crowdsourcing: investment of the future

Post on 28-Jan-2015



Small Business & Entrepreneurship



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[Photo credit:]

Crowd·fund·ingˈkroudˌfəndiNG/nounthe practice of funding a project or venture by raising many small amounts of money from a large number of people, typically via the Internet."musicians, filmmakers, and artists have successfully raised funds and fostered awareness through crowdfunding"

[Photo credit: 401(k) 2012 on Flickr]

[Photo credit: Andreas Poike on Flickr]

Crowdfunding is quickly becoming the largest source of equity investment for startup


Eliminating the need for traditional investors in order to

raise funds…

[Photo credit: Jonathan McIntosh on Flickr]

Allowing the creator to retain

creative freedom of their


Two main crowdfunding models: donation-based where users offer goal based funding in exchange for rewards or perks, and investment

crowdfunding where investors receive shares in the business

[Photo credit:]

Three main crowdfunding sites:•Kickstarter (Donation-based individual project investment)•Indiegogo (Donation-based campaigns for anything)•Crowdfunder (Investment based for startup companies)

[Photo credit: on Flickr]

[Photo credit: Scott Beale on Flickr]

Kickstarter has been used to successfully fund 62,326 unique

projects a total of $1,129,470,573 since its creation

[Photo credit: Andy Sternberg on Flickr]

Indiegogo has been used to successfully fund 44,498 unique projects a total of $193,000,000

since its creation

There have been many hugely

succesful crowdfunded

projects such as:

[Photo credit: Kristian Niemi on Flickr]

Photo credit: Sergey Galyonkin on Flickr

The Oculus Rift virtual reality headset which received nearly $2.5M in funding from over 9500 backers

The Pebble E-Paper watch for iPhone and Android received

nearly $10.3M in funding from over 68,900 backers

[Photo credit: Assosciate WDA on Flickr]

The Ouya video game console received nearly

$8.6M in funding from over 63,400 backers

[Photo credit: Mark Seton on Flickr]

However not all projects are meant to be

In fact only roughly 40% of Kickstarter campaigns and 30% of

Indiegogo campaigns are successfully funded

Of the 81,006 unsuccessfully funded campaigns on Kickstarter:•13,649 were 0% funded•51,922 were 1%-20% funded•9,903 were 21%-40% funded•3,712 were 41%-60% funded•1,252 were 61%-80% funded•568 were 81%-99% funded

[Photo credit: Kristina Alexanderson on Flickr]

It is clear that crowdfunding is the

[Photo credit: Sean MacEntree on Flickr]

So it will be interesting to see if traditional investment

methods adapt

[Photo credit: Anderson Brian on Flickr]

Or become obsolete in the coming years

[Photo credit: Dallas Krentzel on Flickr]

Sources:Oculus Rift: Step Into the Game. (n.d.). Kickstarter. Retrieved May 24, 2014,

from, C. (2013, May 8). Top 10 Crowdfunding Sites For Fundraising. Forbes.

Retrieved May 24, 2014, from

KICKSTARTER. (n.d.). Kickstarter Stats — Kickstarter. Retrieved May 24, 2014, from

. (n.d.). . Retrieved May 24, 2014, from

Pebble: E-Paper Watch for iPhone and Android. (n.d.). Kickstarter. Retrieved May 24, 2014, from

OUYA: A New Kind of Video Game Console. (n.d.). Kickstarter. Retrieved May 24, 2014, from

All Images used are under the Creative Commons license from

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