curriculum vitae - cv/nre/dr. omar... · page 1 of 26 curriculum vitae omar salim...

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Curriculum Vitae

Omar Salim al-Jabri, PhD, MSc

1. Personal Information

Nationality: Omani

Date of birth: January 4th, 1974

Place of birth: Muscat, Sultanate of Oman

Marital status: Married

Contact address:

Department of Natural Resource Economics

College of Agricultural & Marine Sciences

Sultan Qaboos University

P.O. Box: 34 al-Khoudh P.C. 123

Sultanate of Oman

Office: (968) 24141219

Mobile: (968) 98022219

Email: -

Google Scholar :

Researchgate :

Scopus ID : 6506933888 and 5954004800

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2. Education and Employment Information


1- School of Natural and Rural Systems Management,

The University of Queensland, Australia

February 2003–July 2008

2008, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in the field of Regional and Rural Business


Thesis Title: Promoting Small-Scale Fisheries on the Batinah Coast, the Sultanate of

Oman: a Supply Chain Strategy and Management Approach

2- Oregon State University, USA

September 2002–June 2003

Pursuing towards PhD degree in the field of Agricultural & Resource Economics Courses

taken include postgraduate economic theory subjects including Macroeconomics Theory,

Microeconomic Theory, Natural Resources Economics, and Mathematics for Economics and


Grade Point Average (GPA) earned 3.03 (a scale of 4). Scholarship transferred to University of

Queensland, Australia.

3- Sultan Qaboos University, Oman

January 1997-August 1999

1999, Masters of Science (MSc) in the field of Agricultural Economics and Rural


Thesis Title: Fresh Fish Markets in Oman: a Price Integration Analysis. Graduated with

honorable distinction (EXCELLENT) with a Grade Point Average (GPA) of 3.75 (a scale of


4- Sultan Qaboos University

September 1991-June 1995

1995, Bachelor of Science (BSc) in the field of Fisheries Technology.

Top student, graduated with a total GPA 3.23 (a scale of 4.00) (VERY GOOD).

Final year project: A Feasibility Study on Fishmeal Production in Oman.

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1- Assistant Professor

1/8/2008 – present

Dept. Natural Resource Economics1, College of Agricultural & Marine Sciences, SQU,


2- Lecturer

28 /5/2001–31/7/ 2008

Department of Natural Resource Economics, SQU, Oman

3- Staff/Technician

26 August 1996–27 May 2001

Department of Agricultural Economics and Rural Studies, SQU, Oman

4- Supervisor

November 1995–August 1996

National Livestock Co. Barka, Oman.

Managing and supervising one of the largest broiler stations in the country. Reporting directly to

the managing director

Gained experience in management and solving daily issues related to employees, relationship with

suppliers and customers, production, and government authorities.

1 Previously named Dept. of Agricultural Economics and Rural Studies

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a) Active Participation in Teaching & Learning (more details in

Appendices F, C, I)

1. Teaching undergraduate courses in Academic year 2001/2002, 2008-2014 (in PhD scholarship

during 2002-2008). Courses taught:

Microcomputer in Agriculture

Economic Development NREC4420

Agricultural Extension Methods NREC4500

Marketing of Agricultural and Fisheries Products NREC 3301

Agricultural and Food Policy NREC 3302

Management and Business Skills CAMS 4001

2. Teaching graduate courses

Food Market Structure and Performance, SQU

Managerial Economics (Sohar University, visiting professor)

MBA Operation Management (Sohar University, Visiting professor)

MBA Supply Chain Management (University of Nizwa, visiting Professor)

MBA Corporate Governance (University of Nizwa, visiting Professor)

MBA Advanced Human Resource Management (University of Nizwa, visiting Professor)

3. Introduced using Turnitin plagiarism for students when submitting their work starting Fall 2013


4. Organizing guest lecturers to deliver lectures to students in relation to their subjects. During

2008-2014, organized inviting 20 guest lecturers.

5. Activities involving organizing and supervising visits for the various courses being taught to

institutions and locations helping students to better understand their subject. This also included

cross boarder trips to Dubai since 2012.

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b) Students/Trainees Advising and Supervision 1. MBA thesis supervisor: Supervised three MBA theses from Sohar University of which 1 passed

and two undergoing. More details in Appendix S.

Student Name

Affiliation Project title Status

Abdallah Rashid alHinai

Sohar University

A study on effectiveness of Training and development practices at Bank Muscat SAOG

Completed -Passed

Ahmed Hilal alHosni

Sohar Unievsrity

Improving Competitiveness of public e-service


Zamzam Mubarak AlSuliemi

Sohar University

Analysis of Marketing Strategy for the Handcraft industry


2. Supervision of 37students in their final year project during the period 2008-2015. More details in

Appendix D).

3. Have been an external examiner for two MSc students, from NRE and from Department of

Marine Sciences. More details in Appendix E.

Student Name Affiliation Project title

Rahma Salim Al Harthi

SQU Estimation of the Demand for Residential Water in Muscat Governorate

Khalis Khalifa AlSubhi

SQU Factors Affecting Non-Compliance: A Case Study in the Al Batinah Region, Sultanate of Oman

4. Student advising and guidance

Number of advisees in academic years 2009-2014

Academic Year Number of advisees

2014-2015 35

2013-2014 24

2012-2013 31

2011-2012 44

2010-2011 27

2009-2010 24

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c) Participation in curriculum development/review and teaching management

1. I have been continuously updating curriculum for all courses using latest editions of textbooks.

2. Attended Demo presentation for the Electronic Absence Recording System (EAS) in CAMS


3. Attended Teaching and Learning Workshop “Becoming an Effective Supervisor”, SQU 24-


4. Subscriber of Wiley publishing, SAGE, Pearson and have been provided with access to course


5. Involved in changing course outline format

6. Involved in MSc and PhD candidates shortlisting, interviews and decisions

7. Involved in reviewing new faculty applications, selection, interviewing

8. Involved in reviewing proposed PhD program

9. Involved in reviewing Department degree plans

10. Liaison person with College of Economics and Political Sciences to facilitate NRE students

registering minor in Business Administration

11. In charge of reviewing proposed new Minors from CEPS

Representative of NRE in CAMS2000 for major selection 2014/2015, 2013/2014, 2012/2013,


12. Responsible of preparing teaching timetable for the Department Since 2012

13. Responsible for solving undergraduate issues related to collaboration with College of Commerce

(College of Economics and Political Sciences)

14. Member of the undergraduate studies & Curriculum Committee: 2012-1013, 2013-2014, 2014-

2015 and representative of NRE department

15. Encourage students to research and use of media such as BBC production in their homework

and term papers

16. All courses involve term paper to encourage students doing research

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d) Recognition in university teaching and learning

1. Invited to teach MBA courses in University of Nizwa and Sohar University

2. Invited to supervise MBA students from Sohar University

e) Leadership in university teaching and learning

1. Teaching several graduate courses in specialty. More details in Appendix H, F.

2. Supervision of three MBA students of which one has passed and 2 ongoing (more details in

Appendix S.

3. High teaching survey results. More details in Appendix A

4. MSc thesis examiner for two postgraduate students. More details in Appendix E.

5. Inviting 20 guest lecturers to participate in courses by delivering lectures.

6. Peer assessment shows excellent feedback. More details in Appendix G.

f) Organizing workshops/conferences

1. Member of organizing committee of the first National Agriculture Conference organized by

Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries17-19 March 2014

2. Member of the Organizing Committee and Instructor of Data Analysis For Decision Making

workshop and forecasting held at NRE Department, April 2013 (Verified by HoD)

3. Member of the Organizing Committee and Instructor of Data Analysis For Decision Making

workshop and forecasting held at NRE Department, Feb 2012 (Verified by HoD)

4. Member of the organizing committee of International conference on Food Security in the Arab

Countries: New Challenges and Opportunities in the Context of Global Price Volatility 2-4 March


g) Junior staff mentoring

- Amani Juma’a Thuwaini Al-Alawi: mentored on assisting in teaching, supervising students during

field trips, marking quizzes, reports, presentations, and homework, dealing with students issues,

invigilation during exams, assisting students in solving problems, and other administrative issues

related to undergraduate studies.

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a) Scholarship output

1. List of Publications (Omar Al Jabri, Al Jabri, O., O., Al Jabri, O. S., Al-

Jabri, al-Jabri, O., Jabri, O.A.)

a. In Referred Journals

During Assistant professorship

1- Omar al-Jabri, Ray Collins, Tim Sun, Shaker Bose, and Rakesh Belwal “Measuring relationship marketing effect on small-scale fishermen income in the Batinah Coast, the Sultanate of Oman”. Accepted for publication on 27/8/2015. Role: Prepared the study design; data collection and data cleaning. Conducted the analysis and wrote the final draft of the manuscript. Conducted the translation and adaptation of the questionnaire. Prepared and conducted fieldwork training of data collectors. (Corresponding author)

2- Rakesh Belwal, Shweta Belwal & Omar Al Jabri (2015) “The fisheries of Oman: a situation analysis”. Marine Policy. Volume 61: 237- 248. Role: Participated in the study design; data collection and data cleaning and analysis. Participated in the translation and adaptation of the questionnaire, consultation during translation/adaptation/ validation process. Participated in fieldwork preparation, analysis, and co-wrote the final draft of the manuscript.

3- Rakesh Belwal, Shweta Belwal & Omar Al Jabri (2015) “Training needs assessment of fishermen on Oman’s Batinah coast: using exploratory factor analysis”. Journal of Vocational Education & Training”, 67 (3): 310 - 331 Role: Participated in the study design; data collection and data cleaning and analysis. Participated in the translation and adaptation of the questionnaire, consultation during translation/adaptation/ validation process. Participated in fieldwork preparation, analysis, and co-wrote the final draft of the manuscript. (Equal contribution)

4- Rakesh Belwal, Shweta Belwal, Omar Al Jabri (2014) “Training needs assessment of fishermen in Oman through concept mapping technique”. European Journal of Training and Development, 38 (7): 673 – 688 Role: Participated in the study design; data collection and data cleaning and an alysis. Participated in the translation and adaptation of the questionnaire, consultation during translation/adaptation/ validation process. Participated in fieldwork preparation, analysis, and co-wrote the final draft of the manuscript. (Equal contribution)

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5- Al Jabri, O., Collins, R., Sun, X., Omezzine, A., and Belwal, R. (2013). Determinants of Small-scale Fishermen’s Income on Oman’s Batinah Coast. Marine Fisheries Review, 75(3). Role: Prepared the study design; data collection and data cleaning. Conducted the analysis and wrote the final draft of the manuscript. Conducted the translation and adaptation of the questionnaire. Prepared and conducted fieldwork training of data collectors.

During Lectureship

6- Al Jabri, O., A. Omezzine and H. Boughanmi (2003). “Fresh Fish Markets in Oman: A Price Integration Analysis”, Journal of International Food and Agribusiness Marketing. Vol. 14 (2):77-93. Role: Prepared the study design; data collection and data cleaning. Conducted the analysis and co-wrote the final draft of the manuscript.

7- Boughanmi, H., L. Zaibet, O. Al Jabri, and T. Al-Hinai (2002) “Constructing A Social Accounting Matrix for Oman: Concepts and Use in Economic Policy Analysis”, Journal for Scientific Research - Agricultural Sciences, 7 (1):1-11 Role: Participated in data collection, and data cleaning

During Postgraduate (MSc.)

8- G.V. Chomo, A.S. Al-Marshudi, and O. S. Al-Jabri (1999) “Food Import Demand: Meat, Dairy Products, Eggs and Live Animals in Oman”, Journal for Scientific Research Agricultural Sciences, 4(2): 1-6 Role: Participated in data collection and data cleaning and analysis.

9- A. Omezzine, G.V. Chomo, and O. Al-Jabri (1998), “Demand Analysis of Selected Fruits and Vegetables in Oman”, Journal of Agricultural Sciences (3), College of Agriculture, SQU, January:19-26. Role: Participated in data collection and data cleaning and analysis.

10- A. Omezzine and O. Al-Jabri (1998), “Price Supply Response of Vegetable Growers in Sultanate of Oman”, Agricultural Economics, Journal of International Agricultural Economist Association. Vol. 1318:1-10. Role: Participated in data collection and data cleaning. Conducted the data analysis. Co-Wrote the final manuscript

b. Chapters Authored in Books

During Assistant professorship

1- Belwal, R., Belwal, S., Al-Jabri, O., & Al-Shizawi, F. (2015). Fishermen on Oman’s Batinah Coast: A lookout for policy interventions. In D. K. Ura & P. Ordonez de Pablos (Eds.), Asian Business and Management Practices: Trends and Global Considerations. Hershey, PA: Business Science Reference. Chapter 13: pp. 159-173 Role: Participated in the study design; data collection and data cleaning and analysis. Participated in the translation and adaptation of the questionnaire, consultation during translation/adaptation/ validation process. Participated in fieldwork preparation, analysis, and co-wrote the final draft of the manuscript. (Equal contribution)

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c. Conference Proceedings

1- al-Jabri, O., R. Collins, Tim Sun (2013), “ Measuring relationship marketing effect on Small-Scale Fishermen income in the Batinah Coast, the Sultanate of Oman”, a paper presented in 48th Croatian & 8th International Symposium on Agriculture, Dubrovnik, Croatia. 17-22 Feb. Pp. 569-573 (During Assistant professorship) Role: Prepared the study design; data collection and data cleaning. Conducted the analysis and wrote the final draft of the manuscript. Conducted the translation and adaptation of the questionnaire. Prepared and conducted fieldwork training of data collectors.

2- Zaibet, L., O. Mahgoub, H. Boughanmi, O. Al-Jabri, H. Al-Nabhani & A. Al-Halhali. 2000. Transformation of traditional animal production systems in Oman. International Conference on Small Holder Livestock Production Systems in Developing countries (November 24th-27th) – Thrissur, Kerala, India. Pp 105. Reference to Prof. Osman Mahgoub publications

Role: Participated in data collection

d. Arabic Publications

During Lectureship

1- Omezzine, A., O. Al Jabri, and H. Boughanmi (2003), “Analysis of fruit and vegetable price integration between Al Mawaleh and Dubai wholesale market”, Agricultural and Fisheries Research Bulletin. Vol 2(3):5-14. Role: Participated in data collection and data cleaning and conducted data analysis. Participated in writing the manuscript.

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Table 1: Distribution of the Peer-Reviewed Publications by Authorship Order

Order of Authorship Number

First Author (Including Proceedings) 4*

Second Author (including Arabic Publication) 2**

Third Author (Including Book Chapter) 7***

Total 13

* One paper as coresponding author

** All papers with equal contribution

*** Three papers has equal contribition with co-authors

Table 2: Distribution of all published work Year of Publication

Publications Year Number

















Total 13

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2. Conferences/Symposium/ Workshops

a- Paper Participation

1. Shekar Bose, Omar al-Jabri, et al (2016), "The Role of Small and Medium Enterprises and Agricultural Cooperatives in Promoting Sustainable Agriculture for Rural Development and Food Security” a Paper to be presented in OnSustainability conference, Portland, USA. 21-23 January 2016.

2. Abdallah M. Omezzine, Omar S. Al Jabri, Fakher A. Omezzine (2015), “Supply Chain Management and rejuvenation of value addition: the Case of date palm in the MENA region”, a paper for the 5th International Conference on Management, Finance and Entrepreneurship (ICMFE-2015) Bangkok, Thailand, 6-7 June, 2015

3. Rakesh Belwal, Shweta Belwal, and Omar Al Jabri (2013), “Training Needs Assessment of Fishermen in Oman through Concept Mapping Technique”, a paper presented in Singapore International Conference on Fisheries, Animal and Veterinary Sciences ICFAV. 12-13 September

4. Omar al-Jabri (2013), “Studies conducted on Food Losses and Waste in the NENA Region: Review, conclusions and suggested actions”. Oral presentation in the FAO Regional Multi-stakeholder Workshop on Food Security and Nutrition, Tunis, Tunisia 4-6 November 2013.

5. al-Jabri, O., R. Collins, Tim Sun (2013), “ Measuring relationship marketing effect on Small-Scale Fishermen income in the Batinah Coast, the Sultanate of Oman”, a paper presented in 48th Croatian & 8th International Symposium on Agriculture, Dubrovnik, Croatia. 17-22 Feb.

6. Belwal, R., Belwal, S. and al-Jabri O. (2012), “Training Needs Analysis of Fishermen on the Oman’s Batinah Coast: An Exploratory Analysis”, a paper presented in Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations-European Inland Fisheries and Aquaculture Advisory Commission (FAO-EIFAAC) Symposium Towards Responsible Future in Inland Fisheries Management-related collaboration in inland fisheries and aquaculture, Hämeenlinna, Finland. 21-25 October

7. Omar Salim al-Jabri (2011), “An Overview of Global Fish and Seafood Demand” a paper

presented in the Symposium on the Development of Fishery Industries in Sultanate of Oman 21-22 March 2011

8. Boughanmi, H., L., Zaibet, and O. Al Jabri (2001) “A Study on the Partnership between GCC and EU and Implication on Agricultural Sector” (Arabic). Paper presented in a Workshop on the effect of the Arab-EU partnerships on future of Arab Regional Cartels” January 24-24. Arab Institute for Planning, Kuwait

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b- Oral presentation of papers (by al-Jabri, Omar)

1. al-Jabri, O., R. Collins, Tim Sun (2013), “ Measuring relationship marketing effect on Small-

Scale Fishermen income in the Batinah Coast, the Sultanate of Oman”, a paper presented in 48th Croatian & 8th International Symposium on Agriculture, Dubrovnik, Croatia. 17-22 Feb.

2. Belwal, R., Belwal, S. and al-Jabri O. (2012), “Training Needs Analysis of Fishermen on the Oman’s Batinah Coast: An Exploratory Analysis”, a paper presented in Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations-European Inland Fisheries and Aquaculture Advisory Commission (FAO-EIFAAC) Symposium Towards Responsible Future in Inland Fisheries Management-related collaboration in inland fisheries and aquaculture, Hämeenlinna, Finland. 21-25 October

3. Omar al-Jabri, Omezzine, A. (2013), “Studies conducted on Food Losses and Waste in the NENA Region: Review, conclusions and suggested actions”. Oral presentation in the FAO Regional Multi-stakeholder Workshop on Food Security and Nutrition, Tunis, Tunisia 4-6 November 2013.

4. Omar Salim al-Jabri (2011), “An Overview of Global Fish and Seafood Demand” a paper presented in the Symposium on the Development of Fishery Industries in Sultanate of Oman 21-22 March 2011

c- Participation in Regional/National Conferences/Symposiums

and Workshops – Oral Presentations and Panel Sessions

1. Omar al-Jabri (2015) “Achieving Food Security & Sustainability through SMEs”. Oral presentation in the “ICV Conference 2015”. 14 September 2015.

2. Participated as panelist in second round on investment opportunities in food industries and food security in AlRoya 4th Economic Forum 4/5/2015.

3. Omar al-Jabri (Keynote Speaker). National Workshop on TRC project “The Role of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) and Agricultural Cooperatives in Promoting Sustainable Agriculture for Rural Development and Food Security” 24 Feb. 2015

4. Workshop on “Fish Marketing”. Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, Oman. Presenter and trainer. 19-23 October 2014

5. Omar al-Jabri (2013) “Improving production and export of dates in the Sultanate of Oman: a comparative study”. Oral Presentation in the Symposium on Improving GCC Food Security Situation & the Workshop on enhancing Dates production and Marketing. 29 October 2013 (involved in discussion panel)

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6. Omar Salim al-Jabri (2011), “An Overview of Global Fish and Seafood Demand” a paper presented in the Symposium on the Development of Fishery Industries in Sultanate of Oman 21-22 March 2011

3. Theses

1. Promoting Small-Scale Fisheries on the Batinah Coast, the Sultanate of Oman: a Supply Chain Strategy and Management Approach, 2008, UQ, Australia. 434 leave Available at SQU main library SH329 .S53 J32 2008

2. Fresh Fish Markets in Oman: a Price Integration Analysis, 1999, SQU. SQU main library HD9468 .O6 J32 1999

4. Grey papers /Technical Reports (as a Co-Investigator) all reports

available upon request

1. Shekar Bose and Omar al-Jabri. “The Role of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) and Agricultural Cooperatives in Promoting Sustainable Agriculture for Rural Development and

Food Security”. TRC Consultancy Project CR/AGR/ECON/13/01 - /3 1/ النصSB 2013 يوليو / Technical Report – English/ Arabic

2. R. Belwal, S. Belwal, and Omar al-Jabri. “Ensuring a Sustainable Fishing Sector in the Sultanate of Oman: An assessment of training needs of fishermen in Al-Batinah Coast”. TRC-funded project No. ORG/EHR/11/00 – Technical Report, August 2013. English

3. Omar al-Jabri, Paper presented to TRC on the Socio Economic Impact of TRC, NOV 2013 Arabic

4. Abdallah Omezzine and Omar al-Jabri “Fish Market Integration in Oman”. Agriculture & Fisheries Research Fund. “Technical Report” August 2002. Arabic

5. Younis alAkhzami, Abdallah Omezzine, Hussain alMasqati, Omar al-jabri, Mohammed alSyabi, and Saud alBusaidi. Paper on A study on Market integration between Oman markets and GCC markets (Arabic), Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, 2000

6. Technical report of the research project “A Socio-Economic Study of Small Scale Fishermen in Oman”. Sultan Qaboos University and Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries.

7. Omar al-Jabri, Said al-Muqbali, and Ali Aljmi. Feasibility Study on Fishmeal Production in Oman. Final Year Project, College of Agriculture, SQU, 1995. English

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5. Research projects and Grants

1- TRC – Sultan Qaboos University

Proposal Submitted for review and approval

To participate as a Principle Investigator in a research project titled Analyzing

Competitiveness of Food Industry in Oman. Grant requested OMR 24,900. Under review.

More details in appendix T.

2- TRC - Nizwa University- April 2015 -

Participating as a Co-Principle investigator (Co- PI) in a TRC- funded project No.

ORG/EBR/14/007 titled “Fish Price Spatial and Temporal Fish Price Variations and Market

Integration of selected Fish Species of Sultanate of Oman”. Tasks include literature review, data

collection, questionnaire design, data analysis, and report writing. Grant amount OMR 134,150.

More details is Appendix T.

3- University of Nizwa-FAO

Participated in a study “Food Waste and Losses in the MENA region Study”.

Participated in complications of data from secondary sources, country situation analysis and

contributed in writing the final report. More details is Appendix AB.

4- TRC - Sohar University-

June 2011- Sep. 2013

Participating as a co-investigator in a TRC-funded project No. ORG/EHR/11/00 titled

“Ensuring a Sustainable Fishing Sector in the Sultanate of Oman: An assessment of training

needs of fishermen in Al-Batinah Coast”. Grant OMR 23,850. More details is Appendix T.

Responsibilities include rendering technical advice, management of Arabic communications, and

liaison with fishermen groups and government bodies. Participated in the study design; data

collection and data cleaning and analysis.

Participated in the translation and adaptation of the questionnaire, consultation during

translation/adaptation/ validation process. Participated in fieldwork preparation, analysis, and

co-wrote the final draft of the report.

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5- Sultan Qaboos University, Oman

January 2011- January 2014

Principle investigator of an internal-funded project IG/AGR/ECON/10/02 titled A Supply

Chain Management Approach to Promoting Competitive Advantage of Small-Scale Sector in

Oman- Grant OMR 4,000.

6- University of Nizwa & Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries

July 2010 – October 2011

Participated as co-investigator on a Project “Investment Opportunities in Handcrafts based

on Agricultural by-Products in the Sultanate of Oman”.

Participated in the marketing studies and feasibilities analysis, and preparation of final report

Responsibilities included collection data and information on marketing, organizations,

patrimony, investment, and economy of the sector from Agricultural perspective side.

Communication with Government bodies, conducting the feasibility studies of the proposed

projects, and contributing in final report preparation.

7- Sultan Qaboos University, Department of Agricultural Economics

October 2000-August 2002

Participated in a project titled “The Role of Agriculture in Oman’s Economic Development A

General Equilibrium Framework”

Involved in data collection, data compilation and analysis (Verified by HoD)

During pre-PhD

8- Sultan Qaboos University & Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, Oman December

1999-August 2002

Participated as research team member in project titled “Management of Oman’s Kingfish Fishery:

Investigation of Biological and Economic Parameters for the Development and Application of a

Bioeconomic Model”.

Involved in data collection. Team leader in data collection tasks.

9- Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, Oman

November 1999-August 2002

Participated as a Co-Investigator in a research project “Fish Market Integration in Oman”

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Involved in study design, literature review, data collection, questionnaire design, data analysis,

and report writing.

10- Sultan Qaboos University & Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, Oman February

1998-August 2002

Participated as Researcher/Research Team member in a research project “A Socio-Economic

Study of Small Scale Fishermen in Oman”

Involved in surveyors training, data collection, and preparation of Survey documents, data

compilation, analysis, and report writing.

11- Sultan Qaboos University, Oman

March 2000-October 2000

Participated in a project titled “Analysis of Traditional Animal Production System in Oman (al-

Jabal al-Akhdar)” (Verified by HoD)

Involved in data collection.

6. Consultancy

During Assistant professorship

1- The research Council, Oman CR/AGR/ECON/13/01

April 2013- May 2014

Participating as a co-investigator in a TRC-funded consultancy project titled “The Role of Small

and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) and Agricultural Cooperatives in Promoting Sustainable

Agriculture for Rural Development and Food Security”

Responsibilities include rendering technical advice, management of Arabic communications,

and liaison with farmers groups and government bodies. Participated in the study design; data

collection and data cleaning and analysis.

Participated in the translation and adaptation of the questionnaire, consultation during

translation/adaptation/ validation process. Participated in fieldwork preparation, analysis, and

co-wrote the final Arabic draft of the report.

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b) Recognition in scholarship

1- Invited to participate as expert in South Batinah Master Land Use Plan (National Project tendered by Ministry of Housing). More details in Appendix AB

2- Invited as expert to Participate in Regional Spatial Strategy of Oman (National Project tendered by Oman Supreme Council). More details in Appendix AB

3- Participating as a co-investigator in a TRC-funded consultancy project titled “The Role of Small

and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) and Agricultural Cooperatives in Promoting Sustainable

Agriculture for Rural Development and Food Security”

4- I have established a network research activity of mutual interest with colleagues at my Department, and stakeholders from various International Organizations, government, Educational, and private sector organizations such as TRC, Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, Supreme Council for Planning, Public Authority of Small and Medium Enterprises, and FAO.

5- I have been invited to participate and present in many national/regional conferences and symposiums.

6- Participating as a Co-Principle investigator (Co- PI) in a TRC- funded project No.

ORG/EBR/14/007 titled “Fish Price Spatial and Temporal Fish Price Variations and Market

Integration of selected Fish Species of Sultanate of Oman”. Grant OMR 134,150

7- Participated in a study “Food Waste and Losses in the MENA region Study” University of

Nizwa (FAO project)

8- Participating as a co-investigator in a TRC-funded project No. ORG/EHR/11/00 titled

“Ensuring a Sustainable Fishing Sector in the Sultanate of Oman: An assessment of training needs

of fishermen in Al-Batinah Coast”. Grant OMR 23,850 with Sohar University.

8- Participated as co-investigator on a Project “Investment Opportunities in Handcrafts based on

Agricultural by-Products in the Sultanate of Oman”. University of Nizwa & Ministry of

Agriculture and Fisheries.

9- Participated as a Co-Investigator in a research project “Fish Market Integration in Oman”.

Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries

10- Participated as Researcher/Research Team member in a research project “A Socio-Economic

Study of Small Scale Fishermen in Oman”. Sultan Qaboos University & Ministry of Agriculture

and Fisheries

11- Subscriber in ResearchGate

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ResearchGate is a social networking site for scientists and researchers to share papers, ask and

answer questions, and find collaborators.

c) Leadership in Scholarship

1- Participating as a Co-Principle investigator (Co- PI) in a TRC- funded project No. ORG/EBR/14/007 titled “Fish Price Spatial and Temporal Fish Price Variations and Market Integration of selected Fish Species of Sultanate of Oman”. Grant OMR 134,150.

2- Received SQU Journal Publication Award 2014 on paper Determinants of Small-scale Fishermen’s Income on Oman’s Batinah Coast. Marine Fisheries Review, 75(3).

3- Affiliation of all publication is Sultan Qaboos University

4- Article downloads and PhD Thesis shows high number of downloads. More details in

Appendix V.

5- My MSc research had impact to use the model of analysis of Market integration and approach

was adopted by the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries of Oman at a national scale in the Fish

Market Integration project I have been participating as a co-investigator

6- I have made extensive efforts during my PhD to work on a topic that is unique and of a great

value to the sector. I am quoting the reviewers comments on the paper published from my PhD

Thesis in Marine Fisheries Review

7- Consultancy project that I have been involved generated OMR 4,292 for SQU, CAMS, and NRE

which will be used to support activities of these bodies.

8- MSc. Thesis generated one article in peer reviewed journal

9- PhD generated two article in peer reviewed journal, one paper in conference proceeding, and one oral presentation in international conference. Another article is submitted to a refereed journal

10- TRC Research grant on Training Needs Assessment involved as co-investigator generated 3 journal article in peer reviewed journal and 1 book chapter, 2 oral presentations in international conference

11- I have been the first MSc. Graduate of the College of Agriculture MSc program

12- As a co-author in CAMS Scientific Journal, authors were first contributors to the Journal. There has been strong encouragement from the College to the faculty and researchers to contribute to the journal in its early stage.

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13- As a co-author was first contributor to Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries Bulletin. This is important to support Government Scientific Journals

14- First author in three articles in refereed journal. Has been a corresponding author in one of them.

15- All articles published in Scopus listed journal except those published in CAMS scientific journal.

16- I have been invited to participate and present in many national/regional conferences and symposiums.

d) Impact in scholarship

Please refer to Appendix V for more details.

e) Other information

1- Member of the International Association of Agricultural Economists (Appendix X)

2- Member of the Omani Economic Association

f) Attending professional meetings

(more details in Appendix W) 1- Attended The World Food Security Summit, Dubai, UAE, 23-24 February, 2014

2- Attended AGRAME Agribusiness Outlook Forum 25-27 /3/2014

3- Attended Food Logistic Forum and Workshop, Dubai, UAE, 17-19/11/2013

4- Attended FAO Regional Multi-stakeholder Workshop on Food Security and Nutrition, Tunis,

Tunisia 4-6 November 2013

5- Attended Symposium on Improving GCC Food Security Situation & the Workshop on

enhancing Dates production and Marketing. 29 October 2013 (involved in discussion panel)

6- Attended workshop on indicators and conclusions of the strategies of Oman Food Investment

Holding Co. 6/10/2013

7- Attended AGRAME Agribusiness Outlook Forum 26-28 /3/2013

8- Attended 48th Croatian & 8th International Symposium on Agriculture, Dubrovnik, Croatia. 17-

22 Feb 2013.

9- Attended Food Logistic Forum, Dubai, 20-21 November, 2012

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10- Attended supply chain management workshop 17-18 November 2012

11- Attended Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations-European Inland Fisheries

and Aquaculture Advisory Commission (FAO-EIFAAC) Symposium Towards Responsible

Future in Inland Fisheries Management-related collaboration in inland fisheries and aquaculture,

Hämeenlinna, Finland. 21-25 October 2012

12- Attended the Workshop on the Role of AMIDO, ARAC and UNIDO in supporting the

Industrial accreditation. 13/3/2012

13- Attended Symposium on the Development of Fishery Industries in Sultanate of Oman 21-22

March 2011

14- Participated in International Cooperation and Development Fund (ICDF) workshop on

Entrepreneurship. Jakarta-Indonesia, Dec 2009

15- Attended The Forth Workshop of the National Symposium on Agricultural Sustainable

Development (Follow up of Recommendations) on Government Finance and Marketing, Samail.


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a) Participation in University and Community Service Activities

1. Supervised NRE students to manage microenterprise greenhouse NOV 2008

2. Activities involving organizing and supervising visits cross boarder UAE for NRE students since


3. Member of the Academic and paper sub-committee

4. Rapporteur of Session 3: Market Instruments, Government Intervention and Policy Alternatives

for Food Security

5. Member of the organizing committee of Workshop on Entrepreneurship and Small & Medium

Enterprise Promotion held at NRE Dept.: 19 – 20 April 2010, CAMS, SQU (Verified by HoD)

b) Participation in areas other than those directly related to research and

teaching and learning activities

1- Participating in 2013 Employment and Training Exhibition representing NRE to present

about the Department 11-13/3/2013

2- Liaison person between Ministry of Commerce and Industry, ESCWA, and SQU to establish

regional ESCWA "Green Help Desk” office in Oman to promote for green SMEs September


3- Subscriber of, which is it is mainly used for professional networking

4- Chair and advisor to the Students association for the academic year 2010-2011

5- Member of the Omani Environment Since 2012

6- Participated in National Symposium on Agricultural Sustainable Development (Follow up

of Recommendations) on Government Finance and Marketing, Samail. 2/11/2009

7- Attended and chaired one session in the Information Technology Authority (ITA) workshop

on the successful partnership between ITA and government organizations in the electronic

portal, October 2009

8- Received Distinguished Service Award, 2008

9- Participated in International Cooperation and Development Fund (ICDF) workshop on

Entrepreneurship. Jakarta-Indonesia, Dec 2009

Page 23 of 26

10- Attended CHRD, SQU Training Course: Management of a minute 15-16/11/2008

11- Attended CHRD, SQU Training Course: Engineering of Human Communication 29-


12- Attended CHRD, SQU Training Course: Be with us, you are creative 13-14/12/2008

13- Participated in a workshop on Oman’s new nation branding “hawiya”. This workshop is led

by Landor Associates in partnership with the government-run, Oman Brand Management. The

Omani Centre for Investment Promotion & Export Development , Oman, October 2008

The workshop is aimed to address issues related to national branding and why Oman does

acquires sustainable advantage through a powerful, positive and distinctive reputation.

14- Participated in International Diversity Day at UQ Gatton Campus, gave a speech Academic

year 2004/2005

15- Participating in Farmers Day 2000/2001 delivering a presentation and workshop on

marketing for fishermen.

16- Participated in registering for new SQU perspective students in in Nizwa for the academic

year 1999/2000

17- Participated in registering for new SQU perspective students in in Nizwa for the academic

year 1998/1999

18- Attended a 28-days oceanographic cruise, JGOFS (Arabian Sea Process 5) with the Arabian

Sea Expedition on the research vessel Thomas G. Thompson of the University of Washington,

Seattle, U.S.A. August 1995

19- Attended the 37th International Youth Science Forum. Attended seminars and presented a

seminar of fisheries in Oman. London, United Kingdom, July 1995

20- Participated in First Aid and CPR course. July 1994

21- Participated The PADI Open Water Diving Course, Sultan Qaboos University & Oman

Diving Centre, Oman, July 1994

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C) Popularization, dissemination and simplification of knowledge

A. TV Interviews

1- Oman TV, “Tahat al Mijhar”, Short interview on Fishermen Training Assessment project.

Recorded 19/10/2015. Broadcasted 10th December 2015.

2- Oman TV, General Channel, “Min Oman”: an interview on In Country Value. 15 September


3- Oman TV, General Channel, Qahawat Al Sabah Program: an Interview on the International Food

Security Conference. Broadcasted March 2008.

B. Radio Interviews

1- “Interview with a researcher” radio interview on Training Needs Assessment project.

Recorded 10/12/2015.

2- “Kul Al As’ela” hourly program in Hala FM. Discussion of food prices 5/10/2015

3- ‘Hiwar Ma Baheth". Oman Radio with Association with the Research Council: Interview on

TRC funded project “The Role of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) and Agricultural

Cooperatives in Promoting Sustainable Agriculture for Rural Development and Food Security”.

One episode, Recorded in June, 16th 2015.

4- The Economic Forum, a weekly radio program, Arabic. Live broadcast Tuesday 19 May 2015. (as of 20 May 2015)

5- ‘Hiwar Ma Baheth". Oman Radio with Association with the Research Council: Interview on

TRC funded project “Ensuring a Sustainable Fishing Sector in the Sultanate of Oman: An

assessment of training needs of fishermen in Al-Batinah Coast”. Two episodes, Recorded in July

2014. Broadcasted 4&11/9/2014

6- Oman Radio with Association with the Research Council

‘Hiwar Ma Baheth": Interview on TRC funded project “Ensuring a Sustainable Fishing Sector

in the Sultanate of Oman: An Assessment of training needs of fishermen in Al-Batinah Coast”

Broadcasted 29-9-2012. Two episodes

7- Oman radio Interview on CAMS scientific fair (as a chair of the students association)

C. Articles/interviews in Newspaper, Magazines, Bulletins (prints available upon


1- Times of Oman “Oman fisheries gets boost from the World Bank”. 21/8/2015 - Interview

Page 25 of 26

2- Alroya daily newspaper interview on TRC funded project “Ensuring a Sustainable Fishing

Sector in the Sultanate of Oman: An assessment of training needs of fishermen in Al-Batinah

Coast”. Issue 1384, 27/8/2014 Economic Section P. 16 Arabic

3- Oman daily newspaper, interview on TRC funded project “Ensuring a Sustainable Fishing

Sector in the Sultanate of Oman: An assessment of training needs of fishermen in Al-Batinah

Coast”. Issue 12139, 27/8/2014 Economic Section P. 3 Arabic

4- Alwatan daily newspaper, interview on TRC funded project “Ensuring a Sustainable Fishing

Sector in the Sultanate of Oman: An assessment of training needs of fishermen in Al-Batinah

Coast”. Issue 11338, 27/8/2014 Economic Section P. 3 Arabic

5- Article on students visit to AGRAME forum in Dubai March 2014

6- Anwar –SQU bulletin published in Alwatan newspaper. Article on Evaluation of the Socio-

Economic Impact of Research institutions 9/12/2013 Arabic

7- Times of Oman interview on TRC funded project “Ensuring a Sustainable Fishing Sector in

the Sultanate of Oman: An assessment of training needs of fishermen in Al-Batinah Coast”


8- Oman & Al Shabiba Newspapers news on TRC funded project “Ensuring a Sustainable

Fishing Sector in the Sultanate of Oman: An assessment of training needs of fishermen in Al-

Batinah Coast” Research team heading to Finland to resent results 22/10/2012

9- SQU Research and Society Bulletin on Promoting Small-Scale Fisheries on the Batinah

Coast, the Sultanate of Oman: a Supply Chain Strategy and Management Approach. May, 2012,

Pp 26-27 English – Written article

10- SQU Research and Society Bulletin on Promoting Small-Scale Fisheries on the Batinah

Coast, the Sultanate of Oman: a Supply Chain Strategy and Management Approach. May, 2012,

Pp 26-27 Arabic - Written article

11- Anwar –SQU bulletin published in Alwatan newspaper. Article on Price Fixing-

Arabic 26/11/2012 & 10/12/2012. Arabic - Written article

12- Almasar issue 222 – SQU bulletin article on world hunger 30-09-2011 Arabic

13- Oman Newspaper article on Fish Market Price Integration. N0. 7228, 17/3/2001 - Written


c. Conducting workshops and seminars for public

1- Participating in Farmers Day 2000/2001 delivering a presentation and workshop on marketing

for fishermen.

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d) Serving in administrative positions and committee


1. Member in the Food Security Committee chaired by Oman Chamber of Commerce representing

Sultan Qaboos University Since June 2014

2. Member of National Enquiry Point and Information Center of Ministry of Commerce and

Industry concerned with implementation of the Technical Barrier to Trade and Sanitary and

Phytosanitary Measure (SPS) agreements of World Trade Organization (WTO) Since March


3. Member of various committees at CAMS:

College Board: 2010-2011, 2011-2012

Outreach committee: 2009-2010, 2010-2011, 2011-2012

Students Recruitment & Retention Committee: 2009-2010, 2010-2011, 2011-2012

Library & Textbook Committee: 2009-2010, 2010-2011, 2011-2012

4. Chairperson of CAMS students association during 2010-2011 academic year

e) Other Information

1- Received financial reward for outstanding services to SQU, April 2014

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