands of the Holy Quran by His actions.

We have sent down unto you the Message; that you may explain clearly to men what is sent for them and that they may give thought. (16:44)

He had deep affection and sensible approach

towards Ummah. Allah Almighty said: (3:159)

It is part of the Mercy of Allah that thou dost deal gently

with them. Wert thou severe or harsh-hearted they would

have broken away from about thee; so pass over (their

faults) and ask for (Allah's) forgiveness for them; and

consult them in affairs (of moment). Then when thou

hast taken a decision put thy trust in Allah. For Allah

loves those who put their trust (in Him)

What were the rules & regulations, Holy Prophet (SAW) applied to manage time?

What were the practices of Holy Prophet (SAW) during day / night?

Principles adapted from Sunnah (regarding practices)

1- Practices at different times of day

2- Regularity and constancy

3- Management of time with planning

4- Utilization of free time

5- Maintaining balance in fulfilling rights

6- Timely execution of practices

7- Alternate practices

8- Clear objectives

The wisdom behind this was:

1-To execute the practices at correct timings and in a

righteous manner.

2- If all practices were performed in a single spell, this would

have set a difficult example for believers to follow.

3-This also could result in monotonous feeling and poor

performance. Holy Prophet (SAW) told Hanzalah: يا حىظلة ساعة


One of His companion Imam Ali (RA) narrated

Indeed your night and day both assimilate all of your needs.

So divide them between your work and your rest.

Imam Tahawi (R.A.) has collected a Hadith:

Abdullah bin Umar (R.A.) reported that Holy Prophet

(SAW.) said:۔

Indeed each deed (may be done) with devotion and

continuity, and every expediency is followed by

optimal pace. If your optimal pace is according to

my method, then it is guided. If it is in accordance

with something else, then it is destroyed.

Imam Mawardi (R.A.) describes the meanings of “Sharrah” as fast and dynamic; to perform any work or task with large quantity whereas “Fatrah” means relaxed pace after hard work .

Khadmi has explained the word “Sharrah” as inclination and joy, and to execute any work with devotion and continuity without any gap. Then he describes the meaning of “Fatrah” as performing any work with optimal pace and followed by discontinuity.

We can infer from stated Hadith that the Holy Prophet (SAW) has forbidden the excessiveness which may cause discontinuation or laziness in practices.

Therefore we must observe principle of constancy in our daily practices.

Wisdom prevails in constancy:

Constancy in actions nourishes faith which never diminishes.

Such faith continues to rise towards perfection

Scholars have deduced rule of uluyaat from eternity which

says that regular practice is more profitable than random


In this regard, Imam Ghazali (R.A) has presented a very

beautiful example. He says: A short practice is just like water

drops which continuously fall on the ground and create a hole

in it. Whereas, a big but inconsistent practice is like water

which falls on the ground in single spell or with gapes and

does not create any effect on it

We find steadfastness in Holy Prophet’s daily practices.

Same code must be implemented while undertaking both

short and long term practices

“Tasdeed” means to do something in a righteous & skillful manner in moderation but neither lesser nor excessive.

“Muqarbah” means to get closer to moderation and to God.

Imam Sanai states the meaning of word “Qaribu” is that do not attempt to achieve the peak of practices at once rather get it slowly, in case there is some interruption, it may not cause boredom.

Allah ordered Prophet:

Scholars has deduced following four points from above verse.

1: Once you are free from your duties, involve yourself in practices which Allah has ordered.

2: Once you are free from Jihad, worship Allah Almighty.

3: When you are free from prayer, get yourself busy in dua.

4: When you are free from worldly affairs then worship almighty Allah.

The verse clearly explains the importance of time

Dardaa (R.A.) reported that the Prophet (SAW) told him

Hussain (R.A.) stated: I inquired from my father regarding Holy Prophet’s (SAW) activities at home. He replied: whenever Holy Prophet (SAW) stayed at any place, He divided His timings into three parts:

first one for Allah,

second for His family and

third for Himself.

Abdullah bin Masood (R.A.) asked the Holy

Prophet (SAW) that which act is dearest to Allah.

He replied:

الصالة على وقتها

This punctuality is also needed for other social

activities as well.

Abu Bakar (R.A.) stated:

أن هللا حقا في الليل ال يقبلو بالنهار وحقا بالنهار ال يقبلو بالليل"

Allah has ordered many duties / practices at

defined and fixed timings. It is not appropriate to

perform these duties at any other time.

And it is He Who made the Night and the Day to follow each other

(Furqan, 20:62)

A person came to Umar (R.A.) and questioned: O caliph, I missed prayer. He (R.A.) replied: the prayer you missed at night is to be offered at day time. No doubt, Almighty Allah has authorized both day and night alternate to each other .

Imam Bukhari (R.A.) has quoted an explanation given by Ibn e Abbas regarding above stated holy verse as: any person who missed any act at night may perform it during day and vice versa .

This concession is granted by Allah in special circumstances only to afford a Muslim with a chance to complete his missed out practices.

However, it may not be carried out as a regular practice because it is only a special waiver from Allah and best practice is one which is done at its right

The Holy Prophet (SAW) always performed tasks

with clear and defined objectives. He never

undertook a task without perceived objectives.

That is why He (SAW) accomplished his mission

in a very limited time period.

Abu Hurairah (RA) narrates that Rasulullah (SAW)

said: The excellence and good observance of

Islam by a man is to leave aside that which does

not concern him. (Tirmidhi)

PHASE ONE (Fajar to Zohar)

Phase two: (from Zohar to Asr)

Phase three: Asr to Maghrib

Phase four: Maghrib to Esha prayer

Phase five: Esha to Fajar

Holy Prophet (SAW) always offered prayer

(Farz) at mosque.

Ayesha (R.A.) stated that Holy Prophet (SAW)

used to lead the Fajr prayer

Ladies covered with sheets also came to

mosque for prayer and returned to their homes

in the same manner so that no one could

recognize them

• Often, Holy Prophet (SAW) offered Doha prayer but

never permanently.

• Holy Prophet (SAW) offered four rakat for Doha

prayer but at times more than four as well

Whoever performs Fajr with congregation and then remains sitting

doing Zikr of Allah till the Sun rises and then performs two rakat ,

his reward is like Hajj and Umrah, complete

(He said it three times for emphasis.)

Neither fixed time for breakfast nor he always used to take it.

Prophet (SAW) used to drink water mixed with honey in the morning. (Tirmidhi)

He (SAW) stated: he who takes seven Ajwa dates in the morning, then both poison and Black magic (Seher) would not hurt him on that day

He used to drink “Nabeez Tamar” in the morning. (Nabeez Tamar is made by soaking 7 dates in water all night.)

Educational gatherings: Morning time is

considered best for education and learning. Holy

Prophet (SAW) educated and groomed His

companions at morning hours.

Social Welfare activities: Imam Ghazali (RA) has

counted various activities of Holy Prophet (SAW)

such as:

paying visits to patients,

attending funeral prayer,

organizing educational seminars and

other welfare activities

During his life in Makkah, Holy Prophet (SAW) made plans for migration at morning time and waited for permission by Allah. Abu Bakar’s (R.A.) house was most suitable for such type of planning and decisions.

In Madinah, He (SAW) used to dispatch military troops in first part of the day.

Imam Ibn e Hajar Asqalani (RA) states: At war front, Holy Prophet (SAW) used to postpone the fight till mid day (zawal) if not already started at the initial part of the day.

After the zawal, He used to start the execution and ceased the fight at Asr prayer. After offering prayer, restarted the fight

Prophet (SAW.) used to have lunch before mid day

if available, otherwise he would fast.

He (SAW) said: "The son of Adam does not fill any

vessel worse than his stomach. It is sufficient for the

son of Adam to eat a few mouthfuls, to keep him


If he must do that (fill his stomach), then let him:

fill one third with food,

one third with drink and

one third with air.” [At-Tirmithi]

Call for Zohar prayer signifies that morning

practices are ceased and afternoon practices has


Offering Zohar prayer: Ayesha (A.R) narrates:

This phase starts from a prayer and also ends at

prayer, which means that most of Holy Prophet’s

(P.B.U.H.) practices were close to prayers timings.

Nawafil after Zohar:Ibn e Umar (R.A.) quotes:

It was habit of Holy Prophet (SAW) that He

regularly used to take sleep after lunch. During this

time, He never went out from home.

The Holy Quran has included afternoon in three

prohibited timings in which entrance in room

without permission is prohibited.

Importance of mid day sleep is also proven from

the fact that Holy Prophet (SAW) never missed it

even during war .

The Holy Prophet (SAW) never offered Nawafil

after Asr prayer. He further stated:

) مس وال صالة ب عد العصر حتى تغيب الش

1-Meetings with people to solve their problems.

2: Conduct of educational seminars.

3: Preaching, advising on various issues and


4: Solving disputes among Muslims.

5: Resumption of fighting during war.

6: Dinner at night.

1: Offering of Nawafil after Maghrib prayer.

2: After offering Maghrib prayer staying at

mosque till Esha.

3: Offering of Azkaar.

4: Preaching to gatherings.

5: Arranging food for people and discussing

affairs of Ummah.

6: Dinner.

This is the longest period at night. Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H.) has divided this time into three parts: one each for Allah, family and other activities. Salient practices are as follow:

1: Offering of Esha prayer.

2: Offering Nawafil at night.

Allah stated in Surah Muzammil.

Ayesha (R.A.) said: Tahajjud was very dear to Prophet(SAW)

(.نتي عشرة ركعة كان إذا غلبو نوم أو وجع عن قيام الليل، صلى من النهار ث

Whenever He could not offer due to illness or sleep; then He offered 12 rakaat during the day.

Conversation after Esha is undesirable

however family members are exempted from

this restriction because it entails their basic


Ibn e Abbas (RA) narrates: once I stayed a

night at residence of my aunt Maimoona (R.A.)

I witnessed that Holy Prophet (SAW) talked to

their family members and then slept.

He again woke up after 2/3rd part of night

passed and recited the verse of the Quran:

إن في خلق السماوات واألرض

Imam Bukhari quotes a narration given by Ans

(R.A.) who said:

One night we were waiting for Holy Prophet

(SAW.), after half night passed He (SAW) came

and delivered a speech after offering prayer.

If Almighty Allah would not have imposed this

restriction, the continuous flow of visitors may

have caused severe disturbance to Holy

Prophet (SAW).

Though Holy Prophet (SAW) himself have not

forbidden the visitors but Allah orders:

This Verse was revealed in favor of Holy

Prophet (SAW)and His family members which

testify that time based activities are not

disturbed and may not cause misbalance in His


Holy Prophet (SAW) forbade many activities at

night. Jabir bin Abdullah (RA) reported, that he


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