crar evaluation

Post on 14-May-2015






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Mohammed Alim, Ryan Markey & Robert West

• In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

Question 1:

This poster was created using Paint Shop Pro, it does

not give much information for example the

release date is not given

This is the official tagline of the film, we

included it in the poster to add suspense and

excitement for the audience and give them a little teaser

about what the film is going to be about

As you can see the font for the tagline and the

main title are the same to add

consistency and make the poster look a lot more professional

An effect was added to the background to make

it distinctive and so it stands out and catches

the viewers eyes

The image used is a distinctive image

taken from the trailer. We

decided to use such a distinctive

image to add consistency so

when viewers see this particular scene, in the

trailer, they will remember the


We decided to make the ‘coming soon’ red so it stands out a instantly

catches the viewers eye

We put the billing block at the bottom of the poster because we found out from the research this is where most

posters place their billing block

Below is the poster for the film ‘Four Brothers’. This is the poster we decided to use to plan the layout of our poster. Below I have identified some of the similarities.

The tagline is one of the thing we

followed. The only difference is that there tagline is placed in the

middle where ours was placed on the

top right hand corner

As you can see the tagline is placed at the bottom same as

our poster. This is another element we used

The main concept we used from this poster is that they have one strong

image without any special effects etc. and surrounded by the image is text

and a big bold title to catch the viewers eye. We also used a

big title the only difference being that our title was placed at the bottom and

not the top.

This is a pug placed on the magazine which attracts viewers to the magazine with bright eye-catching images which draw their attention.

The title of the film followed a similar location to where the title was placed on the poster and this we thought gave consistency and worked in the rule of 3’s which is used any type of magazine.

This is where other films are featured on the magazine which will attract more viewers because if they like delirium then they will like these films as they are normally in a similar age bracket and same target audience.

We created the magazine on Paint Shop Pro. We used aspects that you would associate with an ‘Empire’ magazine such as the title being overlapped by the main image.

At the bottom of the magazine there tends to be an exclusive section advertised in the magazine for readers to look forward to when reading the magazine.

Similar pose to what we done in our magazine cover the fact that both films were in an action genre would show that this smart male is conventional to an action film.

Both images from this image and the image used in our magazine cover both don’t give too much away which gives it a sense of mystery and will entice people to find out about the film.

Both images have the costumes with both males dressed in smarter forms of clothing compared to just dressing up in casual ‘normal’ clothes these outfits suggest they are of some class and could be suggested that they are both intelligent

In this image it has low-key lighting creating a dark and mysterious atmosphere and we tried to run a similar concept in our magazine cover

Delirium Teaser Trailer

• The two media texts go well as a campaign with the teaser trailer we created

• The campaign has a big focus on one character in particular so that the audience can identify that this character is associated with this certain film.

• The music in the trailer is low key and mysterious which is similar to what the media texts are trying to convey which is the mystery.

• In the trailer the two longest shots are what are featured as still images in the poster and the magazine cover so that the audience can relate with all three media products and can make a relation between the three.

Delirium Teaser Trailer There are many form of trailer conventions that our trailer follows. For example our trailer lasts just more than 1minute, this is typical for a trailer and therefore follows the trailer convention. Another similar example is that our trailer has all the action scenes in it including close ups so not everything is given away. This also follows the trailer conventions. What we have done differently from a typical trailer is that although the trailer had a good continuous structure, it did not give too much information away. For example you will only see the two main characters fighting, we don’t know why there fighting which adds a sense a mystery which is the whole point of a teaser trailer as it will tease the audience not giving too much away so they want to go and watch the film.

How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

Do our media texts work together?

• Yes they do, all three media forms of our project work very well together. As a campaign, the magazine and poster images are very distinctive and can easily be identified by the audience because the two longest shots in our teaser trailer are used as still shots (one for the poster and the other for the magazine).

Identifying The Campaign

• When trying to decide what still images to use for our media texts we thought that it should be images that are seen to be big parts in our teaser trailer. In other words the two most focused shots in our trailer was when the main character falls down and smashes his head against the floor, and the other shot when everyone thinks the character is dead but you see him on the other side of the phone box. Because these two shots were focused in a lot and were the longest in length time related, we believe that the audience will identify this to the whole campaign and can make a relation between either of the media texts and the teaser trailer.


• This shows consistency in the campaign as well with the images consisting of the same character. This means that when the audience see this character in the particular ‘smart casual’ dress code they will know what the film is.

Font Sizes

• The font sizes run a consistent style for things like the billing block on the poster. The small font size of the billing block is all the same and then the same concept for the larger font size in the billing block of the poster. Following certain rules like this makes it easier for the consumer to digest the media text because if everything was all in different sizes and not following a trend then the product looks untidy and it just takes longer for the consumer to understand what is the product trying to tell us.

Font Styles

• The font styles in the campaign are similar and consistent. For example the magazine cover consists of 3 different fonts so that it is easy for the audience to digest the text easily. It makes it easier to understand the text when there is only a few font styles in the media text because when viewing the font you have to make out what each letter is and some are more legible than others and overall the text just looks more tidy and efficient with only a small amount of different font styles within the product.

Delirium = Delirium =

Audience Feedback

To get audience feedback we screened the trailer to a number of students, friends and family. We asked for their comments and feedback on their trailer. The target audience for our trailer was 15 – 30, and it was more targeted towards men. We did however get feedback from women to get a partial feedback.

Thomas aged 28 – the trailer was good it did get interesting in the action scenes and I liked the ending.

John aged 34 – I loved the action sequence and the music went together I felt. It did not give too much away. I liked it overall.

Zainab aged 28 - It was ok not really my thing but I’m sure my kids would enjoy it.

We also gathered information from other media students:

The fast paced shots really created a sense of suspense

and I also noticed dark colours were used to add maybe a sense of danger

The trailer did stick to the norms of a normal trailer, it wasn’t too long and not too short. Not everything was

given away to give a sense of mystery.

The feedback we got was mainly positive informing us how we stuck to the norms of a trailer by not making it too long for example. We were also told there was some sort of narrative giving the basis of the storyline and not giving too much away. However we did get some negative feedback which we were able to use constructively. For example we were told the music wasn’t always as fast paced as some of the scenes.

The target audience for our trailer was men aged 15 – 35. To get a better evaluation of our trailer we screened it to all ages to get a better overview. We found from our research that women did not really enjoy it and there was only a small amount of women that did enjoy it. This tells us that we did manage to reach our target audience as most men did enjoy it.


How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and

evaluation stages?

Researching into Trailers, Magazine covers, and Posters

When we were researching into thrillers, trailers, posters and magazine covers we used a number of different ways to carry out the research. Firstly we watched a number of thriller films, including Kick Ass and Kidulthood, to develop our understanding of the thriller genre also we researched about thrillers on the internet, for example using Google to gather information about the thriller genre. To research trailers we watched different trailers in class and we looked at the forms and conventions of the trailers so that we knew what we would need to include in our own trailer. To research posters and magazine covers we analysed different thriller posters and film magazines to look at what we would need on our own, we used the school system which had a variety of posters and magazine covers on it and we also used Google to look at more.

Planning the Trailer

To plan our trailer we thought of an idea for our trailer and we drew a storyboard up of what we wanted our film to look like shot by shot. Also we made a shooting script so that we knew exactly what was going to happen in our trailer. To get ideas for our trailer we looked at some different thriller trailers on YouTube and looked at the techniques that they used and what we could use in our own trailer.

Planning the Poster and the Magazine Cover

To plan our poster and magazine cover we first got used to the software that we would be using (Paint Shop Pro 7) by making things like practice magazine covers and posters. To get ideas for our magazine cover and poster we looked at different versions on Google and on the schools shared resources, and we decided what kind of photos we wanted to take and how we would use them.

Constructing the TrailerTo construct our trailer we went out and recorded our footage on a video

camera using a tri-pod for some of the recording. We also took our pictures of where we were filming and our pictures for our magazine cover and poster while we were out filming. When we finished recording we uploaded the footage we had onto a school computer and put the footage onto an editing software. While we were editing our film the software that we was using wasn’t working properly, as it was a new software installed into the school, this caused us to lose all the work that we had done up to this point and we had to start again using a different software, Adobe Premiere. This time around we didn’t encounter any problems when editing our film. To construct the trailer we had to put our footage onto the editing software in the order that we wanted, we then added effects like fades onto the footage to make it look more like a trailer. We also added in titles from using the editing software and we had to decide on how we wanted the titles to appear and what font and what colour we wanted to use on our trailer. Finally we added eerie music which added to the enigma of the film. By uploading the music we wanted on to the editing software and cutting out the parts of the song that we wanted and placed it onto the edit.

Constructing the Magazine Cover

To construct our magazine cover and poster we first uploaded the photos that we were going to use onto Paint Shop Pro 7. For the magazine cover we had to cut out the picture of Ryan from the photo and add that to a black background. Then we had to find a font for the title of the magazine ‘EMPIRE’ and also we added all the conventions that you would expect to find on a magazine cover, for example a barcode, date, price, and taglines. We then had to decide what font we wanted for our film name and where we wanted to place it on the magazine cover. We chose to use white because after experimenting with different colours we found that it stuck out the most compared to them. We chose to place the name of the film on the bottom half of the magazine cover because at this position it didn’t obstruct the main image on the magazine. Then we added featured films along the left hand side of the magazine cover we decided to use a silver colour for the names of the featured films and white for the wording underneath the names saying something about the film. Finally we added a pug on the right hand side of the magazine to make it look more like a normal magazine cover. To make sure everything was aligned properly we added a grid onto the magazine and made sure everything was aligned. Also whenever we added another piece of text or an image to the magazine we had to add another raster layer so that everything wasn’t on just one layer and fixed together.

Constructing the Magazine Cover

This is the original image for our magazine cover un-edited.

Constructing the PosterFor the poster we first changed the background by playing around with

the effects until we got the desired effect that we wanted. Then we added the title of the film onto the poster on the bottom half of the poster and in the same font and colour as on the magazine cover to add to the continuity of our campaign. Then we added the billing blocks onto the poster at the bottom in a white font because this is where most posters place them. Then we added the text ‘coming soon’ onto the poster in-between the billing block and the title in red to make it stand out. Finally we added a slogan along the top of the poster as most posters have this and without the slogan there was just an empty space that didn’t look very professional. Like the magazine cover we also had to create a new layer every time we added something new to the poster, and for the billing block we had to add a new layer for every line because if we didn’t then the spacing between lines went too much.

Constructing the Poster

This is the original image for our poster un-edited.

Using Media Technology to Evaluate our Product

To evaluate our product we showed it to different people on the computer and then we asked them what they thought about it and gave them surveys to fill out so that we had some feedback written down on paper.

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