customer centric banck

Post on 30-Apr-2015






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Towards a new distribution model: The Eas yBank example



Customer Centric Bank“Walking the talk” towards a new distribution

model – The EasyBank example

Nuevos Modelos de Distribución y Relación

February 2012

Most current banking ditribution model today, altough multichannel, are branch centric

Our focus is to put the client in the middle



CenterInternetMobil ATM

In this model, the branch is now another distribution channel among an increasengly growing set

New channels?

A Different Value Proposition …

1. Bank the way they want to

2. Simple, easy and transparent relationship

3. Real time resolution

4. Complete control over their finances

5. Integrated to customer’s social networks and activities

… Based on a new Banking Model

1. More channels, more granular, highly functional

2. Consistent, simple and collaborative universal user interface

3. Real time intelligent processes4. Highly customized solutions

based on customer understanding

5. Open to social networks and the web

Customer Centric Banking is…

BBVA has started to “walk the talk”



Easybank is a new small branch model

All the space is for the client, as a “shop” designed to cater two distinct needs (1/2)

Everyday transactions Life planning

All the space is for the client, as a “shop” designed to cater two distinct needs (2/2)

ATMs have better usability and are designed to facilitate longer iterations

Spaces are designed to facilitate a transparent and collaborative iteration between clients and our staff…


¿A qué plazo deseas realizar tu inversión?

¿Qué nivel de riesgo deseas asumir?

… leveraging increasingly automated advise tools

Branch staff has its working space in the back, from which they come out to meet the customers

“Shopping space” control leverages technology to improve customer experience

Dynamic digital marketing is very present

The flagship is a larger format shop in construction…

…where EasyBank, “one to one” consultation spaces, marketing & value proposition discovery and meeting spaces are combined

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