crowd movement, disruptive innovation and contentmarketing - important trends for today!

Post on 16-Apr-2017






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Internet changed the world

(C) J.W. Alphenaar

And it’s not over yet!


10 print „jw is here” 20 goto 10 run


I know my classics

Did some serious shit

My own business!

Who am I

• Public Speaker

• Writer / Blogger

• Consultant/trainer

• (Marketing) Trendwatcher


Trend 1: Crowd movement

and disruptive innovation

The crowd turns the world upside down and is unstoppable

We have direct acces to 1 billion people

People want to make a difference

It all starts with an idea

To make ideas happen

• Time

• Planning

• Expertise

• Money

You need

I don’t get it Who wants that?

You’re not the classical type of

entrepreneurNo market research?

I’m just an intern

You’re not the only one with a business plan

Rich uncle? We would love to help you out!

But our savings are all gone by wrong

investments But we do believe in you. Really!

Oh this will never work. boohoohoo

Don’t give up!

So start crowd funding!

When enough people believe in your idea


When people cherish your idea

They’re willing to help you!

A warning for the big players?

We don’t need your


What will be the future role of the bank?

Nederlanders zouden in totaal zo'n 20 miljoen euro aan bitcoins bezitten.

Volgens Kamerlid Henk Nijboer is de Nederlandse wetgeving dan ook niet meer van deze tijd, zo zegt hij tegenover Hij wijst er op dat de nieuwe online betaalmiddelen door criminelen gebruikt kunnen worden voor witwassen. In de

VS wordt momenteel een onderzoek gedaan naar witwassen met Bitcoins.

Dijsselbloem stelde afgelopen zomer nog dat de 'alternatieve virtuele munteenheid' wat hem betreft niet erkend kan worden als elektronisch geld, omdat de valuta niet voldoet aan de eisen die Nederlandse wet daaraan stelt.

Some cool cases and examples

The crowd turns the world upside down and is unstoppable

Join the movement!

Golden tip!

The powers that used to be

Trend 2: Contentmarketing

We are all knowledge workers

Continuously developing

Time is money

Knowledge is power!

So we keep that to ourselves

People love product sampling

The horror!

How about knowledge sampling?

I believe in you. Gimme more!

Look what I got

to offer

Knowledge sharing

Don’t tell

But prove it!

Sales vs Purchase

Traditional Sales

Suspect ProspectLead Customer

The sales funnel

People don’t like salespeople

The customer is in control

Need Research Shortlist Selection Decision

Shocking facts and figures

78% of the DMU’s start on the Internet

B2B lead onderzoek - 2012

86% distrusts advertising

51% first will make a list of suppliers before contacting you

B2B lead onderzoek - 2012

What influences DMU’s?

84% - advice from friends Word-of-mouth

From client to fan

Client to ambassadorI need a solution to

provide my employees secure access to our

network, any suggestions?

Why don’t you call Rob Buddingh of IP4Sure.

He can help you!

50% gets influenced by ‘peers’

74% values this very high

87% let their decision be accelerated by content & social

media of potential business partners

People search online for everything


So get out in the open!

Good content can lead to new insights


Mmmm, interesting

We could actually use


Need Shortlist Selection Decision

Not only invest in new knowledge


Vormen van content Presentaties

Step 1: what do you want to achieve?

Who do you what to reach?

Step 2: knowledge sessions

Step 3: Topics and content calendar




Buzz & awareness




Lead generation

Step 4: training

Step 5: create and curate

Step 6: make it sexy

Image is everything Think like your audience

Make it ‘snackable’ Title!

Step 7: publish

Step 8: distribution


Your content is your ammo!




Most effective network to share?




Step 9: learn by the numbers


1. Categorize your knowledge 2. Make it into sharable and likable content 3. Publish 4. Share the content = share your knowledge 5. Create the need

Let your ambassadors share it to their connections - the ‘peers’

Who are your ambassadors?

Clients EmployeesBusiness partners

They all have a network!

Social is all aboutPeople Connections Content

Ambassadors Buzz

Contentmarketing is foreplay


Good content marketing


People will love you for it

Knowledge creates trust

They seem to know something

about itCall them for a meeting


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