cyst bartolin

Post on 16-Jul-2015



Health & Medicine



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Dra. GlóriaM. Grazziotin Ginecologita e Obstetra.

Adolescência-Climatério-Disfunção Sexual-Reprodução CRM: 2494 – MT

Endereço: Avenida:Tancredo Neves 292-n Tangara da Serra.Fone 65 33262002

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Cyst & Abscess of Bartholin’s Duct

Trauma or infection may involve Bartholin’s duct,

causing obstruction of the gland. Drainage of secretions is prevented, leading to pain, swelling,

and abscess formation. The infection usually resolves and pain disappears, but stenosis of the

duct outlet with distention often persists. Reinfection causes recurrent tenderness and further

enlargement of the duct.

The principal symptoms are periodic painful swelling on either side of the introitus and

dyspareunia. A fluctuant swelling 1-4 cm in diameter in the inferior portion of either labium minus

is a sign of occlusion of Bartholin’s duct.


Pus or secretions from the gland should be cultured for gonococci, chlamydiae, and other

pathogens and treated accordingly ; frequent warm soaks may be helpful. If an abscess develops,

aspiration or incision and drainage are the simplest forms of therapy, but the problem may recur.

Marsupialization, incision and drainage with the insertion of an indwelling Word catheter, or laser

treatment will establish a new duct opening. Anasymptomaticcyst does notrequiretherapy.

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