criminal law1 (2)

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  • 8/12/2019 Criminal Law1 (2)


    Criminal Law

    Atty Ernesto Rapon

    March 25, 2009

  • 8/12/2019 Criminal Law1 (2)


    Criminal law(Atty Ernesto Rapon)

    Revised Penal Code Major penal law in RP

    CARTS Coup de etat




    Sedition Mere conspiracy in these is already punishable

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    Grave felony Filed w/in 36hrs

    6yrs + 1 day up to 20 yrs Less grave

    Filed w/in 18hrs

    6mos + 1 day up to 6 yrs

    Light felony Filed w/in 12hrs

    10days to 6mos

  • 8/12/2019 Criminal Law1 (2)


    Exemption from liability1. Self-defense

    Unlawful aggression Reasonable necessity of means used No part therein

    2. Relative defense

    Up to 4thcivil degree or first cousin Basis of computation:

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    Lucid interval Time when the insane becomes sane

    3. Insanity

    4. Adult but mind is of 3yrs below5. Below 9 yrs old

    6. Art 12, par 4: any person while performing a lawfulact w/ due care does an act w/c causes damage to

    another by mere accident w/o fault or intention ofcausing it Criminally exempted but civilly liable

    7. Art 12, par 5: any person who acts due to irresistibleforce (shotgun, physical force)

    8. Any person who acts under impulse of uncontrollablefear

    9. Beyond control to perform duties

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    Mitigating Circumstances

    Penalty is reduced (mitigate)1. Requisites not complete

    2. Voluntary (admission of guilt befor evidence

    presentation)3. Over 70yrs old

    4. Willpower of offender is diminished

    5. Immediate vindication

    6. No intention to commit so grave a wrong7. Deaf, dumb, blind

    8. Sufficient provocation of the offended party

    9. Passion (analogous to jelousy)

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    Aggravating circumstances

    Penalty is increased (aggravate)1. Crime committed w/ intent2. Crime committed w/ aid of armed men3. In nocturnity/dark/night time4. In the dwelling of offended party

    5. In obvious ungratefulness6. Recidivism7. In palace of chief executive8. Because of reward9. w/ ignominy (not normal way of doing it/adding insult to injury)10. w/ evident pre-meditation

    11. Superior strength or weaken defense12. In treachery13. Unlawful entry14. Shipwreck, calamity, etc15. craft./fraud/disguise16. Augmented

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    Alternative Circumstances

    Can either be aggravating or mitigatingdepending on the situation

    1. Relationship Against chastityalways aggravating

    2. Degree of instruction/education

    3. Degree of

  • 8/12/2019 Criminal Law1 (2)



    1. Principal Direct participation, induce others, indispensable cooperation Without w/c the act would not be possible

    2. Accomplice

    Not necessary that he acted Lent a gun

    3. Accessories No participation in commission of crime but have knowledge Kinds:

    1. Assist offender to profit from its effect

    2. Concealing the evidence of crime to prevent discovery except w/members of family3. Assistance in escape of criminal by a public official

    Art 20: Penalties to accessories If Family member as offender, not criminally liable to assist him

  • 8/12/2019 Criminal Law1 (2)


    Special Penal LawsAlways a consummated crime

    Malice or criminal intent is not an element No mitigating or aggravating circumstances

    Revised Penal Code

    attempted., frustrated & consummated Malice & criminal intent are present

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    Crimes VS National Security

    Treason Committed by a Filipino citizen waging war VS the government of RP Conspiracy or mere proposal is already punishable Misprision of treasonconcealing of the treasonous plans VS the government

    Espionage Taking & giving of documents relative to defense of the country by an authority

    or public official

    Piracy Attacking/taking/bombarding of a vessel Occupy vessel and take contents By pirates and not passengers of the vessel

    For Special Laws, it can be committed by passengers of the vessel as long asw/in the Philippine archipelago

    Qualified Piracy Higher penalty/constitute higher risk of life By firing/bombarding to take over Pirates abandoning victim w/o means of surviving/saving themselves Rape/kill passengers

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    Crimes VS Fundamental laws ofState

    1. Arbitrary detention2. Delay in delivery of detainee to proper persondelay

    of time allotted for documents to be submitted

    3. Delaying the lease4. Expulsion w/o valid ground5. Violation of domicile (by public officials)

    Entering house & taking things, etc

    Trespass to dwellingviolation by individuals6. Search warrant maliciously obtainedevil intent is


    7. Searching domicile w/o witnesses

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    Arbitrary Detention

    Committed by a public officer/employee w/olegal ground by detaining a person

    Legal detentionAttempt to commit Committing Committed & probable cause that committed the

    crimeViolent insanityAilment/communicable disease (in nature)

    Art 26: delaying release Art 27: expelling a Filipino from RP

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    Against Public Order

    1. Rebellion/Insurrection By private individuals

    To overthrow govt by multitude of people

    Rising publicly VS the govt to unseat the authority thru violentway & separating a part of the country from its allegiance tothe govt

    2. Coup de etat By military/police/public officials w/ or w/o civilian

    participation A swift attack accompanied by violence, threat, intimidationVS duly constituted authorities of RP, military officials,facilities, elsewhere w/in RP

    By any person belonging to police/military

    Purpose: to diminish or cease power

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    3. Sedition Rising publicly & not or take up arms VS govt w/ following

    purposes1. Prevent promulgation of the law/conduct of election

    2. Prevent national/local govt from performing function3. Inflicting an act of revenge/hate upon the person or property ofthe public officers

    4. Commit any act of revenge/hate VS individuals/social class

    Justifiable Revolution Govt is tyrannical

    Participants already employed peaceful means Participate in by major sectors of the society Ensure victory

    Legitimacy of any govt Serving the peoples welfare

    Illegal Associations Only founders, directors, presidents are charged & excludes


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    Direct assaultAlways VS higher authority

    Attacking/employing force/seriously hurtingan official/intimidating persons in authority(politicians, teachers) or his agent, resisting aperson in authority

    PNP is only an agent of persons in authority Indirect assault

    By using force/intimidation upon any personcoming to the aid of the person in authority

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    RPC upholds traditional concept as supplemental only A crime VS a person Committed by a man who has carnal knowledge or sexual intercourse w/ a

    woman VS her will under the ff: Force, intimidation, threat

    Unconscious, deprived of reason Grave abuse of authority or fraudulent Woman under 12 yrs old Woman is insane or demented

    No frustrated rape, only attempted & consummated Acts of Lasciviousness not necessarily involving sexual intercourse

    RA 8353: Anti-rape law Rape is committed by any person by inserting penis into the mouth, anal orifice

    of another person or by inserting any instrument/object unto vagina or analorifice of another

    Man VS man/woman VS will Resistance must be throughout the act to consider it as rape

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    Art 333: Adultery

    Committed by any married woman who hassexual intercourse w/ a man not her husband &the man consenting knowing her to be marrieddefense: claim not knowing she is married

    Concubinage Committed by any married man who had sexual

    intercourse w/ woman under scandalouscircumstances (except: hotel)

    Bringing home the woman to your marital home

    Bringing home the woman together (co-habitation)

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